Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1905, p. 3

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Funds invested in gilt-edge hor ay such as ee tour and ey propecia Since g Munich § Good Home Business 'sound investments. ors of it a mean more profitiio Cane dian policy holders. 8. Roughton, General A ent Nellington St., Kingston. ms pISTOVERE, At Jast--A cure for D. allod the or Dandrol. Magic Dandruff Cure Tt cures on. first. application, cl Cal pit the dandruff, leaves the scalp clenn and clear as a baby's. Thisisga GUARANTEED CURE ! Your money Pack if this does oll we claim' for, it. 25. Cents a Bottle, 6 y The "Best" Drug Store, LT. Best-- Chemist and Optician, 'Phone 59. 124 Princess Street. - ORDER YOUR "SNOWFLAKE"? BAKING POWDER TO-DAY. fetus sameness Sadr Step -- Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Thenlys safe effectual monthiy It is hot do = "a Pair On your Kid Gloves for Eas. ter, hy buying ETHEL Brand at thik store. They are made from finest selected skins by one of the best French makers, and sold under another name for £1.25 a pair. We sell them in black, tan, white, brown. roy, mode, etc, all sizes, at $l a pair, with GUARANTEE. i ee aa Sass Ta. Ribbons New Lot of Shot Ribbons, beau- tiful tints, 6 inches wide, on sale to-night 30c. a yard. Silk Belts See the 50c. Silk Belt on sale to-night at 35¢c.; all the dainty shades for Easter. Cotton Hose Top Notch Values in Hermsdori Cotton Hose at 25¢--a pair. Corsets Biggest Corset valueg in the city. Cotton Sox ! Men's Cotton Sox, 0c. a pair. Newnan & Shaw: For Investment Or Speculation. We are now offer- ing some splendid opportunities for buyers of Real Estate. Lots suitable for Home Sites, Business Buildings, etc. : Lots That can be purchased on easy terms. Estates managed. Proper ty bought and sold, A. F. BOND, 68 Olrenee G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE FICE! SES, © LIFE and JIVE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Clarence street he 3 at Mes. bag left for x Ble SER A F GARRISON, id 8, on Th , Was h Son ny Ey dead." Tilre Yow about to pp meh 3 present, "the aflair Crossley, of Toronto, iy the a next week for | Date Selected for Camp Here is wie informal. guest of Mrs. Elmer Davis. SP oe weeks with a. Mise Lei Suh, IVa has bee | ine athe Unsatisiactory--Change in Mil- ie of + Tuesday's rain and staring = with - Mrs. Gordon at t Forel 9 gs great many people took the principal's residence, axpects to' leave, Nes. R=. wot it or hee home Needed in Kingston. = opportunity given thew to wel: at rh, Jor ew. York. YS - in Milwaukes \ adcompani- ox is said that at the reason why the young ish bride, 8" SAmmy went up, r rmsirong. utes of some of Te Osler, to Ro and | today, to Toronto, to stay with "hae iB will be up on | so late is this : Whe mil Rg en K iu wore oharmad entirely | Sister, Mrs MeLanpan. Ottawa, to spend | ment. has only a cortain » amon of with her. Receiving with the bride on gee { mone: expend before; the close Fe wore her sister-in-law, Miss Osler, Miss | Mrs. Luciis Hart, and Mrs. George hock street, ha the focal year; Jone 306. 10 all McParland, Miss Gladys Drury, Miss | Hast. left, to-day, for Toronto. | #nd. will pay of camps wore concluded before Rfid abol Brownfield, and Miss Marion Miss Osler, came down, on wn, the Misses | there, would be a deficiency. Henoo a On Wednesday, the bride's | Tuesday, from Toronto, io visit her real. division is "worsthat part of the maids, tor ihe tine ~ being, were {ho sister-in-law, Mra. RB. F. Osler, intends § A number of Mrs. Raymond Reade's sont will = to. th mext fsend same, with the exceplion of Miss Fetumming I howe on Monday' friends were a station to bid heey ge il have Sa be 4 Snare I Ta was served after Nat Purtham | a=, yesterday, wekjive a | wishiher wilh little Miss ph Sg jashion, the girls yy his ary Meade, hop ¥ovage. A quantity Jha he A Bn