Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1905, p. 2

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Jos trustee for the hondh | the time for the return it sewer, "i no longer considered neces pking that the service be d from March 31st. Refer and Tight committer, Melntyre, city solicitor, ask at someone on behalf of the attend the private billy commit lieitor appointed to attend, a whl Vs. signing. sition ax veterinary of o fire artment and enelo ie a 0 fra aud i : 4 ors, hat the street railway de committee, Petitions Presented. 'Ih a C.J. McDonald"and Yt works extension on Plum and Bar: tie streets, itreet watering on vicinity of Albert street. 3] S------ The following t of the finance ommitiee was ted : On: the communication of the Elgin municipal association, that, in the . gment of this ------ ie in She ghest degree it the lia- ability of municipal Sorparations for u arising from the non-repair be restricted as pro- : son Ty the aniendment to the muni- submitted by the mini bak tor ey, Mr. ty in Ye it means in his power; and that the l instructed to repre hy 'the Provincial yr vd eit on te : Suiation 3 isto wait on . 1 Thursday next to urge the Proposed amendment, On the request of R: Vashon Rog- ithe olders, that ie Jor , of he collec: . w be extended for the urpose tee: allowing the bondholders until the 20th inst. for the ment of the taxes: due by the Kingston, Ports. mouth & Cataraqui Eleetrio railway oom of the city: clerk, authorized to employ « stohographer tem, as required, On the application of W. D. Carey Flor remission of his personal taxes for 1903, no aetion. On the application of Canon Stare for a grant towards the funeral ex. pensos of Mes. Drape, no action. That the following aecoviits be paid: of works-W., B. Dalton & Sons, 85.46; F. Tracy, $2.63; McKol- | vey & Rirch, $6.63; city registry of Ha pay list, ending April 5th, = Water works-T. €. Wilson & Son, 811.75; Engineering Magazine, $3, Fire and ght, ~D. A. Weess, $2.50; Thomas Bovle, $0.35; W. Gilmour, 81%; PG. Wilmot, $16.26; Bell Tele. 0 X Hutchison, $32.99; i GB Natal, La, 25¢.1 k. Referred to ng coumeil that Royil Military the legislature when the city's before that cotmmitice, City Hoe. resigning his po- Biv acount. notifying couneil is for sale, and asking to confer with » éommittee of the council. 3 the cily desires. to purchase, Referred to finance conmit- B. E, Webster and others, for con: struction thers pestesting against the building i uw sewer on orrigan street. and others for wa- George 1. Ferguson, and others, for Union street, in 2 - | passed, + | clause re j munications. fans. binwon, drawing - attention to | and "unsightly ¢ondi- -------- " +Other Business . The board . of . works' report was "with "the exception of the - {vate 'w works" Ww tioned held sewer, - o-day. rec Boll Tel suffering from " Rev. . H The water works' report, strange to - | say, was voted down, as the. result of r | forgetfulness, Objection to the clause Tegarding the ment ang report were Jokt on a tie vote, seven seve: Ald: Mowat - | the seriousness of valves werd needed for and the city was for horse for 214 a month. He wanted hands to be clean of the matter. later motion including the. items men- but was declared by out of order, % On. niotion of Ald. King, the city solicitor was appointed to attend up legislature 'committee, in re 10 the. expenses to be borne by city in connection court house 'property. The Corrigan street sewer by-law {im a second 'ause of a petition against the The council adjourned at. 10.15 'o'clock. om -- INCIDENTS OF THE bay. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By "Reporters On Their Rounds. Frank Craig, Montreal, was in town of an artificial storie walk rt Wo n Stewart street, between University md St. Lawrence svenues. . Thomas J. Harrison and four Get your trink at Abernethy's and save mohey. "New rubber Red Cross drug D. A. Cays went up to Toronto this afternoon business. William Swata n i peceivrd &4 NN Sour. Grdors 3 suffering from Siilwos 's Rod Cross drug store. so of on Quenn's Quarterly matters will be Buy your millinery Somerville {~the of the young ladies of the ephone company's | ton, has dry, days, perty, there, thus Time Pri it ing, Lh | this: "1 Pentecostal 'mission, Boston, M Cedar camphor costs no more ordinary moth balls and is equal bure gum camphor. We carry a line of moth bags, all sires. McLeod's store, The stesmer Goderich about the 15th, probably for Fort William. Engineer Taylor Second Engineer from Kingston on