ide; ia a de and white, v Morning at 9 o'clock Our. new. stock of Sprin Raincoats have just arte and women who buy these double Satisfaction of know- ing t are proper) dressed, and that Hey on received full value for their N\ money. Prices range from $4.75 5.75: 6.75, 7-50. 8.75, 9.50, 0.95, 11.50, 11.95. 12.75, «1375+ Coats, pared to buy you may find just vanted and can have it placed [ WAIST SUITS! in allwanted shades of browns yard 3 the suitable shades for spring, new combination of colors, Louisine Silks. ine hair line designs in browns, etc. is for Shirt Waist Suits. en and White. y and White. k and White. wn and White. butai Silks. $. in a great variety of makes, goc., $1, $1.25. : ind You -to-date. A boy as well as by the shoes he wears. Tan Boots. is" Slater Tan Boos 'other cheaper lines. TT SHOE STORE nt new designs will have the Come and see these new" DLAWESH) ad Youths ace Boo | Special Sales THAT BRICK DWELLING, SITU ATED TT _-- i On Hat Racks This Week Dressers and Washstands, liberal dis- nt. . i ; 5 1) goods marked in plain figures. Robt. J. Reid, 929 Princess Sticet. » Two Doors Above the Opera House, Telephone: 577. WANTED. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. ply at 90 Barrie St. AP- ~DUTIES 'NOT GENERAL SERVANT heavy. Apply. 189 Uuiversity Ave: a -------------------- ha OF GIRLS: IM. | cer ar ly oapely, C. Poison & | WOMAN'S ART ASSOCIATION OF CANADA » Ontario Sb. ; " KINGSTON BRANCH BOYS AND GIRLS. OVER 14 YEARn| Water Color, Olt and Loan Exhibit. of age. Apply. to McGowan Cigar An + Exhibition will be held on WED- factory," Cor. Rideau aul North St.| NESDAY and THURSDAY, the 12th, = . and 13th ust. in Kirkpatricks Art TEACHER, "FOR SCHOOL SECTION Gallery Resides the collection of No.. 11, Olden, duties to comm Sk 8, China Painting and Wood 1st May, 1905. Apply, stating sal Carving, by the lub, in the Loan kx- and qualifications, to vs. Foster, | Bibit, will he found beautiful old speci- Secy.-Treas., McLean, Ont . mens of Miniature Painting and China, eee eet eee GENTLEMEN, TO GE1 THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's. 3181 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done promptly. BRIGHT HUSTLING 100L BOYS to sell the Saturday ening Pos What is the 'use of buying old wall cents. Ten copies Free to start youl paper, when you can get up-lo-date in business. Apply to A. H. Skm-|gi0dy for less money 2 Never befors has onds, Randolph Hotel, Thursday. | there ten showil such i Lonutinul and alter sciog| for your free outfit. well welecied line. The variety and choice of. designs and colorings is very ARE YOU INDEPENDENT, OR HAVE | extensive and will satisly thé most ex you & boss? Get out of siavery | acting. Prices - are right. Quality the end be free. Write G: Marshall & { best. It will pay you fo see my samples Co., London, Ont., and they will | before buying elscwher What is the show you the way. They have | use of Qurning your Ho! upside down started thousands on the road, to | and then g to look for a painter, and om. have to t a month Bifore you get Ee ------------smmmeswmmm | one 2 Com and select your Paper. secure your paper-banger and its all L TO-LET. over in-w day or two House sos atrnen sr. an pin. | He WILKINS, Painter and Paper-hanger, sent, occupied by Mrs, Muleod. Ap- Sts. by. 8 he premisgs or McLeod's : rug Store. J OFFICE, TWO ROOMS, heating, Corner of King and Brock Streats, ver Wade's. Apply to Me- Cann, 51 Brock Street FINE BUSINESS OFFICE; FRONT room, 346 King Street ; good loca tion 'and well appointed. For partic- plars, apply fo J. P. Forrest, Gonts Furnisher, King Street. No. 189 Brock St, containing 11 Rooms, Bath and Closet, Gas Light ing, hot water heating. Apply, C Livingston & Bro., Brock st MODERN BRICK RESIDENCI 114 Stuart St, 12° rooms hardwood finished, good stabling and coach house. Posgession iminediately Ap ply to Joseph Power or John Twed- dell COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM p, partly furnished. well situated shore of Bay of Quinte miles t of Collins Bay. Good stable mmodation. Stage daily to Kingston . and Bath. Also Frame Cottage. Address, I C. Rothwell, Collins Bay' Ont: THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT he Corner -of Queen and Ontario Street, lately - occupied by Mr. Hen- erson as rocery with large yard and "ouilbuildings. Offers will be re ceived for purchase. Apply to Walkers & Walkem, solicitors, King- ston. FOR SALE. TWO LOTS, ALBERT ST., near Union Write, Box 470, F x, Ont MARE, 1.8350 LBS, SOUND: FINE farm beast. Will be sold cheap. Ap- ply, to Dr. Curtis BROKE 1OTS, 138, 14 AND 16] Avenue ; sewer and walter Apply 1. Bawden, 3 > ---------- or 600D BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE ueen street, between Montreal and ot. . Apply 49 Colhorne street. COMPARATIVELY NEW SA J. Taylor's mauniacture al a bargain. Apply to 115 S street, or to Whig office tect ne eb A A 43 SHARES, ALL OR PART, FRONT. enac Loan. and Investment Society. Tenders peceived to April 15th Write, ;Box 470, Fssex. Out A BROWN; MARE, SIX YEARS OLD, wood driver. Will he sold hy auction, "by Wm. Murray. on the Market Square, on Saturday. al 10.830 a.m. : SAILING YAOMT "GEISHA: foot clags ; in good conditior, new Bails. © A bargain at $850--eash. Far further particulars apply. to J. C. © Aimon. Bank of Montreal, Kingston, ep tm ee rr A TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, With ten Yooms. in. good repair large jot dnd stable, and plenty of rood water. Situated on Victoria 8 Apply, to D. Humilton, Victoria LOST. ° A PAIR OF LADY'S GOLD RIMXED Eve Glasses, with chain attached on Bednesda, "afternoon, ox either arrie, hg or University. Finder kindly return to. this office. ; FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HELGEWOOD HOME, CORNER Enion . and Albert Streets. Solid "hick, all conveniences, garden, $50. ont FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. T CHARTER OF ARE KINGSTON Awnew, of pa mi in The Somer oder: grounds. Write Hox TUMBLERS! ROBERTSON BROS.. rare examples of Old Laces, Bead Work, Linen from the worked Handicralt Afternoon WHATS THE USE? wor warrs | PEARSALL'S MILLINERY DAILY MEMORANDA. Social at ¥. M.C:A Eges 15¢. Butter Crawford Messiah," Chalmers' church. 8 Minstrel Show at RM.C, The sun rises Wednesday 1 sets at 6.39 aan. Ons way to find out how nice a girl sn't is to marry her The way. to get a girl to marry you s to make love to hey best friend This day in history --Peace of Utrecht 713 ; Madoc Massacre, 18737 US. Qivil 861 : 8 pn We this evening at 5.24 aun Lots of Them 256. Dozen, Cottage Loom, samplers the other early Victorian period, interesting articles of in and many Open at ten o'clock Tea Fiftcen cents. ..Cor. Jobuston and Fron Place vour order early with EASTER BONNET, us for a NEW HAT or £0 as to be sure to get it. You will be than pleased more both and _ style PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 Princess Strcet. The Highest Grade of Footwear To be Had in "Canada" the expression of Canadian trade in price was ian whe Knows Shoes Wear '"'Allen's"' Military Bootmakors, 84 Brock 5t. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. PEARL STICK PINS FOR GENTLEMEN We have at present a'complele show- ing of these goods, small and dainty designs in 14k, paved with pearls. Something really new_are the GRAPE patterns in whole (round) pearls, They need not prove expensive; Wwe have pretty pins at all prices, SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING ST. Y.W.C:. A. TO-NIGHT ! Rev. Eber Crummy's Bible Study Class. pt ------------------ TT DON'T SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- wots, Gent's Clothes . and Boots to the first hiyeér that comes slong. Try you will find the difference. ? 5.TUGK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, 398 Princess Street. in regard tg our Gift For Salvation Army. Morrisburg, Ont., April 11.=Thé late Jolin Hewson, who drowned himself in 'an estate of $21,000. the deceased; divided among relatives while the balance, which and friends also left $200. needy in the Salvation Amny. te To Cure A Cold In One Day. it fails to cure. E AlL - k - - he . '. : "KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, 'APRIL 11, 1905. \WARMDEN the flame "here Tuesday worming, left worth in the neighborhood Acrording to the will of about $8,000 is to be will probably reach £12,000; is to go- to the Salva tion Army, to be expended in the gen- eral work 'of the soeietv. Mr. Hesson for the poor of Mor: risbirgr. preference to be given to the Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaB- Tete, AN Arugplite refund the money if 5. W. Groves signa- Russian Officials Have No News From Singapore. IS GREAT ANXIETY TO WHEREABOUTS SOME BATTLESHIPS. AS OF Arrival of Fleet in Chinese Waters Exultingly ° Welcomed in Tokio--Russians Are "Moths About Candle™==Absolute Sil- ence re Togo and Fleet. Special to the Whig . : . London, April 11.