------ ple Are you on the list 9 A" or Green. Preference een a Chance IG rm mms 0'S CIDE lis the dandruff gern." ble growth in the seba- r which the hair wil] don't wait until it is too curable. wind baldness makes the It fills the hair with of the scalp. Later, it hair and causes it to S HERPICIDE. Ex- S€. ree Letters. ecommended Herpicide for namber of mouths and my uring more than five feet in ied) 'Marie A. McIxryee. bald and fifty dollars worth My photograph shows the dandruff germ destroyer. ed) Crarence Hasivron. Il. I was'almo.t bald when and vow I have a five bead (tigned) CO. J. Buprova. will not stain or dye. ALP INSTANTLY. lo THE HERPICIDE CO., r, Ont. 1's, Special Agent. $ CR LRA Sot COMING COMING , PEMB ER NADA'S HAIR KING entative) WYNN TREGWIN Randolph Hotel, Kingston, on AND SATURDAY h 31st and April 1st iil to see the ewhihition of hair every description that will te including the fatest master wpplind to Toupees, Wigs Bong» Ss, Vig i= P PARTINC. X 8 New Suits, § New. Raincoats, expect to have our win- gy day to he re we are As we - dows torn oul y placed with nfw pot showing very nes, phuch in our windows. inside and look it will more than a look Come ) pot cost any at our windows, J ENKIN CLOTHING COMPANY On Deposits ! Mills & Cunningham BANKERS, 79 Clarence Street. WANTED. rm A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY IN the evening to 174 Barrie strect. XT THE SARA- lip" py NURSES, yuri, Saratoga Springs City Council, 8 p.m Curling Club presentat he says died. "1889 Accession Am Charles 1, ns Ne trouble, catching H. Lamp. every one opened, exquisite all pla action ell at 118 Brock St. Comfort Durability our Shoes. DAILY MEMORANDA. ions 10% ain from sailing or getting stiff with a B and 3 f guaranteed A large variety just designs, cheapest to the most elaborate ROBERTSON BROS. MILLINERY ! Wednesday, March 29th M. AND E. JACKSON Will show thelr Eastor Millinery E DAILY me KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, { Red | pm ever judge a man's thoughts by what 51 a.m political plums prove Dale's Vnglish - Singers, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m + The sun rises Tuesday at & and sets at 6.22 pan Many so-called to Be only sour grapes This day in history --John Bright Robert Bruce crowned, 1306 ; Peace of BEAUTIFUL LAMPS! ; no with the very Fit Style Essentials to be had.in Wear '"Allen's" TAPANS VAN OYAMA PROMISES THE CHINESE TO BE IN KIR- IN, APRIL 10, Only Outpost Skirmishes to Chronicle -- Gravest Concern Felt for Vladivostok--Pour Parlers, Looking to Peace, in Progress. Special to the Whig : London, March 27.--The Times' cor- respondent cables : "Official reports show that the Japanese.forces have passed the Palisades, and are advan ing, with a wide front, on both sides of the railway The van is already 100 miles north of Mukden The Russians have completely driven cut of all the tricts watered by the Liau river Excepting for outpost skirmishes there is nothing to be chromicled from been dis the seat of war Marshal Oyama is said to have informed the Chinese governor of Kirin that the Japanese would enter the city on April 10th, but critics, here, will be kept. The Times' St pondent he good authority for doubt if the promise Petersburg h exceptionally ting that the corres says mobilization plans, for the present, are in abeyance. Gens DragomirGft and Grodekoff, within the last few days, obtained corrected reports of the Russian casualties and other losses, and are able to estimate the strength of the Russian position. They be lieve that Gen, Linevitch is in no im mediate danger, but the gravest con cern is felt for Vladivostok. The of ficial reports received immediately ai- ter the battle of Mukden were in many respects exaggerajed, especially re garding the losses of the Dahestan and Gen. Rennenkampfi's brigades, but the general staff is still unable to give the total Russian losses. The correspond- ent adds that peace rumors continue - Cross bas £75,000 expended on alone - Toilrond has trans. ported over b relugees inside the great wall. nen A PASTOR'S