nkham you to a woman e with wo- nany years. nan when it ite tronbles not under- nan. ce and drift along: ull well that they ance, buta Haturs from exposing them- bably examinations of Iv is unnecessary. fan consult a woman | experience is great, ng Invitation: form of female weal. mmunicate with Mys, letters are receiv. ed, by women only private illness fo a ished the eternal: am and thé women nm broken. Out ce which she ¢ an"possible knowledge Surely any lish if she Ss generous « Plakhbm font {to L mething | I v is The | this t tand | ing to ian. and H Dirnmic h an op- {ning P. 0, jot want xr help it When a medicine L Jou can | in restoring to leat ) Bald el whose testimony i on, D.C. yon canne Ww | you are il advice, te ap : + 'getable -¥ Adthe ud. you So at 8, art w their | ham. Lynn hy f i» , fit is free and a buy wooden Back- eta and Tube, yon can get B- EDDY'S FIBRE WARE UCH LONGER ISS MONDY. had in sh Basins, etc e EDDY"S MATCHES. fo LU | Dealers. Kingston. | FOPOAGE 15s Ho . RAINGO IN OR SHINE 2.50, 18 bu, ETC. BIB8Y CO, J er iashers, Oak Hall, vo THE DAILY - A m---- - - ---- n------ - : (1) 31s A EHEEEEES Mrs. Gordon gnd Mier N Norn Gordon [14 " 8 hel oa a S ure.' a | will y a visit to Mrs, Perry Saund € 9 . street, Montreal, bee erson, y H althful and Economical, : Gold i in the Vy: fore coming Wp to neo TEL 71. Sh rs. Eilbeck, of Dawson £ © 1 City, i onl returned to the north, | BATTLE CRY AT MEETING -OF + after spending some tine in San Fran 5 HORTICULTURISTS + Bu i cisco. . fa 3 wi 1 ; iis ace 4! El" i Mr Logie Macedo " = The marriage Ol " acdon i 3 a uf EBT SE Ont Spring: 2 » . . . TE twill takes place the day following- iohcnad The marriage of Miss Mina Randall, | Queen's convocation Flower Show----Words of i Seeley's Bay, to"Me-Erwin Knapp, RN Praise Spoken of Last Year's terses, will take place, 'this |. Mr. Edward' Crumley returned. to E pe . 5 : at the home of the bride's | tywn on Sunday . mght, but. Mrs, Show Btouraging. be 1 Green Tea has that same urit which I There will be about seventy | Crumley will not be hone ill to-mor "A big show. this fall,"'. was the aur Bite fe Th hide' will Thursday. battle-cry- pdopted- ne * last night's guests present. ie pretty ide wi row or MLE 2 has made SALADA Black Tea famous. N wepar white ealienne, Miss Sadie Rat Mr. k. E Kent went down to Ot Iueting 3 the igor of the Hore roce lail, her consin, also wearing a white wa, Lo ay. tural Socie Lveryone present was 25¢., 30¢c., 40¢., §0c., 60c. per to. By all G rs. Sold only Fo k of the Saino soft B® The ta le unanimous in the 'determination: to in soled oad packets. Highest Award St. Louis. 1904. bride will earry cream roses, and her Mrs, DM. Gordo n has issued invi hold another: flower and fruit show ------ I waid, red; Dr. Randall, brother of | tations for an "At Home" to the | in the grmourie oa Jali, tout to canrsssses No Breakfust Table ihe bri dnd one'of this year's gra: | Queen's gradugting classes on Monday wake if bigger wml bitter than ever. porssivnes ' complete without duates from Queen's, will be best man. | from 8 to 11 pm The fact that the society's receipts ' NOW IS THE ' Mr, Knapp will bo ohw of this year's - - * and ity reserve fund of over $100 was ' YOUR / 5 most gureesstil graduates in arts fropg Miss Frances Sullivan Kingston. | entirély . wiped' out" hy the depleted WINTER. OF $ ¥ Queen's, and his gemial wanner and | visiting Mrs. D'Arcy. Scott, and Mrs. | revenues of last year, for which bad d DISCONTENT Be ready wit, have made hith a great fn: M. P. Davis, of OUtinwa, is leaving weather was alone responsible, did re trying to get. good ) > ¥ vorite with all who know him. . The | this week, for New Ye ork not discourage the. directors, Rather, It yok of poor coal. bride, "also, is a great favorite in her » t made them more determined than heat out of po ¢ gn ! 