| J INTREAL STOUKS, April ith 13.90 pn 158 54 Su rv or en A300 9 od Z82C kp "3 - -- E A04 Tk wl 1 EL il 193% 1 1488 an Ab 05 041 178 17y 145 144 120 118 {183 181 uy an 100 ol +1 nn BR What Ts Going On In the Businéss The Tuckett eo ™ - Tackett Cligwr bok, Jas Heer from $15,000 he, x Thaw totaly 3 he Jounph in New A heee has passed pesion 51 Wid nv irom the grop of id, up Lo March 54.000 in of wheat, as against 37.017.000 for the corresponding period of last vear, A large. Ostaric Shoe Factory will # Mmetory in Buflalo, to give sme vient lo sixty hands. Ertls Ness, ugersoll, Ont, will conduct it. 118 is at ball 5 milton. Atri Hociety of Civil Eogige- ors aeruwes steel roll makers of sacrifice. ing quality In order to swell its divi dends. This greed is said to be a fruitinl sourco of abtidents; and higher fests aro demanded. [) Ti earnings, fourth wiek _ March, $000 408 Incrouse over 1903, $11.476, and over , B1ov, 087. ath enrnings are $3.911,367 ; 1 ABR; and for nine months, $36 S56 ; increase, BRAZ.B17, What War Losses Really Moan. Caoltier's Weukly fe read the report that 200,000 men were killed and wounded on both wiles in the battle of Mukden, with out fully realizing © what those awful red moan. Here are a few aids to the imagination. Two hundred thous and ensualtion equal Three hundred Iroquois Theatre dis asters, A hundrod and ters, Eighty Johnstown foods. Thirty Galveston floods, The total populstion--men, women and children--of a city like Minneapo: His, The population of the States of Ide ho Nevada combined, The entire Boer population, of both sexes and oll ages, of the two South African republios, which resisted --the whole power of the British empire for over (Wo years, <N An Irishman's Lack. Hauper's Weekly, A story that comes from Ireland re Intes to the custom wmmong farmers there of iting money in the bank in the joint names of husband ond wife, so that when one dies the survivor can draw out the money without any legal formalities, To a farmer who recently made ap- plisation for money deposited for him- sell and his wife, the manager asked: "Why Pat, how can this be? Tt is not much more than un year wince you came with a <imilar application on the death of your wife." "Well, your honor," was the ro ply, "I'm a bit lucky wid women.' -------- Change For The Better. Users of electricity in the city are now noticing a change for the better in the service given them, The cesses tion of power in the afternoon, while filly Slocum disas belts were being changed at the pow: - heen or house, done awav with, ahd the eurront now continues «ith out a break during the twenty-four hours. The power wopplied ix also more uniform and gives better satis faction. Mr. Campbell's work is now showing good results, Looking For Arrangement. HW. Folger says he has every eon- fidenoe that some arrangements will be made whorehy the street cars will soon be ronning again. The city cans not afford to be without them. The werchants want thew, the residents Wn the outekirts want them, and the residents in general want theyy in the hot. months of swmser for travel to Lake Ontario Park. Twportant Military Changes. It in rumored" that Col Budhan, C. MOL BOC, will be removed from Kingston, to take over higher com: mand in another part of this pro vinte, It is also hinted that Liout, Col. Henning, DSA, is preparing to leave hore to assume other military Fdntios in the western part of the pro vince, Bargains At Mullin's 8 Ib, packages Sultana raising, We.: 8 lbs. Unlifornia rising, 25e; 1 lbs. Lelenn ourrants, 20c; best cocoanut, We, Ib: 4 tine of peas, 280; 2 1- ih, choice baking powder, 25¢. 1 1h. ne coon, 10. at Mullins, ---------- Drop In Futter, 22¢ Fine rolls butter, 2%. Frosh egy, Toe. Urawiond's, The clerical forger who duped o city bak has been arrested in Wood stock where he worked a similar game, Sulphur, cream tartar and molasses, spring Wotd medicine, sold at Gib 1 - zz - DOOOOVOOOOCVT the same = EF 45 The ver Strikes in the same place; it makes great havoc apd never returns. ng like the man who sells He works havoc the first we sell a man a suit "of clothes we ge. e- ick again. You are never in the wearing our clothing. It singles you out f designs und colori of our Spring Tweeds and Worsteds are 'excliisive and fit perfers. = rices, $18, 20, 23, 23, 25. son's Red Cross drig store. ' Bgge boll 10 10, Crawford's. _-- - DOOOCO00O0000000000 St ou a time, party twice, : a. 3 gi ve I J wt WOULD HAVE FLED BUT HELD BY AN OLD COR- ONATION OATH, mine 'Which Held That He Forfeited His, Titular Headship Of The Orthodox Churdh--The Making of Terms Classed as Desertion, Special to the Whig. . Manchester, Eng. Aptil 6.