S---- Dropped, West Springfield, 3 we Rev. ¥. A Reoadne of the Mittintague will parry a prett hall his years, the to ask him to remd Mr, Dockham's resi under these a 'OFFENCE. wp For Choosing Wife ass, March 27 Dockbam, pastor ethodist church, Bh parishioner of urch has refused hin another year. guation, tendered pled imstances , was womptly aoe) hb nd be will close his inary in Mit@ineague garly this iden, Mr. Dock month. Miss Elizabeth on is af teacher, and twenty-three years: $id. The Rev ham's fiancee, Dockham is fortyssewen. Hix prefer for so young a vr of his congre gation caw gues of possips to wag. It is 3 that maiden women of somewhelf advanced vears consider that Mr, | members of his their opinion, WOME be better fitted to assume the respinsibilitios of a pastor's wile. Me Hockham has: re ccived a call from & Strong church in Worcester, 3 in pon FIRED AT 3 PRIEST. fee Broke a Lamp Which Fired the Houde. Special to the Whis. © Winnipeg, - March 3. Rev. W Bloz owski, a Polish pri and editor of a Polish paper od here, was studying in his 100 in the morning, a revolver were the window. One of the lamp which ex to the house and damage, The sho! have been fired by at an carly hour } two shots from 'at him through he bullets struck fed setting fire ng considerable are believed to fanatic opposed to Father Ble 's doctrines, but so far the police made no ar rests. 4 iy Road. ~The Preshy the 16th, was Tea-Meeting At Perth Road, Marek terian's ten meet! 1 a grand success; peeds amount ed to 833. Lan bers from Bat tersea, Glenburnis, fd other places were present, A ir was most ably filled hy Me Henry, of the Syd enham high school gtafi. 1. S. Rob- erts, Jr., is on. the Sick list. John MARC IATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. EVENTS OF THE DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, Plague has cost 300,000 lives in In dia since January 1st - President Roosevelt inherits $30,000 from the estate of the late James K, Gracie, an uncle, Alonzo J, Whiteman, former mem- her of the Minnesota legislature, has been acquitted at Bufialo of a larceny charge, The social revolutionist party has passed sentence of death upon the czar, the dowager empress and thirty high personages Finlay D. McNaughton, engineer of Cornwall, has been appointed deputy minister of public works for the pro vince of Manitoba. Jonathan Reed, of Brooklyn was found 'dying on the stone floor of his wife's tomb, where he had spent much of kis time daily for seven years. The mayor of Madrid, Spain, to en. courage vaccination, has established a lottery, a ticket for which he pre sents to everyone who submits to the operation, The battleship Kansas will not be christened with champagne, says Governor Hoch, of the Jayvhawker state, Knsas crude oil, will he the proper thing he says. It is said that the prudential com: mittee of the American board of for eign missions will take John D. Roeck- cleller's $100,000, in spite of the Cone gregational ministers' kick, W. H. Greenwood, B.A. who has been news editor of the Toronto World for several years, will become managing editor of the London Free steamer Parisian, from Liverpool, sibly many of the crew in a watery by the Ham say a single word about. the affair. | wife, and he has 'been deranged more PARISIAN RAMMED. Struck by Albano at Entrance to Harbor, » Halifax, March 27.~The Allan line lying in her dock in Halifax harbor, hall her keel on the bottom and her aiter-deck submerged, so that the sea is washing freely over it, and mighty glad her owners are that she is not on the bottom in the sea, with pos- passengers and grave. The Parisian bound for Halifax, was near the entrance to the har bor, late Saturday alternoon, on her starboard side, abaft of No. 4 hold, burg-American steamer Al bano, also bound for this port, and a hole stove in big enough for a man to walk through. The went was clear and the sea calm, when the collision occurred, with plenty of room, and that such a thing should have happened is ex- tremely ® The captain of the Albano, his of and crew, will not The Albano was libelled by the Al- lan line for $150,000, It is announced that the Corinthian, now in New York, will replace "the Parivian--with mails and passengers for Liverpool. : Capt. Johnson, who showed such co of mind after the accident to is vessel, formerly commanded tho Pretorian and has been long in the service of the Allans. This was his first trip as captain of the Parisian, i a-- KILLED HIS BROTHER. Thought He Was Called Upon to Do So. Strathroy, Ont., March 27.