§ tion ix due to the fact that the public full responsibility for the work finan " Leially. But what is the good of the to risk any Joss, which is incurred by Su Kihei mismanagement. Suppressing The Tramp. 5 Rodney vivives the question, What can be dome to abolish the tramp ? The serous thing 46 interfere with 'the mands that o check be put upon the | wanderings of these idle vagabonds. cells--hint the country sees more of § menaee to the tiild and unRprotested | people. It is suggested. that the prac- tie which. often obtains should be adopted in Ontario, that tab be kept on every one who is running aimless ly at large. "No man," says the Ad- vertiser, "can wander at wil over the continent of Europe without any. hody knowing who he is or where he hak come from. The police keep con stant 'tab' on the traveller as well as the stay-at-home; and what ie done with their swiiriving population, can 3 be ae Hore with out ineagre * wix millions, The lives of the women and children of the country are worth the effort." % 3 The tramp can be cured of his men- dacity in another way. It was recom: mended by Dr. Curtis when he was in the « city council. The tramp can be made to work, to earn every bite he refise the 'demands that are made upon his service, Not a tramp would strike the city if he knew that he would have to work for his bed and boand, and not a tramp would re- main in. the. county if the farmers, when they spotted one, banded them selves together amd made the "weary one' really tired by hard work be fore he ate or slept. Something has to be done to end the vagabondish life to which 100 many men have ab- andoned themuelves, Testing Public Opinion. The attention of the politicians is econtred on two points, Edmonton and Mountain, The first named is the tonstituency of Mr. Oliver, who has been appointed minister of the inter ior, and is now appealing to clectors it's" "Phope 9° Conk W_simply say "same as the aE most of my customers * : ior endorsement. His election was gp Jush what Suu way the result of a direct challenge from sha cont widen. of the opposition to oben a consti: fuency, any one, so that the people might express their opinion with re- gard to the autanomy bills, Now that tho contest iz on the conserva tives say that Edmonton will pot af ford a fair tost of public opinion, that it is too liberal, and that. its people ave prejudiced in favour of the legislation the opposition would Tike them to oppose. The decision of the local conservative association not to oppose Mr. Oliver--not to offer | candidate for slaughtér--is a great disappointment to the factionists in the east. 2 Mountain, in Manitoba, is the so: { cond place in which there is a politi- J eal commotion. The constituency was J represented, in the local hose for Many years by Mr. Greenway. He ac Jeepted a nomination for the federal | house, was elocted and so. made vi. cant the wat. in the logislature, Pe. house, and now, during the present soasion, when the farmers are putting fin their crops, the choice of 'a new member is demanded. The local gov- ernment had two purposes in view, oy to ase the old voters' lists, which wehool trustees are sheted, and = so directly amenshle to the people, and tines, ready hopelessly alicnated, and "Already," the same dispatch con "those who were sanguine short timé ago of signal vindicati of the position of the government by this_hyedection, are now beginnioz to prepare for something else" N actual victory, and to minimize the | 2PPOIted by the importance of the verdict as regard ding the main ime." In the fase of such an admission the people in the least knew what to expect. ------ Editorial Notes. Toronto's is now a yellow press. It qualification ' in any ease? No alder [has 'bees pronounced thus by Nr. mah, mayor, or school trstee is made | Role, MP. Now it should be good. The MeéBride government, in British Columbia. has been, condemned by a Rood conservative paper, the Colonist Dr. {ramps froedoin of any mab, but society de | ihe pond, draw a wonder, Curtis' There will The city sees something of them as | putiging the Ganwy record from the they gather in ut night for food nnd [Public records, but, ns a contempor- hatin making 2h go of the police J ary has pointed out, one "cannot / Power "iis: wordder of & helpless woman at] The record most be pretty bad. The tramps a 'trouble again, eh ? ) preseription is the on'y London Advertiser says it may be 81 Gotual one hard work. Give be no difficulty in pen and whitewash brush : apd 'their d ations are a ]ocross the memories of men." The Michigan acoovmtant--the agri- cultural implement Wiah- May He a but the Ontario accountants do bot see why it was: necessgry to import any man to do the work which bas been tion, as moans of fin, of M will not be a party one. Gne can in- for from ment. Gi only has and in the way committed to him. After ordering the Mountain elec: a party expedient, and a party glorification, Mr. Rob- anitoba, sales the election that what he expects. The Mail 1vjoices: that disaster has not overigken