SHIRT WAIST syppe tment in Plain and F = a Coy Cs or Ww . yy 99¢. yard, Vis is a light-weight Eng. pring Suiting. |t has a Spot with rain or damp, , Navy, etc. $1 ani $1.2; wvys, Light Blues, wanted shades. 500ds, light weight and ist Suits, Prices 15, Greens, 3igas are in one or two he time to secure some- ng you will find later. -- i es' : Suits ' suits for spring and if minutes to look over the the +pecial price advan- suits, We cannot possi- le ts from $8.75 to ris. ckets. cial Display and if you you desire and have it E FOR MEN his Spring and Summ r. noe, Shoe, Low Shoe. , medium toes for busi nger men] SB > yi 1 ; : 1 "YEAR 72. NO. 81. A » THURSDAY, PRIL 6, 1905. -- or -------------------------------- ES -------------------------- ---- Er TTT ' ) MBER DEPUTATION DATLY MENORANDA. Vv : on the fact that nin made + : ' ont? April 6.--(10 | Mgt. Shared v inter! , Waited on Ontario Government Torontog GREE Tair and - : Friday, y 9 . : Suk | | "No Popery" e, Says Terte J nis Morag: . | r------ { A > Spex 1 to the w § 2 : gal § Sonia Ba 1s Toviak. In : Toronto, April ti-A deputation rel ne . ! y pe ter: from: apis ia » ! ------ swesenting all the large hanber com | -_ Tarte save, he if able t tht a : nies of the proviness waited on the'{ \ 'tA wi ! itfrid Sir Wilfrid Lawrie had vey ode Iwill Be Where Linevitch Pt i swornment this morning, be- | I Many. t Repudiated By Sir Wilf | with, the exchang of. view i Wen : at Reed by E. A. Dunlop, M.A | Lauri Mgr, Sharrelti abi he rprecotativ Will Make Stand. RK SIC RI that siepe be taken 1 RS ENIREE { i $ A aurer. ofthe Manitoba.» wiigt, Hie si yoinedy the difficulties they claim to 7 . clarcs that. the k bin sinuply hate labored under for some time in , s Grand © p means hat Wu Lib o send regard to the locations of settlers un: » ' ¢ oy Mod « ' 4 fo £ o upped fd A Ak at 4 ISH MINIST ER der the free grants and homestead plueen's Medical 1 rC cry "No Popery oh cumier act on lands under timber liothae. ; lusucction: RM Cad 1 of Manitoba like I¥any Jn A he -- They sugwested that thero should be Juspection of R ut cumstances. Mr t a that oy x the Grey, Friday morning circum ) o locations on lands sold under th } I'he Woman who conkervalive Journ 1 pul men | LEAVES® ST: PETERSBURG ON ol or solo of 1908, until the time for ; = : mee knows w HAD NO AUTHORITY TO SPEAK |, denousice the hic h nmit a VACATION ha off the timber has expired, er . opinion . I x r I her 3 . x ph : ust 4 : tel A : M POR GOVERNMENT. a4 Str] Ans ; Cin Ca -- that twelve months' notice show d Bo S umes Bik Hats are re corge M Puelver (ULLY. 0 a ve intention 'to open up lands pS s an : X thohie dlorgy in almost all cin apstan | ppdicates Lull in Diplomatic Pro- giv of inte ond that greater at ¥ Gh Pe pecia a es This d 1 3 ! i Sir /ilirid Gives His Version of [ces the ex Ministe } i, hay ceedings--Tone of Russian tention whould he paid to the preven - ol 149%: Nupsleon 1 ; riew : - | given "their sympathios, sometimes la x like--Pro- gh s exploration : On Hat Racks This Week : oS Sublet Hibs ore : the Tuterview With the Man tent, somotines act 1 the chief cials Very War : Pro ton i BR By it "was fur Tailored Coats or ht toba Legislators--Sir William | (50 "ob vative | It would be vinces for Peace--Russians De- of the htift at' the government : a " ST : pressers and Washstands, liberal dis- Mulock Stood Up for Ontario's | wigh of poor ation to ima vastate Country. the ld appoint inspectors to examine 0 A t Right to Extension of Terri- | gine that in the present venture the | gies wai = : od i under the timhee Se t Skirts br goods marked in plain figures. 