--Robert Quick, a young farmer of Caradoo, killed his youngest brother at the farm about two miles from Strathroy. Robert had trouble in the loss of his or less of late, He was confined in an asylum some years ago, but recovered after, He killed his brother under the impression that he was called upon to do it by a Higher.power. When asked why he did i, he burst into tears and said : "I loved ¥m, my brother, the only support of my mother, but I had to do it."" He has several young child ren of his own and two brothers, one in Michigan and one at Sault. Ste, Marie. He has been arrested, and ' to London jail in charge of Chief son of Strathroy, That putting off is not the best plan ? We would advise anyone plans ning a New Spring Suit to made. a selection now, as every makes a big hole in this The choicest things go frat course. Our workrooms get busier each day and your chances to got your suit early becomes less, We have for your selection Fine Worsted Effects, French Broadoloths, Pirie Venetians, Fine French Cheviots, Homespuns, : Shrunk Worsteds, ete. Hospital, npe N } -------------- An earl ™. Bi Military Bootmakers, to circulate, their increasing persist Henry has purchased & valuable horse. | Press on the first of April. A $B . y pastion ATT. NO LALN 84 Brock 8t. ency being due to a belief in- the like-| 6. 5 Tough has rece a new sawmill] A proposal ix made for a suitable ,000 FIRE Se ? bs ERAL [SER NT. N JAUN- iho > on the 1] and mten o sawing soon relel i i A oEN work, glee required. Ap- SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. Hho o Jie secapyance of he good Chickenpox. i quitedprevalent in this owing ae hd Pactiument_snd Montreal Had a Goodsized Blaze ply to 124 Bagot St. a i : vicinity Wilson is movin : } , This M -- Y. § g on rors k N orning. : . ~ 3 Further Moves For Peace the farm lately by H. Clark. Shiv ry of pe. duath of Nelson, Special to the . ENCED CLERK, WITH GOOD ur . ee hay | Lark: | the hero of the ritish navy. roa) None: 97.~Fire, this te, for Clothing Store. Good St. Petersburg, March 27.-Tt is} io . The ; i ¥ ay -- ves Fthel Barvvmore, Mrs, Leslie Carter, thi Gra used o 0 wiry. Apply, 180 Princess st FOR CENTLEMEN learned from a source close to the ow opening . alk t he 4 or tontss Willian Gillette and other famous hin mn of ib ht ae . # 3 1 1 spr . - to ben 0 PURCHASE A 5 OR 6 ROOMED | throne that pour parlers, looking 4050, "Walser wt irs. 1, | theatrical people took part in a bene |. 4h, block at the southwest corner " edi i We have at present a complete show- | egom are actuall in progress, s ¥ Volt for Joseph Holland, the actor, at it A Awelling in central location. F ! : peace; y int Aykroyd's; F beock, at F.y . of Craig and Cote streets. It originat- _ Adress stating _ particulars and | ing of these goods, small and dainty | {hough possibly only of a preliminary { F005 bhilin Robert "0 New York. It netted $23,000. 1 oe X . pl. 1 price, A.B. Whig office. designs in 14k, paved with pearls. | character, and. that Copenhagen may Fan gh hs 8, at eorge J. F. Cordova is writing in his pri o hy wii oe wi Preiss. ots : Ey "| Something really new are the GRAPE | ho the scene of the first exchanges be ams son cell in New Brunswick, N.J., the tende to 4 tandai Shirt com- A RELIABLE MAN, TO LIVE IN ME Lola A \ ar] a 3 . nt : $ > pany's premises, and the warerooms of house. one who can milk and patterns in whole (round) pearls. | {ween representatives of the two pow A Royal H if romance of his life as the clergyman CH rd Smith holesals 26th, 1 Hh and understands gardening. | They need not prove expenswe; Wel erg In this connection importance isfy ¥: pie. who eloped three times with one wo Se % a le mith, w als Pe, \ enh Good references required. Apply 8t| have pretty pins at all prices, attached to the visit of M. D lswol Special to the Whig Th man. Tt is to be printed in a wom Several smaller concorns mlle am- Ly this 'office. -- <kve, Russian minister at ( openhagen, | er a a Cnaul ig OPOWR PEIRCE 1 on'e magazine. bn } rier ING vs | and 'Baron Rosen, former Russian min was taken a singular step to secure Chief of Police Wittman, San Fran- | a 'he main works of the Standard J ACTIVE, RRIGHT, i JBUSTLING A opan, to M. Bompard. the his future wife's domestic happiness 1 ' 2 t trol Shirt company 'are in the east end, y as, y iste o Japan, to O ' . cisco, serge i pl, . t Tne ver $2,000 a year 15| JEWELERS OPTICIANS [inter to Japan, to ND eta, ob]in one very important partieular. He | 100: BL IeOE SOR, CL Yi Sociied and were not concerned in the blaze. being made by agents. G. Marshall 350 KING ST. Tuesdits o has sent his chefi Herr Neumann, to re . b " ie : rea Mo & to. London, Ont. Maik... es ay. Canues, where Duchess Cecilie of Mee- | 10T00 by Ate I 0 CO ress THE PRINCESS PAT ENTLEME THE Klenburg-Schwerin is staying, to study | 200° © To re 10 Ns nage oS ia Y. WwW. C. A. What Japan May Ask. the cuisine prevailing in the house gambling ¥ Chingtown A. 8. Fost May Marry the Young King of H Brock street, mext to Bibby's | Fj i via March 27.--Enquiry tends [hold of her mother, the Grand Duch.- | S1aNeY FEaAOs OA ding figy r, hey, widow of Wm. F. fit Brock etrest, next to Bibi | FTMIAY orning, Marc Sl, | Paris, Ol ANIEY ot the! PA Rat ru | | raid to he one of the leading figures Spain D. of St. John NB. en LAR da Fen By 4 a : rongly to confirm the statement that fess of Anastasia. Herr Neumann will | oo ' Resear 8 . : alt . ren? to please; pressing and repairing done Fane Work Class Will Be in. y x es toward wace, between | carefully note how the dishes are pre in the get-rich-quick torey Cotton | gpectal to the Whix. + daughter of the late Roberts AT promptly. approach I : are | Co.. deal. has been arrested in Phila- | New York arch 27.--A Madrid Harriet H. Sears, of Toroblo. y - Teacher, Miss Sutherland. Russia and Japan, havy already begun | pared, and above all he is expressly ' ' shargs of he i wi s Herald HE "y i Funeral private, on ednesday the: _ -- h \ ne. anas' a. northern } direeted atid th . delphia on a charge of using the malls {we weial to the Hera says : n of 29th inst at 8 o'clock, AGENTS -- PERMANENT - POSITION Fees, 15c. a Lesson. at a private conference in a Hreet Lo study ose particular | Fe dulent purposes ial circles the assurances is given fo sell Canada and Jor Map : | jnstruction in all kinds FancyiWork | European capital. There ee strong in tials which ape Woe Tuchess Cecilie's Alexander Dargavel, Wolseley, N.W. | that during the present visit of the Bizes 06x46 inches; two maps inl = ~~ ~~~ eee | dications that this capital is Stock-{ favorites, so that she may continue |. 0 zhi horn. \ epres , t work = hee . : A f « thrown off his horse on Thurs- | Duke of Connaught to the Spanish i nui ly BL adress holm, and that the megoliatitng will] 16 enjoy them as crown princess day a. Erne a he | court at Madrid. the marria; of King % \ 2 Fifth sonduc to SRtockho! i the pre iy ¥ rd 2. Rand, Menaiiy i je Sanuct Hh Sokal The r Death From Skippin died before medical aid could he ne Alphonxo to Princess Vietorin Patricia rr -------------------- limiparies prove suet oe cured rave . . shinitely J g TO-LE oRage acting for Russia in the pre Chatham, March 27.7 he first | so Durgavel wos. manager. of the [hs been defiaituly. areanged The ing U fo Lmiminary stage of the negotiations | ginning' death of the season accur Western Packing company. : Lead ndertaker 9 -- is described as 'a leading general." It} 04 here Saturday, when little Fred Jupanese in various lines of business | THE SHAMROCK ATHLETES "Phone 877. 