the Whitney govern- it time. Three months elapsed since it took office, of blunders, in ap- ve pointments at least, it has done very well, Who, asks the Montreal Gazetfe, is eats, aml to wert punishment if hol responsible for: the discord that has arisen in the school question ? Every- one, it answers, the Domi who contends that nion government cannot de- termine the school policy of their own provinces. Mr. The offence is non-polii- rh ---------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Gamey On The Tear. Toronto Telexram, Just watch BR. R. Gamey, M.P.P., fedr a few leaves out of the journals of the Ontario legislature, Relleville Hamilton, death rate of any See what it is to live in a red-hot Not So Very Hot. Intelligencer, Ont, las the lowest city in America, tory town! Study Jiu-Jistu, Toronto Star. The opposition. at Ottawa should study jiv-jitsu, The claim made for it is. that it enables a handle a little man to big one as if he were stufi- ed with hay. Scotland's The. Place. Gitawa Free Press, More pairs of land last vear. Immigration keeps such than sixeeen hundred twins were bom in Seot- That explains why Superintendent Scott a keen eve on the Scotch for immigration to Canada. Montreal town of Orillia is Municipal Ownership. Gazette. seeking au- thority from the Ontario legislature pair the place in ipal o © Ww tamhelld to wade into muni- to borrow £100,000 with which to re municipal clectric plant. No , but. when 'once the start has. been made, the wading out further becomes compulsory. It is one of 'the joys of municipal ownership. { Another Jewel Presented. Renfrew Mercury. the business of the evening in the Oddfellows lodge on Monday of this week, Bro. ( ted with a veteran's jewel, all of the Kingston lodge with been which he Becker was on had connected for the past twenty-seven years. After a feel from Mr. or, visitors from Kingston, Ottawa, and Ferniep B.C., bei served 4 iy the hall, prosent, refreshments were and SJdterwards there was a programme of music, etc, Bro. Theo, Perrault presiding at Bros. : ves veterans, the Clark the pres: Walford nod made entation. Bro. Peter Stewart, acting sighty, 8 aml leaves five noble i in the chair. grand was in Mrs, J, '| period of poor Heasley, Brockyille, after" a » rage Th ge R Roman hit hen ¥ alsa | od the | an this and they will keep off "x , aged helph Catholie,} Mrs. Coburn leaves a husband and a. { ; in which "the xe" among officeholders provincial government it falling whie all the more |, federal alfer their ac ¢ | remarkable contidering that the Ca pi oI, This was ' in tholie. yote in the constituency is ab marked contrast Sir Jobn Me ah mod in 198, After Hayter Reed, t his position. late. Mr. Biirgess was the deputy ministership or, but was publie and mounted police, deputy minis late Me. Searth, Year or two after the change of goy ernment, ad was ahoent From his of fice two years prior to his death, Dur ing. all that time his <alary was paid he was treated with consideration. Whe deputy postmaster gwwral, Lieut. Col. White, did not re main long after the change of govern ment, bat he had reached hen - superannuation yter , deputy superintendent general of Indian afiairs was therp fore practically the only deputy minis ter whose officigl of agriculture, of inland revenue, Mr. for his superannuation, officidl of the department, whe had never made any concealment of his strong eonservative beliefs, was Placed in the position, The deputy ministers occupy confi dential relations to the heads of de partments, and by some supporters of the government, after the reins of had fallen into liberal hands, the erv was raised that a number of these officials, from their well known political heliefs, could not be loyal, and ought to go. But Sir Wikirid and hie coll en {ook (a firm. stand against the pressure and refusal to yield .to the demand. As in the higher appointments, so the sameé spirit of wenerosity acjuated the government in their treatment of officials .in subordi nate capacities in the civil service, To persons living in Ottawa th> partizan conduct of scores of civil setvants was notorious; yet these men are still in the government service to-day, and not only holding their heads high, but openly exultant: when conserva. tives obtain political suceesses. Never was there a gregt display of magna- nimity by any government, This has been carried to such an extreme as to cause much heartburning among many men in the service, who clung tenaci- ously to hiberal beliefs through many vears during which to be known asa liberal meant the refusal of advance ment and social ostracism almost. Such was the system of tyranny and persecution prevailing at one 'time un- der conservative administration that for a liberal office holder to be sesn conversing with, or, for that matter, in the companv of, a liberal newspa- per representative meant censure and threats of dismissal. All this, howev- er, has been changed. and to-dav newspaper representatives of all shades of political beliefs enter freely the public