5 F foghal; 8. M ce. » 8 . bs 4: Constitutional feren SON, « oJ. MeAskile, R. Matheson, J. Drysdale, J D. J. Fraser. 20. 8. Eby, A," Wilson, L. Fostér, Kathleen Callicun;' Ethel ¥. Alford; Edna A. Miller, Jean «Law, oqual; Webver, equal. Marion M.! McGillivray, Chandler, equal; W. J. Haslett. Junior English. --F. Stidwell, Dr. D. E. Foley, G. H. Wilson, Eleanor Fer. | W. A. Gilchrist, bury. Jean Scot W. G. Dewey, D. J. Lane, W. M. Hard- Politics.--J ing, R. 0. Sweezy, Ralph English, C. ' i H. Cooper, Maysie Lowe, J, Stott, Rebecca Rowe, Phoebe MeKechnie, W. Grand Union Hotel G. Gilchrist, Kate De Forneri, George F.oA: Sha D W. Jackson, Alfred Cummings, C. Stott yer, 'Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Graham, R. S. Smart, H. O. Snyder, BAGGAGE: FREE D E. Davidson, H. Saunders, (R. W, Anclin, William Goodwin, Colin Or YFaY, ford, 1. A. G. WH. V. Hunter, J. J. MecEachern, L V. Daley, W. C. Dingwell, Ralph pate b. W. Jeffrey, J, M, Simpson, I. Me- Candless, Essio Powell, A. G. Stewagt, $10.50; hogs, 88 apps, bbl, $1 to ¥.75; eggs, dozen, {18¢. to 176; butter, dairy, 2%. to T. J Matvor Ho vA {to $9.50; lambs, per owt, $12 to $14, i i neti, : Rvuta, on , A: Rinstoul, A. Fn hades mk wn, Lily D. Stewart, E. B. Hi 8 A bad Habit resembles porous |i, 8 Hu, H. E. Atwater, Kom: ' poisons plaster 'on. a man's inner conscious Edna Spotswood, W. Dwy | and tau er, F. W. Drysdale, C. Me Mao hers : b. Meintoal, . ¥F y relief until the Ga W. Pringle, W.' 1 McCallum, Annic EiT$t got them « Goodfellow, Db. Robby, Carmicha ol. Jd. Lol al bbe " nett, W. M. Hay Salisbury, 'equal;' M. ne clean! WJ. son, 'J. F. Clogesom; R. MéCrimmon, A. "poisons depart. Aine. iE Caroline EB J Pistory ~<A. . Poole, A. Fokes, L: E: wal H. + M . Hill} oun) UA t. Buchanan, Simmons, D. A. Ramsay, D. A. Mg Arthur, J. F. MacCallum. © RH. Sommerville, H. E. Atwaler, Gillies, B. iis into. working jas To 0. P. Cowles, D. A. Lily - Stewart, Pon? Haywoor 1 y Nabl, Har. Patterson, Donalda McArthur, Dick iliams, G. *. Meldrum, Mary B. Hiscock, J. J; Mental Philosophy, Wi D. Melnigsh, D. Harkness, Mary McEachern, Bomerville, MN. tH. Bland, A. D. Cor: W. Campbell, W. M. N. Omond; J. A. Richardson. A. FE. Boak, D. A. Carmichael, €. W. Livingston. H. D. McCuaig. Annie McFarlane, W. ©. ; / Junior German.-- . Ferguson, ilivray [NE Rebar et | A P| Lr EA i DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. vo M. Goglwin, D. McFarlane, J: Hy Low, Alice' Shaver, Mary B. MacKor. © | Merslawhat he syei--I was troubled | E. Hannah. J. B..Milliken H. As) p75 label Mefnnes, A I. 'Ontario 1 aches frightfuldreams, Supe A 3. Fargey, J. R. Tuck, 8. Winewood Mackenzie, Muriel Lindsay, ; sid 8 frequent | J. A. oh, 3 . y \ ? ert gow iy hori Doan's | - Senior German.--0. 