Monday. For any .case of nervousness, lesaness, dyspepsia, i Relief wedicine for Dr, C, W Mining staf, in Vermont for several inspecting was. expected home to-day. Bert Revells, the street railway company, left last night for Bufialo, as wheelsman on Buy spring blood purifiers at Gib son's Red ( Easter Excursion To New York. The New York Central has the annual ington and oursion to New bo Saturday, April 22nd, and tickets good to return, leaving Now York to and includin Jiving Ee following week in Now rate is one fare for P81, with a maximum ter season most beautiful money greater advantage than on such a trip. Apply to nearest New York Cen- | tral tick County Council Deputation. Today W Pillar and F Edwards, weit 'to Toronto to inter view a Sovaumet | the closing of Lough bridge. They will ask that the Perth company be required to re-open it. and keop it in repair; They will also. consult the, government regard: ing tolls, ; ------ Smythop i a, 811.29; Sire. When ad nothing to say beyond intend 4 81; W. HO bun: Co., $1.06; P. % Cataranui Ble: ¢ ¢ On street water H. Wade, $5. rdi the building of pri ks, "which was withdraws was raised wator ans, and both an amend- the motion to adopt the inted out tuation, - as the machinery, aying $26 a yonth hire whe the tender was the a was presented by Ald. Bell, the mayor as proposed changes with Tegatd the with the county reading, but with sponges" at Gibson's storo, A as Briggs, Alfred street, ix X a severe attack | of Huylor's candivs to-day at Harpell's interesting letter once from The 'o. and you are sure {fo experience, : office are the measles. «Seed, formerly of Kings- accepted the pastorate of i : ass. 'than to full Rosemount will leave and Dunn arrived there sleep- weak stomach, indigestion, try Carters Little Nerve is sure, The only nerve the price in the market. Dickson, of the School of some mining pro- a former employee of where he will ship an Erie line steamer. ross drug store. Fresh -------------- cancelled spring excursion to Wash- substituted an Easter ex- York. The date will Tuesday, May 2nd, ster Sunda and the k. The round trip, plus of $10.. The New York is the of all the in t agent for full information. -------------- Sproule, Councillors Klin, and County Clerk Wilh regard to bord Like, Dv His Duty. ; Jiquor Neense i r, W. has a on seen this morn- to do my duty enriches the blood, and builds Waterworks' he Grand Opera House last evening, The The first on the rt of the | to: the clause in question hg added the Lieeturer was special war eorTespOT board of works recommending on the | words : "On the understanding that "dent of the London Times at Port communica of the lovers' As | the committee furnish to the city en- | Arthur during the siege and capitily sociation "of + Kingston objecting to | gineer the original plans required.' tion of that fortress and his illusira- the city hui private walks, "that | = Ald. Johnston stated that the. sa ions . and sketch of the campaign r build "no private walks dur perintendent had: told- him the plans brought the different scenes vividly ing 1 en 906, buf that-con- | were his private 'property, -and that i according tb instruc city engineer." furthermore 'they were not at all an- budlelin, the difference anyway ? Ald. Bell ask. ed, To make a change be taking and putting into the hands of Paul, The masons got the same wages in er walks, Furthemmore it was more walks, them 'which could mot he the case different contractors were to them. He was strongly opposed to city ceasing to lay such walks, ¢ The people wanted the piresent system continued, : Ald. Harkness lay did not agree that the walks laid by contractors were not ae good as those the city laid, or that they couldn't be laid- so uni. formly. AM. Céirson defended the board of works' report and pointed out make the walks according to instruc tions by the city engineer, 4 Ald. Hoag claimed that it was noi advisable for the pity to enter into the work, as it prevented masons from making a livelihood. Let the contractors .get the necessary plant. they would never get the plant. All. King wanted "fo know what right the council had to say how the walks. on private property should he nilt, Ald. MoCanii dgree with Ald. Bell, The walks, he said, could be laid bet ter by the city, when the street ones were being put down. Besides the vity could do the work cheaper, and the citizens seemed to want the present system continued, : Ald: Bell claimed that if the city gave up the work, it would - simply mean that the people would