Award 8t. Louis, 90s, 04 Smartest est of Rain Coats are the P codts. Sun shines, they're pring overcoats. When , they're the one protects from neck to ling to slip on' these | dampproof. big, broad shoulders-- ght, easy, comfortable. effects --$)5 to $25. / Xeform| Swift's Scranton Coal FIVE SIZES "To Fit Any Stove Or Furnace. 0000000000 Telephone 135. asa "Pick-me.yy ¢ } 000000000 TEMPLE DIM00 JAMES SWIFT & G0. § n LE THE FRONTENAC -- | LOANS INVESTMENT SOCIETY. hin (ESTABLISHED 1863.) the | President--Sir Richard Caxtwright %0 | plovas loaged City and Farm Properties. unicipal "and Cows res. ou nos Deposits received bo Interest allowed intiv | 5 ©. McGILL, Managing Directot. ther | Office, 97 Clarence Street, Kingshdhi sky, | err-------- 1 hn SPLIT, BRITTLE, DULL HAR. old efor { All Come From Dandruff, Waithis | lend Caused by a Germ. Sal-4 Split hair, hard hair, lusterless hat, only brittle hair, falling hair, all owe their lern- J origin to dandruti, which i caused 3 heen | bY & measly little mickohe that hi: 3 pali-{Tows into the scalp, throwing wt and jouticle into dandruff jeales and sap cial: [Ping the vitality of the hair at the of 4root, cansing the several "diseased ton cact- J ditions of the hair till it finally falls Gerd ot. Modern science has discovered hop- remedy to destroy the dandraft wi a of jerobe. which is combined in Newhro's dhe" Herpicide, the delightinl hair dress the} 18: Allays itching instantly & unos. J makes Bair soft as silk, Take nos y of hie, nothing "just as god ad 4 tane- J0¥ leading dpiggisty, Send fe. J ! all stamps for fample to The Herpivide Cov, Detroit. Mich. G. W. Mahood special agent. Shooting At The Heavens: meee | The savage tribes of Central Afned Jare desperately afraid of thunder storms. Unfortunately for their pes J of mind, very terrible cleetric r sometimes their comntries. The hravest of od with hows and arcys. savagely at the heavens, casiomally rewarded for theif ! by having the Fichtning attrac killed on the spot. ma ------ gta : Tia -m i. [say about another } Be gets a chance {o say it arty, : about 'her, Gossip is what one woman tries he before the OWE natives the e i body am natives then go forth in ho and are oF ted bY 1 their arrows, Thev are, of course; § ; al Or 1 take place 3 Read This Advt, JUST A MINUTE » We would like to sell' you SPRING SUIT, even if you never a ready-to-wear garment "before, A Few Reasons 'Why You Should: A garment, should not only fd your re, it should alse fit your person- ality. : ~ When you go to a custom-tailor you choose cloth from the'bolt and guess what it will look like on you when made up. You might as well select a hat from a roll of felt; you could as easily pre-judge the effect. your wore ud When you come to us you can try on the actual garment; you can see if it suits your individual preference; you can ses if the pattern meets your ideas of good taste, if it helps your ap- pearance or not. . Now, the theory does not convince Jike the practical test: | Come in and Jot us show you what we can do. The advance made in-thi¢ last year (not in price) in the cut, fit and fin- ish, is marvellous, E. P. Jenkins Clothing Company "Male Attire Specialisis." - WANTED. ee ae A a WORK BY THE DAY, BY A WOMAN Apoly at this office. PRESS ROOM. STRONG BOY, FOR Apply at the . Whig eee ere er N EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- véint. Apply to Mrs. R. be so stuck up. things shé says. Americar, 9 pan. because the men run after her " a Kruger sees Queen of Holland, 1900. TUMBLERS! ROBERTSON BROS.. i Waddell, | stone shop buildings and the wharf in 176 King St. the rear, thereof fronting on the dasterly DAILY MEMORANDA, ' Horticultural