OW (Tuesday) 0 o'clock. ¢ is a special lot of Dr a Dress Goods Imporie t One or two pieces.each of lance of his stock of ths fter supplying his custom. t at exactly half price and t to-morrow. The lot is not varticularly good bargain. DS ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS 5 spring's trade. The colors Vhite, Greys, Fawns; Cardi- ar price is joc. yard. WAT C. yard. sses and Children's Wear I not equal again this season 10 o'clock. Morning / a Special Lot of s Net Applique [AINS! ot miss seeing these. Full v night's paper. we Received tton Stockings to match the Stockings. n Stockings. n Stockings, lace effects. Thread Stockings. | Lisle Thread Stockings, ffects, for ladies and children. DLAWESI Pe = NN 8s' Lace or $1.50 ally large assortment at heavy soles ; Patent and y .pair guaranteed so'id. T SHOE STORE "YEAR 72. NO. 9 of frown. nlaves with the prodigal son and Thursday, afternoon Special Sales| Fw ts On Hit Racks This Week Pressers and 'Washstands, liberal dis- hguse huned, Is marked in plain figures. Robt. J. Reid, 299 Princess Street. Two Doors 'Above the Opera House, A GENERAL SE Mrs. Wo MH. GENERAL SERVANT, BY MAY ee tt ee eee. a A STRONG BOY TO WORK IN G Oliver, 59 Gore "St. ut once, for Mansion House, Highest wages paid. gillivray, 119 Earl St. PE SAREE A OENFRAL SERVANT: NO WASH- a hee eet epee OWING TO A PROMOTION WE of a first class man as an BUCA a person an except- portunity is. . ofierad ennedy Sup't., 114° Brock St. we fit an 86; pressing . Av amily" needs them '*B. Marenanl & Co. STORES, OFFICES Estate Agency, 51 Brock St. 247 . BROCK STRE hot water heating and oil modern im- n provements ; p ply 249 Brock street. containing seven rooms, Brien, 67 Union St Barrie St.. opposite City Park. Flanagan, 82 Barrie St -------------------------------------------------- RESIDENCE, NO S > 59 Wellington St., € J Ir, Tweddell, Merchant WHITE FRAME HOUSE ON CENTRE rent. Apply, John. Eves, 10 Market Mt ) PUSINEes OFFIC tion and well appointed. Furnisher, King Street. DAILY MEMORANDA. License Commissioners, 8 pang Read Harrison's two advis. to-day. Sample Sale, City Hall, to-morrow. An inch of smile is better than a yard Kennedy Company, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. Qlicon's © Trustees meet 4.830 pam, Wednesday. It is better to be an also-ran than a leit-at-the-post. The sun rises Wednesday at 5.01 am. and sets at 6.55 pon. Bargain Matinee, Wednesday, at Opera 4 House, Kennedy Players, The fatted call would gladly exchange Sample Sale at City H , Wednesday ad evening. on Sale at O-IMOTTOW Don't forget thp Big A This day in history tiots in Tor to and Mont 1849 ; Oliver Cromn- well born, 158 Montreal parliament TUMBLERS! Lots of Them 25¢, Dozen, ROBERTSON BROS. -Auction of 293 Alfred Street 70 A. M. reserve. Terms cash. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, 'Prone - and Fisheries, J. McDONALD MOWAT, Clarence Street Kingston, April 22nd, 1905, Footwear Shoes.' Military Bootmakers, 84 Brook St. 8IGN OF GOLDEN EOOT. difference 398 Princess Street. mouths or longer. modern' conveniences ; central location. Apply by, letter, to Box 82, Kingston. THAT BRICK DETAC dence, Na. rock modern conveniences ; 41, Whig offico or on premises THAT BRICK DWELLING No. 189 Brock St, Rooms, Bath and Closet, Gas Light . hot water heating. > Livingston & Bro., Brock ee eet eter ee ERN BRICK R tuart it. 2 hardy ood stabling and coach Possession immediately. Ap- Hy to Joseph Power or John Twed- Y.W.C. A. REV. EBER CRUMMY BIBLE STUDY CLASS. LOST turn to this office College. Apply, Aerew. at the College, Barrie ST FOR SALE. BRICK RESIDENCE. THAT DESIRABLE PPO Slteet. ony" Sreon y occup - gs. Offers will be re | NO Ontario "J by Mr. Hen- YACHT FOR SALE. . STEAMYACHT MARCATET, OWNED the prémises Or to by the late William Gokey, Brookiy as 0 feet beam, 5 fee --_-- --_ " class aeaboat.; used. only William Swain [isne tuner. Orders , Speed, twelve an Ae nl compound engine ; weil furnish received at LoLU 1 Por 22] LOTE. "18, 14 AND 16 PEMBKOKE . 