. LORD STRATHCONA. Ottawa, Mush H-] shall in all ¥ visit Queen's University, Shen hiv exoollency reevives the honor ary of ha. said Lond Stratheonn, fo a ig representa tive, at two o'clock this afternoon. arrived in Ottawa on bin special enr, via OC. P. K.. and was closeted with first, his excollency, the general, and thes with the for about an hour, to say on the was the anewer wax questioned, "It is about an year and a half winee | vidted Of tava. You know | am a commission: er now, aml wot in politics. Things {are looking lime in Canada, are they not ? | arrived here about one o'clock and ah returning to Montreal this alicnoom.™ His lordship. is ooking . appears fo in goo health. JUDGE ENGINEERED PLOT Way a Kentucky Feud Operates Shown. Lexington, Ky., March 20-A plot to shoot down five men in Hel # 2 REE Fase sist! 2 I iT i Ti sakl that Judge James Hargis had glvm the witness a pistol, eling him the courthouse, where fre og Thomas Cockrill for killing fis was in progress, and be ready, if any trouble started, to ) . Cox, James Cockrill, Mark ockpill, At 4 » wl, was J, B, aE os di of these, or suy Shean, i wahat White said him. said he declined to do and returned the pistol, Anderson White is a brother of Thomas White, who is now serving a life term for the killing of J. B. Mar um, ; "dell" Smith followed White, He that before the killing of Cook. rill, Judge James Hargis' declared to witness 1 "Jim Cockeill has got to be killed, If he is not, Cockrill will kill an or we, or both of us.' Witness declined to participate in the plot. Hargis threatened, witness said, to got George Swith or Curtis dutt 10 do the killi Witness said that he was in Hargis' stare the day after Cockrill was killed. Callahan and J Hargis were there, and "{when the news came from Lexington that Coukrill had died in a hospital, and Callahan smiled at cach £ other, en Folio 34 just jesned 5 new walters and 5 new Baal and 8 vow DIAMONDS IN CANADA Melhermott Bros Another Kimberley North of the Dairy Prints and Butter. Great Lakes. Ottawa, March HM. "There is likely to be another Kimberley north of the great lakes," waid Dy Ani, of the I survey. Dr. Aus is con ¥ that diamond wealth lies Lisl den in Canudu somewhere between the gront lakes and. Hudson's Bay. "All sufveying parties and explorers in the northern part of Ontario should be off the lookout for everything that will show where diamonds are to be in 'place.' Br. Ami has just Creamery Dairy it butter, cream ints, Joven Rs Sh Cosuloennery Prats Omulaugh Ran, shurged with stab ng Ale: tL . ervamery 5 butter, | roturmed rom a trip to the United ---- Crawlord, dBm. "While in New York" sul A Crowmery Butter, the blood be, "1 consulted Prof. G. PF. Kune, o Eton expert in the United States Jou Survey. ol. Kune ix ont tic about the prospects of found in the sites of Wis: Hiinois weed Michigan, and Prof. Hobbs, of the ol Wisconsin, Two more haye. Seen found lately. of two specimens in ab fo ninaitien the inkarent in the ouiter, and gues to pw farther 4 dimmonds exist in 'place' in territory goth of these given to your The Somerville Co. Crawlord. | will celebrate his vity conntil on Mondsy night regard of 'the governor-gener Kineton way April 7th. testi. of his Mit . The injured man: i operating a buzz planer, with which he was planing some broad be . In changing the pdsition of the board, he neglected 10 adjust the ; and when feeding the machine howd was drawn into the! sharp knives, aml badly mutilated. The top of the fawt finger was cut off, and the other three fingers had ly out, t dowh to the middle joint, W, BH. Wormwith had the man immediately conveyed to Dr. Mundell's surgery, whonoe he was taken to the General Hospital, It was found neces: sary to amputate three fingers of his left hand at the middle joint, and the operation was succesdully per formed this morning. The injured em- ployee has. been. with the company several years, and his accident is deeply regretted by his many friends. IN SWADDLING CLOTHES. At Peers' BEldgst Sens Still in Wuarsery. i London, March 24.