Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1905, p. 11

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. - 3 x -- er ------ a " ---- : - Banishes Your Blood ---------- -- A gged up with ecomes thick less, dull, all- ; unlight Soap § us for your clothes. Use rd or soft water, the result will be No scrubbing. no boiling. « Try Sunlight, urchase money refunded if you are ou and your clothes. ania t way and see it gives you and how good. 1112 eeling:. The . B. will drive system and g-- nes and Liquors our large And new assorted of Ales, Wines, Liquors and 3 we think that we have hing to meet the demand. guarantee entire satisfaction o prices and quality. nt for the well known "De- teh"? Scotch Whiskey. S. McPARLAND 239 and 341 King St. oe 274. LL AND EE The new stock of Plumbing, and Neating Fixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps. GOLDEN LION BLOCK PHN M. WHINTO, ESCENT WIRE WORKS T. PARTRIDGE ake down, re- d store your $1.00 for the the best storehouses in the our stoves taken down, etc, t Bros... 6 EEE ECEE EES Manufacturer - of rn . * y Ornamental ~ Fenc- " - ing, Railings,Flow- i er Stands and Wire -- Works of all kinds; alto agent for Wire Edge Rea- dy Roofihg, cheap- er and better than shingles. 275 KING STREET. Soa SLT | exposure const. t romisiag von ONE tha lives POD 000000000000000008 The Light That ace or holy ox there. The victimes are found fe--the farm, the office, the 3 Workshop, § d the professions. Nervous Debility and Senine! eed cured by our New Mi Treotmont ot or No 1G 35 years ia Detroit. Bank securicy. Q FAILED. a samen used withoot writin consent. 3 Is a Light! 3 Ee omen tL, 200 Po 2 ubls orvous. My kidneys Became affected and I |4§ Sandia Power : Gas § ase. May Life was unsatisfactory and er for the rock bottom price, § Kepnied ererything--all failed Hu took i.28. Try one and you will try more. rgan. cir New Met IEE hicelly aud sexually, I feel and act It ds distinctive, attractive, convincing $ Ago. [1 iy Patrouize Quake and Co iil pA from Q t-Bu Bt Fron hoe Tre, David Hall, 3 148 Shelby Street, 66 Brock St. "Phone 335 Kergan, 8 POO-O-0-0-00000 0000000009 THE OLIVER Detroit, Mich. low- and dy, 0c. ight-- 3 75¢, #2 & BIRCH. Brock Street. tS That's All. Try It, nny, BORGE ZIEGLER Agent, 1k of Your Walls do with them this spring, think ASTINE 3 Vow and the 'artistic effects you with wall-paper, paint of let +0 he Alabastine Decorators ABASTINE will pot annoy by h h characteristic of all kalso- 346 King Street. ly » get, as it is for sale aint dealers everywhere. Cord WATER, and READY FOR USE myily applied. Anyone can put it oh -- promptly answered. Address accidents ha 'When aly the home quickly get the tract any bottle' on the Sonic '8 Sheif is like having a doctor in i or lant, ouse. When pain racks the buds 3 it relieves and cures, Imig weak, iatery, worthless ; Pond's Ex tract is pure, powerful, priceless. Sold only in sealed brn Hes under buff wrapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Bright's Disease Wikiasisen A Cure of Marvelous Merit. That Gives Instant Effect Found At Last. No malady is more stealthy or fatal than Bright's Disease. . Every year it claims more vittims than famine and war combined. In the beginning it is marked by [iflingss under the eyes, yellow, sal ow skin and pain in the back. ' The urine becomes scanty, often contains sediment, causes: great irritation pain. Reader, if you are these symptoms, get Pills at once. This cine wiil® fast restore your 'dull. anxious eyes. Exhaustion will be replaced by surplus vigor. Your back pains and urinary disor- ders will cease. Renewed life is put neys, and Bright's away forever. troubled with Dr. Hamilton's vitalizing medi- brilliance to into the Diseaso and bladder. Price 25c. per box five boxes for $1 at all dealers, THE FOEMAL OPENING. New Building Erected in Mexican Capital. Special to the Whig. City of Mexico, April 15.--The for- the new building erected in the Mexi can capital bv the Mutual Life Insur ance company of New York, was dig- nified bv the presence of President Diaz and a number men of the republic. Others in attend ance included Charles R. Dr. G. V, Grant, Robert A. Jr., and a number of the other eral officers of the company from New York. The new building cost gold and adjoins the magnificent post office, erected of steel and stone and constructed on American methods. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. "Mothers buy it for croupy children, several other good brands." that can colds, whether it be a child or gists, Many a misguided he was born te rule has another think coming after an election. body else he tries to do Hamlet. TRISCUIT The rich, shredded whole-wheat wafer ' full of nourishment--and it's tasty. Makes toothsome toast The greatest worry is always caus- od by the things that never happen. J at i i Whe thn Dol Bo" postyai. {INFORMATION OF OF A PROFI- and kid- 'passes ease and affection of the kidneys, liver or mal opening and dedication to-day of of other leading Henderson, Grannis, gen- who came £1,000,000 in It ssems to have taken the lead over There is no question but this medicine is the best be procured for coughs and ! an adult that is sfllizted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by all' drug- man who thinks After a bum actor has done every: FOR THE F FARMER TABLE CHARACTER. Cattle Prices on the Increase-- Good Horses in Demand-- Spould Not Hold Old Wheat-- First-Class Articles in Démand, Cattle prices in Canada are on the jump. The price of export cattle, both in Canada énd the United States has a much firmer tendency. British quotations - for the best American catile are as high as 12¢, a pound, dressed weight, or fully a cent higher than a year ago. Carriage angl saddle forsee of good quality are rare in Ontario, Breeders are inclined to believe that all sorts df horséa approaching these types are 'the kind in demand, and ask corres pondingly high prices, but do not at tempt' to improve the standard. Good heavy horses are fairly plentiful, while mongiols are always in--excess-of the demand. It is the first-class - article that the demand is: for, and whick yield profitable prices. The average prices in. Toronto last week were : Roadsters, 8140 to $200; carriage horses, $175 to $250; watched pairs, carriage horses, 8360 to 8550; general purpose horses, 8160 to $220; heavy draught horses, 8175 to $260; second- hand workers, 875 to $130. A successful city horse dealer, when asked a day or two ago the best color a horse could have to sell readily, smilingly replied "fat." To those -unfamiliar 'with. horse dealing the reply may seem meaningless, but to the farmer or' those "interested in the business it conveys a great 'deal It is an established rule that ever thing brought to the city from the country, if it is to demand a ready sale and a good paying price, must THE DAILY RELIGIOUS: WORK. a What is Going on 'in Many De- nominations. Rev. G. W, Armold, BIA, cepted the eall to Potrolen, terian rhurclin Rev, Mr: Fraser, Pembroke, . has ucecpied . call to the Presbyterian ch ag u Fort. Ro Raymond C. Ro Rolph, of Simcoe, _-- aopted a unapimous call to the St. Mary's Baptist oh church, The congregation of Erskine chirch, Hamilton, is to extend a call to Rev. Samuel Burnside Russell, 8t. Andrew's church, Hillsburg, Ont, The salary is fixed at 8, 700 a hir2 ' The Syracuse, + priSbytery, which - embraces Centent~ New York, has adopted a resolution which pre: vents its me re-marrying divoreed persons, execpt those separ ated on scriptural grounds. At the meoting of the World's Sun: day Rest Congn ss, in St. Louis, Mo. last October, it was decided to ask all the Sunday orm Associations to has ae- Proshy join in a week of prayer for the Lord's May from April 0th to May 7th be in prime shape. This rule holds good in all lines 'of produce offered for sdle in the city by the farmer, whether it is a horse * . i comlition of winter wheat = in the United States as shown in the government report just issued is 91.6 as compared with an average of ten vears of 83.3, and with a percentage of 76.5 last year. This year's crop is, therefore, considerably above the average. Considering seventeen bush els to the acre, as representing a perfect crop, the April percentage forecasts a yield of 15.57 bushels, The acreage weeded last fall was 31,600, 000 acres, thus the prospective crop vield will he 485,000,000 bushels, or 152,000,000 more than was harvested last year. The effect of - American wheat prices 'must be folt in Canada, where somewhat similar conditions prevail. Farmers who have wheat on hand' should think twice before hold- ing it over till another crop matures. Apparently thers is still much nis regard to the enforcement of the om bargo on tovernment. Looking at expense and loss that it entails dn such expenses must be paid before thi animals leave the quarantine tion. Farming, like any other business; needs to be rightly managed, and good farming and stock raising go hand in hand. Farming in Ontario has got to the place where a large amount of fertility needs returning to the sail. The farmer who can do this and at the same time sell off his pro- dict at a profit js the farmer of to-day. sta successful $1,000 Pile Cure. A thousand dollar guarantee gos with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid--the only certain cure for every form of piles. George Cook, St. Thomas, Ont., writes : "Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid enrod me of a very bad case of piles of over ten years' standing. 