eer that's in a rbrewed ? It ati to the com- "--plended by of packages-- : pound--j40c. MPOUND ES SIOK PLE WELL PRING TIME. ., Fox . nderful Cures, «3 3 TOYS, ETC. Express Waggons, Carts, ix. Cards, Pitt, Loss Heir, Kan U Katch, Checkers, Boards, aucers, Jardiniers, Bon-Bon Butter Plates, Vases, Salads, 1gar and Cream Sets, Celery ets, etc. ina for Decorating ve es; Bananas, Pine-app'es, nery. 5COCK. X0000 000000000000 /aist the Millinery to the Cloak odels in Shirt Waist Suits s. In this connection the the current number of a er is of interest :-- Waist Suits has surpassed men' s wear ever offered by res in every city in the rge part of their window to these suits and the mag- that they will be more r style of dress." The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. eee OO000CO00C000CO0000 | ! @ Shoes Shoes for Easter. No without proper footwear. ou want--low shoes and, on, in Patent Colt, Box ici. Kid, in Tan, Brown hich we would only be too time. st assortment in CHILDREN'S ETHY"S -E SHOES. PREECE 08 mre xd, Tin, Ans luminum. 0. . - . Toronto CHESTER'S CURE 20% THE DAILY NONE SO RIPE, RICH, ROYAL |, AND MELLOW AS EXTRA SPECIAL dinarily | Poetic A VILLAGE AT WAR. BAD FEELINGS 1 HAVE MADE Jerusalem's HAVOC IN FAMILIES. in Becatise. the -- Residents of Spencerville Signed a Peti- tion to Have a License Grant- ed to a Hotel Proprietor. { Prescott Messenger The little village of Spenverville, or as quiet and peaceful as the "Sweet Aubum," in the | throes of a conflict as bitter as the autonomy bill and as fierce as a Jap- is anese dragon. The whole countryside OTCH {is at grar; houses ave divided against uy ] themselves; « relatives abuse one an ---------- other; friends of a lifetime have be- WHISKY yDisuiited) by vests Bros | Glasgow Gloves are famed for their cut and fit as well as for their u:i- form excellence of material. "hiether for yourself or for agift, you know you have the best if you buy 4 "Perrin" Kid Gloves. fold by leading dealers everywhere. Instant Relief from Asthma. Whenever you feel a coughing spell coming on; light a small quantity of Chester's Cure and inhale the smoke. Therelief is instant. The vapor soothes the membranes, loosens the e tora- tion, prevents the horrible choking sen- sation, After you've used a few times, you'll notice the asthmatic attacks are less severe and farther apart, You'llfind you rest ehsier, and probably sleep through the entire night without a coughing spell,' Then you know Chester's Cure is doing you good, and will cure you if used faithfully. That's the testimony of hundreds cured by it. wc and $1. If your druggist can't supply you, arite us. Agents: THE LEEMING, MILES CO. LTD.. MONTREAL SPECIAL BARGAINS FROM NOW TILL EASTER Discount ON SUITS AND SPRING OVERGOATS Correct 'lothing for Spring and Summer is now on our counters, each garment is the best of its kind 'made; Clothing that a pleasure to pay for and a pleasure to 'wear. Come ® and look at the styles ~Suits laid out for your inspection as vou wish It's a pleasure to show them. Se Gents® Furnishings, Boots and hoes. at rock bottom prices, Trunks and Valises, ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Street. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright pMoney loaped on City aid Farm Terties, Municipal and County ntures Mortgages purchased wits. Yecelved and interest allowed C. McGILL, Managing Director Office. 97 Clarence 'Street. Kingston ro ---- a LET ME WAVE YOUR SALE Ana 4 will guarantees you satis factory results. We don't brag. but perform the work. Nothing Sacrificed, but your best interest studied W.J. KURRAY, The Auctioneer ~% WURRAY, The Auctioneer G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARXIAGE 11CENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Clarence street. "Try Myers' for. Fine COOKED MEATS. 