Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1905, p. 12

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the wee to which I i g : : g : ob Sant that it endorses A ecm Peychine fo wasting The loknt taken by the analyst not, in the W opinion, well takon. He thks "Wis verkifieate hos been J Is it not an er the edmponnd ss Ba wherein haz the eoriifients Fone or favour ¥ The federal. gavarnment. has analysie whose duiilh are understood to be tive of lhe peblie health. Shout "ie certificates respecting : 3 fails and medicines | no! we publish of? The Whig Tikes the Gorvinn ssn : jug its analysis made regularly va for the public informe: as certificate in the in question be as applicable now 4 as in 1907 it will puzale the average publication. ss -- ofl Great Water Scheme. . The bill; which the Niagara, lLack- port and Ontario company has belore the New York Sowibuture it the most § extraordinary that has welt" in that public assembly, and it has had its own duriosities. . The. idea is to the Niagarn river above the falls and fo divert its waters as the oon pany may pleas, entering "upon pib- tie roads and highways, public and privageilonds with impunity and | ac quiring franchise which will be ab- The protests are pouring in against the Lill and the injustice which it covers. The scheme is a large ome. Great money power js behind it. Tt may defy interference. "No single piece oF pirate propecty within the limita of. the state," says the Syra ouse Post-Standard, "would be sale if this bill became law, The right of eminent domain Ay exeveised Ly the government and its branches and by the great public service corporations is very frequently a sotrce of annoy: ance and unhappiness among those upon whose property it is sxercised, To extend it in this wholesale manner © a corporation which proposes to Hf tuen the beauties of Niagara Fulls into ICR ta be peddied about | the New York, would be an | at which we are confident the present | state administration is incapable of." i It all depends. The money influence 1 is paramoint. It has been used in the fF Now York legislate, Mr. Jerome, The linger attorney, is credited with the unearthing of corrupt games to ¢ him in his combat with evil, ml ihe expenditure has gone nto ny thousands, "in paying legisla. Flory' Bille, in slaking legislators' t of graft. Public opinion may chook the Leggett hill, but it requires to be reinforced by the power which 7 to ghe street Tail: a ---- attention "the Moreover the P Hi 8, ; i iv 135000 in exeess of the outlays, C payments were made out of the carn. den « the invested capital , LH9, but it ie not Ho hax ovedaoked the fact -- ; fofgat it aller taking the notes 850.000 of debentures Bros, hy therelore, £20,000 from the $215,110 operating expenwes have varied very much, and that the receipts in the ten and a half yours have been less than onpon ing? from the light, heat and power account after paying the stockholders sx per gmt. upon their investment but in the last four and a half, years there have been no payments on this account, ahd the arrears have very rapidly accumilated. The statements show "a so-called operating loss of 867,638.32," but it includes all charges for which a running concern would be liable, including coupons and gen- eral interest, and there is an additional charge for services which are high on. the balance off the right side of books, Altogether the study of accounts will be an interesting one, The position of the city follows at & matter of course. What should: it 45 under the circumstances? The finance eommitive . does not recom mend any action atl this juncture. [t the the accountant that the railway must record and not admitted. There is no assurance that the council will grant the concessions which the bond: holders asked for. There is no evi dence that they could contribute to a clearing up, of the condition which exist. 1 they are ever granted--and there is no promise of thatthe con: sideration will only come with the re. organization ' which must take place. Mr. Cross thinks that that the city could take over the as- bearing three per cent. interest, and in time--if not at once--realize hand- somely by the venture, ownership is talked of by some peo- ple, but it is not now, in opimion of the civic finance committee, a practi- ent, all it should have on hand in the development of the light, heat and power plants. It involves extensions and imfwovements which will cost many thousands, and one thing at a time of this character is quite enough. The "sound business policy" which Mr, Cross advocates does not warrant the Jonding of the city with doubthd ex: peviments. Editorial Notes. Dr. Chown hax come out against the separate school system ind North-West, That ought to settle Napanee is moving to acquire elec matter, $e lighting plants of the Cartwright permission to issue debentures to the extent of $40,000 for this purpose. The provincial treasurer is figuring out a deficit in Ontario's finances, The greater reason for the économy which called into play. . -- Ottawa's