Is Made Fresh Again To-day To Ensure Success For Saturday's Baking 25c¢. Pound « ONLY AT The "Best" Drug Store, Successor to The Taylor Drug Phone 39 - = « + 124 Princess Ni Quick Delivery--Try It. BABY'S OWN SOAP prevents roughness skin and chapping. Best (or toilet and nursery use, gas ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mfrs. MONTREAL" TO-NIGHT of the a Lace Comar Tabs Special sale of 25e. Lace Col lar Tabs, in pretty designs, 10 each. 81 Kid Gloves New lot oi our §1 Kid Glo received, They $1.25. Every "8 TARTRATE RATTLER TAT TTT ATT TLL ETRE VLT LATTE RETIRED T ESS are pai Corsots _The Corsets we show 5c. and 81 are all Special attempion i directed our 5c, linel to be had in Il sizes, white and drab I} have frilled clastic' Hose Su porters attached, are well mad and easily worth ®1 a pair 'Nickle Notions" 1 doz. 36 in, Boot Laces > 3 Papers Good Pins 4 1 doz, Collar Buttons » 3 cards Mending Wool > 15c. Blouse Waist Sets 12 doz. Agate Buttons . bp packages Hair Pins | Satin Duchess Ribbons 500 yards Satin Duchess Ri bons, in 21 shades, 1} inch wide, S¢. quality, Sil to-night per vard 5 Mn YOUR MONEY nin some good piece of property. VE CAN HELP YOU 0 secure thoroughly Yood Real } © at attractive figures and to dis e of any of your present holdings t "adviiniagetiusly, = F, BOND, 68 Clarence St. FANCY LESSON CLASSES eed March 1st at Miss Loader's, 105 PROGR. at three o'dlork. ® in silk also. ¥ .s , 108 Brock Street. av Free lessons a sessssi]ecting thisgs. The ladies of the «sso | ' ciation will be glad to receive om gributions towards' the exhibition Mrom friends of art and of the his toric, * Lend-a-Hand Circle King's "Dyugh®: Builight!) ters, will try to recuperate funds dee pleted by philanthropy, throngh the " winter, by holding a tea at Mrs. E, P. Jenkins', University avenue, Tues- Sullivan gave & jolly day, March 25th in. Cleo ecidedly military flavor. ee : v afternoon. Her house table' Miss Jean Gordon, who came down and * hep tear for a six weeks' visit to her aunt, very atUBRCORT pretty, with its lly brig " "J Mrs, A. G. Flett; but lengthened her ils and light, from ' Mee stay to four months, so pleasant was ijn brazen can oth e and it, left on Wednesday for home. She Torrance made He ouredi 'many' warm friends here. Flower pow DE. Conway Cartwright left, vester- co Arthar 2 chocolate, the numbers ol young day, .for a few days in Ottawa, gen present seeing hal Oe Mis. Hoywood, who has been en Fema were Supp re and Mrs. Ray- {Pension at "Avenmore,"' for some | gests Sere : cl gt and Mrs. Drury time, will go down on Tuesday, to o olon® - ,2 pond Bente. (¥ ary Colonel. sud Montrea). ; - : the MeGill Colonel - and Miss Lizzie Allen is going down to ire Sydenham ilvi » Colonel ant Montreal, the first of the week to in Hunter Ogiivle, ir Heaidiin visit Mrs. Evans for 'a month. She firs. Frank Strang®, Mis. Ci il will then go to her. home in Mel Trace Hemming, Farrell, Mrs. Juseiny av e. Howard Folger, Mrs. ch- w Mrs wright, Miss Hora, Miss Mrs. Hendry, Mrs. W. s Hora, 3 \ Fale, Mr. and Mrs. Fortt, Miss hourne for Fastar, * x . Eas, Mrs. Mrs. Guess, Bagot street, entertain- ed at a progressive euchre party on Friday when there were six tables in 'play. The several games were hotly Fabel ge rnp Hitownfiets. contested, especially by the ladies, four iss Mabe Stevatt Miss Frances Sul" getting the same number of games, land, Re ria Swift, Miss Roy, | and having to play off for the prize. juan, Miss LO A * {The first, a very pretty hon-bon. dish, Marion Rodden, Miss = Marion stain Panet, Mr.. Jamieson, | 88 ou by Mrs. W. J, Geddes, Mast Hiss er James Hoppes, who played to com- Galvin, Cap > + ' ir Campbell, Caplan Berry Lap plete the number, taking first prize for in Slater, Mr, ay "My, fd the men--a handsome inkstand in a par, Mr. Roi, r. > ine "and | morocco