i £ Fa . #11 § He H ge iit §a7 Pig 4 sms rgk : i th * Jing the local government to have been specially marked for dis- missal by the Whitney government. The miserable craze lor office is giv- reat em. barrassment. ' The ministers will have to protect themselves presently with shot-guns. Gas sells in Hamilton at $1 per thousand fest, for fuel and light; in New Amsterdam, N.Y. at 48¢; at 'Manchester, Eng., at 60c.; at Birming- ham at 3c; and at Glasgow at 5c. An army of 90,000 will be wanted for the harvest of the North-West this year, Many of those who go into the become farmers on their own ac eount, 2 : Relatives of Alexander, the presi- pdent of the Equtable Life Assurance company, are officers and beneficiar- ies, annually, fo the extent of $196,- 000. So that they are not suffering on account of family ties. -- Why does Mr. Gamey not go on with bis vindication in the legislature ? started in to tear the record of i il 1 with his parents sia good thing. ~ [necessary to © i} * ary. DESTROYED BY FIRE. . By Flames. C. J. Curette, A uN E. lin T. Hurshaw j I eee A w is Owen Sound. , % county. terday © and Mrs. I. J. Lockwood. E. married, Wednesday, to Joung, daughter of 3. and Mrs David Young, South cederickshurgh and left for their western eory Baker had a head-on collision on their bi when gathered up. daily from Nathan Caton is encourag ing: ke is doing nicely days rest will, in here. The steamer started her regular trips this week The Rathbun drive, which, owing to ow water He was in the aot batter from behind a horse he ig. when ; striking him: 'on; ~~; forehead though painful is not serious. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Not An Authority. Brantford Expesitor. Susan B.. Anthony says divorces are . How. does she know ? She never tried them. Muscle In Demand. . Ottawa Free Press. man of tho iron muscles is like I¥ to be in demand. It may still be a the baséball season with an ice s They Are Discovered ! Toronto Telegram, 2 The Montresl Star and Mon Gazette are a great pair of finishers, in proof. of which please wee their il. lustrions patient, the conservative party of Quebee Hitting The Surplus. Montreal Herald. The conservatives have decided to the aut debate till tor. With alk in the house char up at $37 a minute, nn, they mast trying to muko a Jin the surplus. ' Tarte In Motion. ton Rk Nr. Tarte sions to come into oonverd head: Ontarians 10 his view of the west. bool question, And it is only day that lirael was re-mar. hor 'The. Mrenncus little man is rot unless he is "in a continuous of excitement, : ; P. Amey, agent of the Northern Pacific Railway at Glendive, Montana, was Miss Bata home. and Adam Collins eyeles. They met with such force, that the front wheels of both bicycles were a mass of tangled spokes and rubber Word received and a few all probability, make it safe to remove him to his fields as helpers will settle down and | home i last year, was unable fo get over the rapids here, was this woek released and run over on Wed- nesday. Stanley Wales met with what might have been a: serious accident. of picking up a nd knocking him down. The wound al- awesome gates of Kingston pesitenti-| #4 3 4 Adolphustown Home 'Wiped Out' April 2.--~The home of Mrs, lolphustown, was destroyed by fire, Thursday. i is spending Faster Eastertide in| one at Newburgh by the W.A. . X~ ander, and Mr, S. R. Miller loft yeos- for New York. Mr. and Mrs. 'roskery have taken rooms with Mr. 3 ently, it can't fad io cure. Com- Me outfit tosts 21.00, and is gaar- gh ,| edly guaranteed for cetarrh, deafness, BARONESS BURDETT-COUTTS. Special to. the Whiz. f London, April Parish Of Camden East, Services bn ae Day will he bright -- and carty, as usual good music will be rendered 5 Newburgh and Yarker, being assisted {by "G." F. Miller, am! Newburgh by | Mrs. C. H. Finkle, Vestry meetings at Camden East, Tuesday, at 7.30 pm; at Yarker, Wednesday, at 7.30 pw, { and Newburgh, Thursday. 7.30 p.m. All | interested in church work should at § tend. Three good bales have been packed this week, two at Yarker and ------ Pay water rate and save discount. Catarrh Points' To The Grave The Stepping Stone to Consump- tion. a (Vicious Robber of Health, An Enemy to All Mankind, The man with cotarrhhas no chance. His blood is weak, his diges- tion is impaired, he constantly pe ol from headache. continuous hawk- ing destroys the throat, inflames the lungs," and makes consumption easy. Catarrhozone instantly relieves, and in u short time thorou hly cures. Of this there can be no Goubt. In the very worst cases trup cure follows quickly. You are absolutely certain of cure in using Catarrhozone; it is unresery- coughs, colds and bronchitis. Read the following My :-- 22 Monwment St, Wedterd, Mass. Kindly forward