A cup of hot BOVRIL hken Just vetiring 1% not only a delightful - #® night-cap," buf it will Andnce quick and refreshing Tris i il ; ] | Xe ' LOCUSTS STOP A TRAIN, Cover Railway and Are Shoveled { Of by Gang: London, April 4,-A vemnckablo wight was withesed rocently by passengers In ove of the down trains on the Uganda railway, writes a correspond ont, i When bing Nuiroli, the hoadqgiiar tore of the railway, a dene swarm, of locusts, closely followed hy an enorm ong flock of ; whe, circling gracefully round in pursuit of ¢ their prev, was mh high ap Wn they heavens Ro even stranger sight, and om whith told only too plainly. of the haves being wrought in their werial ranks, was presented by the discarded "| wings of the locusts, which fluttered to the ground like falling loaves, Not ago, while proceeding from lake Victoria to Membass, » train ran Into a perfect hank of these destrue- tive pests, which continued, with more OF lows density, for u distance of near I forty. milo. . In some plies they © webs bot ween four and five inches in depth; but, ovr ously enough, the entire invasion was toa trip of vot more than ty yards on cither side of (he four: Bt way, SOON ak the bagging strack (he AWlrth the train was brought to a Andel], Jd for the next 190 hours * brea 3 an, 10 be employed in shoveling the foctists from (he metals 'and ving hem with sand, the stench being eribed as almost a Sh. ag DEATH AT THORPE. Mrs. Enoch Snider Dies After 3 Fri morn: .- pardiits she loaves a sister, Mrs. in Snider, and two brothers, Irae Willig. hurry | Jackson, aged nine, the Ber Aly youngest won of Francis son, mn safferi of kx and on ny to the d 3 org , on Sunday uf the Methodist ch both ihe being 'contueted hy A [RAL Ham, Herbert Lapwn and family are pre: ing to move to Watertown. Lloyd Pum is at howe sow from King ov J, Williams haw moved to k Mrs. Switrer ent os few days last weok with Mix. h Miller, Kingston of lemons, a variety of other fruits, sumac, ete, She wae built in 1001 at todkton-on-Tyne for the Hermine Steamship mpg, of Austrie-Hun- gory, aud hardly had time to show a freight carrier between the Mediter rancun and Americs, before she was chartered by the ian go to help stock wp Vladivostok, Her christening was Nina, but under the far cast, in charge of Captain Zar, an Austrian, Arrived there, the Russian authorities, taking little Showght to the benefits which they de- rived from her fresh supplies, under took to place the captain under ar rest, because he, an Austrian pre wumed to command a ship under the Russinn flag. The Austrian conwul im- mediately bestirred himself to tele graph on to the Austrian embassy at St. Petersburg, through whose influ- nee the arrest was prevented, and Capt. Zar saved from whet might have been exile in Siberin, But if, they did wot wholly succeed in their oo , the Russian authori ties at Viadivostok accomplished their purpose in part, for Capt. Zar was relieved of the command of his vessel, which wus turned over to the first of fider on bodrd a Russian. In his charge, therefore, she retumed to the Moditerranenn, On her retum she was teaniferred back to her owners, once more flew the Austrian flag and rode the seas under an American captain. Her name now changed again. to He mine, the appellation under 'which she has since been plving in the Austro- American trade. She is now in com- mand of Capt. Bussanich, Hence, within four years of service she has served: under two flags, under three names, under four or five different commanders, and has (raversed the greater part of the world's commerei- al waters, ------ A Pretty Wedding, Mclean, March 30.-SA pretty évont occurred at 10 am. on arch 20th, at the howe of Mr. and Mes. Goo Sills, when thir daughter, Emily Gertrude, antl Frank Thomeon, Enter. ine, werd united in matrimony hy ike Ww. JE oh. The bride. waa {4 ; Misy 5, and J Keech, Trafford, acted as h ted John The couple stood under an of evergreen and roses, Miss Elizabeth Sills played the wedding march. The bride was attired in a suit of 'grey Voile with white ' satin blouse: the bridestnaid wore & dress of pale blue nun's veiling. Dinner wes served at twelve, after which the bride and Krovim SePutiod for Napanee where they will spend a few days with friends. After they return they will revide at Enterprise. Many useful