8, Eby, A. Wil- Paling. a ae. ¢ oh efuisiah. ; Pike Pills recomended for kidvey dos, Emily L. Elliott, Louise D, Fos- Jou, S. % Jha, Kathleen: Cql- | / : give them a tral | Koiblden Cathoun, . (Bidie © Miller, e 8: Dunham, 3, 8S. Clapev, W, A, was much | Brhel "Alford; Carrie Septt, Ella Rus. Dingwall, C..oF. Burns. G. 5 Melon. | they made; |well; equal; Margaret Clifford, Wd. lw Ty "Hamed pp. A. McArthur, 7, in recom. | Feasby, Cy ; 'G. McPhe R. .C, Easton, Jean mending them to ll. kidsey tguble y Sido evuehoCatalinn Heywood; Donald. R. 8. Smart, AC. Ween. ; » i J. H. A an, th. ~ |non, Margaret Grass, J. R. Urqu- : " SE i son, a , A Hinge D. A. Car lhiant, D. T. Fetgtaon, H. P. White, ; "os ite i bl 4 Kin niche} aytle " 2 oioodwit; > 5 Caverkey, mw A Gillies, Mabel to drain poisonous impurities | Anna Chatterton, A. D. Mach * [Robmsow," 'W, ©F. flornett,: R.A. +) which Tiave coflected, thus aleansing out. equal Edith Compton, W. J. Weir, 6. Joau, IR. Cameron. H.C. Work: i . i x . 8 _opman. M. Kerr, Florence O'Donnell, J. ° ul SH Siad0st And dl} the wintry A 2. orion F. A Jones, Eliza £. Robin, AB. MoRee, Maysie 'passages, correct inability to hold . Richardson; so | Lowe, CO. C. Foekler, Rebecen Rows, the urine, and thus obviate the necessity | E. Foley, equil; H. A, Germain; Maud | A" Montgomery, W. W. Dewoy, of getting up many times: at night to | Weaver, H.W." McKiel, wqual; H. J-| Einna Miller. 0. Weilrod. He urinate. - Their good results will be im- es Maries, 5 i Sa e- Moral Philosophy. --k. JeMetion- | | | : y al; R. 8, § tae 1 8d, WL. Uglow, H. A> Everts, -B. | mediately felt in all cases of kidney gi. Codmbiont 'A. Lipman, T. L. Ma-| yw THOME: C. RK. Sinumonn, oF. D. trouble. : 4 ; . a , | Buchanan: J. A, Montgomery, Flor. 4 Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. Div. 1H.~Edythe M. Greene, J. '. encé Williamson pak * Muriel Lim: 3 At all, dealers, or will be mailed direct, | McCammon, equal; G. 8. Clancy, J. |v RB Dingwall, 3 Yor 'ean E : Daley, N. Beatrice Lambert, equal; G.| "p' "y p + Ali on receipt of price, by Tus Doayw rather Wd ht . M. Stevenson; Alice Shaver, H. Kivkey Pus, Co. Tomowro, Owe. | 3. teckoon Wo; ofl Ho Lk Atwater. oquali G. A. Piatt, W. ] : : | Spankie, eyual, 1 J. Starr, Aghes Vv J. Watt; Mary eBacherny sD TK. cs Fargey, J. | & Forrester, ar y Finlayson; equal; H. BE. Aives. J. P. Rh Craig, J. M. Amps, equal; RK. w. | Finn, aqual; G. W.- Pringle, Holena A. CE Lajdlaw, 5. W..A. Code; ¥. Carson, W. Sharp; Maud = McKenzie, JJ. M. 3ha | i 0. Dwyer; J. W. Gardiner, Margais ver, equal: Margate Geass, W. Fergu! ! Haycock, J. H. V. Hunter, E. +L soil, equal; E. marr A: Laing, | Lake, Tuabelle Powell, A. L. Raymond : ; R y Bh *jequal; N, Mcleod, J. E. Parsons, ow Hal, Squal; 4 Eiheubtt. L equal; Po Wo Brgwn, I. Ellis, ©. C; je rench.=C. A, , of. M¢: M. Farnham, C. Rhoagles, Maud Foik Jr G. 'Redd, equal; : CR on T Mary B. MacFarlane, * Winewood I. el a Bel, Qetrom, a. 8. {| MacKenzie, equal; H. 4. Evecje. Ponrh ieelis veo 1s. Moworrer: glen E. Crawlotd, N. McLeod, G. H. Smith; | (pak, "edyalr Ly Houghton, W. 7. {inte A as, co cenie Hoonomics.-- Inabel Mclpnes, H. B. gaat Clifiord, _W; WEL Atwater, iA MoArthur: AD: Cor. : das ean K. em; oh io Me nett, D, J. Lane} equal: J. F. MoCal. Ari fa oll. Mack us % . ----" D. Buchanan, R. F. Downey, he x OR" h A Shaver, ¥. A Mont mery, F. Samilton, tit oysial; C. Rell,' 1. Patsons, 5 Fenders, Qitve Huns, Mille Se 1.0 W. Pringle, W. Stott, W. A. Bec. Ss tt ne ; Ww Me Michael cl eroft, J. H. Young, D. A. Gillies.