Society, 8 Jewish Passover, to-morrow. Sports Committee, Victorig an Light Plant Committee, 4 pw. Tues, ay. Day, § If it weren't for pins women wouldu't A woman seldoin means the mean Banguet , to C. D. McFarlane. Britfsh- The sun rises Tuesday at 514 am. nd sets at 6.46 p.m. . Is a pretty girl like a streot car just This day in history "~Kandahar evacu- tod, 1881 ; Relief of . Chitral, 1895; Lots of Them AUGTION SALE. THOSE TWO LARGE ATTACHED Is Said To Be In Kamerahn VARIOUS RUMORS Special to the German Lloyd steamship, : rich, veports that she sighted eighteen vessels of the Russian Balffe squadron lagt. The steamer did not wight any ¢ 0zeh Japanese warships. The seven Dutdl ' : i now at Rhio, will return cruisers, ! Batavia. to-day. Kamerahn Bay is in Cochin Chi here, that little, if anything, can be inferred from the report made by the seen warships in Kamerahn Bay. Itis pointed out that -- side- of Ontario St. between Princess and | docked harbor, AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID, | Queen Streets and adjoining the north eraln Bay is" in landock bor one used Lo. parlor work, wages $8 | boundary of the N. ©. Polson: Medicinal }- mmm" per month. Apply, Mrs E. F. Osler, | Works, 'will be sold by William Murray, dp 66 Barrie St. Auctiopeer. vn SATURDAY the twenty- pai - = = | second day of pril instant, at twelve - + HOUSEKEEPER MIDDLE AGED | 2 clock noon at his auction room, | "DEATH OR VICTORY woman preferred. Apply, . stating | Market Square subject to one reserve bid, |g -- wages expected, 10 box 21, Whig |2apd to the usual conditions of the courts. | Paris, 'April 17.~Gaston office. References required : Both railroads adioin this property mak- |= a -- : #! ing it convenient for manufacturing and | % Dru telegraphs fram st. pr a # storage purposes. Terms : 10 per cent | go e Echo de TO BUY A STEAMBOAT, FOR| gown at time pf sale the balance within | # Petarshrg re 1 Rojest- ~ freight and mger service, light | two weeks thereafter without interest. Paris thal Ta. ¥ Passo drait, not wider than 18 ft., with de- | promptly. " ; i ; CHIR. i driiral seeks victor #7 PER DAY, BEVERY DAY, FOR Direct . imports from SHEF- eat ? a year, is good pay. It is' being FIELD, the home of the made with our goods. Household world's best cutlers. Many = caus CEE TATATE ities; every family needs them handsome designs in cases; SST LTIPTEIETETS fie i Eh ont." 8 rn 4 Co. others not so elaborate at less - - . : - -- -- money. We rare particular that. could accommodate fifty vessels. AGENTS--PERMANENT POSITION # that all our' Carving Setts|1f Admiral Roiestvensky's fleet is coal- to sell Canade and World Map: are good. ing in Kamerahn Bay, as some of the Size 86X48 inches ; two maps in one: SETTS Jb: he purchaser to take over the tenant of w vensky's last telegram. be- tails. "Address, J. A. Savignac, §6| he wharf until May 1st; 1906. If de- i i Fi and 58 Albert St., Ottawa. red 60 por cent of the purchase ONLY - fore leaving Rosai Be a may remain on mortage, at 5 per cent. | '$ singularly aconic a A SMART BOY, 14 OR 15 YEARS For further information _atply to 4 eloquent. He wires : "1 old, to act as assistant in Lal - 3 xB. i i tory. Apply, to Dr. W. 7. Connell, Solicitor for the Vendor. | Will ~ not telegraph again at Medical College, between 9 dm April. 