#- ! BF vine aul What 10 Going On Tn tho Business iris MM: Schwab has cleared up #0 Wall street in the last Ls of | ans oF paras 4 A . _-- avatars for - export at' 276/400 'cable from ting says that on Ar of 4 Tavorsiie Ta tiie surplus of corn is I» rua Tre wk Pacific TL. Co., will ol three wer cont bonds Lo of the line be. anew ly fram American gy rg "eaitie ¥ 604 arcane, and 85.476 Conk. officials deny. thi Contampls ten ihe Sruabion ict port hay y i, he ra in wemimer and tar. Denar ren pod Crop Wis ie soasan will be a short and that the yield is expected to ha baw an average yield ten a inch better demand of late und sales of 6,000 to Aon of finest Ontarios have Jon he 3 Bf to 11 Ae, al ne amount of butler fmported into : 218 i Lhe of 4 in 1964 wan fons, oi ofily supplied 18,450 tom, sanity the Jeader with tone Australia coming next with LB tons. Hussia with 20.238 tons, nha tons, and New Zeniund, tons . Appointed, But 1 Rev. FW 3 1 sujunach depen, and son of rn a of Kinin, wan appointed chaplain by: the Japanese government to go to the front, but In I waiting for orders. He was ap ol ten ths aro with Jor others, but ax yet 1 ave reeciv word to Bin ihe fromt i -- P Seki 1 9 anspor, Ind, pro- to ry a that Ces, "oad t of Patrick (0 Yama, who left Ireland in the Eliza ora, wed that Cen, Okie gr fo the dan 0 Keough. Erin go pend old faghionel spring medi iF, (renm tartar, and mol a, , Gibson's Red Cross drug tors, § Sota A Hah 4 Go - or JOC. each fist and back, which insures extm ; manufacturer an extremely low offer [Pus Sondition--that he need not «This does not affect the ® 1534 and 16 inches, but the bands | ald be easily adjusted to any size you n desire continuous facings at strength. The s are of pure linen and each and of an irt. (516) in the lot, a few be- SRE mae od F withdraws the, enterprise nud it in Posbued in_ Gnancial circles, that EE Sd gaia 11, LA 10 the good ux { t is. plan campaign in connection with the " r tion of the Som pany' a couple years, - Just why the Riko latge tevests in the company were willing to pay Mr. Rus- well a Sum to quit ix at prosont wii only ta themmeelyes, and they are not willing to talk. When Mr. Russell and some of his friends meevtred a controlling interest in the concern common and preiaered | stork and bonds were ised to the extent of 85,000,000, in oe of or capitalization of $1,500,000. sell and hin friends received o block of common stork, of which J y 000 shares are stated to have - or by a synlicate, within ihe ar on , EY rate of #55 per share. The ol stock roee from 114 to 127) within a few days, and as Russell and his irjends alia 8 angie al this stock they ate said to ited, handsomely, hy the market aianee, Roheet Meighen, Robert Reford and James Crathern are stated to have taken five thou: i ¢hares, and Toronto parties the hatte of §.000 shares, the deal huv ing been put through by the Bank of Commer. There are ather matfers hobind the deal which have not yet tome to Night, one of ( being » ore to amalgamate ith the Ogilvie Hing company, which has Ie been talbtd of. This would omstitote n gigantic milling corporation, prob ably the lirgest in the world. Ax a result of the retirement of the ey Ly te in the Lake of the compaby, Cyrus A. Rirge, Albert Wadia and William Mirray, retire from the hoard of di- rotors, and there will now he Robert , Robert Reford, Thomas . Senator Robert Mackay, James Crathern and F. H. Matheson. of the Neechame Hank. The latter repro Muting fon, George A. Cox's inter in, talk of the street, to-day, and the manner in which David Rus. soll vook a million dollar ont of Montreal capitalists in the deal | bx tonding over nu eomple of years, is commeroial ah one of the: mont inter outing pi of fiance in a lone Lime, Fhe price paid the Russell crowd to vacate is $1,500,000. -------- DIVORCED AT NOON Four Hours Tater Agnes Married Again. v Philadelphia, March 22. Divorced af noon and married again four howrs later, was the exparionce, yesterday, of Agnes Thomson, formerly soprano of the Cathodral