al P. R. wreck, near Dryden, ro § lion as to the. sports of the day there | we noticed the name of Mrs. J. N. the best known civil engineers in this il circumetan- in a growing demand. Men and boys | McCreary and daughter, Gladys, am. country, and so well i. abroad, fridiwds of the Whitney gov- read about hockey and baseball when | 7% the slightly injured, ) and so highly esteemed that he has ; hope that it san hold they will not read about anything and iy r nughter was born to Mr. | pean elected to membership in many out IN wolves of its La : re. F. 8. MeCoy, Peterboro, on of the most scientific bodies of Fur i againat ungry ols," aid they can tell of some results | Marck 2ist. The Ladies Aid of the ope. Jove party." The protest thus pre |. a marvellous way, Presbyterian church, realized some ---- i Senge and hy a friendly Segen. #1 Perhaps one reason for this is the 3s over rhe sala of wash articles and [ GOLDEN WEDDING not having its effect. provincial } io of mpeculation which attends the len Ackil i BH, a alate yy and hg. th | oy mat pots way br" te MoT bet A te ome 0 are yoarly t made illegitimate, by some people, by | few weeks, but in reported bet. erst Island. must be changes all along 'the line. betti by i o | Or at present writing. Mrs. (Rev.) | Napanee Reaver : 2? the betting and the wagering, These Tuesday, March 21st, witnessed The liquor trade is said to have as are carried on in the field so as to | + MacDonald, very ii} for the past very pleasant scene at the hom i sisted 10 return the few days, is reported a little better, yp n he at the homie o ! return Whitey party become a nuisance and an offence. Mrs, AE. Lang, Toronto, is the Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Howard, Emer- power, and the desire is to cultivate The press, however, is not account- | guest this week, of her mother, Mrs, | 2/9, Amherst Island. The event was the vote more and more in the ahle therefor, or for/ any other mis- ey Warner, John street, Miss Bel. | the celebration of their golden wed- party's interest. An la Honry has heen fined to the | 9ing. Fifty years ago Mr, Howard lod use of the privileges of the da ) con! o . pri + day. hbuse for the past week with a se. | Hi% blushing bride to the altar of St. ; The unfortunate death of the Max- vere eokd, James' church, To-day none the less An Appeal To People. ville young mun, as the result of | -- gallant he led her to (dinner, where a * Chown says the provincial seers. | | ney's misdirected blow, has caused SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Foodly Bunber of heir Siives end 4 . ont y m all, pa 0K a an, ab o ake J t 4 ain, ol fig Stains Dealt Sparingly of their hospitality, R. A. Panter in of gx movement § ay that it may nis! ' Philadelphia Telegraph; The oup of Joy rarely runs over if the bartender is watching vou, fram the field and the rink. To that end something should be done by the makers of the law and by the framers What can he said of the soldiers un- pe Linevitch, asks - said that they thing extends, but if it succeeds to] of athlotio regulations. If this is no o On The Run. any large extent it will make the | the result the trial at Cornwall a Vira Free Press. ) verdict wi J worst possible form of political ma the moralizing upon its the licende system of the have taken place in vain. Editorial Notes. Dr. Sproule has it that the Catho- lie church is lending people money to buy land so that way increase its tithes, Where did he get that yarn? an enquirer. It can also ran, Can't . Spare Them. Hamilton Times No, Mr. Whitney will not abolish the sucoeseion dues, They bring reve nue, aud that pays for much fractur- ed principle. th will eae on Butter is selling in Montreal at 30c. Toress Is He Narrow »- hers ix. no india on as to | Per 1b. An authority has it that the | TEMt0 Nows. Mr. Bourassa is Hike many another politician, who # autonomy for himself, but is not ready to concede it to others, price will not go higher, George it is hoped not, -- The Pducation Act will not be amended this session, Dr. Pyne is not likely to be minister long, and so he in tigt going to' try and amend any- thing. are 10 ho treats By St. Chown, in a signed article, temperance mon every: phate to be on the watch and "to prevent the selling ont of our cause trickstors." He continues: ~ at once that if this ofiect,"" the patronage upon sll matters in the' license 'hoard licogsa commindoners will he mere Dr. Wild's Belief. Hamilton Herald. v, Dr. Wild, of Toronto, says that Laurier is a Jesuit. We don't know about that; but we do know that Dr. Wild is an Anglo-Teraelite--and an Anglo-lsraelite will believe anything, ------ LIVED WITH CHICKENS § ---- Me. Bergeron, another conservative, has deserted his leader on the school question, He is only sorry that "he hoads, the license inupector will | could not vote for the autonomy bill But