comncil has decided upon municipal lighting as one way of pre panies, and the consequent priwsure of mamapoly. The ntario legislature will be asked 48 give the city larger borrowing powers, -- Today the people of Chicago pre electing a mayor, The dsdw is muni- eratic candidate is committed wnee- sprvedly. The impositions of the "hvel railway trusts are simply ine tolerable. sib un 1 tthe : TL -- The Hamilion Spectator is annoyed with the temperance people because they have presumed to' "pester" the j Present government. Do they nof ex: tpect Mr. Whitney to promote their relofms ¥ What did they vote the con- | mirvatives into power for ? when asked about the school jhgand 10 it, declined 10 make any 's i The cofdervative press is some of those days it may re ent of its action, HR accepts the conclusion of the expert | i § Mgr. Sharretti, the papal ablogate. | y ) ¢ aE Hamilton, Hion, and bis alleged 'dictation with Daumenn. i: writing = his report-that | The sold to the surance the company, by et out in hie report, and the bal- | for the blast Slates Pg Plame ance in 8105, 140, Mr. Cross thon adds , Arthir are prepared, the lishilities at the present time of | The empress of Germany suffered a £30,000, intersst tod don. | mevare shock as the result of a fall represen by hile pons, and $50,185.81 "of floating poe deehding a cteep place at debt, The 'total hl ng Taormina, , recently, ri ? in 8275328 53. The | of railways and ments Cin gdetail show that the , canals ar 1 for the openin | wi a on Mav lst. ! ough and seriously caleulated to keep "gious body of Ottawa, who have heen of Metcalfe and Snarks streets, were arrested last Satorday night for obstructing the thoroughfare, -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS -- { The Same Old Rock, * London Advertiser. Sir Willrid. Laurier and Mr. Borden change hands in order to he rid of its tution. It's the rock on liabilities, some of which are not on Stitutional experts split. | Toronto News: ; identical with that of Manitoba, where municipal the Roman Osthithic church was hwat- ownership would be "the simpler soln: &% I tion" of the difficulty. He @ifgests- schoc made public. sets of the company, pay for them in' Montreal Herald bonds, running dor thirty years and! | when Municipal | woke him up. cal issue. The city has, for the pres. | Island with the mainland would only Hupset" 'hy a young wmdn named | Harry. "Harry is not worth it," said Magistrate Plowden. gompany. It is asking parliament for a hundred times more hofore you have he and his friende®must practice, and | as Yow promise not to repeat it,-yon #0 far the priming hook has not heen | ™8Y Ro. venting a consolidation of local com. | Mai to. | Pal ownership, to which the demo- | "The Duy from Dawn jo Night-Time," i great lboetied with his name, +" fations of the Yu and embodied in TE The opefation upon the Prinée of Wales. consistent. merely in the landing an aboess, 4 Heotor wetted, the wellknown horseman banker, Momireal, died suddenly, Monday morning. : affairs of the Fquitable Life As ¥ are to be investigated the New York State superintendent -. hort, who "has just re of the W, * of The Bt, Hand eanal on April 24th, and Quebec canals A light! tn scandal has come to in Pp in. George A. Hol nm, a ingpector, has ad mitted Ving received cash favors from the Storey Cotton company, Mrs, Larned, twenty-three Years of age; died in her home in New York, shortly alter drinking a glass of olaret. Hér maid servant and hus- hand are held pending an investiga: tion. Despite the United States senate a practidal Protectorate now prevails in San Domingo, The masses are object, ing fearing annexation to the United States, bit merchants and creditors are said to' be satisfied and the gov- ernment confident. Several of the Hornerites, sa reli: oMling religious servieos on Satur. day nights §t the comer both speak of the rock of the consti- which the con- The One Exception 5 Perhaps Dr. Osler is right if he moans that men over sixty who part their hair in the middle and smoke cigarettes should be chlorolormed. Please Note This. Exehan The fact remains that the school sya: fem of the west is to he practically irate seltbls Abolished, and all No New Thing. But Castro's idea of marching single- handed to Washington is nol original. Buster Gourley was doing that once the alarm clock went off and Great Extravagiince. Montred! Garette. he tunncl connecting Prince Edward cost. ten million dollars, Should there be any justification for an expenditure for this amount which caunot, for one moment, be considered as a commer- cial proposition ? NO MAN IS WORTH IT Servant Was "Upset"--Freed on ' Promise to Live. London, April 4.