~The Lon. don correspondent of the Dispatch says that a lotter to an official friend here, from one of the principal secrets: view of the Russian foreign ministry, states that the czar) antpestionably would have fled from Russia at any time since Red Sunday, but for the fact that the grand dukes have re peatedly brought to his notiee a chapter in the old royal coronation oath to the effect that a monarch deserting bis country, in the hour of 'trouble, forfeits the titular head of the Orthodox church, The grand dukes, the letter add, have interpro- ted the making of terns with the Jou panes as tantamount to desertion on his inajesty's part, The letter also refers to the formmtion of a commit- tee of ministers, ffom the present of ficiale, with « the object of bringing about a number of liberal reforms. ---------------- REPORT NOT EXACT. ------ Mgr. Sbarretti Had Merely a Pri: vate Conversation. Ottawa, April 6. -Monsignor Shar retti has handed out for publication the following statement : I think it my duty to declare that the press report of a conference with the Manitoba delegates is not alte- gether exact, and that it is given in such a way as to make a false im pression on the minds of the people. These are the facts : Taking ocva sion of the presence in Ottawa of "the Hon. Mr. Campbell, the attorney- general of Manitoba, whom 1 had met in a friendly way more than a your ago, I invited him to eome to seo mie, | never met Hon. Mr. Rogers nor did 1 have any communication with him. On the evening before his departure for the west, February 23rd, Mr. Campbell came. 1 asked him if something could not be done to im- prove the conditions of the Catholics of his provinee with respect to edueca- tion, T pointed out that in the cities of Winnipeg and "random, for ine stance, the Catholics were paying double taxes. | tirged my request on the ground of fairness and justice, and, referring to his mission to Ot tawa, 1 remarked that from the point of view of the Manitoba government, some getion on those lines would be politically oxpedient, and that to facilitate the 'accomplishment of his object, inasmuch ax Catholics in any territory, which wight be annexed 4 Manitoba would naturally object to losing the right they had to separate schools and to be subjected to the educational conditions which existed in Manitoba. Mr. Campbell then ask od me what would be mw desire in this "respect. | then gave him the wemorandum which has already ap- peared in the press. ¢ This is the cum and substance of my interview with Mr. Campbell, The federal government had absolutely no knowledge of it. It was a vrivate conversation and simply intended to express a suggestion and a desire that the condition of the Catholics in the vespect | have mentioned, would be improved. Any other assumption of interpretation is altogether up- founded. 1 think my right of speak- ing to Mr, Campbell in a private, way and in py own responsibility cannot be disputed. VICTORY OF MUKDEN. Celebration Will be Celebrated Next Monday. Tokls, April 6.-The celobratioy of the victory at Mukden has been post- poned until nest Monday, owing to the storm which occurred to-day. The business men and labor guilds to-day arranged an enormous procession, which, pieturesquely garbed, formed at Hibiya Park, and marched to Uyeno Park, Passing the palace, each unit halted and cheered "thi--emperor, his cabinet and the commanders of the atuiy and navy. Exercises were held in Yyeno Park, where there was a large crowd. Lieut, Gen. Torauche, minister of war, responded in behalf of the army, and Baron Yamamoto, inister of the navy, in behalf of the Fireworks and sports concluded the exercises. | Japan's Tobacco Profits. akin, April 6.