chair, and well WN ax 0 concert singer, Shee obtained a divoree in Judge MoMichaol's court from James 1itoh Thomson, also a singer, on the 'ound of desertion, and as soon as the papers were signed annoumend her ongagenwent to Harry Millon Need, a newspaper man, At four o'clock they, wore married by Magistrate N Moore, Need gave his Age. as thirty one, and that of his Phspective bride as thirty-seven, "he a first atriage took plac in Hime, 1584, in Toronto, and two ohildten wore har to her. Mrs, Thomson in her suit said on October 16th, 1903, her husband Left home. o- tansibly on a business trip and never returned. ; ---------------- OPROSITION NOT UNANIMOUS. Differences Developed at a Party Caucus. Mtawa, Mardh 22.-1t turns oni that the opposition are hy no means mahimons an to the best course to pliraie in regard to the odweational provisions of the autonomy hills, The fart Seveloped at a caucus of the par ty beld this afternoon. Several mem: bors urged a tooth and nail fight against the clause, but others fore saw breakers ghead if such were deter. mined upon, and counselled delay. The tar section of the party thought, if nothing was done, divisions world develop in the ranks of the ministerial lista by which the opposition would profit. So it is likely that the opposi Hon wifl lie low for the present and not show heir hand antil the debate in well advanced, A ------------ Rapidly Receding. Rpecial to the Whig. Pittshorg, March: 22-The rest of the flood wine reached at sight o'cloak today, and the rivers are rapidly ve- roiling, highest point reached, in phe Monongahela © was twenty nine LTE setimated loonl that the los to will exeved one mil lion dollars, i Seoa------------ He Took His Life. hal to the " IRR i Proust, minster o ne arts, in the Gambetia SABIE i, ay. ae the results of two shots in the head, self-inflicted. He had long been a victim of melan ------------ A Guaranteed Cure For Piles, ind, ing or protead- ing piles. Your Nong will refund mosey if Pare Ointment fails to olive you in six to fourteen days, He, ------------ Hon. Artlair Peters, prvmior of . ig Edward Idand, who tied with conservative candidate at the gen. oral election was elected by acclarsa Hom, on Tuesday. in the bye-elee: tion ordered hy the legislature, J of Que. La \ v . Hon, § X Parent, prem ON. EEA Coe OT prime gy amped ¥ point against Rielly, the judge sewmned to think, was the fact that he gave the Watertown tin mnith, Mr, Wool, the onder i the boxes, knowing the we to which hil, ley wished ta. put them. The case was given to the jury at 435 and 708 announced thai aed agiwed a verdict, bat the judge and ollviain were then at the hotel. At tem minutes to sight the court « again, and the jury came in and annowmced they found the prizoner wv. with a strong recom- Teiagion # ¥ The judge asked Rielly 'if he Tau thing to say why fatence whould not be pronoumeed on im. in a steady and firm voice, x A t, while be 100k part in the ballot box master, he had tried to discourage it, and was not guilty of en W it in Sho uate itive ms the bad hoped the we ve oe the cirenmstances into" ateount, The judge said the offence was . ry severe one; he 1 as hi 08 Seven years the. igh » had the prinei- palstin the ease come before him he would tertainly have given them the fall sentence without any hesitation. It. was a pity to see a man like Riel in a «of this kind whi trial, to rob vatges of Shei ranchise, is prisonet, Judge Mae: mad Lo . stemed to have been blinded to the true fasts of 'the case. He, wan not disposed to deal severe: ly (with him, but wold give him a chanes. to redeem himself in the davs to come. The sentence of the court wag that he be oomufined in jail at ur twelve months, 4 sentence ¥as confine. mesid I with bard labor for twelve months, hut on finding this the Central removal to Prison, he said to the sharif, "1 thipk I will just order him to be de- tai (and you ean notify the au tharitien) for {welve months." His desire was to Nave Rielly kept in the oo A ha, & Fo PB, Johnston, the