~The St. Peters burg correspondent of the Times says that the ministry of marine, and the ministry of foreign afiairs, deny that they have received niepsages frou Singapore, and declar that they know nothing of Admiral Rojégtye sky's movements beyond what Is SHESEEITE ESSE oy + PID THEY CLASH? + i + + Chicago, April 11. --A # % 'special from Hong Kong to + 4 the Chicago Daily News + 4+ says It is reported here + 4 that two sections of thé «+ 4 rival fleets clashed near 4 4 Singapore this morning and + 4 'that Togo lost five vessels. i 3 The Tumor - is not given 4 4 much credence. "+ + + S444 IFES F IEEE Ne 9 in the newspaper reports. The contradictory . character of many {hese reports, the correspondent adds, has arrested the growing confidence in Admiral Rojestvensky's success. A report from Shanghai that an.en- gagement between the rival fleets' has already ocurred is discredited. There anxiety concerning the whereabouts of the new battleships which were not the ships sighted off Singapore. The war party's hopes are greatly stimulated by the fleet's arrival. It is reported that Admiral Rojestvensky has' transferred his flag from the battleship Kniaz Souvaroff to the Aurora. is much Singapore. Route A Feint. 8. Petersburg, -April 11.~The = ad- miralty states that the report re ceived. yesterday, regarding the Rus- sian fleet was from the captain of a merchantship who had encountered the fleet, and reported to the Russian consulate at Singapore. Some naval officers conjecture the four battleships are delaying in grder to eficet un junction with: Vice Admiral Nebogn- tofi's division, but, generally, ere dence is given to the report that the battleships taking a southern route throngh the Sunda straits, the golection of the Singapore route be- ing regarded as in the nature of a feint. and to minimize the danger of a torpedo boat attack on the main- stays of the fleet. Long Despatches Received. Paris, April 11.- The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Petit Parisie 8 that the Russian admiralty has received two long despatches from Admiral Rojestvensky A despatch to the Matin, from Petersburg, save that the opinion pre- St. vails, strongly, in the admiralty that an action will be fought off the Pes cadore Islands, where it is stated the Japanese have established a naval base Moths About Candle. Tokio, April 11. The arrival of the Russian feet in Chinese witers is exultingly welcgmed. One newspaper compares the Russians to moths gathering about a candle. Absoiutaly nothiig is allowed to be known of the whereabout of the Japanese squadrons: Naval circles keep im: penetrably silent Speculation re- garding: the movements of Admiral Togo and the other Jépancse naval commanders is fotile. Kelung Closed. Washington, April 11 Minister Gris com, at. Tokio, has cabled the state departwent that he has been advised of the closing of Kelung to foreign ships until further, notice: Kelung is a port on the north end of the island of Formosa. It ig believed. here that the action of the Japanese govern- ment. in closing -Kelung; indicates that this port will be used by Ad- miral Togo as a base for his flvet, To Insist On Observance. The Hague, April mabas islands, where yssuring the observance of neutrality, re Japanese Hanged. London, full information Changtufu is considered ominous. A privat says that drafting forees north-castward. ---- Linevitch Imposes Sentences. IAL) 11.