Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1905, p. 5

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MOT VT TTVVT RTT LR ABET BRTCRRD BESS | TTB RVE SS ROTEL AMAT TAT TRV AAT AE VN HRN - BBY CO. ak Hall, Kingston. of Tees vtesescsessssPO ORDER ! have opened a Tailor y-made Clothing Depart. 1 3rd uit, in the latest Scolch sy the same that other gd... tractive ever offered in | our window, Perfect ice Spring Suit at a very fer stands good up till 'eople's Clothier, d Crawford's Groceries. -- Tn pn mall Tubing = - Toronto NOTICE. HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH) m, Smith's Falls & Ottaw ¥ Co. wil make application t irlinment of Canada, at its son, for an Act to amd ¢ Act incorporating the sai ¥ extending the time for the nt and Suitpletion of the sa and for other purposes. TACDONNELL & FARRELI olicitors for Applicants ton, 16th. March Too c BIR TONIC FREE pd sot det per ger Fi . 1m asand cash or campy (DBREAD I: oid ger yee the for reply stamp. Adtoss ox: Ty AM BIRD SEED. * St Lobes, Ort ee ------------ im Weir, formerly president le Maurie Bank, died at Ottava fmen pom and Help. ] oe enty years, day after day. for Jes wise in seeking 8 female i . No e ln medicine in all the world oT EEL / msn only, &. wor 7 man full of sym \) pathy for r flok tater, sad woman W sil, Be treating female ills tn ag any log FC 3 thousand cases of foms! Je diseases come before Mrs. Pink- every year, Some personally, by mail, and this has been go- _-- m 2 woman of such experi- doe, especially when it is absolutely = violates the con- rs. Dakin Be every testimo- fence of women, and . es in nsent or request of ti ie wri ben Be that other sick women Sv be benefited as they have been. Fred Seydel, of 412 North 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa, writes: Mrs, Pinkham :-- 1 wrote you a letter Bs or ey ery & child to maturity. 1 received your of instructions and followed your 1 am not a well woman in con- baby girl. I on Bit hae man in theta would for advice, as you have done so as surely as Mrs. Seydel was Just will Lydis E. -Pinkham's able Compound , cure. every woman suffering from any form of .@ record: of cures of female troubles: 8a hus Lydia E. Pinkham's Vi . Compound. Therefore no will accept ahy substi: adruggist may offer. be sick, write Mrs. Pinkham, LyniigMss for. special advice. It.is £300,000 SOLDIERS. ph ------ Thinks That Canada Should Have 3 Them. Lindsay, March: 27. Brigadier-Gener- al jn an addeess on the Cana- in, said -that the proposal to increase the volunteer force to 100, 00 Seas quite a conservative propos alt Me increase would only come , and with the education ol lar sentiment to the idea. A force of M0000 properly equipped would male any nation cautions about at tacking Canada. A-- Nurse's Good Words. "} am ¥ professional nurse," writes Net Fisher, Halifax, N.S. "I was a sulfger fiom thenmatism--almost con- stall association with best physicians I Bd every chance of a cure if it wet in heir power--but they failed. South American Rheumatic cure was recommended to-day my six years of pail seem as a dream. Two bottles curs me. Sold hy Henry Wade. --106. A Princely Gift. Chicago, March: 27.--A gift of $250, 00has been made to North-Western University by Milton II. Wilson, a resi- dent of Evanston It is &aid that this is the first of a series of gifts to thet university, which will ¥1,000,000, -------- The consular difficulty between Nor wag and Sweden is grave, There is a Yer§ serious danger to the union if Sweden persists in refusing Norway's undisputed rights, Thated vy Three Doctors for a Severe Attack of + Dyspepsia, } Got No Relief From i Medicines, But Found It At 'Last In Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. Frank Hutt, Morrisburg, Ont., was one of those troubled Vith this most common of stomach 10 She writes :--** After being treated by three doctors, and IS JABEZ WHITE THE PRIZE FIGHTER. He Would Take Nothing--He Owns An Hotel, But Seldom Sees In- side His Bar--Well Described. New York, March 95.---"No, thank you, nothing for me," said Jabez White, lightweight champion of Eng land, as Charlie Mitchell beckoned to a waiter in the little back cafe of the Metropole. Half a dozen sporting men hitched their chairs closer to the shiny round table, but White sat back with a politely indifferont smile as. the corks popped and the wine glug-glug ged into the tapering glasses, It was the same room tm which Young Corbett. "trained" for his first overwhelming defeat hy Battling Nel son, the defeat that squelched the ltd Denverite's championship ambitions | and sent him to join the army of has beens. The whole atmosphers of the place was redolent of Youpg Corbett. I'he very table where White sat had been one of his favorites, and many a time Corbett's elbows had been firmly planted over the cigarette burns that decorated the edge of it, But it took