Clover" she will be seen to even bet: ter advantage, inasmuch as the i contains naivete, and wonderful: power of tion, all 'of! which she Sweet Clover Will Friday, April Dst, mati WE oF Saturday, Matinee and Night. y other name would i no more true dian Mummy and the Hummi Bird," no matter what it were call would. be just as great a p somehow. one cannot think *: for, the favorite smell gu sweet," 7 fi 5: i: £ i i "| flower of many, and priate is the title, "T for the most sue- i » r HE Ign fl gf § - - ed 7 5 i {FH a ------ HORSE RACES ARRANGED .. Three Classes Provided For Other Sports on Programme. The sub-committee on horse racing ictoria day celebration com- met last evening and arranged of classes. It was decid- three. . clukses-+2.50, half. $200; 2.95, mile heats, and trotters, five to en start. The purses will four parts, fifty, per cont, to winners. Nation: g Assodation rules will gov- § 7 i The Secretary - was © instructed act with this ecmmittes the skiff and launch rac. to select officials. A well-known of Clayton, N.Y, ed to act as handicappe T ry has the names of skiff of Cape Vincent, Bay, Ogdensbury, other river points, | Clayton, Alexandria with. whom he is and ithe committee feel su celebration will be a MARINE NEWS, to the nation's ex- Going on About the possibility of greater va yet been accomplish- to the beauty of New Island Wanderer Quite a lot of ice was shore during last night. esse Spaulding was rst vessel chartered at Chicago Season to carry com to Thirty years "ago, were plying between Brookville, The weathe 18795, was cold and ra obscured hy dark clouds, 1s morning the tug company 'is eying to get through to load coal. The tug, it was might be able to break a wh the ice and get the the open water beyond. come back for iw follow to Oswego, by being TaFthoamiing -------- That Hacking Cough. Can. he sured and . I at the sam g Mathiou's Syrup of Tar a Oil. 35c. large bottle, ---------- . Gananoque, died sud : He was about the town during the aiternc to coughing. A hemory- set in and death soon fk wed © was married and abont forty years h for many years. will be added to ali electric bills, and services will be dis- ho 2th, in cases whero Paid. tlease pay The commencement exercises of the ospital' graduating class of well meaning soul and she spent it. peviod of rest at Leo. Barry je organising a retail clerk's baseball team to ers at the Cricket ; Good Friday moming. ure held. It is probable tha YMCA wi the games are to played. ( ---- : New Property For Yacht Clib. up the former w May, when be submitted for consideration. on in Have Sought Adrgission. Private advices from Ottawa, con- cerning the entry of an Ottawa Col lege. team in the senior 1.C.R.U. ser- ies would indicate that the matter is r get They have made application informally and will form- ally seek admission through their re- presentative at the coming meeting of the Intercollegiate Union. In Ottawa 'there is talk of Otlawa College sip- porting a teanr in "both leagues, but such a project is well-nigh: impossible, and. utterly without foundation, so 0 from those who 'pretty well. ge far as can be ) know best. it Sporting Notes. Cincinnati will earzy eighteen play- vie including six regular ers this season, pitchers. : The Jap ball team is due to arrive in America April : 20th, The team Jought to wake '& bunch of moncy playing exhibition games. Amendments by Past President Roee propose to recognize professionalism in the Canadian Lacrosse Association and confine it to the senior series. A proposition has been advanced to form a new district' in the CLA. comprised of 'téamé from Detroit, Chatham, Wullaceburg and Toronto. Cleveland has a hard hitting infield in Vinson, Lajoie, Turner and Brad- ley. There are few infelds look bet: ter on paper so far 'as butters are concerned. "Bill" Clancey, the ex-Montreal first baseman, now with Pittsburg, pulled off a triple play on Saturday at Cin alight a low bunt fly, stepped on first and 'then threw to second for the first triple play of the cinnati. He season, Frank Mansfield, the manager for Jim Jeffords, the former California heavyweight, has signed articles of agreement for a sie-round contest be- tween Jeffords and the yeteran Jake Kilrain. The fight is to take place in Baltimore: at 'a date not yet decided upon. Jeffords is also matched to fight Jack Bonnbt ten rounds at Allentown on April 22nd. John J. Rooney, of Chicago, de feated Jim Parr, of England, in a wrestling match in Chicago, winning two out of three falls The style of the match was straight catch-as catch-can. Rooney won the second and third falls in nine minutes and thirty seconds, and three minutes and thirty seconds, respectively. Parr won the first fall in eleven minutes. and forty-five seconde. