1. t selections at the We have not the ce to the large variety of New Materi E And Coloring, proves we right Space tg gq We can but kinds that r. You'll sure if you d hem. Voile De ding Ere qe lua In a fa , Silk 'and Wool, in all hi des, including black, Rog for Summer Dresses and Shin . inall the pretty shades of na 8reys, etc. This material j emand for Shirt Waist rly . oy 3 59¢, als to select from and many of | see with no other firm ; in King. ou want Something diff ally shown Cor Ca trent fon rices range from $0c, to $1.25. ILKS vy and white, brown and ite, black and white, pin hie es, the correct thing fi 19¢, 59c. 8c. © Cr Shit etas, for Shirt Waist Suits, 69%, suggest a are findin deny yourself 5 on't come ip ai few of | 1l range Shirt Waist Suits. ks for Shirt Waist Suits, h navy, browns, greys, greens. s for Shirt Waist Suis. 4% Dress Goods all wool, fine make, 49c., 59¢., es, silk and wools, 75¢, 99¢, Cloths, 49¢., 592. oths, 75¢., 99¢,, $1. 25 $1.40. Soe, Soc, 7564 9 wills 49¢., 50¢. ig Lustre. asc. 35c.. oc. Lustres. doc Bsc, 75€., 9oc. lack oe Materials. amous" English - Black Dress s $1.25, ADLANESH) mpress Shoe MADE IN CANADA he Swellest 1 the Swell p or,plain, $2.50 and $3. ew high cut, $2 50. lucher cut, $2.50. top and patent tip, $2. eel, wide toe, $2. very large. styles new and up-to-adat Special Sales]: KINGSTON, ONTARIO, D,. ' ! u On Hat Backs This Week Dressers and Washstands, liberal dis- count. All goods marked in plain figures, Rebt. J. Reid, 222 Princess Street. Two Doors Above the Opera House, Telephone 577. The Highest Grade of Footwear To be Had in "Canada" was the expression of a gentleman wiio knows Canadian trade "in regard to our Shoes." Wear "Allen's"' Miltary Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. WANTED. eer rE OS GENERAL SERVANT ; NO WASHING Apply, 103 Uiilon Street N EXPERIENC Bp, ap RERAK SER " yan! Apply to rs. . Waddell 176 Ki 3 SERVANT, REFER- er required Appive to Mrs. Mac gillivray, 119 Earl St wo oR THR with use of kitchen, keeping. Address M minim ---- FURNISHED ROOMS for [ight house Whig office oW0 BOYS, ONE FOR PRESS B ti f 1 Pi t y he wher iw job room Must hi hustlers Apply at Whik cau i a iC ures office --~COMPRISING-- mine . ce RITUATION AS HOUSEMAID OR «| Original Water Colors Lady's Maid, in Thousand Islands ie : : for summer season. Apply Box 1Y, Ry w G Russell, J . Howell Wilson, Whig office. Delo Coeullerie, ~G. EB. Colby and H. ella. HOUSER EEPER, : M IDDLE AGED --ALSO-- woman preferred poly, stating wages expected, to box 21, Whig FAC-SIMILES OF WATER COLORS office. References rquired. By Coutinental Artisted . x mn To" Bo sald b Auction aot No. 18% 70 BUY. A STEAMBOAT, FOR| .0 S00 SCV. di nn ay freight and dor thin 18.1% Ent x r ' draft, not wider thin . with de 3 ] 9 ara woe %| Wed'y-Bvening, April 1 Sd Abort St rm at 8 o'clock. Also GENTLEMEN, TO am THEIR Spring Suits made up gt Galloway's, 181 Brock tives next to Bibby's livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done | | prompti LU PER DAY, VERY DAY, FOR pay. It is being a year, is good made with our goods. Household mecessities; every family needs them Write to-day, G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. I II FURNISHED FRONT 805 Barrie ROOM. St, City OFFICES Real STORES McCann's Factories 61° Brock St Estate Agency, HOU NO. 247 BROCK STREET, hot water heating and all modern im- provements ; possession May 1st. Ap- ply 249 Brock stroet. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Barrie St., opposite City Pa session May 1st. Apply Flanagan, 82 Barrie St OFFIC : FRONT ; good loca- For partic- orrest; Gents' FINE BUSINESS room, $46 King Stree tion and well av iotgted ulars, appl pRlY, Lo 3 Furnisher, King Sons tr FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR THREE months or longer,' Furnished house eleven rooms ;: modern conveniences central lochtion. Apply by letter, to P.O. Box 32, Kingston THAT BRICK DETACHED REST dence, No. 438, Brock st heated hy furnace modern convenien gas Immediate _ possession. Ap Box 31, Whiz office or on prowl eect eer mp------r THAT BRICK DWELLING, SITUATED No, 189 Brock St. containisg 11 Rooms, Bath and Closet, Gas Light- ing,' hot water heating. Apply, C Livingston & Bro., Brock st. MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, 114 Stuart St., 19 rooms, hardwood finished, good stabling and coach house. Possession immediately. Ap- ply to Joseph Power or John Twed- dell. MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, 2 ---. Frontenac St. near Union st rooms ; 4 modern + conveniences : hot water hen ting PORgONSian given June 1st. Apply, Rewve Wellington Si -- i ------------ COMFORTA BL E + BRICK FARM House, partly furnished, well situated on shore § 'Quinte, 23 miles west of h hay Bay. Good stable accommo ion. Stage daily to Lingst and Bath. Alsc Frame Cottage. Address, H. C. "Rothwell, Collins Bay Oht. and Ontario y occupisd by Mr. Hen- ------------ i ---------------------- THAT DESIRABLE PPOPBERTY AT Wi of Queer a grocery with mi yard chived « for pol to Walkem ibang Ty ¥ King ston. YACHT FOR SALE. STEAMYAGHT MARGARET, OWNED the late William Gokey, Brookivn feel Jong. 10° feet beam, 5 feel th ; first class seaboat ; used, oniy wo months. speéd, twelve miles an hour ; compound engine ; well farnish od and in excellent condition. For farther particulars apply to Mr William Gokev, Brobkiyn, $Y Geoghegan: Bex 7 John Ont Capt. or Kingston HH you want candy on Good Fr buy Rugler's or. MeConkex's at Gib 2.30 and 8.15 pan Wellington St. No reserve, every picture must he sold JH. Mills, Auctionees If in life you'd be happy. ROBERTSON BROS.. "A Thursday Afternoon and Evening Of High Grade Furniture, New Up- O80 10th Street ---- mr DAILY MEMORANDA, 1 Buys a Nobby Hat at Campbell Bros License Commissioners, 8 p.m No Whig published Good Friday. Civic Finance Committee, 8 p.m. The son rises Friday at 5.09 a.m', and ts at 6.49 p.m Sweet Clover. (frand Opera House Friday. Recital, Friday Saturday at 2.30, and The Humming Bird." Social, Brock Street, Methodist Monday April "24th, 15 célits of Ontario Street wer Murra at noon, your Easter Sacred Musical 20 pon, Chalwers' "The Sugar hutch, Sale Sto LD Saturday. Hat to-night; Auct orge Mills (&«Co., will bo open until » 9 o'clock, This day in history :~Napoleon Fil warn, A808: Charles Darwin diod, 1882 . lattle of Lexington, 17705 ong Parlig ment dissolved, Remember of Water 1652 attend the closing sale and Fac-Simles wt 183 this evening at' 8 o'clock, to Golors And nrake Buy vour N From Ged in afternoon's "explo- sion, met in James Reid's undertak- ing rooms last evening. The Jurors sworn in were: Ex-Ald. James F. Knapp, forpman, Stanley Keyes, D. J. Garbutt, Ww. J." Crothers, Alex. 0': Brien, Harvey Black, G. A. Mackie, J, Laidlaw, W. Tait, J, 8S. Smith, John Johnson and R. 8. MeCldjand. The ve: Lots of Them 25¢. Dozen. Room without pictures is like a house without windows or u garden without flowers." --Ruskin AUCTION SALE at 2.30 and 7.30 o'clodke A cordial invitation is extende overs of art to call and view the m9 am to pm. Representative. AUCTION SALE 10 am, MONDAY, April 24th No 136 Queen Street right Plano, ete, 1 am instructed to sell very extra fine Parlor Suite in raw silk ; reclining rocking & easy Chairs in silk' tapestry & leather ; choice Engravings & other Pictures ; ladies' Secretary marble top, centre, side and other Tabl Lace Cur- tains Art blinds Lou Brussels Tapestry & other ( ' Turkish Hrussels, Axminster & Rugs Hall Rack'; Floor Cloth Linoleum ; Black Walnut Ex. Dining T , Cane Rockers very fine Oak Sideboard : folding Hook- shelves Clocks & rackets for same Flectric Alarm Clock Ding a set, China, Glass. & Silver r Cutlery ; Singer Sewing Machine ; Br a and Iron Bedsteads ; Bed Springs & Mattresses rble top & Oak Jedroom Mirrors ; Wardro amps ; Pil lows Clothing ; Kitchen & Gas Ranges ; Ladies' Bicyele ; Lawn Mower Garden Hose & Garden Tools : Carpen- ter's Bench & Tools; Screen Door & Window sCreer and n ume! rous other articles Sale ' pianc at 2 pm. shary. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Market Square, on SATURDAY, 22nd Inst By Wm. Murray 20 Head "3 cw JOHN MAGKAY & G0. BOND BROKERS Canadian Bask of ( Bask of Commerce Batis Toronto Auction "Sale On Market Squaie Saturday, 22nd Inst FLAW IN WELD Caused The Ex Explosion Of SO EXPERTS SWORE Coroner circumstances of the late Frederick Mulien, killed mains of the deceased were first view- ed, as to the oceurrence, wituess roy Dr of which 'was published yesterday. heard only the one explosion. of the dock and two men were engag- ed Sn paintiiig the two red buoys and another top of one pf saw aboard the Ri: er of lights, of all aids to navigation, refererice to their operation and main- tenanee, including the different gas 'Buoy services of the dominion, gave scientific evidence of value. He has heen in charge of the service since where a buoy burst as these apparent- ly did. coroner and jury, on docks-and this has heen the prac Acetylené Buoy. AT THE CORONER'S INQUEST LAST EVENING Capt. Fraser and H. Youlden Dis- covered the Cause--Able Ex pert. Evidence Given--The In- quest = Adjourned Until Mon- day. : The ¢aroner's. jury sammoned , by Mundell, to inquire' into the surrounding the death who was Tuesday after which evidence was taken first given in substance He Twaorred on the end Capt. Webster Augustus, the ated thegevidence the Mundell"s enquiry, and one black buoys were man was in the cage - at the the %ed buoys when he Fraderick Mullen was boat when he last saw them commission: charge with special Fraser, general James. who has Capt: 1898 and has never known of a case In reply to questions from the he stated that there ia nb objection to iting.dhess, uoys tied, The pressure of the gas in the buoys when filled, varies from 180 to 225 and it- has been the custom to charge to ithe minimum pressure. The practice has been fo actept the mak: er's test: for buoys both in Canade and "other vountries. The manufacturers who supply these compressed gas buoys state that they may be used to 150 or 150 pounds working #pressure, "leaving a further margin of safety, for higher charges. The. witness understood that the erew of the Scout had filed « the two red buoys to a pressure of 180 pounds and these had been" filled for about half an hour before the explosion took place. The accident, he said, did not occur in the compression, manufae- ture "or pumping of the gas. There is a gauge near the manhole of each buoy and andther at the compressor, both being carefully watched so as to guard against accident from excessive pressure, and to tell when the buoys are filled. He had at first that the explosion was due to a de- fective weld, of the red buoys and personal examination served to confirm this view, He placed on exhibit a piece of cast iron, supposed to be a section of the exploded buoy, which was found on the deck of the Scout shortly after the explosion. The was found by H. Youlden, proprietor of the Kingston foundry. The witness drew a diagram exp laining to thie jurors the dimensions and construction of the buoy. The body of the buoy consists of one sheet of cast iron welded longtitudinally. The piece produced in court he claimed to be a section of the welded portion, in which he point- ed out a flaw in the welding which, in his opinion, caused the explosion. All of these buoye have been in the service of the marine department since believed mn one piece 1901, being used every year and al wavs charged' up to 150 pounds or more when in use He considered that. this explosion had occurred at that pressure. There is no vearly test of /these. buoys ex- cepting the service test to which they are subjected while in use. as no spe cial test has ever