1k venue ; sewer and water on street pply 4. Bawden, 38 Clarence St. une Wellington OD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE 30 y betwee Montreal and 4 . 'Queen. street, ¥ Magot. Apply 49 Cojhorne street FARM Quinte, 24 miles Davis' Dry Dock, oue 3p a Power, § 1 . to Biffalo wake 7 A Frame C. Rothwell, SATLING YACMT "GEISHA: Idings. ey's book store. v to : NS : TLR Street, Jay Chase's Nerve Food at Gibson's Joho | pot Cross drag store. Special to the Wh BS eign office ceived or intimated the wish that Ro- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WEDNESDAY, April 26th Stevenson Piano, BW. Parlor Suite in Raw Silk, Sitting-Room Suite, Book Cases and Shelves," Whatnot, Rockers, Easy Chairs, Fancy Tables, Sideboard, Haircloth Dining * Chairs, B.W. Hall Rack, Bedroom Suites, Couches, Pictures, Wool and Brussels Carpets, Lace and Chenille. Curtains, Klectriers, Musical Instruments, Refirgerator, Music Racks, Piano Stools; Oil Heater, Electric Desk Lamp, Crockery and Chinaware: No Residents, 248 Sydenham Street, OTICE- ALY, PERSONS WHO SUFFERED damage to property by the expjosion of the gas buoy, on the 18th inst,, are re- quested to put in their claims in writing, with details, to the undersigned for the information of the Department of Marine The Highest Grade of To be Had in "Canada" was the expression of a gentleman Who &nows Canadian trade "in regard to our Wear '"'Allen's"' "TAKE NOTICE DON'T SELL YOUR STOVES, PUR. nitute, Carpets, Gent's Clothes and Boots to the first buyer tha comes along. 'I'ry me, and yow will find the J..TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DBALES, TO-NIGHT AT 7:30 ---------------------------------------------------------- A GOLD FOB, WITIL A GOLD WATCH Case, bn King St.. last evening near Dr. Kithorn's. Reward for its re ee en tee FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. TAR CHARTER OF THE KINGSTON Ladies' to Mrs. foot class ; in good conflition, Shwe = sails. A bargain at $330--cash. Foe way ' to v RUSERS OUI French Ships Ordered To Be In Readiness. AGAIN REPORTED IN EIGH RUSSIAN QUARTERS. gt Tetersburg Declares Complete Ignorance of © Rojestvensky and His Moves--American Em- bassy Knows Nothing of it. he. . London, April 25.--The Times cor- respondent at St. Petersburg, cables: Both the admiralty and the foréign | office declare they have no news of lie works, was Banqueted by the Wind- Admiral Rojestvensky, The message rom the foreign office asking the ad- miral to. strictly ohserve the French rules of neutrality was conununicated to the squadron through the admiral- bas come to say whether the squad- ron has left Kamranh Bay. The for- distinctly denies having re- jestvensky should leave French wat- ers. The note handed by Count Lams- dorff did not even give the contents of the Japanese communication, France merely asked for information French waters, A possible explanation of the dis crepancy between the French official intimation of Rojestvensky's depar ture, and the ignorance of the Russian government. ow the subject, is that the French authorities took the initi ative in asking the visitors to leave, Russia, The Tokio correspondent of the gratified that France recognizes and undertakes to observe her neutral ob- ligations, thereby terminating a situ: for the tardiness of the French aec- due. the assistance French' disregard of whutrality. Cruisers "Sent Out. French armored ert Alger in readiness to put to sea. Another Try For Peace. embassy here, a A FASHIONABLE WEDDING. Her Child. Special to the Whig. is that of Mis ter of A. E to her co Capt. Ellis' regiment is stationed, Ihe United Hebrew Svdney "brick layers, who are « strike. trial for that offence Potential Markets, Special to the Whig. INES Toronto, April 25.