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Re leved The excruciating. paing 'charac eristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The great relieving power of the liniment been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick relief from pain which it afiords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all drug gists, Where Concerts Will Be Held. The series of open-air concerts, to be given this summer by the 11th Band, will probably be held for the most part in Macdonald Park, 'Among the subscribers to the band find are some citizens who live in. the vicinity of Viotoria Park, and hey are anxi- ous to have their park favoured with some of the coneérts, The manager of the band says this will be decided ao cording to the amount "of money sub- seribed from that seption of the city. -- It pays to buy spring tonics at Gib- son's Red Cross Drag Store. The peoitentiary authorities bave purchased R. E. Kent's carriage horse, Liberty, jor $1860. 3 : IT WILL KEEP It is not always 'necessary to. use a whole bottle of Scott's Emulsion, What is left will keep. We have seen a bottle of our Emulsion three years old that is still good. What other prepara- tion of cod liver oil will keep sweet and permanent for half that length of time? Scott's Emulsion is always reliable because it's always absolutely pure, : : E of the senior YMC. . meinbers t "evening, prospects 'the formation of a base-ball team discussed. It was decided to take anization steps until othe pra ter ~ a team in the City League, if it can be arranged to have some of their players get off work on Saturday = afternoons, when - A nieetitig of the Yacht Club execu tive was beld last evening. Plans of the Folger and Robipson properties were submitted, To purchase and fit cost ahout $10, 500, far 'too high dn amount for the club to bandle.. The Robinson proper- ty could be secured and a house and wharf built upon it for about hali that amount.© A meeting of the club will be held 'during the first week of the -- propositions will offer inducements to industries equal, if not superior, 'to any place. "Building operations in Hamilton | co and London gre very active, The G.T. railway have built a very large round house in London and have recently | road should be offered fo purchased a large tract of land ad joining. Ax a result a large number of | action. dwellings for workingmen are being built. 1 wonder - if Kingston will he the next place for the G.T. railway to direct their attention in this respect 7 I am told one contractor in London is putting up 100 houses in the vicinity of the new round house." €ight years has been manager 'of the local branch of the Dominion Express company has accepted the important position of travelling auditor for the Packet Steamboat company, a large freight transportation, company whose hoats ply on the great lakes. Mr. Fal lon's business ability will, without doubt, make him a success in this im portant position which le has accept- ed,but his numerous friends, here, will regret exceedingly his departure" from Kingston. His headquarters will be at Cleveland and he will leave early next week to commence his duties. = -- ules.» Gener" Assembly And The Cars. rangements for the general assembly meeting in Kingston, during the fore- part of June, has asked some of the aldermen what can be done towards getting the ears to run at that time. The five or six hundred ministers who will be here will be quartered all over ing the city, from Portsmouth to the jutiction, and would he greatly in- convenienced if there were no street cars. This is something for the city council to consider. Hawtilton, has given the city notice that a suit will be entered if the ma chine brought here on approval in February, is not purchased. The case will rest