ite a Post Carg RITISH ngs you a Free Sampe ol | PILLS > sample of GIN PILLS roubles, snd sign yo: ipt of this card, we wil le, free of any cost to + 0 those who have perv ve any Kidney Disease the sample oy DATLY MEMORANDA. City Council, 8 pm Committee, 4 pm, Calvary church Kingston Yacht Club. when a patient has the mumps, LO.O.F., Tatsday sfternoon stands on ceremony often deserves to be sat down upon This day in history and, 1900 : Washington Irving Spring --with its new life and suit. Do You Need Either? A "FIT-REFORM" Suit will clothe uw grandly and give you new life. The quality is superior and the price er shades will be worn this sea- Our new patterns ly winning us favor. E: P. Jenkins Clothing Company TAKE NOTICE poN'T SELL YOUR STOVES, F BEAUTIFUL LAMPS! cul with . and and you will find the it with a B. aut SBOOND-HAND DEALER, A large variety just opened, exquisite designs, from the very cheapest to the most claborate. ROBERTSON BROS. AUCTION SALES Book with the Leading GIRLS--APPLY AT IMPERTAL LAUN- 15¢. per set, highest prices and best buyer Surplus Furniture For Saturday Sales Wanted. JOHN H. MILLS REVIVAL MEETING TO-NIGHT CALVARY CHURCH Cor. Charles and Bagot Streets. nt, 2 Sets for 25¢ .Y & BIRCH 71 Brock Street. I ee ------= THO SALESMEN, THOSE HAVING A McFaul, Carpet Warehouse BER TO DO PLAIN SEWING AT home. week. Ladies' Supply FASHION'S FORM. 20 PURCHASE A 5 OR 6 ROOMED Of The Latest Styles Just BANDSMEN OUT OF PEMPLOYMENT or hag to make a change, should giving necessary particulars rom St D class certificate for Roma D. Carey, Secretary, Oates, P.O sonvocation of Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, convocation « livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done CLASS AGENT FOR THE «0 Lord Send a Revival and good man a first class will be required. Apply nedy Supt., 114 Brock St ttt | ARE YOU INDEPENDENT, OR HAVE Get out of slaver Teta , to rshall Tokio, April 3 man forea drove the Misnhuachich and lage and southern Show you the way. Started thousands on the rcr------------------EPRA EMERGENT MEETING, hot water heating and all modern im- provements ; possession May 1st Ap ply 249 Brock street Cann, 51 Brock Street that White silk embroidery finis eocdking, day Poly to Stéacy & Steacy Rheumatic Pains Quickly The excruciating pair paren oe -- ALBERT ST.-FROM y nmext, that commodious dwell resent occupied hy W. ; situate on Albert St, surprise: and delight of sulierers. The quick which it afiords is alone times its post, Foresale THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT 1 jately occupied by Mr, Hen. vy with large yard Offers will be re- S. 0. E. 8. S. hi & Walkem, solicitors, Er ----------------CTE A-- Henry Cunningham, MeArlov's book store. MARKET--PARTIES new canning factory at 1 PRR- cok sted, address, Rox 501, Whig office A CARD. sewer and water om street Apply 1. Bawden, 88 Clarence St vecupted by Sheldon ie A A AAA 00D BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen bet: ly 49 Colhorne street. give entire satisfaction ¥ TB. M. P.U. Masons and Plasters to attend a specisl TONIGHT at B pn AND BICYCLE. 24 dop Tires and new » . reasons for selling. ta W. J. Fair, Kingston. Ont HE T a - 8 Couldn't Fave Sat On Lap. # BLACK VALISE With mame atteched. lense return fo Russell Howse tt ---------- Rehr, a wealthy brewer, ix being sued for 250,000 for alienation of the afiee Mr. Rahr has a fifty-six and weighs 250 pounds. Much of in the neighborhood of bis) In the testimony on behalf A BLACK AND h on he Rive for his return to 148 nyone harboring this dog thls notice Hl be prosceuted . Caledonia, } Stooks, a chief of the Six Nation In- diane, was instantly killed by a pas sengér train running Buffalo to-night about ome hund ards from Caledonia elation. He was trying to catch the front end of the rear conch, and, missing his foot ; ing, fell under the last truck which | Two fires in Montreal caused a loss | this spring call at Lemmon & passed over his body. ame roving property snd vagine for advertisement. Ft, Pedi deks on the stand, he was ordered - he minister of 'crown lands for On Foi he has applieations for im't a small woman, to sit on. KINGSTON, ONTAR JUARN CRIES Heard From Russian Cor. respondents At Front. JAPANESE TROO APPROACHING NEAR TO KIR- IN AND BETUNA. Peace Obscured to the Whig London, April 3 ~The Times' corres at. St i reports col mens approaching , continub to be telegraphed by Ruséian correspondents, mt the gene ral stall declares that noting serious is 10 be expected for several weeks" Tokio Reports from Manchuria show Times' + Russians are much more thoroughly has hitherto been evident ence is that they do not contemplate recovering the situation Leave Only A Screen Gunshu Pass, April 3.