Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1905, p. 3

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--_-- J ust Arriveq Tod from Strongest TarBags Tar Paper Red Cedar - Tar Camphor here vou ay H you hay faction of knowing tha ho ting the Freshest and s f- the price is no higher ud vhere, Seenure your Moth Bis w at 6 The | Best" Drug Store, L. T. Best---Chemist and ( Phone 5 124 Princess Street --_-- Weeds Ph The Great Eng A positive c brows ap ares Brain W : matorrhoca, Impolency, e Excess, all of which lead Tris, Insanity and an « n Zor Tos for 85 One-will by all druggists or taper recetpt of price. Write f 'ood Medicine Co., 'Windsor, BREAD her sing. Eree _v TT oF Said 1 Ea 'B B Ere MRS. BROWETT'S STUDIO PRING SS :T., KINCSTOY, Opposite Harrison's Furr formerly Government A Sc Mr. Wremshall, Seq Mrs now ¢ for all.departm color Painting lac and tration and China Decorat taken for Hand-painted C) art work Old and pew ir guested to call at: the s particulars Mrs. Browett has als jor. Piano, Violin a M Culture and Elocution, « w welcome children and seni erested ih the above-mentioned b < : Studio open from 8 a. to MEN £ ¥ WOMEN, Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. SRT . i . B ¢ » B ¢ an Some excellent va Curtains this weel Wo show a magyfic ue at $ all prievs, begionir oa 4 pair ) 3 Special line at 9% worth $1.25. 3% var g 5 inches wid taped / \ nt ' bes ( * the city, worth 3.5% full 60 inches wid Is long, taped edge We «dl a 85 Curtain a pair, ar attérn be: and yms, lar your with "taped edge. rox {Newman & haw § Swift's $ Scranton § Coal The Acme Of Satisfaction And Economy @ In Fuel JNES SWIFT & CO. ! Teiephone 115. 0 0000000000000 9 pais" RAILWAY Y STE hl faster Holidays cliets will be issued at "Shel FIRST-CLASS FARE # Thursday, Friday. Satur- Rog re and Monday. April 20th, 29nd. d 2 Er a 38cr: on HN stination on. or a siay. Avril 25th, 1903. dian Horse Show bau April 26th to 20th s will pe issued on April oki afi on April 27th, 28th, it $5. 3% wd 3 kets ¥ Vide one admission to Hi li good to return on < ore, Moy Jat, 3 to Fucitie Coast" and oa Eoints daily until May 15th. piv -e. full parti culate Ap Ley, Cor. Johnston & Ontario St: Ritu ECTION witli TLWAY. IN CONN " CANADTAN PACIFIC $46.30 to to r Seattle, Tacoma. Jancouver, Sih, 1905. Second Kingsto : Rates to many other -West em Pints ' a he Fn Seven Suthertand Sisters' Hair Grower GREW THIS HAIR April 16th, 1904. and Sisters, Toronto Nelles Corners; Ont., Seven Suthe: graph taken for you showing my Li Manila, London, atch from Foo of the crews of the British war: ships has been stopped, and the deck- yard employees on their Easter leave of absence have been recalled, the ships can be made re sady for rea at the earliest_possible moment. St. despate hes say ARE MAKING READY: T0GO'S MAIN IN SQUADRON T0 GATHER AT FORMOSA. lpn, British Men"o' Warsmen at' Hong Kong Are Held in Readiness to Sail on Short Notice--Brit- ain's Note to France. April 2.- Ready For Quick Work. Ap! ong "Kong says al Preparing To Patch Up. Petersburg, 2. the April of Vladivostok, ready t Admir has sent an i The admiralty Over 600 men Joit St. Peters) Narate- Goro, Japanise consul here, has received a telegram announcing that Admiral To- go's 22. A . special des- so that Russian arngared criisers Rossia and Gromoboi and the protected cruiser Bogatyr are cruising outside a diversion in favor of jstvensky at an opportune moment. on ine manu Ory. Pre Doods, Ritley township, near Tolello, is dead, aged nincty-seven Eganville * will have horse _ races June 21st and 2 purses, £1,000. the main squadron will assemble | PP Surith, formerly of Konpteille, south of Formosa. was marvied to 1. E, Sheppard, Rrad dock, ND, Renfrew granted permits to ap- II short} plying. There 8 a docrease of three hotel Heonses in the riding w Private o make al Ro- mmensge a Las Bol had Jadresl art taling hale | amount of material for repairing ships { at