THE DAILY 'WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL' 3. Hl ree SERGT. TS iN A PosITION . STARTLED - CHURCH.) 2 To a. DIED ON SUNDAY, UNDER of Mr. Cross. PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES. | A -------------- ET - EE -------- | PAT. WGEE a For Office Luncheons The busy man, who aa't Bome at Nostine, Te 2 iw learned to keep a jar of Armour's Extract of Beef at the office. A ¥ teaspoonful to a cup of hot water, provides strength and vitality, energy and brain power for the rest of the day, Sold by all grocers and druggists. ARMOUR LIMITED, Toronto , Sole packers and shippers for Cansda ------ port YOUN ANGE | Not until this afterncen did the ego 5 woMAle'S STRA sul 'comsnittes of the civie finance ACT DURING SERVICE. committee eet 10 consider the fin ance report uf Mes Cross - the street railway. seems 10 have been jBecited Poem From Chancel-Re- {some misunderstanding 10 the sumed Seat in Front Pew After chairman of the subcommitter, Reciting Stanzas of Religious | though the duty devolved upon Ald, Poem King, as his name was the first in the Montreal motion made at the meeting last Mra, Havergal's poem, "What Will | Wednesday evening U3 Md. Neck. The You Do Without *" hy a young wa- mance. ie the An Onc a man from the steps before the chan: fetuotn 16 nd to make come ropart ol rail, was the remarkable incident I the ry comnail this evening iat first startled and then awed the cornell i dec nd ey of St. Martin's church Wisthert_ tht ation roct ul in ffs tha divine. smvice ypurecing leave it over for another woek The incident ooeurred immediately after the offertory had been presented, > scarcely be told. It would seem as Nomen is Very Rare--He i A L ) g : i As the sidesmen returned to their though there would have 0 be a postponement, beoawse outside of a H wuts the congregation, and the few metliors af he Bhan Sommsties, Idren Make Happy H rector, Rev, GQ. Osborne Troop, laid | Tne th Fone of the rope "whi 5 Omes, 5 the collection plate upon the com: eh a : given publicity, at p en . " ble, while reciting the offer. | SHOW ave been g mee, "God is not unrighte- that He should forget your work ---- Had Lived An Adventurous Lite-- | Was a Crimean. Pensioner--A Color-Sergeant (in 47th Regt. --Caretaker of the Collegiate Institute. The death of Patrick MoGes, a man widely known in the city amd vicinity, ooourred,at his home on Upper William street, during Sunday night, the eis cumstances surrounding his decense bes ing of a peculiar nature, Ris death occurred some time during the night, and hix dead body was discoveréd by his wife, in bed, this morning. Among the neighbors of the de ceased the Meee home, on William: street, hax not the very heat reputa tion, owing to affair of a disorderly nature which have taken place there, During the last three or four days the condition of affairs has been ospecially as April 3. --The recital of oan in nian once in order to have it fully under -- stood. Nothing is to bo or has been 1 NVIGTUS shoe for well-dressed men. enough to insure a perfect but is as low as a shoe of "character can be sold. Been' Suffered Intense Pain Around The Heart For Four Years. and labor that proceedeth of love," a voung woman stepped quietly from a front pew, and took her stand upon the ps of the chancel, facing the congregation. With open book in front of her she waited for the last words of the offertory sentence: Then, as Rev. Mr. Troop was about to eom- mence the prayer for the church mili- tant, the opening lines of the poem, "1 eould not do without thine, Jesus is mare to mei. fell upgn the aston ished ears of rector and his congrega gained by withholding the rport. In stead, the whole question is likely to he delaved a week through the desire of the majority of the finance com- | mittee to keep seoret something that { hax no right to be 80 regarded and kept. The matter is of too vital in {terest to the public to be withheld and the finance sommitice, in View of | many people, including some alder ! men have made a mistake in not giv ing aut a statement before this. bad, several men with reputations, by no means the best, having heen wak- ing the house their headquarters for a drunken spree. Coroner Kilborn was notified of the circumstances this morning, and order ed that a post mortem be held this afternoon at which it could be decided il an inquest were necessary. The re mains wore removed, this morning, to 8. 