Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1905, p. 4

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fe: £ Ti £ i Fi experiment, and eyen Lord Kelvin con: the transmission of power to Torus a dream. There had been absolutely 1. hing to guide the gov- : thoy took.a blank sheet wrote the Niagara con: was tentative, and after experience to 'government to on "the bonds cumstances that had operatpd against the male of them, 'The Japanese | jf be had than those obtained. Indirect { securities of the Temiskawing railway | "points, as a direct pr From {not caloulated the interest én: the bonds aright, and he counselled the {government againit any misrepresen- | tation of the provincial finances. It J might be pleasing, from a party standpoint, to reflect upon the work of the liberal government, but it was a serious matler to reflect upon On. tario's credit. The force of this re mark would be apparent later on. ~ Fulfilligg A Promise. Ti is charged agahst the Ross gov- t that it promised the Ottawa University in 1004, after the fire, a of $10,000, de rebuilding, not pay it over. Mr, Harcourt the necessary explanation, place him until after 1 : of ecansequences. The sincerity 'of the governmert is 47 | being demonstrated by bts perforin, Thus evidence is being supplied that the govérnment may have had good intentions, but they have been over- ruled. The. eense department will be run on party lines, and on no other lines. Mr. Whitney and Mr. Hanna may propose changes, but the local executive will dispose of them, and an authority on the subject: declares that this is according to the eternal fitness of things, "The responsibility by the present mode of appointment virtually they improve it. It wasPrits on the coal: leaders," we are told. "The government does little more than register the decrees of the local men." ' = ' Notice is thereby given to the gov- ernment to keep hands off. In future | it will hesitate about acting upon public appointments. The bosses are not in the government and they are not willing to abdicate their func tions, Bound Te Blinder. The _ fire, and 'light committee has had the case of Dr. Bell before it, and it has divided in opinion and will be divided in its report to the council. So once more the issue will come up for public discussion, and with the all too evident effect of advertising the transaction as one of the smallest on record, A petty political incident the resentment * of an epithet which wait seemingly earned by one of the candidates for office--was the origin he effort of some parish politicians 'get vid of Veterinary Bell. He had given no offence. He did nap inspire the vindication which one in his busi: ness sought at, his expense. He knew nothing ahout the conspiracy to dis- eylast commeil meeting, and then, thou under ¢on- tract for the year, (his engagement running, as he understood it, from January to December), he debated 'what he should do. He is a man of peace, and so he decided to retire from the city's service when it paid him his account to date. When the council pushes him out of office it is obliged to pay him the amount of his actount, without regard to the former agreement, for if does not apply under the circumstances. The fire committee will be out by the proceeding, but it is the legitimale result of gross mis- management. Tt will be well if this experience has its advantages in edu: cating the committee into the doing of public business on business prin- ciples, i rm ees--. Editorial Notes. The Retail Grocers" Association, in T to, have req that travel ling salesoon be withdrawn, It is a movement that affects scores of men in Ontario. The smoke nuisance is especially disturbing to those who undertake to paint up their houses. The smoke affects the fresh paint and mars or diseolours it. -- So Sir Charles Tupper has received the pope's blessing for his defence of soparate schools in 1906. What offect will this have on the conservative demagogues in Ottawa ? The Strect Railway Co., Toronto, has been declared by the court to be. liable for negligence as to the condi- tion of the track and operation of the cars. The decision will not affect Kingston at the present. time. ~ Coal is now selling at the mines at: the lowest prices. With each month during the summer the price to the x in Kingston ws, however, the price is the same the year agound. The Mail repeats Mr. Hanna's hobo lk about the liquor business being vondueted "irrespective of party lean: ings." Ju no case, it