«The profits from the tobaeco monopoly for the first year are 27,000,000 ven (about %I13, 500,000). This exceeds the govern: ment's estimate 7,000,000 yen. Another Gusher Struck. Special to the Whig. Comber, Ont, pri) 6. Another big flow of oil was struck, yesterday al temoon, on the Black far, situated on the town lee between Tilbury Wont and Merson townships, four miles sotith of here. The well was shot reat excitement, The new well is - Wiel thirty and forty barrels per day. " -------- | Wary Fine Strawberries. | Asparagus, first of the season, also how! potétons, hew tarrgls, new boots, ote, at Uarnoveky's. Drop In Butter, 22. Fine rolls butter, 2%. Fresh eggs, Ie. Crawford's, "Chinese Furniture Croan". gives & how loase of life to old furniture, covers up the "sratches and beputiful polish We. ives a a bottle at Chown's RUE ator, a . Try Alabas on your walls in place of . Call let us show ob the J We have a hah of all shades. Lemmon & « - eT d ¥ Gileon's Ned Creme FW wi Swain, plana tuner. Orders eeesived ar MoAvley's * = RE T-- THE SEQUENCE OF THE SEA As Nlustrated By An English « Banker. To the dwellers in temperate climes this earth of ours presents nr greater variety and change than those whose home is in the tropics. The entire vear is a colitindous round of mutation, o®or yar ever in a constant state the year (in the northern hemisphere), for iworthirds of the day twilight and réness reigns supreme; vegetable na- ture is dormant and temporarily life koe, not a vestige of len on the giunt forest trees, not g flower to gladden the vales and pastures; perhaps every nver every lake transmuted into solid ice, and the land robed in crystal snow, ox i und though changed on obe as gh ¥ And then succeds the gonial influence of ever welcome spring. The trees ars now mantled in o vivid emerald, and tenanted by isnumerable songsters of the woods, causing the welkin to ring and re-icho with their joyous and hilarious melody; the lark poised high In air poury forth its love strophes in a Very paroxysm oi fervour and pas- sion; and in the shades of the evening the nightingale carole out its exultant melody in a quivering flood of rhyth- wical and tuneful harmony. The banks and dales are all aglow with primroses and violets, anemones and wild hya cinthg; while the hedgerows are gar nished and adorned with a luxuriance | of perfumed flowers. vy And now comes tke riche fulness of summer, when nature with more lavish bounty 'clothes the countryside with other and many-hved beautics of the floral world, perfuming the air with their redolent aroma, and delighting the eye with their ever varied form. And then, as autumn approaches, the brilliancy of these natural parterres adually' wanes and fades away, until [tater on, not a flower remains therein to adorn and to beautify. But the dis- appearance "of these flower bedecked glades' is woll compensated for by the woods 'and forests, which now as sumo. the splendour of * their autumn garb, sll dazzling in its superb rich. ness of coloring; some a brilliant scar- let, others a burnished copper or gn lustrous gold, and others a lovely blend of carmine and amethyst. And the hedgerows, too, are now festooned and garlanded with drapes and tas sels of varied berries, as the bright scarlet of the greater bryony, or the rose-pink of the handsome lesser var iety, or with clusters or spikes of the orange and pink of the enonymus, the jet-black of the privet, or the dark purple of the slge. But now winter hos once again grip- ful the land in its icy clasp; the Is are dumb and silent, the leafless trees are gaunt and bare, and a biting Elast from the gelid north, driving the leaden clouds before it, presages a howling, numbing snowstorm. And so the cycle of the sensons goes round from year to year, ever changing, ever following the 'same sequence And us the toctin sounds the knell of vach closing 'year it brings us to the glad season when wo celebrate the advent of Him 0 #0 loved us that He gave his vory' file that we might. es. cape condemnation. But that great sacrifice will not dvail if we reject His offer of rescue from the wrath to come; or if, forgetting Him, we fatuously live but for the pleasure of this life only A Belated Prayer. A good anecdote is related of young minister who was supplying the pulpit of the Wrentham Congrega- tional church during the absence of its futon the Rev. Elisha Fisk, better nown as "Priest Fisk," whose pas torate in this church covered a period of fifty-six vears, Upon opening the Pible the young minister came across the following no- tice, which he read :. "Mr. Libbius Porter desires the prayers of the eon gregation