Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1905, p. 3

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: AE An lmprovemeat ou Nagrg Nature gives ug fruit 1 | healthy. But fruit ca, | back health after we Jose | It take fresh fr 10 cane ohCtive > keep pa It bring or Fruit Liver Tablets are fruit juices in table: ; : improve on nature by Ne process. By it, we ¢c change the - action of the fru; that Fruita tives" are rendered effect. Ive enough A cure Constipat tigh and Sick Kidneys, 08% MH you want to be rid of these trou ask your drugyis " Doxof "Fruit-a-tives" They ros fail. soc. a box. | FRUITATIVES, Limited, 0Traw. Don't Get Any other tooth wash hut vie.: "The Wash," and it imparts A Mouthful of est, Prophylacti Sweetness and freshness ¢ the teeth. Perféctly healthy sure ta follow if our 25 Hygienic Tooth Brush" j The Bristles Are Guaranteed to remain in. F or sale only at The "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess St. 'Phone 69. First A in the Home For the home there is no other "firstaid" so sure as Pound's Extract farily docter. E genc: hospital fant to step bleed beng 8cid only in sealed bot ties under buff . wrapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. | | Snap in Lustre Waists THURSDAY MORNING We Place on Sale 45 only Best Quality LUSTRI WAISTS: colors, cream, navy brown, black; stylishly ma with tucked hack and irc leg-o-mutton sleeves and tachable collar to mat sizes 22 to ; good valu §2.50, On Sale Special at $1.95 A Great Wrapper Sale See our window for the Biggest Snap 'in LADIES' PRINT WRAPPERS over shown Kingston; all stylishly mad and good patterns, fast « ors; regular prices $1 to $1.25 Thursday for 75¢. each. Newman & Shaw a TTA ETE IE EEE EE TTT TTT" yy It's a 'Trial That we ask you to give our p | Scranton et Coal - You've nothing to lose; while we have hopes of securing your further orders. 0000000200 000000000 ~esvseseacsae FAVA RRTTTAR VV V VT LTV LUATT ATLA EAT TEES Se hymna D. WATSON, Clovis, Fresno County, ., Writes: "God blgés you for what you have| Mrs. Alls Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn., done for me. The rheumatism has all , and to-day all exclaim, low well you look! I tell them yes, . and I owe it all to Dr. Hartman for bis good advice to me. To-day finds me gs free from pain as I ever was. The rainy season has set in here, but the change hasn't affected me as' it used to. I am very thankful that I have found out that you can and will hel the suffering ones that will follow your advice, Several have asked me what They get medicine then, We keep Peruna nn My daugtifer Jas two and keep wcll and go to acho: ath take the mediciac curd me, and I tell them. in the house. school, and they day. "My wife was troubled with a pain S---------------------- Are_Never Without Peruna in the House How sano DUCHESS OLGA for Catarrhal Diseases. | AT HOME SCHR BX TREATED OFFICER. | Warm-Hearted, Michievous, Free RQ ER of Speech and Have Great Can) 5 . Ideas of Their Own Rank. 5 ERNE g f P., of London, M.A The little Russian privcesses (ac cording to a reliable correspondent) do" not quite bear out the prevailing impression that all the childeen of the crowned heads of Europe are ne |cessarily paragons of § on or little prudes. These small girls are {children in every sense of the word i warm-hehried, misphivsous, igh-spic- { ited, free of speech, unfettered of ac | tion, and possessed of a full appresi- ation of their own exalted rank. The latter is quite; particularly true of the fair-baired, blue-eyed Grand Duchess Olga; she has often been known to stop her little. pony carriage in the parks of Peterhoff==the czars summer } revidence--to call to ox some ipagser by who had failed to accord {heft thé attention she considered due to an emperor's daughter, Here is an anecdote about this con: sequential little lady which Las not | found its way into print before: One {day last sutuner, when the court was | «till at Petérhofi, the four little duck- were playing on the beach in [front of the Alexandrine palace, when they, saw, some distance away, a writes: lvoung officer, why, with casquet "I have been troubled with rheama- | thrust back from Ris hot, perspiring tism and catarrh for five {forechead, was engrossed in supervising twenty- years. Could not sleep day or night. After , group of tired looking sailors exe having used Peruna I can sleep and | ting a difficult piece of work, The nothing bothers me now. If | everam tmen on perceiving the children's ap: affected with any kind of sickness {proach instantly suspended their la Peruna will bo the medicine I shall |, i. lng st attention, ren use. My con was cared of catarrh of military honors | dered them the full P the Inryix by Peruna."--Mrs. Alla | that were their due, This amused the {little girls to an extent that Why Old People are Especially Liable [they instantly abandimed their game to Systemic Catarrh. { to 'strut demurely up and down in When old age comes on, catarrhal dis- {front of the workers, who were thus eases come also. Systemic catarrh is {compelled to neglect their labor and almost yniversal in old people. [salute each time they passed, This < | went on for some time, until the of Thi explains why Poruas has become | flcer began to lose patience. Obwerv so indispensable to old people. Peruna ing that the little girls meant to con is their safeguard. Peruna isthe only | ju. the game indefinitely he quietly such side for . Nowsheis taking | remedy yet devised that meets these | dered the men to go on with their in her years, | ¥-) medicine and is real smart. need your advice." * Mr. Joo. 0. Atkinson, Independene: Mo., Box 72, writes: "Your remedies do all that you clai for them, and even more. Catarrh can- not exist where Pcruna is taken accord {ag to directions. Peruna completely | full statement of your case and he will | cured my wife and I of catarrhal troubles | be pleased to give you his valuable ad- of twenty-five years standing. In my | vice gratis. ~~ 111 tell papa sounds as & traveling man Tam a walk-| Address Dr. Hartman, ent. of ng advertisement of Peruna." 1 will doall I éan for you and for those who cases exactly. | work, and take no further notice" of Such cases cannot be treated loeally; | them. To the Grand Duchess Olga's nothing but an effective systemic vem | amazanent then, no one moved to. ae e, | edy could cure them. This is exactly { know ledge her presence a moment lat- what Peruna is. BN ier, when she cawe tripping along the m| If you do not receive prompt and sat path. She gazed first at the officer, isfactory results from the use of Peruna. | then at the sailors, as if at a loss write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving » | hon to hold responsible for this gross act of dontempt to her imperi Then, stamping her small cried, "Salute at once or {al person. | foot, she -------- The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. SPORT REVIEW. Dr.Mackay's SPECIFIC For the Treatment of - Alcoholism Vsed In Conmection With the Provine of Quebec Probailon System With, Unvarying Success. The City Council of Montreal has ex this marvellous discovery. Ti Finguce Committee of Montreal recent- | 5¢: ly voted $300 to defray the expense « placing the medicine in city Police Stations, as prompt appl cation of the treatment to bad casc will prevent the fatalities continuall ocgurring in the cells. No Sanitarium is required. Tl Treatment can be taken at home, No} special diet required. The desire to form is simply necessary and spiri avoided for 5 few days is medicine is now within the reac The wonderful results obtainec the worst class of before the Judges of wit drunkar " l the' Courts in Quebec and Montreal each of the [per Ib 7¢. per Ib h of all, the price having been ilucad | At East Buffalo NA Recorders' STOCK MARKETS. 1 ii | Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And { Other Sports. Paid t President Kreitner of Montreal Cattle C _- sold Catcher McManus to Buflalo. v - - . enires. | Young Corbett of Denver and Young Monte I, April 3.