routs were re, "They have the pest wivhos of a large civelo of friends, -------------- Penetrates And Heals. When you buy Smith's White Lini- ment vou secure the most penetratin, and healing remedy on the marke - for sprains, swalling, neuralgia, in- flammation, lumbago and all aches and pains, Every drop filled with utmost curative power and the re medy never fails to cure promptly and thoroughly, In big bottles, only at Wade's, ---------- Mra. Stecling Pennock, living near Elgin, died on March 2nd, aged sev. enty-four. She leaves two sons and four daughters, Another old vinident of Pembroke passed away hast week of Robert Gray, yours, in the. person sed" nidety-one BOT NEW VITALITY-- INGREASED APPETITE True Strength, Vigor and Buoy- ant Health Quickly Followed the Use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. B puslityin sud Rougiahiog the bok Dr. franilton's iokly impart new vigor to all weak The kidneys jad liver are stimulated, n| SONs carried the entire | y Toewed and restored. CEnek of tite in changed into assimilation aro made Reiter. Thus, all you eat is to nourish. went, and building material. wl oe Pl ls ow ) cure the sick and Role. the aak : . Vital Energy Increased. "1 always felt *d r* and tired © "When I arose int morning my ix poth : + continned Miller," "for we have an Steamer Hermine. » organi Jor, mutual. protection Boston Transcript. [and this has representatives in every Steatuships in some respects are like | large city and in Sots of smaller individuals. Some run a humdrum ex- | ones in the United Staten and Canada. istence from the are launch. { Usoally in: the smallee ces, there od until they find their way | are vers, and il the crook is into the of junk dealers, who | 'pinefod" 2 8 pince Whete ke has no strip them of all that remains of their [friends he k om to send fof: past ign thew to | "Should the: case Be oir ated the flames, are itated in- | ove and the erook standing to stirring events and scenes from the motent 3 or Mikive srvies, One of the latter kind is stentnship HHermine, j wrived © lately | square 4 couple 3 bondsmen. Phe from the Mediterranesn with a cargo | eTook disappears, botidsmen set th Joi, und what she was worth to her owners as ior looking the Russian thi changed to oll of them are well féspected in the Frieda, oad ACC 12 Lcommanities in "which: they ve Mie She loaded a 0 of provision in |¥iated that the amount paid for mem: the Binck Sea, and steamed out to {bership and yearly dues, was large. strange about they 'would' like to bring the fellow to justion, while all - the fithe they ate wi Hing for another job of the same wort, for are well the Tawyers got better foes after our business than any ordi practice A Miller went on 6 ny that the or ganization had Ha 'regular officers who are better and that' only' "sours" erooks were allowed to become member on asked if they were not afraid thay their oWcers gmulate their eny ers and rob "the treisury; he ra plied 1 such a had never oe cutred once, mah was after: wards found on the streets of Con- stanting wi icki be AAT hp ole Sticking untioy fit to follow his ex 8 Juss, "Why," said let, *they know that they should try. to, 'do' ns they would have a thousand men - keener than aby 'detectives ion their trail, and at when caught ly i could save Bea i uribiy Womer The eréoks, asodiding to Miller. hnve th clubrooms in : Chicago, New York, New Orleans: Ban Francisco anid several other ciths, and he declared declared that these clubrooms, or houses, are filded up: ogardless of ex: pense. To be able to use them, - fio. ever, ome must' belong "to the crook aristocracy afd 'must alio vay extra dues that would make the clubmian of the cities link, -------- FOODS AND FOOD PRODUCTS. National Hist Prof. MN. A. Gray, lectured in Montreal bi Society. ist, recently "Foods and tory society rooms, ture was ing with the growtho of wheat, ity constituents and the oleotrioal. tren t- ment of flour. Mr, Gray remarked that but little ould he' sail soncern- ing the percentage Roinied : in the different grades of our North-Wegtom t, asi varies from pow WAL A R « Speaking of chemical experiment, Mr. Gray pointed out what bad been dove in this line in regard to iwheat, in the experimental stations of the United States. It wag but recently, however, that | laboratories