--His excellency i i p IASOLINE INGINES. AT] - s Y, rnished, well situated | TWO GASOLINE ¥ 1 the governor-general, and Lady Grey, table Hubbard, and one Power, | arrivi® in Toronto at 7.30 o'clock, modern inprovements, hot water heat- ing, gas for heat and light. Wired for electric lighting, good cellar full wize house, - concrete floor. Apply on W. King, City Ome gallon tin apples, 20c.; ore gal Mrs. | lon tin pumpkin, be. at Mullins PERTY AT further particulars apply, to J. Canadians by the Pritish fleets to le Almon, Bank of Montreal, Kingstoo. | wards which the dominion was not Re oe erie hati contributing a dollar. ith large vard 230 ALFRED STREET, SOLID o So Brick building, 6 bedrooms, double eg parlor, dining room, and kitchen. Are You Pale And Sallow ? Money back if not satisfactory. four daughters and three sons, T APRIL 25, 1905 The Very Latest Culled From All - Over The World. 0 blic school children, of | . . : Hamilton, have been vaccinated. Between Canada And New- Fred. Capver 'was two years: for forgery av Sault Ste. Tovonto bas awarded a contract for a six million gallon pvp to a Mont ATTEMPT AT PEACE Spadina avenue, i ; elhiin, the new premier , was hanquetted ot Chatean Frontenac, last night. burch trustees have "'oronte Knox ok iced to bud thelr new --editice--on HAS LET CONTRACT bonds of the eity average price offered was 101. Patterson and her sister, Mrs, J. M. Smith, pen, the same cell in Philip A. © mith, a former resident of Napanee, is dond at Chicago, Two sons and two davigh ters SHEVIVe, Hon: Dr. Refine, minister. of pub- sor board of trade The miners employed at the British Columbia copper miwlters, at Green wood, have strugk for advances © i on Monday night. ty's private channels, but no response tor shaft in Byfialo, N.Y. and was Freight handlers cmployed by Sarnia, are out on strike for increas An jwperial decree has been issued in Russian, designed to stop the des. regarding the squadron's presence in| truction of private property in coun: the actress, accused of the murder of opened in New York; At Toronto two young bank derks were blown out into canoe, and reseued by the government life-saving erew. Pretending to serve a search war rant, three men in Chicago, and stole $2,500 worth of jewrllory: are bringing bait and that there was a slighigdelay in bringing the fact to the knowledge of Times cables: The Japanese press is Nova Scotia coast, and it is proving a bonanza for the riot fishers. An wotion has been filed in the Un ited States civenit court for the ap- ation exceedingly perilous. At the same time great regret is expressed tion, since Rojestvensky, thereby, was enabled to derive all the necessary ad- Vantage of French hospitality, and. the delay of justice has shocked the sentiment of friendship Japan is sin- cercly desirous of entertaining to- wards France. The presence of a pow: erful Russian squadron in the far eastern arena is considered largely tel both Albany Schenectady county Mrs. Harriet Colfax, for more than Paris, April 25.--A telegram from forty-three years the faithful keeper of Toulon says it is mimored that or- ders have been received to despatch word Kleber and Desiax to the 'far east, and to hold the third elass cruisers Casard and Michigan City, Ind., is dead. She was born at Ogdensburg, N.Y. Frank G. Bigelow, president of being a defaulter for one lion five hundred thousand dollars was placed under arrest. Jules Paul Tardivel, editor and pro EF Peto i J 95. Mvsteri- J edi SF. Petersburg, April 25. -Mysteri orietor of La Vesite, apd 'one' of ous rumors that another attempt at peace negotiations is impending, are circulating in high quarters, and the United States is directly mentioned as the intermediary, - No intimation of snch a move has reached the American in Quebec on Monday, at the age of fifty-four from Bright's In a Santiago street fight, between police afd workmen, who had attending open air services held Father Julio, called the South Ameri can Savonarola, one man was killed, Mother on Trial for Kidnapping a i Died On A Cross: Montreal, April 25. A® fashionable wedding taking place this afternoon florence Ellis, daugh- E. Ellis, Sherbrooke street, sin, Capt. Ellis, of the Ist Cameronians, son of Charles Ellis, Wimbori, Dorset, England, at the church of St. John, the Evangelist. This evening Capt..and Mrs. Ellis leave for St, John, NB., whence they cross, just as the Saviour died, turies ago, a fanatical member of the Saturday at Torres, Las Animas coun Several Trinidad people been among the eye themselves not to talk for publication, so the details are not yet known. cording to the report Na foundland. STEAMSHIP SERVICE START-| ING AT CARDIGAN BAY. Alum in Pread--Bulletin on Sub- ject to be Issued by the Gov- ernment--To Have a Line to Connect With the Grand Trunk. Ottawa, 'April 95.