upon the evidenee of the city engineer, regarding the crder he gave to the company over the telephone. ml ------ Montreal Herald sity seems fo have pul a"cap on Prof, Savon and pulled it down over his chin. S-------- F. GQ. Ci ekett is establishing a branch of his business in the Horsey buikling on = Princess street. The new store will be devoted entirely to the wholesale ready for occupation about May 1st. Buy horse and catile toni at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store, 3 The. hE ae bolic Acid h to Telegram, With Car- man, convioted at Woodstock a day or three vears for forging Bishop Sweat- men's name, © When Brooks arrived at Kingston he was recognized as the man who under the nawis of Edward Grakam, was sentenceil to life imprisonment in 1¥87 for destroying the sight of a son of Sgevert, the tobactonist, with car bolic acid. The crime is still fresh in the memory of the police. Graham en tered Sievert's store ome morning ab- gut 8.30, with the purpose apparently of getting some money changed. Young Sievert came forward to wait on him, when Graham suddenly -pull- ed out a can of carbolic acid 'and threw it in the young man's face, with the vesult that the sight of one eye was totally destroyed and the other tence' ever imposed by Col. Denison; It was subsequently shortened. No motive was discovered for = the dastardly deed, . and it puzzles _ the authorities vet to account for it. It set them hunting the'nan's record up, however, and thev discovered that his real name was Edward "Gahan, and that he was a somewhat noted Eng- list. criminal. In 1872, he was given eighteen months' imprisonment for housebreaking. Again in June, 1883, he got seven years for burglagy, but apparently was let out before theend of his term, 'as he was sentenced again in 1884 to another seven vers for the same' crime. After this be next turns wp in Can ada, and here the same trick of evad: ing hig full sentence followed him. In May. 1897, Le was pardoned for. - the Sievert crime on condition of his go- ing. back to thehold comntry but he didn't go. On June 2nd, of the same year he was arrested in Quebec for forging and sent to St. Vincent. de Paul penitentiary for ten years, and here again, he was Tiberated before serving his full 'term. "This man's caso shows that in Ca- nada we are behind the times in iden- tifving criminals," said Deputy Chief of Police Stark. "With a good svEtem well worked that man would not have escaped identification so long." ALD. McCANN'S VISIT. He Saw Things in Hamilton and * London: Alderman J. 8S. R. McCann has been in Hamilton, London, and Toronto and while away was observant and brings home with him valuable infor- mation. A reporter asked him about his trip. He said : "While in Hamil ton and London I made some in- quiries regarding the methods adopted to secure industries. Hamilton has been exceptionally. successful in this respect, due largely, to the excellent electrical power generated by the wa- ters of the DéCew's Falls, thirty-five miles distant, which enables them to tive power at a very low rate. An: other factor is the indefatigable efforts of their most energetic assessment commissioner, Mr, Hall, who is assign- ed this important 'duty and who has. comiiled a hook in pamphlet form set- ting forth the advantages of ' their city generally. \ "It occurred to me that we might very profitably take a leaf from the gard to advertising our "city and bringing in cheap power. If it will pay to bring power thirty-five miles in their case, we should be able to get power from the Mississippi profitably. In every other respect Kingston can To Reside In Cleveland. Thomas D. Fallon, who for the past The local ecompuittee making ar ---------- To Sue The City. The Climax "Road Mabine Co.; of Cap On Cappon ! Business manager of Queen's Univer- ent, and will he [$125,000 1S Toron . 