18 Catholio dergy are (narimous in their Towdon, April '6.The Times St. | various districts sy forty per 8 All good 1 . tory ath i ! hy, AF licenses and that unles ¥ : A he H ¢ Liudgment and in their appreciation of | petersburg correspondent says there is cont of hom were Bit for agricultural : = Ottawa, April 5 When the House of {4 Forse naimister. "1 know," he nds good reason to believe that Gen . ¢ not bo open for 4 Robt. J. Reid, Common wsemiffied this afternoon | "that there is 'i ranks of the | lineviteh intends to - make @& stand Purpowee es should a. rabre Bet Look" around if only to 223 Princess Street. ffir Wilirid fa ith n \ md Ee "at | clergy no Juck yu he believe ately. further south than supfel. yd The out wan expressed that locations, confirm your first impres- emphatic denial to ek ¥ ob ir Wilfrid ww. I have done bet 50.000 'troops to hol irin, on land and ors A » the Opera House, ha \ th Ta that Sir Wi has sent 56 op 8 o volunteer land | ' Two: Door Aun oe Pie i Hou. Robert Rogers, of Manitoba, so | or if he had descended from power and with the remaining 350.000 of his made wher increasg the dificul | gfons that everybody 8 store pam a -- fnr as they affected the federal govern: | por than make the least conces amy is entrenched at Swantsanhei, gr of liconss holder, The usual con he best place to rchase § WANTED nent. The premiee. afte sending MY. 1 opm half way between Mukden and Dwange | LE ROT Snised By the pro | 18 the best pi pu . . Rogers' interview, asserted that if Hentzse. He is astride the railway, his |®id the Spring Costume. i MAID. APTLY AT oo Mgr. Sharretti had represented to An Al@mission troops forming a crescent, with the |mior. aa A CHAMBERM/ " / Mr. | that he was empowered to : \ y n tt SE . tel Randolph, r. R : : Ottawa, April} 0 Myr Sbageetti | horns pointing north : DINAL BY-LAW CA Re eee ee erene mmr speak for vernment Shere was 1 ade a statin] hich ho acmits | The Russians are devastating lhe CAR a ee We offer for your choos- A KITCHEN MAN. APPLY, HOTEL not a shad truth im it, TE 80 1 oo asinie "the Piphont and boundary ] counts In order 10 impede the Jap Weelo~Many Imjni- Randolph aL uch conversation took 'place: it Was | LC GoL SEMEN itoraey Genernl | ane advan, I 1 reported that the | Enlarged Yoru \ Arrive. ing the largest, the : ACTIVE BOY, AT THI u Ws Knowledge or paruapa: 1h mph) of Marit ud the auth Japanass are matching Pe Shithas are Borsial te 2 Whig: varied and best selected as- t Shoe Store » o orship of the mem im Official circles in ¢ o Special il 6 Justice McMahon, gL eee pe ref g to rumors that a Sieh unteservedly warlike, but a grest ma Toronto, April 6, ood ortment we ve ever shown, 2 3 OR GE resumably Mr. Fitzpat . ok i A to op- | this morning, again enlarged for a 18 . i GOOD SMART GIRL. POR GENERAL ~ 3 (presumabl I rs jority of the Russians continue ¥ a hy y a Woks, Ay. 300 Wenineion | BEAUTIFUL LAMPS} had Y 4 : Shout HY Tg PITH OF THE NEW pose the war, The pane suntimént, in rin the Cardinal local option by x --- p-------- Na trouble n plain =ailing een' Mr. Rogers anc gr. Shar . . i Iv in Moscow, and in | law case. i : : + ETAKER, FOR THE KINGSTON a I ed wih | rotti, the premier had his colleague's | The: Very atest Culled From All Padticulativ wrong ol One hundred and thirty more mn | BLOUSE SUITS-Made u Silk, line JARE E} 3K id ». Satisfaction ranteee . hie . . > v ar . c CAR