Isl I i 1 ih §! { i i BEF i ite Fit : 2 25 ji ik. staff, Pow: shells, tor : £ £ a f F E worked rome months in the universi tories 'at Tokio, and ar Cy Ho {hProvements in high ox A entered the - ernment service, and after acting oe t M8 chemist to the imperial office he was transfe to ® navy department, ® introduced several improvements in the gov 'the RovVernment been as brave and Vv of the generals of - Sony, Droved. To perfect his Cost him ten years of ox- ro i uh of it wv OF at close ra unknown; ge he wan as badly jared by ex w op, and as a re. is hands will he rippled during a trisl of 'the ACBYY. gun burst on the A School Teacher On Whom Two Ottawa Phiysici | Operated In Vain For 5 BLEEDING PILES a |Dr. Chase's Ointment x oured of ing Dr. Chase's Oint- rgeon's knife had th z iH I =F FEL E : } tears open | hundreds of fragments, of killing or wounding a periments against armor the Shimose charge and th the shelts appear to burs each capable | i plates with | t while pene- | . and | inward a shower of frag- | wonderful effectiveness of | proved by the | to the Russian warships the new powder is also er eos ALKS TO RETAILERS. No. 28, Origin of Trade Marks by ; mn, - A few years ago. a certain jobber | 'went to a manufactu want five thousand Fm th rer and said, "I | chairs and will | ece for making | . Bo the jobber was ad- at the chairs would be made | Pr fo instructions at the price | the retailers in turn sold in each community, well until one day one airs was not satisfac- jobber was consult- guarantee as to | goods when he sold | er; that the retailer No agreement with as to a guarantee back tho chairs they to him and that th sient profit in the the quality of his the manufacturer | that if he took | would be a loss | ere was not sdf: goods to warrant But the jobber said, ter, I will have another make my chairs $0 receive satisf; year he withdrew his contract from the and gave it to another, chairs were properly quality of the vamish after 'a few weeks wear. that the chair be refinished again dissatisfied with and you will be sure | | ders changes of this kind, who made the chairs as di time he commenced her jobbers of furniture i airs to the retailer at rices than he could afford to #oods cost him the pre- As a result, the manufacturer and losing money on making for me. In only pay you seventy-five the regular price. I 'must good as the one furnishing me, but you ed with seventy-five per regular price for making i cannot make the chairs , it will be necessary for jobber goes to his says, "Here, I am the chairs you are At this point, the Manufacturer be: iously regarding his . "Now, 1 only have hey are sufficient to care of my entire output. of many thous. position. He says for the. Jobber began to write letters 110 his home office, saying, "We cannot is J take my output, 1f Tac). 000 Jones has a mark on his goods reduced for, it will cost Nn I ean receive goods unless I am able to do to the extent of giv- work or material and up with a hetter finish, In business is becoming | me more to operate ef > Tong position with £2 fr 7 ei : £3 i ; : I k 4 7 = 12 » EB B f Es { three counts. In case of ing best plan for counting dots, offer will be carried out to the letter. . In the event of more than one person submitting the same plan and it being considered the best plan by the judges each person so tying will be asked to tell in fifty words how best to improve MADAME. The one making best suggestion o> ot ifs this map stands for 50 subscribers. C po Fever Kitt Thi is BOLE lottery, guessin, this, whatsoever. ie dots are v . them you should win, Yi erie _ A TOTAL OF CONDITIONS 5 cents pars for s - seériptiontoMapaMBEand entitles you to one frea count: $1.00 pays for one year and entitles you to three counts and makes you eligible for the .00 prizes given to winners of the first prizes if they have Guitar attachments, value. See below, CH ix months sub- $50.00 PRIZES We believe evervone should 3d Prive, Diamond have three counts so they can th Prize, Diamond, .._.. have one each side of what they think is correct to be more : : sure fo hit it, To enconrage this we will give $50.00 extra to winners of first prizes if they have three counts. - Remember if you have one count you git first prize ONLY. BUT IF YOU HAVE THREE COUNTS AND WIN YOU GET $50.00 EXTRA, 'AWARDS Will he made as follows--~The person giving correct or nearest correct count per set, . will get firs prise, Next nearest correct, second prize, ete. 20 Rabe Or a tie for any prise it will be awarded to the person Hom. John W, Holtzman, Mayor of the City of Indiana- polis, is chairman of the Commitice of Judges, WE ARE BOUND OUR CONTESTS MUST IE ABSOLUTELY FAIR. Our Financial Responsibility ,. . 