that his loss may be sancti fied for his good." ! Signs of repressed merriment appear ed through the congregation, but the Canse was a complete mystery {to the voung minister, who, upon arriving at the home of Mr. Fisk for hunch, nquir od of Mrs. Fisk the cause of the un: seemly hilarjty She informed him he had read an old notice, used by her husband as a bookmark. It had been presented by Mr. Porter a year or two before, upon the death of his third wife. Mr. Porter, with his fourth bride, sat in the con gregation while it was being road. Si -- Raising Raspberries. When planting red Tries, says 4 regent Farmers' Bulletin from Wash ington, the distance between the plants depends very largely upon the purpose for which the plantation is intended. If it iv a commercial planta tion upbn soil which is no especially valuable, the 'plants should be three feet apart in the row and the rows should not be much less than six feet apart> On city lots or in a home fruit garden, plants should be set not eloser than two feet apart in the row and the rows not less than four feet apart. : The meults of teste made in New Jersey with stable manure snd com mercial fertilizers show that for each dollar invested in stable manure the erap returned 24.08 and for each dol lar invested in a "complete fertilizer" there was a croff return of 827.15. The black cap and the native red raspberries are the best types for use in Contral New York, Gorgeous Jewels. The queen owns & pantre of smieralds which ja worth a king's ransom' Prin. vess Charles of has one hun dred emeralds of large size and frst quality which form a exible waist: helt; and stones in the possession of 'the Duchess of Buccleuch and Lady Aberdeen are priceless. Lady Londesbo also has splen- did emeralds, and dy Rojan. Sto. vordale 5 a unique ace of mera and diamonds in the form of flowers strung together wilh dia mond chains, which hangs a pendant with ane enormous emerald , who so wears any jewels but her fu. mous pearls. and caused a sensation at Dublin Castle, one t lost week by. won i ] in of these stones, having once belong. Egys Kil to 10, Crawford's, - sion the fine geome ed to Princess THURSDAY, APR of tr tion. In the opening days of | | goods, but REACHED. MONTREAL PART OF i4E S. S. PARIS- IAN'S CARGO Will be Appraised and its Dis- position Will be a Matter for Later Consideration -- Dr. Kirkpatrick's Address. Special to the Whig. Monteeal, April G--Part of portion of the steamship Parisian's cargo, which had been consigned to Montreal merchants, has arrived and the remainder of the shipments will reach here during the week, The 700 tons intended for Montreal merchants consisted of a varied assortment of the principal part was composed of dry goods, The value of these consigments amounted to about £00000. All the goods which reach Montreal, will be in charge of the cus toms department. The various pack ages will be opened and appraised, so that allowances may be made in dut ies and the disposition of the goods will' depend upon whatever settlement may arrived at, Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrick, master of Selwyn College, Cambridge, is deliver ing an address to MoGill students this afternoon. Hix lecture tonr<sas_taken on the suggestion of the Canadian members of the Central Society, for Sacred Study, with a view to stimu. ating interest in subjcets of a th ole that gical nature, Tw lecturing on the Psalms, thix afternoon. Dr. Kirkpat rick spoke om a subject with which his name is closely associated, as the author of a text book' that is used in most of the English church colleges in Arceriea. Dr. Kirkpatrick goes from here to Kingston. A FORM OF TORTURE That is Indulged in By Big Boy. This morning a boy who attends Frontenac school was brought to the rooms of the public school officials by his mother, who complained that her son was being ill-tteatéd by one of the other boys at that school. The me thod of tortwi psed by the latter was a long needlé attached to a rub Ler band, by which means the sharp point of the needle was shot against the bodies of those on whom the foolish act was perpetrated. The boy whose mother made the complaint was apparently an especial target and hig back was cruelly punctured in' differ ent places. He was taken to a doctor who said that the lad was in serious danger of blood-poisoning. The