be: Anny 1: RINGHION avery on wo mil. A Marge variety st | authority for saving that thers never Over The World According to the Slave, the admir- | grants from the old County an vad, en, cotton, mo i, y oy tatrick, 42 mee St opened, exquisite desi from. the very any sm on! rence brought ab A stay of execittion in the senten Jty, has decided to spend $250,000 | hore, this mrehing. i ¥ Daily Tele in the very newes and e¢ . jo UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR j Tevet lo es ris, hv hms or his colleggues. They lin the case of Mrs. Ua Chadwick, | 01" the fleet sent on hy We, the. elas by the itd THO ht Housekeeping, by 1st May ROBERTSON BROS. wd not acted as intermediarios | has been granted, : : ------ grap h hng * ny They are. welog Apply, Box B hig office .. He could not conceive hosw the able Germany has notified the United They Lost 107,000, . pw oh Ontario farms to-day. SEPARATE . SKIRTS -0i broads 1 IST CLASS Vi STM AKERS Wane Ton = Ba i e Tuold say nt States that she Btands for the opa Harbin, April 6. Complete returns, Phe lloaiog division court ap " ti twoed effects, mohairs. TWO FIRST CLASH VEST MAKERS é Give You t ent ha No guor in' Morocco, To received at headquarters, rive the to intments have been mado: Halton lastres, voiles, silks, oto, from hoine' of at the store. 7. Prevost Excellence of Material bye Lrocure the boune ry = Revivalist Rob@ts, of Wales, is said tal Russian loser in killed, wounded, Both A Willner, Oakville, alerk of 2 to Bs. * x -- -- Arid Perfect Fit t ; i from i v, a. hu to be acting so sfrangely, that friends | ©, prisoviers, at the batle of Muk the second court; J. L. Wilson, bailiff ny Jens SR . In Our RY, Jui, Aly vs bj t. fr " the fon for ep. B lefontai o., |den as 107,900 of the third court; H. laud, Pat Address, rice and de- Loneation on ¢ sub jed roi ntis ollefontaine, v on . ixth court; ai ' n H. C. Rothwell, Collins F t Manitoba government seized Anp Picki ing's false teeth in Stories Unfounded: Rélon, Saitit ol the h, Sour; TAILORED COATS. Made of : : frid went to co ent on a fg : . uferin oc Y + 4 ya 0 i oo hy also . 00 Ww ar, Iv ! - ela tet jew, to tha i an wis e's Gobir. Suit premiey Paris, April 6.-The Matin's corres: | ork, and James Campesign, bailiff of proadeloths, all ore 'ERIENCED S \ rors erview, § o , the new premi . : well A ti Ale an ar on 6h a ?? ; we impression that he (Sir Wil He An] his | ) ev at o | pondent at Ruvangehantan Diuty the third conrl; bw horrid good style snd, priced low at | dl Ade pre rE Ge » . ef wh wo. yo » : ey niles north » Pass, and recently | | oa Thompson, Binbrook, bal ol Lt Wane: iti Wear { A le ns had 'opened _pegot } ere | mecting of his edstituents at Mon |¥ ue io 1 . th ] a says that ramp vighth courts. to 812 5 y - - pi---- the Manite f had op ral ovoupIer as } ' Lay a Mititary "Bootmakers, h tres : . and nurses. who have arrived ---------------------- a 3 JE 'HE ened ore ¢, and his let The. dogo LD. will be confeveed | doctors and nurses, 1 BTL BN a at MLL 84 Brock St. tu in th ; « to visit Ot They Ra ol. LN Pidgeon Tore nto | from Mukden, state that the storias of TOOK WRONG MEDICINE [EVERY GARMENG 18 oF ~ ee an a oi SIGN OF GOLDEN BAOT. LWA. WAS IR ans to a previous | junction by the Peeshyterian College, | massacres, rr & A wove And As a Result, He t LAND WELL DREERVES very; style, Dy C © -- ee tee eee Yeu eo COrTes warated by ' x ¥ v : to Please; pressing and vwairing done nen tic n He read th : Wh Montreal. : wha evans fh Los , 4 * promptly. THRILLING pendence between the. two govern The French Calle company has ap lr : mmm - hel dsion of th rest Special wo the - ARE YOU INDEPENDENT, OR BAVE LECTURE A Passi on to Mr, state paald Mobi ih hp on Laid On The Table. ge Hamilton, Ont, April 0-~Patrick you a boss? _ Get oui of pavers. STERE PTIC oT Thal Tr asked the ha de- iors O08 Ko April 6.