Brosiiiig und Kaladar, ai Grand Tinh a Baas Charon | to Vladivostok, apd is now sending | The A. &. VP: Whiw umber business, ave used it since laxt November and immediately | ntany dockyard laborers and mechanics A including timber limits, fund relief. au the Scalp Cleaner remaved all the theee to take part 'in the work of re- 1 mills, ete, has been purchased by Tr It ly, and wo mod rea | fitting Admiral | Rojestvensky's vessels | Messrs. © Chamberlain & Smith Uta about four feet in length, . I have had | in ease he acdneves a victory. wa yarg for ------ News of The District on Both come a lacrosse team. be extended north from Bancroft, and the work will be undertaken at onee. by death in the, tively eighty-four and eighty three. Cornwall 'nunicipal cided to discontinue the use of meters for private water consumers, and re introduce the schedule rates' cvstem Herbert Lyttle, Westmeath, put a split shell in his now Lyttle is ina having his ove treated. near chine, Que, in 1592. He formerly y Sides of The Line. Pembroke is to have a gasoline Allan McLaren, Banark, will* be of the Carleton Place The Central Ontarfa railroad is to Mise Daisy Smith, daughter of Mrs The license commissioners" of South Aruprior has lost two aged citizens Pesons of John F. hyte and John Martin, uged respec council shas de LV Tt burst and ontreal hospital Willi Bryden is dead at his home Flinton. He was born at La hived feputation of members of the W HAT thin, little, 10-cent Box of 'Cascarets. ie that uspect you need one. against serious sickness Jake a Cascaret, stomach like * When, carried constantly in your Vest est Pocket, or in "my Lady's" Purse it will ward off nine! ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills. Eat one of the six candy tablets contained Vest Pocket Box' whenever you It can't hurt you, and is sure Insufance When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acil-rising-in- throat, Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold, Remember, all these are not merely Dis- comforts, But indications of a serious Cause. Nip them in the bud---cat a Candy Cas- caret, Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the 'Bile-driving" Crthartics. They act like Exercise on the Bowel s mim slams - 1 and that natural Digestive Juices of the body into Food. Cascarets ward off, or cure, the following discasos. -- Ceterrh Hives Worms Colic ir Piles Bad Preath Nausea Qleevs Vertigo Pimples Sevofule Bilofches jeitis Womanly Eczema Rheumatism Fiamience Troubles At oll Druggists. 10 Cents a box. You 'can try Cascarcts FREE before you bay. Write for Free Sample and booklet, "Phe Curse of Constipation," best ever printed on the subject. Address Sterling Remedy Company, 374 St, Paul St, Constipation Ditiousness tre righ > : t ' l HORSE SHOW, Toronto Fou the rig tty drei along eite Ye Vladivostok "hy special train Yast LC, TU. and clergymen, asked the TOR Cl hat (haan RE iT April 26th to 29th. MES. E. BOND, | night. ~ A big. crowd saw them depart, § commissioners to veduce (he number OFF FOR PHILIPPINES, will 'bo isaued on ApET P oid 4 oF and great enthusiasm was manifested. | of liephisos in Smith's Falls, from nine ckets °* « all d vo res, a 3 fa 3 gn Chet don I i Bit. SID a ee, Geis, Tho sites 0, « a to six. : The Oth Infantry Force Leaves - on ah 8 ' Antision to : Britain's Note, The eitisone of Watsah's Corners Sackets Harbor. WiY ad Tn be, ude' one admission. to SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS London, Aprit 22. The Pall Mall | have spointed "ho comgnitier to carry . ' a Show-asd-waail te return on SOLE PROPRIETORS ° Mon I a ave Any A The 9th United States Infantry left where you can get IRE ay 15t, 190 ¥ ol Q ta auniinced, i a despatch from | into effect the proposal to build a Mad Barracks, Sunday afternoon; Special reduced rates to Pacific Coast Canndian Office 11 Colborne St., Toronta Pafis, that- Sir fertic (the Brit | good road between that village and | pe ot Pefbably Three years snd Kootenay points up to' May 15th. 11. 