AKING spring. It increases the digestive powers, petite keen and cle of all impurities. CEL-IRON regulates 50c. or.3 bottles for $1.25 Only at The "Best" Drug Store 124 Princess St, Phone 59. MILBURN'S Heart and N Or Are & specific for all heart an d ner foubies, Hews are some of the en Rush of Blood EY, Shortness Sm and Sinking S; pel nd Weak bps Spasm or Pain through e Heart; , Clammy Hands Fe There may be many minor symp. eet. oe ob heart and nerve trouble, ot the chief ones, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will lispel all these symptoms from the ystem. Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. Priigiagi SPELLS CURED. L. Dorey, Hemford, N.S., wri is as follows :--"*1 ier kia Rgiio izziness, weak spells and flutterin g of he haart, 3 procured a box of Milburn's nd after finishing them I was complete! ured, I must say that I cannot Cin pend them too highly, --Extra big value in Nottir ham Lace Curtains per Oe ' 25¢., 35¢., 50 ¥ , Toc. and uj ~Pretty Patterns in Staii cloths, good width, 12 ~All-wool Henrietta Cloth, inches wide, in many shades including navy, brown, « pale blue, black, 50c. for 39¢. a yard. 500 yards of Towelling, 16 inches wide, re lar 7c. and Se. quality 5¢. yard. $1.25 French Kid Glove 4 in » Pn the correct shades, including black, all sizes; our price £1 pair. Printed guarantee gor with egch pair, --Ladics' Fast Black Cott Hose, special values at 15 20c. and 25¢" a pair, Good Umbrellas at 50 ide.; self-openers for $1 ~The balance of our special 7 Lace and Insertion to clear a de. yard ; Newman & Shaw (For open fire places) THIS IS SPLENDID VALUE. We will deliver in small quantities, MES SWIFT & CO. Telephone 135. 00000000000 CEL-IRON ' (CELERY AND 10x ) Makes any one healty "Reduced Fares 446.30 1st to May 150h, 1905, . © makes the 5 EWES TO ria, Vancouver, anses the blood eee $40.80 fet, Noon: 7, 2 ir $48.80 pu Helena, Salt sm Butte) TR ire $48.30 igs, Denver, Pueblo $43.30 galerado Springs ageles =. $48.05 system, correcting Spring and restoring the blood. ach, liver and bowels to he, ede . For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Railway System. Doctors Said That Lumps and External Swellings Would Turn to Running Sores, Colonist Special Trains (anadian Northwest 1s, one of them should be waskin or you to attend to it hy I Y aDon t delay. Serious break. down system may follow, if you do: Nervousn 1 sess, Pulpitation of the Heart, Shon Corinthian, Thurs. Mar. 30, noon. Passunger Depot. J. SLEEVE, Clarence Street. Glass or Tea < $7 25 oi to Pacific Coast Colonist fares from sent Jase dation of passengers First or Second Class Tickets o and est thereof as far as j GUEMD Coast, nominal charge = Pacis rins, Which may be reser P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Outario streets N& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. All Done House clean and bright before theday is rightly begun. When. good brooms and brushes are used it takes very little effort to keep the home attractive. BOECKH BRUSHES AND BROOMS are the best made, and like all good tools make labor light. United Factories, Limited, Toronto, Cane oe -------- EE ---- S------------ THE WORST MURDER KILLED BY CAIN. ] Six-Year-Old Son from Fourth Storey Window in New York, The craclest murder since Cain killed in New York City the other day, 1 Ruhill, thirty years of age, his son," James Rahill, Jr. aged six, by throwing him out of A t indow i nt tithe lad fell with aw ful force on cruel cobblestones. His little legs andl srms were smashed, his died coon after James Rahill cane hows drank very sight of him provoked the pa ! | tering child of mine----he 3 a monster." The fiend started toward his child, murder in his rves The mother drove him away with a butcher kaife. He fied, only to return a little later to carry out his dead of horror "When 1 looked up," said Mis. Ra hill, ©} saw him standing there, his TO THE == Mrs. Jacob Kaehler, Zurich, oves ablaze like two burning coals, Settlers and théir effects will leave w rites to Pacific Coast und th points during March and New short line for Tweed, Napanee, . 10. I, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, mn. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. First Cabin, $50 and upwards-- Cabib, $85--Third Class, $27 50. Further particulars on applicati J. P. HANLEY, Agent, .T eset WIN- wmv, BERMUDA frost unknown, malarig impossible from New York, 48 hours by elegant mew twin screw steamship " Bermudian, ged 15th, and 25th March and week- f FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO +~WEST INDIES -- 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropics Sailings from New York to Windward and Leeward Is- his, Barbados and- Demerara every (10) days. For further particu Bis apply to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & 00., Agents, for Quebec SS. Co. 39 Broadway, New = York: ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, or J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents. Kingston MONEY AND BUSINESS. UYERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire rance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of the stockholders. Farm -and city property insured at lowest possible mates. Before renewing old or giving MW business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON Buildings and contents than any oth- o company offers. Examine them at Godw!n's Insurance Emporium, Mark- ot Square. ARCHITECTS: WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second floor over Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot Streets. Enterance on Bagot street Telephone 608 ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF fe site of New Drill Hall, near cor er of Queen and Montreal Streets POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- thant's Bank Building, corner | and Wellington streets. 'Phor i ---- cae AO HEGRY p. SMITH, ARCHITECT "e., Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone 245 Fuel Fuel Hard Coal Grate and we for your furnace. Stove, Chestaut and Pea for your ves. Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lamp fi p Smithing Slack grates and engines Also Cut & Uncut Wood P. WALSH, Parrack st. NEAR KING BEST IN CANADA! A Modern and Progressive School The old retidbie " instruction *Xperienced temshers in Uraduntes Ee et a8 commercial In Cssada asd the United end berries. ms stato of the win in the Bide, ke. yewarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yob Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuablein Constipatio wenting thisannpyinge mol tho Bver and regulate the bowl ness then will fin i Kingston Business College (mited. Head of Queen street, Kings Complete Equip- 'Fhorough and by com t and and RF Ont., says that ER Burdock Blood Bitters i." 'tuesday During March & April though he said not a word. 1 was un able to move, even when he called wt: ~That boy is not ww child--he and | am going to kill «this a mons mt-at every aord grovind his . > tooth, and 'rolled his eyes, I could | 3 miclent business offers Saved. Her from Many Years | ni «peak, wy tongie weighed ike | ist Sleeper will be attached to lend mn my month noun trom Renfrew. of Suffering. "Little Jimmy was hraver than of Settlers Guide and full par- and he cried ont: 'Papa, what is the | a, Way be obtained from Ticket matter #° This only envaged hin and Aneta he leaped forward. With one hlow he the shoulder and thrust him out i Ticket Office, Ontario Street. Bitters would cure me, so that the lumps | litt hod lay crushed and hiocding ' y , "OLUER JR. lings, which the doctors A policoman ran across the street ¥ Row ae AZFOIL BR Sunt. end external swellings, whic i in an efiort to cateh the boy's body, Gen, Pas told me would turn to rugning sores, | "oi jue tha litte body just I took her advice, and | ,,iccod his hand and struck the pave a a isanpes BAY of QUINTE RAILWAY A no doubt but that | ment head downward. As the police Burdock Blood Bitters is the best blood medicine on the market to-day, and is be, barks $0 and upwards, according to composed entirely of roots, her steamer and accommodation ; Second S Cabin, Liverpool _and Londonderry, $87.50, $40 and $42.50, according to steamer. London $2.50 extra: Unird Class, $27.50--Vigtorign, $28.70 CURE anche and relievenll tho fronbles fnel Rok Hendarbo and 51 A Eo emch as | coming from distant. Budapest, Hun sea, Drowsiness, Distress after ary, a locality noted for