i 2 8 £ f ] 5 £ i i i i "12-pounder. ck ®as undther ct of special men- on, together Col, clnness, Dobell of Sir David | 5 f i i s§7 - fiir f i iH 3 £ gigi # : Morris, hile on don. Thoryegalvs staff, ren- service in at in and in Natal, Sir Perey | - Orleans. Gironard was well known to them all. There were a great mar following in- the predecessors. They weve all working their way up and they would be 3 [hoard Soom ater on. Thay had all gone rough ie N college, n incentive to great endeavor Ras the feeling that they were being watclied t home, Gen. Benson declared something - about Ky tess sie PRT or ey en 0 "army. It was orthern £ g° £ or mi ans : 4 s ; i t £ d others, all ed, in which they were brought up. They seemed better able to stand the varying 'climates than brethren, = Another ad- vantage was in their early education, ened nad did not | of building" the subway at St. Louis, elevators at -------- AT THE GRAND. "Sweet Clover" Heasd With Much Delight. 'Sweet Clover" was appreciative audiences the Grand Opera douse on Saturlsy afternoon Hi il £ id H H ion Caade » pital "lob ; Reynol Smith and Estelle Wynne played their parts pe scenery was the same as > Hie 4 | i 2 E [ 2. F 33 § Charles Hawtrey, On Wednesday. Charles Hawtrey, who has won gen- | Harty, M.P., for Kingston, tered the prince of the House of Commons, is one of the. most widely informed men one of - the | i eral acceptance as that England has sent'@s "in many years, will be seen at the Grand on Wednesday, April 19th, in his won- [first men to attract the attention of fu { the new governor-general, the Earl of sage from Mars." The story deals with Grey. Some days ago, when race and the adventures of Horace Parker (Mr. is a man of means, vet selfish, looking ever after his own comfori. and welfare. He is fish 1: I fer- Or ond eliar so selfish | for Mr. Harty and had a long confer | | ancee, and his aunt io an evening par- ty, preferring to remain at home and | press representatives, when he return- read a treatise on the planet Mars. While reading he falls asleep and is 8 the best comedian zi3 gd iE derfully successful IEE who starts in to reform him with ex- cellent results. Mr. Ganthonv has giv- en to the theatre-going public a play | Mr. that is original and witty. } -- Moving Pictures. : Sh ---- AL Merritt & Pritchard will be at Th Dead at Tiverary--Kind Father at | Orand on Thursday night with er: ; Rest. jg Pictures, They have a Juried se- ; 7 » are shown jn clear light. who died at the home last week a large Fo ibition. and were ----------------------. A FARMER DROWNED. ------ He "Had Been at Deseronto on A special telegram to the Whig from Sunday afternoon. the body of R. Ton on. the Pott ounty, wis heng on the Fre sburg shore. of i i i the Bay of Quinte. He is Deseron- Ser ae dnvalided. home, sufesing ic Saturday, came here with ao | skiff, and on his return journey to ard, in some manner WN: | ing reduced he joined an engineering the probabilitiy is he was up-| staff in the city "of Bloemfontein. He ¥ | returned home the early' part of the t, was drowned and the 3 drifted to the dpposite shore. Deceas:| yeqr, ol 'was some seventy years of age. a ---------------------- x Mining School Appointments. At a meeting of the School' of Min- | was decided 3 0 block 'the water tables, unless a pi addell from the position of lecturer | 10950 ACEC WTR SMG BRE | assistant professor. 1¢ aia to continne My, position as professor engineering for raise Dr. ta fi 1H E i 335s ih i i ie 38 Canadians fo Good Start to t, but the soldier took the ini- tative and knocked him down. His story was decidedly mixed, «possibly Jeaused by the effects of the knodk-out with a slight possibility of some- thing more, pleasant to take, being . The batterymen went in- | to the box and told a fairly straight story. He was in the hotel, he said, when MacMillan started getting fami- lar. Heo resented the familiarity and a discussion arose, resulting in Mae- Millan calling him out to fight, and MaoMillan's knock-out was the re. sult. Neither side had any wifnesses, and the case was adjowened until to- morrow to get further evidence. The case of assanlt against C: Mil- lan was disposed of, a fine of #5 heing mposed distance of great tat A FORTSMOUTH BOY. ations | A Prosperous Contractor in New ay 1 James Stewart & Co., the contrac tor who will build the-ships and docks for the New Ovleans Terminal com- pany, at Chalmette, La., will begin work within the next ten days. The superintendent of the work will he James Mills, in charge of the build- ing of the Stuyvesant docks, the old wharves at Chalmetfe, and