«. Sot: qua, x prasiiiehasl, | G. C. Wood; Eleanor Ferguson, J. {W. Livingston; Jean Donald, Pearl ' m i P. G. McPher- J. MeAskill, J, H. Maud Weaver, guson LMI ART Richardson, G, Anna Chatterton, Murdock Mathe- c Fockler, ¥, oa; Wella, Ljron, E. 8. Clancy, PW. Thompson, Little, Emma Millet, 8, W. A. Code. D, R. McColl, W, J. Weir, J. G. Me- EL HN lav. i Ratios RN Cammon, J. A. Gardiner, R. H. Som- Leggett, EV une fe 1 boi Hy crville, C. Houghton, J, G. McEachern ggett, KE. VanDusen, C. OC. Salis o- Ww. tott, ' B. W. Thompson, J. M. MacGilli- W. Ferguson, P, (1. Macpherson, Montgomery, Eleanor 'K. Fer. guson, F.C. Bell, J. MacDonald: Lily D. Stewart, M. Matheson; A. Laing, Cures Rheumatism 7 lor, creamery; 28. to He. H kie, Harold You Use His Mandrake and Bug- re Mes turkeys, To i att, J. B. Gordon, TP. A. Malloch, termilk Pills--He Guarantees {1b 18eita Se) potatoes bag, abe. | 1 A Mcliinnis, J. A. Howton, J. Fo| Coll Tobe ; oe 5 xh, S0o. to vordukes, Cyril mew, F. H. Tofley, ng . i celery, per | 0c. to 40c,; | Senior English.--N. M. Omond, Mar- Salone, bahay. #1; ast. Bitueuntiurs, Jars iflord Seuiselle Mclanis, Annie hg allem. begins and ends in the + arters, 6.25; s " which at no time is ever free | [Shree 3030 ko" $10 mathom. pe | Poke JD: Pengo hea they will ta om th ahs | carcase, $6.50 to s . , J.D. y, i bats | Jowt., 89 to 80.00; veal, per owt, 88 Son, goin + {And Fonous, Wl Stes oe She eatin In case of rheumatism, the. kidneys { are not doing their work. as a result, crystalizge around the joints se pain almost akin. to tor- There can he peo ioure, no permanent. Kiclneys ate stimulated. erder, For this purpose Dr. Hamilton's Fills | excel all other semedies: they. heal: and 1 + other blood. and 'all the. Medicine can deo.. Once 'the kidneys are trace of, I, J. W, For. H. 1enewed by Dr. Hamilton's Pills rheimation disappears. , No Case is Too Chronic to Yield 'to the Marwellous Influence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "1 spent nearly 'three yedfs' " s , menting with Theumatie remed J. J. writes George E. Sunbury, of Port- James land, "I hog almgat 'given , Winewood Jordan, May = His- | be better." + A. Shaver, J. + Fraser, J. J | Hamilton's Pills. R.A. Hughes, (from your dru Margaret Clif. * five boxes for 81, BY for , N Millar, { when I tried Dr. Hamilton's completely cured me. No You will never remedy at alt dealers. up hope, | ills; they could regre t using Dr. : Get a supply today Scott. ggists, 25c. per hx IX, or Hanna, equal; S. "Mary, J. Williams, 4 Mulloy; Jean Bertram, Jean . Rintoul, W. HW. Montgomery, . Anglin: Edna Spots' 'wood, Margaret Hayeock, Daisy Max- "w & Then, the Makers' trade-mark, on the lining .of 'ich 'shoe puts responsibility for the hidden wear, and. co of the manufacturer. 'When. a genuine "Slater Shos™ goes wrong, you know that the Makers stand ready to make it good, up to the price they themselves valued it at. Isn't this shoe-insurance of a tangible kind? There isn't a shoe on this market with so much style combined with so much wear, comfort and fit, as the "Slater Shoe," which is stampedion the lining 'with the | Pre . 