Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1905, p. 14

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Hires snave seins srt anes 1 oe i + JE J1or a very determined 4 at of ne of the merchants, to jcent per 5! ££ i il i $ EE li ied © : Aad held nat Ee aa ag sand . predict when the t move will be. At the present i, the market seems almost than it was a few days ago, effort, on the rices down, met with consider- Ry and if is likely that | trading went on at prices 'beldw those prevail at present. The fact is, the market is in a very unusnal con- dition, just now, and the rules which apply--such as the influcnce nereased receipts, are without . Stocks are bare everywhere.. Coniectioners and bakers, [who generally look for dairy butter or the cheaper grades of creamery, as | well as others who always look for butter to do their cooking with than they would' care to place on their 'tables, are all' compelled to ; fresh made crogiery at almost as i bh peice being hoy With choicest selling + it is doubthul if purchases could of fair quali be made at Tees Than Be some reported | transactions at 2%. to 28c. These figures are not thought to be - able. tor nde, ACT today, t us ted that this . An extreme : of butter being >. Grocers are able to buy al- most as » lesalers. of fodders is commencing, though, so far, hardly thing has done, A fow are] boxes is hu heen nw the is that le. is a fair s Bomb quoting 10j¢. The ty is that the wake of tod- will not be very large, the price an a. t for fac- torymen to oon their attentions to that article, Meanti 2s PERE H { Liverpool, at 40s, i i i i ; bd £2 51 i ig § 5 3 jiFises 3 fF in tins, making t ! each. Pure sugar is quoted ui aronnd Yc. per Ib. £3 a Live Stock. ~Livd stoek exporters encou 12}e., for. hes tes, Hie to Me. for ey lians.' At the same time, - however, prices ig advanced in Canadnand the United States, so that even ¢ which is being shipped acrosd at present pric as 'the market would have 10 go to 13fe. or Me. in England, to return' a fair profit. Whether or not this is #0 is another question. The nwnber of choice shipping cattle to be picked up on this side is very small, so. that exporters are not 80 eager io engage froight space as at other times. Still, freight space for about 2,900 head of cattle has been taken for Latidon, Sd 3 or head, and jout- 1, or Eo The outlook for | fine stock is not any foo promising so that thers are indications of u fair ly firm market. Shipments from St. John, N.B., and Portland, last week, were 2,861 cat- tle, against 1,536 the previous week, The local market is firm. Prices in choice cattle show a slight advance and there are not too manv of them offering. A few choice stock sold at Bio, to 5jc. and some fine at Be. to 5jc. But the general run of good to fine amimals sold at dic, to Se¢., while good butchers stock sranged down to do. Medium stock was 3le. to 3%c., and common 2c. to 3. Calves were not in very great supply, and prices ranged from $2 to $4 each for poor small stock, good selling at .85 to $0 each, Some spring lambs were offered and- were - quickly taken at $5 to $8 cach, according to quality, Sheep were quoted all the wav from 4c. to Bje., according to condition. Hogs showed very little change as compar ed with a week Dec, Fricen Jad then experienced a slight bi m e on prices, and vesterday selected stock might still be had at 6Gle., and from this price ran down to 3fe, and pérhaps a sha less, according to quality, off cars. The offerings were fair and the demand good. Dressed hogs, ete.--~The market for dressed hogs is steady in sympathy with that for live, and throughout the whole list there is very little sd it Syrup, je must assume that e4 is not making money, it is claimed, | TE 12. 16 13k. for finest od. showed no 3 at loc. tp He. per th, for large and 12. to Je. for swall, Barrel park 1 "as unchariged at 817 to $20 per bbl. Giraie--The market has been excmp' tionally dull for a long time past. The outlook for wheat seems to ke for lowe? prices, just now, the pro- babilities in the United States being | very hopefel, so far as ean be ascer- tained. For some Time past the mar ket has downward. The only grain which is receiving any atten- tion here just now is oats, and eve ned, the y o are commencing to think that there may possibly be a shortage yet. No. 2 stock is "at a premium over No. 3; being 48¢., in varlots, in store, as agminst 44ic. to 45e" for No. 3; No. 3 Peterboro. oats are be- ing offered at 42; store. Stocks in Montreal declined. 7.006 or 8,000 bush- els, last week, and J -------------- " ENGLISH BANKER GIVES. ii An Apostrophe "on An Antedi- luvian, The spectator who views the pre- served body of a man discovered | in t, now exhibited .in the British museum, who is believed on good grounds to be one of the antediluvian inhabitants of the earth, cannot fail to be thrilled with o strange emotion as he stands jn e presence of this extraordinary relic of a far bygone age. The -complete preservation of body is most astonishing and re markable; his fair, ruddy skin and bright red hair, altogether different to @ type 'of = Kyyptians during and since the reigns of the Pharaohs, hav ing, in parts, retained their original hue in a most. wonderful degree. And aa we Saremplate this recumbent ire, perhaps we mentall apost phine the sleeping form, - - more we realize how age after age, epoch alter epoch, has rolled by since that