i ing has been releas- Sarnia, Ont, knocked ol Detroit, in the of their bout, Wedues- Browne, once with Toron- a world's record at Mem: ing fromthe plate io first of San the ri y t, six Sound bout | with Jimmy Walsh of ton, Georges Hackenschmidt, "the Rus sian Lion," the Graco Roma: i n wrestl- ing champion of the world, has arriv- ed in San Francisco, on his way from ustralia. Big Jack Rothiuss, who was with r | Toronto for a while some seasons ago will battle with Carey for the first base position on the Rochester team, York | Charlie Kuhns is. a candidate for i shortstop, Champion Jeffries is eetly will- ing to aceammoddte Marvin Hart, and has stated his willingness to de Iders {fend his title agninst any white man, if they will put up a side bet and has entered upon | talk business. ty United States James Britt of San Francisco and ork. The former | Jabez White of England, have been _ many "cheap | matched to fight twenty rounds be- in Gotham, and { fore the Yosemite Athletic Club, on he | April 25th. They are to box under the Mamuis of Queensbury rules, and must weigh in at 133 pounds at two o'clock on the day of the contest. The meeting of the great shot-put- ters, W. W. Coe and Ralph Rose, at the Chicago games, attracted much attention, Lut the issue was disap gtd a mt pointing. Coe, who was" on scratch n ve been scatte with Rose, failed to qualify for the broadeast through Mobile, West Cen. finals, the best he could do being 45 Japanese | feet 1} inches, i bearing; sleeplessness. {om ~The medicin ee rest number of ge reeord 100 of female ills is Lydia lute ham's Vegetable Compotn : Bes. stre orga B of the female ases else can. that holds Te Ts? 3 F 5s £ IF y : oy be strong, curing YOUTHS SUITS |= ' itself PH) . -- Th at volume of unso- their sizes, 32 to 34 chest. We recognize the difficulty umn. -- The E00 y of which are from time to carrying unsalable suits we have ado DO evetablo Compound and and having them E i A ter- rs cs, kidney armation, weak ine ; ments, regulatin 3 ion' perfectly sad overcom. > . ins. It has h Youths are proverbially hard to please. The Bp preparing for childbiry average clothier is afraid to carry a heavy stock in soi the change 0 | joed snd grateful testimonials Suge . . A . a s in pleasing these particular young fellows, but insteag ed mia Sarrutary of cutting down our stock tg lessen the danger of a lished by permission, youd adopted the policy of inte evidence of the carrying a large number of suits Pinkhauw's adviee. made in patterns so attractive and cut so natty that Me ers--Every ailing woman 3 £ i ked to accept the vaasion, It is free, will § 5g TIE Elesk : | fa I piss het: » fl F 4 " Rose, however, -- hot rahe formed in good style, hoisting allowng weight 47 fee: try. oh a possess € M A i hey the tnt. oe kind of him, How amiable. Yet | will swarm west and drive (he Rus- ; and wants to fight | "ian out of Ned Ki gover up his awn re] )is, "Brake Rod had betise go 'out of thea | ulian "Globe Trotting Ned," is now until the halls of | in Chicago, his oki home, He hag 1,400 prisons "Texas Kid," alias "Cinders," Martin Luther (Risleben, G inches and winning Saxony, November 10th, 1183--Fisleben, Febru. They're Bound to Sell. In our new Spring Suits the prices begin as low as $5 and ascend by easy steps to $8.50. $10. $12, $12.50. SWAGGER SUITS EVERY ONE OF THEM P.S.--WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR BARRING- TON ENGLISH HATS. per- the miles in near. | 27Y 15th, 1546) was not only a great preacher; he was also a poet, greatest of the German hymnist "Ein Feste Burg" is common Luther's hymn. Heine calls it Marseillaise of the Réformation™; , paving spread like. wildfire everywhere on the lips of the Protestants, being sung the cottage, the workshop gregation. Based on the 46th psal SHll In Evidence. "God is our refuge and strength," a 2 in Season will soon expire, but the lohstérs re awaiting on opening of the 'race' tracks. wre 'Tndications that Tine There gre may be able to do even worse uwropatkin without trying very great conflict, it was forces of the reformation. lation into English Carlyle, who was made lation most generally made by Frederick Henry . Hed, CC The Passes. stirring tune, od 8 sublime thought, and its ins have combined to make this international hymns. tility of Luther is proven, since tl sung was also his composition. and the con born in the supreme hour of Luther's one of the potent One trans- by compared it to '"'a sound of