5 } "Ours, 18, hand Bstrenned and uni- 4 An admirable food, with al own village, and ;w Lie teadly. mis, H A reat great grandith or ol Bart- wet to go ahead, and Jt on a Show form: +1 .its tural ualities intac ed there, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp will | lett, the tgs war correspondent of | that every citizen would be proud ef der Will "pring you natu q 5 eA orieton or SEATS 1 4 fitted to build up and maintain leave; to-mortow, for $e North-West, | the London ¢ Eng-) Times, was a | The words of praise, spoken Sealy toe A large lot of DRY SLA of robust . health, and to resis Mr. Knapp having secured the prin- | signer of the Declaration of Indepon- | everyone who saw the exhibit last sale. N sf $ winter's extreme cold. It is cipalship of a school at Alexander, | dence, Professor Bartlett, of Prince- | fall, have greatly encouraged the 11a valuable 'diet for children. Man. where lie will have 'wo assis- | ton University, married a Miss Ash lirectors. Under the guidance of Pre- oth & 0. ' t tants. Very waryy wishes, indeed, for | mead, of Philadelphia, Pa., and they | sident Kent, 'than whom there could | ~ *Phone 138, ? 4 their future prosperity, and happiness | linked the names. His grandfather | not be a better executive officer, the : ~ I A will follow the young comple west- | dic during the civil war ond lis '| work for the vear will be carried out ProssesssesteneneIAS b ward. grandmother took his father and uncle | thoroughly and satisfactorily, Tr 3 . Aw bh ; to Fngland, where his father became For these reasons, the miotion of bis et Mrs 1 T. Best, 321 "University | a British subjéet and 'tnfered parli Wr. Watts, that an exhibit be held The Most Nutritious . | avenue; will not hold her formal re: | ment and was civil lord of {he a me time in September. at a date to end Fesnomical. ception. until some. time after Easter. | miralty under Lord Sglist 'TY feed Iater. was Dassed without al . . i : 1 : . x i ------ - administration, = His uncle © married [® lissonting voice Menforship ele prs. Ethelbert Ofiord. ia in town | the larongss Burdette Coutts ere ordered } inted well. at d Cans's A AND Ma { re ordered tohe printed to se Depar'mént ol "Radlways a en LL [from Montreal, and is visiting her viving the holder the choice of one ANADA. VILLE 2 2 ! er, Mrs res, Division street The wedding of Miss Fthel O'Reill ioket, admitting hireel. whanever. he CARILLON Ai EN 0 SEE . £4 wlon, superintendent of the | to Mr. Philip Alexander took place at. "hose, or of two tickets good for onlv ' . i tal. will leave, on Wed- | the cathedral at Hamilton, Ont., to me admission. Children's entrance fee NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS | 1 ivr a week's visit in Toronto. | day. . : vas fixed at 105. and adults at 256. SEALED TENpans ADD ran The mew stock of Plumbing gpd | » lendorson, of Clergy street re 't was decided to hid a two-dav to the undersigned, and endorses 3 ' wel Middleton, have gone up to The engagement is anmeunced. of: how thi : 5 1 tar. Ilectric p as S * : Aa, | - : how this vear to he open, also, on ders for Tiectric Heating Fixtures, Gas Stoves RL I en Mr. A. Friest Hee rs du eihin yur So lu. shen, " oth April Jer' ean and lacandescent Gas Lauips. Migs Bird, of this eity, was a guest | Rov. Canon Henderson, M.A, of Han Secretary. Guild read communion fhe office of "the Sur eo ' at Miss Murton's annual: assembly, in | ilton, and Miss Mildred C, F Pen ions from outside points regarding 2. Place d'Arnygs. Mon- GOLDEN LICK BLOCK Hamilton, last week, and Jvore white. Youth, youngest Sonahter of the Ven. | the plan of distributing free secds or on and after the Sth Ar " 05. 