Blandford Character Had puppet of the petronage com. | before it was amended. $60,000 Estate. a, and the way is open for the Sir Mackenzie sat in the Commons' | The Woodstock Express of March MANAgers to exact any toll they gallery the other day and heard Sir |29th. had the following: HArgu- from liomse holders, the procecds be uped for party purposes." The' doctor is not an alarmist. He very oareful how he uses the infor: tion which reaches him, but he in Impressed seriously w he writes to the press in protest against ment is being heard here in an arbit- rution conducted by Judge Finkle, in the estate of late Alexander Fergu- som, of Blenshard, a rich old farmer, who died some time ago. Alexander Ferguson was known as the Abanker of Blandford. He leit an estate valued at $00,000. A number of the relatives representing the various branches of the family filed claims for provisions or services rendered during the old man's lifetime, and it was to adjudi cate upon these claims that the coun- ty judge was called to act as abritra: tor. The evidence was heard vester- day, when it was found that the old man was rather peculiar in his do mastic habits. In giving a descrivtion of his living apartments one witness said that the chickens roosted above the table from which he ate, and the dog was kept almost constantly in the room. When he died he had aceu- mulated-a-fortime of-$60,000, which is now among heirs." William . Mulock flagellate Mr. Foster. He neemed to enjoy it, too. Sir Mac kenzie can never become reconciled to the high kicker in his government. -- Hon. Rufus Curry, of Windsor, N. 8.. who was appointed senator with- out being consulted about it, has forfeited his seat. He refused to ac ospt, and never put in an appearance in the senate. It is a unique experi- mee, Lawson And His Work. The Standard Of Trust's methods fare to be examined into by the gov- ernment, This, it is sonounced, is the of Lawson's work, Lawson of "Frenzied Finance" fame, He has been | making war on the 'trusts and with g most trenchant pen that has been the, way, it is surprising to dig into the very Several men are aching for the seat in Centre Toronto, vacated by Mr. Clark's death. The man who has the | call is Fred. Dane, Orange County Master. The lodges control the vote in Toronto, and they are to be exons od when they want the representation, F being dustributed \ e-- hin Manitoba's government contemplates things, how he applies (he | an appeal to the people as a means of ru 3 of the skill of one who knows | emphasizing ite demands for moire George Kady, a=. haa been appoint : to out, how far and how | territory, The appeal may aceentuate Jo gisirate lor Renfrew, without salary. so lay bare the bad spots | the attack on the Laurier government, U. MN. Wilson, Napanee, has been ap. great commercial corpus. There [but it will not enlarge the provinee's Jointed crown prosecutor of Picton boundaries. The federal government will not be bullied into action. Ey MARTYRDOM DESCRIBED -- The Toronto News endorses the Tele- gram's position, and declares against the removal of the local chief license inspector. "It wonld be a ghave mis take," it says, "for Mr. Whitney to sanction his dismissal." Is the Whit humour, too, running through the : The author has the faculty of © | presenting conditions or results in a : and Kingston Man Tells How He Suf- fered and How He Was Re- leased. - "For years a mar r . : pr," i ¢ Charles 0 artistie, Tr ney government subject to sound ad- we Powell, of 105 : jew remarkable © man--yemarkably in | vice 3 Fi street, King. : ® ton, ft Ezena Relieved In A Day. No y a Dr. Agnes's Ointment will oure this to chromic constipa- skin disease without fail. tion, but now 1 am cure barbers toh, tettor, «free from it and ail salt rheum, and all skin ions. In t the use of to six nights it will cure | Chas. H. Powell. Dr. sonhardt's and itching piles. One Anti Pill" application 1 the! Many who are now suffering from most irritating cases. 33 cents, At | this complaint will be glad to learn | all. draggists. 111. from Mr, Powell's story that there is -------------- hope for the most stubborn case. He continues : Holds On To The Cup. Brockville, Ont., April 1.--There row 'in Leeds County Hoe-| posteseion wp, The Strathoonas of were the wi of claim stipation by it. dightoon years abd had taken tons of stuff as cures but which me worse rather tha> better. told me there was no cure for Leonhardt's Anti-Pill is for sale all © or by The Wilson Special to the Whig. democrats of lowa are gathering here son's birthday. The affair is expectod - lin a loom, and but for the breaking of a belt her scalp would have been torn JOHN F. WALLACE. al to the Whig. 0 ashington, April 1.