me three outfits of which I have found in- saved me from consumption. | am re commending Catarrhozone, knowing what great curative powers it pos- sesses, 1 know others who have also been benefited by inhaling Catarrhozone, which is an infallible eure. 5 (Miss) Louise Murphy. oF al irshasone ube without the use regs, [is i Vapor goes along with the air Eo Hr oo seat and cause of the trouble. Con- nteed: trial size 3c. at all dealers or EN. C. Polson & Co.. Hartford, Coun, USA, ard! Kmnzston, Ont. a as Well directed, is bringing fine' rosulis to our well-pleased students. Our new, up todnte methods and equipment en. shle us to offer splendid adr vtages. and Call, write or phone 'od may enter any time our merits, by the choirs, | bring no as in Ja There is the whole situation in & nu window, shell. The city has control tation to i : ways. The cities of into the b. bearing parcels kept arriving in Strat- : "their street . fearing treet. . : 'which 3 ayers cold at, Hod charter el hey ir Rogerio : 3at time, omen my monthly Saat Wg 9p sed Gistarh: any atrout Alter. the. train | a detiente, rma more terrible ordeal | Wel, sad this contivud for severe) tl and the éou : out of Oshawa, : X . a 0 to a delicate, sensiti refined woman v wv decided to , Sune] cannot: prevent a headway Divine, caming Lord | than to be obliged to answer certain Decams reac Cpupoutid. After tw Bell company can abo refuse the ig 5 i "somewhat | I felt in the Sunlight a softened shine, questions when those ions are | second and in thie mobun in ta ® connection with its gemeral line. and Bytes Mr. Rumball tursed to leave | AM « murmur of welcome 1 thought 1 | asked, even her family physician. {was restored' to health I conte 3 o municipal system which stands alone, | the ent, and Mr. Sparks In the ripple of brooks and the chip of This is sspeuis] the 'cass with un- Vegstable Compound well worthy of pees ithant un oh an ind aes oh a a a Tr And the by buds and the springing Is it any wonder, then, that women SC Paoiectiton of § Erle Street, Bu uther plies, 1s fu of chained feet going through the open | Seemed to be waiting to ses This pass - continue to suffer and: that doctors pv rhe fulness. 4 et without & moment's hestita- | And the sky and the sea and the ford. fail to cure female discases when they "wr recommend Lydia B. Glasgow, by the way, has bein com- Sion-he diving into space, Ed to the touch of Ged. | S3BBOE gst the proper information 10 | paw's V as i mitted unreservedly to" muni own- | but reaching the ground in vomipars: S wan? 3 We and of paaered {or four years with ership. It eotitruls a public library of | tive y. By the time he arose, |! oom Thou wert coming, O Lord This js the reason why thousands and Bae oi of § aA 10 ote bay 160.000 volumes, and is Brown bad also gajhed his feet. atop, Lo oln he world's heart up to Thine. | 'HOUSSDdS of women are mow ragony:can form am of the phys 8 " » erecting a i eel he | I knew the bonds of the w ve | 8 with Mrs. Pinkham. To her oe aul rk short distanre awa¥, and ng [he | rock-hewn grave mental suffering who are thes number "of district Bbraries; conducts advancing ard him, did (not | Were 'riven, that living Thy life might y can and do give every symptom, | affected. Yoar Vegetable Compound cured : 1 Lon {two} save. so that she really knows mere about | me. Within tires months I was fully seven model lodging houses--one make any attempt to run. Thejtwo lp, blind and wayward, I could not see the trope Condition of her nts, | to health and poe my Ru women--which shelter 2,430 persons ev- | counted ties back to Oshawa, whee' Thou were Fomiag to dwell with me, een through her correspondence with them | Ste and painless. hata biota ery night and pay 5 per cent. profit; | they awaited Je coming of wired And my JDeart, o'er burdened with care | than the Jhysician who personally iio You. Your company docks wha 27 blocks of buildings, contain- Bowne retlle. Had 20 fair chambers to take Thee in. | GUCStioDs the * | than any or medicine | evar had 3 ing 200 shops and 1,962 buildings. Meanwhile there was great com- |. . + i yousuffer from any form of trouble | x, other medicine in the world bas i . ; NOt one clear spot for Thy Toot to tread, to women, write at once to ived such wid ad an which shelter 9.000 people; public' motion on the train, amd afl kinds of Not one pure pillow to rest Thy head Pinkham. Mass, and shel © rived such widespread and unquali banks; including Kosher banks - fur | signals were given fo the «i Therein nothivg te offer. no bread, no will ad a re ' Jed Sploremiet, > Sther medicing 2 Ch x. We & y i ET ded st]. Wine, reco or actual | Jews, and also wash houses, in which ho oh wopusied fuss i And sot iain, ibis Rewrt of mine. The fact that this gyeat