Sem for the "Vital ADIAN SHREDDED WH CAN . Toronto O Have you see! They are here linery in their SPENCE'S Severe Chest Col And Painful Coug | Demand Prompt and Acti : Treatment. The great danger in trouble thisélass is *" delay." Don't Joi § Cough or Cold, it can but one result. It leaves fhioat or Tungs, 'or both, affect Brotichitis,: Pneumonia, Ast Catarth and Consumption surely follow the neglect to cu The first 'dose of DR. WOOD'S 'NORWAY PINE SYR #ill esse the cough, soothe faflamed throat and loosen Mrs. Joseph Paradis, Black: Ont., writes :--1 had such a ®ld I could hardly breath foticed Dr. Wood's Norway Syrup advertised, so had husband get me two bottl iad only used one before I ered. | recommended it friend, and two bottles cured ther other remedies had failed Both keep it in the house now would not be without it. Iti Best cough medicine I have taken." . Price 25 cents per bottle The 30 Years' Old C for Asthma. Chester's Cure is no unknown remedy. Way back in 2's this famous specific was © . Every year since has aad more people relieved of leing, "Though it has never Widely, advertised in th Matics in almost every eS the Ate regulart Supplied f y ied from Mos Chester' C only remedy that gives them tontains no alcohol or cocaine wired. ee ly effective curin ed Bronchitis. 2 5 ruggists, and $1. Joe dried S22 odin rock It Particulars, B.A., Violet, Ont., in German in Queon's ne recommendations fre te leading Educators special care in pupils tho tice