Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1905, p. 10

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AN nF ; 1 Sgn Hd ed 8. The a few Cutters left, in or san out the stock, will "Gost. If you are in need of USES. NATURAL APERIENT WATER Made in all sizes and to fit all hinds. Not merely tives sizes of adult ; but cut specially to one u rda--Be sure to tak for AMERICAN SENTIMENT. -- Is Against Proposed Mission Pro- jected by Vatican. Roman Catholie oburch, in this county, con: tribnted, last your, in private contri and" Petér's pence" & trifle more than $500,000 10 the support of the church's exponses, and at the pros- eit tuto will exeoed thant amount | several hundred thousand for 1008. This is the answer the = American bishops gave to the proposal to make Myr. Powderick, of Havana, a sort of comm in this country to ine arinse. the Peter's: pence somtributions, The announcement that the popes has rawn the mission intrusted to Mgr. Broderick, therefor, was no sur prise, Bishop MoDonnell, of Brooklys, and other prelates, who were at Rome, recently, are belisved to have vojosd the American sentiment against the proposed mission, . A okie samenauee Arctic oxi tuanehed Turaday Wie NY * Oh te "Fir #4. lenoth non the fact that He Minister of Greater New York "Preparing For a Campaigo-- "The News From Many Denom- mer schools of theology have become an institution in Britain, Rev. W. FP. Cuthbert, Wellam!, has neospted a call to the Baptist church, Favex, Ont, | Rev. R. McCrae has been called to the pastorate of Knox church, Port age La Prairie, Man. Rev. William Winds, Shelburne, has been appointed rector of Port Burwell by the Bishop of Huron. Rev, John E. Smith, has been in- ducted into the pestoral charge of Bummbae Presbyterian church, i Rev. A. A. Shaw, Brookline, Mass., {declined to consider a call to Walmer {Round Baptist church, Toronto, Rev, J. M. Wilkinson, Toronto, is leaving the 'witistry of the Methodist church to enter the life Insurance busi- ness, Rev. C. 8. Boone, who, till recently, was pastor of the Baptist church, Leamington, has taken a church in Detroit. Rev. George FE. Fletcher, Killaloe, who comes from Dutton, was ordained to the Auglican priesthood by the Bishop of Ottawa, Rev. Mark Guy Pearse is announced to return to the United States in June next and spend several months in lee turing and preaching, It fx estimated that church, Si. Marys, will cost about $18,000. Tt will have a gallery and senting capacity for about S00. the new Knox RIGHT REV, CHAS. 1. WOODCOCK. Right Reverend Charles Edward Ww k, lately rector of 88, John's, Detroit, in which chureh he w his reception has been cordial and his Nth and public appearances most as- suring. The Bishop of Norwich has declared against pew-rents. He has announced his intention not to consecrate any ghurch in which the sittings are not all free. ; Rev. R. 0, Armstrodg's suggestion that one thousand young mon of Me thadism should build the college at Chenta, commends itsell to my judg ment and svimpathy. : Monastic institutions are on the in- cropse in Great Britain. Many m bors of the French orders, which have heen Lanished from France, have made their homes in England. A The ministers of Traverse City, Mich., have adopted stringent resolu tions against Sunday funerals. They declare that large floral displays are offensive to good taste, ' The revival in Wales is not a re vival among the nominally irveligions but an awakening of church members, Strange, ix it not, that the church should need to ho revived ¢ Dr. Schofield, late lecturer for the London National Health society, in bis hook, 'Nerves in Onder," ways clergymen are the longest-lived ¥ng lishmen and bartenders the shortest, Dr. Wilkie. according to » letter of his in the Gwaliod Mission Journal, is oxverimneing difficulty in connection with his work. The roler of Gwalior has veluwed him land for mission ildin I years as pastor of the Recont! Avenue Preshvierian: church, Detroit, Rev, John MeDowell has ten: dered his ro ignation to accept call from the Park Presbyterian church, of Newark, N.J. A Boston friend of. the Rev. Chorles Witean, Springfield, N.8 sends him R4.000 to endow a bed in the Spring Geld Cottage Homoital, in memory of the Right Rev. Frederick Dan Hint ington, first Bishon of Centeal Now York who died Jule 11th, 1004, «Dering the fret ten yours of ite ox Istince the Coleortags association, which Mr. Moody founded. has pub Kaho! 4.242,188 conten of the Cnlport- ave library, JOR086 coves of the om whasized Cospel of John, md more then a million tracts. Eternity alone can sum up that has been dona Right Rev. Charles Gore, DD. Pishon of Woreestor, has been enthron. ol ax Bighon of Dirminoham. An musing story is told of De. Gore, and ic probably not the first one whith hex brigingted theongh clerioal 1° Aattire, He was once walking in the street when two little boys wore ate trioted he hic black episconal gaiters. "Wat'v. "=?" gebel one, in surnriss. e's a Scotchman in wmourn- ne" wae the renly, A London clergyman treabhing one day about God's wie ft hein