~The Dutch East Indian squadron iz said to have been "orderéd to proceed to the Ana the . Russian squadron is anchored with the view of April 11. Telegraing from. Viadisvotok state that five Japanese about the defences, The-absence of developments north of telegram from Guntzuling the - Jupanese are steadily LOM pa disgrading them by posting their names at all the division headquar- ters while some of them were igno- winously deammed. out of camp PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest -Culled From All . Over The World. ' Lowd Steathéona will saile on Wed nesddy for England. Fire destroyed six buildings at Masitowaning, causing a loss of over $30,000. A reduetion of two pene per: pound in the duty on tea is the cnef feature of the British budget, A bloody emdounter took place near Algiers botween troops of the sultan of Morocco and rehels, The earthquake shocks still continue in British 'India. All the British and Amstifan. iis misgionarics are safe. The epi gp of carebgpspipal men ingitis .in New York en hn out, alter having caused S30 deaths. The Australian government has |. p signed a contre with the Orient line | Ottawa, April 11.--Hon. Mr, Kav fg, 00 4 : for Senuiu} of "the mail service, Merson Ttrorfuid ine the conmsmons; fore and % The Ontarit estimates provide for | Yesterday, the bill to give the Inter |g another hones rocel the purchase 'of sub-targets for the | colonial railway the nning rights Jom. low thor ih The. cadets corps of the high schools, over the Canada Atlantic to Georgian the tt h Russell Sage has rotived from Wall | Bay, Hon, John Haggert came out -. pg ® street, New York. He is nearly ninety £0 opposition to the scheme, The: bill bly the above burn out. wil years old; and is failing physically. enabling the Grand Trunk railway . th 2 The Grand Trunk shops at Strai- | company to purchase the Canede At | i . forsl, 'ave-elosed down, throwing about | antic bill stands for- third reading, «| Ete OF the tea one thousand men out of employment. ality for years Out of 16,000 babies born in New | + ¢+H tS ¢44 Th ete blie thy and York in the last four months, less | # Puild Ta up-to-date bri than 'ten are reported from Fifth ave | # WILL VOTE FOR BILL 2 {hotel Which is mu Pe nue: = * > : The Jmploying Printers Association {. Ottawa, April 11.~R. A. #- of the southwestern states have decid- | 4 Pringle, Conseyvative M.P, * FOUR. LARGE STEAMERS ol to wake no further contracts with | # for Cornwall, who spoke on $ ---------- organized labor. 4 the autono bills in the arently Colliers Passed Sings The Most Rev. Samuel P, Matheson, | + House, on "onday, will 2 App / This Moming yo. an installed in St. John's | # vote: with the government + 8 a pore : 'athidral imnipeg, archbishop and | 4 on this question. - nec hie, a olor metropolitan of Rupert's La "l# by ea 3 Lountion, Ape H.-A privade_ tele The liquor med will ofier opposition | FE+ESSGS4S4ESESEFIPIES hare, Jeots to the amendment to the 'liquor law, completely forbidding the sale to minors- with or without. a nofe, which ig 'to be 'introduced at this ses- sion. The shoe firm of R: B. Grover & Co., of Brockton, Mass. in whose fac tory the disastrous boiler explosion of March 20th, occurred, costing fifty: cight lives and $260,000 property loss, has voluntarily assigned. While eleaming tho inside of a seven tv-five foot chitmev at the Meriden Woollen Mills, Meriden, Conn, John Moran, a stoepleclimber, of Spring: field, Mass., was overcome by gas and fell the entire length: of the chimney sustaining 4wo broken ribs and a badly wrenched Jog ------------------ TO ARREST MANY. Mlk There is Still 'Serious Trouble at 1 Spooner. Sneciai to the Whie. Rainy River, Omt., April il. Spooner was the sceme of much excite ment, . vesterday, and more serious trouble is expected, Nearly all of the women have deserted the town. Wil liam Duffield, the business partner of the murdered mayor, is the centre of revenge. Yesterdav afternoon, the mob gave. him a time limit to leave the town. Duffiekl sought secluded quart ers and will remain out of the way until the trouble cemses. It is under stood that about forty arrests will be made in conneetion with the "ease which include all the business men of Spooner HAD AN OPERATION. Thought the Bishop Will Soon Recover. Special. to the Whis. Toronto, April. 1l.