been considered necessary. The buoys are scraped and painted cach year and if no external corrosion or dents are found, they are considered all right as the acety- lene gas has no chemical or other ef fect on the metal of which the buoy is ie constructed, Under 'the same eon ditions if the buoys had-been charged with oil, gas or compressed air, a similar explosion would have oceur red. Lighting the gad inthe cage of one of the red buove could not hom giblv have caused the explosion as in that case the gas would simply have burned ont, as evidenced in the case of the black buoy which was partial ly charged and the gas in simply rhe out without explosion, There is. said the witness, no case on record where a cylinder of acetylene gas exploded spontanecusly, These explosions are cansed by defec tive generators. He did not consider acetylene ga¢ dangerous, and was well acquainted with its properties. He explained the manner in which the gas ix manufactured on the boat and led * through tubes to the buoys. When the gas iz generated by the ac tion of the carbide and water, it is led over a dryer {o remove moisture and impurities It then goes into a ever a 1 most nhl tain amd crew "wha understood a H. You peter of the , war the last wit- whieh }- URS DAY, Guillard, one of the accident, was the ted as gas man and watch the pressure d the explosion of 4 h ak the possible re sult of the nm cansed by the explosion ol the first buoy Capt. Augustus, in is ovidence, had said 'that Frederiok with him, in conversation oo ered to un part of son the tag as being of 30 pounds. this and stated was tested up Capt, that plant on the ture of the gas und the filling af the buoys was most complete and Was in the hands of Kingston Fo ness. He Fa to finding the fragment of Hoy and also gave expert evidenéh in regal to the qual ity of metal used in the buoy and also as dhe use of acetylene. the jury his roaRons i that the flaw in thie wold of the piece he found was responsible for the explosion. He de- monstrated the nature of the break and showed the location of the flaw. Tho thickness of ithe metal used in the manufacture of he buoy was tlirce fourths of an » while the portion 8s J o he had seen ten working on the top of the Before the explosion occurred. He adered the wmnufac- ture of acetylene gas as safe and sta- ted "that Ahis ggs wixing with would not ignite without flame. At the clobe af this evidence jury adjourned until Monday after- noon at four o'elock, by which time it is' 4 surviving wenbher of the crew will be sufficiently recov: ered tar © a naked the APRIL WHS TF The Conflicting F Rumors Re: ment's air [fleet has been amply coaled and pro- visioned at Kamranh Bay. It has been ascertained that the Russians anchor- ed there on that strange transports were seen in the bay even earlier then that date. 20, 1905. garding Jap Protest. JAPANESE FLEET IS ALL READY TO GO TO KAMRANH BAY, France ' Anxious to be us Neutral" as Possible -- Rojestvensky Pumles Critics, and Misleads Admiralty--Cossacks Scout- ing in Korea. pecial to the Whie London, April 90 --A despatch to the Telegraph, from Tokio, says that mat ters have reached the inevitable crisis in' referaiice to the unwarrantable stay of the Baltic fleet at KXamranh Bay. apan has .adopted the only course open to her, and a formal protest has been delivered to France, It is expect. | that Great Britain will heartily support this action, of solid metal § where the defective | The incident . is rded as wold had been ade, was ouly thse: covered by the Anglo-Japaness sixteenth of @m inch in thickness. He |liance, but it is "hoped that Franos had examined oo three buoys seve | whl conform to what ave considered ral limes ithe , explosick and | the elementary principles of neutrality. was peel to lar with their con- | Otherwise the situation, to which seruetion. rd 10 the accident, there must be a time limit, Ju be come exceedingly grave, The Japanese floet is veady to go to Knmranh Bay, All the papers praise the govern: insistent attitude. The Baltic April 12th, Tt is stated Doesn't Want Conflict. Paris, April 20.