supdrior 16 man's dwell Fhnows best whet we nead; and vides whet fe best for we "Ty he : i n [84a "Vou as vou da Hime ap vou weavide slide nosk flor the fuchsia." Wa felt that. the sen men had been a helpfal lle of} Teton 10 be given clergy | ------ ; i WINNERS OF 350 PRIZES JW. Gescen onc, 3 Ne whose here given, are among the foramost athistes in Canada, MM, is famoun. as @ mile runner and walking champion, ang wm, for years held ne Hirde championshin 9 Ontario, ' ons who may anfor in need of some monetary In accordance with the evangelical movement originated in the British Isles and has spread to nearly every port of the civilized world, the ministers of Greater New York have anned a comprehensive campaign for New York and viginity. It is propose to raise snd expend ity, The work, which will consist large. ly of open-air meetings, will be begun eatly in the summer and it is planned to erect ten of more large {ents in open lots and parks. ------ A Broad Statement. This. announcement is made without any qualifications. Hem-Roid is the one preparation in the world that guarantees it. Dr. Leonhardt"s Hem-Roid will and cave of Piles, at It is in the form of ternal It is impossible to cure an establish- ed case of: Piles with ointments, sup- positories, injections, or outward pliances, A guarantee is issued with y package of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem Roi which contains a month's treatment it. - The Wilson-Fyle Co, ara Falls, Ont, A Sly Church Game. Brooklyn Eagle, Tn a Suburb of New York priest of ene of the churches announc ed that a collection would be 'taken up to defray the cost of coal - for heating the church. Nearly every one | contributed except one Muldoon. A day or so thereafter, the priest, happening to meet Muldoon, said : " is, why didn't you thing towards the coal bill Come, come, father !" coul for the church, whin I. as a8 your riveremce, knows that heated by steam." : well Women with: pale, who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron are for the blood, nerves complexion. Blobbe--- "The Bible says it is impos sible to serve two masters." Slobhs- Does it say anything about master- ing two servants t is a much better guess to be made a fool of by a woman than to think she is the one. $30,000 in the | work in Manhattan Iddand awd vitin | Go and talk to your druggist about | Limited, Niag- | city a some: | Wheteupon Dennis gave his reverence | n he said. | The idea of ye thrving to make us | believe the money is wanted to buy | it's | colorless faces, | Pills, which | and | i S with n pleasures 1 rec mend Shred Wheat as » } did food. Have uysd it for years and foind it first-class whi ing far At and is a fine béne and muscle maker, All my family use it daily CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO + LIMITED Nitgara Falls, Ont. ----t - y a - i Toronto Office, 52 Olitirch Street i } cure ot. } Hts the only Pile remedy used in- | IY. SPOOL SILK» «Tor dressmaking and fai sewing Corticelli SilK is the best sill made. For hand or machine use it has no equal. Corticelli Silk runs smoothly in the needle ; it is alway even in size and always full length and full strength, dealer for * Corticelli,'" and refuse all substitutes $4 Wash Silks..... . Zz are put up in patent holders, -r which prevents waste by tangles or soiling; keeps each shade separate, and automatically medsures a correct needleful. Recommended as the only proper way to put up filo and floss silks, and used by art societies everywhere, 3 Ask your ; SKIRT PROTECTOR atti. is of firm and even texture, soiled, a sponge or brush makes it ¢ and no damage done. It has pecu qualities and perfectly straight selv For sale ¢ When -- What Sulphur Does For The Human Body In Health And Disease. The mention of sulphur will recall | to miany of us the early days when andmothers gave hy @ spring nd fall. twas univers: spring - and fall "blood purifier," tonie fone eure- all, and mind you, this old-{ashioped ea ary peat tar. e idea was hs t remed; was crude and unpalatable, and > large quantity got any effect. Nowadays we get all the beneficial effects of sulphur in a palatable, con- sentrated form, so that a single grain is far more effective than a table spoonful of the crude sulphur, In recent years, research and ex- periment hav, oven that. the best sulphur for -- nal use is that ob- tained from calejum - (calcium Sulp- hide) and sold in drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Walers. They are small ohocolate-coated pel- lets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly con- centrated, effective form. Fow people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur in resto aint ining ly vigor health; sulphur nets directly on the liver, excretory Prompt elimination of wasté material. Our grandmothers knew this they dosed us with sulphut. sod mio. | epring and impurity of sulphur were often ---- ! {over it, and ao lon fo# | ours | and: purify' Lhe Blood mo ; of! E ¢ however, iva surprise pation sulphur and mo- | a Fa howe in to be taben to | i hd Tie a, ad pus { years ago, and