18th, 1905, 4 before the battle. am snd 12 noon or 2 and 5 p.m, -- | & beaten you will lata it "I through Togo. Ii I defeat GENTLEMEN, TO = GEI. THEIR ENGLISH ¥ Hhrough i aonounceitite: J Suits made up at Galloway's, x Ir at HEL: CARVING 3 your 3. Dru adds the mon 3 a » Ta * ne * <% * 2? fsentativ ) kK making piel oe LS "iE | SMITH BROS., "2 BERS ane Ey rm nA Nv 350 KING STREET. To-L5] The Highest Grade of DWELLINGS, Ss ES, 'FICES and cto tan Real Footwear Estate Agency, 51 Brock St. B se To be Had in "Canada" | Hong Kang, says that a small naval HOUSE, NO. 247 BROCK STREET, engagement, between Russians and hot water heating and all modern im- was the.expression of a gentleman who | 4 pse reported. No de 3 are Drovementa ; possession May 1st. AD-| knows Cesadian trade "in regard to our Japanese, is reported. vy ry street. 4 Shoes." given: : - - The British steamer, Lincolnshire, THE DESIRABLE RBSIDENCE, 84 66 1 1c ?? sorts t ussian torpedo. boat "Marlo SE bowmnte Oty Fuk, toe | WW @@T €H)'S 7? |rrotie thet o Ruins 1 i one session May 1st. Apply t6 Miss ras C JRE Flanagan, 82 Barrie St Military Bootmakers, Kong, looking for four steamers' with v ~ " we colliers hamtabtmpp tare 84 Brock St. cargoes of Cardiff coal, These collier FIRE aE UEAEnS Or SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. |mwived here on Saturday, and their tion and well appointed. FOr partic: | = s-------- trewe Yeluse to proceed further with plars, apply to J. P. Forrest, Gents' » ? out them Furnisher, King Street.' WHAT S THE USE { a 8 What is the use .of Buying old wall ie FROM 1ST JUN FOR THREE | paper, when you can. got up-to-date 40 Ships Steam North. months or longer. Furnished house. | goods for less money ? 1 r befor. Paris, April 17.--A despatch to the eleven rooms ; modern conveniences ; | there been shown such a beautiful d P J 1. from Hayphong Ton . tentral location. Apply by letter, to selected line. The varie ¢ elit J ourna ' bl re b P.O. Box 32, Kingston of designs and ¢olorings very | quin, says that a coaster, Whic hha -- rte » and will satisfy the most ex-} Soiled (here, reports that she passed THA SITUATED Prices - are right. Quality the forty Russian ve 3, on Friday night I' BRICK DWELLING 9 Brock No. St. 11 he t will pay vou to see my samples At 4 Tha va Roomy Bath. and Baer a before buying elsewhere. What 4s the lin latilude seventeen, north. The ves a medical student here, vivisected a ing. hot 'Ww hi : "Apply. C,| use of 'turning your nduse upside down. | gels were sicaming north at the rete . * : Livin no wales opting. st ppiYe and then going to look for a painter, and + : knots. with their light out oat and wrote the details to his - Rulon re. : have to wait a moath before you gel of twelve knols, with th " f cweetheart in: Craie. Mo. The girl 4 > select your 'aper. 1 H Ww MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, 114]0ne? Cote anc HB user and. its ali 4 i telegraphed him brepking their en Swart St. 1a roous." hardwood | (50S Ly Gr two Nt Ceviss OF Bombay, Rett ii | Soknt. and BY She sev mail: , . onh ong, Ap '. » Tet t 'ngagemen ring anc © ho Fossesion BmedIACLY vied H. WILKINS, Painter and Paper-hanger, steamer North Anglia reports that, | tore. She she could never marry dell. Cor. Jobaston and Frontenac Sts. late on Friday, she sighted a strong a man wi as 80 cruel to animals ' fleet, of cruisers, twenty miles off Bow | Brown this afterfioon attempted sui toNFoNTANLE ar ii AnH TAKE NOTICE bay geel, steering gouth. The vessels | cide by taking a dose of cocaine. He om shore of Bas of Quinte, 24 miles| DON'T SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR. | used their searchlighits for forty min: | og jiseovered and waved. west of Collins Bay. Good stable | niture, Sarpais, Gents totes ad utes. The North Anglia is unable to ---- . accom jon. & laily, to | Boots to e firs uy SRY 5 ; wero i < or aadation Bae Arse Frame | slog. Try me, sod you will find the kay whethet ws i ussish or Fine Station Burned! Sovtage. Address, H, C. Rothwell, | differonce. Japanese. prAYAI : 8 Special to the Whig. - oo» Collins Bay Ont. = J._ TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, | poris the presence of Ruskian vesscls Deter. Mich. 17.