i = OW pr Okn Di" ds Lin so tpi The License Inspectorship. i Ontario government has been tip wiih gat judgnient in' re ; ing at Jeast two license inapegt-: fod. These two are T. A. Postings, of Toronto; and W. A. Molntosh, of Bouth Eswex, Have they been retain. wd besmuse the government has been » their fidehity or wee impressed with folnews 7 Let us wee. In Toronto the local machine decid: 'Hastings should go. Granted that be was a good official, odd years he had discharged hin duty without fear, fa- vour or gfectation, that by every one recognized as painstaking, sarnost, sealous and honest. He wes od that Mr that for twenty he was a liberal, and u covmrvative wanted his place. 1i was then that the press made ils protest, pretty vigorously, and with the result that the govern mnt firmed his appoi . So it was a ease simply of bowing to In South Fasex the inspector re maine because 'the party cannot agree as to a wiccensor, There are two men in the contest for office James A, Smith, who is endopd by the dé foated candidate, who handles patronage, and Samuel McFarlane, who is hacked by the party's local executive, Things had progressed so : 'that Mr. Melntosh was notified of hin. dismissal, and he was directed to hind the records of his office to Mr. I Bmith. A day or two later he was told to hold the books and papers, and to continue to act. The trouble was that Mr, McParlane, a power, 70 ko oureof appointment that he sokl oat his stork, as a farmer, and wah not disposed to stand any die J appointment, The "old inspector is, therefore, allowed 16 serve the gov: ernment, pending & settlement of the row The Toronto News quotes the treat. ment hy the Ottawa goverment of its officials us a precedent for the On. government. But the Whitney party is not looking for precedents. Mis boing. wortied day after day by Applicants for office; and it has Lo i places for a fow of these some Troublers In the House. The commons. is afMlioted with the presence of several bumptions per. Sons. One of them is Mr. Maclean, : who thinks it is his bounden duty to talk every day and 16 nic his imagin- ations when bo has not facts st his disposal. He had to follow Bie Wil. fd. on the school question, of fours, and to say what kis loader date. not say, because Lo has somo rogard for - the proprictios and Mae- loan hax not. For instance he asseri. od that the sntonomy bill wag pre pared by the Catholic members of tho government. He was called down and fontradioted by (wo members of the Vernment, but ho repeated the re + He would not be corrected. toclared that the nitoha boundary Hw instance of a the premier had that the gov- tied to a consider. "proposal, and without of interference of Quebce. Mr nore theatrical when open. his constituency reelection a test of on the autonomy bill, THI Sli mw sit tice $5f tt fr : is tha we Mr. Rogers--had no communica ion with him--and simply indicated to Attomey Generai Catnpliell how be would lke the law of Manitoby ended in the interest of the Ca people. He handed a memorandum to Mr. Campbell only when requested to do 50, and: the thisuce that has been made of it, the misrgpresentation that has taken place ig "respect of it, re fleet most: seriously upon the Masito- 'ba representatives, The statement of Mr. Rogers is mis- leading in several particulars. He says he Manitoba government was invited to 6 conference with the federal gov smment on the boundary question. Sir Wilirid Laurier shows, by docu- mentary evidence, that the conference was suggested to the Manitoba gov- bernmont, avi was simply assented to by Ottawa government. Mr. Rogers refers to some failure to act in the post. Sir Wilirid Laurier shows that between July, 1596, and Janhgry, 1906, no sorrespondence had passed between the governmests upon the subject. Resolutions at two sessions of the legislature were carried, but copies of them were not sent to Otte wa. Mr. Rogers says that at the con ference he and his eolleagies were in vited to remain in Ottawa for two or three days, pending the decision of the government. Sir Wilirid says he has no recollection of such an ar rangement, The conference was com plete, so lar aa he was conosmmed, and the decision of the, government on the boundary question was announced when be introduced the autonomy bill. A letter, allege] to have been addressed (0 premier by Mr. Rogers while in Ottawa, was not Telivered, at least it win not seen by Sir Wil rid. : The one phase 6f the question which displays . Mr. Rogers' political animus is his attack on Sir Willrid Laurier, personally accusing him of double dealing. There is no record of any clajm on the part of Sir Willrid that he 