e keep.) Every fpair fully gyg. and $1.25 pit, i wns, Mode 3 98," Blick, Gre ints and White, mes in all wanted shades and 3 a very large sale. tis the been enabled to sell it at less Ribbons || e the spring in Ribbons wi I. All' the summer li all widths and 30 of the best ll widths, ons, all widths. very pretty styles ome of the designs nd we anticipate a 5¢ waists. as the | than any former is class. $1, 1.33, » 1.99, 2.25, 2.49, in_nothing until you see the t.. You are welcome tq come to buy. We leave the buying We never urge. J May Patterns V READY. ing One _eount. "a goods marked in plain figures. extensive and will "satisfy the most ex- AN FXPERIE vant, Apply 'to Mrs. I, Waddell; 176 King St. HOUSEKEEPER, MIDDLE AGED preferred. Apply, stating ' 'expected, through the Whig AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID, , HOUSE, 203 ALFRED ST. AT PRE- ad ---------------------- » THAT BRICK DWELLING, SITUATED N 180 Brotk St. 7 th a 2 A rr secial Sales| Sp : and Washstands, liberal dis Robt. J. Reid, 222 Princess Street. : Two Doors Above the Opera Houso, Telephone 577, ini SD dll. WHATS THE USE? What is the use of buying old wall paper, whed = you "can get up-to-date ods for less money ?' Never befora has ere been show: such a beautiful and oll selected" line. The variety and ghoice of designs and colorings is very acting. Prices right. Quality the best. It will pay you to see my SoTjpies Yolors buyibhg elsewhere. What the use of turning your nouse upside down, and then going to look for a painter, and pave to wait a month before you get one? Come and select your i'aper, soture your paper-hanger and iis all | over in a 'day or two. 1 B. WILKINS, Painter and Paper-hanger, Cor. Johnston and Fronienac Sis. TTT RTE hd _ WANTED. CED. GENERAL SER- are one 'used to parlor work, wages $8 per month. Apply, Mrs E. F. Osler, 66 Barrie SL. © ema renter eee ee T0 BUY A STEAMBOAT, FOR freight 'and. passenger service, light draft, not wider than 18 fi., with de- tails. Address, J. A. Savignac, 56 aud 58 Albert St... Ottawa. The | and sots at THURSDAY Easter Hats Now ready at Campbell Bros : Spring assizes open, Momlay, 2 pan. Ruinmage Sale, Saturday, April 29th Confirmation in St. George's Cathedral, p.m A cheeky girl he limit. Anniversary Services, Chalmers church, with painted cheeks is to-morrow, No one ever saw a henpecked man with double chin. It's @asier to acquire' a poor wife than #ood servant girl. A RT sun rises Sunday at 5.18 aw, 6.43 pan. Holiness Convention continues to-mor- row at Holiness church, Division Street Complimentary dinner to Mac- C.D. farland, at B. A.- Hotel, Monday evening next, Remember Chalmers' church Annivers- ary Services, next Sunday 16th. Special music. i 4 This day in listory :--Prosident Lin- On Hat Racks This Weck coln Sssateinatod. Ses : "Bohring Sea a J o ci caty, i eare hory. 146: £ Matthew Ahold IouS a Reid from parliament, 1874. TUMBLERS | Lots of Them re ¢ AUCTION SALE NEXT, by H. J. Wilkinson, 180 Wellington St. s-------- Tzar Banks; 300 miles south-west of| death, . court uel Im oe hs 1 have received instructions from Col. | Formosa. - Mere onee; He 3 Buchan, CME DOC, whe ig leaving DOWIE TO GET RANCH. think there yas any need of ons, the city, to soll a quantity of Furniture, Cut Telegraph Lines. . : 2 . was guing plend. viz i--Drawing room, Basy, Reclining] St. Potersbwrg, April 15.--A des- Will Buy 1,250,000 Acres for He 4 ask that hig Rocking and other Chairs, Caron. Pic- Jat, irom Gon. Linoviieh; dated Ap- i a ocea. Link - - iy | Saran C room. Furniture, 4 rif. 134th; to Km ioholas says 1 Jotoria. Mee, 5.~Larger | halts Fi 'R. Bull, ae . Spring 'Beds, Maitrosses, Our cavalry -on April 9th, destroyed|-and on u more elaborate scale, "John attomey, read he' at center, side and other, Tables, Glass and | tho railroad, and wires near Yanoutza | Alexander Dowie will build a secona | '¥ pos shi orging on Silverware, Sideboard, Hall Rack, § ond between Kaituan and Changtu,| Sion City, a of the one in two . ng ov the amisia Rsithon tensile © aud yarjous lige and April '10th, the cavalry cut the | Hlinois, near this place on the Lopez he en Bank. and the © articles. Sale, 80 a.m. ash, : Euivr A: : Sh e 2 A BRIGHT AND ENERGETIC MAN : ? : telegraph line near Kaiyuan, ranch, which lies near this city and the Traders." He pleaded guilty to act as