Alpine avalanches." But the trans. used to-day was Massachusetts, in the last century. The German peaple have carried it with them into every land where they have gOBe, singing it over to the same soul. Its historic interest, its piring air one of the The versa- i! THE H. D. BIBBY CO. he Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. " Sees esseay in CLOTHES TO ORDER ! As you are already aware. we have opened a Tailor Shop in connection with our Ready.made Clothing Depart. ment ? : Until April 3rd We will make you a Tailored Suit, Tweed effects and English Worsteds, tailors sell for $22 and $25, for m, nd of in the latest Scotch the same that other he tune to which this hymn is always § 1 h 50 URE ® SEN A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing : Our helper he, amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe Doth Jock a work his woe : . 4 is craft and power are reat, oH deal. Correct. | 21% craft o with cruel hate, there' whon the | "On earth is not Lis equal came in November | Did we in our own strcogth confide, Our striving would be losing : Were not the right man on our side, The nan of God's own choosing, Dost ask who that may be ? Christ Josus, it is he ; a | Lord SBabaoth is his name ; Herald. . Dave Russell rises to explain get 8 "froeee' in the Strange, is it' not? that when : Statement of (he city's floating in- Tra be must win" the battle.' debtedness is required, the task of | Ana though this world, with devils filled it should be entrusted Should threaten to undo us ; y solicitor. The proper offi- | We will not fear, for God hath willed ial to prepare such a statement is His truth to triumph through us : Let goods and kindred so, the city treasurer, : * ---------- This mortal life also : Gots oath abies ein. of the territories, . & Sangster Dog Case. "His. kingdom is forever. ---- Sangster, March 29. --Owing to ihe have no use for Mr. Sif: | bad condition of the roads by the re . cent thaw, all travel here is stopped for a while. stage vonld not get through on Saturday. P. Corcoran n 'and family arrived here on the 15th [Campbell Bros., for fine hats. , like Tarte | from Newton Falls, N.Y., to take pos- session of hiy farm, Tentetl At John 3 " ichael Me- Donald has rented his farm to Jobn Hamilton and intends having an aue- A Ale al al ia stock and finple. yFeank Schindler, Alexandria autonomy bills, | meats tly. T. Y has shipped aving resigned this position ¥ v1 earlaad of mbox ok ingston. He | which he has held for the past six intends starting his saw mill shoruly, | years. having a large amount of customs | Choice pineapples at. reasonable work to do. The cheese meeting an- | prices, also a few Malaga grapes left . "Remember | nounced for Saturday, 25th, had to good and firm. W. J. Crothers. "Phone be postponed owing to the bad state | 141. - of the roads. Sugar-mmking is being | * The late George Janders, of Cape prepared for by several of the farm- | Vincent, N during his life reccived ers here, a pension $24 per month. Janders will be entitled ably will If it is berlain's and a by all been in Regina when bills were announced, ae talk of ev the te that there is more fuss 10° over them than in the he £ 2 5 i The Head That wears the crown would rest far easier in one of our $2 derbys. They are easy fiting and extra lig g g S. A. Maxwell, New York, engaged Norman Hinckley, of Cape Vinceut, N.XY., as captain of the yacht Luey Aun, and the houseboat Pamella, i Mrs. to and prob- receive a widow's pension. a bilious attack take Cham- and Liver Tablets Yuck ourd js" certain. For sale « The materials are 'the most attractive ever Kingston. You can see them in our window, workmanship and fit guaranteed. This is a chance to get a nice Spring Suit at a very low price. Remember that this offer stands good up till April 3rd. JOS. ABRAMSON, The People's Clothier, 180 Princess St Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. FREE HELP FOR M which will positively Jerm offered in Perfect the mar , thi ihe beadac . filing memo pear complete 01 "s treatment. money, TI treated serie: ent sent free with a of rales Our greatest successes have been her treatments, 1 his remedy in the Freach Germen armies, and the sol§. Couniries are dels, of strength and vitality, sample sent securely cedled in plain wrapper INE CO., P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal. We invite you to call and see the swellest ideas in Footwear, consisting of the very newest health and