- The government has arranged for a second steamship connection between Canada and New- foimdland. A contract has sn enter- ad into with, R. €i. Leslie, Halifax, to pit a steamer on a route which starts at Cardigan Bay, Prince Edward Is- 'land, &nd taking in Pictou and Cape Breton ports, including Sydney, ex- tends to Placentia Bay, Newlo and. The subsidy consideration is $8,000. The service will be_inaugurated with the beginning. of navigation. The only regular steamship connection with Newfoundland at present is that furn- ished by the vessels of the Newfound: land railway plying to Sydney. The inland revenue department will shortly issue a bulletin in which at- tention will be drawn to the presence of alum in bread that is offered for sale in many places. In the old coun- try the use of alum is forbidden by law, on the ground that it is injurious to the health. Ottawa will. have direct connection with the Grand Trunk. Pacific, throw the construction of a line 235 mi long to strike the main line of the Yuicimtiaistel road at or near Lake | Abitabi, : CATTLE MARKETS, The Prices Paid at Various Points. \ Montreal, April 24. ~Easter Monday is never much of a market day, nit | to-day the offerings of live stock at gecoiver for the Equit- | the Kast End Abattoir - consisted of {about 300 . -bwichers' cattle, - thirty pregiflent of the milch cows, a score of small calves Massachusetts Agricultural College at | and an equal number of sheep and Amherst, died "on board the steamer | lambs. Prime cattle were scarce, ay from Savannah brought pretty high prices, from Bie, to Oc, per Ib., and G. paid 6jc. per lb. for four! choice eto b., stock from 24e. to 3c. per Ib. * There were several fino milch, cows offered which sold at from $50 to $0 each; the common cows brought from $25 to $45 each, The calves were young veals Fand sold at 22 to $4 each. Sheep sold at 3jc. to Sle. per Ib. Fat hogs are pretty high priced; good lots sold at Te, to Tie, per Ib. i Chicago Live Stock. 20,000; 10c. to 150, higher; good to dinm $4.50 to 85.7 85.00; heifers, $3 to $5.90; oanners, 21.49 to $290, bulls, $2,560 to $4.75; 5 to $5.46 £5.50; light, 2,000; low shorn mixes lambs, shorn, $4.50 to $6.50, a Buffalo Live Stock. Kast Bufialo, N.Y., April 24. Cattle Receipts, 4,400 head; fairly . active. Good cattle, 100. to lhe. lower; we- dium and common, 1c. to 20e, low- 86: Butchers, 35 25 to 85.85; heifers, sail Saturday for England. They will spend their honeymoon in Europe, sailing in Jamary for India, where however, the. victim was nailed to eross of hid own formation and died in agony that he did not seem to feel, Trades' Union, Ji Montreal, has called a meeting for Wednesday to protest against the action of the committee of the Baron de Hirsch Institute, in sending immi- grants to take the places of the n religious fervor. The story eifixion is vouched for by Henry this city, who saw a cans, who had heen eyewitnesses and were discussing the tragic scene. In the old days, so it is said, the out of an actual crucifixion Mrs, Lorenz, to answer to a charge of kidnapping her child, before the New York courts, left for that city last night in enstody of Detective Lawson. The fight for the child here lasted several months, 'the little one having unwillingly gone back with her father a couple of days ago. Lorenz had scoured a divorce from his wife and the courts gave him the custody of the child. The mother brought the child here in defiance of the law, and will now have to go on abandoned long ago, although it known that the practice of seli-torture is still carried out among the mem bers of the order during holy week. Husband Hears Wife's Suicide. W. Va., April 25.