had boen 'entablishes in' comnestion with flour mills, but they have alveady demon- strated their utility. : As to the purification of flour by electricity, the speaker remarked that it is about two years since this. me thod was adopted, and the develop- ment has been wonderful, A beautiful silvery whiteness is produced by sub jeoting flour to air which hos been passed through flaming electrical distharge, The flour Was also, ak a consequence, betler keeping qualities, and commands g better price. The Ogilvie Flour Mills company, he said, was the only firm in Canada, and one of the first in America; to thake use | of this purifying 'und 'steMlizing pro- | tous, i ---- Ice Boat In Service. leitiniate societies, and that almost | ------ . , Prof. Gray's Lecture Befors the Rood Products," in 'tha National His most exhaustive and ;instractive, deal | of 'nourishment | AINES PURIFIES THE BLOOD. BRACES THE NERVES. BUILDS UP THE BODY. erp ou ATER ELEN " sg * When the Kettle Sings The kettle's song comes as "a'sodg 6" cheer" when its stealing contents arc to be poured over Red Feather Ceylon Tea Po Red Feather Ceylon Tea is uniform ia quality 'and flavor--and is put up in cleanly, parehmicatdned pach- ages--aever in lead; © Black, Green or Mixed, one p Get Red Feather in your cup. ) Na LUMPDUND gid perpound--goc, pe COMPOUND) MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL IN SPRING TIME. Asis For "PAINE"S" Ask Fox £7 The Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Cures, <3 FASHION'S FORM, Of The Latest Styles Just Out. One Evening gown of double chiffon. Here a wealth of dainty workmanship takes the place of foreign trimming in the ormamentation: The skirt is pan elled with gradusted puffs that folustiers of tiny tucks, A deep flounce in set below the knee, and the puffs terminate hall way down on this in soft bows of ekiffon. The color scheme of this is in palest yellow. The decolletage is trimmed with folds of the chiffon, the only foreign touch being and bntterfly black velvet baby ribbon Cross costume hows ends "of Historic Building Burns New York, April 4.--Fire partly de stroyed the old observatory of the wellknown Dr. Henry Draper, at Hastons-on-the-Hudson, on Friday. There was great danger. of the fire spreading to the old red cottage near the observatory, which was used as Wola" "Bland, April 3.--The warm weathe¥ of the past week has brought the ice boat in to wetive: wervies on the' American channel; the snow has dearly all' disappested; This coming w the dee boats will be used be tween herp and "the 'sity; dnd" it + 3§ hoped that the new Wolls Islander will be making hor ilar tHE the Tol lowing week. John Rynn has been very sick; his, life is despaired - of Herbert Leakey has got the cohtract from Mrs. Robert Payne to put up a fine vesidence in the village." Dr. Spankie hat - purdhinsed a new racing ite vacht from New York, which is in tended to go on land fee spring * and fall. It is quite 5 novelty to people in these parts. James Rodgers bas got the material on the ground for * the 8 Hedtion of a new bam. RB. JU Spoor and D. Cosgrove are i a new wood, coal and ry the village. Mrs. Marlow hay' bo Filo Cummings' howse in the age and moved in. Filo Svmning thoved to the Abbott house at old Springs. Edward Walker has moved fi Sloman house to one: &t the foot of the village Miss Amy 8 daughter of Dr. Spaskie, Who holds a wl certificate, and who was awarded the scholarship" from 0' college, as well as a hig sre or Tapes Was chosen as one of the 1 from the rural school of the county, who will take & course iw nature study in Guelph college for the next thre months, -------- The Meaning Of A Phrase. We may heir it said of one who is limbs ached and T felt dull. "1 didn't enjoy my meals and eould- u's digest properly. y "Dr. Hamilton's Pills st hened my stomach, purified my er made me feel like new. No better medicine ERT Sidney (Mrs) LM. Morang, , CR. { By relying on Dr. Hamilton's You are sure of strong vitality, inking blood, bright, cheery The marvel of this medicine is : Sent | boavy rains are. frequent, but the characteristia of thi Jin. Salve will eure hard or soft corns. " in an Mel wt Wads's Beug stars in low spirits, "he is in the dun 8," the doldr been no churches 'for the past two' woeks. Rey a blacksmith's shop diring