§ ter who is made There promides to be a row ne mat- there could be seven officials--vne ward--there would he some pacifying" the warring ele To ee-- Fin Manitoba is said to be contempla- ® repeal of "the school act of 97. 1 Mr. Roblin wants to re-open the school trouble he can do so, and be can have all the labour it volves. uf reconciling the people. -- The people of Saskatchewan would not be bulldozed: by Mr. Roblin into the annexation of their territory to Manitoba. The premier of Manitoba has not been diplomatic in his efforts to effect an enlargement of the province, 5 5. ---- Now it transpires that Mr. Borden war called into an interview with | Mgr. Sbarciii on the school ques- tion, He is said to have declined the delegates. proposals on constitutional grounds "while sympathizing with any legitimate stops taken to obtain red- 8 of grievances ander "After what' Mr. Borden hiss said re- garding Mr, Oliver's qualifications, it worl not be easy to find grounds thet would justify a contest. "I stand here," said ho, "to urge the claims of my honorable friend from Edmonton to this position. He is a gentleman of ripe experience and great ability, and as we all know, a gentleman of absolute and perfect in: dependence on all questions." * -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. So He Won't Sit. Gemey. has' laid. down the principle that there shall be no fiction oh the pages of the journals of the house, : We Will See. A (ork World, hice voted for municipal owner- ship of street railway lines, but Chi cago seldom gets the thing she yotes for. ' A Narrow Estape. Toronto Star. : A Berlin man drank some water by mistake, and the taste was so unfa- miliar it made hint think he had swal- lowed - poison. x The New Minister. TIT i school question, the selection of Mr, Oliver as minister of the isterior is probably one that the dominion will find reason to be satis- fied with, An Expensive Seat. Montreal Star. Seat on Montresl Stock Exchange has just sold for $23,500. Most peo. ple would be inclined to hang on to w | a strap rather than sit down at those figures. the license inspector... in. 15s i ges : WT E i speedily 8 Ef « 2 } :! FE £ ! | 1 + 8, be { i i 8 E ir £i 2 IE fr e 3 : 1 * | family. and all Howard Tarte's star is in now that Siiton's has clouded and he may be acde o i : answer a charge of murder. na, lives in a tent and makes a good man living selling coyote and lynx skins. work $ he shoots the brutes herself. . birth, trained ts greatest wathering of the bench fo be 5 re tand bar, known in the. historv of the Ions of Court, London, was addressed bv Ambassada the "intimate and enduring rela- tions," between Britain and the Un- ited States, } A tomato seed became lodged in the / | throat of a woman at Winsted, Conn., remaining there for some days with- out her knowledge. After a time it hegan to cause her pain, which led to imbedded in the flesh and when re- moved by a physician, a tiny sprout was -plaialy visible. Neva, a widelv-circulated Russian woekly paper, showing the imperial the Romanofs. lving coffins. The publishers disglaim all knowledge of the cut, lav- ing 'the blame on j the students em- ploved on the paper. : Dr. Wilfrid Grenfell, {he English doctor, called the mj onary of the D sea fishermen, will take back with him to Labrador. two voung wamen. Miss Koonz and Miss Harris, who have done settlement work dead in their for years. and sive their services free. R60.000. and a contribution from Camégié for loan libraries. DANDRUFF DON'T WASH 0UT. The Germ That Causes It Has to 'Be Destroyed, to Cure Dand- ruff. - Many a 'woman spends an hour TTA heft I : The | yedend. The it for him. 'this sublime work, 18 { on : references pes to | Apo- | n the presence of such courage and | faith ome must Ltand ith RE versiins, snd yet complete the translation. of ery ysical, mental and spiritual | pe its best, this w have | wer at ky a great life work for any man. | When, however, we remember that hi | wife must attend to his correspond- | ence, his daughter wait upon him with | unceasing care, and his stalwart on | carry him to and from his study ev- ery day, whilst his is constantly racked with pain, we know not what | to say. John Milton, poet and pro- | phet, said to the victorious Cromwell: | "Peace bath her victories not less re- ! nowned than war." Much as we mar- | vel at his achievement,' wo wonder still | mote at the heroism of soul which has | From this hero have come no bitter | lamentations. With the reverence of a | Saint Paul, his jon ever | beea, "Lord, what Thou have me to do?" and when he seen the "one thing" le, he gi to its accomplishment * with Pauline zeal and fidelity. Under such condi dions nine hundred and ninety-nige men out of every thousand would have been overwhelmed with bitterness and All hail to the