'Bailey. Foreign Manager ish ambassador to et had pre-{ Lanark. 5 by I in the. Philippines, The i 4 "ie commended: and Sold bv dOTeRe inister Delcasse ith - ] Pelaro. To service in , S., nw partientars ut K.-&- PB. and C.| Geo, W Mahood, druggist, corner eof ontidl, For en Yip leunen wi : Pi John a; p \ Torey ment has been at Madison Barracks R. Ticket Office Ontario Street. Bagot 'and and Princess streets. a 'note rom the British governmen of Marmora, al ral months of Tor bout thirteen: years excepting P. R NWAY PA ' FOLORR JR. eee | courteously supporting the representa |NSevere lines, died "in Téronto Sha] 20 N00 hsent "achive: ser ¥ Co Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt THIS WEEK tioms of Japan in regard to the stay | leaves a hoshand, five dgaghters and ] the tame I rds na Phil at 1 : I of the Russian sc Robi at Kamranh | two sense. N08 1h ha, the alippines ant 1 I : v t Wi A China,- and both offieves and © men : " a ° ietor, the six-year-old con of ' ig 2 , 8 : { > - . ave ; riends at Rackets SE . RE Y OF ------ Fawthrop, Beaconsfield, near Corn have mahy ware Trend : h os Wu 0 Was Breach Committed ? walls fell inte thecpipty: canal, o dis. | arbor who are. sofek they aes iy Articles which last so MUCH LONGER Ly. leave, In ull probability the 9th will 4 New short line for Tweed, Napanee Qt. Petersburg; April 22. Both the tance of twenty fe His collar bone aw rite to. He shistorie-uid- pot Tor proportionately MONEY. Derosto, and all local points. Traing admiralty and the foreign office affirm | was broken. a off . a) oi ren is home * Canbe hadin jute City Hall Depot at 3:35 p.m F that they have no precise information James Harkness, Perth, was ay SN id { ry will take with OONWAY Agent B.Q. Ry., K Kiagsten. as to whether Admiral Rojestvensky pointed "administrator of his mother's| oe id Jy ey teraishings Tub P il Wash Basin gin, bi See-- hus violated French neutrality Wt] estate in place of his brother, George, nan I iia 8 al 8, ALLAN LINE uy Barend ny Kamranh Bay who has joined thé 'rani i Dow RC.) that are absolutely indispensable, 2 ' amranh Bay. ks of Dowie's he : X ' oyna Mail Steamers. Neverthidess, the Russian suthoritivs | followers in Zion City. frlaciug th Jitluiwe ot Syeig fugte 8 Always and everywhere EDDY'S MATOHES, P From Halifax manifest the most sincere desire to re Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, Pembroke, rage th punch bowl, - made fron sil- J. A. MENDRY, Agent Fs F Mop. May 1. lieve. the ally of Suimin of all possible | were smitten with smallpox last week IR nm ey Ts riday. May 1 V Reba wr from the burned © mint. at Tien 'IRous su ¢ turn oat Aha} and Mis Sullivan; died after one been sent to Rochester and Erm abi, Rojstvensky has entered and remain-| day's illness. She had been suffering on, oe sarod nop it ot: . upwards, according to od in Fremch territorial waters, and | from other troubles which hastened 8 a oe vdeposit vault, cf asm 4, sciommogatiay dona despitohes were forwarded to the ad | her death. » . hg \ wmjority wa fhe married afcats 5 and $47.30 according to miral last night impressing hini with The winrriage of Mise Mare Storie, iol {i nn ro iin pi H Somer. a gn $2 50, SKU; third the necessity of strict observance of | oa popular youmg lady of Watson's } Phe 23d United States Infantry will lass, $35 ar, Vie h. aki " ¥ y oly 3 Derry, "eitast, Ulasgow, Frans v's o Teralits todd Vice Ad $nvbrs, dn ohn Kiftighton chiese- | ciocend the 9th Infantry at Madison Livarp o veply is expected from Viee-Ac maker, of the same place, took place erathn.: 'T fen! 1 NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. miral Roe stvensky for several davs re-1 in "that: village a or, di) Nie Burrati Thin Fogiment ES ow in The rea merit ands rioHity au oc 3 AVE R he Philippines wi i TI Mt On $50 Sa Wet ih " second Go-= Carts and' lative to, the Ee him to] performed by Rew Jo M. 