1 had tried till I used Hem-Roid, 1 had blind and bleeding piles and suffered everything. Ointments and local treatments failed but Dr. Leonhardt's me perfectly." L. Princess Street. in a fashionable shop canght a glimpse of that seemed to gift to his fiancee. to. place an the counter. a jeweled assortment of belts "Ladies' belts ?" the salesman. 'Certainly, size 7° The prospective blushed. "Really," he stammered, don't know." And he gazed him helplessly for a moment or so. Finally, strike sir; to him. "Can't you asked.. The vard stick being forth- coming, he placed it along the in- side of his 'arm. the clerk, he exclaimed, "Twenty inches 1" Tell your friends Co. is headquarters for millinery cor sets and shirt waist suits. "peach" just because you think she' to be pitied. A man may was. to blame. or a basket of conception in the minds of persons in store cattle by the British the subject Rev, everything but got no permanent cure . Hem-Roid eured . Best, Chemist and Optician, 124 when his eye belt him an acceptable He asked a clerk on fueried what bridegroom i about a happy thought appeared let me have a 'vard stick for a moment ?" he Then looking up at triumphantly, the Fommerville A girl doesn't care to be called a excuse himself for a blunder without seeming to think he The devil's job is so easy he would | rather work overtime than get a day off, ; | { ARCHBISHOP GLENNON, Of St Louis, upon gy) the pallium is to be conferred on May 14th. The Wilkesbarre, Pa., Methodist eotference recommended that Rev, © W. Smith be suspended for one year for attempting to induce a sixteen vear-old © girl to elope with him. Mr. Smith held a charge at Binghamton N.Y Rev. J. Agar Beet, DD. will retire from the chair of systematic theologs ot Richmond, "Eng. at the coming conference. In all thie Rev, G, G. Findlay, D.1., of Head. ingly College, will receive the appoint ment, Rev. Dr. R. Crawford Johnson, of | the Irish Wesleyan church, and super. | intendent of the Belfast" Central mis | sion, well-known by many in Canada, | has intimated his intention of becom. {ing a supernumerary at the approach ing conference owing to failing health. K Jobn Kelman, Edinburgh, pre College Permanent Cure in Every Case. | irom the view point of the British | fors to stay at Edinburgh on 83,000 a "IT was stricken with Bright's dis- | Board of Agriculture, the Canadiar | year rather than go as John Watson's case two years ago," writes Mrs. G. [cattle could not consistently be ad- | successor in Liverpool, with £6,000, E. Matthewson, Middletown. "I grew | mitted and those from all other coun- | two assistants and a mane, and this worse, Sngar was almost eleven per | ties excluded, as this would be play- | because he wishes to continue to work cent. and the doctors gave me up. ing into the hands of their political | among Edinburgh University stn "After using Dr. Hamilton's Pills | opponents. The Field, an English dents. y one week | began to mend. periodical, recently said: "HH we Rev. . Yohn H. Wadman, superinten "Dr. Hamilton's Pills have made a | were to adopt the Canadian policy dent of the Hawaiian missions of the well woman of me, and I know others | instead of that now in operation | Methodist Episcopal church, has re- who have been cured also by this | cattle from the dominion would be | ported that three hundred and ninety medicine.' required to pass' sixty days in quar | four Goreans have been eonverted in sufier 'any longer ? Dr. Hamil antine at the expense of the exporter, | his mission field, The work among the will restore you to robest | with all other irksome trials, while Coreans in the islands is going ahead . No medicine in the world | the tubereuline test would also | by leaps and bounds, ° nt for diabetes, Bright's dis applied, with all the a i Rev. R. P. Bowles, will conclude his | pastorate of Grace chuioh, Winnipeg, {on May lst, but at a meeting of the hoard official consent was given to the coming pastor, Rev. W. Sparling, B.A. B.D, now of the Metropolitan church, Toronto, to delay his coming to Winnipeg until about the middle of September. Rev. Samuel