er reve |CHARTRAND DEAD.JA RENARKABLESTI, They Are Saying And Doing. four clothes W lo ill last twice as . only : Woman Tells of Her Fours i too, if washed he G. Lockett preached in Bolleville | HE PASSED AWAY MONDAY Yours of Suffering teen 3 ° . "D. Hicks, B.A., Kingston, has been] MORNING IN HOTEL DIEU, 5 Fron hia : 1 : inted principal of Woodbridge / Y., vom Saku), % puiiie' sshoul, Prof { French in Royal shy ory : on p Rev. Dr, Antliff About the | John Brydge, Kingeton, kas gone to o'essor. of x y: ing how much, yp y \ rse things easie: Revision AE aus Abou the Calgary, ah - will conser the Military College -- Served ing a w man ut § It w i cleanser, nd is bo: : for permanent - set theament. Eighteen Years With Distine- Car and vet five u ly. pu" an Services at Calvary Church. a Counc Sydenham street, is + Mes, IT ree iis perfect y. Pp Street Methodist 2 18 Landon" come i EauSe ually with hs # i rs, | P getting better slowly, after several tion in the Frenrh Army. ol NAC sor "re o ili iY, save them. Jel Collinson left this morning for | sor of French at the Royal Military Mrs. H. J. Rehor S of : : rubbing. no luetrg, 4 Reborn 159 1 Born, "ladies' chorus ren- | TOE severe suffeing. Capt. Joseph D. Chartrand, profes- boiling. oo Potsdam, N.Y,, where he will remain | College, died early Monday morning hl Try Sunhigh, for the summer months, in the Hotel Dieu, where he had been | child, fourteen You may kave your mo fied. are DOL S51 mies birth of ok Years F. R. Nicolle left on Saturday for | confined for come time, suffering from tion became troublesome Toronto and will proosed from there | liver trouble. o ious pills and medicines | on Wednesday to the Pacific coast. Capt. Chartrand was born at St. give: temporary relief, Gordon Kave, Toronto, has been | Vincent de Paul, November 22nd. and the y but they seemed to lose their in appointed captain of the M. T. Co, | 1563. He went through a college | the condition became WOTse " Adv for the coming sea: | course at Terrebonne College, Masson. | have used fally fifty differ Love conto ) ° : LY 1 "nt remeadi He started studying law in 1870, but At times I would hav SB fon. Py © No refgeh Mr. and Mrs, Breslin left for | Soon gave it up to go to Red River | for food, and what | (iq h from -- led for two miles in the three Growing In Favor. lo, » "at wonld Face, and was beaten 100 yards Rev. Dr. Antliff, during the course | Toronto, yestiday afternoon. A [with the second expedition, unde: | distress my stomach. (1, woul | | ls : ; ior A ; : : : £ . Be- i rise; headache 1 Festlose sermon Queen t Metho- | 1 i f Hebrew friends at the | command of Col. Osborne-Smith, Be and ' a ® and show the shampion twenty-footer of 5 gry bin ee ra Xothe station nid hom Arne 4° Hare that he' had graduated at the | bearing-down pain, kiche, aug i that the revised version of the Sorip- | Charles P. Templeton, Napanee, who | Montreal military school, then eom- gradually 1 hegan to tecognize tures was year by year growing in | has just completed his third year in | manded . by Lieut. ol. D'orsomens, | loss of strength, easily tir, favor and was being regarded as the | medicine at a will aét as elini- | in 157]. He obtained his first and er feeling fully rested. the best translation yet given the | cal assistant mt Rockwood Hospital, | sccond class certificates. In February, My bushand brought ! world of the original manuscripts. "Joseph Redmond, late of Kingston, | 1576, he was appointed a captain and | bottle of a new medicine called Ang; i There was the same opposition to the | contributed to "The Live Wire" of St. | adjutant in the 65¢h Battalion. In Pill and from the first 1 began to jn King James version 8% has been ex- | Louis, a humorous article upon elec the wenntie, he Jd been Connectil pron: I od Shpctite -- : perienced with the' latest revision. trical enterprise, besides several- illus a 2 Ta oY, ay aha wn comfortable, Anti-Pill oD in - or Auif in a eholudly Midrem ~ om, Harris, who has charge | 157%, then at the National, of Hon. gentle In i action, and yet it cureq a (an y ) wt ' B sn. 1 = Vv terribly obstinate cop tion an i ELT = = [the Christian church as found J of the party making the B. W. & N. | Laframboise. In fact Capt. Chary. | TY Sorribiy Shel wall + Ustipation and AY jim 1. Timothy ili, '16, "and | R. extension survey, is in Brookuille Tau us ives a hoo When | Every Druggist 'sells this wonder | TRUN RYSTEM without coutroversy great'is the mvs- | for consultation with Mr. Zimmerman, | pected with the Montreal press, When Anti-Pill that cured Mrs, Repro ful hi J & "Twenty-seven horses tery of Godliness; * God was manifest | (on general manager. he was in Europe and Africa, he was ' Mrs. Rehorn, 80) Ty el Wong them being Moifas, | in the. fesh, funtiied a a spint, | A. G. Dobbie" & Gor--Brockville, | for years phe i orTespandent Fait 6 pa 0, uced Fares owned by King Edward VII. seen of Angels, preiched to the | have secured the services of J. Prat- ainie, 0 chee. Paugrand, and 1'Elec » ) f------ Gentiles, believed on in the world, re- | chet, electrician, of Kingston, who | to0r: of Quebec. - 77 C . v 'a 1 r Baseball Tips. ceived up into glory." His remarks | will have full charge of the electrical In 1577 Capt. Chartrand went to He 3 to Pacific Coast Or pe i . s France and enlisted as a private sol Utica has si Pitcher Madison. | on the revised version 'were due to | department and work in connection Fieri Rorad ] . : : : 4 1905. mde capa of he 1001 ora, en | mr Gs A | Arn, a ork i Erie. Ti nial om hy Ak | The Only Guarani ina ah 10 Yay 100, 1008. lay shortstop, i : in place of "God," a change that was | Mr. and Mrs. M.- Breslin, Mr. and | cod wn VERE ered ah a 4 Class Colopis Pat Powers still reigns supreme in | hotly criticised when the. new trans Mre. H., Yanover and daughter, Miss rite at rifle slicoting. ow or the whole PILE CURE pion 10 Vancouver, Hav Eastern Leagts in spite of the | ation eame out. Gertie Yanover, Mrs. Yanover, Toron- n Es pon "aso - 16 Who, Rin, ¥ictoris, VO $46.30 efforts of Buffalo ond Ba timore to to, and H. Carson, Rochester, who | ME® _n ATI: h . ¢ was a, 1 81 box, 3 for £2.50 oa, 'Trail, Robson, > have him turned down Holding Services. ohent the week with Mr. aud Mrs. id Po n a " ; Te 5 ire lien. Salt Ca . ' ows b . LONANES, Oo onstantine, a. n Ee , Sal i Manager Hatley has received the At the revival servies in Calvary Situulsy, foil ia the wedding, re 1886 he war made a professor of for da, Butte, Helena, a $438.30 § signed contract of Pitcher Fred, Fal church last night, Mr. Lowes spoke | "une! home yesterday. : tification, and musketry at the mili- £ 3 JakS mr = ver. Pueblo $48.80 kenburg, who has betn coaching the | on. the t need of val of | yaviliam 8. 'Anglin, Kingston Mills, tary school of St. Hippolyte du F. - pSurinks, DAVE: dion $18.05 en A 4 on the great n of a reviva of 1 will leave on Tuesday for Winni og. ary ool of St, Hippoly du Fort cisco, LoS Angeles ee University of Illinois team. Falken: Agonizing prayer fof the unsaved, if ; Rip Gard, where he siayed four years. In Prax 3 leave Kingston | 4 t th berg was the best pitcher in the Eas. | we were going to have the joy of | ®70 Other paris of the North-West. Ho 188% 'he. wis made a lieuenont in the Slepng ave at 2.26 a.m. ng a tern League Inst weason, seeing them seeking the Ay Xill_make his future hue there. Mr. 27th Battalion of Chasseurs Alpins, The great system treatment fio, - Be accommodation ae FitKots hunger, "Doc™ Amole who pitched for Buf. Many Christians were 'Stirred to give nglin has been a popular young re- | 20 Mentone, and on the 4th of May he | box, 3 for $1.95. First or hereof as far as | souring falo in the Eastern Loague two years themselves to a life of prayer and og of the Mille, and his departure | i} promoted to a captaincy in {he . Qiao and lest minal charge is} pit of tl will | ago, and who formerly served wouth- number of seekers went into the en he Fegretiad % any. tod. if 7th Chasseurs Alpins, at Nice." Capt Wa sell and recommend these o F%r berths, Which way be you glo And it [paw twists in the American and Nati- | quity room and were dealt with hy | o Rajriage. J *poriec. Irom. | fharirand: served eighteen years in : or h advance. d are a dy: " : : x Shanghai, China, on Shrove Tuesday, i : Think ai i remedies, ravel bv the Gran y! know not! onal + will twirl for the Syra- | the workers. Mr. Lowes will speak t aT Walmal : > | the Fronch army, of which eight were Por Comfort T oid st t have hoon fic us State Laagun team this weason, | this evening on The Second Coming Tate ab a Mas: ¥ Massey. Jon of the colonial campaigns, and two war cam. frank Railway System. av . anhattan College defeated Yale in | of Christ." 