--Deputy Rmuasi, in Costello. baker, died, yesterday, at be free. Write G+ "a AT '" v three or four days Sir ier of New Hand has in | the: chamber. yesterday, laid on the | his residence, the result of| hg a London, On and they will "SIEGE OF PORT ARTHUR legates to stay th y The premier of Newfoundland ha 1 or he ah Ieaught by mistake. Ha arole » u the way. They have Wilfrid said his recollection was dif troduced _a bill to increase the strine {table an interpellation upon : poison draught by mis . rrine, "Wousands on the road | gy E. ASHMEAD BARTLETT ferent. He then gave hin version of 1 Couueed. (G1) ti intros the alvin. | table an interpolation, upi, th Jl on Monday night, wnd took what he | 1008" Agni Mourec belbved -- Special ~ Corress ent Loudon. bo terview Messrs, Rogers and 1 nited State ed bv the citizens throughout the thought was a dose of sk ng mie i . wnty sister of the England, 'T Campbell presented the Manitoba peti Conservatives were badly beaten in kingdom, urging the government to |. "Lut which was diluted muriatic ath Pion, Barrie ro-LE1 A il 10th um Nr. Rog being the spokes | > be 4 on at Brighton, Gerald a Ho good offices in the direction of |, Everything powsible was done City, Xin gos AD: IRR IY, Opera House, wm on! He advanced the Manitoba' fs Loder, being beaten hy By, Villiers; 1b- ring. about pence between Tuasion [or save Th TIS bat without avail, DUNPHY te (Kinestod SE, NO. 247 : ' ( . Nis 0% 2 " Mr. Costello was sixty years dld an wife of the inte J hot water heating and all modern im Under Auspic of King YM A iment wid the matter was di eral, by 817 majority wd Japan r. Cos i 4 5 wife of provements ; possession May 1st. Ap- A Hi 5 4 Frid | ised at length, the government ad At Chatham, Eng.. dockyard, thir a native of Ireland, but had resided ply 249 Brock street = Pla ud ticket Uglow 'one AFEUNENTS which made} 0 "Leolete' British war vessel Ambassador On Vacation, here for thirty-five years. A widow, RE SAE ! ahtme 1 yon h {aughters sur- AY ONCE, A BLACKSMITH SHOP} ------ ---- TT | against the claim to a westward ex-f LC the highest bidder. The Lonfon, April 6 The Times en : three sons and three daughters v ess i ¢ without tension What he then stated was{ oh wae $690,000 pondent at St. Petersburg, says that | vice him. ; tnd. zoot business. wy os A hat their representation would he ho re, Serapton von 'Koop Hol cil neve of the lull in the dinlomatie ROBT. J. REID, Rankin, Collins Bay = : brought uncil, and that they 110g who went to the leper tl t ven hy the fortheoming Not Seriously Hurt. a Tre ATER robably ue answer al an ent at Molokai, in 1895, ; } artare. of British ambassador | soecial to the Whig Ynderaker UFFIOF Iwo ROOMS HOT W A ry R rly date Thi as on February it the diseas oF Fu " "vacation Witdlaor, Ont April 8. 2s i ins The Leading 4 ir One g oM - 1% 0 ot 2 -- erry, $ Ww, me pra i Sr, Sire over Wad Apt to Me-| ith. and on Februa 2st, Mr. Rog A 8; 0., mob got after a - Cherry, ol ag inaw, ' " ne 877 222 Princess St. Cann, 51 Brock Street. =~ = ~~ = heard hin (Sir Wilind Laurier) | | Co ind threatened n | Austrian Milita Attache Lost Wincor, in Detrfiil, a few w Age, Phe '$83 a Tt ITUATED l the hou the goverh- | .. 