4 < : : \rehdeacon rob Columbia; and = Mrs lants to school. children and offers The devartiment does non, bind tLe . Mrs. Betts and Miss Dorothy Betts, | Pentreath. ng prizes for best displays of res accept the NY 3 i y | Ques ms avenue, pave a charming téa Miss. Lillian Mand Wisgine, daugh ults at the fall show. The scheme had 1. K. JONER, : on harsdav, in honor of . Miss [ter of the late T. W. Higgins, former x L . : : , 3 , yoo oeesful sther cities, but it Secretary: ! phone 339. Nenone Carling, who leaves this weck | Iv of St. John, N.B. (6 Mr. J. Rus- | neniced money to finance it. | Owing and Canals; sme x : 7 seit Martin. of M Th Aquired money Lo inane + k an COMMERCIAL. for a three months' continental tour. [=v Jathin, bf. Montreal. The "mat: | ,the sinte of its exchequer the local wapapers in this advertis A feature « the afternoon was a { vinge will take place in June ociely regretfully laid the proposi- ment' withoit authority rie De shower of "journey--gifts™ for Miss Miss - Violet Gooderham, youngest tion over till-anather- veas og Daru iat = ah se 8 ai ¥TOCE MARKETS Carlin London paper { daughter of Me. and Wrs George The 'prize list was slightly yeovised Telegraphed specially to the Whig by The society eolunms of the London ! Gooderham, of Toronto, to Mr. Re oi ' 1 it f-naw ol TION SALES vormen Bimfore, Manager Hartshoras Ave contain the followin | nald W. Pied, Boston ast night ® a " , Si Bop loge 3 New or t : : i he rade We amste ' A ack Erchane 10TH Tame Street lon will, in the near fu Mig Morgazet Metealic. of "Port an 4 ar clusees made more uni Montreal : ture, be angmented by Lieut.-Col. | Hope. "to Mr. George Swaisland, of SB00 is red © in Book. with the Leading Aucti r MONTREAL STO xs and Mré. Charles James | McDougall | the Molsons Bank in Winnipeg Sorin Nuasiy Say & doing: ofied "a ok, with the Leading Auctianeccr ¥ } Y | rizes i we dk ¢ DOA wid their two voung sons. Lieut. -Col -------------- fp EX - + she classes. MJ; , an en highest prices and best buyers. Howe ail 1H Wal he "Ba a | "PREMIER RETURNS. {ble chae Jol Nonagun: | that ' manding officer at Wolseley Barracks F . i ot } i a. former to} { ; for the best collection of sweet peas. Surplus Furniture and his wife was a former Toronto | Mr. Ross SHI Suffering From | (oF 1 Post CCREUIEL SEE 850 3 yelle . s . C - = Rifumatisn:. Other citizens have promised pi 4 . | Special to the hig. a and nn good «how should he the For Saturday n J 8. 4 was i town vos Foronte, April, 15. Hon, George W a ~ 2 4 > on hi down from" Toron- | Ross surprived his friends, th ag YORK 'STOCK MARKETS. a} | t en 18 mom - Sales Wanted. od iy WB Dover & flo., 18 ler to Montreal. | ing, when! he returmed from the south SALICYLATE OF SODA ¢ aay rots Kingston: i lee inh le wil be Fore) to hear | without uny warning. Mr. Ross, who - April 18th that Miss' Mary Smith has been com | has been sojourning in Jamaica for pt sen Tos ) 4 4 i e of Man's JOHN 4. MILL 1 ven. LO Trelled to go to the general hospital | come. weeks, I that there was little Given by Quack Caus p ment i s Death mmm - ol bo treatm n Tosh i bet improvement in his old trouble, but " : 4 i 004 1 wacé Lonteks will be home on | 4 t fro . gs feeling ve Special to the hig . anadian Pacific Thursday from Ottawa for 'the Easter nbs Ho m that he dd Jcling he Montreal, April 18.