nsurance Written, its 16_Policy-holders ve Rg Ey hi 29.495/008 00 I SECURITIES IMINION GOVERNMENT LICY-HOLDERS IN rth vg Seribed Stock © $97,200.00 enture Bonds 47,535.56 enture Bonds 50,126.67 way Bonds 372,299.99 ba 414,000.00 erament \ so aos 185,000.00 ylield, Bonds 50,000.00 Bonds yur 50,000.00 - ick Bonds . 97,333.33 scribed Stock' 146,000.00 «oe .292,000.00 110,000.00 ature Bonds nsol. Fund - 700,000.00 sis §2.612,495.55 o . oe sw 4 re eile LAND SISTER) > Qa rower Is Hair After Using nd, father of: the: Seven: Suther- ; entirely bald, after using his .RLAND SISTERS' HAIR ih of hair. esentation before arid after using es; 50c and $1.00 per bottle isters, Sole Proprietors fice, #1 Colborne Street, Toronto. Y, Foreign Manag: r, Princess and Bagot Sts., Kingston Toys, ETC. Express Waggons, Carts, Cards, Pitt, Loss Heir, a U Katch, Checkers, ers, Jardiniers, Bon-Bon er Plates, Vases, Salads, r and Cream Sets, Celery ) ete. for Decorating >= Bananas, Pine-apples, 1 he had all Canada' eating Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas You'll see why when you These goods may be had from the following grocers : J. S. Hen- derson, E. W, Mullin, J. McCulla, James Kelly and W. J. Driver. lo Breakfast Table complete without EPPS'S An admirable food, with al its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist . winter's. extreme cold. It. is a valuable diet for children. § COCOA The Most Nutritious + and Beonomiecal. OYAL MOST yy GOLD ANE | EVERYWHERE. The only safe effectual monthly medicine bn which women can nd. Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for ordinary cases, §1 per box : No. 3, 10 do atronger for Epetia) Canes, $8 per box. Sold all druggists. Ask for Cook's Cot- tor oot Compound ; take no o Live 'Lobsters Fresh caught Lake Ontario Whitefish. Fresh caught Lake Ontario Pike. Fresh caught Haddock, Steak Cod, Halibut, etc. DOMINION FISH CO. 'PHONE 52°, TE er---- Enter Any Time For: a cossms i ourse in our new. up-to-date, Wodern and, progressive td Operated in conjunction with the ronto Tharentegd. Write for Catalogue. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. maddened lynx was worrying the hie out of thdir pet dog, the Phillips sis: ally wrested the dog from the claws of the lynx, while the other killed the animal "with a shot through the head. seventeen and nineteen, respectively, Phillips, on the reservation side of the Columbia, near the month of Big Sheep Creek, two miles from North part." The hired man, who had been Hopping wood near the creck, ran home the other day to tell that the dog had treed a large cougar. Mr, Phillips* was not at home, but his daughters seized rifles from the wall and went along. The dog had 'the beast treed on one of the higher limbs. The wild animal glared down atl the young women. Both girls fired, The wounded beast shricked with rage, bousdded into the air and landed on who were egolly reloading their wea- Barrie and Clergy Streets, Kingston ". Ontario "mous Central Business College of To- W. H. SHAW, » Men -gecasionally grumble at them. "DOG FROM ANIMAL. Jaws of the Lynx While the Other Killed it With a Shot-- A Savage Struggle Was Wit- nessed, ' Northport, Wash, April 10=Wile a ors attacked - the monster. Oné liter- Faye und Florence Phillips, aged ive with" their father, Fred. 8. the ground a few feet from the girls, pons. Phe muient the beast struck the ground: Sit "was attacked by thé dog. The animals rolled over and over in a savage struggle; but the lynx was too mich for the dog who began emitting yelps uf distress. So rapid were the movements of the animals that the, girls feared to shoot, cause they might hit their pet dog. Finally the "dog emitted a howl of mortal agony, It was too much for the girls. They mashed to the rescue. One grasped the dog's hind legs: and pulled 'the, combatants apart, while the other sent a bullet through the head of the Jynx. PRETTY ROMANCE Millionaire's Doughter Marries a Poor Clerk: | Hot Springs, Ark. April JO.--Miss Pearl" M. White, Haoghter of W. , White, the millionaire - gufi manufac turer, of Cleveland, and former con- gressmian, was. seoretly married here to-day, to James ' L. Bancroft, who, three weeks ago was a clerk behind the desk of one of the prominent ho- tele 'of Palm Beach, Florida. The wedding was. the culmination of a romance which started with love at first sight. Bancroft gave np his, po sition on the sicond day after meet ing Miss White, His home is in Brook: line, Mass., and he is twenty-five years of agé His parents. are poor. 