1.t the police held the cf 1 Gen Kirokis headquarters 'in the | Cherry claimed /that he was seve THAT BRICK DWF LLING, SITU Aru : 1 showed that the |: P00 prevented ' A vi A 1. via Fusan, Aprit 8 handicapped iv / ronson of a broken eee Rath and Gas Light R had xe the matter | | ey h wrmy hax been making | right hand Tt fs now claimed that en i "OPERA HOUSE. a He : then and ther it anterference I'he B lephone com } item peh for information as {an exemifiation of Cherry's a w RAND n & Br Brac Vin : | he Stratford, © pd 3 Scheptaizky several surgeons at Saginaw, show rm-- = Vill. Bb REA Vi i from anv ob agree the Stratf to the fat Count Scheptai n ' bron | : bower etter o wir | : o | that no hones of the hand were brok . TO*NIGH SE IRR ST.--FROM , to Referring to M Roe letter tH cour 0 their v | t ft Austrian army and the | 1 R 4 HI ed commodious d t Be | { which has been published round main Busine of that government |en, and that there was nothing more .. MISS LILLIAN MORTIMER » house at present occupied ilfrid Laurier stated that he had | "op un army in Manchuria ericusly wring than a bruise which Presents Tn Her Latost Maio-Drams Pierre Hughes ; situate on Alb y Cai < oA the fishori zky hi been missing | would viekd to a stinple lotion & south of Union St. Mills & i t r I k . ey ' v wurier referred | 0 r II apply to parla of Mukden. It is pos 1 Girl of t 8 ee eer = [ un ' ers' per onal | xt a bil): of dive ' ho may have escaped A Match Arranged : : THAT DESIRABLE, PROPERTY ia i { himself, saying |}; now a reside t rv. I killed, ho | Special to the Wile EAA bovt } HEE ~High Prides Foias York, ¥ the Corner of Queen d Onta . : dh ol ! : : Russian Sarnia, Ont, April 6 yout ha he o \ in et ce Tait DY My INS i Canada had | (jy, buried ax a " y h pe : Prison; a" wrocory with ares PEARL | evrrespomdence with | 3. 5} F. Parker, head of 4 : a heen arrange hetween Mike Ward, of oie Bikes Solon : Sutmaiidingg Oger Sle) EMEN { +. He and a ov tain | opart matomy in -- Samia, and 0 Kode of on Seats nOW OR EAM, - BX : a » UT y religio a 4 ( y Wil | take pla in Detroit on ' ' ile " Walkers & Walkem, solicitors, King L ligionmsts in IN it vill ue i Repulsed Russians } t 188 y d i FOR GENT colowsan of mishfion o | rei 6 An ammount [10 ltr to roms 01135 | A TORDAYS Aprik Oth " Si SE ny : We have at pi + comp] w | 1 nivedity | the movement of the | pounds, BARGAIN MATINEE AND NICHT 2 ODERN BRICK RESIDENCE t \ \ ill and dainty k McMaster, recently ay that © on ees Stuart St. 12 rooms, hardwood | ing of t vearls to Zanzibar | 8 in Manchuria, say Condemned To Death. B THAYE bed. good stabling. and | d win 14 GRAPE a » /mnziba | A 1 the 1 went a force OTIS « AK e, Possession jnnediately. Alsol & thing rea RAL roment come oon ax he ha | . f wax hom | Soeclal to the Whie d New York Flr : with kitehen 150 | ng pearls, William: Mulock followed. He | 107) troubles and w nade against Warsw, Apri : 3 Juris patos |i Production of Street. Reat $5 y seed t v . | resent at the weet } livoreed wif The Russians | in disorders here will be tried b Beautiful Comedy Dratnn to Joseph Power need n ! his wh Ty Ww regime commenced L % 39 ; i | bave preity pins at ' February 17:h, A few minute Ww, | who killed | | } dav. The Ja | tisl Jaw. The ne gm ss S Cl attbinal' Jm have preity pi i EE Rare ome 1. a Wied Jie wile | nd ents seven | veeteminy. when to workmen wert | $6 Sypr@et Glover FOB sais. | M I T H B RO S..