it erent While their most | * CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yorks ET es that won't wear off Sold Only at btrachan's pardware | rte TE | They prompily. Teniove the @OOCOTOOTOTOO00V00000E circuistion an: | tion ee OF ee for S and jgns on Pap«= { | never grijo Of cause wu: at Get Crests Devils ap 1 a bottle of your dealer today take them 'Myers' for | COOKED | MEATS. curing and pire. hilo they also stimulate the | otend here,and those a these little pills valy- in their possession when they were ar that they mit potbawlh | resid at the point of a revolver have | ACHE athe bane of so many I! wemake our great boast, Ou Burdock Blded Bitters has saved me from i : arried he injured =hild Jo 8 eighboring drug store, the mother Dueronto, and sil local points. Trains years of suffering. It is with the greatest Reig OE ue rar. he. m The | ihatp City Ha de ot ails pu, 7 of pleasure and with a thankful heart man, came stumbling after, and when OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. that] give this testimonial, knowing that | (lc two reached where the hody of Burdock Blood Bitters has done so much | the boy la 1 7 Loand e at perfect liberty to ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL aN, nupy | for me, and you are at pe berty | Royal Mail Steamers. ase this forthe benefit of otherd similarly From St. John. From Halifax | gfflicted." Parisian, Sat. April. 1; Mon. Avril. 3. Victorian, Sat. Apr. Bavarian, Sat. Apr. 1 the wife laid the re sponsibility upon the man "You wmrderer,'" she screamed "von have killed him at last." Water In The Daily Diet. dnd other states gives © many thousands of peop try in this country is and many othe waters to the American market Counterfeiting Outfit A Fake | { { | ---------- | veniftheyonly | liam Gober and Samuel Fastow of } x0. fhe rich gildiogs of New York, arrested here, Sunday | | night, on suspicion of having counter feiti sole in their possession, were | astyrioelosstothosewho | rdered released by United States | somplaint; butforte- | (1 iccioner Wright, The tools found | been found. to he worthles } | Nature Revolts Against High sca (hat bere Is where Living r pillacure it while And it has set it's seul to it by ndd Liver Pills very small and ng to man ailments the scourge of WO s inakea dood | diabetes. Eminent medical men -untal Sold | disease, but Sonth American Kidney Cure has knocked down their pet ful 1 has proved itseli master ---------------------- Sir Thoma Shaughnessy sailed on th SS. Baltic for a briel recreation | HELPFUL MEDICAL HIN'S, Importance of Keeping Your Blood Purified. | Toes your head feel heavy and ache? Your throat dry, nose stopped up sad hot, no appe- tite, little chilly feelings creep along the spine, bands hot, feet cold, tongue furred, ayes bu; you feel sick all over? Ever fois this before! You are bili Nip it in thebud ; do the right thing first. ptoess will work wonders. Start using Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills, take two 0 foar ! You won't ad ho i bed Hime. auy more; will curs i ht. Don Cwait till you I do 03 Lo on it will take longer, but, even then, these pills will cure in 8 short time. rrve out the bil acenmuls. 8 § 8 i 4, restoring harmonious sction liver and bowels,' : Embossing Ext siiisss cure | lous attack, warm up you restore the ite free the blood 5 impurities. y are FOOO er and Envelopes. Lowe with om Bie them when aa ie 3 ure w from ENGRAVING of Letter Heads Heat mi They save you from Smity's Pineapple shd Butternut Fills care and Cards. oonstipadlory Dilowmoss headache in ous might. rs, 25 cen THE BRITISH WHIG, % | Ai genie signed W. E- Smith. Kingston. { BOOOOOODO0IFOOOOHBOOBN BocMITHS BUCHU P. a : OSSIBLY, SINCE ABEL WAS | Brey deop ef bloch ovr bork pd in but one way, and that is, from wholesome food. properly digest. od no other way and the While Drunk, John Rahill Threw }ifsa that a me in Tteedi can 'purify the blood or #pply new titsues nelieulons and on desrol that dyspep- i a germ disease, a weak tomach which refuses. to digest food can he made to do so by irritating and inflaming the bowel: by pills and te Tablets ndigestiop, sour' stomach gas and fly because they fur the digo ive principles which Abel