1 a whether we are abundantly able to do as' we say, we refer to Next 100 Prizes, Hand Pulled Proof of any Bank or Trust Company in the City of Indianapolis. ounit them carefully and Z of estimating contest, to the naked cye fnd can be counted, 'our chance of winning is as good as any one's, OFFERS YOU $6,000.00 IN PRIZES| COUNT OUR SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES a magazine for women who think nd is the only magazine $1 the world endorsed by OVER THREE MILLION WOMEN, being adopted as fo ma Organ of the National Council of Women, It is full of bright stori articles on art, music, literature, with beautiful pictures galore, i i then say how many subscribers we havein the United States. It is absolutely a test of skill. There is no trick or deception about I you can count the dots correctly and give a good plan of counting Eff w prevents that weary, tired- In The It clears the bowels reguls discomfort. Keeps the stomach Easter "youths and Little Gents' Tan Pals, heel or spring heel, $1 ahd $1.25. Misses ent" Co Eto? spring heel, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 i, JENNINGS, King St. destroyed, another printed upon heavy paper will be sent you upon receipt of 2 cent stamp for postage. ' 767 PRIZES W. G. FROST, spon 2nd Prize, Piano, ... 00 ea gets first prize, next best next, ete. UNDERSTAND THIS IS LIKELY, No one connected with MADANE will be allowed to 1. Write your count, name and address very plainly. compete. Contest closes July 1, 1905, but get your counts in Say § wy 1 i out any "ifs" at once. See about time prize above. ANYHODY HAVING 2 Hay just what your count and plant is, without any "ifs THREE COUNTS ENTERED MAY ENTER ADDITIONAL COUNTS . AT 25 CENTS BACH. BR CAREFUL TO GIVE YOUR PLAN OF COUNTING, as the best plan used will decide all ties. PRIZES GUARANTEED Ve will cuar- prize worth one dollar at least, to every person who sends a each, correct count and $1.00 for a year's subscription to MADAME. ONLY IN CASE OF TIE IN PLAN, WHICH 1S NOT AT ALL I -------------------------- ee mm ---- 4 Address all letters, Contest Dept.: FORD PUBLISHING CO. Indianapolis, U. 8. A. Sth Prize, Solid gold Watcl aon Next 100 Prizes, 100 Beautiful Chatelaine Ladies' Watches, Next 100 Prizes, James White Riley's Works, 3 vol.. Next 100 Prizes, 100 Scts Shakes s Complete Works, 12 dainty vol. 1,000.00 We feel early counters should be Two Special Prizes of 50.00 each see TIME PRIZES V:lcc ony counters shoud be the person sending besteount and plan by June 1, If you send best count and plan by Juuc 1, you get $50.00 extra. JUDGES The awarding of prizes will be wholly in ® Next 100 Prizes. 1.50 Book. latest fiction, the hands of disinterested judges. The Next 50 Prizes, Choice of Any $1.00 'Magazine............... Next 100 Prizes, Extension of One Ye: Subscription to MADAME, ..... conditions...........cimsis Next 100 Prizes, Marion Harlan Cook the Famous Picture by Walter Tittle, entitled When Shep- herds Watched Their locks by Night,' $1.00 each,. I io LIST OF PRIZES. 1st Prize, Piano with Mandolin and $1,000.00 . 1,000.00 250.00 125.00 50.00 1,500.00 375.00 100.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 Total $6,000.00 DIRECTIONS. 3. Be sure to state whether or not you are taking MADAME, 4. Counts must be accompanied by subscription. 50¢ for six months subscription and one count. $1.00 p one years subscription and three counts, antee to give a counts entered you may enter additional counts at 25 cents You get $50.00 extra if you have three countsand win. It will pay you to have three. * See conditions ts. pays ays for three TEE DOTS The counting is perfectly free. Good unters can coin dots into dollars, ke hi The contest will fiot 1 fleted a modern elevator, ope oi the Bullale Ball Bering Co. handled with care. ter the surer you are of win- s. Anybody having three may enter additional counts at 25 cents ning one of the big fre ceive an Paintin . est notice. t of prizes is large. 'They are worth working © 757 chances. You are as likely asanybody to if you don't get first prize there are lots of other Atizes worth having. / count and think up a "Phone 526. ".' 200 Queen St. good plan you are likely to win, Money Must. Accompany All Subscriptions. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK -...months subscription to MADAME, in accordance w Ate you taking MADAME (Ves or No) MY COUNT ON DOTS. of counting on a se o sheet Sr name and aires plai I will tell those people who are users' of chair and no other, Can we Gil or of chairs, just the kind of material, on this mark, whereby any person who purchases them can see that they | they could not sl these goods to as "good advantage but after a while the ; orders became so numerous that they can be retwmed and replackd with other goods if not satisfactory. I will force the jobber to buy from me in- stead of him forcing me to sell to | him. I will make culls by the retailer in such quantity that he must come to me and pay me my price so that 1 can make a living 'profit