adds, must the consideration." siderably helow that of Quebec." Fat the residence of Mr. Brockville, Indianapolis i "influenced" by 'poli | i Ef i Ap i Ege Kave but a faint conception to look after and feed them, 52 thers 'how i are oreated, and the children die. 1 find 'hy reference to the vital statis- tics that the maximum birth rate of Ontario was reached about fourteen years ago. Since then it has touched the minimom, but just at present there id a slight upward tendency. The rate is now about twenty-twe per thousand of population. This is con- THE WOODEN WEDDING Of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Allen Celebrated at . Gananoque. ue, April 14.--A pleasing tomk place Thursday evening and Mrs, Clarke Allen, Main street, Gananoque, on the occasion of their fifth wedding anniversary. The spacious parlors were filled with guests hy nine o'clock. Several 'from Kingston were t to assist in the celebration. Foe numerous predents in wood given with congratulations to the host and hostess were earefully distributed in' the sitting-room and while on view resembled very much an exhibit of a woodworking manufactory. There were articles of all descriptions, ran- gibg from a salad fork to a filing cabinet, while here and there were ar- ranged rockers, tables, pictures, clock and sundry andise, including presents fram Kingston, Peterboro, and New York: The evening was whiled away by progressive eachre and after the four wooden prizes had been presented to those entitled to them, a musical hour was taken up hy Miss Etta Dennison, accompanist, John Cousins, tone, and Mies Stevie Moxley, elo- cutionist, all of Kingston, assisted by Gananoque guests. QGorgeously arranged were the pink decorations and with électric and candle light offiect wade the dining- roomy from wall to wall look a work of wrt. Refreshments over, then hu- morous recitations and more music until train time for the Kingston por- tion of the crowd brought to a close the happy. event long to be remember. ed. Among the outside guests were Mrs. R. W. Allen, Misees Moxley and Makine and Messrs, Consing, McOul- W. J. Dennison and sister, Etta, Portsmouth, | -- . FORMED BOARD OF TRADE. Napanee Business Men to Boom the Town. Napanee, April 15--A representhtive meeting of business men was held in the town hall, to take steps to organ- ize a Board of Trade. J. C. Hardy was chosen chairman, and explained the object of the gathering. After dis- cussing the matter, all present favored a Board of Trade being established. Every merchant was eanvassed for the membership fee of $1, which was readily BS The matter of a ferry across Hay Bay was another ques- tion discussed, and this matter will be looked into at once. The following ol were elected :» President, J. W. Robinson; first vice-president, J. I. Boyes; second vice-president, J. IL. Madill; third * vice-president, F. E. VanLuven; sec y-treasurer, W. T. Waller. Wednesday tation was sent to Hay Bay to look over the situation and report as toa ferry. The pr route, from No. 1 road, ackoss Herbert Winters, a pupil at the Col: legiate Institute, his right and sheaised the left in the gym. F. F. Miller has purchased 28 g : 3 nuglly because of the fact that their | friend result intestinal 'or other disor: J'wévs recommend them missioners when they meet next coming a ours, lough and Kane, all of Kingston, and | of | afternoon a depn- . "| paralysis. These are some of «| ized with the first sy ol # - Si HE £ ii tt i i ha £2 et fi i £ ! 5 severe nature. At different times I was treated by no less than seven 'doctors, but from none of them did I get more than temporary relief. As time went on I became hopeless of ever being well again. Last spring a drew my attention to Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills and 1 decided to try this medicine. I had only taken four boxes when I found a decided im- provement -in my condition, and I continued nsing the pills until I had taken a dozew boxes when 1 was a cured man and . the sufferings 1 had formerly * endured were but a dis agreeable memory. I admit -being an enthusiatic admirer of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but I think I have just cause for mv enthusiasm and will al to my ailing friends." Just as surely as Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills cured. Mr. McKinnon they can oureé anaemia, indigestion. headaches, backaches, kidney trouble, rheuma- tism, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, Dervousness, general weakness and the special ailments of growing weirls and womeh, All these ailments come from bad blood, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can cure them by filling the veins with new, rich, red blood. But vou must be sure to have the penu- ine pills with the fll name 'Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People on the wranper around every box, Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. POLICE COMMITTEE Asked to Ronde. Ottawa, April 15.