departments in quest of news without interference. But if Sir Wiltrid Laurier's govern- ment were magnanimous they received little eredit for it. If we take two of the largest departments of the gov- ernment---the postmaster-general's and the oustoms--we find there were com- paratively few dismissals, and that condition of affairs typifies the rest of the departments. Of the several class es of public servants postmasters were the Miall, asked Mr. Gerald, most aggressively partizan in their conduct, in many cases trans forming their offices into tory eam- paign rooms. Yet the number of post- masters punished by dismissal in On- tario would probably not exceed thir- ty-five. The number of clerks or mail: sarriers in. the outside service dis missed for interference in politics would not perhaps be more than three or four, In the customs service, with its hundreds of employoes, the dismis- sals for political reasons would not dmount to more than half a dozen, even il they actually reached that number. So it cgi be readily seen that the government behaved with the greatest possible moderation. In spite of this, however, conserva tive politicians raited the greatest clamor over the few disnfissals which L had been made after a careful investi gation in cach ease. During one of the debates Sir Charles Tupper ad- vanced the plea not only that office holders had a right to entertain their own political beliefs, but to take part in the disenssion also, far he said : "But, sir, this is a grave matter, a matter which this house cannot treat with too great-tonsideration for this reason; that if the system, 'that to the victors belong the spoils," is to be introduced, and the wholesale practice of admitting the individual right of public officials to maintain their op- inion in a temperate, fair, and gentle- manvliy manner is to be departed from, the country should know it." . Expired Milling A Cow. Westport, Ont., April 22. Patrick McCann, Hindiond. died on the 0th inst, a sixty-eight years. or some oy Rr his death he suf fered verry from illness, and, his death was not unexpected. He js sur: vived by his widaw and four grown up children, two boys and two girls, His funeral to the Sacred He rt church was largely attended. . Mrs. John Coburn died suddenly April 2ist; aged fifty-eight years. She wag in her usual health and while out 3 to milk cows dropped dead, Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Government The 'Receives Little Credit For its |g, nity -- Some Cases The 9 In view of the | [Tt cargo q the course pursu- | aald's ministry After the Laurier governmen one deputy minister, | The | Ww removed from I Td the interi- | ven anothe ace. The | deputy iia. of Ta, finance, ' yy; Justice, marine and fisheries, | works, tnaster-general, ag- rienlture, secretary of state, inland d practically all previous government were retained in their positions. The minister the the greatest | an age | head was removed, | When in due colirsg,. the sommissioner | Annandale Batis' drydotk to-morrow. out of the dry dock steamer schooner Clara The schooner Metzner brought of hard season, to Soward's wharf. The is The schooner Clara Y. Kingwton- harbor this season. reached port this morning, 8 Swift & company's eoal shed | ®engers on Saturday. pairs, bat will be out to-night. ---- Easter Week. Gain the public confidence and romd to success is sure, so with Kennedy players, th . | formances. The show excreds unything R of popular priced attractions; pleazing and and gach one production, : is made a comple Notwithstanding | twenty vandeville | alties each evening between the act I making ench pFriotmance | continuous: The engagement of th Kennedy playérs will he for one week | Commencing to-night, excepiing Thurs {fay evening and the prices through { outs will remain 10c., 130. and | with matinee on Wednesday and Sat | urday. gd e } simi, Ability Quickly Recognized. Hiz many friends in Kingston and elsewhere will he delighted to learn of the suceess of John Irwin, 'former | captain of ghe Limestor football | team, formerly employed by A. Chown {& Sons, who left Kingston for Mon { treal to enter the énployment of the Henderson & Potts company, paint and. varnish murficturers. Entering as a junior clerk, his merit quickly {gained advancement for hin, until he | was selected for a post of honor, be ling made manager of the company's arge agency at Winnipeg. The { Pany operates three big plants, 'amd | r. Irwin hae been given absolute control of the western agency, a most responsible position for one so young, vet Mr. Irwin's sterling qualitios able him to readily handle the volume of business. -- The St. Genevieve Holocaust. Montreal, April 24.