'but one thing at its very considered. This means selecting leathers, months ahead, so as to be sure of uniformly good grade. : "4 : It 'means hiring, and keeping, the best shoe workmen in the market, because, only a very good -workman is quick enough ; on such: critical work to get profitable results for us out of _ using our costly machinery. a It means charging against the salary of each workman any pair of shoes he makes: which is not up to Inspectors RQ standard, so as 'to O Slater Shoe Sole Local Eh ads 8 hil a Sw 1 SEB-PHAD SIGN? «or. La ae 5 * § % yo 1% T swings from over our shop now! It means more comfort for you, better shoes, surer value, safer buying, + It is the symbol of the "Slater Shoe," anq 5 duplicate of the trade-mark on the. lining of each 'pair where the Makers' price is alsa branded. ; ; "The Slater Shoe," is. the only Canadian shoe made in a factory which makes no other grads, price; nor kind: es It is the result of specialism, of making best, and at its lowest possible cost, quality 2% --p---- SF a a own 'price 'being stamped, with his comfort, directly upon the shoulders "*"Makers' - price, 'viz. $3.50 or $5.00. We want you" «. .. to come in and see _ our new stock. of - "The Slater Shoe," and let us prove this statement. GOODYEAR PROCESS Agent, F, i 1G LOCKETT. Senior N. L. Bowen, H. W.. J. 'Hamilto Turner. A. Seott. J: N. érland, ©, J, Grover. Senior Co 8. Dunham; Polson, D. Brownlee, T. J. 8. Huff, JL Gill. Elementary Bowen, F. I. Sin L. Tumer, Brown, Junior Physica, <N. LL. Bowen, XK. \, (Continued on Page 7) & G nipe Analkis--W, Mathematics, J. Tully, cack, Marion LaveR, ¥ Chemistry, N. ila Bowen, W. Brown, 4. KE. Kidd Leitch; oJ, Fine, Robb, J. Goodfellow. w A: 'Wilson, Marion. ¥. Lavell. D. ~ Hons 4 i n 8. W. A. Cote. [| Jeapelt, Ourclive he wood, Roy a8- "Junior Matheadics.--J. R. Hamil-] Bane, G. H, Wilson, J. B. Gordon, H. { IF YOU ARc : "D. Brown , Vemon Craig, K. It. ton: T. A. Malloch, X. McDonell | McKiel. 7, Mellonald, J. H. Young, | ] Toronto Street Market. €.°D. Brown , Vemon Craig, A. R. CR Gralla FNS. MacDonald' H. 1: Soe br. wists . : Toronto, April 2.--Wheat, new, | Watson, E. 0. Ri A. M. Lit earior Ferguson, C. R. Graham, BSthe Desidars 5. 3 Gara anpavide, T k of | bush, 81 to 81.03 whoat, red, bush, |e, Bert. MeKay, W. G. Campbell, A, 0: S- Bby. C. Goverly, Isabel No. | Fdythe Davidson, 5. J. Grover, A. M. inking 81 to $1.03; wheat, spring bush,, 98c,; | V. Wood, H. McKiel, A.M. Fargey, D. 10nee, GW. Pringle: istle, 4. Bright, A. Lipman, C.. J. op ps 3 te 02; hd, ap g | hs S00 1 4 Nar ict, A J Ry > Wizabeth Scott, if, 43. McEachtan, Tulley, L. Ma on, V3 Denier, An Buildin 0; 470. to. 480. tye, bush. | Comphell, J. H. Houston: T. C. Rolls, ' em . ati 1 Chtterton, . ¥ Hi) rat g 200, buckwhent, hush.. ~ H0es barley. |B. Webb, H. Fleming, M. E. Old: . : Miskpatrick. a Wa] Me fh, os gy ba. a ho, 2. ake, Kms Maio Dp, Hamilton Jape ogi Win AJL or wt par 11: ia 1. ny, i . ey, a oP. A Mab: Noshi Ysnma 2 lor 4 ar og ed so hay, iad, Dempster, E, 8. Malloch, W. H. Kirk- mon, Mabel Nesbit, Emma M. Miler, YOU 70 : : | ton, 3 8 ' a i. $5 ns k, A. R. McRae, Edith Compton, R. H. Liggett, Ethel Aliord. Clark. FP. L R. C. Easson, W. E. 0. Ww. 48 La Nine, Whinton, R. Burchill, Grace Macgregor. N. Gardiner, W. Beggs, A. Leth Margaret R. Barkir, oJ. Grover, D. Jordan, A.B. Me Mineralogy dnd Blow Malcolm, N. IL. FL Grdwver, 'D, F.