'Miller. Manila : i met iof Madison of JOHN. 5S ALL Third Class, $3 ) respect the neutrality Sof 'French wat The Wandorer Baseball Club, Lan- | Barracks al June 261 particulurs on application to b Carria o% ors Admiral Wireniis stated, last | ark; has reorganised: and changed ruth u tt ave 35 bs In a and are. A P my oe es 4 A Ryd a y &! night, that . Rojestvensky's. telegram | jtx name to the Vietoria Baseball Bn, will 5 . ¥ ol i "125 r known 48 Pasteur repot. " : nnouneing his arrival at Kunranh Chis; Chri ) i . REGS we eomphsed » vl _ LEEVE. O1 ce Street With all the up-to- date featyres; | IH wristapher Forbes is presi- |, , A < f Ee Sn aT, 5, A | on S25 rn Thm rm ia: io a thy Si supported by" Wi & ARCHITECTS: ing Go-Carts; also Lac a Cover "or dmira' irenus added tha we hat hn ver, and avnard Caniphbell cap } 2rd NM + H M All T ; ho preeent. Shrraahents of . to the 23rd. Maj. H. M. Allair, of medals and tes moni als, BR ev ih Parasols, or any sections, ve bad .1 1 . tam : the 23rd Infantry is now at Madisor Wi, NEWLANDS, ARCHITE CT, OF Use Furniture Restorer hors ¥ ras that he. wlioved he At the first menting of Tweed cheese] Barracks and will ho ol BEA they are hin Ww , second floor over ahood"s drug ad ie u arn A ard, the - fol i ro n # i : . . wy a store, corper Princess 'and Bagot for House-cleaniug. -- OEY he Jollowing uliogrs ure o | utndant there until his regiment ar bevera eS, a 8 streets. Enterance on Bagot street. E ted At M 1 + x : TIVOS, oo. Ary Telephone 608. RE SR, 1 nEpeei Ant a, vice-president, John TL. Newton; sec-| Upon ite arrival in the Philippines made on "his a 3 ig em rg Manila, April 22.--1It is reported that } retary, Thomas Graham: auditors. | (he 9th Infantry will be assigned to rs THOR BS ay Rr oF JAMES REID, fn Sane se Sansul oi Jas Rfeived John B. Labarge and William Gor-| three stations. Headquarters and the { { per of Queen and Montreal Streefs. a _cablegram gtuiressec to Viee-Armtal lt Gof. first battalion will be stationed at' > . ATSB The Leading Undertaker, Kamins, ak i 0 erred fro an this Smith's Falls baseball elub, is ad-] Camp Darata. la Guaspi, in south" ER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- . wat Viee-Admira amimura is about | voeating the formation of a Teague to] eastern Lazon, and. about 306 mile JAS. M PARL Sunt, Hank Building, cere Brock |} 'Priosss Street - - Kingston. J | to make a call at this port. Pr Merrick eine PHI Aor Fr Naa mame Station Cc » Ning streets. 212.1} * Salem Mace, Brockville and Smith's Fall itl ¥ i i 1 i b -- OL RIE. , 8 sm ! alist wi w stationed at Laeena in south * HBRGRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, | weal To Honor War Heroes. Lanark was dropped owt. on account} western Luzon, and "the third batta - King Street, Ki « 3 E ' .- Anghoe Bullding, Market St. Petersburg, April 22.---The com of the difficulty of reaching that] lion will be stationed at Los Banos, "hone > gh 3 p i k mission, headed "hy Grand Duke Ale place. only abont sixty miles from Manila. f THE FRONTEFAC ander Michaeloviteh "(director-ge tra The Madoc Lacrosse Club has heer THE KING'S ADVENTURE lia bridge icha h (di r-general a n MONEY AND BUSINESS. i iene ce et aed eo LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. of the mercantile marine and of ports), | '¢ organized with 1 > office ors 1 Pre HOCH'S WIVES. the: : LONDON AND GLOBE (ESTABLISHED 1863.) which has already raised 5,000,000 by | jident. W. B. Ritchie; first vi Caught Cold While Having Game, | full swing. Suddenly there wis An F nce Company. Available a Sir Richard Cartwright public contributions for the navy, has | fient. P. G. Cromar; second vice pre Two Mor f Th Have Be of Bridge: ° ominous crack in the coiling and do Lets 61 187.215 Tn addition to President--Sir Richar artwright | nnounced its programme. Gident. J. Thompson; mghager, John wo ore © em ave en When King PriwirPs fecnt' fndis cain, flood ot Wael an the kil ich the policy holders have for | Money lodned om City and Ferm | The vessels to be built are as fol Bateson; captain, James Black; trea Discovered. siti , g ndis- | dead, «The pipes: in { bat Meurity Je, ynlmiteg Mability of ~-eperties. . Muniei ipal an Cquuty | Jows : Three cruisers of the Bayan] suref. A. Innis; secretary, James W Chicago, April #.