-The little Bord Burghley, the Marmuis of Exeter's heir, who in only a few weeks old, i one only of g a large number of eldest sons of «till in the nur- sery. The Marquis of Worcester, the eldest son of the Duke of Beaufort, will be five in April; the Marquis of Garmarthern, the heir to the Duke- dom of Leeds, is four this year, and Viscount M, , eldest son of the Duke of Manchester, has recently vele- brated his Sotond birthduy, Farl Beauchamp's oldest son, Viscount | Flmley, is just teen months; the Karl of Tyrone, the eldest son of the Marquis of Watdrford, is four; the Earl 'of Bective, the heir to the Mar quis of pendiath will be Shae Jenks old on May 3. Viscount Dunwich, oldest son of the Barl of Stradbroke, a second birthday on April 1st, and Viscount Swigdale, t gldest son of the. under secretary vember next, £5 of one Sato for war, will be three in No- Hargis | ss ---- WILL NOT ARBITRATE. This is the : Declaration oi . Castro. 8 } to Uw v y yo Pontus rt 24.~ Minister Bowen cabled thé state department, today, from Carmcas, that President Castro has flatly"refused to arbitmte the pending issues between Venezuela and the United States. The Officers Ghosen. The Dominion Marine Association elected officers as follows : President, J. A. Cuttle, Montreal Transportation company; vice presidents, H. C, Ham mond and A. A. Wright, Toronto: ex eoutive, C. F. Gildersleeve, Kingston; Jamés H. Hall, Ottawa; H. W. Rich ardson, Kingston; ©. J. Smith, Mont mal; R. 0. Mackay, Hamilton; D Murphy, Ottawa; 8. Ceangle, Toronto; Capt. Thomas = Donnelly, Kingston; Frank Plummer," Toronto: secretary treasvrer, Francis King, Kingston Would Be Good Investment. The vity enginesr is preparing et mates of the cost to heat by steam the northeast wing of the city build ings. He figures that the amount would be about $2.70, and that the investment by the issue of debentures would more 'than pay for itself. 11 is estimated that the savings in fuel gnd insurance would be $150. Very likely the city property committee will ro commend that the work be under taken, Jules Verne Is Dead. Special to the Wi Amiens, rae March 24.--Jules Verve died here, to-day. Butter ! Butter ! ! Butter M! Dairy butter, oregtmery butter, frech og, Me. Crawiond, Miss Nellie M. Davis, daughter of of Mr. and Mes, John Davis, Belle ville, and Neil P. Floning, a des patcher at the GT. R. station there for some time, wore marcied on Wed- day. The bride was attired in a brown travelling wait, with hat match, James Elliott, Gananogue, dial on March 19th, aged sixtythres years, The deceased w, in the worth i as tion § of Ireland, but eawe to this country Yours Ho had ? i fg afi £8050 ie: i i Despatches and Cullings Telling of Events Transpiring in All Parts of The Earth. J.B. Hill, the St, Thomas merch snl, awaiting sentence for fraud, is out on SI0000 buil, y Miss Lillian Mulvaney, Toronto, was struck by a street car on her way lo the theatre, and will probably die. The new Allan turbine liner Vietori- an sailed from Liverpool for Halifax and St. Jobn, with 1,500 passengers, A negro voudoo doctor has been at- ol 'rested wm Cuba, charged with the mur der of a twenty-two months old ba by. Clarence Eddy, Chicago, an organist of international repute, sues for nhso- lute divorce on the ground of deser- tion, Paul Pons, the great French wrest ler, ex-chawmpion of the world, died this week in Berlin. He was forty-one years « i" Hamilton's oivie overdraft is 0x. S00, and the city will apply for au thority to issue debentures for that amount, Kelly, who is aged thirty-seven, is the oldest member of the Australian ericket team which will visit England this summer. ; The early fulfilment of promises in the czar's resoript appears assured, Delegations will be received, and