-Coroner Mao Prooklyn Rapid TI'ransit ho . je . owld not take aR tahan, of this eity, is 'investigating TT 1 ihe] PAL in Ow legislature until after Kas thes doth' at Rigaid. Que. of The riois Central aldwell wil spenc *} tar, and in the limeantime Mr. Hos he doath at Rigamd, Q » le & | Of lays at his home in Lan- | 0 ' . jule Charrette, which is said to have ourt will continue to lead the oppo i 1 a ay { sition been due to the | alleged illegal prac . » "iw ¢ il Kio tice of Mrs, Decaire, residing at Ste. Asquith intends going down to L Eugene across the Quebec border, in ] ocal Marine Tidings. rett forty-three Ottawa for Easter, Oritarib Charrette, orty-three Mr. Arthur Macmorine will be home| The steamer North King will leave | cours old, was suffering from rheuma from Trinity for the Easter vacation. | Davis' dry dock to-morrow. She wag] and after failing to secure re Miss Helena Sharpe, one of this | Reser na miainiches Somdihion lief from regular practitioners, went vear's Queen's graduates, will leave | - 11 was expected that the steamer | (, Mrs. Decaire, who had some reput for hee home, in Odessa, this week. | Spartan w u leave this afternoon | 4tion in the neighborhood, She is Miss Lorraine Leslie returned | OF evening for Toronto, to complete | tid to have prescribed salicylnte of homé, to-day, - from a very pleasant | Fepairs . oda, and after taking it three days visit in Perth and Smith's Falls. | he oo Aner Row | Island andar harrette died. In small dower the re- Mia Dots . "a . M a Mrs gh will be up| returned from Cape incent this after medy is safe, but in large doses is} The Polish that won + er: 3 : gi % rie pa ire. Rovenigh y to spend {noon, and left again for that port Ian y rous ! Coroner MacMahon has Sold Only at Strachan's hardware = INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. the Easter holidays with Dr. and Mrs. | With fifty passengers, named three Montreal doctors to hold » Phelan. | Three of the (alvin fleet of steam rs autopsy, and the inquest has been PERSONAL MENTION. us Picked Up By " . . | left Gar bn Island to-day. The until the result of their ex SY a phis 1cKe i ag wha lef : ° M : > lo--What Newsy Paragrapl > Mis H. Bickford will come down | ste a ndia left for Charlotte thi m is known. ovements Of The People--Whatl Reporters On Their Rounds. rots a oN harsdar, fora] onic oal and the steambarges -- : : . , : , on yromto, © sday, ) Simla I T . : They Are Saying And Doing. Newman & Shaw kirts." : short visit with Colonel and Mrs. Hor 3 auld | i 8 Jae this afternoon Dropped All Others. d Schell, M.P., Glengarry, ihe cade : are off on Thursday y Sydenham McGill | he Ose fo mh lf Zin 4 diopped all liniments but Nervi: > No holi Mr. James Robertson, Mrs. Robert- reach Oswego by five o'clock this af ine because I found Netviline the tus, hull inspector, ol Lhe school } © BOI on and Miss Robertson, after their | tern Th yr Jo Ha a : t-to relieve pain," writes 1 1 : m I to M Ist ernoon he tug Emerson was S110 i & J. Kingston, is in Belleville days from | i i y yo. | flying visit here, will leave tormor- | qogcq rm TL passage throug | Menton, of John's. If my ahi W.-R. Riddell, K.C., Toronto, is ui "Easter ( Huylers NC row on their journey home to New | the ice int Ia . TOMY | wine or sick, Nerviline « 5 * , < | YO 2 ice into nke, i towing th iren are =~ croupy ' the ity for the court of assize. A Conkev's, « at Gibsons X { Brunswick. . | Advance to open Tt Terk res them. If a case of cramps or Miss Marj Waters is at Belle Drug Store, ; Mrs. George Richardson intends go- | arrived back at 1:30 this alternoon tomachache turns up. Nerviline 1% ville, from Kingston, for the hdli Mo y hats and bonnets have The ing