--Chief Engineer John PF, Wallace, wil probably beth actual working head of the Panama canal commission under the reorgani- zation of that body, and is Jike- ly to be the real builder of the canal under the president's determination to intrust that work to the ablest man the country can produce, He is one of Sy propoting the health of Mr, and Mrs, Howard, made 4 very bright little speech in which he pointed out the difference between the present celebra- tion and the ome filty years ago. In the first one the bridal couple were looking forward with every hope and ambition, and now they were looking back on a life that had made them respected and loved by all present, A number of beautiful presents were re- ceived and with each one the love and respect of the giver, Mr, and Mrs. Howard have the best wishes of their many friends, who all hope they will he able to preside at vot another celebration of the happy event, ---------- WORSHIPPERS OF "WAK' -- And Also Polygamists When They Can Afford It, London, April 1. The Daily ¥xpress publishes the following : The Borans, a strange people inhabiting the from tier between British East Africa and Abyssinia, are described in a report by Capt. Maud, R. E., and A, EK, Butter, who have heen making a gov. emment survey there, YOUTHS SUITS | } ~-- Youths are proverbially hard to please. The ; average clothier is afraid to carry a heavy stock in their sizes, 32 to 34 chest. We recognize the difficulty in pleasing these particular.young fellows, but instead of cutting down our stock to lessen the danger of carrying unsalable suits we have adopted the policy of carrying a large number of suits and having them, made in patterns so attractive and cut so natty that They're Bound to Sell. In our new Spring Suits the prices begin as low as $5 and ascend by easy steps to $8.50. $10, $12, $12.50. SWAGGER SUITS EVERY ONE OF THEM. P. S.--WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR BARRING- TON ENGLISH HATS. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. ® Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. a of S80 SRLS wooden Back- WHY wy avd Taube, where you can get E. B. EDDY'S FIBRE WARE Articles which last so MUCH LONGER for broportionately LESS MONEY. Can be had In . s For Tubs, Pails, Wash Basins, etc. | £:. Always and everywhere EDDY'S MATCHES, Class J. A. HENDRY, Agent ~~» Kingston. | The tribe are polygamists when they . i ; A SHOWN GREAT ATTENTION player, had her for his partner. Lord can afford it, and by religion thay Charles Montague also paid her much worshipped the spirit 'Wak, Which re lypg: 3, J. Astor is -Causing a | attention, while>Lord Brooke e. yuireg constant propitiation. This js o . lighted to find in her a ie done by sacrificing their children and Sensation. YNitener to his many exciting cattle, London, March 31.---Mrs. John Ja- ev aaat = A Boran of any marries becomes a "raba." and for a certain period after marriage, varving {1 from four to eight years, ed to "throw away" any children |e that are hom to him to appease Wak. After this period he becomes "gudda,"' he is oblig- | t a and keeps his children, t t At Chaffey's Locks. N Chafiey's Locks, March 31.11. f1.|! Fleming, while crossing Opinicon lake, had the misfortune of getting his horse | ¢ in twice. Fortunately plenty sistance being near they got him out without much difficulty. TT. Simmons has two carpenters employed erecting | It & stable and drivehonse, J. Woodruff has his /mill well advanced and will have it (completed during the surgmer | ® School is progressing favorably undec | b as the management of Miss Lucy Murphy. | F. G, Littlejohn intends moving here | h in a few days, th tena Another Violin Prodigy Appears. P London, April 1.--8till . anothe violin prodigy made his English debut standing when he | cob Astor is : sensation in London society. She has or receptions. bodice embroidered with colored wings ences in the far cast. Mrs. Astor cxercises a wonderful®at traction wherever she goes. Mis. Ca endish Bentinck gave a smart dinner for her, as did Mrs. Leggett, who ha the, Mgrchioness of Granby, La Charles ons sig and Prince Licht enstein to meet her, She is looking for a house in 1 don, and admits that Mrs. Chauncey in Hertford street would suit, hut it seems - they are mot very good friends again creating a great een inundated with invitations, and his week received three a night, eith- r for bridge dinners, musical parties, One night she dined with the Coun- ess of Kilmorey and the king's set, he Hon. Mrs. Greville, Lady Saville, Irs. George Cavendish-Bentinck, and «ord Acheson being present. Mrs. Astor was the best dressed of he women, in rich cream satin, the Even The Doctors Say So and necklace of various colored gems Ask them about vour corns the to match. This dinner was arranged | pre cription is invariably one bottle or her to meet the king, hut after alt | of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor guests were settled at the last mo Fifty years in mse, certain nd ment a message