case. Miss Smith and Mr, thur Macnee, > id cht TAN BEyons were the proud winners of the ¥r Mills a a bhi T ard 0 consolation prizes. After" supper, sing: doing or not omg "Sn reg ing 'and dancing were kept up anti! shifting eompands was 'a very vital wple of conversation. There are ru- wore of all sorte in the air, and no st» knows just what form the moves will take. the early hours of the | morning. The 'cosy honse of Mrs. Guess was prettily decorated with palms and cut flowers, red and 'Dink carnations predominat ing. The jolly party broke up at o'clock, thoroughly satisfied that Mr Mrs. Sparks gave a small tea on as Rt Thursday, for her daughter's friends, sad Myx, Guess were the best of en TAL firma 20 p y, The invitations were fron 4 to (130, . . . . aud the first part of -the afternoon was taken up with work: There wis glo a delightful musical programme, ia which Miss Singleton, Miss' Daisy Chowm, Miss Edith Mills, and Miss ' Pailey took part, the last two sing. ling very sweetly, and the first-named Mes, Antlifi, who is at all times hos pitable, envertained her Sunday school class, and her Friday afternoon class on Thursday evening. Games of all kinds weré played, and a most de licioug supper was served. Mrs. Wilson assisted the hostess. . . . * Mrs. Mcladden, who has spent the winter in Toronto, is expected down to-tlay, with her little daughter, to join Mr. McFadden. They will proba. bly take up house shortly. ying, as usual, beautifully, Daffo- Rave, potted plants were much in evidente, and tea was served at quar tette tables . . * . Wis. Anglin, Barrack streét, gavea peasant little tea on Thursday, for Wise Pet Deacon, and Miss Helen | Mrs, Cappon and the Misses Macnee, Beaupre. who have been staying at the Holland . . . . House; New York, are now at Atlan- Mk. Sparks, will give another of her t "mixed" teas on Tuedday" pestiwhen the ladies have been asked Miss Fenwick and Miss Lily Fraser 1a tome sarly with their work, and |speaker's' gallery at the House of their Rusbands will come later for {Commons during the debate on. the ts aud the pleasure of taking their fautonomy hill. wives home, ' . * . * ; Miss Wilmgt, who has. been in To ronto: at! Ud opening of {taures has: returned to town. | MeVety, of Milwaukee mother, Mrs. Arm ee. 0.» 15 Kingston branch of the Wo: man's At Association of Canada will hol aa exhibition of local paintings A RW. ] 12th, and 13th, Lace and }is. visiting "her tic, City 'on their wav fo Washington. were "amongst 'those who occupied the the legisla- A. who has been' 1 -- : T is in the city (he guest of her aunt, Miss Corbett, Clergy street. the guest of Miss Loretta Swift. Mrs. (Dr.) Belch, Syracuse, arvived in the city yesterday afternoon to fi. spend a few woke with her mother, |. Mrs. James Reid, Princess street. : tek of the <q alady Mr. and. Mrs. W.-C Frodenbiusgh. serious at of ame malady. Westport, are the guests of Captain Rdith oe gufierer and Mrs. Ndonan, Rideau street. rom the Hh that insidion Rankin | Mrs. H. N. Robertson and her two x low wh R insidious disease RE ot al 2 oo } og Teoh the Misses The following Napanc Ahk attended i ee . "San Toy" Wm Ringston, Thursday evening © Prank Henwood, Mark Grah- | Nrs. George Macdonnell "asked a few young people, yesterday afternoon, to eet Miss Brough and Miss wart, of Ottawa. The hostess' niece. Miss Mackenzie, made the tea, and freshments. The guests were: Miss ders Miss Katin Hurray, Miss Katie -- Eh rat rordon, Miss urie} King, Dr. C. an years, dered his resignation Laidlaw, Mr. Malloch, Nr. Gillies. JO8 Monday W. A, Grange was Miss Mackenzie' sang very delightfully appointed to the vacancy at $300 during the tea hour, and Miss Muriel | Per Year... = King ard Mies Katie Gordon gave Pr. Ward 3% in New York this woek pies nunbors. 