D BAB rious Sickness, True Family Friend, Keswick, near Barrie, Ont \ ne Slotum, Limited, 1904 vible » ba Was.very sik with a ter phi oe 0 gave her you, Colts. oats k pectorant and Oxoniulsioy, 2 ew doses cured her. | eh sick myself with a bad atlac eof monia two winters ago, ang hd continued to trouble me ant es March, when 1 tried Psychine. 'g dant 8 fw days my lungs got stron al in phat one Jottle. of Psychine gi rs for, ne than . dootor's Presery all the remedies | eve ir sychine eures Permanently, whil Het: er remedies only pive temporg He otle pas ry reich SPELL IT " PSYCHINE & SAY IT 'S ALE & PORTER al merit and superiorit IN LABATT'S ALE PORTER are well . The claim is made, ted by numerous and testimonials, that ire pure, wholesome 2€s, superior to any n this continent. AND, AGENT, , Kingston. - CATALOGU rd free on tn. in stamps to ou should have a copy. fold or indoor sports, ih summer or : cheaper, as we make special prices oy) sell youn almostas SD eaE Ad aote g ! fies and sundries, BASE- uns, RIFLES, Revolvers, Ammuni- Toboggauns, Punching Bags, ME STREET, MONTREAL, P.Q. uts at Ge. Each 'rincess St. : ST. AGNES' SCHOOL co AUR Shu 08 is Atron--THE LORD BISHOP OF ONTARIO Prepares for Matriculation. Conserva ¥ of Music Examinations held at tie hool. Courses in Art, 1 ( re, Domestic Science. R With all modern improvement sive grounds. TERMS MODERAT Or prospectus apply to Miss F. BE. CARROLI Lady Principal The last term begins on May t x= I TT VAT LPTTVRBBTOLSTVTGSH Dr. Brock's golevraies Female Periodical Plils appar for the first tine in «wnads The "Best" Drug Be ed pale agency for twis gree! 8 Princess Se. Kingewon Ont of price cscscsccec SEE 3 ARDINER'S Insurance and Real Estate. Bight Companies at Lowest Rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate, 31 Wellington Street. IR; KNAPP, B. A, DENTIST IS Montreal . Street, rincess Street. Corner THER HENDY'S OINTMENT ALL HEALING PRICE, 25 CENTS. ILL CURE Burns, Frosea Limbs. s, Salt m, Broken Breasts. \drem's Sore Heads, Boils Blood Pois- and lealing Fingers. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. IR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE onsult = with Geo. CUE belore ring at 95 Clarence street. + May ong, Fruit is . prevent Constipation, but Because 1 peculiar combination anda kidneys, stomach and skin «FRUIT-A-TIVES" and Kidney Troubles. 50 cents a box. Haturels laxative. Plenty of fruit will the laxative principles of fruit are held in : After years of labor, an Ottawa physician accidently discovered the secret process by which or Fruit Liver Tablets" are made. He wed fruit juices, but by combining {hem in & peculiar way, their action on the liver, tain all the-medieal properties of fruit--are a2 mild and gentle laxative--and the only permanent eure for Constipation, Torpid Liver, Sick Headaches, Bad Stomach All druggists have them. } Alion 1| MOODY AND SILENT. % won't cure it. Why? : Welsh - Preacher Much Altered by His Reétirement--Has Lost In- terest in His Audience. London, March 17.--Evan Roberts, in the pulpit last evening, was a moody, semi-tragie figure. At 4 | be sank into strange silences and al- lowed his congregation to go oh as it pleased, says the Daily Mail. The chapel of Newquay, pere high up on a elif oa the picturesque share of Cardiganshire, was packed throughout yesterday afternoon ond 4 | evening with some 1,200 people who had come from within a radius. of twenty miles to see the wan they '} have come to regard as an apostle. + Newquay is sixteen miles from the nearest railway station. I had to drive twenty miles from Cardigan, re very mild. 7 ki ry . and at' various points along the road | tigements' such events which are 1s increased many times. 1 passed people, dressed in their Sun- tisemonts With. attention of the enm TABLETS day best, on their way to the 'moet- | unity than to foree them to talk on con- id Y | my naval Fvan Roberts had been in the cha pel an hour when F reashed it, He - A i} % - Re org Shoes That Make Friends Fors are the only kind we well. We to do not claim be the only people selling ¢ the only store selling good shoes at such Whatever ood shoes. But we are low prices vour wants in B, JENNNGS King S. PO0000L 000000000000 009 TYPEWRITERS ! BOUGHT, v SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED, All Makes, New and Second-hand JR. C. DOBBS & CO. m Wellington 8t., Kingston BO0C000000000000000008 Kingston Milk Depot Pasteurized Milk and Cream in sealed bottles is the best. We guar- antee our Butter to be the finest in the city. T. J. POLLEY, Proprietor NOTICE. W. G. FROST, Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE Wishes to announce that-he has com- leted Rado Bu" Beet Sfynior: ove of the y