- ports, which 'may bho taken for they ure worfh, state that the Japan 2 leaving before front only a serwon, capable with the th NMukden ortifications and garrisons, of in cheek Gen. Linevitch, transferring the bulk to Viadivostok, wide movemont Tritsihar. The situation Gen. Mistehenko has moved forward into close touch Japanese, and keeps skirmishing ed Still Retreating. Tokio, April 3. The Russian centre is reported to be still retreating with the Japanese following indication of an early resumption of fighting on a large scale Is Buying Bonds. London, April 8.--A despatch St. Potersburg, April 3rd, says Imperial Bank is © making nrchases- of J which have points in consequence reted as a sign of peace Potersburg says another in- ternal loan of 100,000,000 will short ly be issued Tow" 8, Petersburg "The prospect of intérnal peace which was brightened by the expected representatives of the people, is again obscured by the low ering clouds of reaction sion. The czar appears ill-disposed to listen to any advice, actionary courtiers proceeding apace in all empire, the only exception being Fin land, and this is due to the interces sion of the empress dowager." A Japanese Win. A part of the Kay BRITAIN AND FRANCE Proceeding With the tiation Special to the Whig Bermingham, sss, and French these negotiations anid they have heen the fll knowledge amd explicitly given onsent of both Russia and Japan What Russia Will De. Petersburg, April to the peace reports circalated on the Russia will portion of the Idan of Saghalien to Japan and agree that Manchuria and Korea are permanently Russian spheres of influence, and Eastern Chinese railroad will be turn over to Japan for or to an international syndicate A GREAT DISTILLERY to Be Reared at Walkerville, Ont. Special to the Whig. Walkerville, Hiram Walker & erecting a monster will be the will double the Indian Chief Killed. Ont. by Repressive Measures--Czar Listéns Only to Reactionary Courtiers--Japan- ese Transfer * Bulk of Armies to Vladivostok. reared, ahd RIL wae informed that And for fair," was the rtiott of John Oliv tion of her of justier, S ture did not SBNtRIn a proper elenfent Montreal, of justice, fair, though instances Was tended "to presented the § woman Justice as -B An owoman OOM oy surnight. y Thomas Finn, who may die, through Mongolia to other lawyers The resolution gw: majority, 2 elsewhere . bo Pr prominent | of the Ontario'bar, tin conducted a large stock farm, im porting some of the finest stock ever was born in Ireland, ecighty-two years ago. He was a grandson of the cele Special to the Whig. Eng., despite the deniald print the negotiations preliminaries have genuinely, within the I'he paper declares that the governments have been acting upon the knowledge were in progress, i Dy MONDAY, APR'L 3, 1008. LS OE pa Ad aa Nim [OTHER IN A DREAM. | | Parents Whom He ever Knew : April 2 An b -- advertise dnseried in the news out the conntey hy LT Jon yeas ald | Despatches From Near And Distant Places. present address of hie ME he hao not seen dines | in the New York ion when a baby | EVENTS OF THE DAY BUST to dee him, Every the dream has teour bcome so impreSad wing 10 find his par GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. aving failed mnfly SIBLE FORM, . He was visited re -------- parents at the New thers Tha terest Everybody for a vear, and then a ¢ Int . init, where he = wis ~--Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, Fred. Dane, county Orange master, has decided that he will not be a can: didate in Centre Toronto To. Judge Trunx, New York, has sctab- Mt Reason Should Be lished a new record by trying eighty. Kept Of of Tuy Box. ons divorce cases Inst month, 1 3. wo ahs arrenis have been issued for the London, 3 omen are Sh larrest of FF. H, Stephens ahd A Craigie) yin the course Henderson, English: cotton spocula- the Hardwicke Society | OT George William Hadley, hotel keeper, gf for him wer not ARE UNFAIR oh ar that no jury is som 4 ! plete Women ns members, | Brandon, will apply for divorce from There were ral distinguished de. | M# Wile, Tsabella Clarke Bradley, Win: haters on hotlside: of tho question, | YE¥ Was against participa Mrs, Calixte Grifle, a lady seventy: in the administration | 10UF Years of age, 'was killed by an declared that 'theif na- eleetric ear on Notre Dame street, in were bv hature un vornediua Murphy and his wife wero de unfnirfess in some | Jound dead in bed at Niagara-on-the: source of fascination, | 10k, having beew asphyxiated. by Where woulthiiien get sympathy, she coal gos , > naked, if wo were impartial ¥ Com The body of G. H. Storms, Merrit: tinwing, She Sal thai experience show. | ton, missing for several months, was od, heggaver, Bat women wore not ine | found in the Welland canal. Ho was { TH , and ari rightly re Bity-five years of age impersonating | Daniel Shame is under arrest, at blindiolded, because Toronto, charged with inflicting ter fot be trusted 10 se ible wounds with a jack-knife upon and Kokewich and 1. P. Shonts, president of. the Toledo, sd in the debate, St. Louis and Western railrond, Justices Darl the Isthmian canal contmission. 