--Right Rev. Ar thur Sweatman, bishop of Toronto, was removed from his home, on How land avenue, carly this morning, 'to the general hospital, where he was immediately operated upon for stran gulated hernia. The bishop was taken suddenly ill a little before midnight and the emergency opegation was de cided "upon after "a consultation of Enyuiry at the hospital, elicited the informa tion that his lordship had fully re covered from the effects of the anaesthetic and was getting along as well as could be expected, considering his advanced age, sovenly-one years doctors this morning, WILL GO TO NEW YORK But There Will be Fight Over Daughter. Special to the Whig. - Montreal, Aprik 1h--Mrs. Lorenz, a New York woman, who has been fight my extradition proces ings for three wonths, has given uy the contest, ac capding to her lawyers, apd will re turn to New York to-morrow. Mrs lTorenz ran away : with her young daughter whom Lorenz wanted to take from her. According to present . ar rangements the child will remain here and will be the cause of further liti gation, Mrs. Lorenz has been in jail and has had her daughter near her. Haggard Coming to Canada. Special to the Whig. Detroit, *Mich., April. 11.--A Cleve: land despatch says: H. Rider Hag gard and Commandér Booth Tueker, whe spent studving the social work, done at the Salvation Asny's farm colony at Meutor, Ohio, left at noon, to-day, for Toronto. Ont., where, on Wednos- day, Haggard will address the Cana. dian Cloby. fm Thursday Mr. Hue officers, disguised as laborers, were | gard" will confer with the governor: caught - photographing" the defences | general at Ottawa. From Ottawa the there, and were summarily banged. | party goes to New York, and "will . A Portrait Smashed. ; Documents found on them showed | sail for England on April 19th. St. Petersburg, April 1).--Durin that they had already sent to Tokio morning prayers 'st the High school Killed As By A Juggernaut. Special to the Whig. Hartney, Man., April 11.--While tak killed by falling Guanshu Tie Pass) Manchuria, April 11. Gen Lineviteh had pillogied a sumber of officers whe displayed cowardice dur "iy & ee hr 'ture is on each box, 2c, ing the Pass, (108 miles north of battle of Mukden, publicly | nethy's stock. him, i - piv will. pay Aber Monday visiting at and ing a heavy land roller home, Satur day, with four horses, a voung mad, named Thomas Dowles, was instantly 3 from the seat - in front of the implement which ran over If yon want a suit case or a trink OVER-C AR. HAGGART OPPOSES Ee , Out, : April sa getald's hotel Running Rights For The i 3 by | his oon 1:30 a _Intercolonial. of She fie A Laken fol Fe £5 i : EXPECTS 80,000 TO COME no Te aie A FROM STATES, S Ai <The bucket Canadian Agent Very Hopeful 4 is par That Immigration From U. 8. | ance. iy Will Increase 50 per Cemt-- | Recent] Awarded a Contract, gs fonshegl _asuis Special to the Whig. The immigration to Western Cana | da from the United States this sea: son will probably reach sixty thous: and, that is to say an inorease .of filty per cent. over Inst year. This is the -estimato of William J. White, inspector of our United States agen- cies, who has just returned "from a wip through to the Pacific coast. cGillivray and : Labelle, Ottawa, have been awarded a contrast for the erection of a' trawsit house in connee- tion with the Dowlimion astronomical observatory, at the experimental farm here. It will cost. $14,000, The railway conunission has given the Grand Trunk till the 10th inet. to avail itself of the expropriation pri vileges given it by the board in nection with . the U lation | In Toronto, Nomination is fixed at. Edmonton, NWT, for Tuesday,( April 25th, and the polling if any, & week inter, May 2nd. The marine and fisheries department have now twelve Marooni stations er ected. On dit that Mr. Scott will be ap- pointed lieutenant-governor of Alber ta, Licut-Gov. Forget securing a now commission as the king's pepresenta: tive in Saskatchewan, Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, minister of justice will close the debate on the autonomy bill. Both parties are try ing to arrange for the end before Eas- ter. In thix case a vote would have to be taken mot later than a week from to-day, On the liberal side ave several One tario members to address the house, among them Archibald Campbell, of Centre York, whose views of, the bill have been the subject of much com: ment. Mr. Campbell will support the bill his reason' being that the state will exercise a large control over the so-called sectarian schools, Of the western members vot to speak, Thom. as Greenway will be heard