to every organ ht len will be coiployed Boat LL about Milburn' Heart the box 1 : ¢ sther one, two were finished 1 All dealers, Loargn, ue Cons Windsor, Ontario. he , must wil 'be Tor. o A Veg "Comp he The ert 1b returned in ; igi Letter from Cape Viscent --Mew Quarters for the Light- Bouse Keeper--Improvements fi "the Village--Church Trans- A ny pa ot fami of the odie Sault will be made b Mlard "is confined 10 his home Bete 5 & short LY _-- Er man eh A a Miss E. Ingalls. Haywer bas returned to her in thiv village, the winter with her son afl -- ling the f Albany, ter the winter at Utica and Syracuse. The stors of 0. Woodrafi i= being repainted. Miss rk Brestin retursed, Saturday. -affer eting a course in shorthand' at the Albany Business College. On Fri day last ax Mrs. J. Chapman was tacking down a carpet, u tack ace dently struck her in the rignt eye, is- ring it badly. She was taken to the A etn) hospital, Watertown, for tréut hg produc of the Cape Vincent hat: y, ax far as whitefish and lake trout ame concerned, will be placed in 1 the whiters of Lake. Ontario: The fish are hatching fast and daily consign- Tueant, Ard 2.-The repairs | conference, which ments to fhe lake are being made. The brook trout will go into small Stremms in inland waters. Walter "Al on the house Pamolia the coming 'season. The tis owned by B.A. Maxwell. J. eit in in New York. The t to BB rained for corporation purposes this year, is $4800. Last year , the tax. amounted to $5,500. els ones, have been placed in. the F. Johnson and T New York Central auth- A. Seobell, EC. Kelsey and the + dvpartment™ to vo: te ground erapiat at the depot, be- i to the company, or else be pre- pared to sign a lease of rental of the same gt. 8 nominal figure, The annual meeting of the. Thousand Island Steam- hoat ara will be held at the of- fice of 3 ns this village, June firernen's nominatine conven- tion wil be held Monday ening, and i' annbial meeting and election April people of "Cape Vincent are wm to know that the #teambarge nterlily, from Kingston, is I appear. an ual; but greatly ve 06 Vineant people consider Waterli My a kind of a "movable Gandmark," 'and her appearance al. Ways denotes that communication be- tween Canada and the United Statos iv not - inferrupted. The Mothodist closed its annual on in Wateflown, Monday, as Rev. G Farnest to Chau mont. Mr. Karnost has: been pastor the Methodist. church, this vil- or two years, and made many 'm friends during his residence, En- Churchill, Oswego, ppid a visit to the village last week on matters pertaining to the breakwater, As soon as the weather will permit, the euper- structure of last vear"s work will be finished did the new extension of | several now gasoline vachts will make A commenced. Mrs. C. Notwood, is. a guest in the family or her mother, Mrs. WH. Anthony, M. Bamnistor has opened up his Stas of millinery, ete., in the Fitzgerald block,' H, Breshton ian abened his bicyele repair and supply shop. south of the new St. Lawrence hotel. The terrible explosion oceur- ring at Kingston, Tuesday afternoon, was plainly felt at this place. The stone crusher has conunenced opera- tiond in the quarry at the head of James street; The prize-spoaking con- "test by students of the high school will take place the latter part of May. 0 tmen ate getting their craft ready for the opening of navigation; ir appearance. Repairs~are being made on St. Vincont de Paul chureh, In the annual feport of the light house board, issued June 30th. 1904, it was recommendnd that a house he built in 'the village for the use of the light-keeper at the breakwater, and one at Tibbit's Point for the keeper there, The Catfilic Sosiety will hold a social. supper and card party at Firemen's hall, April 20th. The pro- cotds will be used «in repairing the thitreh; a musica! programme will he rendered during the evening. The Welsh Upheaval, Its effects have been wummarised by a visitor, bent upon investigation: A revival which reconciles, people who have not i to each Bther for years, which reumites separated "hina bands and , Which restores prodi- wl sons | duaghtors to heart-brok- hing i amazes tradesmen by g the il Vi money they given up as hopelesily bad debts, had 8 ¥ orn Sxtaring, drinking, gam-| _ bling seamp of work, which Inakey Kap dons that there is 0e courts, the hich brings fa: Ee score from the streetd the 'wet fawr," or "hi ,' where penitents are dealt Pay water rate and save discount. A od that Truly a vil India is a spuch of fisted land. ~ The first year of the cen tury found a vast area smitten with a that strewed the land with bodies. Then followed n fever that ig away great numbers of cnfeebl- men and women. The year after, 3 certain districts, thefe came great swarms Of rats that consumed phe outing