prisoner's counsel, asked for a reserve case, The recent flight of Rielly to the United States Was not mentioned at all during His tial. -------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds Eaglish marshmellows; 2850, son's Red Cross drug store, Joseph Cine, the Queen's hotel, Montreal, is, seriously ill. Yarmouth hoa, snd kippered her y rinks Be. a pairsat Carnovsky's. liam received Gil Ngain, piano tuner, Orders at Edler book store. Mes. Donland, Wellington street, is confined to her home with bronchitis, Nie. H. J. Simmons and Mrs, T. H. Fallon left this aftemoon for New k. The eNy property committee was 10 meet at folly o'clock this: after nook. The hoard 'of works will meet to-morrow, : Meauwhile an army of milliners 8 Workivw to beat ty band, And the Faster bonnet ix casting Is shudow athoart the land "It's vary to take' sulphur, cream tartar and molasses, and does the work, Me. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Theo more gudrds at the peniten- tinry have signified their intention of leaving at the end of the present month, Michael Kennedy, Portsmouth, is suffering from a severe attack of sci- atiea, but it is expected will be around again in a fow days. Boils and pimples disappear when you take Burdock and Sarsparilla, "be. Gilwon's Red Cross drug store, The Deutsche and Dresden bavks have arranged for a five per cent, loan of the amount of £50 000,000, the Japanese undertaking to purchase war material in Germany, In future the British government will not use pressure upon its follow. ers in regard to. the opposition"s re solutions framed to commit the gOV- ernment on the fisenl question. "Bob" Scott, Queen's former hockey player, who played last season with Calumet, Mich, arrived in the city last night, and will try some final exams for his medical degree at Queen's, Robert G, Andrews, manager of the local branch, William Bavies Cp. lad, was able ta resume business to day, alter a woeka' illness at his home with grippe. During his illness, John Kennedy, of the Brockville hranch, rd in charge, t makes von eat well, - Peruvian Touis, big boitle, Me, Gibson's Red Cross drag storm, Thompson, Pine street, leaves ER. » on Monday for Montreal to be with her sister, Mrs, Joseph Curtis, whose husband is seviomsly ill. Before return, ing home sho will visit hor sieters, | As. 3 W. Stearne and Mes. William "arvoll, Philadelphia, and her aunt, %3 Christopher Stellrich, Ruffalo, NY, What Will The City Do ? This moring, representatives of Queen's Aswocigtion of Kingston wait | of upon the mayer to find owt if he intended to make arrangements for a tie weleome to the governor-gencral upon the occasion of his visit here on April 7th, It is time that such Stops were taken, This is to be Rarl Grey's $i visit to N i, and the old Limestone city not be bohind nex binding ta him a cordial greet ing. The chisl duty in this rogerd will devalve upon the mayor. The military anthorities may also take part in the reception, | uh "It worke lke magic" Bardock and \ mp Lom the Blood, penalty for this § i} borne, formerly i company, is acting ' 5 Despatehes and Cullings Telling of Events Transpiring in All Parts of The Earth. The empress dowager of Chiga is eo ported to be in poor health, A volcanic island has emerged irom the sea in the Riukin archipelago. A bomb thrown from a window, in Warsaw, injured several police and worleliers., : 4 About fourteen hundred people let Toronto on the homeseekers' exenrsion to the west, Saunders Bros, florists, "London, have just sold a new variety of or chid for $25 .000, The cost of the war to Russia has been practically © £1,500,000 per week diner the war an. ro, : been elected pre- sident of the Winnipeg industrial hibition association, Cordelia Marlatt, a young woman of twenty-four was arrested at London on ad of bigamy. : Je Thomas, Minneapolis, claims to be the sole survivir of Casters Litile Big Worn expedition. Warren Carr, aged sixteen, of Phila dolphis; was shot dead while plaving "Indian" with other hays, It