'settied the Manitoba question, or that any papers wore brought down whith contained a controversy between him "and Cardinal RampoRs en the whaol question. He had no apology to offer for secking the service of a high dignitary of the church in sett) ing issties which concerned it and its poliey, 'and ueither had he any ex planation to make to the house con- cefming the same, The conclusion is irresistible that Mr. Rogers bas been playing a desper- ate game, Inspired, perbaps, by con- servative leaders at Ottawa, he has not hesitated to distort an interview of which be personally knew nothing into a grave political scandal, reflect. ing upon several persons, unjustly, and without provocation, The explan- ation of the premier has put a new face upon the whole case. It enables one to see Mr. Rogers as & political trickster, without manners and with. ont morals, Changes That ofAre Needed. The Light, Heat and Power com: mittee has undertaken to advertise in order to boom the business and so cure the patronage which, it is as sumed, cannot bo got, at least so readily, in any other way. But ad vertising is effective only when the article is good and cheap and when it wets the people's requirements, Are the gas and electric light which the city mmnufacture as good and as cheap as the circumstances will per- mit 7 Much, it may be answered, de pends wpon demand and supply. The larger the quantity used the cheaper the cost of output, if the applisnces in use, the raw materials, ete, he modern and inexpensive. Well, what are the facts ? The gas plant is very good so far a4 it goes. It is not large enough te start with. A new gas * holder is ab- solutely required, and for it a lot has been purchased. There ' was great hurry about this purchase, but row tive is fying and nothing is being done. Then the crudo oil at present 4% op much. Mr. Campbell, the xpert, Kas duly considered 'the ereo- ion of a buge tank, ape which will bold & vessel turgo or two of oil, and [if could be porchasnd in wholesale ities the cost would be reduced Such a contingency ix one distinguishing feature that makes for popularity. Moreover, with pro: vision wade for the purckase of oil in wholesale quantities, and the pro- per storage of it, and the continued manufacture of gas from oil the city ad | Production of 'gas from Boal. 'This again would Toad to the revision of 1] the $150,000 'by-law, snd the eolimina- i very large item. been: pit 4 meny thoussnd dollars delay the changes in ihe power house now does not weet wise, nor expedient. The aflairs of the street railway con- cern the rity only indirectly. It {should consider ithe public interests primarily, and so decide things that as a will get what they desire, namely a steadier and a better light. The tom- plaint used to be that the service could not 'be improved while the atrest railway supply was being geae- the street railway is not wow run sing, and the electric light is variable and sometimes very bad. There will have to be a better current, at. a cheaper rate, belore soy substantial progress ean be expected in the sale of olectric energy, and the sooner the committee gets to work to reach this etd the better. ditorial° No The trustee says the street railway is on the murket. On what terms and conditions ¥ The enquiries of some people indicate » lively interest in the subject. The Spectator is disgusted with Mr Monk and Mr. Bergeron and largely for their henafit announces : "Never again will a French Canadian be on trusted with the premiership of Can sda." The mwayor-elest <of of hicago will send to Glasgow for an expert to advise it in municipal ownership Thetw is great danger of graft' when the expendituors will be about $100, 000.000, A A conservative paper is noisy over what Mgr. Sharretti told Mr. Rog- ers and Mr. Camphill, im Ottawa. Mgr. Sharretti did not tell Mr. Rog- ors anything. He has no truck with the man. i od Mr. Rogers, the Manitoba troubler, when asked if he had done any nego: tiating with Arebbishop Langevin on the school question, declined to speak. He will not discuss 'something he does understahd. ---- Lord Strathcona is a grand old man. He ropremats a type of man- hood that commends admiration--de cerning, progressive, ambitious, use ful, helpful, benevolent. He has been honoured by his country, and in turn Br~has honoured bis country, It was only after the Winnipeg de legates had been at home for some days that thoy observed that Mgr. Sbarretti had really = attempted to coerce thems And they are members of the government. "Tis time there is a change. Mr. Whitney is seeking a closer re {ation with the Soo companies. He will sec that the directors represcut- ing the government are of the proper kidney. So be is interested in the Sea, notwithstanding that it did not elect a supporter of his cause. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. This Courageous Country. Buffalo News a The Mormons are moving over into Alberta,' that is, some of them are. But the Dominion isn't afraid of them. Its Sad Plight. Montreal Herald Sa Two attempts at suicide yesterday. There's not much, inducement to stay in Montreal 'with the streets in their present shape. Pretty Well Drained. ™ to Star. Canada only subscribed $4,500,000 of the new Jap dosn, but then it mpst be recollected this country has recent lv been impoverished by. a general election, a | Terris For Japan. gf org rs to consider terms of peace provided she is not asked to give up any territory or pay indemn- ity. It is just possible that under pres- sure they might be induced to accept Japan's apologies. - -- Out Of Sigiat. Ottawa Jouroal. : If Russia Tad anvihiag anyone would bave banked om, it was the Cossacks ~*finest cavalry in the world" was usual characterization. And yet Japanese scouts seem to play rings arotind the R 'R Cooking The Accounts, Hamilton. Times. the organs show by their silence how d they feel at Cal. Matheson's of mceounts, to try 10 make the province show a debt. When he is obli 16 drop ope asset ftom of wearly 000,000 he must be desperate. Lord Strathoona Here. Lord Strathcona arrived special G. T. R. train from Mont at one 'lock this afternoon, to attend the will be left without a directing bead. To It the consumers of electricity }iockey nigned yesterday rated by the manie eogine power, but mony nEvIEw. Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And Other Sports. > Hackenschmidt and Jenkins Hill oad have accep n stewards have ied the entry of the Philadelphia Vespers Adrian FE. Anson, the grand old man of basshall, is the new city clerk of Chicago. Manager Stallings, of the Buffzlo Club, has refused to accept the East. ern League schedule, It is said that Jockey Wonderly left an estate valoed in a bank accoulit and in Casadian property at than ¥60,.000, Jack Taylor, one of the main re lianees of the St. Louis Cardinals for the season of 1906, is seriously ill with pneumonia. Jimmy Walsh, the « have more ver Torouto to ride for the 0.J.C. ride at the Feagram meeting. Walsh pounds, Neither the Bufialo or Rochester clubs were represented. at the Eastorn League meeting, although Manager Stallings and President Chopin were in New York. An amendment exchiding the repre- sentatives of ecenior clubs from mem "bership in the exceutive of the asso ciation will be presented at the an nual -C. L.A. mesting Good Friday Mike Ward, of Sarnia, the Canadian lightweight champion, and Battling Nelson 'have beech * offered a 85,000 purse by Waverley Athletic Club, of apsing, Mich., 10 bgx fifteen rounds dt 135 pounds, on June 15th. executive stable at can ing, decided to engage the services of James Rice as trainer for the coming season, his engagement to start May 20th, and continue for four months There are two candidates for the presidency of the N. A Tom O'Connell, of the Shamrocks, and Ar thur Hamilton, of the Montreals. The Shamrocks threaten to throw their allegiance to William Foran, of Ot tawa, if they don't have their own wav INSPECTOR OF INSURANCE Makes Preliminary Report--Four Made Returns. Special to the Whig. Toronto, April 6.-The praiminary teport of inspestor of insuranes, Dr. J. Howard Hunter, showing the fin ancial condition "on December 31et, 1904, of, those companies which make returns to the government of On tario, has been issued. Four liie companies reported; the Central. the Equity, the Peoples' Life, and To tonto Life. The combined incomes of which were X358 234, and the expendi ture, $209,511. Only one accident com any, the Canadian Casualty and Boiler Insurance company, reported. Its income was $76,598, and its ex penditure, $61,211. The income of Merchants, Queen City, and Traders' Joint Stock Fire Insurance companies was 2438811, and the combined los es of these companies were $353,641 The thirteen cash mutual companing had an income. of 1.782102, and ox penditure of BLOM 242. The amount paid for losses aggregated &1 315.358, The purely mutnal fire companios, seventy-two in all, had an imcome of $256,065, and expenditure of £219,457, inclnding $145,485; paid losses, out for DOMINION CONFERENCE Of 'Y. XM. C. A. Going on Montreal, Special to the Whie. Montreal, April * 6.