Vehicles, Iianos, etc. care. . corlle his workmen are Teady to ré- Paine And tora out first class jobs of ainting all kinds of Vehicles at short SL notice. ET i "Phone 524, 209 Queen St. SANITARY PLUMBING ! you are in meed of plumbing or : ro work of any kind, we can give" Sit "mt You want at prices that will } aro rs With workmanship and material , ~ Thnieed to be the very best. We make © bo arees for estimates on plumbing or ug Work Jobhing w Sttended to. heating ork solicited and promptly | De per on ™ Superfluous Hair De INiracle It ia better than electricity, bees produceR new growth. A tissues } Better Soar or Better mailed sealed in plain of LY Your ony DAGK without (no tape) if it to do All that is claimed for it. Booklet sent free in plain, sealed en y Write for it to De MIRACLES OHBMICAL GO. 23 Queen Bt. West, Toronto, r sale by Rober SIMPSON £2MPany, LIMITED. TOAONTO. Aww, ? No Breakfast Table complete without EPPS'S An admirable food, with a¥ ,-- & Latest picture of Mrs. Howard men in the United States, who, of the richest men in the country, a larger number of lawsuits, any other woman in the fpuntry- her. and her husband is that o who seeks to recover a large sum Rouvia w weok passes but that there is a period of soum talk brides, school Aside from these there are many more which are entirely local in their nature and that are talked of even more than those which celehral these ave street fairs, county state fairs, a ; . days, horse shows, conventions, "excursion son' the Jeading topic of the sewing circle, or the society ] ] much casier to assoeiate your adver- J Minneapolis, secured much new trade Gould, one of the wealthiest wo- previous to her marriage to one actress. Mrs. Gould is prominent ly in the public eye just now. She is obliged, despite her imwen se wealth, to answer in court to coun ted by the score, The latest suit Sr pught agaist William F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), to her to further her stage aspira tions. 0. Chicago. possibilities in as atin and ocegsions ith your advertisements. Scarcely a ord of event in 's birthday, Easter, June and its ¥, circus day, fa) work, Thanks- ristmas are just a are generally ted. Examples of and election and nown meets, days. Each of these events in in its seas of converdation the men's club ball. It is, therefore, nal lines. Ono of the loading réitaurants in 1 « © ¥ { was Katherine Clenynons, an than probably which he wv declares he advanced with their eyes fixed on the figure in the pulpit He is a changed man since Novem- ber. Much of the boyishuess is gone from him. His familiar conversation with the audience has given place to sharp, internvittent remarks and dra- matic silences. Now and then there ix a sentencé in the caressing voice which once made hin such a favorite with his audienges. But for the most part he is an altered man. He. seemed wrapped in gloom "fyes- terday. He sat in the pulpit looking glassily down on the cengregation while they sang and prayed. Suddenly, with a harsh exclama- tion, he jumped to' his feet, waved down the singing, and called for "con- verts, Five minutes renounce COCOA The Most Nutritious and Beonomical. All those suffering with Boils, Scrofula, Eczema will find Weaver's Syrup and- Cerate invaluable to cleanse the blood later he seemed to the weeting. He sank back Pa Tad, M E into his scat, supporting his head | Dove & Teunch x outreal: JM} | with one hand, immovable, Tost in ------ ------ sadness. There was, apparently, no- THE "SCHREYERS HOEK" thing that could touch him. Human and individual prayer dropped away. and a whimpering murmur of appeal In Old New York---Means Weeping A f a. ' Pp : went up fram various parts of he ; Point. meeting. Soccial to the Whig. The people were praying for. Evan New York, April 15.--One of the for- gotten points of interest in- the lower end of the city is the old '"Schrevers Roberts, He sat on, unmoved. an hour, twenty A quarier of minutes went by, Hoek, Phis "was the. "Capske he Ejaculatory prayers and loud frag Cape rock which jutted out into the } Lobo of hymn wero~tried, but still point a little north of South Ferry, and which now in- cluded in Battery Pack, Here was the first dock, and here the settlers greet river 'at a he gave ne-sign of dife. Then, after hall an hour of stillness, he jumped to his feet, is dead : and with arms extended and eyes aflame ed new. arrivals and said farewell to | colic for a prayer from a comer of those about to depart It took its! his audience. 