7 C. J. Brooks. the pseudo-clergy- wo ago, Was sent to Kingston for the road to the city.. That was the offer'made in a litter, from It: Vashon Roget, 'trustee, to the civie finance committee, which met, yesterday after. office. The letter is as follows : the sittings of the high conrt, which beging to-day, it will he impossible for the hondholders to be personally present at the meeting' that has been arranged for this afternoon. as per lost for a long time, The man was ard vour letter of Saturday. Meantime, rested and received the only life sen- h the bondholders offer the undertaking of the Kingston, Portsmouth and Ca- taraqui Electric. Railway company to the city of Kingston for 125.000. the road to be operated in the meantime by the hondholde desire, and power be supplied at the old rate." 4 : opposed any such action whether the city council was in favor of buying thé road at all. Ald. Bell declared "that the road was worth $75,000. Ald. Meek "said dhe commit- | YOU £°t 8 sample you Will bi delighy tee should be courageons and sav something definite to, the council. He did not-think the city could make the road pay. should appoint J. M. Campbell to. re- port upon the matter. Let him visit Guelph and study the "conditions in that : place where the street cars were run by the town. wise for the eity to take over the road and operate it. "He thought it could}, " be made to pay, if bought for £75,000, Phone and if the Williamsville branch ava cat out and a reduced service given at Ww certain periods of the year. He would advise the council to appoint' a com mittee to look into the question of municipal ownership of street railways by visiting Guelph and St, Thomas. stock of Ales, Wines, Liquors and would accept' $75,000 for {he road if offered that amount. However, he moved" that on the letter of Mr. Rog ers; the committe recommend to coun- cil no action. This 'wonld bring the | spatch'"' Scotch Whiskey. matter wu Ald. King claimed that, the hand JAS. McPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. holders shoul there. was a market for the road der the present conditions. They should put the road up at auction, so the city might find thas ont. 1 no fair | Besse asenene oficr was made, then it would be for the city to decide if roncessiond should be granted: in order to get tha road in operation sagdin. * Finale, the' ' commgil might consider municipa ownership. J ly ) should do nothing ll the J Ts Amtitious City's book, both with re- | had done yi A two or therve weeks ago. had no information that rant it taking steps towar al ownership of the road. case of 'both whickh way give the committee more the * city Ald. Meck remarked that the people, |. in his opinion, being done. The motion of no unanimously, journed after a fifteen minute Had the bondholders heen Bad light could have been Picts $2.50 Table Cloth upon the situation. E. A. Geiger's friends, in Brockville, are urging that, } position on the service, .for 8 meals--free of charge, ' ASKED le -- Comittee (Recommends No Action--The Railway' Should First be Advertised For Sale. For the sum of $125,000, the bond- | holders of the street railway will sell on, at four o'clock, "in the mayor's "I exceedingly regret that owing to owever, I am authorized to say that . if the council so . Meck raised the point as to Ald. Toye suggested that the city Ald. Bell claimed that it would Ald. Meek said that the Guelph rail way connected with several smali| Cigars, towns outsid ferent posit od only in a' town. e, which put it in a dif Ad. Bell imagined the bondholders p for discussion wut any rate. 1 have made it definite if un- 8 Ald. Rigney held that the council what they should have doge Ald. Meek pointed out that the city would war ds municip- TERRA TERT TTT WE STE ESB Ald. Hoag asked if jt was not a parties wanting to see nih the cat would jump. = A ence with the bondholders would formation. view that the r sale lefore could be expected to take The mayor held to the were desirous of that action was carried and the committee ad session, ---- ---- he be appointed to a Femiskaming railway! ¢ BY BONDHOLDERS FOR THE |. = STREET RAILWAY. 0 Offer Made to the City--Finance | little offory USHES Ooms , and liky bor light, " BOECKH BR are the best made 08d tools make la United Factories, Limited, yw gg, "YOLANDF' Ever har 'the name before E Well, it 35 perfectly ney thing suitable for Eaifn . had here only Those present were Mayor McWarlagef 20d Saturday of this wie and Alds. Meck, King, Rigary, oye, Hoag and Bell, Ald. Bell suggested {hats the Leity \ council offer the bondholders 8 for the road, but Ald Rigney strongly " See our splendid Chocolates and Perfumes, ion from a railway operat. | everything as'to prices and quality. SKIRT | Something extra special in greys, blues, black worth regularly fron ble Wednesday fo Other makes in Skirt inches. wide, very pr terns, just the thi en up your Easter t have a lot of this Damask in 24 yard lengths, worth 3 a length; on Wednesday » de ", . Newman & Sh ul , | @revvasace 2. Nob TN Smee tas to he rsday, Friday 3 mysterious YO ANDE will be given to everyone calli 1g for it, i I Easter | The "Best" Drug Stops, .. 