may save your 's Standing Invitation ow suffering fromany pWemen WOT are invited to ot i communicate with Mrs Pink- ET Lynn. Mass. All letters are 8 opened. read and answe ceived, De From symptoms given. hd trouble "may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery adrised. Oamade tring you » vast volume of ex- i ubel the Temale ills Mrs. robably Hes the very Mnowl- edge that will help your case. Sure] xn rich or poor, is very foolisl does not take advantage of this hon offer of assistance. -------------------------- [HE RECORD OF THE ROCKS. nmin Eng- jets © is earth a full and Ls! iiss on ABD entire long his- of the world's formation, in a ry almost as clear and distinct as # ehronicled by the historian, from that dim far off aeon when the gradu- ally forming crust of this planet Was a wething mass of half molten ro k, ght on through the long span, age alter age, acon after aeon, until J leaglh, perfect and beautiful, this orb of ous wa: complete for our habita fin. And this record is the testimony of the rocks themselves, which bear witness #0 clearly that he who re may wad the wonderful annals of those remote epochs. First of all we see the very skeleton of the earth, the granites, the basa s and other igneous rocks, which, ol molten and seething, belched forth vast volumes of dense asphaltic va- pour, enveloping the earth in a veil of Cmmerian dark , until, gratual v oxling, the mists commence 10 dis pirse, and the alternations of day and ight became apparent. And now for first time, life, which hitherto hod he m impossible, pears, at first of a lov type, jes Sp however, ascending Bigher and higher until the tepid wal @ swarm with fish and other forms of life. The mists have now in great Measure cleared away, the sun and moon dimly shone; the shrinking of the cooling earth causes the surface © wrinkle, and dry land in conse fsa is formed from the upheaved rocks, And now a period of extraordinary xuriousness of vegetation supervenes wider the influence of the warm, hu mil atmosphere, gemeration after eration of lofty tree-ferns, and oth. & varieties of cryptagams rapidly ing each other, and forming measures whence we ob Wi our priceless fuel. A lone aeon B® ensues during which the ocean those vast § s, scaling them BP beneath suoo eposits of lime- Sones and sands; again receding end leaving great continents of dry land. 8 i% now a period of stupendous Wolusion of animal life; not, however, ®ammalian, but enormous lizards, Gigantic reptiles, and giant amphibi SBE, ote monster which roamed over primeval plains, the Atlantosa wus, being nearly a hundred feet in bh, and standing thirty or more feet, high more the ocean covers some"of the eoutinents for a very lengthened di ve mw al in rms = OI. 88 GB this time peopled with un- | Bulbered pivrinds of minute shellfish, | it white, beautifully designed shells to the bottom and forming the This year we handle the "IN- Yast chalk strata which constitute the Willing downs and pure white clifis of by Geo. A. Slater, and the & i English const. Again alternately made by Walker & Whitman Meeding and advancing. * the great on at length settled down to its These are two of the best shoes Boal bounds: the fiat has gone forth ~Hitherto shalt thon come. and no ": the limits of the continents id lands are defmitely fived: and, Mast of all, mean takes his place 10 ¥e dominion over the earth. t though last created, } Maountly first. For his real isan (Mortal spirit, which will never to exist. And the spirit-life will Metermined by the darth life: those Wing the life of the righteous and Mg in the atonement for sin Made by the Redeemer inheriting in: SoMparahle glory; those who refuse. " *t their opinions above their Teator's, inheriting the wrath to Somme. sta, "Medical "Students' Chown's display ments, Interesting Chown's Drug Store. Fresh English marshmallows at Gib. son's Red © store. ought to see of surgical instru- prices quoted, shapes in Patent Colt, Box and Velour Qalf and Tan leathers. 3 FOR MEN -- VICTUS," made by "WAUKERZ SHOE of Boston, Mass, made.- is par 'ooked Meats, alio Sees be " iad Pork in nice Butta, for Boiling, 10¢. 1 Sliced Pork, Lean, 10 of uf is ar CHOCOLATES ! CHOCOLATES ! £ Ganong's G." B. Canadian Chocolates, the finest made in Canada, 50c, per pound. Cadbury's Cafe an Lait Eating Chocolates, 3 pack- ~ ages 25e¢. : A.J. REES, Princess St. Fug fs Ty 27 . Loins, 12{c. mW. . Onions, Parsley, Butter. Fresh Eggs & cholos stock of Groceries o