the revo lution. Some of Washibgton's officers had their horses shod there, Dr. Draper had this' observatory built in 1810. Here he made the first photographs ever taken of the moon, the nebula and the spectra. Dr. Deap- er made heve the lenses used in his large telescopes. Dr. John William Draper, father of Dr. Henry Draper, was on intima terms with the inven tor of the daguerreotype, and in the building which Burned was developed the first, picture in America of a_hum- an being. They Had Rheumatism. They are now cuted. What they say about the remedy is of far more im- portance than what we say. We refer to those in this locality who have Been cured of rheumatism by Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. If interested call: and let us refer you to well known people who can tell you just what the remedy will do. Dr. Hall's Rhosutuatic Cure is a harmless, inex- pensive remedy that cures all sorts of rheumatic troubles when other reme- dies fail. It has been so thoroughly tested that doubt as to itd remarka: ble merits can no longer exist. This is the preparation that cured Jeremiah Redden, 115 Lower Bagot St. and hundreds of others. In bottles, 500, at Wade's Ding Store. Will Build House. Dufferin, March 31.-Owing to te bad condition of the roads there has service in either of the Mr. MoQuarry bas accepted the call or, * ix in ums," t! to St. John and Sand Hill churches. many who use the latter of these | J. Boriach hind n bie on March 3ouk phrases have caught jt up Without | drawing wood. Mrs. R. Ponalison any knowledge of its real significance. | has returned howe after visiting her The Region of Cals is a belt. which | friends in Brockville T Flynn bas stretches across the Adlgntic and Pa. | finished cutting the wood at the ¢ifio oceans almost on « line with the schoolhouse Nee. Terthewey intends Equator. Here meet - the north and | having a new house erected.® south trade winds, and squalls and, : rains this The. name nowadavs | significance attach: in the part oi which North Renfrew recent election anions ed to 81,140.01, Thee applications of "Peck's Corp RETA. Dunlop's. expetiars ++ the | IF YOU ARE Artigles which last so MUCH LONGER for proportionately LESS MONEY. Can be'had in Tubs, Pails, Wash Basins, etc. | fi Always and everyWhere EDDY'S MATCHES. J. A HENDRY, Agent' 'a 0a. WHY bity wooden Back- ets sid Tubs, where yon can get E. B. EDDY'S * . WARE Kingston. | Thinking "of Building IT WILL PAY YOU 710 : Read the Following : build much cheaper than race Walls, Fehcps, other style plastering may be done J. W. SeE® Having purchased a first class plant, for CRETE BUILDING BLOCKS, I can quote Blocks can be copied after The best material for the erection of Residences, of building; they LITTON :": 159 A PA manufacturing prices which "will enable Brick, and more Here art with Stone or natural stone, handsome few Factories, designs; Dishes, : = Fancy White China for Decorating »e ® Ouanges, Lemons, Gra 3 Apples and Confectiorey. J. HISCO SEIRITPPE® SSC OO0000GO00TOCO 000000 ee nn HOLLOW « advanta Churches Stables, Steps and Silos: the sav ing in cost of co tion; such Buildings are fire and frost proof; Insurance is less than for Are' warm in winter and cool in summer on the back of the stome, saving cost of lat} the blocks can ha moulded. into the most elaborate country can build just as cheaply as in the city, ish you with all particulars as to prises. people ir I will be pleased t lfred St. FANCY GOODS, TOYS, ETC. Baby Carriages, Go Cars, Express Waggons, Carts, Rowing Waggons. . Card Games, Flinch, Trix Cards, Pitt, Loss Heir, Sherlock Holmes, Kan U Katch, Checkers, Dominoes, Cribbage Boards, Fancy China Cups and Saucers, Dishes, Bread and Butter P Rose Bowls, Tea, Sugar and Cream Set, Celery Marmalade Sets, etc. fo vigte Jardiniers, Bon-Bon lates, Vases, Salads, pes, Bananas, Pine-apples, CK. iN $ SERGIO . . ® . . = 5 . . s s . $ SN % " x @ lo a . " ) a ages 26c. VAY i CHOCOLATES | CHOCOLATES ! Ganong's G. B. Cenadian Cw colates, t/e finest made in Canada, §0c, per pound. Cadbury's Cafe an Lait ) ting Chocolates, 3 pack- A.J. REES, Princess St. PAARARARAAAAAAANAAR FARAAAAAAAARAAAAAARARAT : © REPORT OF BANK OF BRITI sented to the Pro Pre Yearly ( 0 eral meeting annual gen Toe a0 Kine. Bank of B groprietors a was held on Tue orth