3 Sptuye Grund, seventy-two, hag wills RTIN DEAD od his estate of $100,000 to Kansas City, Mo., to he used in the erection , and Later Stock of & hotel as a memorial to himesll, F- I A Chicago physician says a one JOHN RB April 3~John R, 88.8 spray for the throat will prevent ton years ures wpinal meningitis-or "spotted fever,' i, is dead. He was a coming "here, but "The © During his : nd county, Mr. Mar 8 OF protesting N Cretan rebels. ought into Canada. Mr. Martin house supply boat. lish parliaments, ROW. IN WARSAW most famous has ever had ~Forty Wounded. Warsaw, April 8.--A serious eon kind of a trance flict ocourred, last might, in Dszika ' M. G. Cameron, MPP. for West street, where a Jewish socialist soci- Huron, against whose retum a peti: ety, known as the Bun, had organized tion was filed, has entered a cotnter- a demonstration. The troops, which petition agminst his opponent, Pudi odme to disperse the gathering, fired | Holmes, whose qualification is he] into the erowd, - killing four persons, President Joseph Smith, head of the abd wounding forty others, all Jews (Mormon church, has bought €7,000 Other disturbances ave reported to acres of land in Alberta, NWT, and have occurred, The streets had been fropates to establish a colony of ormons. The price paid was sbout patrolled throughout the day, the authorities having anticipated trou | $100,000 uheasines: and Nervousness, Special to the Wiig. in in readiness for the reception of |Irainmg and died of general weakness. Me will be escorted threugh the princi pal business and residential sections The president will be met at the train at Third and: A streets, and conduct til a fow years ago and never had serious hieiden avenue to the Galt House, His escort rans. The strects through which the | Killing and Wounding. distinguished visitor will travel have | grocial to the Whi morrow will be very great Municipal Ownership The Issue i Pl we Whig, Sogeia) 10 the WWE 0 1 e Georosst | Prohibited the sale of revnivers antl mo momentous municipal cam | -- paigns in the politieal history of Chi A Blizgard Raging engo, came to an end to-day, Tomor | Bpecial to the Whig Ont., April 3. Messrs, distillery, which largest capacity of the pre sent plant, Plans for the erection of a rack warchouge 30 hold 4,000 barrels have been completed, house, together with one to hold 26, 000 barrels, will be built shortly, The expenditure on the distillery erected, together with the rack house, will be in the neighborhood of $306, fi 10 mere wing the ensuing two in throughout Central Alberta, last VOArs fio demooratic candidate for evening, nnd that, in consequence, 'mayor in Jud Edward F. Dunne, of much anxiety is exproased for sheep the circuit court and the republican and even cattle. The weather for the candidate, John M, Harlan, son of the | past six weeks has been almost sum United Stat ipreme court justice metlike, and seeding in com Jotad The socialists have a ticket in the | that the mow will supply needed field, headed by John Collins, as the | moistars, mayoralty condidate, and a fourth ticket has been put up by the, prohi bitionists with (liver M. Stewart at ite head City ownership of street rail®ays is | sd Rails To Go Forward. Special to the Whiz. i prominently in the campaign, Cet Forty Per Cent Special to the Whiz St, Petesst nounced tha - been largely submeribed and that ap | Pacifie, plicants will be alloted only forty por ---------------- . cont When you want paiwy, varnish amd i ar ett pans brushes for . decorating your house of $125,000. | renson's and wee their stock, in a hurry forgot them, | she went awdy. A few winutes afterwirds she discovered her loss, "BUS it was too Jats, they were gone. The police ure making strenuous offorts to recover the jewellery. ch hai given a South Shields rather Hilboult . Om Ypdennan a, oe " carry out this comm . ws rejected by a large decided to accept the chairmanship of tn And Jumps: Out- of Boat Into River Sr doom" NWA, Apel 1=Bikdie orrin, aged ten, eldest son o business man hers linm Perrin, a while in & boat with other h tordny, got frighteed, and into the river, He was resoved . H. Leslie, hut the doctors to restore cent. solution of earbolie acid ed John MeClintoek, as the "Lord's Farm," Park Ridge, N.J,, who was Rnd for sightBlivoars was crown at. KNOWN a8 "John the Baptist," coms torney for sand sounty. He mitted sujeide by shooting himsell with WoThaurs, . - ei