is reported that Seereiary Hay may resign feom the cabinet on ae count of his continued ill-health. Ten thousand workers have heen made die by floods at Pittsburg. The Alleghany river is on a_ rampage. Mes. I. B, Happy, Pittsburg, wants [divorce because her husband rented her to W. G. Austin for $1 per week. The United States flag will not be xe mised for advertising purposes after September Ist next in New York state The North Wentworth Conservative Association have recommended that R. R. Gamey be appointed minister of mines, Fihel Bell, fifteen-years-old of Wind gor, committed suicide by taking car Fholie acid. She grieved over the loss of her mother, . Fifteen secrat service men will guard withesses who testify before the grand jury in Chi y, which will in- vestigate the so-called beef trust. Mrs. Renwick was given a verdiot for 83,000 damages against the Galt, Preston & Hespler railway at Berlip for the arcidentil death of her daugh ter. M. Lopoukine, chief of secret police, has been gazetted governor of Astpo nia, a Baltic province of Russia, on the soith coast of the Gull of Fin land, Premier Parent notified the officials of the Montreal court house of a general increase' in wages. The in oreases vary from $100 to $300 year. The Royal Humane Society has awarded a medal (0 Howard Ken nedy, a fisherman of Canso, N.S, for rescuing a boy from that harbor on January Oth, « M. Evans, Jersey City, has heen hold for extortion and forgery. The prosecutor is his irate father-in-law, i. T. Springer, Mrs, Evans sayp she will stick to her husband, Bandmaster William 1, Robinson, late "of the Canadian Kilties' Band, has acoepted the offer from Calumet. Mich,. ar bandmaster of the Calunet and Heela Wining company band, A plan for the gradual admission of the policy holders of the Equitable Life Asstirance Society of the United States to a share in the control of its affairs has been adopted by the directors. of the society, Mrs. Harrison, widow of the late Hon. Samuel Beatty Harrison, at one time g wellknown old judge at Os goode Hall, died -on Monday at her late residence in Toronto, at the ad vanosd age of ninety years At Wallace, Idaho, A, karf and L. M. Odell, giving an exhibition, when the lower part of their balloon gave way. and they fell 200 feet to the earth. Middle karf was killed and Odell badly hurt. Four officers and twenty men of the army medical corps, with Major Carleton Jones, of Ottawa, in com: mand will he appointed to the Wali fax garrison and vo officers and nine men with Lient.-Col, Wilson, of Mont real. will likely be appointed to Pa quimalt, A. Middle acronantis, were CASE TO GO ON. No Ground For the Writ of Pro- hibition. Special to the Whig Montreal, March ~ Judge David son, today, gave his decision, in the application for a writ of prohibition in the cake of Gaynor and Greene. He decided that there was no ground for the writ to issie as such a proceed: ing would upset the entire extradition law, His refusal to grant the issue means that the ease will now proceed on its merits before Judge Lafontaine. Coungel for Gaynor and Greene an nownee that they will appeal from the decision of Judge Davidson, upholding the right of Judge Lafontaine to hear the ®ase in extradition proceedings, This course will, inevitably, delay the progress of the case on its merits for some time, 2. Examining The Books. Mr. Cross, the Tomnto expert ac- countant, hegan his examination of the street railway books on behalf of the city, this morning, George Os connected with the along with Mr. fl Crone for the bondholders, Mr. Cross expects to conclude to-morrow aiter noon. Early next week he will send the mayor his report PEARL STIOK PING + FOR GENTLEMEN We have at present a complete show. ing of these gouds, small and dainty designs in Mk, paved with pearls, S g really new are the GRAPE terns in whole (round) pearls, y, med not prove expensive: we have pretty pine at all prices SMITH BROS. . _ OPTICIANS Wash ly chatter to think of things. spell comes. , '15¢,, 20c¢, 