all ho, Wr ly "turns in presiding |, as iis § Amon pre A home from { of bean TORS were given her, in June. ; Pink and white rgal Hall,' Toronte, veltenday, 2 * oe carnations were in all the rooins. fo he Ti Paster holidays. E Mrs. Kenneth 'Prawio: and her sis-| It is likely that Lieut. "Col. Venn x LAT Mrs. Richmond. and the Misses | tor, Miss By gave<s pleasant | will succeed Col ry as Sommau- The di « party al" Ana dale," Kishmond, who "have spent a very | little tea ; x Hawtreygin| dant of the ai oct: LA brigade, on: Thu night, - wi r. and | Pleasant winter in Torowto, will "re: | Ottaws, on Tues . he is next in line for promotion, That Mis. C Re host. and hostess, turn. to town about the ficet of May. § Colonel ap. n went. down Noud leave Ye Soin of AM was a -hrilliant ohe. Covers were laid 9, V. H. Moore, widow of the late | to Mow mg on ro the middle} J in likely that for sixteen and Colonel and Mrs. Ray- |r: Moore, of Brockville, who was for 1 of the i on from there to. Far Nl ih, will ba, mond Reade wero guests of. honor. T5378 one of Queen's representatives § Quebes. : to Eapimal t, the command of "B The. others present were Colonel and | bt the medical council, will come tof ~ yr. Mrs. Ja Robertson, and | Battery also beed vacant. | be Mr=. Bachan, Colonel and Mew, Drury, Kingston, with" her fawily, to reside. | Miss ' will awive in town, | Rapid promotion is possible Jo wane mil Colonok-and Mrs, Hunter Ogilvie, Mr. on Monday, an their, way from Mexico [nf the junior officers at presout rs. | and Mrs. Cappon, Major Dunlop, Miss | Miss Marie and Miss Dorothy Car- | to their 3 howe, Mrs. | the batteries. Capts. Duplessis = Hora, Miss Mabel Gildersloeve, and | ruthers came homé, yesterday, from | Robertson's friends," who remem- | leslic are in line for advancement, Captain Leslie. The decorations were | Havergal, for their vacation. 1 r ap Miss Joe Hooper: and the command of the two batier: green and white. { Mr. Max Mudie is home from the be to get another | ies may fo to them. - Gilderslceve, ein ene Tele of Pines, near Cuba, and is look- party will leave Rao ; or Ballivan, Mr. Mrs. Jva Martin is giving a high oe ig a alter his. three years th a i Dn a Jas Simi ¥ $ p a nad and a half away from home. a ree one of Fortt, Mr: and Mr R oy: this evening for her daughters, 17a. James Hill, loft, yestorday, for old country the important Kingeion, oop in the dar and Me Comphell A Spe Sian] iss Phyllis and Miss Charlie>Shortt, and five other school girls at present Winnipeg, where he will spend a short t3 Maj na . relling in Ea « time hefore going farther west. Jor BT Selo Mosley, . Captain Bevel holidays, and for The marriage of Miss Ethel Wilkin Jaslie, Mr. R. Harvey, Mr. And rion, i . . . . son and Mr. McDunough, will take spending a week Mr. Charles Shannon, and Mr. W. ( Fable are cut'for a ten at Mrs, (Dineen very quietly, on Easter Mon- Madrid on, on an to her Ni Gertrude Strange. Mrs. Sydenham MoGill, : o oni sma Te------ ETRE ERT TTT Gloves Our reputation on Gloves is of the very highest. Every pair you chase has our broad guarantee<If it should break the first or second putting on, we shall willingly exchange it for another pair :- A pur- time and colors, two dome fastemers, 25c. and TAFFETA GLOVES--Black, white 35¢. pair. SUEDE LISLE GLOVES-Dents make, greys, beavers, black, white, look ex- actly like undressed kid, regular Gc. quality, for 40c. pair. ENGLISH SILK. GLOVES--Strong elastic makes, superior grades, at 50c., T6c., $1 pair. FRENCH UNDRESSED KID GLOVES--Large variety of styles, groys, tans, black, eic., at $1.25 pair. GLACE KID GLOVES--Every conceivable shade, plain and {fancy stitching, : light and heavy qualities, fully guaranteed, at $1.25 pair. MOCCA GLOVES--Heavy strong qualities, gry, tan, black, brown, at §1.25 P pair, ; WHITE WASHING KID GLOVES--Will stand any amount of washing and wear, S150 pair. DENTS DRIVING