crops, Next came, in ic - an invasion of locusts, - heatis of the villagers sank as heavy brown clouds setfled down on their ele and Stribped then bare Then pl its way up to the hata and with ruthless sickle, cat Fe thousands. The next year, re turni on its tracks, it 'claimed a fresh arvest, and it is likely 10 come. how often no one knows. Theoughon India Che death rate mounts steadily, having reached, pér week, yer 334 Later in the sea: son last 'year it "#lood about 50,000. The rate is higher now than in the corresponding period of Jast year, The people attribute the plague to the British government; in view of the great disparity in nushbers between the black and the white people of In dia, revealed in the recent census, it is suspected of desiring 40 thin out the natives to render its femure of the land more secure. How. maddening must be their thought, and . what a poor soil for the gospel in hearts em 'bittered hy its presence ! Smallpox has dow made its appear ance and is claiming its share of ie: tims. Latest of all has come a frost, stich ns thy oldest inhabitant has ' no memory of in this part of India, ex tending from the Himalaya. region, where most unusual falls of mow oc cutred, to the Central Indian platean. The north winds grew hit aL cold, and chilled like a December day in Canada. Foreigners put their warmest clothing, and even then, in houses where no artificial heat could be procured, they suffered. The na tives w ped * themselves in coarse cotton sheets, and huddled around little fires of blazing straw, or lined up against the sunny side of their huts; when night came it brought no leap to the scantily covered and shiv ering poor. Delicate --childrin and aged persohs were cut off by the piere- ing cold. One morning jn Indor eral bodies were found of had' perished. But that is not al. The {empers- ture fell on the plains as low as four teen degrees below the freezing pomt, and in the morning the anxious vil lager saw a blight wpon the crops that were to provide food Tor his household and his cattle, as well as 40 met the claims of the rent collec' tor, Same were utterly destroyed and others seriously injured. Vines trail- ing over the low roofs. of the huts or encircling plots, were limp «The tender leaves and of the mango trees, which furnish tho most relished fruit of Cen- tral India, hung withered and dead. Most vegetables in gardens have been destroy "AN is burned up' it the Sea airing ory of the patient, toiling vi es, on sev- those who three counts. '$50.00 eit Literary Notes. Bill Joyee," who tells the in *Pardners," by Rex E, Bewch, in May MeClure's, is a rare survival of 'the old frontier days that Harte and Mark Twain have made their own. There ae no story tellers that can 'match these men of the old west. They were the creators of a humor of the broad spaces and of the opin that belongs to and time, | Germany is excited over the wonder ful performance of Baron von Osten's educated horse, which spells and reads and ciphers apd answers qghestions Learned sommissions have examined him and, while acquit ting his accom: Plishaments of all taint of fraud, have been unable to solve the great ques tion of whether the horse actually thinks, The animal is given an inter- esting description in McClure's Maga- #ine, A glimpse of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, by Benjamin Brooks, with a wonderful series of Elmendori's picture; © 'Breaking Trail," by Frank k. Sel hoonoyer, giving an account of a winter trip in Canada, with the auth ar's pictures reproduced | in- tint, and Bdwin RB. Child's description of the "OM HAVRE THREE no other place BOUND any Bank of Our offer LIKELY. No one prize worth on correct count COUNT OUR S hav one each Side of Stytal they think is correc . y } AWARDS ~ will get first prise. In case of a tie for giving best pla OUR CONTE ws Ene IN PRI IBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED if 3 magazi ine for women who Jhink and is the only mag oh All weanal v dot sever. The dots dre visible t bo + you: should win, PRIZE TO THOSE SENDING \. IN THREE COUNTS (SEE CONDITIONS) tl Your chance © $50.00 J SPECIAL PRIZE I8 OFFERED TO EARLY ERS (SEE conDIT ONS A TOTAL OF * 757 PRIZES CONDITIONS 5 certs pars for ix months sub. iplionio Manan 4 ad for one year 3 kes you eligible for crs of the first prizes if they h See below, FPRIZES We believe everyone she haye three counts so the 5 he sige this we will give $50. w extra Pi they have fie counts, Remember k u LY, BUT IF YOU cot r $s 0.90 EXTRA. The person 1 an fc Awarding of prizes will be wh he hands ef ax niergs 1d} TS MUST BE ARSOLUTELY FAIR. *Onr Financial ROSpORMMINY 4 whether we arc bundanfly a st Cv v considered the he vill be asked te connected wi 4 J b plan ied win decide a PRIZES GUARANTEED v ne do} sat least. to every ners » wends a 1.0 ior a year: s subscription to MADAME. great marble quarries in Verniont, LIST OF PRIZES. 