--The Dominion conference of the Y.M.C,A, which opened in this city, vesterday, to-day elected Harvey Graham, New Glasgow, N.8., president. He is a prominent of ficial of the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co. The vice-presidents elected were Robert Kilgour, Toronto; and 1 FP. Stephens, Winnipeg. George Wi liams, Montreal, is secretary, and J . Graham, Vancouver, assistant si retary. Prof. Andrews, of Mount Al lison, Sackville, N.BB., addressed the conference on the life and word of law 'this morning. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Charged With Intirmidation by Mr. McNeill, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, April 6.--Mr. McNeill, Mon treal, manager of the Canadian Ma chine Telephone company, told the Telephone committee, this morning, of experiences at Peterboro. He ridiculed the assertion . that independent lines are dependent on the big systems fur success, and charged the Bell com pany with coe.cive measures, and pre venting local capital at from javesting. Peterboro A Guaranteed Cure For Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud- ing piles. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in six to fourteen days. 50c, Chinese Furniture Cream' gives a new lease of life to old furniture, cov- ers up "he scratches beautiful polish, 9c, Chown's Drug Store, Buy blood purifiers at Gibson's Red Cross Drug. Store. WANTED All who ean, to take advantage of on Saturday's specials. We only mention a few lines. You will find a complete stock in every department 100 1bs., best Granulated and gives a bottle, at Sugar, for 6 6 Bars best Laundry Soap, 9%¢ 20 doz. best Canted Corn, at 10c. a an 300 ibs, Pure Leaf Lard. 12c. In 50 Bags best Patatoes We. a hag 10 dos. our own Baking Powder, 13c. - © Try our Teas and Coffee Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates Prunes, Appricots. Lettuce, Celery. Pars ley, Onions and other Green Goods Cooked Moats, a fresh supply 8300 tbs. Good Bee! Stak, 3 Ibs, 25¢ 40 only Boston Butts, for boiling, 10c" a Ib. Rolls Bacon at 12§¢. 1b Try owr Sugar Cured Cora Beef te Roasts and Steaks, from the Beef, Bc. to 12§c. ih. Our usual Saturday nicht Sale, from 7 to 10 only. This table will Le Joaded Oysters, Anderson Bros. "Phone 458. . committee of © the! Brockville Rowing Club at a meet] While no woman is entirely free from | I started to te periodical suffering, it does not seem to | 90 that when jg « It o¢ the plan of mature that women |Ibad sullered with bl should suffer so severely." Menstroa- Faun uri 4 Seumed tion is a severe strain on a woman's | lotr? pn sy, : vitality. If it is painful or irregular | was to get reli. | something is wrong which should be set right or it will lead to a serious de: | for what your m rangement of the whole female organ- | : Am, More than fifty thousand women | have testified ingrateful letters to Mrs Pinkham .that Lydia E. Pinkhai's Vegetable Compound overcomes pain- ful and irregular menstruation. si It provides a safe and sure way of es> cape from distressing and dangerous weaknesses and diseases. The two following letters tell =o con- viseingly what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will do for women, they cannot fail to bring hope to thousands of sufferers. Mias Matilda Richardson of 177 Wel- lington Street, Kingston, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- * Bome four years ago my usually good health began to fail. a severe pains iu | my back, my head ached, I would bave dizzy | and during my wonthly periods 1 suffer intense pain. I was advised to] try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablé Compound, | & end fa that 1 did, for it brought new life health to me. My 'monthly periods were natural and painless, and my general health improved. I have not had an ache or a pain since, and I feel it a duty as well as a re to tell you what your medi cine has. for me." Mme. Louise McKenzie of Mount Car- | understand. mel, Montreal, Canada, writes: { Dear Mrs. Pinkham: -- Such te ¥ all w The success Vegetable Cor | well-earned g: | women. When women are t ; ceration « down fe medi , for yo Pinkham if | free, Suggestions How to Find Relief from Don't hesitate to write to , there nyth i about your sickness you do nt She will treat you with kindness and her advices No woman ever regretted "1 had heard so mach good about Lydia | Writing her and she has helped E. Pinkbam"s Vegetable Uompound before | thousands. Address Lynn, Mass, 5 a Woman's His PAINFUL PERIODS » ) Thousands Duties Have 1} Alfonso Madrid \ prevailing in grow wo ing among bas vet er uv raname? lat! tdealwhenit applies hes. The mame ECKH on a brush is hanufacturety' guar- of workmahiship and serials. Recognized for years as "the standard of Canali, HES CKH BRUSHES Oe highest ideals