up to spend Faster in Burling- | i 1 take : s aft ¢ We we Nevviline for new ( row pt atiention il { and will ta a tow of barges acros x { days, ; < prowpt & ton, with Mrs. Baxter, 3 | the lake to-morrow algia: rheumatism and all Jeinila ol rnelius . Bermingham left disappoint Miss Lewis, who has been visiting | Mogg J Qa # | pains! it's as good as any . J y 8 , .' ake a ' . / . Messrs, James Swift & Co., havi | aches an Bing; A : for New York, en route to The or the ton ht Ler aunt, Mrs. Knight, Alice Sroe ' chartered the freight ey La Nilo fo doctor The great Canadian remedy 3 hay bein ( k has been taken ill, and has gone hone I the coming season. She: will un wack or the past ffty vears has heen Pol- 1 Cray, of the penite lively time . to Ottawa iv between Ki THI We on's Nervilibe-nothing better made ring from typho-pncumenia i bree appheations ot Leck's Corn . . | iy wpe between Kingston and Otte ype peur a, or soft corp » 2 : { wa, calling at all way ts ha -- REIN proving, Salve will cure. hard or ® ft coros Miss Bryson left, vesterday, for Ot Froute oie FE. Smit Pork on 3 h| Biscuit Bargains. t Vade's drug h will he Mr And Mrs. Laverv, ai 3 tawa . §: ohare 0 a to : . 2be.; 4 Jou \ : y x charg teamer which will con 3 lbs, of lady fin Ireland, are visiting Mrs "Wa. Ho 0 Te v Miss Minnie Shaw will go over to I = § " : "i . pa bitt, Barrie street, } cures | Qyracuse, on ster Monday, to take | menes et : anediately upon the of lemon cooks Mrs." F, Driscoll will conduct a 1 { tor re lin the musical festive al which will take | opening of canal navigation. a " tavrant in the Hotel Frontenac block, | hr an tea sillings, { place , next week, | -------- x Ontario street, this summer, od mixed Mis MeGill will he down from | Married On Monday Night. \ be teal Thi ; ! o s 1 . i stion ho has rn train " / years ago to day the l Toro Ih sday, and will be he A quiet | wedding took place ¢ YF Deaf and Dumb Insti B (Brien was cons ocrat ted bs p io 2 hg 1 + Misses Smythe for the 30 o'clock op Monday evening, at ; te he past your of 'Kingston dic Mary's ole wi tion the residence of Rev. Alexander Laird ' t i t e i 1 ie vieiti % 35 . o ¢ ST her position here to a wthedrat, with ny John Waddel} . is. visiting Jn Union Jeet, the ognteeting partion "opt. 8 uation ~ in the Butterfield Tr. Vougias W, vo ate Teiand al aie ! being iss Minnie McCullough, eldest sepital. in Grand Rapids, Mich Peibroke this (4 . Sourse,.. youl iE . A. H. Spencér is in Toronto, daughter of we late John Mel ul : as 4) by " oii the band of the riage will take plac { pointed in your looks. The X r. smd! 'baby has been very {Joh Colborne street, and Thomas S | « a nl. Desteonto.: Bus ing to Miss Lilian Gordon, of | Co. did not arts h Your get on [111 indeed, but is now getting better. | McConnell, Odessa. The * ceremony was dom Bia are ot he. Vin town. | Tey them. Their hats are superlati | very quietly performed, both bride and toria day celebration tommittes, dos ---- eee ------------------------ Mr. Alfred Cooke will be home from | grooth were unattended, Afterwards a ne 10 arrange for an excursion to ee Trinity to spend the Easter vacation, | wedding supper was served at the | (he city on that day at "Hazeldell with Canon and Mrs. | home of the lo; on Colborne street Pe elsctrical repnirs 'phone 94; i For 1 } - Cooke | the guests I» only the immediate | host work in the "city. Halliday Elee Mrs. Fortescue, who has been laid relatives, among whom was J. ric Co up for some time with a severe cold, | MeCuallough, Montred), brother of the a 10¢.. 