--*Good bye; I cannot stand 'it any longer. for all you have done for Charles J. Haber- her husband over the tele Before Haberstick could reply he heard a pistol shot and knew her dead on the floor. only child, a daughter of sixteen, was the sole witness of the gedy. Intense suffering from catarrh in the head is supposed. to have been the cause of the aot. last night. Lord Grey, at the Toron: to Club banquet, spoke of the poten. 254 tial markets across the Pacific, the which was kept open for the heart, nervous ness, tremblings, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re. lieved hy Carter's Tron Pills, It's blood you want, more blood and | specially for the blood, nerves better. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make 2 purify and enrich the blood, changing that sallow face into ome of beadty In boxes 2c. at Wade's drug store. Oswald Deegen. Winnipeg, and Miss Clara Howe, Bellaville, were married at Loretto convent in that city. -------- in Kingston. spending -the Mre. John NeCreary is dead at the Lolidave with relatives. family - home, Thurlow, aged sixty eight. She was a Methodist and leaves | cnty-three, is dead, leaving two sons i and three daughters, ille,. aged sev- 181.20 to 85.50; cows, £3.25 to 85; bulls, to £4.35; stockers and feed: , $18 to $25. and steady at #4.50 to 87.25. | Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; fairly active and He. to 10e. higher; heavy, £5.75 to 85.50; mixed, yorkers and pigs, $5.80 to 85.55; roughs, $4.85 to 25; stags, $3 to 83.95; dairies, $5.00 to 85.70. Sheep and lambs-Receipts, 16,000 head, slow; lambs, 86.50 to $8; year. lings, $7 to £7.25, wethers, $6.25 to | 26.50; ewes, $6.55 to 86; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $6, Salvation Army's New Plan. Special to the Whig Montreal, Que., April 25.~A dispatch from London says : The first floating labor bureau ever established is on board the steamship Vancouver, which sails from Liverpool today for Can- ada. The vessel has been chartered by the Salvation Army. It sails under tho army flag, and carries more than 1,000 workless Londoners to the do- minion. On board alto are members of the army's Canadian contingent--labor experts full qualified to advise British emigrants as to the conditions of work and chances of remunerative ém- ployment. The emigrants are chiefly of the better clase, including unemployed clerks and artisans and unskilled lab- orerd and domestic servants. A Tremendous Loss. it's the best. I------------------ t Newman & Shaw's "Special." oy Rom E10 was reported from Corea that wien] Togo, sith the major i wae a Ma : near dade Coren, | Apri o ger reports having sh in the straits of Formosa, a Japanese man-of-war towing another badly damaged yessel, and Jewn will. be prepared to defend were victims of unspeakable brutali- Chicago, April 24.--Cattle receipts prime steers $6 to $C poor to me- stockers and feeders, $2.70 to 8% cows, $2.50 to calves, $3 to $6. Hogs--Receipts 33, (00; strong: mixed and butchers', $5.- 15 to 85.60; good to choice heavy, 5 rough, heavy, $5.40 to to $5.55; bulk of wales, $5.55 to $6.60. Sheep--Receipts, ~. good to choice wethers, £5.25 to $5.50; fair to choice, shorn, $1 to $4.75; native £6.25 to $6.60; one shipping, $5.50 to 21.75; stock heifers, $2.76 fresh cows, and springers, dy: common dull; good to choice, $15 to $55; medium to good, | £32 to $40; comm | Veals--Receipts, 2,000 head; active bably to the south of Formosa Is and it is thought We Baltic fleet may slip northwurd far the east of Formosa. \ Teington, April 25.--A German crus Ee having sighted, April 92nd, Kuropatkin Steps Out. | London, April 25.--A despatch Som St. Petersburg 'aye Gen. Kuropatkin has resigned command of the second army .in Manchuria. THE JEWS IN RUSSIA Threatened With Another Out. break on May 6th. Special to the Whiz April 25.