4 come entered into the conflict, un on, rampage, years t have the domestic husbands had done enemies and children; too, have Slander' and Mrs. Grundy is who have held | honorably charaoters - jof scores of are: digg@ted' before their neighbors; Sweet and motherly women forgotten their calling aud even feline looked upon with suspicion. The udder which aup- plies the milk of human kindness m Spencerville has run drv., Lathe thirgs "visually ~ credte greatest distrubance and it is so -in this casc. Dan. -MoAuley, host at the temperance hotel in Spencerville, | thought the change in government of-! fered a good chance to apply for a license. Spencerville is a "dry" town but McAuley and his friends got out a petition and almost before the tem-, "perance peoples knew it he had enough' signatures to uke, it presentable the commissioners. When this became known, the temperance people arose in their might. Wives stormed bees their husband had, signed the petition, to find r own 80, rife; viciousnest run Men the to sicighbor's onlv wept and threatened to di who had signed eriticized thers! chur as the excitement spread stories 'en { larged and bitterness grew apace, | Both sides' are prepared to- stand by thetic colors, although some have "hedged". and = a few are "on" the fence." The teniberance 'people have organized to fight the petition and collected a fund. | sons fa Toronto Street Market. Toronto, April 17. bush; $1.06 to $1.08; bush., $1.06 to $1.05; per. bush, $1; wheat, S6c.; oats, per bush. per bush.; 70¢.; buckwheat, per bush. | 60c.; barley, per bush. 48c. to 9c; hay, timothy, per ton, 810 to 812; hay, mixed, per ton, $8 to 89; straw, pr ton, $10.50 to S11; dressed hogs, apples, bbl, #1 to per dozen, 16e. to 7c; to butter, ; chickens, spring turkeys, spring, 18%, to per dozen, 30c. to Tc.; bag, Gdc. {o 80e.; cel 0c. ri 20¢.; onions, beef, hindquarters, 88 to forequarters, |) to $6.25; carcase, £7.50 to £8; heel, medium, ca 86:25 to $6.95, mut ton, per cwt., 85 to R050; veal, per ewt., $8 to 80.50; per ewt, 8i2 to 84. Wheat, new per wheat, red; per wheat, spring, per bush. to 4%¢ LOOSE, per dairy, ae butter, creamery, to Je 12¢ Nc.; to l4c.; cabbage, pot per ery, per dozen, per bag, $2; £0.50; beef, beef, choice atoes, lamb, Going To The West Stoco, 'April 15.~TJohn Murphy has taken a position in Montreal. The water in the Moira river w not as high this year ax last wes Mur phy, Tweed, is said to have sold his st at Bogart to Mr. Guater. Pat rick Murphy and family have wed to Tor nto. James Conlan, sh 8 er, oposes moving Assinthoia Mc: i Campbell, visiting friend Syracuse, N.Y., intends going to berta next week. William Cassidy, rn cently appointed postmaster of Stoco took charge of the office Saturday m to I'homas Murphy, cheesemaker, and family, have moved to the cheese fac tory at Larkin. Elesium Trudeau has begun his trips on the road Mrs David Henry, an old and respected resident of E Hungerford, died, re centl¥, her remains Mar g the at Erinsville, Rev, Father Quinn is on the way to recovery from his recent illness Women have! such funny ideas they would waut to stop and put on their best nightgown before going down a fire escape. You Are Ailing Find the Cause for the Weakness and Nervous Dread That Overshadows Your Life. You can't keep up forever. Sooner' or later nature will rebel against the strain that is imposed on your overworked system. over, but the end is probably near at hand. Appetite improves, dull, sallow great good is being done by this sci: entific medicine. "I uged to feel drowsy anc lor was sallow, and there Yarmouth : beavy, my I had vague pains limbs, and an annoying headache o well. "After one dose of Dr. Hamilton' Pills there was a sudden change. a good medicine. Mrs. Fowler's letter is a message t ou and all others - in poor health You can't do better than follow her that exhustion 'and: depression gr So far, will power and nerve may have tided you To-day the common complaint with weak men and.women is lack of kid | the tomb, thrusts a torch into the in- ney vitality. Here you have thie cause | terior; where the Greek patriarch of of your ill-health. Jerusalem and his chief clergy are at Wouldn't it be wise to use a time | prayer. A moment later he with- tested remedy like Dr. Hamilton's] draws it alight--with the sacred fire-- Pills--they cure that "ailing" fecling | and is carried by the porters through in one night. Next morning you feel] the throng to the Greek chapel. like mew--bright, fresh, and happy. The crowd in a state of frenzy rushes color grows ruddy and clear, proving that Thus writes Mrs. D. F. Fowler, from was usually a bad taste in my mouth, all through my Pills, so 1 strongly recommended such | {rnerturbabiiit advice. Dr. Hamilton's Pills you. cer teinly need; then why mot get them | Jooich 'tweed, serges, vhevivia awd now and enjoy the abustlant good vicunas, and fancy panting; fit 'and health théy are sure to bling you} vorkmanship guaranteed, adu ally left me. Life seemed Prighter and licenses is happier after I used Dr. Hamilton's} sued in the Unité Kingdoms during Price 250. per box, or five boxes . Jor Liha wear ended on September 30th SACRED FIRE. I Easter Described, NCE every year Jerusalem, the Mecca of the Christian world, awakens to some semblance of » its former glory. This is at Eastertide, when thé roads leading to the Holy City are thenged with pilgrims who 'come from the uttermost parts of the earth. Tife goal of all these pil- grims isthe holy sepulcher, The pres- ent edifice consists of a great rotunda which is open to Christians of all sects, but attached to its 'sidés are a multi- tude of churches, chapels and shripes belonging to the diffgrent creeds, Jn which dite to pe seen no less than thir- ty-severi "holy places" of more. or less doubtful authenticity. In the center of the rotunda stands the supposed tomb of our Lord, 'the holy sepulcher. It is a little square chapel twenty-five feet in length and height and is cov- ered with votive lamps, vases and images, Inside i8 thé actual tomb stone, a masble slab about five feet long, the chamber containing it being so small that only four or five persons are able to kneel before the tomb at one time. : Every sect celebrates Easter in a dif- ferent fashion, and many curious -cere- , § i Ceremony is GREFK PRIEST WITH THE HOLY FIRE. monies are ebserved in the vicinity of the holy sepulcher at that season. One of the most interesting is that known as the "adoration of the column of the scourging," which is held in one of the Roman Catholic chapels. Ilere a broken pillar of red granite, believed by the credulous pilgrims to be the very pillar to which our Lord was bound when he was scourged,, I8 ex- posed on the altar for the edification of the faithful. Among the eastern Christians, especially the Russians, this relic is held in great veneration, and as it is uncovered oice a year, on Holy Thursday, the crowd to tiew it is im- mense, the people struggling and fight ing for a foremost place, while the Turkish soldiers, whose duty it is to keep order in the sanctuary, use their long whips on men and women alike, The ceremony of foot washing is per- formed by two sects--by the Roman Catholics and the Greeks. The ceremony connected -with the "holy fire" takes place beneath the central dome in and around the holy sepulcher. From Good Friday to Easter eve this part of the edifice is closed. The people, however, who are inside--and some go there two or three days in advance--are not expelled. According to ancient tradition, the sa- cred fire descends from heaven into the holy sepulcher once every year, on the afternoon of Easter eve, and this fire is supposed to cleanse the faithful from their sins. Every ong, therefore, who wishes to take part in this mys- terious rite provides himself with a bundle of candles, which he will light from the sacred fire itself: The peo- ple, who belong exclusively to the Or- thodox Greek church, crowd the whole interior of the rotunda a ie great gallery overlodking the towub, and as Easter eve wears on they work them- selves into a state of intense excite- ment, calling upon the sacred fire to descend. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon a Greek priest, borne on the*shoulders of several half naked porters, makes his way into the crowd and, approach- ing one of the two holes in the wall of toward the priest to try to light a candle at the sacred torch, and the vast edifice resounds with the ery, "The fire has come!" To protect the i] priest the Turkish soldiers are obliged to drive back the people with the butts of their guns, while the police keep them in Brdér with the Id&h. The only s | persons who remain caim are the gov ernor of Jerusalem nnd his principal 5 officers, who, seated on a jxed survey the s ue T Graphie. e ~~ London o 1. Spring Importation For 1905. Prevost'a, Brock street, hins received two cases of spring importations of ---------- The number of brewers' "AS A SPECIAL for six me oMAbAMEand pays for one year and ne for women who think and is the anly magazine in the of the National Council of Women, Iti ign me . of at Tall of 1 this Test oF JILL This is nol a lottery, guessing or cxtimating contest this, what Y he dots are visible to the naked eve and cai be eT map stands for 50 subscribers them you - 0 al 1 wise Your chance of winning is as good as any one's, i PRIZE TO THOSE SENDING iH IN THREE COUNTS 8 (SEE CONDITIONS) eram------a {= * _A TOTAL OF _ LIST OF PRIZES. 1st Prize, Plano with Mandolin and snths subse werk] endofeed hy OVER THRER bright stories, clever articles on art, me fcr. with with Count them carefully and then say how many subscribers 24s HN, htt: adobe the ELIE re is no ick or woud 1t is absotnietv a test of skill Eo Hf you cau coput 4 correc about of counting heh If this ap gets destroyed. another printed = upon heavy papef will be sént you upon a receipt of 2 cent stamp for postage. ve 757 PRIZES . counters enn The contest will not List long: Land mney hay (BEE CONDITIONS) ---- ers the vitality and prepares the Sysewss for the more seriots dis- eases, among which are the two greatest destroyers of humaa life, puenmetis a consumption. Chamberlain's 'Cough Remedy has wou its great popularity by its prompt cured of this most commen wilmient. It aids expectoration, re< lieves the lungs. and opens the secreiions, eficcting & speedy permanent cure, It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia, @ rice 2¢c, Large Size soc. §1. At all dealers, last was 5,491, I CRRA SRR SG tig bottle 25c., at will turn Lever's Soap powders, Soctant. Pawder ax it is both injuries, Wade's \ A Sage's Retort An Arabian egrhilosopher at tached to th court of n ng dis tinguished for his despotism and lack of good feeling Desi y to irritate the sage this king remarked that ii the infernal regions existed a mill for grinding the heads gf the learned, and | he appealed to the philosopher for confirmation of his w The Iatter replind with dignity : es, but it ix the blood of tyrants = hich makes the Y-Z (Wise ead) Disinfectant is better than other aap and disin- 3 ni EO ane Guitar attachments, value........$1,000,00 shitien: you Kio Bove to one . Hey be : 2nd Prize, FH ciagmrtnepan .-1,000.00 doware pussling ane: the 850. co PRIZES vome should 3rd Prize, Diamond we. -- 250,00 L001 pid EY J i) ' > they can 4th Prize, Diamond, .. 125.00 ett oné of the eta deni lint thes we will sive $50.00 = fore Sth Prize, Solid gold Witte 50.00 uh "ie wore co ra You edit hase three cogute, Remember Next 100 Prizes, 100 Bes autiful C Tate hing one of the hig free ¥ ge first 5 HTH YOU Ladies' Watches, 1,500.00 counts entered muy cater additional # au | ESTIMA Next 100 Prizes, James White Stith . ye list of rico fs late. "hey el 1 Ve THO 3 yol.. $3.75 or, You Ol Are an & won Riley's Works, 3 vol 75 375.00 Et fest, ut fen don iat ret prise Y " ' dis 38 prise wor \ dy ill get ! ay Sd Next 100 Prizes, 100 Sets Shak espe count and t as See you § in fue ly DHEEe Ht Veer Ye + hs Complete Works, 12 dainty vol 1,000,00 best plan for counting dot omplete We 1 « 4 A * oy Two Special Prizes of $0.00 ed ach & ser Money Must, Accompany All Substiptiom. TIME PRIZES We A wi 8 he a 3 be ' I conditions... 100,00 NL The pera: Rencting In a ants . If you send Next 100 Prizes, Marion Harlan Cook SUBSCRIPTION BLANK fj boot count and plan oy Jue oyext * Book, $2.00 each, 200.00 . ; , JUDGES" will b ots in ® Next 100 Prizes, 1.50 Book, latest fiction, 150.00 Contest Department, THE FORD FLULISINNG co. a XH ed B a s nt The Next 50 Priz "hoice of Any $1.00 . Andisnapulis, U, 8. A . ports. ia chair Commi : Magazine . 