-About. 400 head | Erne of Philadelphia, sparred of Jute cattle, 75 calves, 50 milch | rounds to a draw, Monday night. cows and 3 spring lambs were offered Jol ARs : 1 John L. Sullivan's ress agent € | for sale at the East Fad Abattoir to P day Ihe' butchers were present | large numbers and trade was faic with | 0 Joe 150. [rime high prices prevailing all round. | The Prices Various the funny side i# plain Prime bey d at de. to Bb: pietts '3 whe. Por | in the profession, started as a catcher 0 mike teh at Lo near {ad was regarded as a foud man to nilkmen's = Pers x ' o i Bl to 4:6. | pip baserunners. He made no mistake of | and the common stock, 2 to 33:1 . " Pwhen he switched to twirling, The milch cows were a rather | i- | rough lot and sold at $20 to 250 cach \ J ge d Sager, ho yos Se dil Hides These joes are given' by 11h calves weire all vou ts oth, by Brooklyn anc etroit, has | oKay i strent Poot . {Sold 'at from Teo 8s. - Soa 1 Jud | Gone creditable work for the New ri okay. Tos ify skins, "bc. YJ were no sheep, on the market. Spring | York Americans thus far this spuing. | ("050 "Hen Ib: tallow, render. we | lamb id at $4 to $5 cach. but they | Manager Griffith believes that be will od, 2c. a lb; tallow, rough, 2c. a Ib. * not very g | now stick in fast company. 1 Good lots of fat | MC y n No spit ball for Cy Young, who ha per 1b « aght a old at ab ; a few 1 tle over ts choice lot , the old style of delivery not use of these next year, | with my old tricks, April 3.--Cattle | long ago," he said. active; 13¢. 101 In an encounter with a *0.5%0 to { years, with shall | curves -- 11 any h that I mastere East: Buffalo, liveryman has SX | Saguenay salmow: \ i | codlish, Te tw tp. o Ib.; halibut, He. very busy sending out challenges to a Ib; haddock, and bulllicad mn | Joe Grim. As John weighs about 276 Chesbro, the highest salaried pitcher | been pitching winning ball for twenty new but will continue at Milwaukee, Ternrv McGovern, former 3 oa . -- Xr ' Indobr 'Life of Winter is Ha: The Ing 'on the Health. Nat aaanlly sick--but no} fogling wite well. t's the spring feeling. Te reason--~close confinement indoors i the winter months, breathi the imwure Air of badly ventila houses, and workshops. The trouble 'may manifest itseli in a vari able ite, little (pimples or evup tions the skin, a iceling of weari ness, and perhops an occasional head ache, or a twinge of neuralgia or rheumatism, 'Perhaps you -thitk the trouble will pass away but it won't unless vou itive it out of the svatem y patti the blood right with a health-giving tovic. And there is only one abs ately certain, blood renewing nerves tohic-Dr. Willinns' Pink Pills for Pale People, Thousands of teful pple have testified that es pills ire the best: of all spring medicines, They actually make new blood: they brace the nerves dnd strengthen every organ of the body. They make tired, depressed, ailing wen, women and children bright, ac tive and strong. Mrs. N. Ferguson, Ashfield, N.S. says: "For The bene fit 'it may be to others 1 take much pleasure in saying that I have found wonderful benefit from the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. When 1 began taking them I was «0 badly ran down that I could scarcely go" about the house. 1 was also troubled with pal pitation of the heart and weak soells, but the pills have fully restored 'me and T am mow enjoving better health than 1 ever expectod to have again.' If vou sabt to be healthy in spring don't dose yourseli with purgatives they only. Weaken they can't care Don't experiment with other so-called tonics. Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once andisee how quickly they will banish all spring ailments, and make voi active and strong. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent hy mail at 50¢, a box or six boxes for $250 hy writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PRODUCE AND PRICES. Prices At Present Prevailing In The City. Kingston, Apeil 5. The prices paid on the produce market this week are: Flour ane fod. Flour, Bakers' strong, $2.70 to $2.90 a owt; farmers' our, ¥2.90 to X1L10 cwi; Hungarian patent, $3 to $3.20 ewt.; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.50 to $1.75 cw; comn- meal, $1.50 to $1.60 a owt; bran, $19 to $20 a ton; shorts, $21 to 82 a ton; straw, $6.50 a ton: hay, ¥7 ¥ a ton; d hay, 85 to 810. Grain t, Manitoba, No. }, Nor thern, $107; No. 2, Northern, $1.04; No. 3, Northern, 8c; white winter, 9%, to BL05: Canadian spring, 9k {to Sle, a bush; local soft wheat, St | a bush; buckwheat, 50c. bhush.: corn, | 56c. to 80c. bush; peas, 63c. to 67 barley, $c. to 48%. a bush; 0 Fish. Salmon Atout, 12jc; white fsh, 124c; pickerel, 10c. a 1h pike, fc. a Ib; Seattle salmon, 25¢ a Ib; 30 a lb salt » 15: fresh' = clscoes, Sc a Ib; smoked kippers, 0c. to Mx. a dor; '| oysters, 40, Bbc. and 6c. a quart; finnan haddie, 100, a lb; lobsters, 30, o lb; bloaters, 3a to 0c." a dor, red herring, 13a. a box; sea bass, 2c, per Ib; blue fish, 15¢. a Ib 10c, per lb; tom cod, Sc. per Tb sand ts, horse hides, $2 to $2.75, according to Prospects of good prices for wool this season, size, Furs-- Mink, dark, 82 to $4; fox, No | prime, £2; coon, be, to #1; musl 1 rats, 17c.; skunk, 2e, to tPe., acvord ing to size and quality of fur . Meat---Beef, Se. to Se, a Jb. ; veal vw. to 8c. a Ih; mutton, be. to Gc, a THE DIFFERENCE IS DES- rp 00LS PUB LC. CRIBED IN THE PRESS. All Schools Established Under the Ordinances of the Territories { Are Public Schools--Nothing | About Religion in Régula- tions. > Prine Alpert, N bly Advacate a 0 terms "public | and se abe as applied to schools have ier frequently. in disonsing the system of schueds existing in the territories As a Watts of fact all schools under the department of siwcation are "public" schools There is no defini tion, in guy of the school ordinances of the term "public school." HW hy a "public" school district is meant only one which can levy tases on all the ratepayers, irrespective of their religion--then whenever a "'sepamte" school is established the previous "public" school (cases 10 be "public" bocause thereafter it taxes only one religious denomination just as the minority school taxes only the other denomination. For example in this city, the so-called "public" school taxes only Protestants, while the se parate school taxes only Catholics. if the Istter is for this reason a separate school, the other must also hea re parate school. At Duck Lake again the socalled "public" school js Rowan Catholic, - that is the majority whe support it are Roman Catholics; 'and the "separate" school there = Protos tant and is supported by the latter denomination. It follows then that the "public" the school first cstablished in a locality and the "separate" school is the one which is secondly estgblished in the seme school is simply locality. That i« all the diffifdpes be. tween the two schools. They are all under the "control and management of the department." (s. 4 ch, 9.) apd by 5. 43 the moment a second school is established hy the minority "the board thereof shall possess and exer cise all rights, powers, privileges be subject to the same liabilities and method of government as is herein provided in respect of public school districte." The sxtions regulating the langhage to be taught and roligions instesction do not even mention the words "pub lic" or "separate" so identical are they in respect of every school under the department, exactly the same pro visions applying to all. The fact is that, except private schools, convents and: academia: supported entively by fees, all schools established under the ordinances ar shlic schools, the words, "publiciitind 'separate' bei merely convent terms to tintingtish the school first "established in a local ity and the school secondly establish ed there. The terms "majority" and "minority" would be better names, in cicating as they would the only dis tinction that exists between them. In further proof that the word "publ" 1s used, in the