15c.. 20c, per dozen, 1 I -n beth { brid : 5 ' \ Ho Bananas, ' 2 is better yride, whe me up for the wedding Carnovak Miss Fvadne Cotler went back to | The bride recived many useful pre a Line 8. 8. Sardinian, » Montreal yesterday. | sents, tokens of appreciation from ber | po Liverpool, arrived at Halifax N : M eo Dowsley Bas returned ta many friend this morning. bringing second ca Ottawa, 'after a very pleasant visit of { . a } d 125 \OTBEE PRSSEDZErS, 3 p . nth w ROVE iends in! MR An " Re > ' & : ae " some month® with several frien tarrow Escape The lockout at Limoges, France, is o # . -- I town, s J | A Na pe. rie Strikers are noting, and y WW ¥ of Miss Mona Knight, who is very | On Sunday night the family of Th ont. Ons man Was : 4 : much better after her winter in' the | Frederick Clarke, master mechanie, on fled ry any hurt > . west, is expected home this week. | the K. & P. railway, who lives on i ro I formerly gn tote elerk i Mra. A.V. Knight, Alig streel, in lower Rien sizect, linia narrow. ou in: Toronto, committed Auidice at San Ri ey tends ¢ down to New York, op | cape from r i asphyxiated by cpal} " ~ g AVES ea the excursion on Saturday | gas. A lid had "heen left off the cook- | }rancizeo ; 5 . . . . ! ing stove the gas from a quan -- ? Captain and Mra. J. H, L, Bogart, | tity of ne sl, put on just hefore p Th * who have been ordered to Halifax, | the family w 1 bed, Silad he S15 f R ' | B: kin ng v will give up their house in Ottawa | house, Mr, Clarke wakéned during the iC Use oO oy a aril 5 Po wder is - shortly, and will board until the time | night, and feeling Jhat gomathing was warts a the h hf + | re f h Leomies for their move | wrong, investigated, anc found his J €33¢eI iu io c calt uiness of t e Ne Veni cnstin will he np from Ot | children ur cious, He fortunately, f -- tawa for Easter. ! wae just in tine to prevent fatal con family foods Nr. William Grant, who will be | sequences. Sarsaparilla, Mends remembered by Kingston people as | -- a | 3 . Gi Yeast ferments the food. " Mies Min may, with her three The annual meeting of the Woman's| | shattered nervies. ves 8 : oly children. spevd the snmmer in the | Residence Association will be held at| | healthy red to pale cheeks. h Alum baking powders are Injuiious. d H + comes she will be here the residence, 174 Earl streaf, on Puts good flesh on thin chil- aly in Ma Thursday, April 2h, at 3.30 p.m. All F] les n 2 > ; i dren. Takes off pimples, R : health Mrs. Robert Carson will spend the | intorested are invited, Ask doctor oyal Baking Powder saves . Faster holidays in Toronto with Mrs Hem: Cunningham, = "piano tuner rashes. SK your hoc Ayerce. ; " | Watson, on St. Ororge strsets and will | from Chickering. * Oy received at] | tell you about it. Shwe ass: Pri 20 up on Tiraday, a MeAuley"s book store, P street, ROYAL SAKING POWDER CO., NEW/YORK. 18. WHIG, TUESDAY, "APRIL ------------------ -------------- UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR For Men hy Women, Weights fot fot, mere Paria MEN'S hs AND DR i 155 ow each ie ve ww LADIES* VESTS AND © BRS---Rour CETTE Be sare and oie thems ear ing elsewhere. 40 kinds of Laing' s Canned Meats," 40 s dishes to tempt the appetite. Something different for luncheon or tea in the month-=with nine more for dinner. 1 SSA Laing's Canned Meats 5 give welcome variety to any menu. full sasooad "ready for the table, Corned Beef, Ox Tongue, Pork and Beans and any of the other 37 are mighty handy to have in cases of emergency. : "ieats that Satisfy" Your grocer will supply you with "Laing's. THE LAING PACKING & PROVISION CO., Limited, MONTREAL. Male vy: ur work as Jight as pos hie; bv « 2 1 in, Lon us % for Pails, Special Whit Fin tor aide 1 outside. w