revert to) the old hoard and slat walks again, and that was very undesirable. The citizens in general would be put to extra expense for the benefit of a con- tractor or two. Ald. King pointed 'out that the re- port was out of order. On January 19th, the board of works, in a report, resolved that the city should build the walks, and made provision for the payment of the cost by the citizens, That report would have to be recount sidered. . ¢ Ald. Mowat didn't think Ald. King's point was well taken, as the report of January 19th, provided only in case the city should lay the walks. How- ever, he advised the hoard of works' chairman to consult the city solici- tor, so that, if necessary, a by-law could be prepared for the enforcement of any provision that micht be made. Ald. Hong withdrew the clause in the report, and will have the matter further discussed in committee. ---------- Thé Waterworks' Plans. The council had quite a discussion on the water works plans which the city engineer desires to copy. These plans are the private property of Mr. Hewitt, who does not propose to loan them without compensation. A clause in the water works report recommend ed that the request of the engineer, twenty-five dollars be paid ° by the committee for the cost of copying the plans. Nothing was mentioned as to securing them. Ald. King wanted to know if the water. works committee proposed to securé the plans. Ald. Sands replied that the city engineer had mentioned nothing about that. All the commit- tee was asked for was $25 for the copying of the plans. Ald. Mowat said it would be time enough for the committee to: take ac- tion in regard to getting the plans when the city engineer reported that the superintendent would not hand them over. Alds. Carson and McKay wanted to know where the plans used at the ex- hibition in 1888 were. Let them he hunted wp. Ald. Carson claimed the mayor should do this, but his worship objected, The water works chairman, he said, should attend to that. Ald. Hoag claimed that Ald. Sands en ---------------- ANAEMIA is thin blood. It causes pale faces, white lips, weak nerves and lack of vitality. A-blood- enriching, fat producing food- medicine is needed, Scott's Emulsion goes to the root of the trouble, strengthens and up the entire system. For anaemic girls, thin boys, and enfeebled mothers, it is the standard remedy. It builds up and strengthens the entire system with wonderful ra- pidity: ; We'll send you a sample free. two. bits of discussion at the sity" council meeting last night. private walks ad- 8, be obliged to make ; objection to the | the report, poin out that the matter had been fully discussed in past years and --prastieally settled. He claimed that dontravtors here didn't have the plant for constructing the walks, and xious that the "éity should stop - the of "private walks. What was would simply out of the hands of Peter any. event, and the citizens got cheap- convenient for the city to build the and there was uniformity . in if the that contractors would be obliged to So long as the city laid the walks, | be then" 1) s Bell said it was the 'duty of plans at the time of the arbitration, works committee to ask hin to make Yplans of what mains and, services had sinée bein laid. : Ald. MeCann said he Gas secretary of the arbitration proceedings. and the plans used would be of litile use, They did not give the connedtions, 3 d. g moved in amendment, - to the report, seconded by Ald. Bell, that they were for sale. He didn't propose giving them for a mere nothing. The amendment of Ald. King was lost, and so was the motion 36 adopt --es AT THE GRAND. Charles Hawtrey, on Wednesday. One of the greatest dramatic oowses of the last three seaxons is that. of Charles Hawfrey in "A Mes sage From Mars," who comes to the Grand on Wednesday, April 12th. Not only is the play said to be extremely amusing from the novelty of its situ- ations dnd effects, and the brilliancy and terseness of ite dialogue, but also on account of the ahsence of 'anything that could be objectsd" on the J 8 sue- * ground of "coarseness or suggestive- ness. Without the slightest attempt to preach a sermon, the play teaches a lesson which cannot fail in some de- grée to strike home to every auditor, and no one can well leave the theatre without being the hetter for having seen the performance, Mr. Hawtrev's acting is reported to be marked by absolute ease + and naturalness, and charged, moreover, with an individual chan that is singularly potent. He radiates humor and amiability dnd despite the fact that his part is dur ing the earlier portion of the play against the sympathy of the audience, he wins immediate approbation. The scenio and anechanical effects which contain many novel features will add much to the pleasure given by the performance. 