District Agent in the J. A. SALTER, -- contains 1,260,000 acres. Une of its tooted that his trial should take Kingston District for an old estab- Auctioneer. | Main Force Reaches Kirin. many advautages is that it has a big © . oneer. | lished Life Insurance Co. very at- tractive contrdet to. the right nan. Applications treated, a jctly con- fidentiak. Apply to Su ntendant, British American Hotel, ngston TO-LET. pe K DWELLINGS, STORES, and Factories. McCann's Estate Agency, 51 Brock St. OFFICES Real sent, occupied by Mrs. McLeod. Ap- oly, om the premises or McLeod's drug Store. HOUSE, NO. 247 BROCK STREET, hot water heating and all modern im- provements ; possession May 1st. Ap- Diy 249 Brock street. FINE BUSINESS FRONT room, 346 King Street; good loca- tion and well appointed. For partic. ulars, apply to J. P. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher, King Street. FROM 1sT JUNE, FOR THREL months or longer. Furnished house eleven rooms ; modern Conveniences ; central location. Apply by letter, to P.O. Box 82, Kingston. OFFICE; 0. containing 11 Rooms, Bath and Closet, Gas Light ing, hot water heating. Apply, C. Livingston & Bro., Brock st. RESIDENCE, 114 . 13 rooms, hardwood finished, "good stabling and _cdach house. Possession immediately. Ap- Ry to Joseph Power or John Twed- oll. y : Sea------------ MODERN BRICK Stuart St, COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM House, furnished, well situated on of Quinte, 24 miles west of Collins _ Bay. Good stable accommodation. Stage daily . to K Also Frame Address, H, ;0ttage ©. Rothwell, Collins Bay, Ont. . THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the Corner un Ontario Street, lately occupied by Mr. Hen- erson as v with lores yard i fo a Sa to Walkers & Watkom, soticitors, King: ston. - FOR SALE. EIEN TWO LOTS, ALBERT ST., near Union. Write, Box 470, Essex, Ont. GOOD FRIDAY ENGLISH CARVING SETTS SMITH BROS. ANNUAL VOCAL STUDENTS' CLUB Selections from "Messiah," "Cruel- fixion," "Stabat Mater," ete. April 21st at 3:30 p.m, ne [Ne CHALMERS CHURCH, Tickets, members of Club JEWEL & Ol 350 KING STREET, 25¢, Dozen, ..ROBERTSON BROS.. April 20th At the Store Lately Occupied RECITAL 15¢c. at R. Uglow's and from p Direct imports from SHEF- FIELD, the howe of the world's best cutlers. Many handsome designs in , cases; others not so elaborate at less money. We are particolar that all our Carving Setts are good. RS : ICIANS ~~ KINGSTON, 0 IT WBL OCCUR OFF ISLAND OF FORMOSA, Fight in Korean Straits Predicted Too--Japanese' Press Issues Warning 'That Breaches "of Neutrality, East of Singapore bourly expected. Experts agree that it must take place off the island of Formosa, The Russian squadron may be retarded by coaling; and by await- ing the retum of the hospital ship Orel, which galled at Saigon to de liver and receive despatches, and take on stares. Some are inclined to lieve that Rojestvensky will remain south until the arrival of Admiral Ne bogatofi, hit this appears imposghle. owing to the absence of any base, One expert predicts a second battle in the Korean straits. I breaches of neutrality in favér of the Baltic fleet, and declares that al The Orel"s Cargo. Saigon, April 15.~--The Russian hos- pital ship, Orel, stayed here--for thir- ty-six hours. She shipped 900 tons of coal, hesides food and wedicines, A doetor on"board of her stated that the fleet was bound. for Viadivostok. off Cape 8¢. James, left this evening. | Near Tzar Banks. Parig, April 15.~The Echo De Paris says that Admiral * Rojestvensky's fleet ie in the neighborhood of the Tokio, April 15.It is reported that the main force of the Russians, which retired in the direction of Hsing King has reached Kirin. The rear guard, which is estimated at 12,000 men, con: tinues in the vicinity of Harlung Cheng, closelv in touch with the Jap- anese vanguard. The main, force, which retired from Kaivuan. over the Kirin road, is reported at Kirin, with a rear guard of 8,000 men at lius- chow Halkuse, and Atsulipao, keep ing in touch with the Japanese forces. Chang Clen is evidently the rallying point for . the Changtu and Fakumen forces. Interview With Okuma. London, "April 15.