--In the chamber of PITH oF THE THE NEWS. deputies, yestérday, Prowiier Rouvier said Sut the government was doing everything necessary to assure 0 The Very Lather Cua From All |, intenance of neutrality in the 3 Over. The World. cast. The salient point of the debate Brantiord's t fate will be twenty. {was that France was unwilling. to fol: one mills for" 'year. low any policy that would be likel, . Lord St has arrival at]to result in an armed confliot, Liverpool, ila. w-- The Nord he hope, formerly jun- Which Must We Believe ? jor lord of the 'yeusury, died at Lon-|. London, April 20.--Thore is no off: dak; Eng. oF cial, or semi-official confirmation of ihren po ho Bangon min { the report that Japan has protested v « wi SUOOHN unt ou > i i Coming av ian 2 ount | France against her violation of | dry from Sand. | in the Bay oil Tafure on 'on the dismissal day, of license inspectors, I The C.P.R: from Halifax to Mon- |. treal, was derailed at Bancroft, Maine, salary The negotiations between the powers regarding Great Britain's plans for reform in Macedonia will be terminat od at the end of April, It is understood the extension the Zemsivo system to Biberia will be followed by a similar extension to the Caucasus und Poland. The Ontario government will short ammounce policy for reforestra tion which will give to the province a forest reserve of 40,000,000 acres of one « of ly a Marconi may pro against the De Forest people for infringement of his Canadian patent rights. He expeet good results from the newly-completed station at Glace Bay, Thomas Givens, bartender of a Chatsworth, Ont, hotel, eloped with Miss Maggie Ord, the hotel-keeper's sister-in-law. His wife eloped with one, George Manes, a year ago. Hon. G. W. Ross will likely retire from the leadership of the liberal op position in the legislature," and Rich ard Harcourt will take his place. Mr. Ross will probably get a senatorship 'ostrymen of Bt. George's church, New York, adpit that Dr. Rainsford's health is pe tut deny that he will be compelled to resign. He will not return from Europe, where he is rest ing, till fall Healthy young women will he sought in England, by Benjamin Pipe, Wapella, Assa., to import to the west as servants. where they will get $15 a month, with a pretty goo certainty of sb wily gotting married. at Franco's help on behalf of the ahd unofficially furthest extent munity from international reprisals. on neatrality. - Many - Fokio- atches refer to the growing of ress and ok ae laltic fleet. A brisk axchavgo of views weurred between France and Russia, betwoen Ruskla and two passengers being slightly injured. | Germany, with the refult that all Hon. Mr. Matheson announced that] three powers agreed, theoretically, no railway taxation legislation would | that the restrictive construction be introduced this season in Ontario | hitherto put on neutrality obligations legislature. by certain powers, was excessive and The fish and game departments of J unjustified, or that it had become in- the government will likely be united Leompatible with latter-day conditions. under one deputy head, to save the ance, it is credibly abserted, is ager to extend her benevolence to the compatible with im- Saw No Ships. Hong Kong, April 20.