8, Corbett's undertaking rooms, to await investigation The deceased was aged about six ty-sevenh years, and had lved a life of ---- 'esido a cheaper shoe, the dlffer- A PITTSBURG TRAGEDY tion. Without tremor . or break the moe 18 unmistakable. voung woman went through the long poem of thirteen stanzas of eight lines each. The® poem finished, the w more than usual adventures and changes of fortune. He served in the Crimean war, holding the rank of ser grant, and has drawn his peasion an such for many years past. Since living in Kingston he had been colorsergeant in the 47th Rogiment for nearly fifteen wears, and he was also carétaker, and drill instructor. at the Collegiate in stitute for a long term of yeara. Of recent years he has boen engaged as caretaker for several city office build ings, He was a man of many good charaeterintics,and a fow failings, and had many friends who willeregrot his unfortunate death, Tho deceased was twice married, his first wife having died about six years ago and since then he hod again married. He leaves four children hy his first marriage; Mary, the eldest, aged about twenty years, and three vaunger children, Annie, Maggie and John st \ . \ Men who want appearance, sat- 'Was Very Dizzy. wear, and solld comfort, i should wear the "Invictus Shoe." Smits 7 Be citer resumed her and the FoR SALE AT Four Boxes of tor 'proceeded with the service. Walton, "after five minutes' conversa . The incident, due probably to the | tion with his wife, last night, killed The Sawyer Milburn's Heart and efiects .of a mind rt on re- | her by cutting her throat with a rar Shoe Store| Nerve Pills ligious matters, was the more remark. | or, and then, after eutting his own 9!2 PRINCESS STREIT. Effected a Complete Cure, Man Murders Wife and Cuts His Throat. Pittsburg, Pa, April 2--Jobn C seat, reo \ able from the fact that the reciter is | throat, walked to the office of a phys known as one of the:most unostenta- | ician, 300 yards distant, and expired tious retiring members of the congre. ' Just as the police officers were about gation. A devoted church worker, she to place him under arrest . ranks as the most efficient teacher in | The double tragedy was enacted od the Sunday school. She had been pre- ! the dinin -room of the house occupies sent with other teachers at an early bY Mrs. alton's mother, Mrs Elian communion 'service, and in addition beth E. Hackett, in the rn to the morning service, attended Sun There were no witnesses and what day school in the afternoon and ser passed between, husband and ' wile vice in the evening. While the poem prior to Walton's p. WIL probhanly was recited without hesitancy and DOYIT Be known. bed ak tremor, the words Teached to the | The couple high Ee Ton . children, farthest corner of the church, there ded ago and heel We Walton was an evident effort at self Spt Ne husband, ae a scorn po the papi ou the Ie and her through the good offices of her mother act see on be A hi ' DH solution taken with deliberation and Wither is Mette Ste forethought. After the first moment "Walton and children returning to of surprise the attitude of rector and Jo" Sother's home. When Walton's congregation was one ol awe rather ong year-old daughter, Bessie, an than astonishment at an act so far re- | ood the bell to Jet the father in the oved from the traditions of the ! house, last night, he was heard to English church serviee, Kiss the little one and send her for the mother. Mrs. Walton went to meet { her husband. In about five minutes a , shriek from the waman brought the family quickly to the dining-room, where they found Mrs. Walton lying on a couch. She died within a minute, Ga The Fit of a Shoe -- a... "QUEEN QUALITY" is the one shoe for women that gives perfect comfort as well as style and wear. : Many women want style and appearance in a shoe ; others want comfort and fit. > bless | of my child, for it helped me gi ne de- | Poy and also made pA ng, ver'y glad to recon. emale pnd ¥eotabis Compotnd » all a ; a an sel sun 1 iy no an 0 8 ham's| Mrs. Mae P. Wharry, S sfully the North Shore Oratorial pall use it | The Norman, Milwaukee, Wis writes entire Dear Mrs, Joos i for five years and They