with prob: ably most interest. His speech will be brief. Hon. L. P. Brodenr in also am ang the list of government members vet 10 be heard. Altogether 8. Calvert the liberal whip, has twent on his list of autonomy bi On the conservative side twenty-four 1 n are A PLOT FOILED Bomb Intended for Dowager Em- press Found. New York, April 1A St. Peters burg despatch to the New York Hers all. says: One of the women recently arrested with a number of other per- song, on suspicion of being concerned in the revolutionary conspiracy, in habited a villa at Tsarkoe-Selo, and there lived an fuxurious life; keeping several carriages and horses. A quan tity of explosives were found in her house. Among them was a bomb which, according to doouments dis covered by the police, was to be thrown at the Dowager Empress when she went to the hospital, whieh whe constantly visite. This bomb wes to be thrown from a carriage. A resident of Warsaw who is visiting St. Peters- burg, says serious preparations are being made in that city for a grand demonstration of a, revolutionary na ture an May Day. Shots Fired At Governer. 8¢. Potersburg, April 11.--Nine shots were fired at the governor of the pri: son at Liben last night as he was re- turning to his residence outside the town, The governor was uot hurt. His assailants escaped. of Ronmy, government of Potlava, a portrait of Eanperor Nicholas was de- | strayed hy an explosive, which - was Jet off behind the picture. Four pupils were injured ------------------ You had better pick out your tam or brown shoes" now, as they will be scarce later on. Abernethy's have the heat assortment, "For impure blood" take sulphur, . | eream tartar and molasses, 2c. (ib- you fo © inspect . gram A says that four large steamors, ly vollices,- passed Sin going eastward? 1t is supposed Admiral Rojoat: awaiting the arrival of fore SAILED FOR ENGLAND veusel Englishman who on het, was - ona Heo, chargi Will be in Autumn. $ iat to the Whi. onion April Hoel to send strong rein orcemends Manchuria, to. strengthen Field shal Oyama's forces, ane million men in line. Perth; Ont., turers, of Milton, Unt., ing of thin by-law thé town wil rom taxes for ten yoars, Winn & Co, are to build a two factory, 1580 by 50 year in wages. soby errr-------- The Khan Buried. imroola, the. ddan, his. uncle, cousins and twenty-eight others buried in the ruins. Agios Jullundur estimates the , resulting from the recent quake in the district, al Pala t Will Lose i tlhe Hon,_Lomer Gouin; St. Martin, his. of 'course, loving, Special to the Galt, Ont, ul dart's same as his own od i Toy - § » cab Ee at her home on ay, street Methodist auxiliary. son's Red Cross drug store, i Frosh eggs, 150, Crawford's, A1Fie was completely des- believed: the vessels are the wdvance a veasols, Be ee ihastmied By Tania. oa supply ships to the Baltic Squadron. fleet, bo- ng to crows the China Sea. . arrested. frome the chief of the rhe ng. him with theft, j 1,000,000 JAPANESE TROOPS an is preparing to i th b J duis in ol at, by autumn, Japan wi ve Manchuria, includ ing fully 700,000 men on the fighting Perth By-Law Carried, April 11.~The by-law to grant a lodw of $20,000 to Measers. Winn & Co,, bvet und shoe manufac was carried by a vote of 473 to 25. By the pass $20,000 to Messrs. Winn & Co, 'payable in twenty years, 81,000 per venr, without interest, and exemption Messrs. feet, and employ not less than seventy-five hands, and to pay out not less than $35,000 per "Homey. "Inde Apiil © 3.=News hete, to-day, : that an earth n quake had destroyed Fort Bilboo.Ay- -------------- Estitnates Of Fatalities. to the Whi. ler, India." April 11.~Commiss hove dom po Yaoae in shout 3,000. Bis ; Sostt,' 1s Growing. Better. fo encourag- aan Ae Carr ianh |: ie: matuban ok the. Hl Whe ming held © Lhieen lin Undarwear you bought last this time, wo are sorry, but we. SOrVO YOU, i A This spring everything is new. an clusive than ever proud of the quality in every proud of the r ro | hry oe of ot t is : - [WOMEN'S Mar Novel and Startlf and 3 2 re 4h #56. Sg Pricos--O: i ; Balcony, « I loan re Rents now on sale. nt TEE MERRI INTER Life-like All new--nevor before seen THE LATEST Lu > Big Bargain Po Seats now on Sigs f r $4 Htorey five were fat ecarth- to be the 1 thon on holding