222 Princess St. 0 FURNISHED ROMS, n>. Wil. was stated in diplomatic quarters, | Robinson, the twelve-year-old son of |% penetrating into | hina, and wt -------------- of v e, of . " pO , fam street . NOTICE. te thot among the con- | ex-Alderman Henry" Robinson, = died, | ing in wary (portant Pan i ir Made Only $368 This Season . ts : ; ditions of peace which Japan might | Fred was a particularly. bright and empire devoting themselves io : hoje --Reason For Shortage. Jouse NO. 247 BROCK STREET A . SPECIAL Lh 2 Ig Lo Los would be that Russia give al playfol boy. A week ago Fred was calling and to winning peace ully the Special to the Whi hot water hea ting and all modes n pn Ne aa will. be heid al B< to. build no more 'warships for skipping steadily for a. couple of goodwill of the Chinese for Joven. Montreal, Mare 27.-The twellth 9 BOCK KIT ig 1°! MILO, WM J. DERRY, RS. U5 ein of years. A diplomatic official | hors, and afterwards complained uf Herman. : Shooks, Drain, Ure., ot annual report of the Shamrock Athle TO-NIOHT RT CTORIA DAY -- | uid that such a condition would be |jxling unwell. The next day he wa ad killed % 3 Cooper pnd " asl tie Association, for 1904, shows that ' B Pes 8 FURNISHED, FROM APRIL 20th, A VICT . it ffectual means of assuring Lick in bed, sufiering from an attack | Ov Shooks then shot himself, dy- | orofiy were only $368, compared with [Dale's English Opera. Singers atom, doubls fatlor detached brick MEETING OF THOSE INTER-| Japan agaiost Russia's carrying out [ of peritonitis, and passed away ing almast instantly. Cooper suspect | yovorgl thousand dollars in other | 0 Bog lug, hot water furnace, els b A LETING ! ¢ hid projets of naval 3 od Shooks of having songht his life | Loire Thi . woath a thelr Novel, Musical and Humorous Nght, in choice location. McCann's | ested in celebrating Victoria Mave] any of her cherishad proj ol 1 h i {th years. This was due to wet eather | rntertainment, appearing in Costume In I rik She SAL. will be held in. the 4 roarmament at the close of hostili To Have Special Rates previously and accused him of the ats |i tarfering with athletic events, and 'GEMS OF THE s Chamber, TUESDAY at 8 pa x spa ag tempt the consequent postponement, LIGHT OPERAS : THAT BRICK DWELLING, SITUATED Les Special to the Whig. The Hamburg American liner, Alba. -------------- Pri " J . , - ro we "nt ! jee, 70c., 0c. 866. 25. No. IM9 Brock St. containing 11 UMNI MET. mm Toronto, March 27.-The Central OVO to the Allan liner, Parisian, * ' Rooms, Bath and Clobet, Gas Light AL Wer TidiapS: Passenger. Association, including: the] Foe. Nites harbor, and both PENNY POSTAGE, feats now on sale. ue. Steam heating. Apply. C. 14 J - as at i . territory from Buffalo and Pittsburg ok komad. "The Parisian ------ March ist, Bertha Galland, in gston & Bro., Brock St Western Ontario sociation of 1 1 front all in-quiet. Both sides] SREILAIY SNR oa and SY. Louis | Lal wo Hamage., A ad | Letters - From Britain Come Un- | "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall™ em an ' 2 1 y o off ex v he fal Ay : YE | a hich « ed nearly 1 000 people, ha ------------------------------------ Queen's wre busily reorganizing, and efiecting which carried nea der Rate 1 BOUSE, ALBERT ST.--FROM' 187 +)! em a on the west, and south to the Ohio | 0 Jificalty in making her dock . Buy next, that commodions a The annual meeting of hanquel "Tt Sher refused to confirm river, have arranged for special pas is Edith Tilson, a Toledo girl London, March 27.-1It is announced Hi] THE SPRINGTIME Sh Dreenl oecupied by rv St. | the Queen's University Sunn weld "| Cliinese officials who had been appoint. | SPREE FATES A the round trip in | who ix prima donna of a light obera that Jeter portage from Great Britain | y,, Jjways seem to be looking for R / i! "| ation. of Western Ontario was he n Q mM connection ith the eleventh annual ol ; at Syracuse. N.Y. [to Australia will be a penny a half f Unica St. Mills & Cunning- | ation, ol « to various posts in Southern Man ; company plaving a accuse, » : something, and you do not know just Friday night at the City Hotel, Lon- |¢ : International Sunday Sehool Conven | 0 Ladly burned by her clothing | ounce from April Ist. Letters from wha s Ahi eee