--Two more alleg [lisibion wae announced the usual | sverhead had burst. His majesty was Property insured at lowest possible nares He en ies type, four gunboats of the Giliak type, | Rose ed wives of Johann Hoch have been te of ng ren ut id She real | wanked, but instead of showing fully, Selore Logewing 23 ot giving Cc. McGILL, Managing Director. top river gunboats of 183 tons, several Perth golfers have re-orgamized with discovered, according to letters re | ealed, and that the Bh tonnes © which sunbiiice , rosie with ugiitir and & Strange, "Awents. * 8 Street. Kinitston, | edo cruisers of 570 tons, one mine | the following officers ; T. A. Code. | cvived by the state's attorney. Both] caused the pr the remmirko at iL was a spiendid way = Ob, Sf Im 97 Clarencs HEY transport of the type of the Yanisen, | president; N. Melenaghan, vide-presi-] Wives' are an Baltimore. One of the Coronation nl per i bs of ing homie whoa anes. paride OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON thirty-one torpedo" boat destroyers, | dent; C. J. Sewell, captain; F. L.] Ietters purports to be from Mrs. Mar | ward is never allowed; in fact 1 wis 'Playing . u_shoskiog\ bad game buildings and contents than any oth- | te pedo boats and submarine, two of | Hall, secretary; F. A, Hitks, tre | garet Thomas, 639 West Baltimore for . : act, to | The next day his majesty began 4 to borg ing 8 \ e \ : Lar) itks, treasur ! | sulfer from the little colds which most | snecze ii Godw'n's Insurance Mar | 7 and twenty-nine of 350 tons; and | ér. The ladies' club has also heen re. | Street, ang alleges that on April 27th, | mortals ard liable to catch withdut > 1k ' Ana T will rantes you satis- ten const defe gb vessels. organized, and a successful season' is 159%, che married Hoch in Cmeinnati, | cqusing a mit panic outside of the i 2 -- ts etn We aoe Seng, {or So me ig teu artic bt are of ery rch The Lh chnkeofi magty's | A Missionary onterente ) pert the work. Nothing | Pallada, will be repeated A Y ry . Molachlin Bros., Arnptior, will raise oe etter ie professedly from Mrs. } last' cold, if aarally known, would | The triennial conference of the Pro- = uel Fuel but i orte Lhe Wor. t 8 | or of the ships will be named after | the Water-soaked saw-logs at the bot ary Vole Sek, He. North High have. allayed any "anxiéty. And this | testant missionaries in = Syria, Egypt . sacrificed, but your best interest | sed officers who distinguished | 10 of Mud Luke, and have them ey he Moki on Retin 24d, = fiaw he ou caught it and Asia Minor was held this js year at Hard Coal studied. | themselves by individual exploits at -- ft rab A pear saw mil | 1 " prs: ou in: Baltimore, . ' there 3 i no foundation stoned | Brumana, on the slopes of hin year bt Grate and Ege . Port Arthur, mostly upon torpedo | ™% P¢ placed at Mud Lake and the |" AIJPORY a ne ahg pat reas 310 ay or Victorian or other orders | benntiful wite overlooking Befrat, at a So. d Ex for your furnace. 08s w J MURRAY, The Auctioneer Ba A al pele san ing done pi the wot, Between tion i i v oy Hoth is id hand a the king yearned for a | height of 2300 feet above the Mediter- * Ete a cruisers oe " ir 2000 and 15.000 . ov ng CH nk, our ol @ fresh air and a quiet game of | reanean, méetin, £5 Soft Coal VACCINATION AND DANDRUFF. | x ws wll be: Basel Admiral Maks bottom of the lake. ug. lot th Hoch's 'wive occupied seats in bridge, and sallied fort) in his. tor, after earion, ant in Ald aoc y Cannel for your te. : { The council of the empire, to-day, The Renfrew beneficiaries 'of the ee gh tang, nd Kate With inte th oily