in the art of brish-making. Taitad Factories, Lik ted, Toronto, Can. San Lucar. deprived of drought, anc the inhabita tenth of the The city o threatened - ation of the Heart--Ner- sous Prostration-- Cured by Miburn's Heart and i Nerve Pills. ke weak hearts strong They A shaky nerves firm. { dying from { Owners of s | their carcass { but the peas { able to buy is 'begetting Numer been pillage Bands of wm jing the st | threaten to | grandees if | ieved, Tro | place to me Pi: dem ply them wi or replial t either. The Heft the tow walk to Ma King for ai I'he Bisho 3 | the cathedry ence of the of the poor willing | ness, 7. Cormier had a very trying Ms Ry re at College ; but, thanks Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, he re peen pestored to health, = He tells his | K 4 3 i the following letter to us :-- ing ¢ P.EL, Dec, 8rd, 1908. ducing the | during the Leontengplate duties. It appropriati Andalusian was th. 1. 106 y., Limited, been cured of a very ase, I find it my duty to write 1 was troubled with avery f and nervous ton. 1 waa attacked with it at College, not fellow up the gaunes of the ot HIC o. eo, where I found your fan J used three boxes, and am Row 5 cured ; 1 eanpob thank you eno 3 this letter for. the purpose of | fo ARyOne who is suffering as I did. | i home is in Sackville NE. but at present I Edward Island. { 3 HE oa = RAY V, Convizr." | Dr. Kirkpa Nerve Pills, 30cts. |land. After . All dealers, | ronto, th mailed on receipt of price. Washingtor Tax T. MiLsurN Co., LIMITED, versity at ToroNTO, ONTARIO. Yale Unive then retun What Dr. Bishops | ferred the Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice--A Woman Best Understand m wor ESTOBNE Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CC.. PO, DRAWERYL 2341, MONTREAL ability t Dr. Kirkpa er criticism during the onsiderabl in critical believes th country of ing and b the whole given les ] . He is incl ness which country, v I Bek Headache and relieve all the troubles fnel- ast coll . | land. VER/ PILLS. a, Di While their most en shown iD CUnDg ai: d 3 arter's Tittle Liver Pills ave i n, curifigand pro ut, while they aiso i arach.stimulate the weaves Some men think that the Prince Albert Coat or Suit must be made to order It's not so. It's a su- perstiticn Our Prince Alberts are tailor-made in every re-pect, only, instead of being made to vour order, they are made to 'ours. We can fit any form, and we invite the most expert criticism concerning our Prince Alberts. We'll save you half the tailor's price and satisfy you fully as well. Take a look at Prince Alberts. our 900 +vvrrrsrrssssssbssstsrrsssesnsasessnnneesdf The H. D. Bibby Co. Prince Alberts ! our Grosvenor Don't miss seeing ENGLISH RAINCOAT Good rain or shine. Something Special, $12-50. - - fc - THE H. D. BIBBY CO. {ff=-\: Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. esssassnnnssencii L ; by «3 {ko 40d regulate the bowels, Even if they only cured to those who but forte 1d those o pills value 8bis in somany wavs thas they will got ba Wik 42g todo without them. But alter all sick bead ACHE |= Tithe bane of 0 many lives that hero fs wheps |<haw i Wemake onr great boast, Our pillacareit whils | carrviug Griffith » small and dae of la priv I Bf il ud Dom. Small Prien. Eminent Physicians Endorse this Method of (uring Catarrh. Leading specialists agree that the tly way to cure catarrh is to treat be diseased tissues direct. Blood puri- | #1, cocaine powders and greasy sprays oat reach the affected parts, Chester's Cure" March tes Tonite these healing herbs and | crown up iale the smoke, The vapo! a ---------- A A AD ------------- -- r reaches | [lis cldes S¥Iy part of the nostrils, windpipe and | crave a 43s, and cures the catarrh with every | Gregg © bath vou take. An Chester's Cure 13 been doing this for the past 30 Jam. soc and $1.00. 1 pr drugyist hasn't it in stock, write ud THE LECMING, MILES CO. LTD, MONTREAL snes oss ---- k's Cotion Root Compound. The only safe effloctual monthly medicine on which women ean B depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for ordinary eases, §1 per box ; No. 2, 10 de grees stronger for © inl Cases, 58 per box. Sold by el! dru 5, Ask for Cook's Cob- ton Hoot Compound ; take no substitute. Cook Madicine Co. Windsor, Ontario vear. Mr been very last twel Mrs. J atlenuing Swieftnar Swiedtnar TT rn MEN AND WOMEN, | Use © for unnatural | © ¢ i 0 jac Nmnattal diddar » frriatime or ulceration. Bn. On musens membrane | "ON. Painless, and not setts | sole age Srut or woiondus. ol' Fan $214 by Druggivie, or sent in plain hie Toilet Pres, preps SLB or Svotties £78. Clover wat vu voquest, Chown's Drop