'T. Best--Chemist and Optician, + Street. ne » . 8 and Liquors In our large and new assorted we think that we have meet the demand, We guarantee entire satisfaction Agent for the well known "De. Terrace ? La- for 4 eeial wns, in makes wear, --t ane ed i oe and women owe strength and vitality to Nestlé's Food. It's the Perfect Substitute. for Mother's Milk that three generations of babies have thrived on. If you have a baby, send us your name and address. We will mail a sample of Nestlé's Food -- sufficient THE LzEMing, - : NL Mowe TT We'll send youd sempivivos. SCOTT & BOWNE. "mists, Torouts, Ont, 5 4 > = 4 Fi oo Gl a for' Me, dV, DEN RR ew Thousands of sturdy men : The Acme ¢ Of Satisfaction ' JAMES SWIFT & C00. DEPPLLOGHee Ide re liam Swain, piano tuner. received at MeAaley's book store. +00000000 0000 R $ Swift's des thie Way || $ Scranto: ] Orders pana ToR0HTO: A t § S080, oth, Por tan particulars SPARE oy od, how| pril 26th to Oth issued om April Return ticket BN Th, 26th, < 7.70. i to e admission ke + and gbod Xo return on May 1st, 1 Pacific Usast and rates \y un til May 15th, rio St. Cor. Johnston & Outa por) INELLI UAE ©: CONNBCTION WITH: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. EASTER HOUINY 'FARES . i jssucd at Trip Tickets will be Mingle First. Class Fare April 20th to Ath inclusive.f ISR, mit, April 20th; 1906. HORSE SHOW, Toronto April 26th to 29th. : ill be jssued on April tickets Sl be bon 27th, 28th. Return 26th, at $ 3 and 29th, at §7.20. a admission to Al tickews include gag 40 ctura on Horse May 1st; 3 : " elon reduced rates to Pacific Coast ad Kootenay points up to May 15th, 1%. . and P lars at K. & R Ful rir Office, Ontario Street. EF BoxwaY F. A. FOLGER JR., 7 aon Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. BY OF QUITE RAILWAY Napanee short lina for Tweed, , and all local points: Traits ave City Hall Depot at 83:25 p.m CONWAY, Agent B. Q(Ry.. Elagsten C. heii BisUuL and 1 ALLAN LIN uly LONDONDERRY al Mall Steamers. ' is St. Jobn. From Halitaz Virginian, Sat. Ans 33 i Jon. dor. 2 Tunisian, Sat. Ee 20 Mou: May 1 ea OF PASSAGE Firtt Cabin, $70 and upwards, according to steamer and accommodation ; Second Cabin, Liverpoal a. Landonder Vs $42.50, $45 and $47 50 eee A ® : ndon $2.50 extra; 'lhird x Rar "Virginian Victorian $28.75 verpool, Derry, Belfast, Jlasgow, "NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, Mongolian Sat Apr. 29, noon "First Cabin, $50 and upwards-- Second Cabin, $37.50--~Third Class, Sy to. " al Bure "BANLEY. Agel, GAR. City Passenger Depot. J. P.- GILDER- BLEEVE, Clarence Street. ------} CTS: ; NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- Me second Soe over Mahood's drug store, . cormer Princess and Bagot streets. Enterance on Bagot street. Telephone 608. ARTHUR "ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF- fic I of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Streats. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- ¢hant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. HEGRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, [0 Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone 245. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Mwurance Company. Available assets 461,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for Sécurity the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving pew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON bulldings and contents than any oth- or company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- | : ot Square. IT I SE EET, PIANO TUITION MISS MAY NEWMAN, 271 King St., Wes Children given special -care in primary work. Advasced pupils theroughly taught fn theory and practice. Terms moderate. Telephone , or send posta) rd 1 personally BE With every pov FREE ¢¥ Be sure and tal