-<The Grand Trunk THAT DESIRABLE PFOPERTY AT the Corner of Queer and Ontario Street, latel by Mr. Hen- | wen as oeery, FA ares yor Ye. W. Cc. A. ut! Ags. Te. . chived" AR rehase. Apoiy . to | [Keep your cast-off clothing Walkers & Walkem, solicitors, King- . ston. for our T" vasa LOTS, 18, 14 AND 16 PEMBROKE Avenue : sewer and water on street. Apply J. Bawden, 38 Clarence St. LADIES' SECOND-HAND Cleveland make, = in ® oi Price, $15. Apply, 184 Barrie St tn cease BICYCLE, ood eT. 398 Princess Street. Rummage Sale, May 13th When wanting Photos taken or dupli- cates of old pegutives call at ~~ Armstrong's Studio, 334 King St. fy a DON'T FORGET BALTIC FLEET Bay. AS ' TO WHEREABOUTS ' OF SHIPS FLYING ROUND. Rojéstvensky Must Have Changed Course--Suiall Naval Engage- ment Reported--Twenty Cruis- ers Of Bombay Reef--Russian Fleet Steaming Northg Singapore, A © 17.~The North Prinz Hein: in Kamerahn Bay, at noon, on Friday to about 200 miles north: east of Saigon. Ls Has Changed His Course. London, April 17°24 is considered, captain of the German steamer, Prinz Heinrich, at Singapore, that he had these ight have been colliers and transports, from which - Admiral Rojestvensky had taken what he wanted, and "then proceeded porth with his fighting ships. Kam- tho telegram was accepted as meaning that the Rus- SEP EEERR EF EEFT VEER critics helieve, there seems little pro bability of an engagement for some dave. It is evident, also that the ad- miral has not continued the course on which he was sailing on April 11th, otherwise he would have been now 350 miles north of Hong Kong, m stead of 600 miles south of that pert A despatch to the Daily Mail, from in Tourane Bay. Captured Colliers. Saigor cently captured a large number of col liers off the coast of Cochin China, Just As Promised. St. Petersburg, April 17.--The new have pat out statements, made a week ago, the effect that probably would seek shelter off tha part of the Cochin China coast an Eo 3 : % fe slsarking on the toms office for over a. quyrier of a bail Yar be - NG LT Open Ai dav Guoy Fridey Fob pr oy "Xo. definite ual sentry, and upon being suneranntuat plofossorship at Uxiord. Apply 49 Colhorne street BUSINESS CHANCES. formation is obtainable as to the od Inst = whl i teied birthday 'Vas Fouad Bi » 3 » 8 »V mg Way s . SATLIN ie {LADIES "AND GENTLEMEN . YOU | length of the squadron's stay at |-honors by ead SAL G YACHT "GEISHA: 20 LAVIES, ian Peas a 1.000 copying at] Kamerchn Bay "or whether the war me Special 1p the Whi . . NM te nan Cn gondition, new howe spare time. No cauvassing or | go 0 4 Co lleady wailed. Among | Hamilton Firm Orders Stmamer. Sandwich, Ont, April 17.~Miles A ba at - For muiling. Brerything furnished. Par. Ape fy 1d } at : Edgeworth, a laborer, was found dead Lo rine apply, tof. C. C. |. . mulling. CY own Supply Co. | naval wen the idea that Admiral | London, April 17.0t is understood deep 20 C0 otal, yester- nn of Montreal. Kingston. 02 Westminster St., Prov, R. I Rojestvenshy has divided bis squadron | that the Caledon Shipbuilding com- Nw orBInE He came 10 the tel on an - == | iz not entertained. i : pany, of Dundee, has received an "or | 0 0 viouy night. The cause of death STRAYED OR STOLEN. FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. No eonfirmation has been received | der from a Hamilton, Ont., frm for p ght. he ONE BLA AND TAN OOLLIE toh, with long feet © ans he liberally Harrowsmith,, Box %. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. IN BEST LOCALITY, FURNISHED or hoasa of eleven terme. cofivinientes. Liberal leaving town. Apply, College. Appl the College es' y. to adi Bafrie St. es, and can His health began to fail beiore THE CHARTER OF THE KINGSTOR very #ll with a romplication of dieeas- there «re no hopes that he live more than a month or so, the north of the Natuna Islands. mc Togo Well-Ipformed. "KINGSTON, ON April 17.~The Japanese re- that vessels of the Russian squadron -- into Kamerabn Bay, bears to Admiral Rojestvensky there coal and make his final prépava. bere of the reported naval enzyagement moterdents Ly his bouts, which are tion 'Culled From All le World. ira state of incipi- and Queen Alexandra ral will epend Vie Bonito. demic of block death ada, five w twelve hthood in the Legi- E Been conferred upon Patti of Vladivostok are 1 ivations, The cruis- ors > fl Rossia ure kept in to leave port. tions it is understood are progressing. |g. $0 ton, which was Reinforcements, food and jamwunition | oid auction for 85,150, the price are being brought up from New: paid Wy the: Mary of Scots let- chwang." The Japanese outpos OX- | tor ia the highest ever rod tend thirty miles on either side of the England. The queen's letter bore no railroad. sighature, else 4 the price might have . Army headquarters reports the oe | heen doubled. * : The Philadaiph jo» | cupation of Yingcheng, thiry it There in no question, however, of whe is be ev have succeed in os miles north of Hong Kong, and: of | the guthenticity of = the letter, which faping to IR 8 31.0 99.000 of the Packiatsn, on the Hailung road, bY |. vers fourteen pages. The price paid Woman is declared to ns of the syndicats, of defrauding its cus- ions of dollars, towers out Insane at the death of his wife, ody lay in the house awniting Richard J. Huater, Toronto, "comlitted suicide with a razor. : M. Wi hg discovraged over h he is being in. gill resign, and go Retail Merchants' Association of Ca- nada will pay Ottawa a visit this summer, Frank A. Magowan, some time may- or of Trenton, NJ, a financial power and political boss, and organizer of a rubber trust, is dying from want aug exposure If authority is obtained from Mont real, to open the streets, the Bell Telephone company will put down three miles of eonduits in the busi- ness districts, Col, McLean has been elected ward en of the counties of Northumberland and Durhé on the fortvithird bal lot. Port » 1% elated over the re sult of the keen contest, The « hae decided that the mo ment is inopportune for church reforms in Russin, He promises 14 hold a can oneal discussion of ecelesiastical dis cassions a= soon as possible, Andrew Holland, of Holland Bros, official reporters of the senate debates, Ottawe, will issue a writ for $50,000 against a New York insurance and restaurant company which he was responsible for serious bot juries he sustained a few by falling down an elevator New York. S8VS wee shaft in ENGAGEMENT BROKEN. Would Wot Marry Man Who Dis- sected A Cat. Omaha, April 17.--George F. Brown station at Durand, the second finest railrond was alm fire this n fimished a cost « orpletely destroved by ming, The building wa f 000. Tt contained thr Port Huron s | und records were lost. The Late Oharles Taylor. Whitby, Ont. Apeil Taylor, aged sixty-five, died Sunday from paralysis. He wits formerly edit or of the Gazette and later in the cus 1 od the construction of a 8.000-ton stean great lakes. ed, owing to the approach of the Ha tie fleet. Nothi ing the Russidn has vesscla bee general election. ng authentic' concern- heard since April Lith: It in helisved that Admiral Jogo is kept well-in- | city how stands, is dead in Detroit, Mr. Gourley Very Il. Tokio, April 17.