Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1905, p. 11

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West c from the Orient" a good tea, c quality race. It --and hygienically > per pound--joc, I parchment. ir cup, STL H>5 ssmaking and family $ilK is the best sil achine use it has no needle ; it is alw: ys strength. Ask y itutes, Silks.. see up in patent holders, r tangles or soiling ; ly measures a correct er way to put up filo erywhere. OR _cccctifih. ven texture, When akes it clean again, has peculiar wearing or sale every rwhere, k Jour "LAWRENSON | 38 King Street. CeeeEe @ewe® @¢ SHOES! 1 ! MEN. Spring and Summer t Colt, Russia Tan, B,C.D \ fit for any foot. | $5 a Pair. Vici Kid. work as Make your light as possible by calling on us for Pails, Brushes, Brooms, Tubs, Alabastine, ete. unlight 'Soap! ntifically made soap, the oils and. al- perfectly combined. It will wash well with hard or soft water. No hard ! : g or boiling of the clothes. Justrub a per Sunlight on the clothes and it does the cleansing. awl Give Sunlight a feria 'You may have your money ba.ck if not satisfied. Lover Brothers Limited 114 . ines and Liquors , our large and new assorted of Ales, Wines, Liquors and , we "think that we have rything to meet the demand. guarantee entire satisfaction to prices and quality. ent for the well known "De- teh'! Scotch Whiskey. AS. McPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. hone 274. SPECIAL BARGAINS FROM NOW: TILL EASTER Discount ON SUITS 'AND SPRING OVERGOATS Porrect Clothing hmmer is now on our counters, best of its kind made; 0% ment is the othing that will be y for and a pleasure to wear. and look at the styles t for your inspection as you i s a pleasure to show them, lso Gents' Furnishings; Boots and hoes, at rock bottom prices, T d Valises, SAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Street. THE EORGE ZIEGLER Agent, 346 King Street. ARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensington, good qrder; band; gon; Runabouts also a fow sets of Harness left. Call MES LATURNEY, new Top Buggies, Was Not Able To Walk. For Three Months. | | Was Given Up to Die, The Doctor Said So. | Burdock Blood Bitters Saved Her Life. 'Read what Mrs. Wm, Castillonx, News > port, Quebec, has to say about Burdock Blood Bitters :--" Last December I fell very sick after confinement. I was not able to walk for three months, and was given up to die by the doctor. - My hus- | band read of the many wonderful cures made by Burdock Blood Bitters, so pro- | cured me two bottles, * After using it for about ten days, I was able to get around, and could mind my baby without help from anyone, and am now well, and able todo my own work. I told a lady friend of mine who was troubled in the same way, and she used it with equal success. I cannot too hiffuly recommend your | medicine, for I know just how good it is, and hope end wish that anyone suffering oa 1 did will give it a trial." An American Disease Indigestion Is Responsible For More Sickness In America | Than Any Other Disease. Some doctors go so far as to say that indigestion is the national dis- ease of America Repeated attacks in-| flame the lining of the stomach and | stead of the juices of natural diges- tion. Consequently the blood is pois-} oned, nerve force is reduced, the vita- lity of the entire system is weakened Dr; Hamilton's Pills' accelerate the action of the gastric glands and give strengthen the kidneys and liver, cleanse and purify the blood, and thus add general tone to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength are fast restored and the pdtient can eat and digest anv food he pleases, Under the vitalizing effect of Dr. | Hamilton's Pills your system will soon ings of healths Test Dr. Hamilton's Pills vourself.. 25c. pér box or five boxes for $i: at all dealers Three Lucky People real estate, In an old armchair purchased at anction at Townalarry, Donegal, by &. Henderson, the buyer found a lea ther purse containing nearly £200. After living alone for many years in a small cottage = at Doveérs Fngland, an aged woman named Marsh was found dead in her bedroow, and in crannies and cravices all over the house were found packets containing gold, silver and bronze. So far LI87 has been found. A Poem Fbr Merchants. The Journal of Philology Oh, tradesman, in thine hour of & ee If on this paper you should o ¢ ¢, rake our advice and now be v vy, Gio straight ahead and advert ii i, you'll find the project of some un u; Neglect can 'offer no ex q 4 9, Be wise af onee, prolong your d a a a A silent busines soon de k k k. The harder a man labors the k 390 PRINCESS STREET. time ho has to whine. Ni + Hnd what can we do but weep?" cause the glands to secrete mucus in- | | | { tone to the digestive organs. 