'After the first meeting of 'the young golfing party. which he did. be Woman And Her Hat. Books. Qf To-Day. Much eonstefnation has been caused veeently ;hy a statement made hy Judge Bacon that seven and sixpence is quite enough for a woman's hat. This I§ a serious matter. Economy in the matter of hats is the last folly of the pauper. The best hat should com- Fine the afferts of the old masters and the new milliners, A good hat can never be cheap. To be hetiged about Ly seven-and-six:penny millinery ie, of course, to invite failure. 1t ix only the women who are fail that find men grumble at expenditur rennet Six Years For Pool Manipulator. New York, April-10.--James B. Kel loge, the convicted discretionary ol manipulator, went to Sing-Sing serve a six years' sentencelimposed by the federal court. He had just com pleted a two and one-half years' sent inal laws in connection with the FE. S. Dean company. Palpitation of. the heart, nervous ness, tremblings, and other forms of wéakness are re specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. admirers, and Prevents Its Return. pas more direct. wonder it cures so quickly. WHY ' CATARRHOZONE CURES It Reaches the Disease, Kills all the Germs, Allays the Inflammation Subdues the Discharge, Heals the Sore Spots, Clears the Air Passages. YOUR MONEY "ACK IF IT FAI PTET e AT A png ix or : ' % can hardly' think that 'the few cents AND SO SAVE THEIR PET | ls ok thet aie at this ten-cent ? ent to actuate Prof. Cappon to do the - injury that such a course would wean One Wrested the Dog From the to the Quarterly, which in a few days | wopld be placed on sale alongside the © 2 pamphlet. I heard of it through the Toronto pa: pers. 1 at once propured ome of the reprints and a would do the Quarterly if it appeared in that magagine. 1 brought this to the attention of the committce and explained that if the Quarterly was published containing this article we would not only loose ma seribers, but following directly after the same writer's article in the Janu ary issue, would brand- the magazine i' a manner 'that would' require much time and effort to" redeem, plained that in this number 1° wos the one man wha would suffer from it, and that the debt would be lagger at the end of the next two years than it was not the only way in . which it would', affect me. = On the representa: tion that the Quarterly was to be a high-class publication and néither par tizan nor sectarian, | have solicited mtd received sabsegiptions from mem: bers of all denominations and both sides of politics. - On the distinct un derstgnding . that it was not to cons tain articles that would be apt to of fend the religious saiceptabilities of a member of any denomination, a num- ber of the public school inspectors had recommended" the magazine to their teachers and ratepayers and requested that it be kept on file in the vy considered that 1 would be violating this. agreement in an unpardonable article as Prof. Cappon was attempt: ing to force into 'the Quarterly, to he carried by that magazine into the schools or into the homes of many of the subscribers, who have paid their subscriptions on the understanding that they were to get a different class of publication. would 'be epmpelled to resign my po- sition, if they insisted in publishing the geticle in the Quarterly. In taking this stand 1 gave them my assurance that 1 hat no desire to assume the slightest control over the editorial work. 1 recognized that that depart ment was entirely in the hands of the editors." But 'while that 'was so, they should recognize that both the edi- torial und business departmints were largely dependent upon one another; and a course that would injure 'the one could mot help but aliect the other. But apart from this 1 am sure fends of the Quarterly and: of the university as well as all earnest citizens will 'agree that with all the political and sectarian magazines and papers, we have, in this eountry, it was surcly possible to keep the pages of the Quarterly for a higher class of work. If this was not the desive of the. publishing committee, they should have kept their magazine within tho that the fr folks. Bancroft was invited to joina -™ expired, before they began to alienate and effort. In the meantime I instruct 1 replisd that 1 did not see how 1 ence for violation of the state crim nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, lieved by Carter's" Tron Pills, made The daughter of the regiment may not be the only girl with an army of Catarrhozone! Doctors Know It Cures Catarrh Any medical man will tell you the majority of catarrh medicines are worthless; they fail because they can't roach the source of the disease. When the! nostrils, throat and lungs are intlewied with _cold and catarrh, no amount of stomach medicine will bring relief. The treatment must be Catarrhozone is breathed over every vestige of inflamed membrane. Wher- ever the sweretions of catarrh are found, there ; Catarrhozone goes. No } | FEEFE reo ED No trealment is simpler or more pleasant. No remedy so free from LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. } (Continued, from page 6.) : int would be suffici- 1 knew nothing &f this article until caw the harm it ; more sub- 1 also vx: now. I furthet explained that this ool. 1 rif T retained my position © as manager and allowed such an 'or these reasons [| concluded 1 limited sphere, in which it wax, before I became its business manager. Or, having contracted with me to imcrease the circulation and after 1 had put so much money into the undertaking they should have waited until my term subscribers, after much expenditure od 'the printer not to proceed further with the issue until the difficulty was settled. A meeting of the publishing commit tee was called and a resolution pass ed to the effect that the article must be published in the Quarterly. A copy of the resolution was sent to me and could change my mind, nor to have anything more whatever to do with the Quarterly. The next communica tion 1 received was the following tele ram dated April 5th: "Unless you instruct the printer by Friday noon to issue completo Quarts erly, we will advertise in Toronto pa son of delay." Signedi-R. V. pers Rogers. telegram © "Cannot allow your threat-to inter fere with my duty. Does the commit tee desire to meet me before we pet so far apart that it will be difficult to come together." quoted, appeared in the Torénto pa pers. Such anxiety to hurry the matter to the attention of the public, is, in it self, sufficient evidence of the motives, which actuated these men in the course they have taken. But they have given us much: more tangible proof than this. No sooner had the trouble occurred than one or two members of the committee assisted by an equal iri , who are pro- minent in local political circles, be gan to attribute my stand to po- litics and religion. They accused me of attémpting to hold back the Quarterly until after the vote on the automony bills had been taken. But apart from the in- pon would have on the members at Ottawa, how ridiculous does this appear. in the light of the. fact that the pamphlet was sent to the press, and also to a number. of individuals and was at the same time placed on sale in the book stores. But the most fer which I made to two important wonld be willing to send i To our sub- seribers in that form, without any re fused to consider such a settlement, tained' by not' allowing the Quarterly to be issued, liek in their desire to de and Thorough work, and' wood . vesuits | Ustarrhozcne -- its medicated ¥apor Won't you use Catarrh- | otone and be cured? Two months' | | {treatment costs but 81.00, Sample 'ot at all dealers, or by . Polson & Co., Hart does the rest. selves 3 a order to draw ont eontrary ideas, i Ont, pernicious drugs. You simply inhale ford, Conn, U8 A, and. Kingstan, not do, » We exten examine these rare, In reply to this T sent the following | 8 Bes cera I received no reply to this and on | AGL Saturday the :advertiseinent, already | fluence which an article by Prof. Cap- | conclusive denial to this lies in an of | members of the committer, to have the article bound up separately and | ference to the Quarterly. But they re Another evidepce of their motives, which they recognize can best be at lay a settlement with me. I have of- gored to leave our differences to a J board of arbitration composed of three, one appointed by them, one hy me the third by these two. If they would agree to this Cwould be willing to hand over all books, lists and con- tracts in my possession, and they poild proceed at once to publish the Quarterly as they pleased. But they have refused and want me to hand over what | have belonging 'to the Quarterly unconditionally. ~ This I will ause 1 have no confidence in their disposition to do. what is right by we. But the ac have the honor to announce to the public that we have made 2 BEN C105. of TORONTO, for the exhibition and sale-of LUCIOS' § Theientire siock 'which we shall exhibit hasibeen LOUIS, U.S.A, where it was awarded A GOLD MEDAL For being "The most perfect imitation hay The Opening mmr pttnie situn 'WW luke BHOIN ----rem em oo. : Wednesday, April 12 brought intact from WORLD'S FAIR, of a genuine diamond eve LUCIOS is the sole owner and importer of lutely conirols the world's these gems and abso Wi I crystals and by the application of | I supply of these modern and sci ing and setting, NEW YORK, 'Broadway and 84th St. 228 Fifth Ave. Se A ---- which 1 want to resent, with feeling, is the one, rs conveved lo me Saturday last, that yinion 'of a number of the + committee that 1 wa the authoritios of my ho are willing to t like that, either know my enépries or ar the truth for a capital, «Buch an scen as itis dangerous vive it a denial 3 emphatic as 1 «in 10 express. from whom 1 have men, high in th iniversity. When | of a lawyer, | went