does not " when { politan who : wud fall, but the | ordin | ZANGWILL'S VISIT. Bright Dream of Nation. | Tsrael Zangwill's visit { on behalf of the Zion { has renewed | sobjeot, and eight years launched the The a Jewish For Torpid Liver, Dizziness, Sick Headache Constipation, Biliousness that Herel TAKE Bristol's Pills Safe and quick. Do not gripe. Never Fail. The safest and most reli= able Household Medicine known. tine for ish people. Application to of Turkey resulted in indefinite been exported [ the British government. jooh Chamberlain's tablish a promises," as -n The réeent prope { Jowi | rica, has a the well-wishe Habti N. Cal thoughtful, Booklovers | sition of those Jey | Zionistic movement { the hundred 3 tions in that land that o thiberal, reformed Jewish el } SEE THAT-YOUR DRUGGIST ALWAYS GIVES YOU | midend and forty five are anti-Zi , both in pulpit and pew, The B RI S TO L S er seis | | Sugar-Coated Vegetable Pills {Jewish autonomy of Richmond, in 4 contributed to Aj --_--= eased to be a political ent surreetion. He prefers tc LOSE ANCE to the land of Otherwise e stands accused of being an who never | thes fully a wholly identified with the la habits. In the second pls Jew has obliterated the sary of the fall bis calendar He n adoption alien 1 heart I he in the mod ANTI e Jerusale fre longer mourns bserves it ae sm as a phil ppeals to the as a political movement, he: will Yhave mome of it a day of fas anthrop; Sorin orn. thod Treatment will build you ay tad sexually. Cures Guaranteed Of no Day, s 26 YEARS IN DETROIT. cuRITY. &F"No Names Used Written Consent ! Be Free From Rheumatism. i | i i § Many ple. who have suffered wore or lees from this affection for yours, and who have tried ordinary reme without avail, are apt to drift into the idea that they can't be cured. Ax 8 matter'of fact many people who have been crippled and almost helpless for years have been thoroughly and rmanently cured with Dr. the] Souls Yo itor, by D " | ands. darned the track and 4 | ritality. I took the New Michad Traerment cna was cared, My frien erred of Consumption. | * sant thom k | ir N many patients, all of were cure heir New Method Treat supplies vigor, V' tality ha ny ham = Consultation Free, Book: Free. Welty for Question Blank for Heme Trestment oumatic Cure. Don't be content 4g suffer. You can be entirely fraed from | rheumatism and all its complications by the use of this remedy, This is. the preparation that cured Robert Une worth, Sharbot Take, and ndrods of others. In bottles 80c. at to's drug LC howl ier zen FREE ** Twi halpions and bedridden for youl feos 8 bal rupture cond hold. Dosrors waif | wee ie it, wot operated pon. then all a i the Rios Method x " writes Me Robt. How . A Free Trial of this marion: 4 ribo of ome Hi tions of their , chving den i "al IT WILL CURE YOU. Wige Jones ic one. man whoin 1 re gard as being ahove saspicion above reproach. Wage When did die? f : There tora owide coli bet wien the mark of bresding und the dutlag Muskoka Free to Bae IC Sports. It is VERY NUTRITIOUS. EASILY DIGES Te > pS MY RUPTURE WeSeRice, 25750" Toronio, 0 g ts care, skill ree manufacture. ashing without shr was uring vo in} linens or thINEood wit Kay orubbing, no Jess toiling. Try Your money bac Brothers Limited Toronto Rp---- (TY STORAG : Jeanest build 5 the best and eleane ari Kingston for storage purpose: ty made of storing furnitur minges, etc. or call for terms do #. G. FROST Carriage Pal Phone 526 NB-We' 299 Queen Si dy now to paint tha ; you will want i a---- 0000 000000000DC TYPEWRITERS ! ( ( BOUGHT, SOLD, ¢ RENTED, REPAIRED. Al Makes, Yew and Second-hand | i | | J.B. C. DOBBS & CO., 171 Wellington St. , Kingston $0000000000000OOVOO00 The Light That Is a Light! ach Candie Power ¥ Burner for the rock bottom @1.28. Try one and you will try more. 2 is distinctive, attractive, convincing Buy ior § David Hall, 66 Brock St. "Phone 335 00000000000 p-------- John, M. :Whinto Plumbing} and, Heating Engineer GOLDEN LION BLOC All orders promptly attended to timstes given on new work. Satisfacti SANITARY PLUMBING yon are in need of plumbing heating work of 5 you what you wa suit you with work Ruaranteed to Le ve Bo eharges for ostimate heating work Jobbing work attended to. A & J JAMIESO PHONE 287 -------- HOR REAL ESTA "OR INSURANC Consult with Geo. Cliff be buying at 95 Clarence street. Superfluous Ha Removed by the New Principle, De Miracle It is better than electricity, because i $08 seat or produce a new growth. Bette: X-ray it d scar : Ame oes not burn, o under the skin. Bette: tories, because it 1s not ; " Rot esuse blood polsoning, © Guce ecpema, which is 50 common with d fortes, nor dows it break off the hair, th its growth. a \ X-ray or depllatories are 0 bare word of the operat De MIRACLE snot. © which is indorsed sy phys tologists, medical journ nes. Gas price, on plumbing solicited and prow ta it § Tail No red ) t pyed for it. Hooklet se! + Sealed enve uw nest. ¢ hour De MIKACES OF 10A een Woz Minacr For sale by THE osenr SIMPSON £03° YASONTO Avr

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