boow, which female ills as has Lydia E. Pisinent hot water is furnished at. a trifling ille, when Mr. Rumball tel | Iilumed for Thyself a somal are ace | 18 extended freely to/ w Mrs. | Vegetable Compound. ! Tiicelor: family } dry work; gas and ta Oshawa. then ar- {And I crept to the spot by Thy smile , is appreciated, the thou- Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women_ het 2} pho h a bel made sweet. sands of letters received by her prove. to write ber for advice. She ha electric light and power works inf od a rig and drove A Tries And tears came ready to wash Thy feet. Masiy such grateful letters as the fol- | guided thousands to health. Address, which 3.000 "men are employed; the oS ih. prisms Jailer, | Now. Jet ms come nearer. 0 Lord Divine. are constantly pouring in. , - street. railway system, which plays nl Soaks him infully: bruised as | Cleanse: 0 toe groan a aiipe | Ask Hrs. Piskham's Advice--A Woman Best Understands a Woman's His A500 men and carries over 170. the result of his fiving leap, and is | Fit for a Sworn: dear Lovd. for Thee. > x 3 so = js; Rear. if Thou wilt, a throme in my people annually. Furthermore it owns of the opinion that he twisted his; st, a : 2 nine public markets, including one for | back, as it pained him severely when Reign, 1 will - worship and serve my : svetem that | be walked. ° gpg Set. i : » old clothes, a telephone » The jailer and constable left for the | While panos art in me-and in Thee 1 BIBBY S pays 15. per. cent. on the invested pub west Friday afternoon, pile of No end can come to the Eastertice lic capital; a labor burea landing * their prisoner ind the | err home for inebriates. It leads in these Thick of it; next Sunday is Easter. Are you prepared to greet the day properly ? How about your suit ? What about that Top Coat? Is your Hat right ?. How are your Gloves, Tie, etc. Come in and size up our new spring things. | See What We Have For Easter, EVERYTHING NEW, NOBBY AND NEAT. Spring Suits, $7.50 to 15. Spring Raincoats, $10, 12.50, 13 50. Spring Shirts, soc., 75¢., $1, 1.25. Spring Gloves, 75¢, $1, 1.25. Spring Top Coats, $7.50 to 13 50 Spring Hats, $1 to 2.50. Spring Caps, 25¢., 50c., 75¢, $1. -\ Spring Hosiery, 25¢., 35¢., 50c. See our special $1 Street Glove and our $2 Hats. Come See Our Easter Neckwear. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. of sranereenee nih Ready For Easter? »xlhe particular man or womaa who wants shoes for Easter will find a showing to delight them here, fogether with ever) Ring thet : cor rect and pleasing. Every style y could' EE desire is here--Boxts, » +Oxfords ; Gibson Ties, Christy Ties and Sailor Ties; light; medium and extension soles; Tan, Chocolate, | 000 ae Patent Colt, Vici Kid and Box Calf. T-N, STOUKDALE, Principal. The Sawyer Shoe Store. | ADMIRAL'S WORDS CARRY WE ee ---- EAR-ADMIRAL HICHBORN is one H Known admirals of our navy. His statement . concerning Peruna. will ight as it goes out into the world. What he says is echoed by many other na © "THE ADMIRAL SAY: | WHAT ai Hiehborn, Rear-Admiral United | lp Washington, D. C., as follows: wAfier the use of Peruna for a sho now cheerfully recommend you ody to any one who is in need of tonic." ==-Philip Hichborn. [AN EVERPRESENT FOE The soldier and the sailof'are especial sarrh in some form or phase. Exposed as they are to constant changes, 8 to various vicissitudes, and all kinds of d dry, nizlhit and day, they find catarrh to 1 overprosent foe. rracks and om the field, Peru jnsid ia th ificacions. Taken in time, it will absolutely prevent « tup quicker than any other remedy known Even after a cold has become settled in # he body Peruna can be relied upon to pron Pe runs will cure catarrh, whether atute ¢ a few doses taken in the first stages of the ¢ more effective than when the disease has be if you suffer from catarrh in any form, ¢ it. Take Peruna st once. Delays in suc ngerous. There is no reason why you should be leading a wretch- ed unsatisfactory life, the victim of ill-health orchronic ve uterine disorder, or even a run-down condition. an + Nc Dis lea the are Is a medicine compounded for your special needs. It contains everything your system requires, cluding ingredients recently dis- covered, which no other remedy | contains, : Mh It is prescribed by leading phy- R | =, sicians for their lady patients, It benefits every woman every time. In nine cases in every ten it abso- lutely cures the ills of women. | a { mu | ve | H COOK. , ue, ha ey. more than the 50c. because English tooth brushes won't wear | a it, Ie. Gibson's Red Cross drug ore. The Hamilton Trades and Labor neil request legislation to compel Manufacturers and others to supply informa 1 for by the bureau 'Baking Saves |] at Saves | ROYAL BAKING POWDS