~It is tinderstood Disd At Detroit. Halifex, N.8.. April 17.~Seymour | that the transmission of cable de | Special 1o the Whie, Gourley, ex-M.P., for Colchester. is] spatches from Japen will be suspend- Windsor, Ont, April 17. Mex Leon i- n | family, which at ons time owned ih greater part of the land on which thi ONDAY, APRIL 17, 1905 (ASG TT Japanese Force Attacked Special to the going at Bt. Pek | stations building in the state, sixteen months ago at general offices of the division west of Manv- valuable papers 17. Charles er, built specially for the trade of the \ Ouelette, cightv-foir years of age, the! lagt member of the original Goveau! = rae Russians Successfully, ON HAILING ROAD|ZS THEY REPORT ~TWO SATIS FACTORY SKIRMISHES. Report of Cossack Raid Not Cone firmed--Japanese Force Head- ing for Kirin--Drive Villagers Into Russian Lines--Manchur- ian Bandits Go North, } Whig. 4 Tokio, April 17--The following af- pouncement was made from the head- quarters of - the Japanesé armies in Manchuria : 2 "Our foroes, advancing coast along the Hailung road, defeated a bodv of the enemy April ith, near the Heish- ihmw, ten wiles cast of Panshi, und vigorously cha them towards Ta- Shiota twenty-six miles cast of Pan: shi, y "Another foroe, advancing north $4,500 by Auction, from Singking, attacked the endmy il 17.~A letter written holding a position five miles south of Whe oy April X ah, ot hex uncle, Pachazu. . owas sol "There has been no change in the he uflen In {svi supposed wilitary situation." ; an agent bid it in for Js The expected Japanese. turning move- | yf moept isd not. developing, but prepara: two co-operating columns, Rus- wane retired in much confusion. This movement warks the fired decided ad- vance of the Japaness extreme right, which hns hitherto bem much behind the western éolummns. The report made by Gen, Linevitch of a Corsack raid on the railway, near Kai Yuan, is not confirmed, Beyond Russians' Reach. St. Petersburg, April 17T.--A private despatch, from Gunisuling [ Watichutlan "is moving north, bevond the range" of the Russian right. The Japanese are driving the villagers into the Russian lines, caus. ing great confusion." An important engagement is expected in a few days, ------------------ How He Met Her. Stockholm, April 17.<While recently passing in his balloon over the Bal tic sea, M. Adolph Fraenkel, an . en thusiastic peronaut, resident in this citv, wag obliced to descend upon the island of Oeland. He landed in a gor hospitablv welcomed to the festivi ties. and fell in love on the wpot with his host's daughter. The announce ment of his bethrothal to the voung lady has been published. Who Stole Diamonds ? Srecia) to the Whig, Winnipeg, April 17.<A nervy rob- hery, as mysterious as it was daring, was petpetrated at Dingwall's jewellry st nm Saturday afternoon, when a tr of diamonds, valued 'st nearly $3,000, was taken from a show case near the entrance to the store. The disinonds were not missed until the employee went to return them to the safe. The police are entirely in the dark as to. who. committed the theft. Reach Senate In June, Gracia! to the Whig. Windsor, Ont., April 17.~Senator C. ¥. Casgrain, of this city, save Premier Laurier's separate school bill for the new provinces in the North-West will surely pars the House of Commons and, in. all probability, will reach the » some time in June. The senate to certain clauses in the the bill will be sen may object bill, but otherwise passe Passed Through Winnipeg. Special to the Whig. . Winnipeg, Man, April 17.~The Aus tralian cricket team patsed through Winnipeg, yesterdey, on their way east. 