--There is evidens Odessa, A at hand that another slaughter of Jews is planned for the Eas: tor festival, beginnipg May irom lars are sped he Savicnniae JSiuibuies; shinefl, and a dozen other places : "We have been negligent enough in. the duty of extermin- 0 of , "Let it be ation," "says he roular, "L $1 aired in i y season. Russians, Mprenshing, of the Jews, The fall of France and of Poland was due to the Jews, and the Jews are now plotting to make an end of Russia, But t day shall TR ing" has a in esta Offi: nl Gazette : "It is high time that ur lies apd calumnies. y : Those that are sending deputations to the authorities, praying for pro tection against all future attacks, must instantly dis: ihe th ly their i that oy . Mm emply time better - by: advi child- st from such , and they are admon- RAR ; of der, Whomoever in future subject to heavy fine, | imprisonmgnt, and corporal Punish ment." Notwithstanding these threats by the authorities, it is stat: ed that 100,000 Jews are , and themselves and their women, who in former riots. ties of the mob, and are also arming themselves with flasks of vitriol. TWO BROTHERS MISSING. Thought to Have Been Swept Over Niagara Falls, Special to Whig. A Niagara | Palle, Ont, April 95. Thomas and John Knapp, brothers, aged thirty-five and thirty-nine years, respectively, of Chippewa, Ont, have been missing since last Saturday af- termoon, and it is believed that they have been swept over the Horseshoe Falls to death, The Knapp brothers did considerable fishing on the river above the falls. Pieces of their boat have been picked up on the lower riv- er, and in Chippewa their friends feel there is no doubt but what the two brothers lost their lives in the Niaga- ra torrent. People who were along the upper river Saturday, about five o'clock, state that they heard cries comi from the river, but were unable to lo- cate the source from which they eman- ated. Now it is thought it was the Knapps who. sounded the alarm when foalizing they were caught in the deadly current that leads to the cata: ract, i rt FIRST SAIL HIS LAST. Persisted in Venturing on Wa When Advised Otherw ise. Whig. : imme, Ont, April 25.--A sad drowning accident happened at Turtle Lake, near here, by which Samuel Huffman lost hie life, He took his i » {His won entreated him not to go, {hody was found in fen Not only of time, but comfort too, o if you have a corn. Better try Puy a. nam's Corn Extractor and cure t Ronaldson. of Bove corn. Painless and sure, acts in twen- ty-four hours, Usé only Putnam's-- canoe out for the first trip this 1 in the face of a heavy wind. {and his wile refused to accompany | him, Mr. Huffman went for some dis- tance along the shore in safety, but in attempting to turn back the upset and before, assistance could reach him he went to the bottom, The feet of water, {Huffman was about fiity years and leaves a large family. ------------------ . Railroad Magnates Oh Tour. Special to Whig. rote ich April 25.--Railroad men from all over the world are gathering to attend the convention of the International railway con: gress in Washington, in May, and previous to the meeting many are making -- inspections of prominent lines. A private car attached to a west-bound Michigan train carried Hon. Charles N. Lawrence, deputy chairman; Hon. A. 8. Hibbert' and half a dozen officials of the London and North-western railway, of Fno- land. They were met at Niagara Falls by Assistant General Manager Kin- near and officials of the Michigan Central way, who accompanied the party to Chicago. Duy Burdock ond Sarsaparilla spring blood medicine at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. pre as thos. ay compa SWISS om $3.00 to $e. i Sen RAND J OPERA J HC ALL THIS WEEK (Except KENNEDY PUA THURSDAY, 'April, 2] Ralph Stuart And an Excellent Company Pre BY RIGHT OF 8 A Romantic Comady 60--People In 3--CARLOADS OF FL the American Prices, 1, 76¢., §0c., 85c., 286. HOUSE CLE WE HAVE: -- Scrubbing Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Pails, Mop \ Polish, Stove Polish, Cleavers ver Soap, Tubs, James Redden & ENGLISH CARVING that all Ca SMITH BROS,, * 350 KING