onlinance, in a liwited and special seme, reference may be had to see. 4, which says : The department shall have control and management of all Kindergarien schools, public and separate schools, normal teachers' institutes, awl the education of deaf, and blind persons." Here, it is evident that kindergarten and normal schools and those for the education of teachers and of the deaf, dumb and Llind are not included wn der the term "public" But surely all these are public schools in the venus! sense of the term and as it is need in the Dominic lands act, There is nothing moreover in crdinance gn Kg clergymen (fle whools-- the® » There is nothis schools, deaf mutes schools the specis] permission to v religion in thy not even' mentioned in the school law to dobar a Protestant clergyman from traching religion in a "separate' chool, vreventing a priest from giving religious instruction in a "pub 4 school, if permitted or desired by the trustes He must not do =o be fore half past three the children are not bound to remain an o'clock: and hear him Under these clear that the circnms lances in it not term 'separate' schools war- 'sg ip £5.65: butch- | t Ib.; spring lamb, 6c. to Tc. a 1b rants the statement that the disease of | oyu. Ee 5 _ - | featherweight champion of the world, | 4 0 5) 0 by Situs Tie. oH Drunkenness can be cured--readil) 3 5 =~ | received a blow an his left eye that p00 Le the guarter, Je. to K surely--under ordinary cireumstances {sent the fighter to the floor. The | | yy ioe hogs, S078 a owt.; dressed avd with the reasonable desire upon ® | knockout was administered by Paul ho s. 36 to 88 0 - owt : r'part. of an indheiate. Fah owe ch nines, 275; | Mittag in the latter's livery barn, The | "G5." = 150710 20c. a do I 5 f & pringers, 0! ruit Lamons, 150. 10 20, a dor This treatment is simply the medi- | lower: wood 1 p P trouble arose over a horse deal. b MH 2% do range tine of the medical fession--the only a en A Battli Nels hay posted to Jananas, 2 to We. a doz; orange, the medical profession--the only | nedium to good, 825 to R12: common. | ¢.) rLing un way posted 8 for 5c. to Gi. a dok ; apples, 200. secret is as to its administration aa. he * mmon | feit of 31000 to hind a match with] 0" 1 an berries 12¢.; pine Dr. Mackay's discovery is the result 1.900 sl: active: Tabez White, the English Rghtweight |..." | "5c. each for extra fancy us years of practice as a specialist o £755 yi | champion, who is to fight Jimmy Vegetabl 'olatoss, Bic. to 81 per and expert. He is a member of the 17.000 head: active | Britt for the world's lightweight |. "turnips, 15c.m peek; carrots, 20 Tollege of Physicians and Surgeons of %: heavy: and mixed championship on April 25th. Nelson | peck; beets, 0c. & peck; cabbage fhe Tovinee of Quebec. rkers, X5.60 to 85.75 | will fight in public or private and will |=. 1, 7c a hoad: onions, 81.75 to £2 a he Government of Quebec through Rl oF ta 48 "| bet $1,000 against $1,000 that he will | |. caulifiowers, Se. to. 3c. ool the J ie o 85; stags ! bush 4 ers, 20e. t 3 J udges ordered over 500 boxes of | g37,, * [knock the British boxer out within ten {| rv 5c. 100. to 12§c. bead: 10: 1 medicine for prisoners appearing in Sheep and 18. 00x | rounds. The omly condition Nelson in- | 75. , cacumbers, 2 ¢ Je Douets I TT04---Official Reports 08 | head; 10c. to « | #ists on is that the fight take place parsle: bunch; lettuce t lish 80 per cept. of cures with these {36 50 1 8% 3 , 1 before the White-Britt bout. er head; Boston lettuce, 12} With : . ! yearlings, wothers Charlie Mitchell, White's manager, per head; rhubarb, 18. per a ith the public and official endorsa- |x.) ? 26.15 | offered the fight to Nelson during an | wate: . h* per bunch; oyeta jon and the record of results publish- | Pp. mie argument. and the Dane clinched mat- | plant, Tix new. carrots and we . it is unnecessary to waste money | tere at once hy putting ap his money. | bouts, 10: buneh, ~~ Sperinenting further. All communica At Chic IH the bout is held and. the Dene | Poult ens, 10c. to 150; fowl ions private, t Chicago : | makes good, knocking out White | Se. to 12 young turkeys, 12 - hoa to Ape I 3 Catt Ree thin ten rounds, the Britt White | 18. a li ge turkeys, Me, to 12 The : imited | 250% rads: good to prime ht will naturally fall throush and{s Ib: ¢ te. te Be. per Weoming Wiles: Co ' Limi £5.40 to 5. 