awn chiirch, nor with Queen's, but wns, who at the same of the university rember of the com vored to explain how wed + thetsdlves to with # Roman Catholic, g the university an he meant thot be atholiey the committee | sould not do me the, jifstice that they , member of another | learn for the first is 'an element in corthy of that broad hich the late Peinect | establish i the business prin th whom 1 have had eto. relate an nei related after to their own number. toe heal to realize in all probability ost of the work al ready put on the article, they ascer- tained the amount from] the printer. The figures he siubmitéed were based on the terms of Lix contract, But the committee thinking that if was too high, fixed: their own price, nod auth omzed two of the members to go to entific methods in cutting, mount= is able to offer a semi-precious stone set in substantial mountings at prices n high- ér than asked for cheap and worthless imitations. SP SE I BO 8 the ideals and principles to which. go Ao form the atmosphere at Queen | Those whose work pression "(othe { naud, alias Count de d'to the public a most cordial invitation to call and see our magnificent display and to® artistic and beautiful jewels. MEDLEY' he printer and say that, if he would | accent their offer they would take the universit) that the printer contract wax as the result of tenders re weld from Toromté and Kingston n order that this incident may serve wan evidence of the truth of the ate Cecil Rhode remark, when he that university professors in t 1 hin 1 i | he as children, 1 are nett ver, 1 want to In conclusion, how forced it into the hotice of the public is entirely out of keeping with tv, have resigne comnittes or © ur away from many me also agsure Queen's who will of the unive are few: bat t Yours very tr i herr are anv, 1.1, HARPELL. A BOLD FINANCIER. Erstwhile: Resident of Canada Started Big Business. Lendon, April 10.--Hippe lyte Re tosdante, was charged at Bow street with fraudulent bankrupicy in France to the extent of £400,000, Tle has carried on amaz ing fimoncial transactions, At the time of hig arrest he was worth £250,000, made in speculation on the London stock extharige He lived some vears.in Canadn, but does not seem to have found there much scope Yor his finaneizl genius, for. he returned to Paris 'and opened the: Credit Interna: tionsle, almost next to the Roths childs" bank. on a capital of £2, all' he possessed, y + discovered." 5 'These goods ¢ * cially for the Exhibition by our own artisans Wand represent the very latest and best crea- tions from the jewel and art centres of Eu- rope. Is absolutely the most perfect imitation of the genuine diamond known, Theyarea substance of recent discove by thé newly acquired k poe and' are universally used in the scientific manufacture of Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds and Sapphires. They are a crystal refined; clarified, cut and poli hed by expert diamond cutters." © © They have never before been offered for sale 'in this city. =~ = + © Sa This will be the most magnificent display semi-precious jewels ever shown. Ip desige rangement and style, they are in svery wa EQUAL OF THE MOST EXPE JEWELLERY MANUFACTURED, and are replicas of the later and most popular London and Parisian fancies. ; SRR DRUC STORE z2az Princess Stirset. [RLF] [GL IF YOU ARE perty pense wer, Thinking of Building IT WILL PAY You 10 : : arsare the reader f this letter that Read the ich motions as | have just related, » i that of the same men who have F 3 . { ted thi disagrocable « condition 0 owing o Tastes Having, purchased a first-class plant for manufacturisg HOLLOW CON- CRETE BUILDING BLOCKS, I can quote pices fives give ox- | build much cheaper than with Stone or Brick, and moro handsome. Tha ¢ Plocks can be copied alter natural stone, Here The best material for the erection of race Walls, Fences, Stables, Steps and Silos; ths sav tion; such Buildings are fire and frost style of building; they are warm in winter and cool in summer, and plastering may be dons on the buck of the stone, saving eost of lathing; the blocks can be moulded into the most elaborate designs; people in the h country can build just as cheaply as in the vity, 1 will bo pleased to farn- wh you with all particulars as to prices. 2 ; J.W.LITTON : : 159 A other styl CHOCOLATE Ganong's G. B, Canadian Chocolates, the finest Catfury's Cate an Lait Eating Chocolates, 3 packs' ages 26c. . od A.J. REES, Princess St a TE Sale v * were manufyctured espe- v8 \ Geog , made ible edge er Tdi ure, brilliant w ; the : = E LONDON, ENG., 96 Oxford St. W. PARIS, FRANCE, 14 Boulevard Italiens. Y 4 SH which will gnable you to are a few advantages: : 'actories, Churches, Ter- in cost of construe : Tosurance is loss than for any fred St. S 0 CHOCOLATES ! sti.