5 A : BR i y amu : Bae . AANLBY, Agent, drink at the Bt of th Rn oy fn in ----- Miss Emeline, fourth daughter of the | P3EN" He assisted at three fight "FREE SAM PLE J.P A F the al, and ney. me home a better apd Variab : . : io streets ; . oa in Sud. Oranais, against Bon-Amema, Gust Johnston and Outer et regulate 0, the third 4 Fine Musical Service, ' jute € apt. YS hillipm, RA. for. chief of native rebels, on the fron orma base : 3 5 PY. of srdshire, 'ng. he he Soman Ju. She Jasons lub _ A very fine mugical service was heJd | bride is a nicce of Mrs. W S. Parker. | ou. twice lightly wounded 1 the , distingui dmadil in | in St, Andrew's church last evening. | of Colborne street, Kingston. a ted i aroun acs ane then eotions : were Gauls v promote 0 Chevalier de la Legion , t 6 '9 torio, ** so iam. d'Honeur, for good services, bravery Th bases, practically cinching the game. orto, at The Holy City a lis REV. DR. STONE DEAD, and oficicnev in campaign. Booides 1. e "Best Drug Store, "Zimmy" is said to ba a ever all: | "Eye Hath Not Seen," by Miss Bea. ------ : has the colonial medal for his L. T. BEST round ll player, and another prize | trice Tandy, and "These Are They," | ¢ Was Well Known in Meth. colonial campaigns, > * ? r Manager Harley. : fast losi : ; : ee : state of arley by Miss Perley. Rev. Dr. Mackie odist Circles. . Capt. Chartrand retired from the Chemist and Optician, Smn---- preached A . fh . shed an effective sermon from the| Rev. Dr. Stone, Sault Ste. Marie, a | French army in 1805, returned to 121 Princess Street, "Phone 5 han gian Northwest Dyspele The Ring text in Revel "We shal ] ! : ag lations ; * L see | prominent minister of the Methodist Ladada, Whats he guided La Javan ee eae ts will leave yea i is face," and at its conclusion the | church, lately retired, died, sudden Jf Sationale. In September, 1897, he ac- Seftiers and their afiac n Schell savy a hits glo song of the recent Welsh reviv: | at Parry Sound. stn . <4 cepted a professorship at the Royal 25¢ BIRD TONIC FR Jus a $.10 a1. every Burdoe} he starts 3 ey ine I ing on the words. of the text, | Rev. 8. G. Stone, D.D., was born | Military College, Kingston, and has Sata. But his med ne free by er fing ua i March & Aprii| aay1fe : yore mm bak X Y ©. quartets donsisting of | March 28th, 1836, in the counte. of ota: jonnected with it ever wince, : ast a why During and am i Miss Perley, Miss Tandy, Mr. Stran Northumberland, = He converted | While in France, Capt. Chartrand | <2 oe a oR: tiki - a Suption are or Bd the | and Mr. 'raig, the conglgation Join at Norham in the 'same cowry iy the Wrote a great many military studies IRD ¥.safidagh business. offers i Ican e Hal! "Fait of) otball ing in the chorus at the end. fall of 1857, and entered the ministers on dificrent subjocts, organization of Kid seed phic he stars etfood, mod ty Phore Colanlét Sleeper will be attaclied to | after-efl \ oe rr ors 4 Joo -------------- in 1861. His first appointment was to | Military schools, mucketry, cadres of ! : Aer ires Lor reply stamp. Address exscly A tnin from Renfrew. to recor ty for heavyweight honors. GAVE GOOD SHOW Ottawa city and his second to Brock. | infantry Feit. also wrote literary | COTTAM BIRD SEED, * 8, Loodes, ou. ers Guide and full var- | 1 fect gt Sang Sock tana id Sullivan . ville. His third second term was at works Expeditions Autour de Ma | ---- -" | Cony ot Settlers tained from Ticket 0 w Ottawa, and his fourth appoint Tente," at Plon, Nourrit & Cie, Rue | Oona a " night. Corbett claimed a foul | "Dora Thess! Sempany at the |... 