--The incident of Ste. Genevieve has awakened a wave of sympathy throughout the covntry from clergy and laity alike. The con- gregation of Ste. Anne de Lachine is a teaching order of a very wid in fluence in Canada and' the ited States. It has about twenty branches in Quebec and in the New England states, the convent at Ste. Genevieve being one of the smaller branches. Frofii information received from the mother congregation at Lachine, it is probable that the nuns will rebuild cn the main site. The new building will be erected on modern lines. com vast Well Merited Promotion. F. J. LaLone, the popular agent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance pany, in this eity, is, today, receiv- ing the congratulations of his many friends on his promotion to the posi- tion of assistant superintendent st Quebec. Mr. LaLone will leave for his new field of "labor in the course of no few days. com- ------er-- A Russian sergeant was condemne | to three years' imprisonment for torturing prisoners 'with fire. Walking Made Easy BY WEARING THE * ACME CUSHION SHOE Made with an all-wool felt innersole, FOR SALE BY The Sawyer Shoe Sto e Solo Agent. goes into government tug Trudeau al Advanee will enter the the coal here this oomers laura DD. from Na , Ariadne from Stella and Echo panes 1 k from Belleville, 'unloaded grain at in to note that remarkably |. " . al 5 Senming - by 1 Richardson's elevator, 1 was the first vessel 10 oross the lake and en-! a and is discharging at James | Yesterday, the steamer New Island anderer covered the ferry route. The { tug" Frontenac carried the island, pas- 1 The steamer Faweett is in Davis' dey dock, for re-+ § the | whose reputation | has established a record of unbroken took ill within a Jaith and -clean eut meritorious per | ' thts season far ¢ : ¥éL seen in the way | the | plays in the repertoire are of a most | / x etitertaining selection, | ' / te | the | 7 heavy expense-of this company of over | = people, a special car of scen-!' was welcome, | ©% 1% carried, and a company of five people present their speci- | absolutely 2e., | and other officials of all the provinces ( A * offices during the Faster holidays and | gent amongst the pa which relieves all jar on nerves, stimu- be prepared for any eTorgeney having vogard only ti lates bl circulation and protects the ---- an iy which: he has'. received foot froni' heat or cold and pness. | Suny will not be responsible fc | The King of Coffe, 4 /) "Seal Brand" is the pick of . the plantation, Ouly the large, perfect berries, from the finest coffee districts, or, i ported. Tn 1 48d 2 pound tins--seates | petfectquality, . © Preserve gy "Seal Brand" Coffe, Chase @ Sanborn, - Montrey, 1 he | coal la tht $ BIBBY'S ~ "| ¥ 5 -1$- Grosvenor s goer Raincoat s They're a blessing. Take look at ours, Tan, Grey and Mixtures in full length. Some extra long ones, if you prefer. # Style and work. } manship will impress you as soon as you see ! them, . ' - Prices, $7.50, $10, $12, $12.50, $1350. You can get along without a Raincoat, but 1 you'll get along far better with one. BOYS' SUITS--Blouse, Norfolk, three-piece : styles, in the newest materials, $1, $1725, $1.50, $2 to $6.50. ¢ BOYS' KNICKERS, sor, 6oc., wsc., Bsc, $1. ? Boys' Caps, Boys' Shirts, ete THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. 000 ris srsscsssnrssrssnnssssssssansees seve Povo To Dress Y Styli hly In clothing of guaranteed goodness for » least money is t of our business. How well we are prepared to do thi 18 mo st emplified in our new and large collection of Spring and for Men, Youths and Boys, which now awaits vour and when yon come here to examine will not only find the fabrics and workmanship up to! your excellence, but that the prices are just what von want to Pp able clothing. Every garment that we have in every size, ject inspectia and try our garments 18 guaranteed to * Men's Suits, from $6 to $s. Boys' Suits, from $1.50 to $7 so. See our New Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Neckweaf, Collars, Underwear, etc. ' We are giving -- FREE -- A FANCY SPRING VEST with our $12 Ready- Made Suits and our $18 Order-made Suits. - JOS. ABRAMSON, The People's Clothier, 180 Princess St _ Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. o ASSIGNEE'S USING POISONED BULLETS. i Polish Would-Be Assassins Are | NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARL, of General Venomous. '4. Petersburg, April 24. In all re-! cent attacks on the police and admin- istrative officers in Poland, their as sailants have used poisoned bullets | and daggers. At the popular theatres and musi halls performers are arousing g demonstrations by singing and re ing revolutionary These In the Matter of A. H the Village of Arden, Merchant, NOTICE IS HEREBY A. WH. Carl, of the V General Morchant has 1 ment to William J. Noi of Kingston, Trav 1897, ch. 147, for th itors. 2 A meeting of hi® creditor A W. G._ Craig & Go's office. 12 Kibgston, on Mo verses, are introduced as encores, not appearing on the regular programmes, which Xtrect which must be passed by the theatric- | May, mnext.at 4 pans for al censor, ment of inspectors and ivi In order to ensure prompt action in | *% to the disposal of t case of demonstrations, the governors Creditors are requg claims as required by t y of May, next, 1 have been directed to remain at their to distribute the proceed: : : i n ereol se distr Wilt Bow Yor Cuampionabip. [any mt theieet'so soir Toronto, "April #.