is probably the Rahill swrder | kill wracked, his back broken. He | 1 and diastase ia it in weless to attempt to cure Aroihle by the use of : « * and "'Gathartio:' rit to madness, diel he began mot | whsolutely no digestive Wien the chill canw in frog play the | which have . power, and "1 will kill that _ehild. He is no | the , dinky, effets to give n tempor i the active principle in Stnart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 1,000 graing of meat, egys and similar experiments have this in a glass bot tle al proper temperature, but of course are much more effective in the stom There is probably no remedy ko wi versally ured ap Stuart's Tablets, be causa it is not only and his month working dreadially, | thé sick and ailing but well people who use them at every | assimilation of food. People who enjoy | etuart's Trbleta as regularly as they meals, because they want to keep wall, prevention is better than [ | cure, and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do both; they prevent indigretion and low tone, | fair health take | regular use of one or yo of them af tor meals will démonstrate their merit truck wit aside; then seid his son { and efficiency better than any other She writes :--*' Now imagine how joyous | /' 'and great was my surprise when a friend | © (1. window. The next | remember i particulars at K: & P. and C. of mine told me that Burdock Blood | | was down in the street, where the | FASHIONS FORM. -- Of The Latest Styles Just The important place that mineral | waters are taking as a daily necessity it very noticeable. The consumption | although enormous is- constantly in | creasing. The bottling of waters av 1 the various eprings in Maine, New York, Wisconsin, Colorado, California, loyment to . The indus comparative | lv recent date and received its impet ie from' the success of Apollinaris water, which. is bottled at a spring of thit name in Germany, Apollinaris began to have a la ale in the Un ited] States thirty vears ago, and to day i pame ix a household word A modizh calling. of 'reception gown hout the world. Another for | ¢ oocial. green oli sevsiely tailored ign wateg$hat has come into notice within the fast few pars is Apenta, | Cascades diwhite fnes fall from {the pointed shoniler yolte, giving o dressy effcet, A white hip hat with a COUN | pen tip and velvet is worn, an them Italy, France, Spain and Japan send well-known The Mystery of Stars. dias n boundless dome of her New Haven, Conn., March 30. Wil | tial lights that giltter through the God's architec of _Wan's terrestrial points of light they seem to mor incandescent vapors, faint and far a world tne vest for compre infinite heights beyond théught's longest " And still new worlds gleam in the far yet have reached man's vi re 7 L y but Taminaries Bf dur shadows t . id our night of dark ase no all its forms, Relief gn Our God alone can as HW OT He only knows wherefore fle fashioned cect Go JoWly hearts they ite hhars each whis mdiess as the heaven of doth there not shine things 'nu sweeler juean frond the light di 2 Some Good Reasons arp. buying their hier, The assortment los the newest, qual- | values the best, at Kingston's best hat ---- Mexico Will Give In. «An early sottle ked for hetween the and the Eldr Roblin governmen of the arge the boundaries mt that the lieuten assent Chown's Drug Store, holt or ene | Xow that tonics," shown _-- | and but we fall our evening fancy's farthest und is ours only dwrllers in von radiant He placed. them o for the highest of sArth----we are from earth-horn mists the estab ine between Canada the Mexican consul government Elder Demp to call at should be granted geparted in Winnipeg that the praposed to dis a protest Dominion pegard to wating Surprise in Great THE AN-HATER AND HOW POETIC JUSTICE FOILED HIM. Kept Vow for Sixty Years That Woman Should Cross His Threshold--A Woman Gets Hig This ix the story of a woman-hater and' postie justice : Isaiah Showers, of Webster Uity, Ini; kept a vow of sixty vears, that woman should over cross his thresh: onjoy a cont of his wealth, he is dead, the carefully drawn will hy whiok ' mathe gad hin vow has heen brokes, and the bulk oi the estate goes 10 the laek, and; unless the daughter