from my investment.' ; As a result, this manufacturer had a design made and trademarked, so that it could not be used hy any other manufacturer in his line of busi- ness. He put this mark an cach chair, Then he had a cut made of this trade mark and. ran it in the newspapers and magazines of the country = and told the consumer what * this 'mark stood for, As a eesult, the salesmen sell your goods as readily as before, and he has been tolling the consumer about it and they will take rlothing but his partienlar make of chair from the dealer and the dealer in tnrn is demanding that we furnish this brand "ders for this 'brand to as good ad workmanship and finish I give in my | vantage as what we have been st 11 goods. Besides I will put a guarantee | ing ¥"' comé much larger than they could possibly: hate been before, because people, know' what they are buying: sales are made quicker and the gross profits to the jobber have increased accordingly, {pe Smith's White Lin the very bone. It secks out 'all in- flammation and congestion and re moves it. Stimulates the circulation and by so doing relieves almost at neuralgia once. The best cure for ati | 2c, at Wade The jobbing house at first thought were forced to soll this brand of chairs entirely and in turn while the jobber made less profit on the goods sold, it was not necessary for him to create the demand. This demand was already created by the manufacturer and all his salesmen found it necessary to do was to accept the orders' for the chairs and see that they were deliver ed. - What was true for furniture has been true in practically every line of manufacture. The maker of each line of goods has been forced do sell the particular line advertised because of this demand and the jobber has been eliminated. By this - I do not mean that he is no longer an important fac- tor of the business, The jobber will probably always he necessary al though he has been selling at possibly a less prolit, the advertising hy he manufacturer being more or less ody cational and the possibilities of each Line of goods becoming more extended, the bulk sales of the jobber have be It Finds The Hurt. The vahic of a liniment largely de upon its mstrating qualities. ent penetrates to race Walls, Fences, tion; such Buildin. other style of bu plastering may b the blocks ean be covntry ean build ish you with all p and all strains and bruises. 5 Liar Thinking of | Building IT WILL PAY YOU 10 : ; Read the | Following : Having purchased a first-c CRETE BUILDING BLOCH build much cheaper than Blocks can be copied after The best material for the erection of Residen CS, Stables, Steps and Silos; the saving in cost of construc a8 are fire and frost proof; Insurance is less than for ilding; they are warm in winter and cool in summer, be done on the hack of the CHICKS t-class plant for manufacturing HOLLOW CON- LS, 1 can quote prices which will enable you t with Stone or Brick, and more handsome. stone, saving cost of hat motlded into the most elaborate designs; just as cheaply as in the cily. articulars as to prices. W. LITTON : ee -- I will be pleased to furn- : 159 Alfred St. SRY LLL WAV WW Rrvree Wy ; WY Ww i i's ~ Easter Novelties CHOCOLATE ! CCS at fe, 2¢, 3e., 7e., 10¢; 15¢., 20¢, 30¢ eac). FANCY EGCS, 1Ce. to 69¢. each. RABBTTS, ETC. tiie "action of the liver, leaves clears the head; and tones up the It is the simplest and most ills and ails of the summer seasc Sold by alt druggists. Greetings ! CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR ' Girls' and Child's Pat- or Tan. Blucher Oxford, ~ NOTICE. Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE Wishes to announce that he has com- Furniture, Vehicles, Pianos, etc, i orkmen are ready to re: hig py uy out first class johs of w all kinds of Ngpicius at short DT AA Potis > The Polish that won't wear off. Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware NOW *° Is the time for spring renovation and every who intends to build or FR remodel their pre sent bath room should write or call on us and sec our modern bath i room farnishings and receive helpful practinl suggestions With expert advice and detailed price All our material is/first class and cur Workman are skilled mechanics. David Hall. 60 Brock St, Kingston, Phone 86 ummer School 0 LANGUAGES Por particulars, address Mm. s Robertsow B.A., Violet, Ont., late in Stractor in German fn Queen's Umiver sity having recommendations from sav ¥eral of the leading lducators of Can ada, LET ME HAVE YOUR SALI And I will guarantee you satis factory results. We don't brag but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but your best interes) Studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctionee HALLIDAY ELECTRIC GOMPAN 93 Princess St., Next Corbett's Hardware. Wiring for Electric lights. Hig class work only. Repairs prompt Iy attended to. Prices reasonable . "Phone 94,