are a specific for all, troublés arising from a weak condition ot the heart or from the nervous system. For troubles such as Palpitation of the Heart, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Faint or Dizzy Spells, of Breath, Starting in the Sleep; Cold, Clammy Hands or Feet, Brain Fag, etc., we would strongly advise the early use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, as this remedy, taken in time, has been the means of saving many a life, and restoring stenith to those who were weak, nervous, h . shattered invalids. Mrs. BE. Kilmer, Humberstone, Ont., writes :--** Allow me to tell you of the t results I have derived from Mil- on Heart and Nerve Pills. For four ears | suffered intense pain around the eart, and was very dizzy. After using four boxes of Milourn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I was completely cured." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 50 cents per box, or 8 fu 1.35, All dealers, or mailed direct on receipt east "QUEEN QUALITY" gives the wearer both f° and style and the wearing qualities of the shoe are unsurpassed. Seo Our New Spring Styles. ~~ | J. H. Sutherland & Bro. As you are already aware. weé have opend a Tailor Shop i reton 4 our Ready made Clothing Departs ment ? Until April 3rd We will make you a Tailored Suit, in the latest Scotch Tweed effects and English Worsteds, the same that other tailors sell for $22 and $23, for « $1660 .. The materials are the most attractive ever offered in Kingston. You can see them in our window, Perfect workmanship and fit guaranteed. : 3 This is a chance to get a nice Spring Suit at avi} low price. Remember that this offer stands good up ti April ard. i J0S. ABRAMSON, The People's Clothier, a. CHOCOLATES ! CHOCOLATES ! Ganong's G. B. Canadian Chooolates, the finest made in Canada, 60c, per pound, <~ . Cadbury's Cafe an Lait Eating Chocolates, 3 pack. ages 280. A.J. REES, Princess St. "MY RUPTURE I will show you FREE how to cure yours trom a bad ruptare. Nc (rum HEE LE lace- i was 'married pn lon. fo two premature children. |, ysical | Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ayia . the mended to me, and I am so glad I took it, for 1. |1s | it changed me from a weak, Nervous woman foral RY and healthy one within ithin two years a rl was born, which is the pride THE BYE.-ELECTIONS. a s seven months, little and y of our household. Eves lia E. Pinkham's Vietabie Co arose He ght, health and happiness it brought fo If any wonran thinks she is s or has doubts about her ability Serie a child to a mature birth let her write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, whose .|advice is free to all expectant or would-be mothers. She has helped thousands of women through this anx- fous period. Women suffering with irregular or painful menstruation, leucorrhoa, dis placement, ulceration or inflammstion of the womb, that bearing down feel- ing or ovarian trouble, backache, bloat ing or nervous prostration, should re member that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege: table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of Woman'y ills, and accept no substi: Le. Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medicis of a re ortify The Nominations of the Quebec Cabinet Ministers. Special to the Whig. Quebee, April 3-~Hon, L. R. Rov is re-elected hy acclamation in Kamour- aska. This is nomination day in con neotion with the bye-elections for the provincial house, brought about by the reorganization of the government consequent upon the retirement of Hon, Mr. Parent from the premier ship, and his succession by Hom. Lo- mer Gouin, former minister of public works. So far as known the only minister opposed is the premier, Mr. Gouin, whose opponent is A. St. Ma: tin, labor candidate, Hon. Adelarde Turgeon, re-elected hy acclamation in Bellechasse Hon, Auguste Tessier elected hy clamation at Rimouski, Morris Chairs This Week A reli chair in the home is a ne- o busy days, We have & le Comfortable anenJlegant in ap ---------- CHURCH WHISPERERS FINED. To Titter at Free Methodist's Singing. Hammond, Ind., April 3.