only a glanee at the newcomer to establish the fact that he is a very different sort of youngster. White is a wisedooking lightweight, high ncs:, the same sharply angled jaw. He resembles, feature for fea ture, the man whom be is going ta fight next month in California. He has the same expression of aggressiveness and determination; the same light eve brows and the same thinlipped, re served, clean-cut mouth. Like Britt; he docsn"t carry a mark or a scar to 5 ¢ that he has fought in the prize ring. His eyes alone are different. Where Britt's are blue as ice in the sunlight, White's are dark brown, al wide open, but thev don't stare at von, like Britt's. White's eves are al ways moving alertly, taking in every thing. He isn't nervous, but he shows a tremendous amount of suppressid strong and bony, like Fitzsimmons'. 1 noticed that his fuce was drawa a bit, like that of a man in training, Wid remarked upon the fact. "Oh, 1 worked a little before coming over," said White. "But, that was no thing. 1 think. 1 must have lost g few sick." thing to start training with." and the corners of his thin lips curl was a new one to him, and he re perhaps, but undeniably uncomforia b's don't you know," the hurricance-tossed Cedric. smoke, He and then by wav of spice, suits him let the other fF sa he has never tried it. champion William Rysdyk"s Horse. The fruit of this union olt when five day ed from the breeds Wiliam M. Ryslyk, sat on the Verdict For Christianity. Swami Dharmanandg, a Hindu a ic of Bengal, is am example of will ingness to give all that one has for fife. He sought life by visiting 230 Hindn holy places jo India, like Ng tudying the K Meesinh and Saviour of men URARIMONS MUNDT a --we'll_ charge it! tion for seventy-two year missing a serve tors have played the church for 200 years 0 reesponding caoler, past the middle of April, should be most black, like an Indian's. They pop encrgy and activity, Hig hands | are pounds on the way. 1 was rather sea- "They say semsickness ix a good White smiled a little amused smile ed upward. The idea of beginning his conditioning on the rolling billows marked that it was "quite beneficial, The English lightweight never cross- al the ocean before. At home his life is somewhat less strenuous than the sample of ocean travel that he got on Jahez keeps a hotel near Birming- ham, the Fox and Goose. In this country it would be called a road There is a har, of course, but : that he seldom ever goes into it, for he doesn't drink himself or «four interesting dogs, and two horses. And then he has heen 1 six years, and has "twa little Liddies" to earn a living for. The simple life with a fight thrown in now lows have their fling. "A month of dissipation takes a year 4 from a man's life." savs Jabez. And White has not fought anv hig fights for two vears. He explaine that by saving that in England "it's different from this country, von know, There they won't fight me becanse thev are wll afraid of me. Here every light- weight wants a chance ta fight the How William M. Rvsdvk, a plain farmer bought for $125 the greatest sire of trotting horses that ever lived is told in Hamilton Busbey's book "The Tortting and Pacing Horse in America." The horse known to hi tory as Rysdvks Hambletonian, was born in 18M, his parents being Ah dallah and the Charles Kent mare vas a bay colt fouled Mav 5th, 1519, at Sugar Loai, near Orange county, N.Y. This MM wa purchas Jonas Seely, by Fa plain farmer, with a lean pocket book. The price named for the mare and ewlt was fE5, and the farmer, rail of a fence and pondered for some time the vital question. The outlay would « rase Wim if the mare or colt should « He finally said "yes." and mother and son were taken to 'hester. The bav eolt ith «tar and hind ankles white, grew into a power fal horse of 15.2, and was named mar, taking a little of the earth rom each to have with him. He songht life by learning Arabi and an and Mohammedan sm. He songht it by learning Hebrew wd Greek, that be might study the sible in the original. He sought it hy travel, going to Mecva, to Rome, to China and Japan After seventeen ears of study, he has now de lared his. faith in Jesus Christ, the only The London Globe telli Sbout a short tempered sergeant. The firing squad missed the target in the most t 500 yards. They ted this manoeuvre at JO, and with equal success at 200 yards. "We've got to do it." he sputtered at last, setting his teeth. "Fix bayoneis An organist and choirmaster hes died in Sweden who hed held the posi without NICE WEATHER FOR DUCKS. | a . ---- v % Hicks Preditts Lots of Rain | : During April. ; Rev, Trl B Hicks save of the wea. ther we may expect in April : A marked change to warmer, with i} falk of the barometer, |] will progressively pass from west past over the oointry during the fi two or three days of April. Indica- tions of coming change and storms ! will be apparent