--The Argonaut | have then been filed Sf SON Rowing club has accepted ' the invita = WILLIAM J. NEM om tion of Syracuse University, holders of the 'nter-collegiate rowing champion- ship oi the United States, to row the > Gift Varsit hit on Lake Ukenka on . Pendorad A : nt the dune 10th: Castain Wright said that On: Good Friday al ; the Argonau(s would send the best] rooms of the Suights crew available, y Sydenham Place, T. | ot the. prominent knights, : ET the city, was presented bs It is reported that a plot was dis- { members, with a handsome. covered in St. Petersburg to mmirder b Kingston, 22nd Apri | lange family of grown up children. thor: travelling case, the p the czar and members of the imperial | being accompanied by many family, : sions of good-will from the --_------ MONEY _ TROUBLES jacreasi But asing Among' Women, Sufferers Need Not Despair THE BEST ADVICE IS FREE !; diseases known, with which the female organism is show that this most among Women. applied Vien meg thes Pinkham's Vegetable d is the most efficient treat- dney troubles of women, only medicine especially his purpose. her. Ly Compout ment To und ist pared fort Pen a woman is tro or weight in loins, hack inful or scalding urna welue | bs or feet, swelling under the asy, tired feeling in the kidneys ornotices a brick- {iment in the urine, she should in commencing treatment E. Pinkham's Vegetable When of lin eyes, an une region of the dust sec "ose nd t with Ly Compout saving bh For pr Sawy of. + J cannot express 3 sano rd derangement of the female veloped nervous prostration and a y The doctor attended had to en argans de Foe [Ars Emma Sawyer.) Unless early and correct - is patient disease the hd r ki he al it may erlife. oof, read what Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. the lure. serious kidney trouble. me for a year, but 1 kept, s unab) y DE I i not live fo try Lydia pound as a la woman. Mrs women ; Mass, DISLOCATED HIS HIP: A Spi Plevna, confine an ac a span « came ur and thr sustaine number tended 1 the tow: pose ol urér and tr Gilbert, ment of R. Bron appoin te ry. will be will ope returned acted as who wa getting he lefi | for~ drawi ited April 20 s bed; I a disk of the hie 1 hall, appointing Ostle fatal, and statistics disease is on the increase ything, and do A oy arden E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com st resort, and I am to-day a well 1 cannot praise 'it too highly, and 1 tell eyery suffering woman about; my case, Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga. 3 Pinkham 'gives free advice to address in confidence, Lynn, Runaway and a Wo- man's Courageous Act. : Frank Wensley, i afflicted, kidney seldom sprvives is fastened upon ed with pain he, frequent, tion, swelling be the means of terrible suffering I , getting worse, until I made wp s the result of . while exercising spirited team -be etting the rig r. Wensley. He hip. A large s patrons at meeting in for the scretary-tr neral business, ed the appoint pur ( treasurer, and John we "Frank Wensley were d' ors. It was decided I specter visit the fac ler received the contract the cheese; R. Stewart cheesemal » factory Gray has , where he omsman for his brother, married. Wednesday. A large tended M. d's > on the d Mrs, M. Card d son ill leave Monday for the 'while Arthur Wood was the mail changed at Om : team standing outst gpirited h 1 a © b Mt for r ho escaped for their wir started at a n for le vas, de here on Tuesday, a 1 the local jobl » men he iter's work It rar freedom . The team dashe steep. hill, end ove Laundrie, 'who saw rses ran out into wded in bring them at praise is due her courageov molished, thot uminjured. Is 1 sett! nd as a thei the re received in ren for » means aster to and d an it is tc or attempt Hardwood hen cleaned and polished roper brash, rvihing that must be cleaned t and easiest done with th ish generall tk to keep her A woman © king, and ch of its drudge Lighten Housework. t kinds of brushes all sorts of home of relieving house It is pan: ishes with a goo y scrape them witl to scour them witl look thei wit} clean greasy floors China, silver, © reason why brushes are comin y is that they er n who does her ow hands out of th v do he an keep her hands we if she adopts the ipods of using the-proper brush different kinds of housework. or th Bsn War Prices v York, April 24. ol meat For Meats. 'Before Ju in this city will than at any time since t , ' tement was made by a pr nt retail butcher aftér the we Side branch of the Meat Dealers' / Sodation had raised prices in order meet ers t deals price Sir Swallows" over oo century. Of: highest of pukity, conditions han 8, in their corresnondingly Phe of New Fork are heing taxed ne B00 a week by the trast. brought about ¢ beef trust is now taking $30 0 a week more front the retail d three weeks ago. The re have ral the mp turn, and ----------e: . "Three Swallows." John Irish Distille ing. Power and Son's "Th Whiskey, famous stand ers to his majesty