---Two steam- ers that passed close to Kamtanh Bay April 11th report that no Rus- sian vessels were visible there, Puzzles The Critics, London, April 20 y The ocorrespon- The House of Commons yesterday . " i esp adjourned early for the Easter holi dent, ot 34 Pabe oakneg, of ihe Times days. David Henderson, Halton, and |" I ' air] ole vensky's move Dr. Cash, Mackenzie, "spoke on the] ™ 0, ove. AIF Puss ed the Russian "bills * naval ocritios It is even said that autosemy hits MP the admiralty is non-plussed because H. Cary, nt - hte hrewnted Rojestvensky, in. order to preserve ab- ee vile thy on William steel, | solute werocy, purposely telegraphed a park. Mr. Corby ad Just Fefusnd misleading reports to the naval head- 81.000 for the property A quarters' staff. According to my in- formation, Rojestvensky proceeded east, on directions from the czar, but he was allowed the fullest discretion at to whether he should join Vice- Admiral Nebogatoff, and the route he should take. It je said that Neboga- tofi has not yet been instructed where to proceed Cossacks Are Scouting. Tokio, April 20. --Hoeadguartors' re- ports the occupation, on Saturday, by a Japancse force, of the town of Tung Ya, nbar the Korean frontier, about fifty miles cast of Hing King, the enemy retreating to the north, It i« learned from other source that there has beén some severe skirmish- ing at Kilju, in Northern Korea, where numerous Cossack detachments are weouting. Large Russian forces are dtationed along the Northern Korean frontier A Pigeon's Long Trip. ind, April Mishawaka compresser where it j= gradually com pressed through three stages, so as t, avoid heating, thence through an- other dryer and cooler ta the buoy, through the reesiver at the man-hole, son's Red Cross drug store Buildings. Several goweral purpose Horses, Surry Buggy and other articles LOST. A SMALL OXIDIZED WATCH, WITH Masonic Charm attached, holween ol. Drury's King St. and Mrs Walker's Arch St. Reward for its return, to 157 King St. FOR SALE. rors : erm BARY CARRIAGE. IN GOOD CON- dition. Apply. this office NO > y ALFRED STRE SoLID puliding, 6 bedrooms double pn 6. dining room, asd Kite mode rn ingrovementa hot wiler heat- ing. for heat and ligh Wired for olectnc lighting good ilar full sire house concreta floor Apply on thes premises of to W. King, Cityd here one of the gauges is kept, \ Havler's delicions exeams, 'colored,' "for table decorating. Only at Gibson's Red Cross deng store, very best seed, Chown's Drug. Store. paying sherifix and registrars by fees, and substituting therefor payment by As soon as the proposed new system of pay has been adopted, the Nasturtium seeds, tall or dwarf. the heads of present occupants will begin zalary to fall, Yon 20. ~The 5 buyers t were LW , DP. J, Mackinnon, J. YY Pun , A. Alexander, R. { Tn the absence of president, John Davis, W. J, waR Te 12 ation of * W. Til and ackinnon The minutes "of © the last were read and Jat nating the factories were to "cash 1, he Shion of ofces Lhe proc Sion of D, J. Mackinnon and J: Joseph MoGra Cream Jip Cramer, Glenvale. First . Vieo President -- Joseph Me: Grath, Sunbury. Second V: Vioe-Prosident--C, W. Lang with, Washburn. Sueetany Pillar, Glenvale, Marker-- Sproule, "Westhrook, The selection of directors was left Ste for the next meeting, as was also dhe Wppoinling of a committee to re- Ly aceonnt of - 83 for advertising postponed meeting, was referred to wsoertain secretary to the publication of the same, The lon of ace was " Joanie de meting pla n moved t a committee 4 t, T. Sproule and W, to pro lar, be aw oure a suitable In - amendmen meet t it was moved by Messrs. D. J, Mackinnon and John Gibson, that the present meeting place be reiinadtat the' former rate. A short discussion followed, Mr, Gallagher pressing his motion, and Mewes, Mackinnon Juuphy » Alexan- der, Gibson. apd Pillar the amend ht el epaitant Sought the city a room suitable for should oo of n board, but half a doe- en members i sel to the city Soveral buy- gher _fee_in- or for free quarters the court house which might be obtained, x Upon a "vote being' lied for, the president ruled the an oarried, and the committee will rep report at the Dext meeting. ® There. were 215 fo. haardal, JOO white and B58 0 . price of- fered was, lo, D, J. Mi set 3 ons the fate, at this time 06 boxes were the prioe then being only § conte, These factoriés had cheese on sale © Colored ~Gleburnie, 30; Glenvales, 25, White-Sumbury, . 