10 Napanee: For vight oun tment Qaeunciore, Paris, and "Souvenirs de . 5 rand. was editor of the Canada Christin St. Maixent," and "Au Pays des 31 Jt, but gave the Den- ¢' the dramatization | Advocate, and seven years of the thor Etapes," ut Charles Lavanzelle, 1) Exquisite boy five winutes in which to re of Bertha M. Clay's novel, was pre- | he was agent of the Methodist Epis- | St. Andre des Arts, Paris and Limo D ress BUR] Nat Miss 1 says of "Last v For the Asking < oN& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN . PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Colonist Special Trains -T0 THE -- tiers of Moroceo, near Figuig. He : and at the bat, whacked out The sel a three-base hit, with three men on . is i oi Fad points during March and Fil Yay low rates to Pacific Coast mand pT te, sented by Rowland and Clifford, at J copal Book Room in Hamilton. After | ges. He was made a member of "Lg hl ice, Ontario Street Montreal exchange says: Accord: | ihe Grand, Saturday, "matinee and | the union he was associate editor of | Societe des Gens do Lettres EB Ticket Hse it GER JR ing ia, the shicciated Press reports | evening, and was greeted': with fair- | the Christian Guardian until - the con Prance" for these ~ three Ir oxwAY, ¥. A: FOLGE . receiv: in Montreal, there was some sized houses 1 i . ference in 1887, when he was stationed | It is to be remarked very queer about that Hart i a" Hoth ocrasions. The i : ' ' ' ' \ ' particulars at K: & P. and ©. ' Gen: Supt. roducti ot Parkdale; his last int Chartrand i keg that Capt. Fabrics ' ay, 1 pon : ales, tis last appointment be- | C and is the firs / ohnson fight at San Francisco, Hart Bn lon, as a popular price attrac appointimen i ' ' ' ' ' ' ( gs 74F de - = last works, £ z= 4 at Po g ay . : and only I y ILWAY 4 wed considerable - merit, | I°¢ Sault Ste. Marie. He was well | French-Canadian who over attained or is ul show Wo w |i RA was given the decision, hut he was and is far above the average of 'the | K10%n in Kingvton, having preached | to the rank of an officer in the French wlio s beautiful, she j Eng , far more battered up than was John- attractions of this class. The plot isin Brock Street Methodist church' on | army. : Chene, we present some of Mer short line for Tweed, Nagano son, who showed himself thiouyhout interesting and - better than<tha" or: yatious occasions, Capt. Chartrand for some years handshmest effects that Dermto, and all local points. ¥ rains i be the clever | gina type and the sce ev, F. B. Stratton was an old | wrote for the Whig, his "Sayings and hlv 5 1 y Jepot at 3:25 p.m. da h I. the Whig, ousibly be made to By Jun City Hall Depc t was significant that he re- gy Dad appro ery dnd stage friend of the deceased and was sad Comments' which appeared from time bos ay Re 8 QNEAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. P frained from hitting Hart when he the stack. variety, dened when he learned of the death, {to time, furnishing acceptable reading. for Shirt Waist Suits, which a might have knocked his head into the ' senting the drama i= told to him by a Whig reporter while | The quaint points which the writer so popular this spring moder $ rn -- xt Sontesmion. It is openly nsserted with several artists of ability and he was at his daughter's home, Prin. | brought out showed an overflowing ately priced : ' VEREOOL oi that the fight was thrown to Hart, so and the costumes : : Sess (Turoet. He said: "Dr. Stone's | Mind of originality He also contri- : : ALLA ha 1 RRY . " o a. . y. LONDONDE that he might have a chance to meet Be. snkively. Suita N LINE ' : 2. 