'Again he dropped into name from the "Schrevers Hoek," inl chair. He sat in a corner of the Amsterdam, a similar point projecting | high pulpit, oblivious of the 1,200 into 'the harbor, where the burghers | ire of eves turned upon him. The said goodbye to their friends, who | people sang and prayed but half were about to sail, Because of the Peay now. The light was failing. mournful gcencs enacted there it came 16 be known as "Schrevers Hoek," or the "weeping point." In the gathering 'darkness the figure in the pulpit was hardly to be dis tinguished. ; A man leaned over the back of the For any case of nervousness, sleep: | pulpit and spoke to him. The evan- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, | gelist jumped to his feet, jerked out dyspepsia, try Carters Little Nerve | half 4 dozen words in Welsh, and Pills, Relief is sure, The only verve mediciite for the price in the market. It's generally all up with the fellow lswler finds himself on the downward CONTE, Soe people parade their virtues in order to distract attention from their walked down the steps. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved The excruciating painy characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quick] relieved by applying Chamberlain's A & J. JAMIESON. "PHONE 287 ide SOF Paip Balm. The great in * relievi paver of the liniment heen he surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all drug gists. * i To Banish Sea Sickness. Bright red spectacles, accompanied intetnal doves of calomel, form a new its natural qualities intact, - nisin fitted to build up and maintain . en robust health, and to resist |. i iy the pulpit' with his hands | b¥ advertising that tables could be winter's extreme cold il ) 18 | japscd beind his head. his wrists | reserved cach cveming that spe a valuable diet for » pressed tightly over his cars as cial dinners would be served for those though to shut out the voices of the attonding parsifal. These announce people, who were singing a hymn | ments im the newspapers told how it would .be impossible, because of the special hours of the play, for families to -secure their dinners at howe; that because of the crowd, it was best to engage their tables in advance and told of a few of the extra arrange ments that had been made in order to give their patrons the best © pos gible service. On one of these cven ings, I took special notige of several restaurants in that vicinity and found that the one mentioned had all the business it could handle, while many of tho others were far from being fill- ed. _A clothier in Dubuque, Towa, secured exceptional returns from his adver tising, by announcing that he would give a ticket | to Barnum '& Bailey's circus free, with every purchase of wore than 81 on. show day. He ran a large advertisement with ents and prices and impressed upon the people the reasons why he gave better values in his store and that he gave them the ticket free besides, Window displays and advertisements of Chicago merchants are filled with inducements to persons wishing to attend the horse show for a full month or .more before the event RL A 4 rd well-known breakfast food concern spent hundreds of dollars in telegrams and special deli stamps to make sure that their large adver tisements appeared in the leading daily papers of the country from San Eo i Las Rai uf 9 $ TRADING STAMPS § Are good enough in their * : place, but a whole hook full 3 : will not cure the least little #. cold, no matter how you ; » may use them. i ; Mathieu's Syrup: Of Tar and Cod Liver ON Is sold 'without stamps,' # but with a guarantee to ; 3 cure the most persistent > cold. 1 h If you want to cure your cold buy the best remedy | .and never mind the stamps. 88c. Large Bottles. All ; dealers. _ $). L. 'MATHIEU €O.,' Proprietors, Sherbrooke, Que. 4 Franciseo to New York the day lowing a much talked-of prize The substance of thi copy was breakfast season. reports regarding the fights J An energetic Indiana farmer sold a carload of | Roosevelt ordered thése famous pote toes for every weal during his in that ety, Mail. order schools for Jin-Jitsu have. been thriving for the past year becauss of the association between cess of the Japanese armies; the book Ben-Hur while the play was in the city, i cause it hits the iron while it is hot, aside becatse it through, a glance cause the It bots just ane sent for you to get lief . 1 to get iple request on a post eard brings o- free A you We have implicit confidence in the Troubles. 