to observing people © o¥er most parts of the country, and fore-running indications will eul- ¢ in storms of rain, wind and thunder, centering on and touching, Monday and Tuesday, the 3rd and th. The tendency to hail storms will be greatly increased at this time, a oupperish, electrical cloud being al- most a certain precursor of approach. ing hail. The period will end in change to much 'cooler with snow flurries northward, and cool to frosty nights will follow up te about the Mh, lhe Tth and Sth are central dates, on and touching which reactionary changes to storm ay gin will take place. These changes wanner, fall inf barometer, with oathreaks of rain and storminess, will begin in western and make their transit, to eastern sec tions, heing followed hé rapid hse of the barometer and change to much Electrical Venus storms until warnings of sudden change to cooler with frost A regular Vulcan storm period ex tends from the 11th to the }5th, The changes that go before the formation and approach of cloudiness and storms will appear to the westward as we enter this period, aml later, say from the 13th to 15th, rain with thunder and storminess will touch nu. merous localities in their progress eastward over the country. ie The next storm period includes the 17th to the Mth inclusive. . Very threatening electrical storms, violent and possibly tornadie, in places we probable at this time. These storms will break up into snow squalls over vouch of the country northward, and he followest hy several daya of bleak to frosty weather, Late sleet storms will visit many sections on and touch ing the 15th and 19th, ~ The, next, regular storm period is central on the 24th, covering the inl to the 27th. The barometer will fall generally during the progress of this period, and April showers wil thicken into wider and heavier thun der storms, At all the periods in April up to thi than for many months past. Low to the 2h, On the 29th and 0th re actionary storm conditions, will = re turn, April will end with much warm er weather, low' barometer and a ser ies of thonder chowers passing cast wardly across the country. The Late Mrs. J. W. Berry. Brockville Times. Mrs. John W, Berry, one of the old den contracted la grippe and complica Lansdowne; Mrs. (i. W, Bracken, El worge Berry amd Miss Me Ont: Mrs. Kinley, 1 church ------------------ A Sad Death. was shadowed with 21st inst., hy the Fell, Washburn, at Thomas Halls Ambrose Patterson, ar €, Haale Row lervillie, An Extravagant Shah. He and kis ances { . organ in the same taxation or oppression Lo his sul, jects, the vernor-General and Grey visited the Hull fire de ward and eentral, are possible and period, many parts of the country will get more rain lands in all central to westem slates will have too much, Change to fair and cooler will follow this period, up vst and most highly respected resi dents of the county of Letds, died Friday morning at the family resi- in Berryton, aged seventy-three years. Mrs, Berry was in fairly good health until three weeks ago when she tions that followed proved fatal. De ecusel whose maiden name was Re bekah McKinley, was born in Ireland and when a chibl came to Canada with her parents, the late Mr, and Mre. MceKinley., The family settled in the district where Mrs, Berry lived the remainder of her life, the homestead heing only two farms distant, De- evased is survived by fer husband and a large fumily, two sons and seven daughters as follows: G. M. Berry, Secley's | Bay; John W. Berry, at home: Mrs, 0! R. Bradley, Front of lisville; Mre. A. B. Chapman, Reston, Man: Mrs. E. Mainse, Sweet's Lor ners: Mrs, A. S. McCready, San 'Bay; Mre. William Richardson. Brockville; Ny E. H. Edwards, Reston, Man, Mre. Barry also leaves three brothers amd three sisters, William .J. MeKin- lev, leeds: J. H. MoRinley, Sand Bay: Thomas McKinley, London, «de: Mrs. Martin, Lockport, N.Y. Mre. Barry was an honored and respected member of the Methodist fda Hill, Mareh 24.~Our community he gloom, on the ath of William Webh, aged | twenty years and ten months Ihe voung man was ailing bu: a short. time, and his early de mise was a great shock to all who knew him The sore wr family have the sympathy of the community at large. The funeral took place, an the It is high praise to say that it is the most beautiful of ite kind, yet this goes unchallenged when applied to that Is The Emperor. yds 5 a------ i £33 UGHTERS OF VICE-ROY to [A Contrast--Allan Line rst Wants It Extended to Cover Three Years--Capital News. Ottawa, March 27. Their oxoellencies G ¥ lon Soturday, and. witnessed a trial yun of the brigade, The daughters of Aheir oxeelloncies, Lady Evelyn . Grey and Lady Sybil Grey, expressed a de sire to make a trip ov the hig ladder truck, and were accordingly piven a drive to the outskirts of the city ata firecall clip, greatly to their enjoy mont, although the trees wer tn anvihing