4 Moving Pictures. This entertainment will he at the Grand on Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday 'nights. A" Quebec exchange says : "The pictures shown were of a varled character, They were clear and life-like, and many original ~The Yalu fight in the Russo-Japanese war, . the Parisian - phantasmagoria, Kit Car- sons experience, and the incidents which followed a young man's matri monial advertisement were good and brought down the house. The former was intensely realistic, while the me chanical effects accompanying the bat tle were fitting. The salmon fishery in- dustry in Oregon was also well = de picted," WISH CITY TO BUY. Offer of 'the Bondholders of the Street Railway. g The following letter was written Vesterday to the ¢ity council by RB. V. Rogers, trustee for the bondholders : "To facilitate the work of the coun ail in dealing with the street railway question, I wish to say on behalf of bondholders that they desire to soll and dispose of the undertaking to the best advantage. They will be glad to meet any eommittee street railway of council to disouss terms of 'sale ini case {he city desires to purchase, They are natu ally anxious to lose no time in tak- ing action; and they will be glad to meet a committe representing coun- cil at an early date," i Reference of the matter was male to the finance committee, -------- Brushes Are Hand-Savers. "The woman who . has plenty brushes for all kinds of housework ightens her labors and prevents her hands from becoming rough 'and red- Brushes for washing pans, kett dishes, vegetables; for cleaning floors, stoves, silver--in fact brushes are now made by the leading Canadian manu "BARTLETTS VIENS| Ald. the i Bell aid 1 to give the-ity the : Jand, it was the duty of the water | 'AND HIS LECTURE ON PORT ARTHUR'S SIEGE. The Pictures Shown Were Quite ? Realistic--People Learned How to Pronounce Some Japanese Words. : ® "An audience of a en iuaniren yr prected - Ellis Ashmead a fore + illustrated lecture at the before. the minds of his hearers. He ix a #on of Sir Ellis Ashmead Bart- lett, civil lord of the admiralty under Lord Salisbury's first ~adininistra tion, being by profe n a barrister, but his love' a life of gdventwre and wetivity has lek him to seek the field of battle, His 'experience as a war correspondent 'has been consider able, being attached to the Turkish headquarters. during the. Turko- Grecian war and also having sein service in South Africa. He left England at the outbreak of the pro seit war and was constantly with th Japanese forees yntil the surrender of Port' Arthur a, > His style ax a Jecturer is distin guished hy a' vast fund of informa tion with perfect elearness of expres sion and the instructive portion of his address was so. cleverly interpola- ted with ancedotes and humorous oc- currences. of the campaign that his awdience was never wearied. Hise im pressions and. opinions, of the many and varied problems which have been open to. discussion throughout the campaign were of more than usual in terest, coming as they did from one who has ' seen much © of the struggle and is thus able to speak with a great degree of eertainty. At the close of the lecture, Mr. Bartlett was given a hearty ovation. KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. Or. Your Hair Will Fall Out Till You Become Bald. Modern science has discovered thal dandrufi js caused by a germ that digs up the scalp in scales, as it bur rows down 'to the roots of the hair where it destroys the hair's vitality, causing falling hair, and ultimately, baldness. After Prof. Unna, "of Hain. burg, Germany, discovered the dan druff germ, all efforts to find a ret dy failed until the great laboratory - dis covery was made which resulted Newbro's Herpicide, 1t alone of all other "hair preparations kills = the dandruff. germ. Without dandruff, hair grows luxuriantly. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Sold by lead ing druggists. Se in stamps for k m sample to the rpicide Co. De troit, Mich. G. W. Mihood, special agent, Died At Charlotte, N. Y. The death occurred at Charlotte, on Sunday, April 2nd, of David E. sely, well known in Kingston, expecially to local stesmbont men. He was aged sixty-five years and al though he had heen ailing for time, his death was somewhat sud den, He was born in England, hut came out to America at an ear ly age and settled 'in Rochester, forty vears ago.' He served through the civil war and afterwards entered commercial and political life. I Zz some He was a man of exten on and widely known for his chariti ---------- Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved The excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Chamberlain': | ¢ Pain Balm. The great pain relieving power. of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands ot sufferers. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all drug gists, -------- es Henry Wilkins, Johnston street, has a good reputation for workmanship as paper hanger and painter. Those who have had him readily engage him second time. No scamping, boteh work is possible for he is so capable and tenstworthy. * P. C. Hughes is able to be ont after a severe' six weeks' attack of pews moum. SPECKS BEFORE THE EYES. |: Seeing Things In The Day Time. There aro Thousands of Persons Af. flicted This Way. Ninety « Nine " Times Out of One Hundred It I: Caused by Either the Liver, Stor- ach, Bowels or Digestive Organs. no In no part of the hody are the effects of co. stipation Hale qeickly, noticed than ia the con. dition of ths eyes. hey Auickly respond to, iby poisonons clements which are absorbed 6 blood in chronic cases ity and sluggish bowel action. a yellowish tinge in the whites ehows quickly the biliousness which pervades the w! system; but it is tho speckq and lic. ting objects ia the vision itself that are even of liver torpid- Whoa yon see of the eyes it facturers for cleaning practically ev- erything in the house. Good brushes, tendent for the K.T. & 0. Co.--~other- wise the oil department of the South- ern Pacific, "Poe" has made many friends, who will congratulate him, on his advancement, Lever's Y-% (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better other Scott & Bowne, Chemists, Toronto, Oat. powdes, a it is Both soap and disin- more quick); t. Thousands of see thiags TE he vii their onl strongly put together, will give ex. blurred, spots come between them and other cellent sorvice for their small cont, Objects Naish som Sane niangitle, almost and may be obtaini! in the grotery {maginary, and 3s thoy ri ey and bardware stores, and in many of always be traced tos torpid liver and a con. the housefurnishing departments of The condition of the bowels, yet can always drge stores. The woman. whose only De cured by the welladyissd use of 's brush in the house has been the tradi- ati Se aternut Pill, which €urs con. tional "scrubbing brush," will be. hoth Titactions of too a anes appa iate the surprised and pleased 10 seo ho~ a the blood, temove the bilious elements from good assortment of brushes will lirht- the circulation and the nerves. If en her work. Toi are clouded an appreciable | @ 3 you have specks and flosting objects Dr. McCamumon's Advancement. Biotiat Paton ue Saiuvs Pioe and The Coalinga, Cal., Oil Record says out of pour . Remember they always Dr. 8. H. McCammon has resigned eure adele erirmton from: the staff of the Associatell ay) Dese in one night. ceats, all dealers. will take the position of local superip. All gunning signed by W. F. Smith. POPP P0000000000000000000 Chester's you, THE LEEMING, MILES CO. LTO. MONTREAL HOUSE-CLEANING SUPPLIES erything you-need in this Newman & isfied customepy. BRUSHES never disapn; They 'make ~_BOECKH and Brooms Shoer merit has made thers sn standard goods of Canady » Uniti Fastaries, Limited, Toranty, yy Sto : p that Cough CHESTER'S CURp Cures Chronic Bronchiti Is yours a case of chronic Bronchitig You have tried cough mixtures, lozen. gers and atomizers without relief? of course, because they do not reach the irritated membranes in the Bronchia) Cure does cure Bronchitis, because the smoke you inhale s through the bronchial tubes and into the Annermost recesses of the lungs. Every breath you- take carries the healin, , 00thing medication, For Bronchitis, Cold in the Head, and I~ deep seated Confhs, Chester's Cure givey quick relief an insures a speedy cure, your druggist can't supply and $1. If > Hie Canadian agents write . OF ALL KINDS. When planning vour fous cleaning Lear in mind that we are headquar. ters for housecleaning supplies of all inds. We can supply you with ey. ling Moth, Camphor and Tar Bags, Borax, Lye, Copperas, Washing Compountt, Ammonia, Insect and Vermin Destroyers, Carbolie Acid, Chlorides, Sulphur, Sulphur Candles Furniture Polish, Chamois, 