F. Sharp, BA,, duate of Auburn seminary, and now of Tottenham, Ont., received the de gree of Bachelor of Divinity, at Knox College convocation on Thursday night. Mr. Sharp was formerly pastor of Grace Presbyterian church," Roches- ter, N.Y., but has been received since by the presbytery of Toronto and proposes to take wp work in«Canada. x Sharp was born at St. Mary's, a gra: It an shold Words tells of a child who was gréatly perturbed by the dis. covery that her brothers had set traps to eatch birds. Questioned as to what she had dome in the matter she re- plied : "I prayed that the traps might not-catch the birds." "Anything else?" "Yes," she said, "1 then prayed that God would prevent the birds getting into the traps, and," as if to illus Arate the doctrine of faith and works, railroad men buy it for severe coughs, Hem-Roid is a tablet taken inter: |') went and kicked the traps all to and sierly people buy it for la | nally which removes the cause of pieces. grippe,' Det Bros., Eldon, piles. 81 all druggists or The Wilson- -- Towa. "We. gol more of Chamberlain's | Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Unt, Palpitation 'of the heart, nervous- Cough Remedy than any other kind. Ror sale at "The Best Drug Store," | ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and fect. pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- ---------- lieved by «Carter's Tron Pills, made He Knew The Size. specially for the blood, nerves and | Harper's Weekly. pomplexion, ' A Baltimore man tells a good story Blobba--He's a stickler _ for good of a friend of his who recently be- forme Slobbs--He doesn't look it. came engaged to a charming young Slohba-Oh, but he is, though. He's girl. Tho happy lover chanced to be | N° Manager of a burlesque troupe. Yes, if there is "Red Feather in or mA be tea-time any time. Its refreshing never comes amiss. Red Feather Ceylon Tea is "a tea of flavor." packed, never in. lead, but in moisture-proof and germ: proof packages, parchment-lined., Black, Green' or Mixed, at one prep pond --4os. or dressmaking and fam sewing gorticelld Silk is The best sill ine use it has no ~ equal. Corticelli Silk runs aor fund in wh needle ; it is always cven in size and always full length ard full strength. Ask Four dealer for " Corticelli,"" and refuse all substitutes. © areputup inp: which prevents waste hy tang keeps each shade separate, and automatically measures a correct Recommended as the only proper way to put up filo and floss silks, and used by art societies everywhere. : SKIRT PROTECTOR atti. Tod ppc Sr and oven fezure, Wes sol a sponge or es it clean poe It has peculiar wearing qualities and perfectly syaight selvage. For sale everywhere, | likelihood | - and no damage done. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PURIFIES THE BLOOD. BRACES THE NERVES. BUILDS UP THE BODY. MAKES SIOK PEOPLE WELL IN SPRING TIME. Asiz Fox "PAINE"S" Asis Fox £7 The Kind That Has Made Suéh Wonderful Cures. &3 COMMISSION OF DOCTORS . . Co-Operating With Thinking of . . Special to the Whig. physicians which now co-operating with the cerebrospinal meningitis Read the Following surchased a first-class plant for manufacturing JILDING BLOCKS, 1 can quote prices which will build os cheaper than with 5 : Blocks can be copied after natural The best materia race Walls, Fences, - Stables, fot ind and tidene ther syle of bul plastering may be done the blocks can i moulded into country ean build just as cheap ish you with all particulars as i Ww. LITTON , : studying all the cases reported in Nr their history as far the conditions of their gions Hawi 0 as to local and neighborhood sanitation, Twhat extent it is communicable one person to another. 7 son that the medical stafi of the local administration cannot complish more of value to the publip in the study of this droad dinvnte the dificulty of securing competent bacteriologists kind are not numerous, pl oyed in he lahorataries of the de 1 Vie pid to om s 2189 Alfred St. than a on Tans on the police foroe, Men capable of conducting and initia of following to authoritative conch sions those laid ont for them, care to take such positions. physicians express --yhe the epidemic here and in the vicinity will gradually subside within: the next thirty days, simply because epidemics of contagions und infections dinegsex Kabituslly attain their maximum velopment during } disappear in the early summer. arch and April and Men pay compliments to other men want to appear unsel-

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