'I hey | rally; once more you'll enjoy the bless- | By the death of an uncle in Austra lia, Private Frederick Kelly, of the 5th Royal Irish Fusiliers, or Mon aghan Militia, unexpectedly finds him self heir to a fortune of close upon £14,000, some £8,000 of which is in' S| Hrehdeacon a Farrar ITH trembling fears and ream ing tcars { Ere dawned the Gaster day, { Slow to the tomb, through the shud- dering gloom, The women made their way. ! "The stone 18 heavy and huge," they cried, "And the cave is dark and deep, Hnd the cross towers still on the dreadful bill, DE little maid his wolce obeyed By sweet Genesareth's wave, Hind Lazarus heard bis thrilling word Hrd came from the rochy grave, Hnd the youth of Nain to rise was fain, Hid bis mother waticd no more. | But now the Giver of Life fs dead, Hnd joy and hope are o'er. FACES AND ANGEL WINGS! QO, from his shroud of crimson cloud The burning sun upsprings! Lo, in the dawn, on dewy lawn, faces and angel wings! "Why ecch ye the living among the dead? x Oh, not in the tomb fo hel Pe has burst the prison of death," they said; "Ye shall meet him on Galflee I" €EP no more, though ye weep 80 sore, For the loved In the farther land; Though the dust be epread on the cherished head, The soul 18 in Jesus' hand. Hnd the mourncr knows that his Lord arose To sct his prisoners free, Hnd the death on carth 18 a heavenly birth, Hnd time fs cternity. IN JAPAN AND RUSSIA. How the Warring Nations Celebrate the Featival of Peace. Every nation has its Easter. In far. away Japan this celebration of the re- birth of the year is called the Yeast of the cherry blossoms and is attended with much merrymaking and jollifica- tion. The blossoming cherry trees are hung with innumerable paper lanterns. The boats on the rivers at night are similarly decorated, and there are pro- ions of singing girls, actors, trades- people and mouks, In Russii Easter is a festival cele- brated much" like our Christmas, with gifts and rejoicings. Dolls and eggs are .bought for the little ones by every householder, and the week immediate- ly preceding is devoted to what has been called the "great annual Musco- Every housewife makes an elaborate cleaning of her dwelling, and the public baths are crowded with people who deem cleanliness at this morning the soul of man has shone vite wash." particular season a religious duty. Valuable presents are interchanged. Formerly every one had a right to Christ and knew that God's universe kiss everybody else, though this curi- ous custom now prevails only in rural districts. Among the rich gorgeous, dureth from everlasting to everlasting, artificiil eggs, sometimes worth thou-| --Helen Keller in Youth's Companion. sands of dollars apiece, are given and received. Such eggs often contain cost- ly jewels, and in this shape the czar each year bestows upon his wife a lily, the large and very beautiful vari- precious token of his imperial Tepard, --New York World. \* What Americans Spend For Lillies. The rise of the Easter lily is one of the most sensational features of green. housk floriculture in America during the last quarter of a century. Our florists raise about 05,000,000 Easter lilies a8 year. Assuming that only half of these plants are sold, that each bears only two flowers (a good plant] op 5100 ang the lilies. The trade with should have six to eight) and that the .. public pays 50 cents a bud, it would the United States in Bermuda onions gcem that the American people spend at least $2,500,000 for Easter lilies ev- | ery year.--Country Life In America, Sm ----------------------TTTIE Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. A Curlons Cusifm Canned to Our "Capital, | that is the last number played, and it National Egg rolling on Baster Monday is a custom apparently peculiar to Wash. ington. The origin of the practice has not been satisfactorily traced, but the _statement is made that in the year 1785 a small company of Germans sail- ed up the Potomac and established be- low the present Georgetown a settle ment which they named Hamburg, and it is possible that the custom of rolling Easter eggs owes to these pioneers its introduction into the United States, Among the settlers, perbaps, was a descendant of the Princess of Burgun- dy, who, according to tradition, cen- turies ago dipped eggs in dyes, hid them In her palace grounds and then invited children to search for them, Cr One who has never witnessed the sport of egg rolling cunnot realize how | much enjoyment there 18 to be had | trom it. Long ago the capitol grouiids | were used for It There were long, grasdy terraces, and the school children gathered upon them, sét the gaudy ob- jécts to rolling, then gathered them- selves into a ball and followed them, to the detriment not only of their Sith but of the grass. Some bard | ated person or persons stopped this, hoe after Gwhile one who will ever | bold & sacred place In the heats of | the children suggested and obtained | the "White House lot" for the annual { sport. { The children sit or stand in squads, and thé gayly colored eggs are started on their downward course, turning over and over and gaining momentum with each revolution until they have reached the bottom in safety or, having struck another in its downward flight, is bro- ken or dashed to pieces. { The" children rush away fo recover the spoils, and when the egg is restored | to its rightful ewner the feast begins. | It is an orderly crowd, and this is to | be wondered at when it is taken into consideration that not less than 15,000 children sper the day together, The crowning joy Is when the Ma. rine band, dressed in scarlet coats, which seem to vie with the gayly col- ored tulips nodding in their beds.elose by, strikes up a popular air and con- tinues to play until the time to go home. When the strains of "Hall to the | Chief! are heard it is the signal for wild and enthusiastic cheering, for all know that the chief magistrate of the nation has come out on the portico to watch the children. He is usudlly ac. cowpanied by his wife and a number of his official family. The children are made happy by nods, miles and friend- ly recognition with a wave of the band, At-last "The Star Spangled Banner" is struck up, and the children know that their happy day is at an end, for is the signal to disperse.--Pitisburg | Dispatch. \ THE SPIRIT OF EASTER. A Psalm and a Sermon by Helen Kel- | ler, the Blind Girl, i .Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endureth forev- | er. Sing unto him a new song, for he | causeth the desert to put forth bios. soms, and the valleys he covereth with greenness. Out of the night he bring- eth day and out of death life everlast- ing. On this day a new light is upon the mountains, for life and the resur- rection are proclaimed forever, Easter is the promise of the Lord that all the best and noblest in man shall be renewed, even as growth and bloom and ripening shall not cease. The bars of winter are broken, and the iron bands of death are riven. The bird is on the wing, and the flight of the soul shall know no weariness. The lilies lifs their holy white grills, brimmed with sunshine of God's love, for has not the Lord manifested his love in flowers and in the upspringing of green things? They are sweet interpreters of large certainties. Each year the winter cutd them down, and each spring they put forth again. Every spring 18 a new page in the book of revelation, wherein we read that life is an eternal genesis and its end is not, for it endureth fors ever. Bellet In eternal life compels us to | believe In good deeds and honest thoughts. The good man tolls not for today nor for tomorrow alone, but be- cause he knows tint his labor shall sur+ vive long after his hand has fallen from the plow. The good man pours himself into the world and makes it new. Ho is among the blessed who win sight out of blindness, order out of chaos and life out of death. Since the first Easter | with unwasting light, for then he look- ed into the radiant face of the risen truction, but to nesis--yea, it en- shapes itself not to de a yet more glorious : The Bermuda Lily, * This & the season of the Bermuda ety of that flower which Is used ex- tensively for church decoration on Eas- ter Sunday. 'Bermuda supplies all the large cities of the United States with this flower, and the trade has grown to large proportions and become rec- ognized as one of the most lucrative in which residents of the isiands can en- gage. The soil of Bermuda is a layer of mold on a rock foundation and is generally poor for agricultural pur poses, aside from the growing of veg: and potatoes has always been good, but in recent years the lily has become the islanders. The British empire outside the United Kingdom oul containe some 2,500,000 of people of British « nt APRIL 22. Ye want every man wd woman in Cound 'who walfers from Kidoey and Fadder Troubles, to writ for m, a We Ct eyo io as ar eds to send us their names and addresses, | we may mail them, free of charge, a sample box of Gin Pills. 100,000 Sample Boxes Given Away. There are Hundreds who are martyrs to Kidney Trouble, having ied ie Tee are dozens in avery = wo may ha t knowin I are pale---losing -can ua have. LE constantly i to ahi the urine is scanty, burning or high by feet and hands are swollen--if the eyesight is dimmed--if there on pains in oh the back, through the hips and legs--then you have "the most positive oe Kidney Trouble, 8 -g These are the people, we haps, who will send in thelc nates that Gin Pill. ay. core What They Are + They Do Rach Gis Pill contains the medicinal properties of one Gin Pills cure " Cold on the Ridoeys™ Tutammtin and one-half ounces of best Holland Glu. ' The harmful of the Kidueys, Urie Acid, cansing Gont and Rheumatism, substances--and (he alcohol--are left out. These medicinal . Ulceration and Tafamumailon of the Bladder, Panful and principles tre combined with several other remedies of Suppressed Urine, constant desire to unidale, Gravel or exceptional value--and the whole made up in the form of Stove in the adder, aud and all other troubles, caused by « small, pleasant pill. These are the famous Gin Plils They never {ail to relieve the er he ee ta PRA aver in! n Canad Nout you try Gin "rin ot our expéuse ? 