25€. Linon Voiles * For Suits. Shirt And for Shirt makes to select : and heavy makes ed by Miss Stewart, the noon classes 2 to are received daily. Buying Time For Imported With the mercury hanging around zero point these mornings it makes your teeth fair- Yet, this is the time to buy. ly buyer who gets the exclusive patterns and ~gnt is the time to make them up. People are more sensible about it every year and fewer are caught when the first warn English Chambrays Fine even makes, both in plain and fancy effects. Some' designs you will not see elsewhere. Colors perfectly fast. In faney. designs and including many novelties that cannot be duplicated later, 20€., 15¢, 25¢C.,, joc. Mercerized Muslins and Lawns Waists and Shirt White Linen Waistings 39¢, 49¢., 59c, 63c., 75¢c. FREE! Art Needlework Classes, conduct- corative Art Rooms, and on account of i Silk Company. These Classes Are FREE Morning Classes 10 to 12. 5 o'clo.k. New designs The Eyelet designs in Linen Shirt Waists received to-day. Goods these light summer), It's the ear- 12%c., Waist Waist Suits, 6 different from. Prices are 35c, Light, medium of the Ottawa De- After- (JorheLADLAWS0Y we THE SELL EMPRE Canta, Toe. Gibetn's Cras drag store, A Py JEWELERS © 350 KING BT. : THE LOCKETT THE NEW EMPRESS SHOES Are here and have more friends than ever; Prices, $2.50,483, $3.50 The new shapes combine style with comfort; the heels slightly Tower than last year; the toes about the same. Sold only at SHOE STORE « ' one an ee Spel Sole of Bresson & k Finished Dresser and Gold Oak bevel plate mirror, £30, for . White Enamel Dresser and Stan 818, for ov ular asa x Finé Quartered Oak Dresser and regular $10, for and Brass Bedg. to Tron for . . $2.50 R J. REID, 222 Princess TELEPHONE 577. 40% On Deposit Mills & Gunning BANKERS, 79 Clarence Stree AUCTION SAI we OF wee Furniture, Real Estate, As the season for Auction pear at hand I beg to notif! pave your sale booked with me asd have choice of date. 1 co the best sales, realize the best y ghe entire satisfaction. Sever have alieady been booked. Phon ~ JOHN H. MILL AUCT WANTED. MOUSE MALD-WITH REFEF Apply, G4 Barrie sireet. i ERAL SERVANT. Al A ENERAL to 174 Barvie st 4 'Nomse w. ) N. Lemmon, GIRL: APPLY ' 78 Willian A GENERAL SERVANT. NI dry work, references requ ply to 124 Bagot St ASSISTANT LADY BOOK-I Apply in own handwriting. salary expected. Box O office TO PURCHASE A 5 OR brick dwelling in Address stating A.B. Whig offi price ce 70 PURCHASE A Dinghy Must be in fu all dimentic 121 Slater St FURNISHED ROOMS Al minutes walk from Hay ) # married couple and one i. Apply by letter t ACTIVE, BRIGHT, i a Agents wanted, to sol e Spices, etc Over $2,000 being made by agents. GC & Co, London, Ont. [Sn stvetissmmsyesm----------------------- GENTLEMEN, TO GET Spring Suits made up at ( 181 Brock street, mext WU livery, style, fit and price to please; pressing and rep promptly AGENTS PERMANENT t v Canada and Wc 8 6x46 inches tw one representatives nov " $35 per wee y '& Co En TO-LET. BA FURNISHED, FROM APR) Troon, double parlor det dwolling, hot water furn light, "in choite location 151 Brock St HOUSE, BIRT 3ST. F May Rd 3 A od house at present oceupie Pidrre Hughes ; situate on south of Union St. Mills ham ttn et teeta THAT DESIRABLE PROP te Corner: of - Queen a Street, lately occupied ) SEROn as pa etocery with ne outbuildings. 'Offers purchase, Walkem & Walkem, solic ston. i -------------------- FARM STOCK AND IMI Bm, of 390 acres. 80 o and: goof soll, free fre Sumps : 11 good mik Wares, and 1 three v fCivlle). . 2 bulls, two 3 wow Implements alt a8 tires wagons, phaeton ; Barn to grind "ater © Torogmed house Sly; blacksmith and co *h fools. Tuumediate Price. $4 200 worth $5 180 York St City LOST. rr ---- A BROWN OSTRICH TI day afternoon. on Farl Siam streets. Reware Wra.to 185 Earl si ne COLb-RIMNED EYEC a YE-GI Bagot st i please return to Whig of tectum atetsattetaatamammiinsns FLACK CC mpasmc ow) KC A front o cottize yesterday hetween Hotel and Dr. W Ir please: return ta tes ican ¥