eee ene | 4 Phe gathering was characteriz huria + of Gen. Kuropatkin] tion to be held Toronto from June | .niching fire in her dressing room. She | Australia to Great Britain will have mething ting and obs THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT|: Be i wn, Prof The appointment ol tien 1 201k ) th inch nn | ; ey twonence per hall ounce from | izing, something to act as 8 the Corner of Queen and Ontaxio | od by the weal ent iheing { the | to the command of the first army is} = th to June 27th incisive. rushed out on the stage screaming, th pay he f " and tonic, Have you of a Street, lately ' occupied by Mr. Hen-| Macnaughton. was pr rom he ving 3 urce of great satisfaction when the manager of the theatre e same date, bottl i / roving a sour g ttle of nice trson as grocery with large vard | niversity and ave the addre of | PI 1d 1 officers as " wl his coat about her and w 3 Al g to soldiers and officer Was Asphyxiated. rap n ab a od ulidins. Offers i he re the evening It ix denied that the Russian Warle ... (he Whie smothered the flames A Fire At Deseronto. bi Nalken & Walkem, solicitors, King-| Besides the $ondon gradusten, ther office was deceived in regard to the} "gy Thomas, Out., March 27.--Dani It developt that the reason why Deseronto, Ont., March 27.--At 11.- on. were AS Jennie Drennan, Rev n" wheel « gf ene . \ 1 ral Tove! x ode Island did | 30 8 ¢ nui p y 4 2 were present Dr. Jenni : vailable strength of the apan el P. Crosby, Burlington, traveller for | Govemor Utter. of Rhode an 30 Saturday night fire was discovered -- 4 avails . gion, tra a 18 EARL, STREET, AT PRESBNT |G: B. Melenon, be Toulon and or the organization of Japanese l'ho'; "3 Sill Candle Co., of this |not go to Washington to take part, lin the Methodist charts. An alarm | We have all kinds and all prices, occupied by Mr. 'J. L. Hayeock,| R- Lees, MN A., of St Soma Mar, | reserves city, for over a quarter of a century | ae did the eovernors of many other | was sent in, which brought the fire Besitles the ordinary varieties we fmsesmion May 1st. 8 Bedrooms 3 Malcolm, B.A., and Miss 8 ; - Many Japanese prisoners are on the past, was gsphyxiated by gas at the | states, in the inaugural parade, Was men to the scene immediately: After | have * Hot Stuff," Oyster Cocktail ha poms, Extension 5 ehery ty, NM A of Stentiord; Rev. F. Li | way to Harbin. One is 8 spy, cap residence of James Still. Tt ig sup. | that Utter ix a seventh-day Baptist, | some slight trouble 'with the water | Catsup, 'Tabasco Catsup and Sweet flasn , residence, nicely situated. Ap-| Scott. B.A, 'Rodnéy, and a tured in the uniform of the Lith Sil LC Ly on the gas in mis [and that the inauguration coming on | works they sucooeded in getting sev- | Catsup, BY, McKelvey, & Birch, 09 & others, I ta tal berian Rifles. He will be tried by | E30 00 eetrie Night, Mr. Crosby |a Saturday. he could not therefore | oral streams and by one o'clock had ok sere The next meeting will he weld in | our martial ar bali | Was Weventy six years old and leaves | lend himself to its celebration. the fire under control, The le was ames Redden Co. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS London. The following are the o Th, war has sont, Russia o Ion or a widow and daughter. , burned to the roof, and the! inside of J y eR Ite the year a million men in Killed, wounds : ne ; Toa wot Jog acres. 80. of ploughable oF ee. Rev. Principal Gordon. | SC 00d sick, as the whole effective Will Prosecute Gorky the chutht ustroped hy wie aa ann TOPOS of Plu tO ome ol Finn Souris amp: 11 ood on 'cows. 8] Prosident, Pr. Hodge, London force in the far cast is now believed She Took Her Life. St. Petersburg, March 27.