| t t 1 government desired | Waupun, W ! ' 1 Russian casusities | thus tried and condemned to death J --Fteentivening. The! G0. B5¢.. 25. ==: | oH extension of Manitoba, so | po Ww he devoting t i re than - 200 Bild Lh LW a Bic hol: Aditi 20a THO LUTS, ALBERT ST. near Union | Ewe ERS OPTICIANS ol Fort Churchill and <6 woeping o hing | ae Death Of A Chi BA 7d a PW Si Wem er Fig oi rite Box 4 Essex Be 5 | 350 KING ST | f the N nN. Sir William 3 Mu it 2 ' | BOWMAN 18 DEAD. Sun fal to hy ie 6. Les. Cameron, | Med withugt Lickein ; LOTS, 1 ND 16 PEMBROKE | \ - id aw that thix might in ugene Yous | eens A child, by 5 ) Av a Ed A) 18 0 on street. ~ 9 tn { Sa soon- as, that nmritted woivide at foo oo Away on Wednesday | the four-year-old hild ; ran nt os Wednesday, April ith Apply 1. Bawden, 88 Clarence St ' i b nt hin hie tated that | Ark vont] e RS Ningnra street, on Sunday, died mn 2 ed | fan. Re Be i hildren last First Appearance Hers of ---- | koe tar dd h right to be 1 vestigation, all | the hospital for sick childron las 4 Hiwh Comedian | GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE | anpduced By the tihed My « \ | tot night Distinguished ueen street, between Montreal and Will he Produc y heard bel al ax = a } h nan was n . 1 nguint jo 8 6. Bert Bow ght. ln [ Y 3 Bagot. A 9 Colhorne street I 1 ound that Untano tg. i on h nhk lot) oho A ato, AvSip4e Oy | VOCAL STUDENTS CLUB "eo 8 erritery; and an | Vp ferred farm « { ma Mileoun Bui To i To Join The Queen In the World-Famous ¥ ! . ht . ' | 3 imaell four tim on i | n . or : ATSHARES., ALU OR PART. FRONT | wo! il 1 routaent to whether © On it Merle O'Brien, a { ! nw hed died lant | Soecial. to the Whi a hac Loan and | Investuent Societ | Tuesday Ev & pri trio had to be heard. On: {o, ola, Nely.. shot |r a wtih. The body | London, Apel 6. King Edward leit. i Camedy Dram MARS" . te. B re Eaten Or ! ario n prevail, but } Co fell, probably mort { ght shun " Oshavn, towday, for | today, for Marseilles where. he will A MESSACE FROM E - or ---------- - | wf N we be heard, and with | Alls | dow't want 1 | is a fot oe TWontv tt vin Queen Alexandrs. As Abted by Mr. Hawtiroy 3:9 Wee 3 i n wan y { 8 o 3 > w. Yark | A OWN MARE, SIX YEARS 8 3 t he withdrew feom the | refer the farn The (IRMA ih f fo ly om | SN EON TT ip London aud 336 times in New 3 driver Wn I | CHALMERS CHURCH 1 that, Sir William Mul | °° od to th fron age 1 a } bir off . i The 81 botde Pagavian Fhe is Be, iy { and Startling Beenie, Mechanital by Win. Murray Tickets 25¢. at Ug! ; 9 3 sed | ix divoreed wile tha Tastlon : v. | Gibsol ( 4 store oval and h ' Belin TR das, Ni TiskotaBae, an me La sd te soul WL pte, He buted och bi dione wif kl fash ew ewe: | Gon 2 CO OM La re ttt] - a --re Y. W.C. A. gl bor Ontario might get the | Tr % eller for the German Eckhardt com i Dalcony, $1, 70s, 80 § tery, BUCKEOARD AUTOMOBILE IN PII | 7: | mouth of the Nelson, and Manitoba | PLOUGHED UP OIL GUSHER |jany, of Londo { 350 sil 10th. feet © Roy 0 witable | 7C NIGHT at 7:30, Rev. E. | nouth ! | | Heuts on sale Monday, Ap condition, suitable | | . - | i delive * hoy Cat ! Study Class. | Fort Charchil . i e Greeting. | BO ator oi ¥ | Crummy Bible y I RL. Borden followed, opening with | Horse Fel Into Natural Well | Rough Riders Prepar ig | . Fair, Kingston, Ont i at 10:30, | ronical compliments ta Sir Wil x wi r | Special to the Whik id ap | FRIDAY {MORNING some ironical compli Neor Windso guia to the Wie, 0 oil §.-Pro be YACHT GEISHA { Fancy Work Class. 