'They spent a couple of hours here during which time they were taken around the eity in automobiles and entertained ai luncheon at the , | Commercial Club Visiting In Toronto, Snecigl to the Whi . Torowo, April 17.-<Dr. William Os. ler, arrived in the city, yesterday morning, from Gttawa, and spent the day mx the guest of his brother, E. B, Osler, M.P., leaving this morning for Baltimore, preparatory to sailing for England next month to sesume his has not been determined. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding or protrude ing piles, Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in six to fourteen days, 506, Fear of an Irish demonstration is e | given as the ¢ | the Britich war office ihe conser a. mist, unless 3. Koraakoff is tacking the m y ------ Historidal Document * Fetched works Pout an per word. ary 5th, 1562. Confirmed in His Special to the sour has confirmed Wi H. Godwin in den belonging to a rich merchant, | Special to y who wae that very dav celebrating | Uttawa Apel Ze-dudes O'Veate, is silver wedding. The neronant waw|to-day, decided that while a minor reason for the refusal of to permit the are bitterly Ruesian news of ast $2 A WOED FOR LETTER Except for o_ lotter written by Nel- average of about #2 The letter wan dated Janu- GODWIN WINS Seat as the Mayor, ie. Toronto, Aorl 17.~The divisional seat as of Steelion. Go | it pr I «ol . Godwin Bppealed snd won before Justice MaoMahon, The pe titionery then appealed and have no lost in the divisional court. Godwin's claim was that he had not been found guilty of corrupt practices, and there fore was not disqualified under the act, : fi CAN EFFECT INSURANCE But Cannot Be Held.Liable for a Note. can contract for an insurance polic cannot be held Hable for note given as a premium payment. He also held that the company would be liable for the insurance should the minor die within & year. The action arose from a minor, named Pressland, refusing to meot au premium noté when due, Discouraged With Mistortunes. Ottawa, April 17.~Colonel Hughes, M.B., has received a letter from a iriehd in Wales, who has jucently vis itede Patagonia, suggesting that the Canadian art at should 'make another effort to secure the immigra- tion of the Welsh Patagonian my to the dominion. The Patagonian Welsh are very much discouraged with the misfortunes they bave had to son- tend with, Six Acceptances. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, April 17.-Major Winter. secretary of the DRA. hos so far raceived six acceptances. for the Bis- ley team this year. The latest two are Sergt. W. Pugh, R.C.GA., Que beo. and - Sergv, Phillips, 10th Regi- ment, Toronto. ------ Will Bs Around Soon. to the Whig. : hao t, Out., April 17,~J. H. Stod: dart, the actor, taken ill here, is now doing splendidly, He is much stronger and takes lots of nourishment. He will be around shortly. troubling vou ? Let ns the matter and furnish Dr, A. P. Chown's Your -eves tall what is waitable glasses, Drug Stare. "A im without ctures fs Ike a ho without windows br a gardén without flowers.' =] . ¥ Beaui:ful Pictures J ~COMPRISING-- Original Water Colors By W. C_ Russell, J, Howell Wilson, pels Cooullerie, G. BB. Colby and H. Delian. \ A : y 'Continental Artists. : To be sold by Auction at No. 183 Wellington St., (near Princess St. Wed'y Evening, April 19 SRE Also Thursday Afternoon and Evening ; --~ ALSO Tout FAC-SIMILRS DF WATER COLORS CR Ais ROBT. J. REID. | The Leading Undertator : 'Phone B77, 222 Princess St. Easter Eggs The Mitle folks will be at 2.80 and 7.80 o'clock view the collec lovers of art to cal from 9 to 9 p.m. | and tion, Open. a.m. frish guards band to visit New York. E. O'BRIEN, J. H. MILLS, A cordial invitation is extended to all