1o.s0e hig son, Dr, Harold Ward, price | . . to his leaving for a five months' tour Oue of the wost successful of the Art" Culture Club meetings was that 1 interesting shetch laide Proctor, who was the poetess of the evening, Mrs. Betts, herself, sing ing "The Lost Chord;" the other well known songs by this writer, "Will his work. The Dean of Ontario, in his capacity as chairman, made a happy spéech. which was not the least enjoyable part of the evening. The club feels itséli to be very sue cessful, and is pleased at the con tinued practical interest of all its members . ed . Mrs. Saunders, George street, gave an cxtremely pleasant tea, on Thurs day, for the much-feted. Ottawn girls, Niss Stewart and Miss Brough . . . . Mrs. Charles Bate is giving a very small tea this afternoon. (Continued on Page 5) ss -- Waverly Hats. Light in weight, fine in texture, up- to-date in style, are among the latest additions to George Mills & Co's gfeat variety of nobby two dollar hats. The Somerville Co.'s. Silk shirt waists are $2 better in quality than any other store is sell ing. McBean, who killed himself in Houston, Tex., left by will his body toa girl who jilted him recently. She refused to acdept the legacy. ay THE "AILY Miss Gabrielle Rov, of Montreal, is | A am, oN | Frank Williams, Fred S11 pollard and Miss Lowry. the two sons of the house, Mr. James euperintentl t of the Nenogruphers at and Mr. Hugh Macdonnell, passed re. | the legi Assembly, 1oronto, and assumed the onerous duties of his Elsie Saunders, Miss Kathleen Saun- office on Wednesday. of Europe, man, Man., after spending the winter Miller spent a few days this week, Rev. &. MacDonald, receiv ed word, this week, of the death of SATURDAY, MARCH 25. NAPANEE NEWS, ! FASHION'S FORM. £; -------- Bus. very Napanee, very ill with paeamonia. Geo, n is also sedoVering from a Bruce Willig, | Wagar, EB. J, | Allan Fraser has heen appointed James FB. Herring, town clerk, for left Car- ton Armstrong ast Tuesday for his home in in Montreal -- Which Reaches and Cures hie voungest brother, Charles, in He Come," "Only the Sound of a |Seotland. Children. Voice" being aleo given. Rev, W. T James O'Neil arrived home this Baby's Own Tablas is a G. Brown had charge of the painter, | wock to visit: his parents, after an } medione which replaces barbarous Sir Joshua Revnolds, and gave an |absence of six years. Jawes spent | castor oil and poisonous entertaining talk on the artist and | three years at White Horse Pass, Yu | stuffs. The tablets are a sweet, harm kan, Jack Evans, a hig burly fellow, loss little lozenge, which chile stomach ane up colds, cine cures all troubles, breaks croup, allays the pain of, teet gives healthful sheep a solemn guarantee that it not one particle of opiate o ous soothing stuff, Mrs Heatherton, Que, trate, to ome vear in the Central Pris on, A daughter was born to Mr: and Mrs, William Carson, Killarney, Man, on March 17th, At the manse, Mon day, March 20th, a daughter was bom to Rev. Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Conn. At Kingston on Wednesday. March 15th, Mes. Fdoa Hambly (nee Brandon) was united in marriage to George Sampson, Richmond. 8. Burrows of Belleville, was in town yes wv. F. Amott, Toronto, representing the: People's life Ins anos company, was also in town yes terday. » The sterols are in a terrible condi tion. The rain: of vesterday did not says them a most satisfactory You can get medicine dea and héalthy." lets from any mail at 25 eonts a the Dr. Williams ville, Ont, vou may stop 'a cough but the in inflammation goes from bad to worse, none better in the province. Allen's Lung Balsam, containing] no ToT opium, goes to the root of the trouble Hoop ! Hoop! nd cures deep-seated aflections of sters ery, 4 When "Swiss" Breakfast throat and lungs. PY» Hensy Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickerisig. Orders received at