4 H ' ble. Mi a Ni . \ y p social qualities brightened and cheer | biited regularly to La Patrie, where - Mall Steamers. Jeffrios.. The latter has again and took Cuba Niblo in Aitle rol ¢ i oly St. John, From Halifax ¢ ' the § many a home during his pastoral | his articles met with equal success, again stated that he will not fight a Isabell hinge onal pete pablo snd, work, as well as with all he cane in The captain was of a quiet 'and re. Raincoats actin, Suv. Apr. 81 Non. Apr. 17 fat your 4 vo me | negro, and that barred Johnson, who lainess. Edith Danby was hot and | contact. His pulpit and platform ahi. | served nature. but made many friends Sat. Apr. 15; Mon. Apr. 1 Res a : tom We it in black as pitch, attractive as Dora's friend and ithe lity No Hare than ordinary. A racy, | wherever he went. Surviving are hig The newest and most stylishl $ . Sat. Ap ; us Fors be hes to-mor: nenday), | | -------------- " clear, logical and pleasing speaker he | wife, one son ard one daughter. made Raincoats are to be sen ES 01 135 ' wr A he to come tod w oe WAS MOCK ARREST, formed the vecoihe. company only. thee rected hed accepaner be the The feral will take Tlace kom here. They ol Raves stim. ' : | Fa 4 have s 3 . | throngs who heard him. As evidence | the Hotel Dien at 9.15 a.m. Tuesday. ahd newness that at once ¢ | thi eh to to You that 1 Had Strange Experience in Peter. ae pany ut had» nig 'the of his administrative ability we found | to St. Mary's cathedral, where a the wearer as being a "le te HE 50" extra: T | 13 ; much better of for o ' sucooss with whith they havh met i filling many important fuitions sdlewn Eequiem Wass will be sung, As Sne uate Prices range fr ¢ Megmer. Loi § eXLIa ann vo E. frantie. Please bor ugh 0 . He w er. m- 'apt. C « « iw 0 10 $0. existing cir- | George N, Prown, organizer of the TRI feronce delegate at iy all gs witers Ta Toeral wir be to | LOR, and well known here, was a : Girl Of The Streets. gatherings. He was once resident of {under military auspices, but the If | very last Thursday. He Miss Lillian Mortimer, anthot of | the Toronto conference. e stations | Cadets and officers of the Royal Mili- ended an meet: | "Girl of the Stheets," at the ; Grand | whore he labored were greatly blessed | tary College will atte d. Hosier on Thursday, has ploved" that it is { bY his labors in all departmenrr 0 | atm y ments and end accommodation o ond Acwm Liverpool. and ~~ Londonderr: : and $ Belfast, ' : NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. ¢ Lagrentian Thurs. Apr. 13, ¢ ¢ Hist Cabin, $ Glin, $3511 27.50. §ov ¥ 4 r Our line of Black Cott n Hose Farther Barc on application to | § | HOt necessary in writing » melodrama Dentmtuts St his financial capacity Worn Inpared ed on ar i Pp, HANLL: # Agent. GTR. Clay 4 arrest. is intended for the popular | are to ound on most of his fields. INCIDENTS : BE yD Eh pot. J. ya g he joke Swe wut He was tried wo priced houses, that Ro tives lines | fe leaves a widow and children tq OF THE MAY, . ve. Special mention might $ Chee 0 DU. WME 8 member of a secret society and | op situations be ih cod mourn with the church in his sydd EO aL 45 Mrs. Brown as an accomplice, Finally to attract attention, of onder death." an | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Hermsdorf *'Gloss-0-Silk" Du TER GO TO BERMUDA 1 | when the cass had usknown, malaria impossible. of a wmoralist, but her thrashed vat Her play is not written from the Reporters On Their Rounds. with doublo soles, spliced heels Cr : q . SH T-- = dl g Ante ck: ex y le t alse olncke ULE ior [be wat aoquitiad and ok o salve 10 standby THE STRIKE SETTLED There wan u blank docket at the | § gad, Kuarantoed fast black: Eh ui autor PY Ture | 3 ! a dignity was presented managers claim that it dos present : police court this morning 2 oe. Bm Sellingy 1; 25th March and week- Mes. Young stated that this letter with a handsome gold ioture of life n the ete I Col. Buchan, ROO" ng. ne ee. Wt 10th, and 25 an add to her husband. and | locket rs. Hrow Ne of continent, exposing | The Carpenters Are ' Back to : ter. EN bourg, last' week, inspecting the ar- ¢ "WINTER CRUISES GQ TO sirata that Work. -- [ A moury, preparatory - to the govern: ¢ "WEST INDIES s Prize " , - | The differences botween the contrac ment taking over the building. ® dn trip. About 20 days in tropics them : & } y to ; a : fore, tors and their carpenter employees | Always