---The Tokio cor- respondent of the Telegraph, says that in an interview ex Prime Minis: ter Okuma stated that Japan did not intend to repeat her present enorinous expenditure of blood and treasure. Russia, must, therefore, be deprived of all strategical advantages in the far cast. She must not be allowed to keep fleets near the coasts of China or Japan, while Port "Arthur, Viadivos- tok and the Island of Saghalien must he annexed to Japan. Japan did not seek to lease Manchuria. She only wanted the open door there. She in- tended to be respected, and to be consulted in the solution of internati- The Highest Grade of Footwear knows Canadian trade Shoes.' LADIES' "SECOND-HAND BICYCLE, Fisreingt cake, in good order. Price, $15. Apoly. 164 Barrie St. 16 Ste-Cuneigoude, P.O., Montreal. wos, 18, 14 AND 16 PEMBROKE Venue ; sewer and water on street. Avply of. Bawden, 88 Clarence St. ate at HL AAR A G00D BUILDING 'LOT, Sore SIDE r patos on! and t. Apply 40 horne To be Had in "Canada" wae the expression of a gedtleman who in: regard to our Wear "Allen's"' Bootmakors, Military sionary. was recently attacked by a 848 Brock 8t. band of Roroun, rebels, according to GOLDEN BOOT. advices received ere, and horribly SIGN OF N T wounded. i od xd : Ir. Forsythe was called into the in. PERSONAL. D ; YOUR FORTUNE ToLp From ThE | 60F 10 tien phy Boren, gentleman cradle to the grave: matiers of | WhO has shot by rol . He i fove and marriage made | stopped for the night at the village clear. What 1 tell comes true. of Mankoi. During the night the house 10c, and birthdate.- Prof. Lavas, Box '. His skull was fractured, oi BUSINESS CHANCES. mercy. X , One LADINS AND. GENTLEMEN , you |of his ears soverad, und he received en make $45 a 1,000 copying at | other dangerous wounds. Dt, Forsythe home spare time. No canvasiing, or | wont to Korea last year. : E mailing. ¥Wvervthing furnished. ar. . Adculars eo. Crown "Supply Co. - : + 302 Westminster St, Prov, R. 1 A Dreadful Deed. 7 - 43 SHARES, WLL oR An aN reat April 160 Write, Box 470. Esses, Onl. > , 's. main, FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. 3 ey at re Colley Barts 8 sell out his estates enter the of Pere Marqudite of railroading. William Swain, piano tuner. recsfved at Med Ghown's drug' store, 5 C THE KINGSTON THE CHARTER OF TH TON The Duke of Manchester, son-in-law of Eugene Zimmerman, Cleveland, will in Ireland and onal prok She must have fall power for expressing her opinions in East Asia. SLASHED BY KOREANS: Kentucky Medical Missionary Horribly Wounded. Worsailles, Ky., April 15.--Dr. Wiley H. Forsythe, formerly of Versailles, who is in Korea ps a medical mis was broken into by the rebels and Vorsythe being unarmed was. at their Detroit, Mich., April 16.-City Bewer Inspector Harry North shot and killed his wife, Mary, in the kitchen of their fint, 233 Michigan avenue. He had toked a quarrel "with hee "for [ Pee forty cents to take their girl, Lottie, to the theatre, while h own drankenness had cost him' $16; perating department, af the with a view to mastering the details uy Patprons at Gibson's etc Shady Nook lawn grass sed cA] tes two-thirds of 'his week's wages, whi NTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 1 The in homa, having sold her possessions in Kansas. it 48 reported that a second earths quake in Indi of Former, Boer General W. Jongh was sentenced to 'un year at Chicago for EXPERTS AGREE(ii A be Farts lod brother near Strathroy, has been de: Mike Run B Won't be Tolerated. patliament who are in favor of tavil Charles James - Brooks, the: Bpetisi to the Whig, reform Rian ted their views to Pre | clergyman, sent to Kingston London, April' 16.--The Times cor- mine. Hal ur. B ; tiary for three years, from respondent 'cables: News of a baitle Collenit Hongg Re a ention stock, for forging the name of " * - a |. ; .: between Rojestvensky and Togo "is legiate choo)" inspector 3p int Sweatman, reached here ed publ Sominly at $1,800 8 year. npr county jail, Weston, W.V.a., blew up a porti tion of the structure with nitro- be. | perior branch of the 'GTIP.RR. will [8% commence in <June and the building of months X the prairio branch in July. 5 tina. i stro a Winchester joker was compelled Ontario government in the matter of estates, subject to succession duties, though such imeidents were tolerated; | ip churches' e The Hampdon, Fire Insurance company the amount fixed by appraisers the loss sustained reason of a fire, "Jack the Hugger" terrified young | sation he i ired af women in St. Paul for several - even- | many pro t Four German colliers, which anchored | ings hy hugging and kissing them when saught ed. Miss Atkinson was favored by say- eral salutes. dressed himself in feminine attive and loitered until "Jack" grabbed = him. Then he neatly pounded the fool ¥ 3 x : % oF 1 ;. 