boy who committed the act is one of the larger boys of the school and he will probably receive the punishment he richly deserves. The Weight Of A Crowd. I view of the recent disaster in a Brooklyn church, the question of the weight per square foot or per square yard of a crowd of peradns is certainly one that ix in need of discussion and application. In Cosmos, of Paris, u recent article gives considerable space to this question, The writer in Cosmos deals with the experiments recently conducted by a German architect, Hun scheidt, who found that the weight per square metre of a erowd of human be ings varied with the character of the units. Thus the weight per square metre for a group of laborers was 1,200 pounds with a certain number of men, but this weight could be increased to 1,380 pounds and even to 1.500 pounds, for the same surface. In the case of school children aged from fourteen to cighteen years it was found that the weight varied from 1.060 pounds___to L176 pounds and 1,230 pounds. ~ Jt] seems, from the wr 's conclusions, that in all cases where the surface is intended to fupport a erowd of people the ealenlations for the support should be on a basis of from 1,200 to 1,300 pounds per square metre, ------------ Disgraceful Deficiencies. It ix a disgrace : To halt do things. Not te develop our possibilities To be lazy, indolent, indifferent To do poor, slipshod, botched work To give a bad example to Young people. To have erude, brutish, repulsive manners To hide 'a talent because vou havi only one. To live a half life when a whole life ix possible. Not to be scrupulously clean in per son and surroundings To acknowledge a fault no effort to hoo it To be ungrateful to friends and to those who have helped us. To go through hfe a pigmy when nature intended you for & giant To kick over the ladder upon which we have climbed to our position. To be grossly ignorant in these days of free usages, of good society and make Dangerous. Cincinnati Despatch . fter King Solomon had gained so much wisdom St was suggested thai he become a college professor, so that others might profit from his store of knowledge. But Solomon shuok his head. "Not for ming" he replied. 'When a man becomes a coflege professor hit can't open hid mouth without. being ridiculed all over the country." Trop In Butter, 22. Fine rolls butter, 3¢. Frosh egye, iff. Crawford's, Arthur Watson, Rockwood, © went down to Brockville to-day to attend the Oddfellows' assembly to-night. R. W, Scott returned yesterday, to Calumet, Mich,, where he will ply hockey again next season. Three members of Queen's graduating class in medicine visited Gananoque vesterday afernoon. Eggs felt to Mv, Crawford's. C. Austin left yesterday for his home at Governeur, Jy. He will return to the city in a week, "For fury" moth proof bags, meth camphor balls. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. George B. McDermott, Calgary, and J. No Youhg, Brockville, were in tows to-day. . "Tarine moth proof bags" are sold at Gibson's Rod Cross drug store, Duchess «of Took, Drop in Butter, 3%. Crawford James Swift, is in Montreal, Are very popular for SHIRT WAIST Sus, * ... We have a full assortment in Plain and Fancy Weaves. Plain Mohair Lustres, Na- vys, Browns, Black, 25¢c., 35C., * 49¢, §9€,. 69c., 75¢. and up, A Fancy Mohair Lustres for Shirt Waist Suits, new shades of Browns and Navys, 35¢., 392, 45¢, 49¢., §9¢., 697., 75¢. Fine All-Wool Crepe de , in a complete range of new spring shades Fine Silk and Wool Crepe de Chene in all wanted < shades. French Silk and Wool Novelty Materials -- Many novelties you will see with no other firm _heze. These we have in one or two Dress Pat- terns each, Price only ggc. yard. Chiffon Broadcloths --This is a light-weight Eng. lish Broadcloth for Spring Suiting. It has a high finish and will not spot with rain or damp, Colors : Black, Browns, Navy, etc. $1 ani $1.25. o ee ~ had ~ ; Cotton ss Fine Scotch Zephyrs, Navys,Light Blues. Greens, Dome Blues and other wanted shades. French Cotton Novelty Goods, light weight and imported tor Snirt Waist Suits. Prices isc. 20¢., 25¢ = Many of the best designs are in one or two dress lengths and this is the time to secure some- thing different from anything you will find later, Ladies' Spring Suits We have the "correct" suits for spring and if you can only