--Because they whispered while the minister'was trying to start a hymn, three young persons of Hosford Park, south of this city, were arrested and fined $14 cach for breaking up the meeting. Don Leslie, twentv-two vear took his sweetheart, Rose Watts, and his sister, Nellie Leslie, to revival services at the First Free Methodist church at Crown Point. They ushered to prominent seats. The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Reynolds, also acts as chorister. He gave out a hymn and started the music, and the three tittered. Leslie leaned over the girls and whispered was S--r-------- A LAND OF PROMISE. ToroxT10, ONT. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Kingston, Smith's Falls & Ottawa Railway Co will make application to the Parliament of Canada, at its pres ent session, for an Act to amend and re- vive the Act incorporating the said Com pany by extending the time for the com- mencement and completion of the said Railway and for other purposes MACDONNELL & FARRELL, Solicitors for Applicants. 16th March, 1903 Summer School of LANGUAGES For particulars, address M 8 Robertson B.A., Violet, Ont, late i structor in German in Queen's Luiver sity having recommendations from sev- of the leading kducators of Can A Country Where One Cannot Be Auother large shipment of Go-Carts New ey Carriages expected patch NAYS A wonderful land of promise, land where one cannot be ill, has heen discovered by Major A. . John Git hons, who was in churge of the com mission sent out to eXamine the tract of couiitry in East Africa offered by the British government for the pur pose of a Zion Hebréw settlement. Major Gibbons, who has just return ed to England, says it consists of what is known as "Gues," W. Gui shu, and is a plateau comprising five thousand square miles, There settled natives on the plateau. No healthier country exists in world, It seems impossible to be there, and it is an white settlement, Children can reared with petiect safety, There no mosquitoes and a very fine ture lands abound des- from London, York, April 3.<A special to the Herald al the were AMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, - = Kingston, WORKERS TO RULE. Ee | PRBS TRV RVVOVTTRY BIBBY'S Rev. C. 0. Johnston Preaches Up- on Labor Problem. Toronto Mail and Empire Rev. C. 0. Johnson preached before a large congregation in Wesley Mo thodist church, Sunday night, upon the subject "Working Men and Their Masters." No man, he said, should tolerated in society unless he was engaged in sony The working constituted nir the popula: , and the was rapidly com- g when they rule the world and be able to obtain the legislation they neoded. To reach this, however, the relations between workingmen and their employers be changed from a moral basis Kingston, to The preacher that he broke down, and the congregation, at sca without a leader, quit The pastor asked the visitors apoligize and they refused blank. The next day the preacher asked Deacon George Bremmer to swear out a warrant for the arrest of the whisperers, and they before Judge Hiram Barton so embarrassed to point are no | be y honorable work the ill ideal region for a classes ty-nine per now cent. of were tried time be | ir would are pas MAN WITH LONG NECK. Gets Most Enjoyment in Tasting Things. Chicago, April 3.--At the third an- nual meeting of the central branch of tho American Society of Naturalists Prof. J. T. Wilson announced the re cent discovery of the cxistence of "taste buds" in the larynx, in addi- tion to those which are found on the tongue. Spindle-shaped cells they are, and of even higher sensibility than those of the lingual organ. It was de clared the mun with a long netk gets a greater enjoyment from the good tasting things through his possession of more "buds" than are brought in to exercise a I av "1 experimented 81.49. or 3 bottles 82.75. shickey smlar wat on request, each -------------------------------- HAIR WON'T FALL OUT. Ii You Kill the Dandruff Germ With the New Treatment. John N. Puller, a wellknown citi zen of Colfax, Wash., says: "I had dandruff sé badly that it caked on my scalp. Herpicide completely cured me." George H. McWhirk, of Walla Walla, Wash, «= ""Herpicide com- pletely cured of a bad case of dandeufi of thirty years' standing.' They took the only really sensible treatment, a remedy that destroys the dandroff germ Newbro's Herpicide. Stop dandruff, hair won't fall out, but will grow naturally, lusuriantly. Allays itching instantly and makes hair glossy and soit as + silk, One bottle will convince any doubter of its merits. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G W. Mahood, special agent. Goad mst The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for Anaty cases, §1 per 3 RD all 's Cote SIBERIA TO ALASKA. a money to French Company Will Build Rail- road Between Two. St. Petersburg, April 3.---A com pany of French capitalists proposes to build a. railroad from Siberia to Alaska. A representative of the com pany, who ix now here, has explained the scheme to M. Kokoviseff, minister of finance The company undertakes the scheme without financial or other guarantecs from Russia x The Novoe government 1 plan, and will a special cond manship railroads SINGLE TAXERS, Had Chat With Whitney. Special to the Whig. Toronto, April 3A deputation of twenty single taxers waited upon Pre micr Whitney, this morning, and urged that the provincial government give to municipalities the power their wise a Premier E The Polish that won't wear 'off. Only at stachan's pardware THE FRONTENAC & INV: STMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISH: D1863.) dent--Sir Richard Cartwright loaned on City end Farm Municipal and Countv purchased interest allowed Director. tl ME HAVE YOUR SALE AB I will guarantee you satis- results. We don't brag, Perform the work. Nothing seed, but your best interest The Cook Magicine Cou. Windsor, Ontario, MEN AND WOMEN. Use Bir @ for unnatursl discLarg s,inflammal frricatior s or wlceratl of mucous membranes. Painless, and vot sstria , 'gant of poisonous, Rot to change | taxation il they deemed They pointed out existing evils and said that a great number of muni cipalities of local op The: premier thonght | it a little premature to have a bill of | thix characte resented bofore the as possment d received a trial. He | | BE prvsent Vreemva says that the oing to Be an ith Mr. Man, get ready. Doit ed to have you come and see SUITS and TQP COATS, rill agree with us in saying auties. Elegantly made, per- ric and withal at 'a reasonable were In flavor with a man, 'a a dog and a monkey, and in found the 'buds' in the larynx possessed a function, and that it was of a protective nature," said Prof. Wilson. "They close up the throat on substances introduced which are not palatable. They really are more susecptible to sensation than the taste buds on the tongue." tion in taxation case of CURED 1 law Accused Of Theft. Patrick O'Brien, a young man of the nationality the name would indi cate, was arrested hy P, C, Graham at noon todav. charged with the theft of boots from a house at treet, where he has been staying. The boots which were high leather ones of the hunting variety, valued at about $10, belong ed to a fellow arder and O'Brien, needing the money, 100k the and "hung them wp" with a Princess street second-hand dealer for a small loan. Patrick arrived in the city as a hobo shout two weeké ago and has spent several nig on a free bed in the police station wince his arrival When caught v officer he was about to leave for Gananogue. He will kee wp for trial in the morning -- Mr Murray's Statement. Willinsn Murray, avctioneer, wishes . it kmown that there were BO auctioneers " Forest Vives Bags, 3 Hund chased or hurt in conneetion with a agerstown, " Md., Apri = A bailif's sale on Friday. He was the reds of acres of valuable timber bave auctioneer engaged, and was present been destroyed by forest firge on with two. others I wish you wonld | South Mountain, together wilh large further = atate «ail Mr. Murray, | quantities of cordwood and railers, "that there inn { a genuine auctioneer North Mountain i» alvo the worne of in the eity. There is Ot One of us | Bn extensive foremt fiew, und still an could do business in & plus like Chi other is burping near gemont. il cage. We're all amateurs." Hultdreds are fighting the firelwhile 8 -- it is steadily spreading. Fouen sre i > . entertained that the fire will exten Td alabustine, Ko ming ata bruh, | Boros the line into Penosylvania and King street, also into Frederick Comnty, this state, Always buy--Aidey's Balt at Gib | No estimate of the. money loss can son's Hed Cross drug store yet he made. expressed a desire to hear the deputa tion's views again after the presat JOCKEY WONDERLY DEAD. a pair f 2 Sime Thrown From Horse at Memphis Race Track. Memphis, Tenn., April 3.