£. Bal. Ww. F. Brownlee, . Usher, Read the NL Easter Greetings ! (HILDREN'S FOOTWEAR Youths' and Little Gents' Tan heel or spring heel, $1 and 1.25. : Misses', Girls' and Child's Pat- nt Colt or Tan Blucher Oxford, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. iL JENNINGS, King St. eee CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; J Phaeton; 1 road wag: gon; dlso mew Top Buggies, Runsbouts with rubber tires; also a few sets of Harness left. Call and sce for yourself. JAMES LATURNEY, 301 PUNGESS STREET. Snnersssssssrsesasl RCNOW IS THE | { WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT 1 you are trying Io get good beat out of poor coal. Ours is handfscrepned and uni- Jot, ro-ton order will bring you A large lot of DRY SLABS for sale. Booth & Co. 'Phone 188, BEST IN CANADA! A Modern and Progressive School The old reliable Kingston Business College imitea, Head of Ques street, Kings , Ont; "Phone i Spacious Apartments, Complete Equip mnt, Excellent Results. Thorough and individual instruction by competent and ere a RT tes 90 Se in Canada and the United tas. Catalogue free. No vacation. Enter at ---------- | : | TYPEWRITERS ! Following :k country can build just as chea ply ds in the city. ish you with all p i I will be pleascd to articulate' as to prices. J Hay- Wallace, A. P, Ww. 1-POUND FANCY BOX OF CHOCOLATES" AND - EE BAL rosa, CREAMS ONLY: - - - 25. mE ee FE woe. uses v2 ALJ REES?, Princess St. : i n ARRAARARRARRBARAARRARRAR FARRADASARAS ASAD LIAL') Senior Mathematics.--W. ('. Usher, 4 i ON- N. I Bow 3 H 1 Clark, W.J. Ham- Having purchased a first-class plant for manufacturing HOLLOW ay ilton. CRETE BUILDING BLOCKS, 1 can quote prices which will enable yc ' 30 FB L. Sine, EF. L. Turner, R. €, |build much cheaper than with Stone or Brick, and more handsome aaa Easson, W. E. H. Whinton, R.- A | Blocks can be copied after natural stone. Here are. a few advantages: Scott The best material for the erection of Residences, Factories, Churches Rive a : a race Walls, Fences, Stabics, Steps and Silos; the saving in cost of constr . Junior Chemistry.--A. Lipman, A, tion; such Buildings are fire and frost proof; Insurance is icsé than for any Kidd, W. Fr. Brownlee, H. McKiel. other: style of building; thoy are warm in winter and cool in summer, and Mary Mckachern, J.B. Gordon, A. plastering may be done on the back of the stone, saving cost of athingi V.: Wood, Lillian Reynolds, A: M. the blocks ean be moulded into the rhost elaborate designs; pe in 4s J. W. LITTON : : 159 Alfred St. WVU Vie WA £ CHOCOLATES & CREAMS BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED. All Makes, Yow and Second-hand J.R.C. DOBBS & (0. 171 Wellington §t., Kingston ~@ Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. H ds floor econ BE