50.00 NECN ironies FOF Lisa. tON ES Stibseriphion ] POU) es IR LE AEACLUTLY Fa A. Next 100 I'v} Extengion of One Years 10 MADAMN, in aceordance with your offer in the 4 i Subscription to MADAME 100.00 bi Our BA Egapouarentt Y. As 10 Next 100 Prizes, Hand Pulled Proof of "i " mpanx in th Tea the Famous Picture by Walter Name gl ou serie out to the letter Tittle, entitled "When Shep: Seas 7 { more than ar herds Watched Their Flocks Address. wn fi - mide ty Night, $1.00 cach, 10000 . © MAUAME, The one 1 Total $6,000.00 - -- west next, etc, ECTIONS Are you taking MADAME (Yes or No) IX PLAN, . DIR . NY COUNT ON DOTS. ) one n a with MAnaME will I 1.! Write your count, name and address very plainly. | PRE -- July 1, 1905, bat get 3 y 1st what your connt and plan is, without any "ifs" or ands --make it plain. o F a Je sure 1 state whether or not you are taking MADAME, | 4 « st be a ed by ¥ v. S0ets, pays o for si yh and one co 0 pays fi % il gn on hacripty ind three count Hyon have thie Give your plan of counting ona hen i v counts entered you may enter additions! connts at 25 conts 2 i gr pers mea v coisered you my enter slot coins alerts | of pant? Wik Jews aame apd addres ho Or Years subkcription to MADAS) It will pay you to have three. See conditions u Address all letters, Contest Dept.: PORD PUBLISHING CO.; Indianapolis, U.S. A. , _-- n -- TT, A . ROMANCE OF A WILL, { tegder " eolibaey of the chr IF YOU ARE - 1 I ¢ wo daught in ------------ . . : | family "and arv | A Scn Received Only a Million ve m 9" the chu Aly Thinking of Qo Because He Didn't Marry. } Rhinel i it } 4 . 4 A zealou VOUuE rgyma n at Wa n | thnt 1 "Hi r ree vii B Id ington has lost wn dollars be prog th a n or more and « ul in cause he re bachelor, Rev tl gam Anon t yus given to the Philip M. mder was son of ) wd of eacl Mat Rev. Philip ve IT WILL PAY Philip Rhir i New York, =» ivexl on thes ame ni his sister raulti-millionaire » died during the th explanation that while he YoU 70 : : past winter Rev, Philip is ono! was past thirty f I not 3 of the adsistar Bishdp Satterlee, | w thely that he wi fi § and is so able ¢ ive a promising | hi iti {lw remain shat Read the sia future. He had thought of th y left to charit tender passion * time had been | friends of t y . ,pent with bo laboring for the pis badly! tre UL 0 owing poor. But the «l Philip believed in tent, and while | \ suc i rh Vr Nil ov ( mu 1 {a ] ¥ gibt hunpines 8 1 hon > te nt hat 11 ! : ? to di veel Having purchased a first laggy plant fo anoactuing. HOLLOW CON- iG OSES 1S Pootalor od anc. in: 4 most anode 4 X [11 CRETE BUILDING BLOCKS, I can quote" prices which will enable you to saw in it evider { ritualism and a | ch Hity wi h a generous a ! "HH ouild much che aper than with Stone or Brick, and 'more handsome. The = § sph { Blocks can be Sopisd after natutal sions; Here are a ew aivuntage es} {he best material for the erection ries, hurches, Ter: a a he. y + . A \ | Compare The Relief : lence Wally, Vemees, Staples, Htaps and Silo | © savin ih dont of Cantus th vou have bee ny 1 mtomed to ! tion; such Buildings are Lire an rout pr surance is Io han for any auf : using ordinary ents try Smith's | other wigle of builting; they are wirin Ba itor aod cool in summer, nd White Liniment the next time and | plastering may be done on the back of the stone, saving cost of lathi see how much icky it rudieves and | the blocks can he moulded into 'the most flaburate onign; people in he cures. It belongs in no class by it feountry can build just as cheaply as in the city: ill be pleased to | wolf. and yet costs Jess than the Lish you with all partioulars a¥ to prices. It should be borne in mind that common kind (Nees Yheuwmatisan, every cold weakens the lungs, low- neuralgia and oll oxternal J. w. LITTON : : 3 159 Alfred St. ed st. APTA eli Easter Novelties CHOCOLATE EGORM So. 2o. 3c., 7o.,10c,, 16¢, 20e, 30¢ each. : FANCY EGGS, 10c. to 606. each. CHICKS ROOSTERS RABBITS, ETC. wl ZA. J. REES', Princess St. | FARA ARAANIA