1st Prize, Pi ( Anybody raving three * additional counts at 25 cents count ond 4 UP & Lod plan you arc likely to vin; v Money Must, Accompany AR Subscriptions: SUBSCRIPTION BLANK THE FORL MADAMY MY COUNT ON DCTS, ~ Give your plan of counting on 2 seperate s of paper with your mame and address ple written. With striking ictures, are features of Scribner's for May. en is Are Intensely Bigoted. A Canadian - missionary in Egy ypt Writes that Mohammedans are so in tensely gp that infinite patience 18 needed missionaries and native ed It means much to be a Christian there, for the Moslems aso biter against any who leave their | PWfalo News tanks. It is sure to mean financial! In John War rain, and life endangered. The great | in the hbpe is to get hold of the young, and | 20th, train thém in the gospel, before their «f great indus uiinds have become seared and their | tre of the fir consciences hardened, Children Literally aindd "to The untruthful | there. * And very sad to. admit, exh civilization has brought a vas | evil in its train. The Mosjern creed forbids drurikennese, but Christians are teaching the drink and gamble, and growing, GROWTH Shows New Baldwin in IN was similar in locomotive on "so-called York Central. natives to | Clinton." the curse is the "1905 type tral-& Hudson tive, No. 3801, tons, and was -------- For A Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food Uhamborlain's Stomach and Liver Tobletn will help you to digest your Jt is not the quantity of fool gives strength and vigor to the. system. but the amount digest- and assimilated. If troubled with 'wwwenk digestion, don't fail to give them tablets a trial. Thousands have z benefitted by their use. 'T} hey -- cost a quarter. For sale hy ail druggists, hut 3 tammg out = every day. Me. Wanamal adverti might have entice New ork Ce engine," the three Concord running ; wountry 1 hum Sj miles the New York train, the Ka on ® roads, ed of Like A Martyrology. "The history of the church in Korea réads like a 'martyrology. Its whole 'is written in blood, Tt is dungeon, torture, exeeution on every page; martyrdom for every person dis- covered to be a Christian; the frst evangelist from China a martyr; the has another 1 first native Christian a martyr; the Limited, which first native priest, the first bishop, the + cago over the first European missionaries, all mar- Lake Shore, tyre." In 1901 the Chwistians num- iwenty foo $2,220 and freedom of conscience dav. andl that for some years been proclaimed. 996 passenger 1 cn ble portion of New York and more than = « 4 Ask for sample silver polish, at Me tore, Beod's Drog § Remarkable are | tha little mac hive. shop of Matthew W, west. { weighed four and Then Losomotive We rs added equipment, "DeWitt an hour, which rins every { summer vionths, are vice on the New York Central & Hud- son River Railroad, m------ a Address all Jetors, Contest Dep Dept.) FORD IUBLISHING CO; In 0 OF INDUSTRIES. Progress 'of York Central. iamaker's advertisement | ence of phia Record- of attention to the growth tries, and shows a pie st locomotive built at failure amin W, murder, vrican charge at ed the the "would 312, - This one-half tons, character ta the first what i= now the New This was the "De Witt follows a picture of of the New York Cen- River Railroad locamo- This gine weighs 150 built at the Baldwin oe n ks, now capable of "Tha that great locomotives ME 0 locomotive and not sidemt." Necessary hic brought fulfilled ory Neo "ix estape even sian forces ay the band Pierson "that er is ome of the great 43 jw in. America, sl he that in IX} the on what is now the niral. consisted of one Clinton,' and adapted to instead of the maxi this. train was fifteen amd that at present Central has a regular npire State Express, day lor a consdera the distance metween bef ) - ¢ betore that Bufialo at a speed of xty miles an hour. It tisn as he rain, the 20th Century rns through to Chi New Yurk Central and nearly 1000 miles, in that it does. this every these are two of the raing which duripg the in-regular sor coaches trap rails and that strance poriving, against ate ATY ch stating in, less than a settlement . widow _of Mr. fective and guilty Household 10¢c.; be, Meleod's PERSIA SLOW | In Making Amends For Mission- ary's Death. April. 22.--Persiy March 0! v la to punish the Labaree, onary. Six and after My State accomplices m r peremptory m vigorous promises After assarance of that 1g pursed telegraphed information from a reliable gopree the accomplices in "the mirder of we were killed as + ported > has entered in the tr and requests further Hay action Js taken hefore two weeks, will be 'constrained to.lay' the matter body shall deem necessary This brought results was |. offered Labaree received thirty | thousand dollars cash in gold, Swift persons. followed. . ammaonia, Bon Ami, 100. 