--~The police Tues- day will be asked to dismiss Chief of Police de la Ronde. The formal com- plaint will' be presented by Mr. Ram- age, a local newspaper man, and it will allege the "use of language unbe- ublic official." Mr. Ramage explains that his complaint will on the admitted use by the chief 3 the word "cur" in an 'interview as Dismiss | Chief De 1a com- | be |) yy every man interested in at a moderate half elsewhere, with them. LISH HAT, New Hosiery ice will: want to see. The pattefns' are of such choice and carefully selected designs that particular men will admire them, The shirts are remarkable, because they cag, I compared favorably with those costing a dollar-andy. - No other Dollar Shirts are in Here's a collection of One Dollar Shirts smart, . good-looking shirts ! | the same class The making is of the highest character and shows all the nice details of good workmanship. HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S GLOVES, See Our Special $1 Silk-lined Glove, 'Sole Agents for the CELEBRATED BARRINGTON Eng. New Neckwear New (aps | THE H. D. t, Clothiers and Haberdashers; Oak Hall. BIBBY CO. 90@rrrvane 00 pplied to himself. Mr. Ramage says |e). that when the chief was asked by a reporter what he had to say in reply to his (Ramage's letter in' the Journ: al, 'he replied that he was too busy looking after the dogs to talk about Prevent Taking) Cold. When you come home' shivering and cold, feet wet, a tickd@ in your throat --take a stiff dose of Nerviline in hot water. Rub Nerviline over throat and chest as well. This prevents a chill amd checks the cold instantly. Just as safe with Nerviline ag with the doctor, so keep it handy. For nearly fifty years Nerviline has been universally sold in large 2c. bottles, Mrs. Mary -M. Linn, widow of the late Alex. Linn, died lately in Toroi- to. The Trusts and Guarantee com pany (limited), which is administrator of the A. Linn estate, has been ap- pointed in the same capacity for Mrs. Lion's estate. Best lawn grass seed to be had, 20c. lb. at Chown's drug store. Mrs. Pauline Baring, New York, is to marry Baron de Noirfontaine in Paris. When Nerves Play Out Miad As We!l As Body Is In Danger-- Help Found In Dr. Chase's Nerve Food st. 3 Suicide, falling sickness, the 1c insanity, sults of worn-out nerves. The vitality of the body ecannst stand the strain, and, overcome by worry, failing health, anemia, wien strual derangements, overwork or ex- hausting disease, mind and body have been wrecked.! : No one would neglect a diseast so dreadful in its results as nervous ex- haustion if the danger were only real. toms. ; The time to begin the restoration the nerves by the use of Dr. Shustts Nerve Food is when you find yourself . unable to sleep at nights, suffering i=» Yeadaches ar neuralgio paigs, indiges don or weak heart act- ion. LW Lots of flesh and weight, growing weakness and debility. a tendency to neglect the daties of the day, gloomy forebodings for the futare, ave other irdications of depleted nerves. You cannot liken Dr. Chass Nerve Food to. any medicine you ever ised. It is a nerve vitalizer and tissue builder of exceptional power. Naturally fo it #ckindle' fife in the nerve cells and forms new red corpuscles in ihe blood--the only -Fway to thoroughly cure nervous dis- tat all dealers, or Fdmanson, Pates &° or ke % Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 ecnts, Co, Toronto. Portrait and signature 00000 ere) EE for itself in the realm of art. oe 00000 ee American lastes and ideas. of trimmings and accessories, Easter Bunday. Most beautiful of all is the Millinery. season has advanced to a loftier plane, set a higher niche Parisian iuspiration is of course Seen in most of the models ; but in execution American influence is frequently apparent, minor details being #ltered to be more in line with At no former time has the store preseated quite co at- tractive appearance as jurt now. Elegance and excellerce, quantity and quality, newness and novelty, awaken interest and command