a ay at he drivers bs moderalad the heat of 4 Sy 8 leet Lump for RT and engines. There is as Sure Prevention of | promulgated the first law providing tate of the late Johan A. Mclaren pe Hie Saamitiaton of pe th - i Gis u | Surrey, hore vd fiald he Jiicuntios "ihe mithing Slack. Baldness - 8 There is Of |for an increase in taxatiom for war | Perth, 'are at present reeeivin | a ce of the court ladies much favor- (sented fialds from 'Damascus to nldness & q ¥ , 1 ow the}, od} a N { ws : ! : 3 " d by royalty have "week-end co Soud df Ti 1 | purposes It includes an increase in: Monevs coming to them, from Police ny a we x ot oudan, and from. Tyre to 'admor in Also Cut & Uncut Wood Smallpox, : o tthe tax on matchés, petroloum, ete, | Magistrate Eady, to whoth the dis SUICIDE IN CHURCH. tage ko one : of these the king | the wilderness, All leading I'rotestant Ii is now aceeptad that vaccination | 2 tp ad a paid a surprise visit 1 tio -- conclers th A 1 ; a ai and 2 Sraduated ax on Ne salaries tribution hae be entrusted. Angus The oats he ne t y | denominations tock part. i ers 6 vaosmatad pers exempt { of officials. he total produce is esti- cNab and Hngh Comers y 5S ini stATIR Site unpropare:. ; 3 P. WAI SH, BARRACK ST. Frome smallpox; or Be pe t, be Jperer mated aC. SILID.000, . "The Taw goes | ready rotsived re m have al Hareuloness Paglavicivie Had had not {on fighted a fre in. the Perth curlers closed the season with = - ax anythi but the lyhtest Kind ot} o fored M 8 > ) . Tragic n ittle card room, but tl g, -- FEAR KING : dd ny $ Sure a pn ventive and | into fared Nas bi ii i A. Runday school jociation has Milan rd 2 Marchioness of | dislikes fiss of ey Kind, Eo MR en cal, of bt eared oa .BOEN0.000000:000000 00008 oun: for dandruff, which causes falling | won formed in Carleton ace, of] paltnvie who ' 0 ' was quite comfortable, and thi , : g' ho: andl i dn we i oe Racoon { Judge Scores Jury. which N. M. Riddell is president, Mys, Paliavi hin ' ol "i W : 1 on 8 avd toon i BY Sis Craik # { JAY 1 . : « 5 + an onnts ve nas ) v ~ - ad=Nowbro's . Herpicide. it Kills the Head, L.1, April 20.--A jury | Helen MeBwen vice-president, and C.| {soon sears ob, shot herself wit nT 4 = Sg m 0SS n dandruff germ. OC. H. Reed, Vietor, New York state court which | J. Taber, serotary treasurer. Thel J A t gi hi or he h ' Idaho cave'. "Myself and wife have witted Frank Chanowski of the | Pastors and superintendents compose re over ; 3 W Jat hedral lu 4; i ee haeh tronbied th. Jando a full | murder of Mitchell Blanco was told by the comniittee. The object js to areate 4 rnp . . ak fe OF heen 15 Bhi L With iy and ny | Judge M. Smith! that its verdict wan | a wider interest in Sabiath. sehool pers. Evervhody present -was Hi rriffed L Crests and Designs on Pap- rom li without t until we used {about the worst miscarriage of justice | work, bs ~ A Be ha Hovadt Loy i emvdies. witho! . id ." . . archiionses an wend her speechless or and Envelope: New hry Herpiaide, two hottles of he had ever known. He added It is A new min iv being mined His tere « in¥ on o ENGR. a which carnd sar Hundreds of similar | Simply a notios 4 the. fuople of. the | short dixtuuce. cox of Bancroft, Hp er hol hog von oy The klory. nnd satisfaction of Womnntiood can x i x ane Ww Ha ¥ CIT AVING of Letter Heads Eh op | 8 i Sew Yowk that a murder ran minal is solalite, a pretty colored § 4 hospital She died on the way only be kftfown to those possess io mas advan-_ 1 | be i n 0! count o ' i : a yy > 4 and Cards, gisle. Send Ive, in fo fam- | dros: Tt is a disgrace Sulit | hon Sri when polished, in expensive | hero, The cathedral being thie dese tage of health. THE B a Detraity | connty. You may go." The jury was unto ne i in - : polar eruted, wan immediately closed, and The weak woman ean't bs: ~ or enjoy half the . tol a nn can w Ar Te t i . . We Or " . RITISH WHIG, , . ht err aT With at (rt ve 1 atl TE isa ant fe must wien recunucernted hes pleasures of life. Pallid cheeks, sunken eyes, exhausted. Kingston. 