~The ai {aren ant i Cause of fre. ine kt 3 : mares, and 1 three year old colt. | Secretary treasurer, Thomas AleX {not to exceed, 300,000 men. Special to fle Whie : thorities bave definitely decided to |, 00, yi i ie bulls, two yeatlings, 11 i. London." Only a few Chinese were injured dur-| Hamilton, Ont, March 27. Miss prosecute Maxim Gorky on the charge said three Sabicwents all us Rood A Vice presidents, Rev. J. G. Stuart, | ing recent battles, but during the. sum: | Belle Lyne, daughter of Joba Lyne, | of drawing up proclamations with the Penal Servitude For Lil Ga Que ou barn to grind, ope to pump | 3 A.. London: Dr. Drennan, St. Thom mer ravages of disease are feared, as |grocer, corner Wentworth and Barton | (hiect of overthrowing the existing London, Mareh 27 : ¢ ler is oouied house, 8 miles (rom as: G. Malcolm, B.A. Stratford; De | thousands of the dead lie buried too | streets, commits | wuicide, yesterday, | stnte of things in the empire and dis wondon, Aa 8 ~The death wsen- : with a ay. Carpenter Shep Bray, Shatham, and Dr. Newell, Wat | near the surface of the soil. by swallowing os quantity of carbolic | (hing public order, the highest pea. tence passed on Sarah Ann Pearson, $0 Price. 84.200 ; arth 85.000 "Apply al : ' The war office explains that the His | acid. The young woman had been ill} iv for which is three years' deten who was arrested at Montreal for the ; 3 £2 3 140 York St., City. ' + | ford. R. Lees. M.A., St. Thom | fortuiie in the insufficiency of the ' for. some time and subject to attacks | gion in a fortress. Gorky, who is still murder ol her mother-in-law, and who | For particulars, plore MM 8. Executive, R. Lees, Ay : : . ot ! Ye § sed : Ae : lis now in i wi sted | Robertson B.A. Violet, , late ln ¢, 1b. Edwards, BA., London E. | mountain guns was due to the fact | of melancholia, and it ix supposed | (he neighborhood of Riga, is in + Was comm structor in German fn Queen's Univers o Kilmer, B.A.. Aylmer; Rev, Dr | that when the war broke out Russia' that she wa< temporarily insane when Lpeokon health, . to penal servi for life. sity having recom = 1 4 i ar opting a new pattern. she took the poison, f the a eater GOLD ring, 8 Ross, London; J. H Marshall, BA was ad n . NG, SET WITH ONE EMER- : 2 London Stung by wholesale criticism hen = . 0 Oppose Gouin. 4d, a' few days ago. Reward for re- | Winds Dr. R. Ferguson, Lom 5 . f d + i Importati ¥ : og A ws do " or 1905. Montreal, March 27.-Al St. Mar- A_ Wn to this office Ward Te : Porver, Wyoming: Rev. J. lupon the war office jor unproparcdness rve A Fever Spring Importation " : A 7 ~Alex. St. Mar . Ira 2 Rodney, Rev. A. Me: land incapacity, the Russian army or. Feed A Cold Asd Sti) . (| Prevost's, Brock street, has: received | tin, a shorthand writer in the corte A RED SPANIR NS THE as bal Lo. MA. |gan lays bare what has been done | 18 sound advice. Mathieu's Syrup of | "Top spring importations of (hers, was chosen to Premier ye I, ANSWERS TO THE | 4 10 Mitchell, W. Ramsay, ] ¥ . itd in bop d Cod Liver oil cures the cold pring impartial hy ae % A eaiey Finder please X : ta v1 Mi E. Miller, Wood: | since the opening of hostilities, giving an ' or re oe Ton Scotch tweed, serges, chevicts and | Gouin in 8. J . al 567 Princess Street Astowel, an i the exact figures. and feeds the body. be. | ge | vicunas, ahd. fancy penting; fit and . = | stoc) Rinse the hattie of Hutte the Shin bottles , workmanship guaranteed, " Te © TO RENT. FOR SALE. -------- we Red Cross has been ing 11 -- ! Goon BUILDING LOT ps : a ik Thousands are a: . 3 owners of factories in | yor THE SU MONTHS, COM. street, UTH SIDF The const of revision, regardimg ce refugees Thousan re housed at} The v many A fortable in village of ¢ iy tyes Montreal and Lh meet on Wednesday | Sinmintin, Mukden and "Liao Yang. Russia have closed down their works | James Stewart, the ial Jim, of Marysville, Wolfe Island, large airy | w-- horne strest. |ment walks, ! Many farmers of Liao Yang districts entirely, locking out. thirty thousand Sydenham ward, rounded out a hall rooms, Jloasant shady lawn, close to Oke - afternodn i nany 3 Yied. Si The jd ok . nly century to-day. He was congratulated river. For terms, to aed, per pound choice cocoa, regular 0c. | Sprifg blood medicine, buy them at are seit depend nt, up, 5% ine men. he id wl mate in an ugly beniicy 1 ' ©. Briggs, alte h = pound, for 15¢ grog . "Dad Cress store it ginning © ie refit wor t rame of mil. ny Ye ., at Mullins, 'Gibson's Ped LT