'We know that you have ( Gin Pi ig over fol 4 as he winner in this fight used . their food during his training The advertisements appeared yn the same page with the telegraph ytatoes on the strength »f an advertisement in his local paper opularizing the fact that President stay this Japanese training and the sue A Chicago bookseller secured won: lerful returns resently by advertising Thus kind of advertising pays be I pick up a book, glance at the title = v4 Hy at Re illustration, and lay it hae INSIST ON HAVING ¥ kee | @ BRISTOL'S SARSAP: fancy. Another one attracts me at the 1 ¢ 1 i first glance, Jt is purchased and read REFUSE ALL ag) It is the some way with advertise $2 Crp Wate cy ¥ 00 ments. One strong head-line will at r to devour a column of small Cvpe, Big black] © type that covers an entire page isnot | remembered when the thing said does: not interest the reader. ly asséfoiating events of this nature with your advertisements, you are making use of already creator agita- tion. Tn other instances you wunist arate this comment. A retailer' must be careful, however, in special advertisements of this na- ture to see that they are not braga: docio. As an example compare the fol- lowing headings of advertisements to appear on election day. No. 1---"John Jones is the wihner and #0 are 'our E. B. EDDY'S 'FIBRE 4 WARE Articles which last so MUCH £N A special offers." No. 2 ~"Seylorth's Bargains Win." for proportionately ' 1 The first example shows a brass : Can be bad in hand spvie of publicity, while the see: oml suggests the idea you wish to convey instead of telling it outright, S[pecial mid-winter sales, announce ment of spring and fall openings and veel tag sales ave good drawing cards, it these special advertisements where the copy fits in with important local events, when properly handled, give life to vour business, and make all of our advertisements more talked of anid more nroductive of real resus. £% Tubs, Pails, Wash Always and everywhere EDD' Can't even sle day and ni ht, brooding over ; J troubles pw qiscase ight in ding over imagined blood, which is watery and thin, because you don't assimilate your food. : right thing now and you'll be cured quickly. Do the take Ferrozone; it turns hing you eat into nourishment. erm-- Rheumatic Poison Noutealinnd, Rheumatism has ove cause only== uric acid. his acid can be neuiral- ized and expelled from the system, and the formation of an excess of it stopped, a cure must result. It is as certain a result, as that water will st out fire. Years of experience fave shown that Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure has this powet to neutralize and pits .new tone the blood, quickens and ut expel uric acid. It cutes cases of the nerves, The weary brain is relieved, an longest sanding with surprising broodi ng ceases. pan sleeplessness daappeass =d ickness, 16 cures permanently. dl ma 2) wa "the preparation that cured Chaos ----FERROZONE-- J. Clarke, 86 Pine street, and For Health --ephin if a rand toad ' " at dreds of others. In bottles, H0c., at Wade's Drug Store, {ones, makes you feel like new. Both old and and derive unquestionable benefit from ne me AVOID SUBSTITUTES! Wed ll ar a eb. Shoe Lace Eyes Used. jwaukee Sentinel MY Nome of the apparently most tri vial things in the world are the most things and fortuncs are made in manufacturing then," said Ralph 1. Jenkins. ' "Take the lace eyes of shoes, for y © 1 spe over inétance. The average person never ives them a thought, but they are indispensable to our footwear, hd there are factories that devote them- wolves exelusively to mmking them, Did yon ever stop to think how many of thowe little things are used covery your i« of th sation of "Qn the basis of the popv the United States being £0,000,000, this country uses more than 3,000, . 000,000 of lace eyes and hooks a year. Every man, woman and child will : two pairs of FANCY GOODS, Baby Carriages, Go Carts, Express ¥ Rowing Waggonss : Card Games, Flinch, Trix Sherloclc, Holmes, Ka necessary Doarmninoes, Cri p t on an average a * hows in twelve months. The major Fancy China Jar ity. of people have twa oh and there ishes, | : are twenty eyes amd hooks in cach : 4 i : oR Uke. your arithmetic and see Rose and Cream Sets, what the total is. Tt foots up to, 2 600,000 more than 3,000,000,000. Marmalade Seu etc. White China for German specific 'against. sea Jt is deducted from Ebbstein's inves tizations on the influence of color op the blood vessels in the brain. Sea. sickyess ig due to lack of blood in the brait, while red sénds blood to the brain with a rush. By looking at one point for some time, through the red glasses, the patiest is rapidly , If your eold is Teverish, Mathieu's Nervine Powders, taken in copmoctiom. With Mathieu's Syrup, will stop Sp Importation For 1905. wi : J : ue Provost's, Brock Strout, has uesived Le 3 - oy G rapes % Bavanas, two cases of spring portal ' oy aly Scorch tweed, serge, Shoes Sh and es and Confectioner: ou workmanship guaranteed. -- - ye m-- -------------- After a comple have been nmrricd two weeks the nefgnbors lose all in terest in Chem. : The average «quarrel, like the bone of contention, m't worth picking, Main duties are naturally voatira tive. n -