grievances discussed, The subscription list for THe en dowment of Victoria College has been headed by Chester 1, Massey, for $100,000, and E. R. Wood for $30,000, Olive Clegg. a young girl in Con nor's tailor shop, Hamilton, had her hair caught when adjusting a belt, and her scalp torn off, She will prob. ably die, President Roosevelt has tendered the office of assistant secretary of the navy to Truman H, Newherty, of Detroit, Mich, and the proffer has been acoepted. Lord Hawke, the wellknown captain of the Yorkshire County Cricket club, is expected to arrive in Toronto abont April 20th, on his way honie Trem India, where he has been on a shoot. ing expedition. At a double hanging at Pittsburg, Pa., the noase broke when the trap under the second man was sprung. He Il and was badly hurt, but was again put on the scaffold, and this time he was strangled, It is not probable Pittsburg will he included in the International hockey league next year. The distance between Peansylvania and upper Michigan is too great. Duluth is spoken of as the next town to join the league. The big keel of the' Rochester, the Gardiner yacht which the Rochester wvacht club syndicate is hay ing built at Charlotte for the defence of the (an ada's cup, was run Saturday after- noon at. the Kureka foundry. Reports from California ere to the effect that Lou Dillon is wintering grandly. The two-minute mare has now been at San Jose, in charge of Budd Doble, for about six weeks, hav ing been shipped from Memphis carly in December, f Traffic on the G. T. R. is reported to be much heavier than it was last year at this time. Over the entire sys tem there is 'a steady movement of both passenger and freight and the outlook for the coming season is ex centionally bright. The schedule of games for the 1003 seavon in the New York State base ball league, was arranged at the meet ing here. The playing season will open Mav 5th, with Syracuse at Albany, Utica, 'at Troy, Binghamton at James town and Seranton at lion. On dit that Hon. George W. Ross will assume the leadership of the op position in the legislature for the session and that shortly thereafter, he will be called to the senate and enter the Laurier cabinet without portiolio, Charley Mitchell is willing to Jim Corbett to a finish with bare knuckles and says that he can get into condition in five weeks for wieh a mill. There i= no state in the union that would tolerate a bare knuckle privefight. Sam Boslic, a prominent member of the Montreal, AAA. who lias done great work on the field for Kis asso ciation, has addressed a» remarkable letter to his fellow-meniliors, condemn ing the present wethods of sport, which allow ill.concesbed pro fesstomalisty and condone many of fenves on field and ice in order that a game mav be won. flor a series of battles amd Fores hand to-hand encounters. coy ering twenty four hours, and a wide expanse of territory. Frank Popilinski alias Kniger, leader of the murderous ban dit gang. that killed Fritz Krueger in a Chicago saloon, is under arrest. The capture of the gang ix one of the most thrilling picors of police work in the records of the Chicago depart- ment. The trial races for the? honor of challenging for the Canada's enp against the Rochester club's defender, to be held in Toronto, will have, he sides the Hamilton, Worts and Nicholls yachts, the Beaver and Invad or as contestants. These last two will not of course race for the cup in the event of their winning, hut they are good trial horses and are after that $1,200 prive hung ont for the trial races, fight amateny ---- Exercise Common Sense. P= Complaints have been made #t fhe City ineer's office about si rwalks bei 4 ood). Those in really had rondition have been drained, Ly the owtting of a water-table, ta day or two altorwards complaints from the same Places camo again, and on investigation shows that the residents have shoveled ioe and slush inte the