3% Cold y 3 Collins i 50; Pine ann, 0; taraqui, Before ig the president thank: od the members for the honor econfer- red upon him in electing him to the position of honor, The board will mest again two . noe, IN SHORT FORM. ---- Special Despatches To The Whig. There is no ice about Port Col borne. Wednesday's i tution arrivals at Winnipeg totalled y "The assessed value tg Calgary, N. W.T., will pass $3,000,000 this year. A provincial fruit and honey show in io be held again in Toronto next fall. A government audit of the account of the township of Osgoode, Carleto: county, has been ordered. The steamer Norseman left Port Colborne, Ont. this morning, for Detroit, being the first departure this season. Brandon's aescssment this year hae advanced » million and a half over that of last year's, the population i now. 8,500. The Cap Rouge ice fe all coming down, A telephone message from the peo bridge says the ice breaker Montonlm appears to be ashore. The Private Bills' Committee had the N bill, to allow the corpor- ation to build an lighting plant, be jure it today. It passed unanimous- "ita r Vigars, Port Arthur, has tho mmrine department, 'asking that the ice hreaker Algoma 'be sent on to Thunder Bay to break the ice Led by the ice erviser Algoma, the big fleet which had been held up, woek below Whitefish Point, forced ite way through the ie and into Lake Superior. eo Ward (Sarnia) O'Keefe bout at Detroit on Thursday night, was scientific. After ten rounds Referee Ryan called the affair a draw. At uo David Tapsl of the Cataract | Mishawaka Homing Pigeon Club has time was either man in distress. Co., Ramil on had Be pL atat arranged to send a bird to Belgium At a conservative ecanventio ed to a sp hy a current of elee- | this week for a homeward flight | in Edmonton, N.W.T., with tes | tricity. The vist of his body was | across the Atlantic i wi be the | present from many parts of the dis- ily burned. and he wont stark A | best. carrier owned by the loea or- | trict, a resolution was hall result of his injuries. Heo wa ganization and one which last season | make Mr. Oliver's election an Ww die made the flight from New Orleans to | mation. : Prof. John V. Jameson, head of the | thie city. The president of the club The sale of scats for he state con- department of history at the Univer. | says the bird wil] be. enabled to so: jeert, in Torcate, Wednesday sity of Chicago, has resigmed to ae | cure sufficient food and rest on board when Paderewski A the Gov- cept the post of diteetor of the | ocean liners which will be encountered | ernav- General and Countess Groy, ex- Burean of Historical Research dn the | on the homeward trip, The carrier is occode all other doncert Carnegie Institution, Washington, | to be released by' the captain of the amounting in Toronto to over $6,000 ne. - steamer immexliately upon entering The auction salé of boxes for the port, and be will notify the cloh by | Canadian horse show, in Toronto. "Three Swallows." cable of the time of liberation. pr created much Statins, Bir John Power and Bon's "Three Wall choice for 8150; E. B. Osler, re Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for | Shadow On The Wall | taking second at $130, amd Senator over a- century, Of highest standard 'Toronto, April * 20.-~The hitney Lyman Melvin Jones, third choice at of purity. Distillers to his majesty the government has under consideration = | 4145, king. proposal to abolish the system of a Italy has nationalized the raflwage, making railway employees state ale, The men will be regmded as hav ing if they go on strike, or otherwise hamper the service, "Who authorised] Good Fridey, Aga 5 py Sal Hanipes and >T1S S B. THA ER And tl Origuial Now York 5 t Wasiital Comedy Drama 'sweet Clove Fis Jie, on, Mie. Boe noe. a toturn ERGAGOMORE. Saturday, April 22n i London Gomady Bescon fhe Mummy and The Hummi ith W. A. al Whitecar