of the woman bh ge Bde vount this strange vow wae Showers at the age of twenty start of out from New York state to muke kis fortune in the west. He left hind him a girl who had promised to become his wife whon he setablished a hame, Showers settled on a quarter section of rich connty; la, then a tractless prairie. He built a cottage an the Cedar rive er for hig bride, Then he made the journey hack to Yark State to dain found that in inagriod his brother, Without a word i" When his father, New hen his who was wealthy, died in New. York, he refused to parti; 1 to insure perfect digestion and sipate in the distribution of the estate because his brother was the adminis trator, Showers was not bothered {or many wears in Keeping the vow that no wee man should ever cross his throshhald, There was none within cabin, Then later the country became how. remove tt Whirs it gxiste, The {more thickly settled, and the woman hater built a high fence house, When he died he provided that none of his money should fit queathed one of lowa CLildron's home, and ee to the Fist Nethodist church. worth _ahout and prettier lot w Jarpot 10. to 9%e. a yard, and "Mik Wool Carpets, 0c. to 00¢, yard. Stair Carpets and Stair 0il Cloths, Matts from Hoc. to 85 each. Faglish Ligolinme, We to and, . 1 4 Cangdian Oil Cloths, pretty patterus | Japaness Matting, good Buy your carpet from us and no charge $00,000, Besides haf © T A L : A . farms 83.500 in pold was found in a " --- on . glass jar. : x dug ica . Relatives © contested tha will, and Mrs. Edward Price, daughter of the woman vouth, bolight, "up the claims, finally showed' the old man must have " * sncosded in. eomm- promising, the case, giving to each of the charitable institutions, £10,000 in lier Of the bequest. horn insane, and At Oso Station. Osa Station, March 20.<The people are beginning to tap their sugat hush. ex, Thomas Francis, of this place, bas removed to Kingston township, Quite a number from here attended the sale at George Greer's on the 20nd 'inst. ond © Miss Maggie Chambers, wore quietly married, on the Sth inet, Quite & number avouid |' hore ape on the wick lint, Robert Hen- firese, of Perth, in visiting friends Brown, Bloomfield, has been appoint. ol to the vacancy in the high occasioned hy the resignation of William Kemp, who has neeepted the position as Englisch ston Collegiate Institute, Are the best lines of $3.50 Men's Shoes 10 seen in the ¢ity. New styles, new toes new leathers--Vici Kid Velour Calf, Box Calf, Patent Colt, Tan Russia Calf, in all = New Spring Shapes. You don't have to buy $5 shoes to get a good shoe. We have them subscribed, ix being formed in Bloom fiold to build and operate au énnning of hailing a new church who spent the winter in Arizona, has returnad to town. Captain D. Christie See Our Window.' Ruturday afternoon, socrelary-tFaamirer, yuld be hord to find, Art Minds, oi "calor, from Loe Curtain Ihe. to $7.00 Muslin and Sewn inle, 100 to 48. a yard ee La prices, and £35 J. H. Sutherland & Bro. Kémp retumed 10 Tor WOrAN'S DELI Excursion To New York. New York Conteal has cancelled T the annupl spring exedrsion 16 Wash ington and sibstitoted an E good to return, leaving New York to thus giving Kester Sunday and fork rate in one fare for Time and money cannot be spent greater advantage tea) ticket agent for full information 18 Strictly Fresh Eggs, 25¢. ELVEY & BIRCH, | 69and 71 Brock 8t. ¥ GHT iy H she has the h ipstinet, is in 8 stove Bb! baker, and will turn opt 'a or dinner fit for the husband or guest. Range Nil do without, trite, sad wilh The sity of Louisville on federal grand jury holding four negroes "Ruch an array' of surgical instr ments. Come in and n Labatt's Atumpis were made to murder po lice officers in four cities in Russia, You can trust a medicine tested 60 years Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience withAyer's Sarsaparilla; the original Sar- saparilla; the strongest Sersa- parilla; the Sarsaparills the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, exhaustion, PORTE , our own, general debility, LASSE MCPARLAND, 4 'ISA PRIME Made from tested natural sp water, selected barley malt plead of the ehoicest. rowt) . ndoubtedly better sick and conval medicine.