trench. Gilling it action is od. Common sonwe should be exercised snd water tables kept clear. ------------ Butter ! Butter ! ! Butter !!! Dairy butter, creamery butter, fre eggv, We. Crawlord, -------- Surgical instrament vatalogues fo i students at Gib [son's Red Cross drug store. (Jo HfLADLAVGSI -early buyer gets a choice. Yon can make a choice now and have it laid aside until required. Ladies' aincoa In three-quarter lengths and full lengths, and all the popular shades of Fawns and Greys at prices less than you expect to pay. Spring Coats dies' Fawn Covert Cloth Co latest designs, and LADIES' SPRING SUITS Many of these we cannot duplicate later, so the Among the New Goods Just Received We Have :-- Shot Louisine Silks In the Greens, Browns and Navys, im- ported for Shirt Waists 'and Shirt Waist Suits. Fancy Mohair Lustre For Shirt Waist Suits, 35¢., 390, 45c., 49¢, 55¢., 75¢ Panama Cloths Chiffon Broadcloths Voiles Sicilians Many other Dress Materials that are proving very popular for this spring's wear. Perrins' Kid Gloves Our spring stock has arrived and these genu- ine French Kid Gloves are fully up to the stand- ard. Prices, $1 and $1 25, and fully guaranteed. ats, very row. EI YT PRD Si SPECIAL FOR THE ART CLASS. Just received to-day 6 Shirt Waist Designs, stamped on White Silk and Silk Pongee. These will te offerel to members of the class To-mor- NO ONE KNOWS But those who wear them There is in a All the TheSolid Comfort SLATER SHOE! Are now in at ee A e-- NEW SPRING SHAPES THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ] Em CN gual Salo of Dress. San IRLEPHONE 577. finished Dresser and- tand, : Gold Oni Final plate mirror, regular $30, for owe see > q White Fnamel Dresser and Stand, reg- e ular $18, for irivd pia : tered Onk Dresser and Stand. : Rae Se $40, for ii mnie i: Brass Beds to Match, fot ree we we 52.50 to $45 1 REID, 222 Princess Street 41% On Deposits I; Mills & Cunningham|, | BANKERS, f= yg Clarence Street. SARL STICK PINS: FOR GENTLEMEN ' n '0 at present a complete show- | Aah -- small and dainty, | , bn in 14k, paved with Juasls ' Something really new are the G |r ' En whole (round) pearls. | © peed uOt prove expensive; we i have pretty pins at all prices. : ¥ RO S.. » SMI1 1 BRO SE Ya] RAL SERVANT. APPLY IN M evening to 174 Barrie street. p PUPIL NURSES, toe Hospital, eY. et -------------------------- ERA' SERVANT. NO LAUN- : = "ily references required. Ap- ply to 124 Bagot St SARA- Springs, AT THE Saratoga a -------------- LADY BOOK-KEEPER ASSISTANT Ts in own handwriting und stat salary expected. Box ©. F., Whig office T0 PURCHASE A & OR 6 ROOMED dwelling in central location Address stating particulars and price; A.B. Whig office. T0 PURCHASE A "SAILING Dinghy." Must be in first class shape. Give all dimentions/ Ad dress--A. P., 131 Slater St., Ottawa Oat. A RELIABLE MAN, TO LIVE IN house, one who can milk and drive, and understands gardening. Good references required. Apply at this office te ------ -- ---------------------------- @OTVE, BRIGAT, HUSTLING an to : next to Bibby's d price guaranteed and repairing done | POSITION AGENTS PERMANENT to sofl Canada and World Map: 8 66x46 inches; two maps in representatives now at worl one inaki 2! r week. Address Rand, Moraily - Co., 142 Fifth Et .. New York. gr . 3 TO-LET. HO FURNISHED ROOMS, BY THE "Bt of April at ""Avenmore,'t Will Min street FORNISHED, FROM. APRIL 20th, A Troon, double parlor detached brick Swelling, hot water furnac ectri¢ fight, in choice location. McCann's 181 Brock St. SE. ALBERT ST.--FROM 181 ¥ ao vid lous dwelling house at presen od by W. 8 3 Jjughes ; si on Albert St 3 South of Unica St. Mills & Cunning ban THAT DESTRABL OPERTY A the armer of and _Onta Street, Jately by Mr. Hes eo With large yer oN authul . Offers will be 1 Selben Tw bichon Kin, - y % 182 EARL STREET, AT PRESEN copied by Mr, J. L. Haycoc FARM STOCK AND IMP EMENT frm, Tand; good. JA