spare a few minutes to look over the new arrivals you will find the special price advan- tage in buying these new suits We cannot possi- bly duplicate them later on. Ladies' Spring Suits from $8.75 to $22.50. | Ladies' Spring Coats. Ladies' New Skirts. Girls' Coats and Skirts. Children's 8pring Jackets. Come and see our Special Display and if you wish, make any selection you desire and have it placed aside until required. a THE LOW SHOE FOR MEN Will be the most evident this Spring and St mmr. The Tan Low 8hoe, The Patent Low Shoe, The Valour Calf Low Shoe. Broad toes for heavy men, medium toes fcr bus' ness men, narrow toes for younger men. +i See the ich display in eur window. : THE LOCKETT SHOE STOR AT 1S COMING / Spring=with its dew life and built. Do You Need Either? A "FIT-REFORM' Suit will clothe vou grandly and give you new life, The quality is superior and the price moderate. Lighter shades will be worn this sea- son than formerly, Our new patterns are already winning us favor. E: P. Jenkins Clothing Company WANTED. prey rE------ A KITCHEN MAN. APPLY, HOTEL | Randolph, Emmis ii APPLY TO N. C, POLSON & 265 Ontario Strect GIRLS. Co, PAMILY WASHING. APPLY TO MRS Marshall, 37 Clergy St. west GOOD SMART GIRL. MOR GENERAL house work. Apply 100 Wellington St. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR light Housekeeping, by 1st May Apply, Box A. B., Whig office TWO FIRST CLASS VEST MAKERS; paid either to work at Z. Prevost high prices home or at the store A SECOND HAND LIGHT SPRING Wagon. Address, with price and de- scription. MH. C Rothwell, Collins Bay Ont AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FoR Curtain Department. A knowledge of the Carpet trade preferred. It. Me- Faul, Carpet Warchouse TU RENT BY MAY. HOUSE OF 7 OR 8 rooms, in central location ; moderr conveniences. Addres stating rent to Box TU ' this office GENTLEMEN, TO GE1 THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, Brock street, next to Bibby's 7 and Price guirantéed to please; pressing and revairing done promptly, Asta ---------------- ARE YOU INDEPENDENT, OR HAVE you a boss? Get out of slavery fod be free. Write G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont., and they will show you the way. They have started thousands om the road to freedom. TO-LET Ser 298 ALFRED 81 AT PRE ent, occupied by Mrs. Meleod. Ag plY, on the premises or McLeod Drug Store, P 247 BROCK STRBEEN hot water heating provements ; ply 249 and all modern im jon May 1st. Ap BLACKSMITH SHOP AT ON NCE, A and good busiess, with or without » at Collins Ba Apply A , Collins Bay ms diaier nomen sbi § 1 WO ROOMS HOT WATER Corner of King and Brock Apply to Me Streets, Cann, 51 Brock Street over Wade's rt icsmsb------ A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR |X School 8 No. 14; ns of ection 8 Pitt wh. Apy Fred Garrett, Se l Py. 0 FINE. BUSINESS OFFICE FRONT room, 348° King Street good lo ton and well appointed. Vor vp lars, apply to J. P. Forrest, Gents Furnjsher; King Street THAT BRICK DWELLING No. 189 Brock St Bath and Rooms, Close ing he ic University nine all and Apply at, COMFORTABLE House, partly furnished on shore of Bay of Quinte west of Collins recaiimodation. Stage Kingston and Bath. Al Cottage, Address, H..C. Iu Collins Bay Ont ms tates ee eet BRICK 24. miles Bay. Good stable dail well pituntod ware]; { - | : PROPERTY AT | uoen and Ontario | lately waccupied hy Mr. len | rion as a grocery. with Jorge vard and outbuildings. Offers will be re ceived for purchase. Apply to Walkers & Walkem, solicitors, King- #ton. I MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, 114] Stuart" SL. 12 rooms, hardwood | tnishod! good stalling and house. Possession immediately cope | Also S-roomed house, with kitchen 154 3 Nelson Street. Rent $5 per mouth. | Abbly to Joseph . Power or Jotn | Tweddoll. | . { FOR SALE OR TO RENT, i HEDGEWOOD HOME Lnion aud. Albert. Solid vodern eonvententes 1st. Write, Bux 470, ee -- IN BERT FOCALITY, or unfurnished. brick houss © FURNISHYD § eleva rooms. Modern comverlences 1iter al poi Owner aving town. Apvly - if BUSINESS CHANCES. i} RIGHT 90 MAREFACTURE AXD Sell new patent © tushing Mapckine axhibition, on derket on Setar Or avining at the Jrouvois. A 4 Payitig" proposition. "J. A. (far ae Ward Coron abd wise ai Gil "ip nl Cross Drag Store, 30 here evel opel clei