attention at every turn. Millinéty {his 5 0 0. a Easter is almost here. We've beautiful hats by the score to show you ; also Unirimmed Hats, with the choicest Just sufficient time for care- ful inspection and delivery before the dale established by custom for the first public appearance of: the spring modes-- ol CORO ERERREDIEIED | e---- ENGLAND JOINS AMERICA. Government Welcomes Invitation of the President. London, April 15-In the House of Lords; Lord Ready (liberal), asked if President 'Roosevelt's invitation, to the powers to send represemtatives to a second pence conference would be acceptefl and ¥ o'er the question of contraband of war would he brought before the conference, ' oreign Secretary Lansdowne said the invitation Mad been accepted with out hesitation. The government had placed itself in President Roosevelt's hands with a reservation merelv as to the subjects which might be submitted to the conference. All the ther pow- ers had ted the invitation with equal cordinlity, and with the same reservations, - os "gh When elaning your bedrooms. * try Alaba: tine f° your walls, Tt is easily prepared by ast mixing « with cold water and will not ruff of, All colors 10 be head at 'Lemmon & Lawrenison, 353 King street. em Mery Cunvingham,. piano tuner Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous re author; from Chickering, Orders received at MeAuley's 'book store, Princess street. SPENCE'S, QOO0O0C 0000 The Leading Millinery and Maantic Store. FOODS THAT SATISFY AND MAKZ THE BERT GLAD Finpst Creamery Butter, per Ib. Farmers' Prints dod Rolls ....- Choice Cooking Butter Fine: Dry Potatoes, per bag . Cooked Meats, Smoked Meats, ef 10 fs. Gold Dust Cornmeal . 6 bs. Choice Dried Apples Tapioca or Rice, 6 Tha. - Benson's No. 1 ""Cotn Starch, 3 PRES. cine sragarss seine aes Starch,"s pkgs. : Stare rices Saturdaf Moran re dom and Peas, 1 each » Japan aml Ceylon Teas, black of green, excellent values at 256, 30e., 35c., and 40c. Our 30¢. Covion Blend is a leader Java and Mocha Coffees, Tesh roasted and ground. « LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER. only} Gr "Pance 4 F. W. VANLUVEN: 246 Princ Gas And Electric Bi, i . and electric hills oy 20th, and save the discoms fore the 20 By order of the will be collected committe full rated alter that date. fo those who have not heard of this it (He has japtoms, durstion of sickness and age. - rot 1S pe-ru-na Cures SE 3 ci WOMEN WHO SUFFER ten to What Dr, Hartman Pro- poses to Do for You Without Charge. Doubtless hundreds of thousands of bmén all over the United States have en Dr, Hartman's offer in the papers-- he has undertaken to treat every®™ suffering with any form of disease who will write to him, of charge. be sald that Dr, Hartman is a phy- plan and surgeon of great renown in odi circles, especially in the treat- at of those diseases which women have to bear. to answer all letters are sent fo him from women ed with any form of female weak- free of charge, giving the benefit knowledge which has cost him forty to accumulate. he medicines he prescribes are with- the reach of any woman, and she can t them at any drug store. she is required to do is to send her me and address, together with her Dz, 8. B. Hartman, President samba RC. | Ww Wood's Phoerhodine, 2 The Great English Remedy. " tive Bois Pont Weakness: Manet unt AXD Arrsa Brain ly Sper oer, It h of Abuse or It all of which lead to Consumption, since C I please, aix iil the old 5 Toy roa raeperen gr raloh ls ple | dea: ood Medicine Co.. . n | cons Ford Col most od w on fell ight mio Lis trot third | Line | wnt Auvttioneer Jack n hi El rm ould resi weld hat! tri) alm Col. LE OF TOLL GATES Kingston and Bath Road E UNDERSIGNED WILL Public uction on the re, Kingston, on TURDAY, April 22nd Ail A.M. Tolls receivable at the Gates on one year from May 1st archa: will be required to sable during the winter w SELL Market myst find two re > join with them ir e the mates. 1905 WM. MURRAY, "A sing mixes Fir ford' Th ville Mr Shey vi fn a ---- BN ands, | he Polish that wof [AL, ETS. y © the Whig by por Hartshorne jers New York James Street FOOKS, April 135th 11.80 nited Power | of the Woods AY. Companies, (od entide Pulp, phi. Phlied by w. p & Co. 18 t Stress. ye 0., April 15th. Voen, Close ison ai lL. Copper ary & Ohio . ¥n Rapid 5 a 70 \ dian Pacite Tran), i \ s Contra) ~ : Nashville fig York Central ¥ivania sland tg Paul ir City L Pacific Steel } + 116 4 ar « 48)

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