5 lndianapolie, YU. S.A. = sg of Building IT WILL PAY YOU 710 : : Read the the Americar st fall b g ern | cause er | murderers the An = months rican Bo Tyler, the Teheran, the An had inform department that Buide r be an 1 re 18 sent by Hay the COUNT. Ary sent the «Following : ° telegram which were | Having purchased a first-class plant for offi «| CRETE BU ILDING BLOCKS, I can quote the erown prince of | build much cheaper than with Stone or Blocks can be copied after natural stone. 1 The best material for the ervet ion of Residences the remainder of Walls, Fence Stables, Steps and Sil Minister | tion: sich Buildings are fire and frost pre 8 Acpartivent { other style of building they 'are warm in w winter and 'cool in reached hig | plastering » be fi on the back of the stone, saving cost that none of | the block be moulded into the most elaborate designe; Mp, | Country 'can "build just ak cheaply as in the city. Twill be p and | sh you with all particulars as to prices. TL% J. W. LITTON : manufacturing HOLI prices which will 'enal Brick, and more Here are a recviving the accomplices endeavor killed by the Per race the has $c 1 iy tem msirac then "WH no sent andthe j satisfactory | congress meets, the president Easter Novelties CHOCOLATE ices at te. '2e., 3e., Te, 10¢, 15¢, 202, 20: each FANCY EGGS, 10c. to 60c. each. RCOSTERS RABBITS, ETC. in A le A. J. REES', Princess St. and take such ac A month later and the CHICKS an punishment of all 106; Sobrite, ! 'oncentrated Lye Drug Store, : 159 Alfred St. SAWN WHA 1 If * Colborne street, To- 3 WN, bal OE all the adsertiey caty rehet, op Anti-P p same: as 1 d since thing th heen aking ot the past thre regulate My © ime ds. ? o that my spurt or qemper 1 ahaped Tor give all ound 10 pe remedy, \n Every dr t Anti PHL pe i 8 gq Fall, The remedy ar Ont. that I'l og te do with Lout tue ACHE #thoYape of vox ny Xi 'yemakeonr great b Abers do ot Carter' Laid Liver Pills aro very small and * OMIER MED'CINE CO., Now York, BA fol Ben Small Pri rand Union Hotel Rooms From Opposite G: d Central Station Now York JAGGAGE 3: FREE teresa NOW | WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT e-lon or A large lot o Booth & Co. "Ph TE Teatsssaeassaseatee BEST IN CANADA! A Modern and The old. reliable Limitea, Ont 0 an aad SYening classe: F. The Polish wit exp AL tad orm St, hoth stomach and bow a experience fyle lv worth a trial. Results, that won't wear of. Sd On) eX Strachan's Hardware "NOW *° time for Dafoe, man: ager of the Dustless Brush company, 29 is telling his friends how he found health after years of illness and pain. He says : I have been a J arent sufferer from Dyspepsia for many years. I have heen treated by lo- cal doctors and have taken nearly vemedies with only if any at all,. but ill 1 cap eat' any- when a boy. 1 have Anti-Pill at bedtime months, and find ronto, vigor has returned, Sqare buoyant and As a result of this 1 am in duty credit to this won- ti-Pill.' 5 lls Dr. Leenhardt's nple will he sent free Cos, L imited, Ni- cured Mr. Dafoe so ¢ Best Drug Stor t and Optician, 124 ainess, ? Digtrons after 2, &¢, While'\their most been shown in CURLg t priceless to those who ssing oom plaints hittforti- ro, and thoso d these little pills valu: 1at they will not be wil m, Butafterallsick head 9 {hat hora is where Qur pillacuroit while wo pills wakes doc end do not gripe ox 1 please all wha ft ofor $1. Sold cnt by mail, $1,00 Per Day Up cesseseseeee IS THE gét good d and uni. der will bring you I DRY SLABS for one 133, Progressive School kingston Business College a nd ol Queen street, Kings one 4 A he. 31 on, Complete Equip Thorough and tion by competent and hers in every department as commercial United ht after ada, and the No vacation. 8. METCALFE, Principal 502 + Pesvsasccccssnncanns Enter at BS TRI FITT H i Liber th TI A Ak men Reénfx ance days the p cause the ¢ of vi recent Just. one h tendes in wh stitue untiri honor only politi friend ing p feat the w existe tive i and found cevem Hall, quest tld call « enact to sh KF. R publi for ( frow peopl fectio loose that able was cand orga rallic one, ors ford Sout thro ahih adm ed b feat: smot bled Mr. tire How the dats und My ne rn Ir men day whi min over mac whi Iz the Spring renovati and every onc intends to build remodel their pl sent bath roc should write call on "ur modern a room practial suggestic vice and who us gnd see hath furnishings and receive heluful detailed prices hier: al is first class and our are skilled mechanics David Hall on or re- ah or { req ons Kingston, Phon