GLOVES--Suitable for street wear, correct shades of tan ~ | and brown, for ladies and gentlemen, at $1, $1.25 pair. ' VAT New Veilings Black, White, Greys, Navy, Brawn. ete. Large 0¢., Ofc, yard. variety in new French os 25c., ys 33¢., Summer Wash Materials An immense stock of the very latest New York and Paris styles :-- expect that this uaplensant work will Over 800 in stock :-- drug store, or, Yadg , after y. The sorrows mbes of 'the Ro Tow years have told great has gong. to sister, Lady staa, not to of the # Pr erpn whi training here, have out the rifle minion, is still 'without a rifle Year in and out the militia of King mention the many Sor y t; must; in conse. Sol 2 4 Ve Rent. he RES bard flooper'a on Tuesday next. | jigs Dorothy Brownfield is one of regulations, One of the fundamental ; sting of - the Ladies' Golf is - : Jthe Toronto contingent home from { lv woon her. she J& ¥ery auiet, gong qualifion tions of a soldier, the abilit At the meeting ad olf | Miss Robertson. 1 ¥ Citib, Jast Monday, Mrs. John Bell a de == + {school there, . nowhere and very few la, | to - shoot : (Carrathers was elected president, and . b > vv. ss» Torants | society #2 now looking for- | quence of the J of ra Miss Constance Hora again put in Mrs. R. E. Kent has asked a num- FEriquiries for Mre. Bruce Carruthers | ward with Han interest to the | be roinsing in the hr old position as. secretary-treasur- ber of 'tho seliol girls to come for a | aontinue to. receive the roply, "She ball of the al Canadian Yacht | local militia, Almost every little town The . committee will be Mrs. {UP of tex on. Sunday afternoon, is getting better daily." She has been | Club, "which L fakes place' at the King | and village in' Canada boasts of its Mackenzie, Mrs. March, Miss . : down stairs for a short time for = the Frdward Hotd, Tuesday evening, | rifle range, shooting club, rifle amoei- Bromfield and Miss Marion | Wajor Scott entertained Mr. and {past day or-so, and "has been able | April 256th. " ation, ete, but Ki n 4 feo talk ot Jevelling a oN dias od a and on Wein to dispense with jon of her THERON (Conti od on Page 5.) - foul Yond in quel Malle mater is in tink : ground over at the 8, and > ' The "L.C" will meet, on. Monday, Ee v without them. Sn "instituting tennis also, for the day. . at Mrs. Ramsay Dufi's. xeursio To New York. viously sheried world le onder "wore mildly disposed among the mem- ho. Mi . Gide . . Mrs. Jolinson, who has heen visiting Fata 2 York Comin has w York Some. "life" would follow in "Joaal brs. . .- oe Cay ee Avan Te her sister, Mra. Alexander Laied, ex- | go annul exentsion to Wash: militia chs by . R popts vo return to Montreal: on Mon- i an: Easter ex- | £004 nile Tange. Skinner's © informal little tea, | Streets, entertained at a progressive | 4 ngton and . os . : +..| cuchre party. on: Thursday eveni -- cursion to The date will . RS ur Se TE ss a, te | YE Rte LR | Cr SSAC ls, one, . . " 1 visiting Mrs. Mackie at 8. Andrew's rn, leay New York to rae " pershanen the cosy, firelighted dr inforpial little dance ended the 'plea ¥ good to yang hut. nt present duieti 'and boii lant TAWIRG" | sit evening manse, for some mon an y, May 9nd, | Pi. at p 'eondueting such a i Rarbou from "tb 3 aie eve Ahurndy for Washington. "They will day ad © ol nat tuetion a Bt oth tha, cold and rain oy ont-oldoors, that | Meh, Stewart Robertson gave a | Pend and Neer York. sb . i ius when the dominion assumes gg ie between it, and the pordial welcome pleasantly informal little tea, yester- iladelpua, Pom, ri DP, Ly military aftairs in that city, As of the hostess sey her daughter, and | Gavi for Mrs. Nash. Tea was dis 2 io 8, with a "tie Y hn The is the most important station fn he congenial ionship, Pele pensed in (he drawing-room, Miss Nan aa Tavtgn. who Js staying nh Easter season Wo Bw te is thn nada, the selection of bed Roberta looking afte the to rs? obn: Macks, s hur! r foo of hy * nade 5. very long sa Stay thi Es Those DE oat N ras Wer. slightly, and has heen kept in the Time and cannot -be spent to | asstme charge of the C, 8.0, and clin wepe poured by Miss Xie ng u raks highly of } Jifiea Regeors ad We Gertrude Stir » lennox Mills, Mrs. Daniol ¢ ha use for a few evs. Sho expects to gramtes A than ou, sth 8 many friends 1 "in HE Bich, Hin : > Shinner. A ' in. iy to July. 10 nearest fi pp olden jan A shi ti Foe Nie Ne a A. H, Oliver Bak 2 a un : war fram tral ticket 'agent for full. information, oi ww be Heated 1c Wear This sent were the ie Ho of oF Lodor Mee Mrs. Hemming, Mis. Hiram Calvin, Walkerton on 'duel ringing Lap rr ---------- gx ortane, Ca Nash, Mrs. + Lanny Mills, Mrs. Bux- | Miss Gildersleevs, Mise Macaulay, Miss | maid with her, and wili begin pacio« Pare gum camphor, moth. camphor, Alu ® ss Carmichael, of 'New |Helen Fraser, Miss Maud Bet(s, Miss 'gs soon as possible, She does not red codar and eamphor . at Chown's the officers command ments in this district have signed a' a practice prescribed > perform ann 1 to go wi practice, composition of the}, AL Ns the 'opening of a the ASC nd pow] nie sro Ty anding regi: a kes be Garments Fashionable, but nof eommon--exclusive in everything but price. ents at half the "price a $5, $6. VOILES-$7.50, 88.75, 89, £10. Raincoats Style, fit and finish of the very highest, all 'shades and shapes, large Suits ety, $6.50 to $18 each. Shirt Waist Suits, Mohair Suits, plain and fancy, Silk Shirt Waist Suits, plain and faney, Prices, $2.50 to $30. Covert Coats WHITE BROUCADES, CHECKS, SPOTS, ETC.~20e., 25¢., 30c., 33c. yard. SPOT VOILES AND ORCANDIES--Ia havy, white, brown, black, fawn, very fine sheer qualities, at 5c. yard, FANCY NMULLS--Small floral effects, 15¢., 20c., 25c., 0c. FLAKE SUTTINGS-Very stylish for shirt waist suits, 12}e,, 15c., 20c., 25c., 4 Ee Stockings The. namie WALDRON stamped on & Stocking: is a guarantes of quality, color and wear 1 V 8 pais for 81. yard, ' 4 pairs for $1. 2 pairs for '$1. 3 pairs for su Pleasure SATEEN-98¢., MOREEN-$1.10 to $3, Are it, especially in fawn, 2310 25 inches. $9.50, $8.75, 9.50, £10, £10.75, Cloth Suits, "We have some special 'Underskirts Black ind colors i-- $1, $1.25 $1.50, $1.75, #2. SILE=35.50 to £1075. Show i ALDRON, Cor. Brock ¢ & Ready -to-Wear There being only one (in a very few cases two) of a pattern, you are assured of individuality in anything you purchase hdre. Byyal to custom-tailored garm: skirts TWEEDS--$2.75, $3.50, $1, $4.50, 85, $5.50, $6, 86.50. LUSTRES-$3.75, $1, $4.50, $5, %. BROADCLOTHS--$4, $5, $6, $6.50, $7. HOMESPUNS--$2.50, 83; $3.50, 81, Summer Baits in lawn and linen, values, Special dilention is drawn to the single yard can be fully relied upon :- supple weight wns a ne CHIFFON BROADCLOTHS--Light other makes, Boe., The, 90. 81, ENGLISH LUSTRES AND MOHAIRS Fine Ale, ig TATRA oven a " oe, a, 3c, 40. + ey ie PANAMA CLOTHS Heavy and fv waves, Se MESRIETTAS AND MERINOS--Bough in Franes, colors pect; Be, Ge. ws, The. wn, £1.25 yard, 96c., 90c., 81, $1.25, VENETIANS Endless for wea $1.25, $1.50, $1.15, 82, $2.60, lent Appagtance. 56 inches. Wide, Schley BLACK JAPANESE SILKS--For shit waists and hin walst suits, full 27 : inches, wide, bost French dye, at 80c., Bc. T0c., : BLACK MUSLIN, FANCY STRIPES, SPOTS, VOILES, onaawotes ap EOLTENNES, : Floor Rugs& Carpet Squares Sd i i The appearance and Wear in one of these Rugs gtr No waste, 'handsome seams, beautiful color sortments, sizes 123 x2 dads ap do 4xb yards, in' Wools Rapeviey, Balmoral, Jasny, Velvet, up to £0 each " Lace Curtains Movélty des lar, variet in Brossals, 'Kw 3 prices 50. 10 of pair, ne y Not inghiams lo Feild and plain ed , he. Abe, or Te rang of ww peters, 15, ee, 0il Cloths, Br Be New Allover Laces, latest 7 ik., 75, $1, 81,35, $1.00, NEW EDGINGS, in

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