Yandiet of all kinds will algo hed stgong, Harrie street, oti with curios, pieces of ; serionisly iH: J sare old needlework, and other inter-- Migs * Gertrude Hardy, of Népauee. MecAuley's book store, Princess street. James G. Jardine, until récently Canadian trade agent in South Africa, is dead in Toronto, dh Budget of News From Our {One Of The Latest Styles Just «ov Neighbor. . Out. Match 25. Thomas Waller . Little Ailments of Infants and "soothing" arreéted Jost week for frightening wo. | readily, and which may be er § men on streets at night. was, this | 8 powder or administered in a spoon: EASTER PARTE. week 'sentenced, By the police magis- | ful of water if necessary This medi: | see-------- a -- And you have Baby's Own Tablets for stomach and bowel troubles and have always found and one that keeps my children bright hox by writing Medicine Co, Rated First-Class. k< Hooray ! the young: Well they know it makes them strong, Watch them pass their plates along. Have a seen the new Raincoats ? : They ¢ Foere and vie with the Mil- linery in their attractiveness. : ' Both long and three-quarter coats are shown, and it would be hard to say which will be the most popular. Special attention is directed to the display of Young Girls and Children's Raincoats, a decidedly new feature. | SS , SPENCE'S, ™ "4% sen. held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Mar- 4 : tin, on Thursday" night. The com- {with his wife at Strathcona. Mrs. . . es SE A A ---- poser was Dudley Buck, and Mr. R. |Armstrong and som, Harold, will leave | Shirt-waist suit of green and white - m-- - R. F. Harvey his interpreter, to for the west as ho as Raruld checked silk, trimmed simply with q gether with Mrs. Betts, Miss Ade able to take © the journey after his | pleats and gilt buttons. A white lace ENTS rogistor for in Bates, Miss Bajus and Miss Hazel | severe illness. collar and erush vest and a white kid * STUPEN he he for tions is Massie, whose vocal numbers were all | Mrs. Dr. Ward entertained her nu- J helt are accessories pring Fall. As a Business aon do greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Betts gave an|}merous friends, last evening at pro- -- y business all the time. Our Catalogue of the life of Ade- | grestive enchre. Mr. and Mrs. F. F A MODERN MEDICINE. explains. Write for it now. Address, T. N. STOCKDALE, Al the + Term From April 3rd modern {ren take ushed to i bowel prevents hing and CALL AND contains r poison: President--8ir Richard Cartwright I. D Cilly,] ™ 1 on Oity and Farm The new x of gs "1 have nd i A uplcipal and od . y Punting Say received and interest silowed Heating Fixtures, Gas Stoves 8. C. MeGILL, Director. ; gag incandescent Gas Lamps, medicine, | To gle 97 Clarence Strest, Kinwston. Y.W.C. A. Morning, March 31st, Fancy Work Class Will Begin. Teacher, Miss Suth Foon, 156. a Lesson. the tab ler or hy Brook i y sm: any. The few farmers ; improve tf ans. - iw tov rs : The Foport ule Bre under HUE, tn ction in all kinds FaneyiW ork « i i ankle just issued," pu ingstonls rating as DO esses roads are well. nigh impassable, Ares class. This a So ae ibi res ith ie fire brigade, in proportion to the t Lowest By 'bribing the merves with opium | G0 OCH equipment of which there iw WOMEN Lit asd fred po Ee % Food they PERSONAL. LADIES USE OUR RELIABLE monthly regulator. Sond for free trial, Paris Chemical Ch. Milwaukee, Wis Skirts Sueetand House Skirts Ee black, green, WHITE LINEN We. 60c.; 45 browns; blues 1, 81.25 vard White price alone. GOWN , SKIRT For Shirt Waist Suits Some particularly attractive yalues in these imported materials COLORED LINEN SUITINGS-36 in, wide, fast ENGLISH LOUISINE WASH SILK--Plain, ENGLISH MOHATRS=Plain and fancy weaves, very special value at Bik B0c., T5a., 90c., 96c., $1 vard I PANAMA CLOTHS Black, navy, brown, cream. Bc, 600, The, Sc, 