man who can toil ou in such subli patient. jov- ous fashion, Those who are privil- ed to meet hima declare that his eyes Hash with the fires of abounding liie, and that his voice rings with the good cheer of hope and of triumph. All Christendom has reason to thank God that in His mysterious Providence he : kept Saint Paul away from the im- perial city until after he had written his unrivalled to the Romans, May it be that ; in shutting Bishop Samuel 1. J. the activities of life, and him into the solitudes, has enabled him to ly out. of { thinking that hy scrubbing kept him from losing faith in God. | { The Most Common Tis of twice a week scouring her scalp, off 'the sourf she will cure the dandrufi. Twg hours_a week, at the age of 40 vears, i she has. spent 260 days of 12 hours ! each, or two-thirds of a year of her in she best Mandarin life, in that vain ho ;- vain because You can cure dandruff without killing | the dandruff germ, and the only hair préparation on earth that will do that is Newhro's "Herpicide"--also a delightful hair dressing, and thorough antiseptic acainst all contagion from use of other's hair brushes. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. m---- Murderess To Be Set Free. Trenton, N.J., Garrabrandt, thirty-three years a prisoner and the only woman ever sentenced in New Jersev to life im. prisonment, is soon to have her free- dom. Her case, which has been before every court of pardons for the last twenty years, has now received favor able consideration. Libbie Garrab , is now past Bity years of age. She was only seventeen years old when she was convicted in the Passaic county courts of the criine of killing a man with whom she had been living. Her love for him had turged to hatred, and one night while she"'vas preparing his meal she put poison in his cofice. Her vouth was all that saved her from the gallows. ieee. Buy the best' candies for Easter, Huyler's, from New - York; MéCon- kev's, from Toronto, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Pogt Arthur citizens will request Oa- fario government to withhold the promised grant to the Grand Trunk Pacific until the kine is built-into that town, Torpid Liver Indigestion Life How They Are Cured By Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Slow passage of the food iron, h the intestines, whére the most difh- cult part of digestion takes place, i- the usual cause of indigestion. As a result of this delay, the food ferments and the digestive organs are filled with gas, giving rise to such sympioms as belching of wind, rising] pal owherdhip town of Canada. "of sour taste in. the mouth, smother- ing sensations in the chest, pains nb- out the heart, heart palpitation, head aclfe and dizzigess, To overcome these distressing svmp- toms the liver must be awdkened io action by the use of such icine as Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills. Onge the "vis active there is a good flow oi bile, which, as Nature's own cathartie, quickens the pace of the food through, the intestines, . re- i moves the foul impirities, and re | "when her bolle wat ! valuable as a family death followad | Pl 5 3 dealers at} digestion. Dr. Chage's Kidnev { iver Pills. bring prompt relief and cure thoroughly because of their. direct and specific action on. the liver, | Bectuse thev = positively eure the Fills are in- dose, 25 cents a box, at all or Edwpsicon, Bates & Co. Toronto. toand signature Pr, A. W. Chase the fa by the ascendant, a member of the Richard Stuz, a ecizar maker, was arres at London, Ont., und will be taken back to New York state to Johann Hoch, bizamist, to be tried April 19th, in Chicago, d a German: judge, and threatens to kill himself if he doesn't get one, ' rs. Kuoni, of Cave Creek, Arizo- ir Choate, who spoke of an examination. The seed had become A hali-tone pigtare anpeared in the April 17.--Libbie | i A Strong Appeal. One | vory able manner and ;mude « strong of ied in Kingston, where sailors have s ed A BiBBy'g 'OUR $1 GOLORED SHIRTS } Here's a collection of One Dgilar every man interested in smart, good-lo at a moderate price will want to see, : +The patterns are of such Xhoice and careful} selected designs that particalar men will admire them, The shirts are remarkable, because they can be compared favorably with those costing a dollar-and.a- half elsewhere, No other Dollar Shirts are in the with them, The making is of the highest character and shows all the nice details of good workmanship. HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S GLOVES. See Our Special $1 Silk-lined Glove, Sole Agerits for the CELEBRATED BARRINGTON ENG- LISH HAT. New Hosiery = New Neckwear - * New Caps THE H. D. 8iBuY CO. Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Shirts that oking shirts Same class & 9 SOP en run To Dress You Youths and Boys. which now awaits your inspection at nur store, aod when you come here to examioe aud try ~ur garments of our size vo: wilu tcnly fiod the fabrics and workmanship up to your exp ctatioss of «:cellenos, bat that the prices are just what you waat to pay for depend sbie cioiling. Every garment that we have is guaranteed to fit correctly in every size. MEN"S SUITS, from $6 to $15 BOYS' SUITS, trom $1.50 to $7.50 See our New Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shirts; Neckwear Collars, Underwear, etc. : Do not forget that up to Easter Sunday we are giving--F R E £--a FANCY SPRING VEST with our $2 Ready- made Suits and our $18 Order-made - Suits. : J0S. ABRAMSON, The People's Clothier 180 Princess St Between Redden's and Crawford': Groceries. They Have -- eT ---- Just Arrived Our Swell American Shoes for Ladies. Made by Utz & Dron. x productions in Black or ChocolateCols or, Cri.tie Ties, Gibson Ties and many styles of Plain or Blucher Ox - . fords in Patent, Colt, Vict Kid, Rus + asian Calf, Vic! Kid Chocolate ing' your next pair. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP | T=tend Electric Raflway Through 1 Good Community. Fn Eh Hex . ons S93 4 oy i. tT 4 Port Arthur, April 17.--Port Arthur of 1 snsumptiote | is fast becoming the leading munici ~Josanity ant a a le | A | Riper six for $5. Que will please, o 5 ik | ure. Bold by allardgists or mailed in U8 scheme is now on foot which 'will like- {Gakageon seeipbof peioe. Wtitefor f pr ey ly result in the construction of san Madignh Co., en clectrie railway from this place to] rete Kakabeka Falls "a distance of twen- tv-two miles. Wikh 'this road in opeta- tion the town would gain control of 'the trade in the whol: farming com- munity which le: 5~vund Port Arthur, and it is thought tit it would bea paving investment fru) the start. The municipalities are all eager to get the line extended through their tern- tory, and they have offered to go in! stores Pood: digestion and "the regular Sith "the town for the construction of action of the bowels, the tine. 4 Day Up tomach medicines are of no avail re 00 Per Day { in 'this, the most serious form of | Reoms From $1, Campleliford Herald. es James Potter, for many years doing wis rary work among the sailors on the lower lakes and rivers, preach. ied in the Preshyterian church, Sun- oat moron. verviee, 1 aged {geotioman presented his sibjoct No a Ovpsalia Grad Gogura! S121 x Very Satisfactory. "I'm glad- we went. velfeat performance, and ilaritable purpose © CCT we afl feel & ie So Sharity we do sor ihe worth of our . {appeal jmork for aid in this home mission is being. ercet- dodging. while in that Stylishly In clothing of guaranteed goodness fir the least money is tbe obect of cur bus ness. How well we are prepared to do this is most striki-gyv exum, itd 3 in our new and larze .eollesti n of Spring and Samuer Clutning fir n, Newest. See what we have before purchas BAGGAGE: FREE j lias that wholesome quali age only found in pure cof Easter Nc GAGCOLATE ECGS at fe, 2¢., 3e., Te, | FANCY ECCS, 10c. f CHICKS ROOSTERS R LAE 8 an an ASAT A.J. REES', P AIA AN em assssssssesasses NOW IS THE ¢ : WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT I a KOO pn Wor hal uni form A back: ge lot of DRY SLABS for e Booth & Co. 'Phone 133. one-ton order will bring you 5d y 1 Depariment of wailways and Canals, CANADA. . CARILLON AND GRENVILLE CANALS. NOTICE TO - CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and 'endorsed "'Ten- ders for Electric Lighting," will be re- ceived at this office until 16 o'clock®on Thursday, the 20th April, 1905 Specifidations and - forms of tender can be procured at the office of the Superin- tending Engineer, 2 Place d'Armes, Mon- treal, on and after the 13th April, 1905 The departnent dous not bind itself accept the lowest or any tender. : By order, I RK, 4 8 ent of Railways and Canals, Denariinent=e 13th April, 1905. 3 Newspapers inserting this. advertise ment without authority from the De- vartment, will not be paid for it AUCTION SALES Book with the Leading Auctioneer- highest prices and best buyers.' Surplus Furniture For Saturday Sales Wanted. JOHN H. MILLS. tei XRAY] NGA UERL The Polish that won't wear off. i Only at St:achan's Hardware aco a fuel Fuel Hard Coal Orte and Egg for your furnace. Stove, Chestout aad Pea for you Soft Coal Qunnel for your grate. Select Lump for grates and engines. Smithing Slack. Iso Cut & Uncut Wood Ietimriiin, P. W ALSH, BARRACK ST. : NEAR KING I ME" HAVE YOUR SALE 438 I will guarantee you satis results. We den't brag; Perform the work, Nothing ; but your best interest 4. KURRAY, The Auctioneer PIANO TUITION SS HAY NEWMAN, 271 King St, Wes Advasced thoroughiy 3 ta the and practice. Terms te. or send posta aud ¥ will call personally 1n1 and 310. sealed tins, at groc wo AT