pros : owed use of foreign troops against y_ all winter, sank | ¥ pe. op We 1 as. The only parts' of the vivibis dre the tops of her two masts. She in. owned uw Capt. Quinn, of city, and is va about Shiv plind between Kingston ports of the north shore last season. Sho wat frosen in the bay last Dee cember, while her owner was endeavors ing to make arrangements for winter dockage iw department of marine and fisher- jos bus purchased the steel steamer Seguin from the Parry Sound Lumber brated Col. Richaed Martin, of Con. [OWPAnY and will us her av 4 light: nendara, who répresented Galway be fore the union of the Irish and Eng William Henry Meeker, eighty ¢hree years old, is dead, at New Rochelle, N.Y. of old wr He was one of the nele Toms the stage : a a---- Jobn Stefller, New: York, arrested Results in Killing of Four People |; 0" uvine (wo women in oho Any, claims he doesn't recall doing so, and pleads that he must have been in somo A Galician Wit Badly Beaten by inn off, a sensibility and slmost murdered by y is kan countrymen ble. Condi here } New York will shorten the daily wottmla ron ole. Conditions causing much ew ork i « o ily aire oA . | a hool period of 85,000 children from will pull dy . five to three and a hall hours and Ready To Welcome Roosevelt | Sholish the study of these fads : Be ler. jing, physiology, hygiene, music, draw y Louisville, Ky., April 3. Everything | ing, organized gnmes, and physical Aftigan Sompnny hate has resid» wr, that the yi over the Zobesi . viver, the on world,, wad linked up seven o'clock Saturday moming, thus completing snother link in the chain of the Cape to Cairo railway, : President Roosewslt, who ix due to | Hugh MeGroarty, one of the frst arrive here to-morrow morming Ab | miners in the anthracite region, is owt two and a Ball hours 'will he dead in Wilkesharre, at the age of 102 spent here, and during that time the He retained his faculties to the last, resident will deliver an address and : Groarty worked hard in the mines um werious di:turbance near on Saturday, aridig out of a strike of Chinese miners. Tho police were called upon to restore ofder, and in the conflict which ensued several of the police and many Chinamen were injured, Numerous arcests were made, wd through the ity by way of Third | POLICEMAN'S ASSASSIN DEAD will be composed of Confederate vete | Cossacks Attack Pedestrians, been decorated lavishly, Thousands of Lodz, Russian Wotand, April 8. ~The visitors irom all over Kentucky and | would-be assassin of Police Commis many from across the Ohio river in | sioner Szabaloviez is dead. He never Indiana are in the city to see the | rogained consciousness after heing out president, snd the outpouring to [down by & policeman, Conxiderable ex ! citement war cansed, at midnight, by wo Consacks, who attacked four pe destrions, killing two, snd wonnding the others, The goveonot general has Special Lo the Whi row the voters will east (heir ballots | Winnipeg, April 3.--A Calgary de for a mavor and other city officers | patch says that a wovere blizzard set Nerd mine, at Jerome, owned Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, April 3. The woner Agawa is being loaded with | the. question that. has figured \most | 500 tons of steel rails, which will be went to Port Arthur for the Canadian ese Pacific railway. at the opening of navigation. It is seid that there will be un heavy movement of steel rails urg, April 3. It is an | all the season from here for fhe Can the internal loen bas | aditn Pacific and the Grand Trunk a ---- ------------ BOY GETS FRIGHTENED » him, though they ed 81 ued at ts 500. LIKELY PULL THROUGH. ---- omrades. Le Un ril "3. ~H. Vinton: Galician, was beaten into - in- Over Zambesi River. London, April 3.-"The British South t in the Riot Near Krugetedofp, Johannesburg, April 3.-There was a Loss By A Fire. i". Guplph, Ont., April 3.-At noom, to~ day, fire Broke oat in the roomed! the Tavior Forbes Co. Be fore it was subdued it did damage to the amdiint of $1,500; sovered by in "urance. ------------ Result Of An Explosion. Hpecinl to the Whig. Proseott, Avie, April 8.--A% the re snlt of mn explosion in the United five-others seriously injured, -------- For the nine months of the year the United = States de ficit in NT Chea : Lover's YZ (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap P is better than other Senator Clark, five mon are dead Rd fiscal Footwear. Wear "Allen's'"' -Bootmakeres; 84 Brook St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. cloths. The choosing is not hard our magnificent stocks, and the | are oxiraordinary low =~ VOILES-- ~All lo SH TWEEDS- Mixe MOHAIRS--Rradford To see our goods is. and a pleasure for ua Krugersdorp | Eng! The Famous Oka Cheese Wo tive at present a complete 8