the docks v at Southport. Mr. Mills, although a there was | Canadian by birth, is well'known to New Orleans people, as he has spent much time here durlhg the past ten vears. He has been with James Stew: art & Co, for the past twenty-five of their , he believ- most capable superintendents of dock construction work in the country. Since he was Mr. Mills has had. charge of the work a number of big grain Cincinnati, and the National Bank of Commerce building at Norfolk, He will arrive in the city within the next few days, and at once begin making the preparations to go to work on the terminals here. HARTY INVITED. To Accept a Federal Portfolio at Next Change. heard by , in the " is so 1 a com- i Ethel | tion, intimates that Sir Richard Cert- y role wright, is shortly, along with others, on an allowance idr privy coun- cillors, 1t is no secret, the paper says, that an effort will be made, or is be- ing made, to induce William Harty of Kingston, to accept a portiolio when the changes take place, The Journal adds: Hon. William in public life, and was religious strife ran high in the de- v his" fi- | ence with the distinguished M. P. for the "Derry of Canada." ed, Mr. Harty said he had #othing to say for publication. from Mars, p---------- WILL BE HONORED. ! Crummy to Be a Doctor of Divinity. Rev. Eber 'Crummy, pastor of Brock Street Methodist church, is to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Div- inity from Queen's University at the arts, science and theology convoca- tion on the 26th. He has been chosen to preach the Baccalaureate sermon, in' Convocation Hall, on Sunday aft- ernoon, the 23rd. Was With "B' Battery. The death is reported at St. Thom- as, from abscess of liver, of George A, Barrett, a South African veteran, though but age. He first went to South Africa with the second Canadian contingent, i a member of "B" battery of with rheumatic fever. He returned to South Africa and joined Baden-Pow- ell's constabulary force and on its be- May Change The Approaches. A change is advocated in building of the * gate approaches in connection Joht with concrete walks. The present ones the former kind of approaches, those of plank, will have to be re-introdué- od, so that water 'may pass under- neath, On some streets the stone and eprent approaches have blocked the ves: for, 4 "of water to the grates, when the School Min A Ea ars Noeesary tha Tt should Niji have an uninterrupted flow. -------------- © The Leakage Continues. The water works' leak at or near the locomotive works' still continues. Another test was made just outside Fhe raths, and the leakage found to pat rate twenty-seven « lons a minute. This neocessi a 3 k station Superintendent t boyhood Balas secured a tom-inch -volve 'make a test, probably ; to- morrew, with a view to the exact locality of the leak. : es p------ + The ugagoment of George H. Fell, Georpe . W. Swartman, of on » years and is considered one of the in New Orleans last, United Canada, an Ottawa publica- to retire 'from the Sosion cabinet, bates in the House of Commons over the autonomy bill, his excellency sent To the twenty-saven years of = be " OTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The Oity 'And Viéinity=Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. Newman & Shaw's "Silk Sale." William Swain, piano tuner. received at McAuley's book store. "As soon as a 'good rainfall occurs, the séraping of the'. streets will be- gin. : | "Messiah" by vocal students' club, to-morrow night, 8 o'doek, Chalmers church, Admission 25ec. , a es ah RE avin « The warld would be quite diffcrent ; And ldn't it "be nice ? o Confirmation will be administered by the Bishop of" Ontario, in St. George's cathedral on Palm Sunday. Had the street railway been kept in oh, it would have stood in a better 'position to-day as regards a operati sale, 3 "Blood and nerve will tell."" Take the uine Balud"s Iron Tonie Pills, 100 for 25c. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectam Soap Powder is better than othe powders, ax it is both soap and disin ectant. . The steamer Fawcett is the first local steamer to move ont, On Satdr- day she ran down through the open water from Garden to near Wolfe Is land, to test her machinery, which has been imptoved. °° Keep your howels regular by the use of - Chamberlain's Stomach anc Liver Tablets. Thére is nothing bet: ter. For sale hy all druggists. It was currently reported this morn- ing that several young men from the city, who. visited Portsmouth yester- day afternoon, were given a some | what warm reception. and were forced to- vacate, "Double strength' household am- monia at 1.'heon's Red Cross drug 'store. Fhe friends 'of W. Hamilton, for- merly captain of the Kingston Granite rugby team, ~ will "be interested in knowing that a son has been born to him at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. His marriage is said to have been quite 'romantic, and was known to. very few here. } Mrs. Gertrude Atherton, sinen her return from Europe last November, has been living in seclusion at the Tavern ol Tamalpais, Mount Tamal: is, 'al., engaged in writing a Dvelutiar for The. Smart Set Maga" zine. "The Travelling Thirds' deals with the adventures of a party of Americans and an English captain who travel third-class through Spain so that they may come in closer contact with the people. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. George W. Charles, Montreal, spent Suuday in the city. George Vanhorn and Percy Myrray came in from Westport to-day. E. P. Jenkins and Mrs, Jenkins will spend the coming week at Westport, Dr. C. J. McCambridge, Pough- keepsie, N.Y, is home for a few days. Miss Aggie Laidley, Ernesttown, is the guest of Miss .Darragh, William street, Miss Laura Crowe, Emesttown, is William visiting Miss street. Grimshaw, W. Smith, Odessa, spent Sunday in the city with his cousin, J. Laidley, Division street. Rev Eber Crummy speaks at an Epworth 'League convention at Co: bourg on Friday next. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Birch, of Pros- cott, spent Sunday with Mr. Birch's parents on Bigot street. Rev. Eber Crummy will preach the baccalaureate sermon at Queen's on Sunday afternoon, April 23rd. Capt. W. W. Spencer, N.Y., is dead. He was years of age and a captain. "he remains of the late Arthur Har- vey, F.R.B.C., were brought to King- ston to-day for interment at Catara- qui cemetery, George Birch, of the locomotive works' staff, has been dangerously ill with appendicitis, but. is now slowly improving. A. H. Simonds, special representa- tive of the Saturday Evening Post, Philadelphia, Pa., is in town in the interest of his well-known lake . faper: Frederick Bell, 'a 'science student at Queen's, was taken to the General Hospital, Saturday, suffering from a bad attack of 'the measles, The mmeriage of Miss Margaret Georgina, daughter of Thomas Little, Willowbank, to Willet Roy Harpell, Cataraqui, takes place on Wednesday evening, . Mrs. McEwen, of Windsor, who came to attend the funeral of het' mother, the late Mrs. D. D. Rogers, left for home to-day. While here she was the guest of Mrs. Clerihue, Clergy street. The funeral of the late Michael Smith took place, this morning, from his late residence, Frontenac street. e fun- eral service was conducted by Rev, Dr. 'Macgillivray and interment took place at Cataraqui cemetery, ATPEAL SUSTAINED. And Disabilities Imposed Are Set Aside. Some weeks ago W. H. Godwin, Jr, mayor of Steelton, near Sault' Ste. Marie, was, by the judgment of the Judge of the district of Algoma,_de- '| clared disqualified from holding that office because of corrupt : practioes of which he had been guilty at a. parlia- mentary election. The mayor appeal ed, contending that he had never been Epps eg by judges nor had the ges proven against him, as the statute, R.SO., chapter 9, sec: tion 177, requires, and that tharefore decision of the be reversed. The appeal was allowed, with costs; and application below dis- missed with costs. Mayor Godwin is a son of W. H. Godwin, of Kingston. "Three Swallows.' Sir John Power and Son's "Three over a century. Of of purity, Distillers to king. Swallows" Trish orgy famous for + HOUSE-GLEANINC SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS, bear in mind that ters for housecleaning sup lies of all : can supply vou with Wa erything you need in this Jine : : kinds. We Sr, Oswego, seventy-four $ Swift's @ SIZES district judge should: ® » : JAMES SMUT & GO. «When planning yonr house-clegnig ening we" are headquar. Moth, Camphor and Ta. Rags Borax, Lye, Copperas, % 3 7 Washing Compound, Ammonia, Insect and Vermin Destroyers Catholic Acid, Chlorides, = Sulphur, Sulphur Candles, Farniture Polish, Chamois ely At Lowest Prices Phone 59 for your wants, the "Best" Drug Store, 124 Prigesés Street Felt Weak and Nervous Had Faint and Dizzy Spells. These symptoms arise from a weak pondition of the heart: and nerves Wherever there. are sickly people with weak hearts and deranged nerves, MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS will be found an effectual remedy, Through the medium of the nervous system, they hnpart a strengthening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body. They restore enfeebled, enervated, ex- hausted, devitalized, or overworked men and women -to perfect constitutional power, Miss Maggie L. Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., tells how she was cured in the following words :-- "1 was sick for the past year, and be. came thoroughly run down. I had faint and dizzy spells, and felt weak and dervous all the time, I tried numerous remedies, but cduld get no help. I'then read in the paper about Milbiirn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and got a box of them, Before I had used one-half the box I began to get better, so got another one, and by the time the two were finished I was as well as ever." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 50 cents per bax, ox 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or Tar T. Muuurw Co, LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. | | | a A Cracker-jack In Silk We got hold of a big "plum" in Black Silk and offer it « ETRE BAG TERE NATET RETRO N TERT TAGE TACT TTC TRT Tuesday at a remarkably low price, Fine quality Taffeta Chiffon Silk, in a beautiful -Justron black, a perfect shade 'that i seen only in the higher priced gouds. ' This Silk is the correct thing for Shirt Waist Suits, Coats, ote. It is full 20 inches wide and big value at 605c. a yard. { On Sale Tuesday Morning 42c. a yard. Newman & Shaw y | | : PO P0002 000006000 Scranton Coal FIVE Any Stcye Or Furnace. beet oe Telephone 135. ad Buy Suny "Give it a trial. Your not all we' claim. Return ticke SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE | -- od sons Tiger, Brot sot | Tp { 29nd, 28rd, and 24th. ; ing fron destination oun. or -- rt esday, Epil 25th, 1900. tanadian Horse Show 10RONTO, April 26th to 29th C i - April tickets will be issued on Pol $5.90, and on April 27th, 28th, ue. full particulars apply to ---- [REEEELT EI LUL Colonist Special Trains | Copy of Settlers Guide and full par- ticulars may Kootenay points during April P. R. Ticket Office. Ontari a u ¥ h each train from Renfrew. a I a § C ¥; CONWAY, ¢ 3 ( : Easter Holidays ts will be issued at Sunday. an 29th, at $7.70. ickets include one admission to aD ro Show and good to return on Ist, 1905. 8 before, Ma rates to Pacific Coast and Kootenay points daily until May 15th, [ . P, HANLEY, X Cor. Johnaton & Ontario HE. RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. | ©O w==T0 THE ~~ panadian Northwest |* ' or Settlers and their effects will Rave t 8,10 a.m. every "Tue During April un suffictent business offers A Colonist Sleeper will be attached to be obtained from Ticket Very low rates to Pacific Coast und K. & P.: and ©, Street. ¥. A. FOLGER JR., Gen. Supt: Full particulars at Gen. Pass. Agt BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee. Descronto, and all local points. Trains Jeave City Hall Depot at 8:25 pm. F. © CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry. Kiogston. ERPOOL and ALLAN LINE AY LONDONDERRY Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Halifax Bavarisp, Sat. Apr. 15; Moun. Apr. An Virginian, Sat. Apr. 22: Mon, Apr. 2 Tunisian, Sat. Apr, 29: Mon. May 1. TRATES OF PARSAGE~Firsi Cabin, $70 and upwards, according © to steamer and accommodation ; Sscond Cabin, Liverpool sand Londonderry, $42.50 and 45, according to steamer, London 2.50 extra ; Third Class $27.50 Virginian, | $28.75, Liverpool, Derry, Bellast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian .... Thurs: Apr. 18, 11 8.0 First Cabin, $60 and upwards--Secon Cabin, $35--Third Class, $37.50, Sonsio Further lculars on application WJ. P. BANTRY Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger r. Depot. ; GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Street. ARCHITECTS: | Ee see TIE WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, pit floor over Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Enterance on Bagot street. Telephone 608. I a -- ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF- fic site of New Drill- Hall, near cor- rer of Queen and Montreal Streats. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. ee Lt Se ---------------- BEGRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Buildiog, Market Square 'Phone 245. RE ---------- MONEY AND BUSINESS. D. GLOBE HY rr Doe, Available "assets $61,187,315. > sdaition o w ders © ty one animited | MABUILY © all the stockholders. Farm and el Property insured at lowest nossibl Fates. Botors renewing old or givin new. business get rates from Strang & Strange, Agents. oe ee eit re OUR POLICIES COVER MORE O] buildings and chntents then any oti ne ance -- = tEmbossing