2 BEATS . ty divided for conviction or acquittal, | fest, a factory will be built for tur ie Sery oe a owt a nervos all tell of a terrible str 16 to keep u Value Of Trained Chinese, 8 ; nL ide is aseribed to domestic unhappi p up. : oh Re : pid ve e witnesses testified that she | ing ont the finished product. n The march -- Nothing overworked women can take will benefit Tike -- Two Chinese graduates of St. Luke's | saw Chanowski commit the murder Peter. the in VVe i... M marchioness wax living nd 1 } mina ne ical ining school, | and ethers 'had seen the men tognther i Tonto on, . apart from her husband sonny is WOMA renews, réstores and vitalizes in- _ Shanghai, have been employed by the | on the dav of the murder near where | cape fram drowning. He was upset stantly ; it's a OMAN'S REMEDY, that's wi 1y 3 syndicate which is sending Chinese la- | | the body of Blanco was found. The de- | from a canoe. but clur rr Dr. William Edwards Dying. 3 ww to the craft ying borers into the Tre ansvanl. They are | fense wae an' alibi. Chanowski was set { amd was carried come distance down Kalamazoo, Mich, April 24.-Dr, msi -- = to receive $1,500 a. year, double the free. stream He was too weak to grasp o | William Edwards, superintendent of UAGES amount give an unmarcied Americ an tee ee i thrown to hime by sectionmen | the Michigan Asylum for the Insane in MAKE od missionary physician in China in the | The Moosciaw, N.W.T., rink gas | NO€ ing on the 1. of €Q railway | this éty, who has been for a month s WOMEN STRONG PLUMP way first vears of service. Another evi-| jurmal on Sg ¢ Toss | bridge, | « finall ndt sufferi ; ie . 3 saturday. entailing a loss ge, but was finally resened by the | past suffering from chronic valvular a particulars, 'address WM. dence of the value placed upon the of 26.500; partially insured. men lassoing him disease of the heart, is reported to be AND BEAUTJFUL. wo Son B.A. Viel pn Sd Ls i ; partia insur f ) ! art, is reported to be | x As v ; truce, olet, Ont. late : fon-trained Christian. Ch is Mr o p o ' . is 0Z0 con ity dg German in Queen's Univer- the offer . of on large American corpora- | hr prey Nis A Tat sr, Ty Fdwards he 3 I ki FERR § NE itains abundance of natriment, the Liool the lading Rdacators Jam sev- | ticn of a position at 81.800 a yvar to | last. Since that time romors have] States, . : Toy ay nd that arma nuscle, sinew, bone and nerve. Is sends a . at of Can a young Chinese, a teacher in St. | A been afloat shich. led to the holding e vitalizin stream of now. life thiough the we ary body, PIANO TU John's mission « lege. Shanghai, re. {Than inquest hefore Coroner Sutton. | The cation of Roslin mets in making its Micngthening influence felt at once. ceiving about - one-third 0 a body was exhumed, @nd the con. | the Ch ands' hall to bid fare Every FE ZONE Tablet menns more stren th, NO TUITION amount Nad defined the alee al 2Dayn tents of the stomach wera wnt to] well to Rev. lL. de Pencier Wright. tor appetite, delightful ¢olor, bright 7 ay pire in ot. MAY NEWNAN, 27 St. continues his' work a he college on Toronto for analvsis,. Dr. Croft. of] and wish him success in" his new field FER brin t "n Wes | bell of kis own people. ReVErY | (const Py tod na, n % gs true wo th, and that's dren ebeeq : 4 bs eenshoro, who atten the mnfor-in Prince Edward county, He was worth strivi £ 'Avoid substitu by tangny gh dvanced a 3s 0 : i 1 7VOV be? baa, 330 | tunate victim, testified. that he was] presented with un address and well: , ving 'or: youd su it x tie 2 on ly a jalem _ faws . perfumed and "satisfied that death was the resnlt of | filled purse. Brice Soc yk box or six for on S850, 9 pit from N. di nag Bar 150, Cilon 8 'ee rosy rug ~<a . Bn. ie meyelining: vest Bite spring tonics at Gibson" s «Red 8.75 and : 8 e - $ Journ: unti ay Cross Drug Store, 4

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