2 Sa poking Hh . Wh Ask. us "lo send a x AR' in wi Do ht to-day-- NOW, "Bored DRS rm WV ineinem Man en Was Much Appretiated for Her | Chatham, Ont, Banner, even of more importance to wany of PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PURIFIES THE BLOOD. "MAKES SICK ® BRACES THE NERVES. PEOPLE WELL BUILDS UP THE BODY. IN SPRING MIME. : Ani Fox SAN Amis Fox 2 ar £7 The Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Qyres. = = WON HIGH PRAISE Singing. At a recital, given at the Ursuline | Academy, last evening, Miss Mona |' Natalie "Knight, daughter of Dr. A I. Knight, Queen's University, King ston, won high laurels by her ready | tion of several vocal numbers, among | which were "The Nightingale Has an Eyeo of Gold," "The Rose" "Tho | no in p- statious of 1 Ipit, the trades FA the oy or on. Liver, and The rg," and a most ox | "lu quinite aria from one of the grand prt old masters in appreciatio n of which RENE, she was presented with gorgeous flows hy home Naya ied ors. built me up feo, If a beautifully free, resonant and K nu man ln every roupect. The: ma aid years ago. unforced tone, faultless intonation, a | pet SE RAE Puacka 8 and : & nice differentiating 'of the vowel qual ¥ ity, vet preserving the evennos and GURES GOSRAKVEED OR 40 PAY. usin fe Bs e-Qouson B fi fq continty of the tone, dramatic abi x ed & K 3 ugg Ry Wo dh gin Des. ennedy & Ke an, "bus: : the text if these, oe whined with a phenomenal range and beautiful qual iy of tone, go to make np a singer, the voung Indy we had the pleasure of hearing in the academy hall' last $ evening is entitled to the highest eed of praise given her by an apprecia: | YOU ARE SICK Y tive and soul stirred audience 1 ; Naturally, the question arose, "Un . ¥ y been | You're uneasy, restless, without appetite. Still worse, lg thin a as a and fagged out. . Work must be done, but where is Dobe King: | B coming from ? Make your blood nutritious and you'll have lots in g 1 tink hat in | Greig. : too---of the mony Your only hope is Ferrozone, the great food tonic. yard and congra yh FERROZONE--| It's a blood makér, blood purifier, blood earicher. It brings sharp appetite, digests and converts all you eat into nourishment. Ferrozone makes muscle, tissue, nerve. It strengthens in a week, builds up anyone in a month. Think of it. You'll live One Gunce Of Prevention. longer and feel better by using Ferrozone, Avoid substitutes, aS yw. the rest "better than a { Price B00 per box or six for $2.50, at all dealers, or by mail from : ar All rious Kidne = N.C. Polson & 'Co., Kingston, Ont, and Hartford, Conn, UBA. be pt ted. Attend to lit a v h ax headache, back ache Peck's Kidney Pills prevent the advance of all™kidney troubles, In boxes 25c. at Wade's. Money back if ; Hot satisfactor y § It All Deper "% sn iritends that the $2,800,000 . | held in trust for us by the Do- MONTREAL. Ne ------ . n should not be included as an 4 held 'a' mgllion in SPORTING GOODS CATALOGUE oe ving him the mter Ve dend aur 200 pase. --Allustrated catalogue RT 3 - if he would not } & J ridn you an No matter what op eit or x 3 , Just as well as by calling at any store, and Ad our trade is so la 'we can cll 1 ne ee EE RE ee Ee or Lh hilde n ch a good time bes 'Poothall, SOLE, Te fli ns, SELES can there it no mornmyg after for Ba 'Targets, Stes, rte St Sab pIaIIAN, Taboggans, 2 1k Camping Equipment, F HEH. ST. W. BOYD & SOM, 1603 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, r.a. Record for 1904 er y------ pepe We will take down, re- move and store your. Stove for $1.00 for the season. : « We have one of the best storehouses in ke city for this purpose. When you want your stoves taken Sows, ete. call up telephone aA Shows Lower Expense Rats than any other - Canadian Life Company. Over Five Millions New Business nearly all written in Canada. Funds invested in gilt-edge home secur. ities. such as meriga gos on farm. and city properties, bonds, munici pal a debentures. Good Home Business and lots of it, with sound investments -- these things mean more profits to Cana. dian policy holders, Head Office: Waterloo, Canada. that is to say, only one in ford its total population, } 8. Roughton, General Agent 171 :Wellisgton St, Kingston, Ont.

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