buy--seidlitz powders at ? from Naw ah rrg nich satisfactorily settled on Saturday | Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Frech Prssssncascsscsccscssccced a --- Demerara every . . night and the wen roturned to work | there. For further pi u- - which he so proudly represents, Lemmon % straet this morning. Mayor MoFarlane, when According to a case tried in Toron- to A, BE OUTERBRILL a yes The La rr Kingston, em "oid Pps ge ' | spoken to in regard to the settlement, | to, no man, except he is marked jur ooo H 6% ¢ $444 for Quelres 2 * ARTHUR ve . Boyd. wall . dirconnt sath of Bit ay declined, in no uncertain manner, to {or on the municipal voters' list, can é ) BRN, Secretary. Quebec, or Tirockville has lost & highly esteem: cot all wall paper Sh. leon perl ive any information whatsoever, but [be forced to serve on a' coroner's , and to J. P. GILVER- Fi Baek os ho. ae aie OF In Re. Soom morsiiagn, Tony phontere ah {Sst ha te mina agaccver but [be fe ° ee cus: Ania Bhenion wel, I dun wna A * AG sary information. The whole w ; ons heer lila ofall ne gol ack al | robin betes opts hy | | Vat nay eu to Youne' ** NCL AND BUSINESS. | stock This sale will on Monday, | ®™Ployees was evidently the result of But he's the cleverest of men 3 i] gS . e will start on Monday. | misunderstanding, and the Saturd, Who learns to. hold his tongue UWRPOOL. LoxpoN Gap Grobe] oS April 3rd nf ui : . SI AY The Whip ack lod : Wsurance Company. Available | I ; s night meeting smoothed over the dif g Acknowledges the receipt é invita ti { 461,187,315. In. addition to | 3 ficulty. The result is that the em. | Of an invitation of the officers of 'the annel the 'policy holders have for your ho i 5 a em- | 2 A ion > 87.211 will Pay un hk decorn ployess will be paid the $2.50 per Canadian Society of Pittsburg, Pa., He - room Meurity the unlimited liability aif ow nine hour day, and the eight-hour | 10 the opening of the s of the so- Er a imited lability ----. o " ble Sw day on 'Suturday will be paid in the | ciety, 1 Bessemer building Sixth "Mate, Ee a a ar Fiving Why Was He Appointed. Sumy Proportion at the rate of $2.99 Street and Duquesne Way, on Apeil | 5% business get rates from Strange A Frontense resi Cap- | a day. . ga A Strange, Agents. The, cause of the Jeakage in the wat: overseer when he is ahsent "on the Scraping Of The Streets. ever' system. at the Locomotive steamer Kingston By the. end of 'the to works has not vet been discovered. y Another test will ¢ ted that the Taping of the om will probably be made ne *R POLICIES COVER MORE ON ngs and contents than any oth tompany offers. Exabine them at This af > - (For open fire places) Wiwi's Tnsurdocs Emporium, Mark. | ---- strects will be comme 3 his afternoon the wat. of 2 i 3 CORRE are quite tor thar apting erworks' committee will consider the : . Sr 3 matter, % 7 2 5 T | The rset building chi Anthony Decker, who died in Toron- $ on NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- to, from an overdose of paregoric wag second floor over Mahood's drug; TH given attention. an expert engraver. He was conviet: THIS IS SPLEYDID VALUE. Pore { y Corner Princess and Bagot . E.On : Enterance Bagot street | ready for scraping, as there SOR | Years ago of making Nol R...? 808. on or. Ki ; k five and ten dollars bill «We will deliver in it much joe at the Jower ond. Some | UF Ban : rs bills oly of this "will = pi ----, hat a and was sent to Kingston penitenti- | o small quantities, 1 LT TE RCHITECT, OF- road may dry up saomer. ary for five years, : E site of New Drill Hall gear oor p : The spring examinations in connee: ------------ e---- 5 th ith the 1 NB 1 ME of Queen aud Montreal Stre oa | with reners aspita = Bow tong Rehool for * witses bere n JANES SWIFT & C0. & SON ARCHITECT, MEN. *% today. Six nurses are writing og the Ea We Bank Building, corner Brock finale. The graduating class' to receive Telephone 13S. at Wellington streets. 'Phond 212 . diplomas at the annual exercises dn FY yo eT AROHIERT. Wo the 14th will number about fifteen. -c Anchor Banaine. Market J. ~