81 yd TWEED EFFECTS---Light and dark shades, large variety, Hk $ 26 Per Cent. Discount The advantage {0 be obtained ir The values are much CENT. DISCOUNT, linen, whit color, pure sky, navy, cadet, at 25e. yard. ) he, SOc: 42 in Oc. vard SUITING--Heavy round thread; 40 in, i, GOc., 65¢., 70c., 76e; Bf in., 60c., 0c, BO striped and mall chee , black, eto, 21 in, wide, at 80c. yard fh Ti i Muslin Underwear at pot measured by these garments is uperior to any that you usually find 8 DRAWERS, ( MNMISES, COVERS, at TWENTY PER | ' 2 * . Ne ddels, i gelusive variety, many different designs to select { { b f Io { ; ) 1 toon, po ria Ries, pirate and kalted effects, neatly trimmest with 1 e awn als § buttons, braids and self-s1rappings : pa A--ne --- > a & Persian Lawn his the call thi RON. Ye po ghowing dass ot tn 3 --In Ni id dark shades, $3.50, $1.30, 85, $6, $6.50 he ning models, which will sirely interort you--¥1, $1.50, ™h, $2, $2.50, 33 TWEED Ia Hh! na des bl . : 5 " 50, 85, 86, $0.75 i Other weaves and styles too nimeronk to mention, $l an, $1.50, 82, 8225 Gi STRES- Navy, brown, black nd fouex, $0.75, My Sn Mh eT , $250, 83, $3.50, S475, $1. \ FANAMAS--In black and colors, $5.50, $5.50, 86, #50, ¥7, $7.50 = e---- RROADCLOTHS "Extra quality, $5, 86, 87, 85, 8.50, 8 . VOILES--Black only over silk drop skirt, special at #0, $10.50, $iL. 7 ( 1kerebiefs Wreck iia i : : : d & { 4 GENTLEMEN'S PURE LINEN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS Cor- \ * 22 White Goo § » rect "sized, 3, bl in. bems, special value at 124c. each, BE od Minds at remarkably low prices : 'LADIES' EMBROIDERED | HEMSTITCHED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS : ¥ Bats Genuine Irish manufacture, worth 18¢., special at 12ic. each Piques, 'Matalasses, Boucle, Brocades, Mercorizd Stripes, Fancy Batistés, a i A : . Nw Mats, Canvits, ete, remarkably large variety, 2ic., 1, 2c, x, FINER QUALITY Emiroitises and | omititehed, 15c, 18, 200, 25c, oe, " he . Ea New Insertions Shirt Waist Suits - Large and varied stocks of which there are only one or two (0 a de- sign, thereby ensuring individuality in every garment you purchase from us: WHITE LAWN SHIRT WAIST SUITS-$3.50, #4, 81 bo, 85. FANCY LINEN SHIRT WAIRT SUITS--83, up to $7.50 SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS-88.75, ap fo $20 LUSTRE SHIRT WAIST SUITS 7.50, up to R10 ni Fine Sheer Dress Materials Crepe de Paris, in all wool, also silk and wool, all the desired shades, including black and cream, #4 in. wide, at 60c,, 75c., 90, 81 yard, : Silk Voiles, Silk and Wool Eoliennes, Poplin Voiles, Silk and Wool Chal- lis. in black and colors, T8c¢., 90c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 yard. 1 nid ellag The time is approaching when Umbrellas: will be in tocks are how to hand now handles FOR MEN-%8c., $1, £1.25, 81.50, 82, $2.50, $3, $1.50, $1. FOR WOMEN-60c., 75c., $1, 81.50, 82, $2.50, £3, §1.50. NAVY BLUE SILK UMBRELLAS FOR LADIES-82, 82750, 83, 83.50 each. demand. Our new NOW Covering, Raincoals See the new models we are showing in Raincoats, new styles, men {ail ared throughout, svi seam in the arment is basted into form before sew: the right way--%7.50, 85.90, $0.75, $10.50, $12.50, $13.75; $15. -Qovert Cloth Coats Fabracing all the smart cuts in fabrics of the best imported manufac: ture, each garments has that distinctive air which only belopgs to the man. tailored article, all the newest tan shades, $7.50, $5.90, 0.0, $10, 210.50 and $11, : ng COLORED COTTON WRAPPERS-$1.25 to $3.50 each. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Large variety, $1.50. to $4 cach. BLACK JAPANESE S8ILK-27 in., will stand sun and water, perfect weave, She. 60c., T5e., %1, BLY yard, EMBROIDERED CHALUIS AND FLANNELS-- Very latest iden for waista and dresses, immense variety, B0c. yard. JONN M. WHINTON, GARDINER'S