2 -------- > - Ny Culled From All * Over The World. promises to visit Queboe | Li Taal Groy dune. Carzio Nation will © settle ju Okla: a has caured great loss g worthless checks, HE FORGED CHE of Capt. Paul Jowes, bur |' AE a and thirteen years . : SENTENCE IMPOSED ON JAMES BROOKS. his by the courts. convention of . Women of the National in Washington, + Anthony spoke in i t the er of British wembors of 'Serving Previous Term. and was at once identified as ? : . | Grakam, an ex-convict. who confined in Lewis ten 1887 to 1897 in prison for spent another' ten-vear term | Vincent de Paul penitentiary' , and was of the Lake Sue For putting powder in Edward Arm- EL pipe and damaging his eyes, to } ay sn to: settle a Jaw suit. The Tims corrempondont at okie | ela. Mehle& Nahenon: Ota cables : he Japanese press wri W Lo ee er i : strongly in reference to possible has been appointed solicitor for the timated thet he had to the parish of Wolfe v The royal pommission in the Scot dispute recommends that west of Singapore, "they cannot be | ju "hutch hand ov got into converintion 'with the yidurey for * a moment east of that} yrusiod Free Church " ler a er, who was "ji the best place. it_cannot iteoll adequately adminstor, and quite eager to talk, He | ix Spinning how - the p: he had. Spinn company, Mase, is suing the Ottawa for $2,633, as by Lover their loss, snd when folt rathéy sore, remarked feeling was quite proper and He is no stranger to by. plaintif v. Risintifs Kingston people. i ome and. was apparen an lonely spots unattend. Hor- brother Rolind merely to, e to before the judge. - frontage on the Gulf of Mesico. The Le answir' io' the price is not given, but it is said that ranch, but he did say that he was perfectly satisfied with the property. Hé said that he wanted to see t'resi- dent Diaz in the City of Mexico before he would talk for publication. Dowie spent two weeks riding over the vast tract of land investigating its sources and possibilities, Promin ent persons here who have been inter in Kingston peniten gery committed in Quebee. urge ihe of ill-health He prison he could obtain po wo done is to sign the papers. The peo ple of Mexico, especially those in this vicinity, are doing all ip their power to get Dowie here. They do not care anything for his religions doctrines. Dowie has spent cash with a lavish hand since he has here and al ready the people have made enough of him to keep them nearly all summer, in furnishing him transportation and providing provisions' for his retinue. One of Dowie's followers says he would not be surprised if Dowie abandoned the Zion City in Ilingis. again, . Mr. Ball pointed prisoner, other cities where tence was not satisfactory. would er to the penitentiary, but fore, the terms to run concurrently, POPULAR REPRESENTATION Return to Public Life - Would Be lsd Popular. St. Petersburg, April 15. ~The re port that former minister of the in terior Prince Sviatopolk -Mirsky will return to public life as president of the reseript commission, although not officially confirmed, | creates much sa tisfaction, as his sylnpathy with the principle of popular representation i well known . Numberless stories are being print od abroad giving details of the char- acter, composition and date of con- yvooation of the 'coming patliament. The Associated Press. ean state that thanked him for served it all," he remarked, confident hearing Won't Try Gorky. St. Petersburg, Vaxim Gorky is have not been arrested members, hall of them to bo nomine tod by the cmperor and hall to be elected by the nobility and a lower house of 625 metubers éleoted by vari: ons classes in all parts of Russia, in. eluding the uon-Russian provinces. But the commission has not decided ever\in prim iple the nature of com: fisn of the parliamentary body, t is the delay which has destroyed lar confidence in the sincerity of the government and which lod the Songun to undertake gn active, uni- propaganda by all the liberal pro fossions in beball of constitutional itn. The press won a victory in the decision of press