dim far off era in the buried past when he too was a sentj- ent, virile being. Though apparently "not more than about thirty years of age, perhap® he was several hundred years old; for man in"those days of longevity remained in, the prime of life for centuries, and did not put-on the sere and yellow leaf until perhaps he had attained to an age of seven or eight hundred years. And if those sightless orbs' could see, and if that silent tongue could speak; how wonld we crowd round to hear the recital . of the history - . of those far off times, Perhaps he had conversed with Adam himself, and heard from his own lips the thrilling record which has been handed down through the ages, to is his descend ants. Perhaps he is one in the line between Adam and Noah, 'and we ac- tually see before us our own ancestor. Or perhaps he may have heard that patriarch denouncing the evil ways of the earth,' and threatening the: great destruction which was soon to ens, r who can tell but that he was one of those who, during all those long years while the ark w=s hein con- structed, jeered and scoffed, and held the old patriarch up to ridicule and mocking heroism; though fortunately for him, he was fot amongst those who wee overwhelmed by the great cataclysm which #ngulphed the earth in destruction awd ruin, Or who could say--if it be permis- sible to give rein to the imagination, and to indulge in the flights of fan- tasy that we are not in the presence of Cain, the murderer; or of Juba) the father of music; or of Tabal-cain the artificer; or even--startling thought ~that that recumbent form before us is none other than Adam himself; that We are gazing at the very form of the first of the human race, of that rebel whose fall has entailed such misery and such grinding sorrow and' re. morse upon untold myriads. But no descendant of Adam dare lay the blame upon him if he fail to af- tain to the glory-land. welcome to those re and regal sublimity who will but accept fered by the Son of God; who on the cross made a full, perfect, and suffi. cient propitiation for the sins of all who will receive it. For a loving is assured to all the salvation of- i ---------- About Rheumatism. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of re- medies have been su, ted. To * 'say that it can be ou is, therefore, a bold statement to make, but Chamber- laia's Pain Balm, which enjoys an ex- tevgive gele, has met with great suc Sess in the treatment of this disease. Une appheation of Pain Balm will re. lieve the pain,.and hundreds of suffer. ers have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm aliords such quick relief and costs but a trifle ? For sale by all druggists. ---- Poor Man. Cleveland Loader, "Is my hat on straight 7° SYes--hurry or we'll be late." Sure it's on "A Ln perfectly straight # "Yous, I tell you--you couldn't met it straighter." . 2: I'll have to go hack again, John. You kaow it isn't stylish to wear this kind of a hat straight." Three lications of Peck's * Corn Salve will cure hard or soft corns. 150. at Wade's drug store. Some women carry on a flirtatidn just to show they are worthy of at- tention. : Women play cards, generally, in a way that is aggravating to the aver age man, McTagrart's pro- i Personal itegrity vermitted by Sir W. RB. Mersdi th, Chief Justice. Hon. OG. W. Ross, Premier of Ontario. 'Rev. John Potld, D.D., Victoria Col- Dr. McTagrart's vestable remedies Tor the liguor ahd tobacco Dihits are health- ul, safe, .tpensive home treatments. No hypodermiy "injections, no publicity. fo loss of time irom Hams beirig dui 4 are now abdutl alms of splendour | - Psychine Proves a Mrs. T. R. Elliott And Baby. The Dr. Slocum remedies are kept pear at hand in thousands of homes. Their prompt use will save you much suffering and expensive doctors' bills, Use Psyching if you suffer 'with coughs, colds, catarrh, indigestion, stomach troubles, weak voice, throat troubles, weak lungs, anaemia or general sys- tem weakness, 'or sale by all druggists*at $1 and $2 per bottle, For further advice in- Dr. Slocum, Limited, 179 King street west, Toronto, Canada. and they - & SON, MONTREAL. 'We send our 300 for our cata goods and our trade is so la dealers pay for th a BALL, Lacrosse, Footba Ra GOLF, Tennis, Camping Hquipment, sl formation or free samole, write or call known. supported by numerous medals and testimonials; that o 5 oe your Casimir Sipe, should have a copy. ith it you can choose your equipment for field or indoor sports, or summer or winter, justas well as by calling at any store, and ches; pay for their Roods, Here are a few Sug lines : BICYCLES, and sundries, BASE- 1, 3 , Targets, SKATES, Hocke: ks, JT- W. BOYD & SON, 1683 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, P. Q. A D True Family Frigg Keswick, near Barrie, Ont, Slocun,. Limited, * "My baby was very. sick 'with Tn. rible cough. 1 gave her your Colgy. foote Expectorant and Oxomulsioy and a few doses cured her. | was ala sick mysell with a bad a{{ack of Pi monia two winters 4go, and my, lungs continued to trouble me witil last March, when I tried Psyehine, and § a few days my lungs got strong, A. That one ~ bottle of Psychine | more for me than doctor's Preserip. tions and all the remedies | ever tried sychine eures permanent, while ati: er remedies only give te SPELL IT-- PSYCHINE SAY IT-- SI-KEEN mporary relief LABATT'S ALE & PORTER The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE PORTER are well The claim is made, are pure, wholesome beverages, superior to any made on "this continent. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, King Street, Kingston. - CATALOGUE free on receipt of 10¢. In stamps to Per, as we make special prices we can sell you almostas cheap as some Guns, RIFLES, Revolvers, Ammuni Toboggans, Punching Bags, REES', dha ST ARRIVED i £1,000 New Cocoanuts at Sc. Each § : --T Princess St. A. J. 1A, BEES: Princess st. -- - - CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS Will Gather, Next July, in Balti- more. Special to the Whig. Baltimore, Md., April 15.-- Members of the Society of Christian Endeavor will gather in this city next July, from all over this country and Cana- da, with delegations from other parts of the world, in attendance at the twenty>second intermational oconven- tion of the organization. Elaborate arrangements are being made for the reception and entertainment of the hundreds of visitors. 3 "he convention will meet in the Fifth Regiment: armory, which will seat 16,500 pedple, and other meetings will be held at the Lyric Theatre, nearby 'where 3.500 people can be ae- commodatéd. The spacious hall will he ablaze with light and bunting, The schiome of decoration will be red and white, and vellow and black, and each state of the union will be represented bv its coat-of-arms ahd colors. Over the platforms will be the flags of Great Britain and the United States, tovetber with those of other coun tries, The convention choir will consist of voices selected from the Balti more churches and a grand concert will be piven in the ammoury before the formal opening of the convention. A feature of the convention will be an international festival of nraise, which will 'be conducted bv Rev. Care Bon. ner, of London, Fnelamd, A similar service in Roval Albert Hall I s was pronouncdd by Dr. Clark: the fa- ther of the endeavor movement. to be the most wonderful and inspirine mu: sical service he had ever attended. How To Avoid Catching Cold. Allow vourself ta "run down' and You catch cold from the frst germ. that comes vonr way. Wade's Iron Tonic' Pills miake vou cold-proof hy giving you rich, healthy blood, the kind that kills all disease germs. ln boxes 25¢.. at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. certainly of cure Consultation or correspondence invited. : J The juice of a lemon is excellent as |, ST. AGNES" SCHOOL A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR Cims i. 8 ro oi Prepares for Matriculation tory of Music Examinations he School. Coursés in Art, Phy ture, Domestic Science. Beaut ing with all modern 'impro ATE tensive grounds. TERMS MODER For prospectus apply to MISS F. E. CARROLL Lady Priv The last term begins on May 1st sessssecsessecces ? Celebrated Dr. Brock's EnEiien ® Periodical Plils appar for ene, in Canada. The "Best" Dr S:ore has secured sole agency for tis eal remedy I. mailed on receipt of price (R ced St., Kingston, Ont, @evrrsaccescssssaseven GARDINER"S Insurance and Real Estate JFisht Companies at Lowest Rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate, 151 Wellington Street. DR: KNAPP, B. A, DENTIST 19 Montreal Street, Princess Street. Corner PRICE, 25 CENTS. WILL CURE Burns, Frozen Limba, Rbeu; Broken Breasts. Suit = , Boils Blood Pols on and Bealing SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE . Consult with Géo. Cliff before gargle for sore throat, bat should not be swallowed, - % buying at 95 Clarence street. BABY Saved From Serious Sickness Fruit is nature's laxative + prevent. Constipation, but Because the laxative principl uliar combination and are After years of labor, accidently discovered the sec sor Fruit Liver are made. He used fruit jui them in a peculiar way, thei kidneys, stomach and skin is "FRUIT-A-TIVES" T tain all the medical properti 2 mild and gentle laxative- permanent cure for Consti Liver, Sick-Headaghes, Bad | and Kidney Troubles. All druggists have them. 50 cents a box. FRUITATIVES, United, OTTAWA. = <8 It net 3 on "| duo ne E you ma only ro Shoes That oD hk h » al Make Friends |k: 8Q For us are the only kind we sell" We Iu do not claim to be the only people felling good shoes; But we are the . only store selling goed shoes at such Jow prices.' Whatever your wants in shoes may bey come here (jst, i, JENNINGS, King St. TYPEWRITERS 7: All Makes, New and Seeond-band J. R. C. DOBBS & C0., - 171 Wellington 8t., Kingston B000000000000000000008 Kingston Milk Depot Pasteurized Milk and Cream in sealed bottles is the best. We guar- antee our Butter to be the finest in the city. |= 1. J, POLLBY, Proprietor |: NOTICE. W. G. FROST, | Ca Proprietor of the rh CITY STORAGE [et Wishes to announce that he has com- = : A modern elevator, one of the | th Pufislo Ball Bearing Co. na Furniture, Vehicles, Pianos, etc. |, andied with care. While his workmen are ready to re- | in po 280. turn out first class jobs of | en tainting all kinds of Vehicles at short- % notice. : Phoue 524, 200 Queen St. | 10 th NITARY PLUMBING !) | Mien you are'in need of plumbing or : les Work of any kind, we can give" jy what you want at prices that will ¢ » ¥ou with workmanship and material | *anteed Lo he the very hest. We make * wm fharges for estimates on plumbing or | | Bhing w wl bine work solicited and promptly Red to. a v & J. JAMIESON. |, we ny - vi i ----

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