'oe ~ At Lowest Prices 'Phone 59 for your want he "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street. Srrrrrrrrrrenesacanng Intensely Interesting Items for Thrifty House-keepers. White Crochet Quilt worth 1.25, for 98 Unbleached - Tabs wide, pattern, 50c, a yard Fine 63 an liner che pure qualit U'mbleached th 6x Bétter quality of Table Linen, wen lar, for 50 a yard Extra Special in Bleached Tablr Damask, exquisite Hesigns, inches wide, worth =o only 69. a yard. RG ini a (A Neat Patterns in Staic Oilcloth, 18 inches wide, 12}c. a Table Oileloth, in plain white marble or. fancy patterns, 15 inches wide, for 25c. a ) A Brilliant Arrag of Newest De sign in Nottingham Lac Curtains; ranging in | from 35¢. to 85 a pair im, 36. inches wide, Shaw Curtain Ser .Te.ay i i re : Swifi's Scranton Coal a Jer < = SIZES To Fit Any Stove Or Furnace. JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 135. | 0000000000000 000000 i daily 2 noth . convalesce system, t nourishme fevers and the like, the p than mere stimulants, whi flagging energies for the BOVRIL strengthens, inv with the minimum of react "Bovril isLi TRL SYSTEM 8 3 FRED " E . lidays In Retiirn tickets 'will Tie issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE i harsday, Friday, Satur Good going: Thursday ia Satur day ard Monday, April "2 A LF Haye. dod. Bard, nN! 24th tid returning fron destingtion on or pefore 'Tuesday, April 25th, 190 Canadian Horse Show TORONTO, April 26th to 29th aur} o issued on April tickets will 1 apd efurn sued. 20th at $5.90, and on April 27th and 29th, at $7 Gi A : a include Alls tickets | iy lide one admigston. tc one admission. to o Horse Show y before May Ist, 3908, oe Very low rates .to Pacific Cons an Kootenay points daily until May 15th 1905 Johnston & Outario St. -- KincsTong PEMBROKE RAILWAY Cor IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. EASTER HOLIDAY FARES Round Trip Tickets will he issued" at Single First Class Faro April. 20th to Sith inclusive Going April 25th, 1905 Return limit HORSE SHOW, Toronto April 26th to 29th. Return tickets will be issued on Api 26th, at $5.90, i on April 27th, 2% th, at s A Acket nn one admission to the Horse Show. and good to return on ar before May 1st, 1905 acific Coast Special reduced rates to Pacihi aaa rd points up to May 15th, 1965 Full 'particulars at P, R. Ticket Offic F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Apt BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee Deserovto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 3:26 pm. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. A AN LINE A ENDO NDRRR Royat Mall Steamers. Feom St. John. From Halifax : «17. Bavarinw, Sat. 'Apr. 15; Mon, Apr. 1 Virginian, Sat. Apr. 22: Mon. Apr. 24 Tunisian, Sat. Apr. 29: Mon. May 1. HATES OF PASSAGE--First. Cabin, 70 and upwards, arm steamer and accommodation ; Cabin, Liverpool and Londonderry, $42.50 and $45. © according to Steamer; London $2.50 extra; I hird Class $27 .50--Virginian, $28.75, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. > NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian ..... Thurs. Apr. 18, }1 am, First Cabin, $50 and upwards--Second Cabin, $35--Third Class, $27.50. Further particulars on application, to J..P. HANLEY, A ny GIDE Passenger Depot. - SLEEVE, Clarence Street. ARCHITECTS: EET some --m----T WM. NEWLANDS, ARCH 3 T, OF: fico, second floor over Mahood's drug Store, corner Princess and Bagot Streets. Enterance on Bagot street Telephone 608. ----O ARTHUR. ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF fic dite of New Drill Hall, near cor her of Queen and Montreal Btresis. --e POWER - & SON ARCHITECT, MER ¢hant's Bank Building, corner Br and Wellington streets. 'Phone 2 HEGRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT " Anchor Building, Marke Square 'Phone : MONEY AND BUSINESS. -- rn LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOD) Fire rance Company. Availab) ussets 51,187,215. wl addition t which the licy holders 3 security ey mited liability all the stockholders. Farm and cit Property insured at lowest possit rates. Before renawing old. or givin new business get rates from Stray & Strange, Agents, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE 0 buildings and contents thap any ot sr company offers. Examine them Godw'n's Insurance Edporium, Mar ot Square. - - Embossing Crests and Designs on Pap- or and Envelopes. ENGRAVING of Letter Heads THE BRITISH WHIG, . ston. .

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