Americ ov ed 7th, at the office of the 3 N Ss : @Gracechurch § a Hoare, presid Ba secretary (Mr. A. G.. § Lil 'read the notice an havi alr m wr a said: Before Fhe Cha)r nan to the balance r z -day, coir hands to-day, ie respecting one » report issued wit Bi o lance. shes The sum of £4.18 then =, aside out of the profits "to .meet 'the depreciat] investment in Domin which will -her d books at 5 San obliged in December, 19 03, bee out of profits the sum of oe rovide for depreciation 1 ou bo we felt that it wis. ath et her approp: mptothis furth Sok Prgpect. of our Canada nis ol nk's bonds, n the Exchange had fallen, Be to write dov at to that level, althou aware that on its m Canada bond is than ever it has be are well Peminton of -day Inare lo. a satisfactory to be : scovery in values hoi . and that our | again worth | " ; pass on, and make soi ill nos on the balance-sheet ember 31st, 1904. Deposits ay po accounts, compared with ; 3 1902 show an increase of £ 7° per cent. of this incre: ! savings bank depattimer sw wing in Hf 1 Sine pre ana other liabilitie decrease of £620,000. This d tonsists almost * entirely in th payable, which are £560,000 les at this time last year. This re does not signify any diminution bank's business generally , but dt yeflection of a long period of in: fn New York. to which 1 sha to refer again when I svea : rofits. Notes in circulation s nerease of £32,000 compared w time last year But here 1 mn plain that the figures at Decem do not represent in this or In a the highest point of our eire J¢ is in the months of October vember, when the harvest Is moved, that the circulation rea maximum, and by December § ebb-tide has begun and mad progress a ADDITION TO RESER By an addition of £20,000 t« serve fund the total fs raised tc 000. 1 would remind you t whole of this sum has been 84 of profits, while the reserves ( of 6ur friendly rivals have beér augmented by the prem from the issue of new oiler side of the account, specie are. £67,000 less than t) Jast vear ; > but cash at call a notice if £126,000 larger. so | total under these two heading an increase of £57,000. The « specie is 37 per cent. of our iy Nabilities, while the two Ite ether amount to 36 per eent total liabilities to the public, ments, 80 far as regards our Uevernment stocks, show 'no while our Dominion of Canad as already explained, now sta instead of 100, Other secur £133,000. show a decrease o In Canada, as in the United F the values of all high-class continued low during the h but a strict revaluation of t curities shows that they stan books at less than actual valu Teceivable, loans on security a accounts show a decrease of compared with this time la but 1 have nothing special to #pecting these flgures, w h due: to any other cause than dinary fluctuations of our busl #' NEW.BANK PREMISE Bank premises show an in £21,000 during the year On expenditure has been £31,000 you have seen, we have taken profits of the half-year the £10,000 in reduction of this At December 31st, 1801, our Account stood £120.000. so these three years we have sp 000. Had it heen possible, w gladly have avoided this large In the account, but I have n ton in saying' that we had ) if we were to retain our p« Canada The bulk of the mw Deen spent in Winnipeg, and A ---- T0 THE .PUBLI wv HAVING PURCHASED THE ness of the Clarified Milk Co., ¢ ston, it is my purpose to mal changes of very material interest Sumers. After April 1st, our n trem will all be "Pasterized, served to customers in scaled bot It is now conceded by the best ities, that milk for family use si Pasterized and that it should be * in sealed bottles. We hop fourteous service and strict atte Quality to merit liberal pe from the people of Ringston. THE KINGSTON MILK-D ot and Brock Street PF "Phone 587. T. J. POLLEY - Pro) NOTICE. W. G. FRO: Proprietor of the - CITY STORAG Wishes to announce that he peted a m elevator, or "alo Ball Bearing Co. Piano " are reas ye and turn out first clas Sinting all kinds of Vehicles ; ®t notice "Phone 525, 299 ¢ FOR SAL "Romilly Hot THE RESIDENCE OF MRS. 0D arrie street, will be offere 1 auction on THURS April next, at twel the office of Mae Clarence street. b frontare Apetionser. The prope * footh of 133 fect. - ! "® Yendor reserves one bid. MACDONNELL & JAR) endor's Dated tis 2204 day of Marc