~Mabel Snell, a domestic servant, seventeen years of age, charged with attempting suicide at Marylebone, Saturday, expressed penitence; and said she had 'been "He isn't, real You see you ard only and you are only begin things. You are very and you will be in love ly. No man is, seventeen, ning these much in love, finished, "1 don't think it is worth whild (0 take your life for such a trifle. Sup Pose every one committed suicide when disappointed in love. You must live to fight 'another day: It was a very wicked and' fholish thing to do, but The girl lplt. the court sobbing hit terly. -- DAWN TO NIGHT TIME. Interest. kK 8, Challenez, R.C.A., Tor busy putting the fin- inhi mohes ta hin two large alle gorical paintings that rate the elaborate and stately main saloon of the steamer Montreal, of the R, & 0. Line, The wut hjeet of the panels is enty or mom life mize figures, with appropriate symbols and color, are made use of, and gracefully arranged to work out this theme. The panels, with their rich, ornamental sotting, make a ceiling such as no other boat afloat can boast of, and which reflects great oewdit on wil that his irk i he ite and the wn of the installing of bedding . This steamer hus been the Richelion & Ontario Na- service on their' t and built vigation Co, , for Montreal Quebeo line. Died In Hamilton. Ont., April 4.--Joseph W, well known ih musical eir: Crazed By 1 Health and Poverty. HENRY NELSON PILLSBVRY, Philadelphia, April 4.~While tempor- arily theane as a result of a delicate operation, Henry Netson Pillsbury, the American champion chess player, tried to jump from a fourth storey window of the Presbyterian hospital 'on Thurs day evening. He was only prevented by Mrs, Pillar y, who calmed him af- ter several phy +ifians and nmses had bean straggling WM him for ten min utes. Fillsbhury had been in ill-health for two or three years. Years of excessive smoking had shattered his nervous system and made it impdssible for him to participate in chess tournaments, When he was winning fame as a bril- liant che:s player it was his custom to smoke one strong, black cigar after another. Two years ago at Monte Carlo Pills bury collapsed 'after competing sue cessfully with the best che:ss players of Europe for two weeks. During the past winter he was unable to play at all, and he and Mrs. Pillsbury, 'who was a Miss Bush, of Brooklyn, had to move into rooms on 'the fourth floor of a boarding house, Pi'lsbury's circumstances have heen such that he has to depend upon friends for aid, and it is believed that his inability to earn a livédlihood an: longer by chess playing has also prey ed on his mind ~4 THE NATIONAL COUNCIL Meeting Yesterday to Agenda Paper. There was a meeting of the local branch of the National Council of Wo- men to discuss matters which will he bronght up at the meting of the Dominion executive, in Montreal, next week, The agenda paper was sent on from Toronto, to the various sections of which, the branch here assented to, dissented' from, or recommended no action. In regard to the clanse deal ing with the more particular care of fruit, fish and meat, exposed for sale, the local branch considered that such matters might better Be leit in (he hands of local boards of health, and that the council would do well not to invade their province, The - clause relatidg" to prisoners also met the same fate at the hands Discuss after by the proper authorities, Kingston will not = send a delegate to the executive meeting. How To Avoid Catching Cold. Allow vourself to 'run down" and vou catch cold from the first germ that comes your way. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make vou eold-proof hy giving you rich, healthy blood, the kind that kills all disease germs. In boxes 25c., at Wade's drug store. Moncey back if pot satisfactory, A Correction. Kingston, April 1,--(To the Editor] : With reference to an item that appear- od in your paper, of last evening, stating that 1 was appointed steward of the steamer Corsican, let me say that it is a mistake. Augustus Day is the one appointed to that position. Yours, W. J. McCORMICK, Saloon Watch. Don't Cough Away Your Lungs That Catarrh Will Soon be Dead- ly Consumption Unless You Use ""Catarrhozone'" At Once. Discournged sufferers find blessed re- lief and nent cure in Cgtarrh- ozone, which pees direct to the real cause of the disease. By soothing and 'healing. the inflamed membrafes:, relief comes instantly. Impossible for suything to be more prompt or satis- Ory. To prove {8 you that "Calarrho- foms'" cures are permanent, the follow- oe letters are given, Study them care ly for your case may be"similar. To these people Catarrhozone has brought health, For: you it will do likewise. Nose Completely Stuffed Up. Mr. Archibald Bass, of Now Har. bor, N.S. writes: "Catarchorone' proved itsell a remarkable remedy in my case. | suffered terribly from ea- tarth in the throat and my nose was so stuffed up wovery morning 1 could hardly draw my breath. The 'mucous my L and kept me sick all the time. Catarrhozone relieved in a short time and cured perfectly." Catarrhosone Best Of All Mrs. W. F. Broach, of Chapman P.O, writes: "I have used 5 great many entarrh remedies, mt none of them ever helped like Catarrkozone, dt cleared out my nose and threat, and stopped a ringing noise in my ar" : Don't be misled into acceptin, Ahtaticate for Catarthitous, whith lone can cure