0. poor tok Au h Nels will. be substituted for the . vckers an ede nglishman Sole Ageats for to R475; Writers, 8310| Butter; . SEH to 82.5 bull Wholesal amery, 20c. to He DR. MACKAY'S SPECIFIC FOR > pd ; calees. 83 to 36.75 | Ib. farmer rints, Se. to bc. a I DRUNKENNESS Reosipts, 25.000; shade lower; | incrolle, 0c. 1 Zhe. ; mixed and butcl £5.20 to 85.374; Retail nery, Be. to 20. ah good 10 choice, £3.30 5.12 farmers' | he. to Ve; wm rolls, aypole S60 so 80.0 of salen, $05 6 | he £5.10 to $5.30; bulk of sales, £5.25 to | ' - $35. | ' Ens : - EEE 25 000 10, ¢ Soap ig woibe E | Wholesale - | hy 18e, to 1%. dos = fair to Fhoice mixed, $ 2) Retail Frosh, 156 10 Se. dos D e native lambs, 85.50 to $7.50 N Saw White Men { ever Sa ] v ' ema oJ y Hartington Happenings i Against Cold. New ¥e bs A phil 5 ory ako Z n prit 1.-E. Freeman a son of the lamohs Arche explorer, The Raglish home 'A eae of Hartington, Apri ¥ teaspoonful of Armont's has retur ables the Herald's Sean, te. Beittiavs catots {was up in Toronto mst week ax a i Eatract of Deel, in a cup of bot Montevideo, | rugusy, correspondent, rar 4 Foucan't wash the | of the delegates representing 1 water, makes delicious beef tea from an «spedition into the interior a S igus, Dyce gupt ¢- § | county council, Those who tapped are | which fortiSesthe whole system MF South At a to the borders of he largest miein pire. ' th of theit labor, as | against colds, 1a grippe, and Br il. Bolivia sd Peru, where he g run of sap Johnt} inflaenss. It gives a grateful i In i oho had never seen ol rane of din " atte mted an feeling of warmth cud relieves white Fhe arc among the len Mtpey 3 we Frederick Trousdale Jusist on having ARN OUR'S niost pri penble in the world McDonald, of Perth, is Rrtract ef Deel. 1: Bastiat rick Thay. believed the explorer lo 36 tom . Zor the past week with friends here. Miss | ARMOUR LIMITED, TORENTO, el No. Wde oi Brown is home alter stop Sole packers and shippers er for al ing with Mrs. G. Deer, Redford. § x for Canada. For Gook's Cov Mrs. Deer's many friends will be glad | ton jake BO, 4 or of her getting better er al overs witwek of premwonia re 1 Modicine Con. Windsor, Ontatio. : Bigs worth and two children are visit Thank ints Abe second |NE : gy of Alva Thomphine, Redners | pro Whe Td cai fw, oe ch women oe8, | 10" ordinary by: Mr from Queen's for a few days. | Colling, of Sydenham, spent { beefy flavor. At all Grocers sed Druggists. Clow is im patting iv! at Camden Fest, L ing das house here by \ « Pensen Balopek FOTO tal God and begged him to remain as their chiei. He refused to accept their offer, knowing his prestige would not outlive hi wmition aged twenty-four Lester He yours, sh » wf Kifled [evi Peters ged fifty years. and seriously wonnd of Amos Obiliah' and ' Lafayette Thompson at a wood chopping camp near Little Vado NY Hoan Pu feessn and Yrooble 'arose dbo th | cooking of the hroakfast and a nt Heian. too free or offen- Er Sananive: antiscptic purposes which est them- selves to women, y mothers,' as well as for all the of the at, a rr ombies 'delicate Lut cute R derived from Cu- cansing | ents and | Bo refreshing 'Bower ndors, No other medicated soap ever come Germ: and Prevents Baldness. Pretty nearly all the hair prepara: tions for dandruff have some merit in allaying diching of the soalp, and in being o fnirly good dressing for the hair, but there is: ohly one that pies what hair, and baldness, and that destroys the cawe, a little germ--and that js Newhro's Harpicide. This germ enteditg way into the walp, it digs up dhe scl) into little whité scales. s 1 in destroyed "there's "me manent wtopping of falling hair dandruff and baldness, Newhri's