eommission to remove thes censorshi from foreign er Wns mn Capt: Wah United downfall, committed suicide. at New York Smith, A full stock varnish brushes been engaged fo chouse factory near Garden and lat Chown's drug, store, | } son's Red Cross Drug: Store is open, Chown's drug. store, Entered Plea of Guiliy--Olaims That He Was Driven tg Re sume His = Evil Deeds After pseudo cious wounding 'at Toronto. He 3 for a A Kingstonian who came down on the same train as the shexifi's party. | acquainted with them. He is a middle-aged man somewhat delicate in sppearkhos. % On Thursday, Brooks wes areaigned before Judge Finkle, at Woodstock, t as to his trial, bu he wisled to get ih over witht jirdge's question, Brooks said that 'he was brought up it is about ¥3,000,000. Dowie would | M0 been i not make this statement for publica- | i England, and dad | was a tion when he was seen 10-day. after re- Sunt J out friends, . He ing » i i y « 3 y turning from an inspection of the admitted {hat he bad served ten years tiary for & for Canon Farthing said be could onlv prisoner's age and evid ae grounds for leniency. had learned a good deal Brooks' history and he seemed to: have been strongly tempted. After Jeaving he claimed he was driven to forgery out thet a light sentence would be of no use to for the authorities in the he was wanted mioht prosecute him there if the sen In imposing sentence the judge said that in the case of a vounger man ho be inclined to be more severe, He felt compelled to send the prison: the sen- tence could be considerably shortened by good conduct. The sentence, there was three years on each count, The prisoner is feeble and evidently not capable of any bard work, looks older. than he says he is. is very nervous, He has loss all the 'which made it so easy for him to delude bakers, He and of kalsomine; pain ernie Toy He Was Edward Graham, A | Ten Year Man, a | the Bank, at + and place of ested in having Dowie and his' band locate here say the deal is as good | cause he as a0 old, ud on AoPOInt as closed and all that remains to be | of his conviction, "i desper Brooks immediately walked up to the judwe. shook hands with him and his leniency, "1 de April 15On. ao count of the condition of his health, and the fact that the evident against not stronger than that ageinst hundreds of others who in connection thy ar rrommtay" Bouin lane | VA 1 hero SE ite og a part ' con burg Januety 22nd. it is tood viv er uiposed. {rom that the government has abandoned oh : its intention of bringing him io trial. George W. Kirkman, of the Hinter infantry, been dismissed fom the army. A bro thee officer's. wife, implieated in his hus Dr, Fred A. Barr, son of Allan Barr, Smith's Folly, was married recently to Miss Louise A. and aT -- on & Lawrenson, King » Philip Hollingsworth, Apne, has charge. of a flower seeds, Er. railrosd, Cleveland; | he received yesterday. =, pres telegrams, o végulations, | sortment just received at' McLeod's : - ed will not go into efiect until | drug stare. 1 "Disinkeoting candles": Trouble \Hoaaver will not] laws is com- | At the Unitetl States hatohery, Cape Ddlers, no foss--simply Tight the candle, shut 'plete inant, nearly 98,000,000 fish were 's book wher | the Goord and windéws and all dis. . batohed. will he 250. each | Tn case of sickness on Sanday. Gib- The very choicést sweet pen seeds at davies of the provinces in Special 10 the lor the establishment of separate schools, ---------------------- To Go To Ottawa. Toronto, il J8.~The tion of io. Apnil 18 Association met, board of trade, mente for 8 of Toronto investiga this ing. After i H an NX, shot shot and killed mother was killed and her aged mixteon yours, wonnded, but i'm slightly wounded. * peculiar epidemic spasm almost always fatal its appearance in St. Pe doctor smys it~ was | wi petcursor of cholera. stantly plant sgain," to it that his seed is ple 1s Om. Special na A i gs Roronto, prt 16h Usieanity mother, and hor daughter, and then himself. Tho wiles wes wile was only of cerebral Russian Poland, there have heen many viet Tt is regarded by the doctors. as a After a had crop you should fin- in the creed the farmer. And it's a preity policy for the advertiser-- il ment INT Life-like Mo All now---naver belors seon | THE LATEST ILLUSTRA A Good Friday, Apr daughter, fatally has wade urg. The ried from of