Hut a Sscoth cond TM. A Allan was here, woeing the ministers in co on with the proposed extension of \ilgniic steamship contenet. The "thre years' contract, under Which the two sthamers, Victorian and Vir were fo be paid £2000 for cach round trip, was to date from last October urday menced the Allans want the contr thres years. The matter ic under (he consideration of the cabin Mr. Puilbieck, a retired civil servant who moved to London, Ont, in 1597, and was assessed at SLOW personalty based 'on superanbuaiion allowance paid four vears in protest, but mad none during the past years, He calise ently removed to Ottawa and en tern] action to rerover the amount paid. Judge MeTavish gave for the four years, he pe 1 nnder pro Lest and allowed interest. He allowed nothing for the years. in which no protest was made. The judgment car rice R114, » The supreme court, tad ay. held ax list will likely be reported on Weds day. : THE CANADIAN MUTE. Province. ronta Globe Wate contains many interesting photo gravure illustrations showing feature of the life and work of student A Institution for the Blind. These in efitutions are muintained in accord aducati J allliction "are wmable {fo obtain in elementary edueation, with _instrue tion in such trades as they are ca are residents of the province, are a of instruction is seven years, with education barbering are tanght to boys in tl female pupils are jmstrocied in gon ral domestic work, tailoring, dro troduced, board. tuition attendance. Th in the institution during the blind, but all tho methods, may be admitted as pupil grammar, Canadian and English hi L tory, reading, spelli 93rd inst, agd was largely attended, | point-print writin typewriting, howing the esteem the young man | pianoforte, pi regan, vocal musi was held. Rev. Mr. Moore, assisted | harmony, conterpoin®, pianoforte tun by Rev. Mr. Davy, conducted the ser-]ing, cape chair wing, willow work, vice in the Presbyterian church, Swn Ehead work hand sewing, along bury, after which the remains were Ewith machine ew ing, nitting pl U in Sapd Hill yanht Our ferocheting, band knitting, machine chersemaker, Robert Gibson, Napanee, knitting, and phy al oulture No bas arrived, snd will be ready for Fone pupil take ul these branches, business on April lst A box-#ociall and there are many options to suit was held at A, Jackson's, in aid offithe various ircuntonoes of these oar public sch library, and was a] who have attended other sehools, or decided sn Vicitors + Chale) thos who wish to dove most of inatitutaone row 'Varden of physica! disability on aid and opportunity -------- gem. of architectufe, the Taj Mahal. Shah Jehan, the builder of . this | Russia as "the sar" I invorn et "dream of marble," as it has betn His official title i= called, ascended the throne as emperor erat." "Coar' i the old Rowan of the Mogul empire in 1627 He was word for "lord" or "prince," and wits | noted for taste in building, asd for! abandoned by the fabulous sums he spent in his Jove trinmphal return from Poltava. hi of display. Af a fete 16 celebrate the crowning vielory over Charles N11 first anniversary of his reign, he was Swede. Since weighed against gokl, silver and prec ious stones, and then scattered them | broadcast to be scrambled for by the na, eager crowd. This entertainment cost term was admitted by the powers about $8,000,000. Notwithstending with the proviso that he had no pre bis lavish expenditure, he so conduet- cedence over the kin ed the finances of the country that the ope. treasury was ino better condition een when he relinquished than when hore: Wise Mullen, Quebec. who has been ceived it, and this without excessive visiting in the city for some week past, will be married to a gentleman from Montreal, on Faster Monday. Men of great intellect are usually great coffee drinkers, hence it is called: has that wholesome quality as a morning bever- * age only found in pure coffee of the highest grade. Bal and 210. sealed ting, ot grocers. Combination Packard Douglas $3.50 Shoes for but as the service has only just com: | extended to cover the Bill peicd of udgment cument fn western eases. The Outario Are the best lines of $3.50 Men's Shoes to be New styles, new toes and Kid Velour Calf, Box Patent Colt, Tan Russia Calf, in all You don't have to buy $5 shoes to get a good shoe. We have them The Care Given to Him By the seen in the city. ne latest istde of the Canadian the Ontario Tustitution for Deal Mates at Belleville and the Brantiond New Spring Shapes. cance with the educational policy of ithe province, which aims to secure for every child a common school hn For those who through : See Our Window. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. SPRING EXHI nery 0 DNESDA D FOLLOWING DAYS struetion in the public schools they provide the means of securing an pahlé of learning. Tuition, books, and medical attendance are free, and the charge for hosed in the deal and dumb institution is $50 per year. This is remitted when parents or guardians are unable to pay, and the children of the indigent are furnish ol with clothing. All deaf mutes be tween the ages of seven and twenty not being deficient in. intellect, unc free from eontagiouy, diseases, who BIT! 3 pening Milli WE mitted as pupils. The regular term vacation of nearly three months dur ing the: gimhmer of each year. In al ditioh to an ordinary sommon school the trades of printing, car pentering, shoomuking, baking and deal and dumb institation, and the making, sewing, knitting, the use of sewing machines, and such fancy work ax nay be desirable. Manual train ing in woodwork for boys and do mestie seience for girls have been in worthiest productions those of every-day use, but of the opening, it is to at influence upon dress for Spring, in. the first opportunity you have had of séving what the have to ofr for your consideration. In the institution for the blind at Brantiord there is "no charge for books, and medical parents of the pu pils are expeebst to provide suitable clothing amd to pay travelling ex penses. None of the pupils are kopt heen employed in the fashion eentrea of , and no firm outside of the wh un display of millinery novelties, wer vacation. Not only the totally who, by reason of impaired or defective vision, are incapable of recciving instruction in "the public senools, or of being train ed 10 habits of industry by ordinar, -------------- RUMLEY BROS. ---- - ---- I will show you how to cure yours "1 win Helpless and bedridden for yesrefeom a bad raptare. No trosy ol Doctors said | would die it not operated upon, ud caret ysl! by the fiom Method. L Many of those in attendance have [2mm perception of ohjeetd. Same of their have made o trial of the public choole, hut on scootimt of their in firmity have failed to "nttain satis factory result The subjects tanght are 1 Arithmetic Bible geography and history, eloontion, gesgraphy, i" FREE tory, kindergarten, litewature, ohject lessons, physiology abd mibural his g. pencil writing LL A Woae Trial of tis marvelions Moth or write at Suey, giving desery lisve been cured od IT x Dr. W. S. Rice, ONIN VAN CHOCOLATES ! CHOCOLATES! Ganong"s G. B. Canadian Chocolates, the Nnost made in Canada, 60¢. por pound, oui of thelr case. Thousands ZY * Toronto, Ont. their time 16 learving a trade. Thee fi the educational system of the prosinee and lessen the Cadbury's Cafe an Lait Eating, Chocolates, 3 pack clus of the comovunity. in need of The general allusion to the ruler of emperor and auto wards all sat down to a vary snp: ous repast prepated by the host and hostess. Owing to sicknest the event of a very guict pature, only im of the contreting At tport Petar the Great on his | Marriage ; Westport, then the Russian mor arch has been officially sntitled "em- | perar," and at the Congress of Vier in ISIS, hie right to the imperial | mediate relatives Leouple intend going Ferguson, The ceremony i have been performed by on bro- r of the groom, Rev, F. Mountain, but owing down in Wales, whitre Mr. Burke op Lerates un large cheese factory, 5 of Western Fug ------ CHavehold amonin' for cleaning Lig bottles, double strencth, 150. Gib on's Red Crans drag store, Mien inn Burke, Maurice Barrgmore, the actor, died, groom was assisted by A shoe for well-dreaned wen. Costa enough to insure a est shoe, but is as Jow as a of this' character can bo sold, Seen beside a cheaper shoe, the differ ence In Men want Istylng wear, and should wear the "Invictus Shoe." FOR SALE AT The Sawyer THIS WEEK! Display of Brass and Iron BEDSTEADS. Something artist and strong, The following to close out at a low prices 3 Brags and Iron, how ends, 2 Solid Brass, in Colonial patterns, 4 Brass and fron Children's Cots, Spring and Mattresses to fit these are limited ab the pres, : BABY CARRIAGES NEXT WEEK. THE BRITISH WHIG, Kingston, / AUCTION SALES Furniture, Real Estate, etc As tha sedition for Auction Sales iv none sb hand 1 beg to motily you to have your smile booked with me at once and have ehoico of date. 1 conduct all bo the best wales, realize the heat prices and wives entire satisfaction. Nevers sales have already been hooked. Phone, 665. JOHN H. MILLS, AUCTION! ER, PROMPT DELIVERY Heavy woadn, snow, lush or other id ue. to bad weather may cause unpreventuble delays in the dehy. -y moat. Stick a pin here © Don't wait in- I your lust seuttioful of coal is in sight befors replenishing your supply. hut order from us now, © are always ' " i tin delivery, hut we Can't control the weather BOOTH & CO. - "Phone 133. hs PIANO TUITION MISS MAY NEWMAN, 271 King St., West Children given special care in primary work, | Advanced pupils ay taught In theory and practice. Terms © 38 i 4 personally. i" a sanitarium at Amityhille, L, 1.

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