came from the palace | prompt. Use only 'Putnam's.' aying the king's throat was so bad 5 e could not venture out, and con- "Furniture cream' that do s ail aining a good natured comment that that's required, at Chown's Drug is disappointment was greater than | Store, hat of his hostess. William Henry Watson died at Mrs. Astor looked splendid. Prince home in Linden, Genesee county, Mich 'oklewski, first secretary of the Rus- | March 26th, 1905. He was born in sian logation, and a noted bridgé { Bloomfield. at Queen's hall this week when the dienco shouted itself hoarse over his wonderful playing. He js a Russian named Mischa Elman, thirteen years | old, and had previously performed with great success in Berlin and St, Petersburg. Critics unanimously praise his tone and technique, some going so far as to say his playing has a touch of the miraculous, ------ Democratic Love Feast. an in Moines, la., April 1.--Prominent for the banquet to) be held at the Sa very to-night in celebration of Jefer- to be a notable one. James B. Weaver will act as toastmaster and the list of scheduled spoakers includes the names ! of William J. Bryon, of Nebraska, and Gov. Johns a, of Minnesota. Want to try an experiment? Then take any one of the hundreds of new medicines on the market. They come, they go, and are soon forgotten. Or want to be cured? Then take a medicine that has been tested and tried, generation after genera- Caught In Mpchinery. Poterboro, April 1---Miss Minnfe Wilkins, while employed at a loom in the Colonie! Weaving company's fae- tory, had her hair accidently caught off. She was very painfully injured, ------ Tt is stated that no less than five of kx mew stenm and gasoline launches will be brought out at Smith's Falls this spring. ; Miss Cecil Gladvs Berry, Brockville, ix dead, aged nineteen, after an ill. ness of some months, She was an active worker in the Methodist church. vie Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. a Powell will verify very. word oi Buy blood purifier at Gibson's Red | Cross drug store. Fresh there. | b tion. A medicine that has been a household remedy for sixty years. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ; : Intelligent, thoughtful Zed people are relying more and more upon this old standard preparation. ate br 3 es, Arr SAY Por the hair. AYER'S PILLS " SRA pre. ATES TRIP ERRL PBS. 11s sone. MISS JUL Meci- t letter to Tho Peruna } ° Miss Julia Marlowe of Now Tok Cty, bas the following to say of i Re glad to write my endorse: pent of the great remedy, Peruna, si a nerve tonic. 1 do so mos yeartily."~-Julia Marlowe. Servousness is very common amon women. This condition is due to anemi .=g-penters. The nerve centers ar es panrYoirs of nervous vitality. Thes iio become bloodless for want o . putrition. This is especially tru In spring season. Every spring Johol invalids aro produced as the di f weak nerves. Re be easily obviated by th weof Peruna. Peruna strikes at th woh of the difficulty by correcting th digwtion. Digestion furnishes nutr $10,000 forfeit if we c ziter and signature of a demonstrates its full gem SALE. FOR 1018, , 14 AND 16 PEMBROK]) IR sewer and water on street Apply I. Bawden, 38 Clarence St S000 BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SID] street, between Montreal an Apply 49 Colhorna street Sfisying Things at Satisfying Price Clove Leaf Salmon (Saturday only), ting ......... 15 0, Veo ol Salmon per tin... 15 Sardines, 6 tins ............ 25 Sardines, Crossed Fish Brand {thoice) per tin ....... ( I's Condensed Tomato Soup, per tin ate sk dein i and Vermicille, 2 pkg Fioe Table Salt, 3 bags in, 3 cans . California, Prunes, 6 Ibs. . Sewing Figs, 5 tbs. ...... Fine y 2 Ibs, Sweet Oran per doz c., 20 Biter Oranges, per doz. I.W. VANLUVEN 246 Princess St. Phone 4i7. PEARL STICK PIN! FOR GENTLEMEN We have at present a complete sho Bg of these goods, small and dain " (in 14k, paved with pearl ing really new are the GRAD Hews in whole (round) pear] teed not prove expensive; v bey Pretty pins at all prices. SMITH BROS JEWELE] RS OPTICIANS 350 KINC ST. NOTICE House.Cleaning Season Here. Get your Carpets and Rugs Cleaned by our Electric Carpet ¢ leaner. Thotough Work at ate Call or moderate 1 'phone 542 HARVEY MILNE : 212 BACOT STREET. "| Printing Business For Sa PRINTING BUSINESS OF 711 4 John J Schell, consisting of Press ard toe. Cutting Machine, Ca Sal Stock in trade. In comnect th, are now offered for sale L is in first ciass conditi Yoga ¥% inspected at the late place For ellington St Particulars, apply to J. J. BEUAN C. M. B. A. Ofticy uy 271 King St., W York, wives special care in prim In anced pupils thoraug henry and bractice. "Te And gag 1 myhome 638, or send po: --~-- personally. TAKE NOTICE DONT spy "LL Youn STOVES, F Sin, Carnets Gent's Clothes Booty He. Try 1 ver that LTO, ThE sEoowp.gamD DRA! 39% Princess Street. . a