18¢c. por Mulock Vigiluee for the aa iw April Gie-A novel oil {dane pn ¥oit will ape 1o-diorrow \ A hha Bovy orondition. "1 resson glo bie Benin 0 SBE IY Whee ale ferday t lin San Antonio aml elaborate ar Cher A, » &* h in at $a of ' ! me | "umn parts OF 1 io tion f the | the far ume Anga "ar this } rangetiencs have bean ede for Hi A T ¥ ¢ » hen a of jet Pres cirtm, (F a i. } t er: Th oe ne TAKE NOTICE view fu | r Tht have made eity. f time t ha ben be | reception and wulavtginmiot d ho PROCLAMA ION i The Famous vy FOUR STOVES, FUR INTE, the 3 Yiovesd that usive oil folds were Vol | ni 6 attend i annus! reunion bs % ET T-- ---- PONT SELL YOU! OV} : enial earlier, and might have | hey YF 1 Riek rid § ay § Lniture, Carpets, Gente Clothes and | at g : | nding: hs 8 aki had | Of Wis regiment of Rough Ridefs and {© opp pe: ny PXOELLBNCY ; ' v FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ie bag Parl TI that cones a Atuter t oud i fn t although wells } the members of tha) famous or- | VALERA CRIES CO : Lo Basa a Try me, and i will § r rial Ribpbiia Fhoen: sun} of the preciou } | ciunizati have boon, left the plan for the butposs 1 i pliunarafy HEDGE r f erynce ' which ha en mn, eieulation, i finally' the at: {7 ettertainmiont. The members © deghec from VE on Vain oon AGT J. TUsK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, Mr. Staples { Macdonald, Man. | had beer Sid fun J Whil {! i » I - ---- have gathersd ars none > Hg Kineor: ". a : . Len t 8 oned 4 Wi old en mn ! he oh. u aT Yniences, M 308 Princess Streef. tated. with euard to Wows statement hi Lh : old excavation, cn | from Texas, Oklahoms, Arizona biggie ++ the aftebhoon of Friday. the : ix le, O iN - -- ---------------- I t 4 v Wilfrid au 18 never | Ho " danld x 4 ' Tih EF A IN. # ¥ $ -- S---------- tL ocer for a that N : Rr ore hori of Febru. | Saturdas { the horses «id | New Mexico, Wolorado, Kansgs aud | Tihiol Agel, i APPRGRE ave. 4 x ES \ aN ides Ask your groct i received Mr. Rogers' | » i adn of sight. When | ith stator and territories tM aor 3 BEST JTOCALITY, FURNISH i ; » th n that date Mr. Rog- | dank alu | 30 th pound or nnfurpithied, Brick house of : PATE RSON S ars hi : ry oy : a et that Yebter | Out it Qound that a A | a-------------- ---------------- ------------ Price, 0. . © oid room: . w. Lib M - ug ors 6 Aske htm 10 at) 1 g ivler's candi ¥ a Owner Han Town A box of < o ri premier, tha he procured a | fushs rho & it dy ly kept th Mel ¢ Sod n 2 ys ' Cy Inia JOHN MAC Y & £0. x JT A t thi Lr ( ' tte ' crus # i 1 + a ibson s Ke OR ad . 5 at this ofce. . BABY SODAS \ sanshger an wwe the letter to him, | petrol bursting int ' 4 TT ra ames Redden & - that th ener asserted that he | Bit. uni jo made by the hor » 4 thing More Buy and 9611 Only ¢ \ 2 irid " ' . st imoly motice--nothin | { Boron ay hr childrens' Tams, 25¢. To $1 had ely ir Wii's tidente, { body did several oil syndica 2 Kiara ar rendy In Gevtge Mids Importers of Fine ; . panic, ats] ore 8 RE Er, Hy FIRST CLASS BONDS oy ot Torna a nel Ne | me Nuanots es sta goa nt. Te that "ai i | Toilet pumice for removing stain p | Peppermint 0 \ est . jo 8 lie eplicd that he hy sort | : pt a :. y Smtiodation | Stose Son , - LY on the letior Fresh garden and Sor a i od io Ae Crawiond'si Congdisn Bank cf Commerce Bullding, Toronto Ley's, Gibson MBEston. sud Meth. Also Fr i "hua v i | F. Maclean spoke at some lengih "Gibsoh's Red Cross ig slore. : : i aa g C Cottage. Addeess, BC. Ruthie bo Ph aclean fue length 4 : ; : Laling Bay Ong. Rown's i 4 3 i