-Joekey Otto Wonderly, thrown from a horse at the race track Saturday, died night, after an operation in a local hospital. The voung man» skull was fractured and a bleod--clot develop ' on the brain, Wonderly was widely known in turf circles, having ridden for some of the most prominent sta bles of the country. He had just com pleted 8 successful senson at Hot Springs, and was riding a» a "free lance" at the Memphis meeting. The body will be shipped to London, Ont, for burial, EDUCATION REAPS BENEFIT or black, single or double 50, 13 50, 15. 1 Tweeds, in neat checks and 13.50, 15and 16,50. Vorsteds and Cheviots, $10, Five Millions Distributed to Re- latives and Friends San Jose, Cal, April 3.-The will and codicil of Mrs. Jane L. Stanford were proved and admitted to probate, to-day, and letters of administration were issued to Charles (i. Lathrop, Timothy Hopkins, Joseph D. Grant, Whitelaw Reid and Thomas B. Croton, executors, without bond. The will was executed July 28th, 1903, and by ita terms 32,000,000 is left in trast to Ariel Lathrop and de- scendants of D. 8. Lathrop, $1,000,000 in trust to her nieces, Jonnie L. Law ton and Amy L. Hanson, and the chil- dren of Christine L. Gunning, $1,000 - harles G. Lathrop, $125,000 to table institntions of San Francisco and Sen Jose, and the re mainder of her estate to the trustees of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, me lant WV. J. KURRAY, The Auctioneer Et tt csror-miascamunioms osm -- " Printing Business For Sale. Is FLRNTING BUSINESS OF THE y ator. . ROMANTIC TALE Jooauty, and may worth thousands, Ross says: si Lonely Death in the Wilds of the Fond on ule. nthe A att Hv. Yukon. : er, They had just begun to work souie Torontd, April 1. Unique was 'promising claims McNeill was the last will of one Robert ill. 1 came ncross them camped MeNeill, whose fife h t ended far' 'iy the sow. It was only a few bouts away in the frozen the head. | Lefore MeNeill died. He said he wish- waters of Stewart of {ed to ledve hie property to his nieces, birch bark, he, by fhe a tiny | and asked me to hunt them up. We oil taper, scrawled' a last had no paper, so the sick man Whole, his loved ones, bequesthin his will on a piece of bark and EB the wedlth he had made in the toil and 1 signed os witnesses. MeNeill some years of prospecting and mining. | dind that night, snd we buried him in Viola and Freda Finn, of Spokane, | the snow." ¥ the father of FA Mitchell, consisting of Presses, h tting. Machine, Cases Stock in trade. In conpection Te now offered for sale. in first class condition its, in very pretty checks and . '50, 10 and ie y . good rain "or shine, $7.50, , 15 to 18.50, . BIBBY CO.. Clothigg House, Oak Rall "of Tin, An- Aluminum. L CO.» J. J. BEHAN, C. M. B. A. Office. ANO T UITION Ransack Houses. Helsingfors,' April 3.--The populace has been greatly aroused by a renewal of the ransacking of the lodging house distriet by masked then, who bind and gag the inmalés and search every- thing. Ou Tuesday right theso men de stroved ihe furniture of ome boarding 5 discovered in it =» why. Pl MISS WAY NEWMAN, 271 King St., West care 18 Srimasy Wash, daughters of the deceased's | Strange to say, sister, are the ones to whom the dy i ing man left his property, : went there The birch statement 9s in the | Klondyke excitement and ; hands of Wm, Rice, a Stewart riven a snow-slide, while trying to prospector, H. J, ..who journey: 'one of the passes, ed from graveside to ont . the news of the death of MoNeill. saye es. D. H. MaAthin, Calabash : ---------- There'll Be No Strike. Philadelphia, April 3 The soft coal operators agreed to renew the old wage scale. This will prevent the threatened strike of 50,000 miners in the, bituminous district. oF bend. posta) house = Id i « when thew {hou 4 { picture of Maxim ead, -- FANCY LRSSON CLASSES ~ ee -- Spring Importation For 1808. 4 Openod 3 rost's, Brock street, has reoeive mest na Nedntsdas oa. of spring importations of three clock. nesdeY | Scotch tweed, serges, chevivis- and also vieunas, and fancy panting; fit 'and McNeill's estate chiefly "consists of ¥ Leader, 105 Brock Street. workmanship * guaranteed. tea " Always buy--Chase's Nerve Food at valuable cialis on a Hver in a rich [ moving 6 Ki o Gibson's Red Cross drug stors, Toronto