Foe picide kills the germ. "stroy the cause, yout remove the effect." Sold by leading 'druggists. Send 10¢, in tabs for sample to the Herpiclde Co., § troit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, special agent. ----------------_-----. Afticted win Erysipelas For Ten Years. Sin Cured by Four Bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. N. Peister, of Brighton, Ont., was Cured Two Years Ago and Has Had No Return Of It Since. and cure of Read what she says :--~** It is now about two years since I was cured of a terrible sttack of Krysipelas, with which I had been afflicted for about ten years. [had tried almost everything, including medi- cine from several doctors. but could get no relief. I had given my case up = hopeless, but I procured five bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it completely cured me. In fact, the cure has been permatient. It is now two years since took Burdock Blood Bitters, and I have not had the slightest sign of the disepse returning. I fully believe that wonderful remedy has taken it does not mean denominational school t does in Ontario or Quobee ? THEORY VS. PRACTICE | Prof Shortt Addresses Canadian | Catholic -Unioh {1 nie World | Me Canadian Catholic Union held | their final meeting of the season at | the King Edward on Monday. D. Mil weupied the chair, and an inte address was given by Prof. on The Theorist and the Practical Man," in which, by illustra tions from hist and present day activit he sh al that one was de pendent upon the other, and that the greatest vases in life were men who were a combination of both. The hief distinction Prof. Shortt dew vas, that the practical man was the man who worked to do while the the wit Was the man who worked to know Mr. Kylie moved a vote of thanks at some length with interesting il lustrations exemplifying Prof. Shortt's { talk, which was seconded by Mr. Har pell J.P. Murray and Mr. Glas bros also spoke in appreciation of | Prof. Shortt's able address i vi Michigan, Judge Joseph B Mor Lapeer the republioan candi § date. was revlected to the slate 'su prome court by a majority of abhont | Ino The of the republican ticket was elected by the same ma Jorjty A FREE PACKAGE B14 INS MN ey Na bs SIN | cm---------------------------- your 80 com pletely out of my system that I shall never be bothered again with it. 1 hewe the greatest of faith in Burdock Blood Bitters." DUSE COURTS SECLUSION. Actress Aveidy Thapley ard Shans Puporters. : Pafiv, April 5. Signore Puse 35 in Paris rejnting all "the wees of ml: vergisenent. A simpli, swnouncement great evowds gested: thet the public of her perlirmance « hug i vie my invioisble ivacy. She ' herwolf up Ther botel, and flatly re- fuses to Mw any lv. Interviewers knook desperately at her doot, But it opens not, When she. goes out a veiled phantom glides into the lift and vanishes swiftly. "That is oll." sys one awe struck scribe. "That is Madame Blancs Duse, shrinking from one touch of life." The motidm for a new trial for Charles L. Tucker, convicted for. the murda of Mall Page, in Wetton Mase, Match Slat, 1991, hos Leen de Anaconda, revo conven dandeall, falling 1 LARS ores mas sien For Settlers and thelf sftects Kingston at $5.10 a.m. every Tuesday During March & | U sufticient business offers ist Siceper Will ba - Caieh om Ttenfrew, yl So ef eI ald CONWAY, ' Gen. F § CYR RE INVIG ! U ) Cowte enough ' 10 insure wa mony shoe, but is as Jow as o stde of ihin character can be wold. A beside a cheaper shoe, the dl nee is Men who gat: Sohn ing wear, and solid neuid wear the iaviets FOR SALE AT The Sawyer {1 "Shoe Store 212 PRINCESS STREET: BEST IN CANADA! , 14 Modern and Progressive School Kingston Business Corts ought ea - Lenthers in Canada end the United alen. 3 2 Catalogue free. N Enter any. time, Day W . rab J.B, A ating HF 5 ¥'] PIANO TUITION MISS MAY BEWNAN, 271 King Bhidran ive special care . Ady thheht lu theory aied, 1a te. Ti ry send Soderate. Telephon we

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