thoroughly. It is so powerfully healing that colds can. Jew in an hour, and chronic catgtih a short time. Two months' treat- he all over C . mtxpested. yesterday in St. "s Hospital, restlt of § a stroke, He the instructor of Miss Nora | Clench, George Fox and other famous violinists, He has relatives in Berlin, | ment 81, sample m . At or mail from N. olson & . ron em. Nor Galleon & ko ton, Out, \ 3 D END 1 of the ladies here. the majority feel ing that the council had better 'con- fine itself to matters within its own province, viz.: the betterment of the condition of women and children and leave other matters to be looked WHEAT than porridge but Is an all-day food, nourishing able and easily digested, Try it BISCUIT is not only 4 better breakfas: food pola. Send for the ** Vital Question Cook Back," postpaid CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO. Limited, Niagara Fulls 0. Toronto Office, $3 Church St. we ? ET 99@ crs srrrrssssshrrsacsessasne SEAT BIBBY'S -------- BIBBY'S } 1 now. 12.50, 13 59, 15 to April is Going to Be an --tdeal Month So we say to you, Mr. Man, get ready. We will be pleased to have you c.me and see our NOBBY SPRING SUITS and TQP COATS, and we feel that you will. agree with us in saying that they are Spring Beauties. fect in cut, stylish in fabric and withal at a reasonable price. Serge Suits, blue or black, breasted, $8, 10, 12, 12.50, 13 50, I5. English and Scotch Tweeds, in neat checks an} overplaids, $10, 12, 13, 13.50, 15 and 16,50. Elegantly made, per- ---e--aee Do it single or double English Fancy Worsteds and Cheviots, $10, 17.50. Canadian Tweed Suits, in very pretty checks and strip:s, $5, 6.50, 7.50, 8 50, 10 and 12 - Spring Overcoats, good rain or shine, $7.50, 8.50, 10, 12, 12,50, 13 50, 15 to 18.50. te Cash and One Price Clothing House, Oak Rall G00 +2242 VTVLVL LAVALLE "oe on -- SPENCE'S, ™ 1905 Walking Skirts Daintily Made in Exclusive Designs One of the sa beautiful skirts, with its stylish aseocial the covert coat, is the dpring costums par excellence Tn design many (ft ese skirts are quite unique, a their manufacture Las required a greater degree of exce The multiplented «ffocts that bid fair to become so popular req ire unusual skilt in Md and f shioning, and the tuilor-folks have fuirly excelled lence tlmn ever before. themselves in this regard Bome execedingly altractive styles in SHIRT WAIST RUITS, in Brazilinue, ~ids, Lustres and Faney Tweeds arc Come and see them TO-MORROW. also being shown. Leading Millinery jgning and Mantle Store. BROWN SHOES FOR LADIES We h ve the swellest assort- ment of Brown and Tan Shoes for Ladies. great demand this season it 'will pay you to ccm: and see our new batk into my stomach, upset | Shades. As Brown will be in WIL) PRICES, FROM $2 TO $3.50. ABERNETHY'S Pepsndable Shoes. ---- "THE CANADA METAL CO. METALS==Lead, Tin, An- timony, Aluminum. - Toronto (Colds) | | | | : porne in mind that --- de cens the lungs, low- ars the vitality and prepares re pd the more scrious dis- o among which ere the two test destro of human life, B ecmonia 30 consumption. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy : t ity by its has won ns o hi most common ow pt cu c Emon i iment. It aids expectoration, silme the lungs and opens the | t ting a speedy and et eet ®t counteracts Jen tendency toward pneumonia. . Price 25¢, Large Size s0c. SEE FR GR jul STANDARD nATICLES HE VERY 1S 70 THE ADVANTAGE OF E TT USEKEEPER IN CANADA T.O.USE THEN . . . ® . . . . Magic Baking Powder. Glllett's Perfumad Lye. Imperial Baking Powder. . Qillett's Cream Tartar. Royal Yeast Cokes. Qiliett's Nammoth Blue. Nagic Baking Soda. | Qiliett's Washing Crystal. § | (esTABLIONED 1052) MADE FOR OVER 50 vEARS. | COMPANY FW Corno LIMITED TORONTO.ONT. Enter Any Time For a * STOIlenaC -- AINA Barrie and Clergy Streets, Kingston - <- - Ontario ; 800600000000 5000000 The Light That? Is a Light! Q 300 Candie Prwer ans x Buraer for the rock bottom pice, 5 ill try more @1.2%, Try one aud yon w It is distinctive, attractive, convircir Buy from David Hall, 'Phone 836 ¢ 66 Brock St ; 80: 04 >O00000004 OOOO O0OC The Polish that won't wear oft. Sold Only at suachan's (ardwar Bargains In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, in 0 der to clean out the stock, w sell at cost. If you are in need & good cutter mow is the time buy and save money. JAMES LATURNE' _ 380 PRINCESS STREET. THE FROKTENAC * LOAN & INVESTMLNT SOCIETY (ESTABLISH: DI1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwrig pi ey loaned hai iy feud ' i Ber TH vel FE torent alto 8. C. McGILL, Managing Direct Ofice. 97 Clarence Street, Kingsto LET ME BAVE YOUR S And I will guarantee you sa factory results. We don't br but perform the work, Noth sacrificed, but your best inte studied W.J. KUBRAY, The Auctior PIANO TUITIO * MISS HAY NEWMAN, 271 king St., Children given special care in pr work. Advarted pupils thor taveht in thewry and practice. moderates. Telephone 638, or send card and I will call personally.

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