Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1905, p. 8

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4.» 'LOCAL NOTES AND TH INGS * Interest To The People. : Fresh' eggs, 15¢. per. dozen, at Mul} - 8, neral's speech at the; 4 ; 5 reception last night, | ¢; Jha; Hopes and cattle tonic, 2. pied follow ison Red ule ou meg i to forget that it ; i * % 'of the oll mother: which is; 1) caal at the asylum what Huyler's and McConkey's high class candy. Gibson's Red Cross drug The Royal, Military. College ocndets roturfied to-day, will resume Queen's University council 'meets to- day at 4 and § pan, There ave many agreed, Foo pe : " i permitted me 10 | Sent ates Gatside Places pre: Without running the} hers is quite a shortage of chast- Fala Fa pv ope | ok coal in the city. The dealers . ' are anxiously waiting' for a cargo or ah eer gre ¢ . fue which should have been: here days oo [and the conviction that, in the com- Attend: the sale' of water colors and Plete unign between thé two great | fesimiles tomer Too pom Tost : fut Tres and stsength of sal¢ and évery picture "must be sold your future. press have shown | ragurdiess of price. John H. Mills, Tot your. tational self-respect. would auctioneer, ve heen lowered if you had NOY asf Puy the gennine Rlaud's iron tonic sumed thie whole responsibility of pills, 106. for 95. Need a -- A Tots tw important posts (Halifax fsioee. hv i; : id Esquimalt), It will. bo .a good It is possible that the charge of io not appear, F. W, | thing for Canada, and the empire - ii 'burglary against young MeConville Sud were we can concentrate the disinterested Fill not be pressed, linless the police chueed "wardens, and W. enthusiasm, which at the present ye . 3 choose to do so, the owner of the r White elected audi: | time: animutes the 'Salvation Army, by [tore that was robbed, not intending at 10 o'clock, . Just in the nick of time when ne ousekeeper is thinking of Lace Curtains rly ed the following very special bargains : To. | 50 PAIRS WHITE SWISS Ap. IV... ...PLIQUE LACE CURTAMNs "= Very choice design, size 3% yards] . 52 inches wide. The regular value pry Curtain is $5.0 pair. Special Price To-morrow $3.75 pair SRP § ind. were clected sides: [using it for the purpose of settling on : ; "to press the case, \ e v men Sutherland, W. B. Dab |vour sngoaupied land, worthy and NT company wharf : Tig Thomp- 150 PAIRS WHITE NOTTING- on dil; J i Ns Free roepected families selected from the fon, 'oleared for Oswego, with two Hl - HAM LACE CURT 4 ep Chron "He or 1 [Ee JO: Cg tin, he | ; As s B. i v Hh ; at » Lady] from » wi ; x : ay Price, AL . TE Bwaine, and | Sybil, visited Toronto, general hos- are sr a. Charon and Large size, very good designs (2). Regulir FE. finance committes wag | pital this moming, I hoy. inspected the ' Oswego with three light ha hv value $2.25 pair. Gananoque Lodge, 1.0.0. ve Will Yours To-morrow $1.25 pair SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. i follows: The dean bilan, 'and nr with many of wirch, wardens, R,.J. Carson, C, F.| the patients. nurses were. assem- | wlanite i ih ARR or co Mh Col. McGill; {bled ini the clinic theatre and were ad? of Lede x, an Eerie W. B. Dalton, H. Tandy, Canon Stare; | dressed briefly by his excollency. Later Lot inst. Grand Master James But Mi 8 L, Br, Walkem; BR: E.| he proceeded to the city hall, where terworth, Janes Denison, D.D.G.M Pins, and W, A, S a he was presented with an ofidial ad- and other 'prominent Oddfellows. of A resolution, moved by €. F. Gil [dross of welcome. i derdlecve, and ; Ny Cal. We -; the district will be present, The cele- Bd an y Col. Me- . ~ | bration 'will be conducted ly. Gil, exprossing the vestry's approcia: PERSONAL MENTION. "Tnfunts' foods" perfeetly fresh, : tion of the RoC. Cortpr's active ; S------ i goniting Castoria. At Gibeon's. xd . ® interest in the work of the cathedrn) | Movements Of The Peoplé--What | (is deng store; On Thursday Morning Barish, foc ova 4 thirty years, was cor-| They Are Saying And Doing. [Tho secawtary of the 14th Regiment: : | hy vote. po Eto, J ' $ . ved: i: rr ah eu re Col. Buchan is in Montreal, jal. Band hax received a 'sample uni We will - have Something V Special to Offer You. ng Yay ; 3 Col. Hemming: is in Toronto : on [form made hy a Toronto tailoring 0 y officars of the | the organist amt. choir for their ef- | jy, iness, firm; at the request of the band who Sydeuham Street Metho- | fective and. hishly valued sersioos, At oy Aid. Raven, Kir ' haat lh " ton, is vis fintend purchasing new dress uniforms . last night, the | & meeting of the congregation held ai- iting relatives in Brockville, this spring. Local tailors wore given Remember to Read our Advertise ter the adjournment of the vestry, R. R. F. Harvey léfi at noon for Ren | a chance to tender for the contra J. Carson was elected 8 delegain to vieo- | the synod for, the next three years, ment in To-morrow Night's Whig. frew on a short visit to friends. over a .month ago, but no tenders vi Mr, and: MSS J. E. Charles have re-| were received, Now some of them are in nd Vier. A -- tirned to Calgary after spending six | registering a kick, and it is possible ; third v fiini- St. James' Chureh. [months in Uslifornia, Mexico and | they may bo given another chance, i i At St. James' Vestry, ter J. (0. oast cities, /° | A i ---------- AuEy, Paterson Had been election inl ok John McKalvey will leave tosmarrow Y. M. C. A, Notes. Pound. | Bro, tom, the" anal financial state. | for. Buffalo, routs for Atlantic Oity, | The Harriers will "take 'a country ment was most Ineidiy presented by where he will pemain some weeks re- run, . Wednesday evening, at nine George E. Hague, churchwarden, from | perating. i o'clock." A pace will be kept through- whith it appeared that the sum of Do Robb, BA, inspector of public faut to suit the beginners and the $4,195 had been contributed to all schools; has returned to Brussels, bav: | stout' men. Every gvinmasium mewm- objects "during. the past year. This | ig spent Easter with his brother, J. | ber should torn out to enjov this ex- amount is somewhat in excess of the | Robb, Patrick 'street. hilarating exercise. Tonight the vorage annul offering, and roswits Ensign: MeNtiney, of . the Relvation juniors hold their closing exhibition. a part from very satidactory va: Amy, Sturgeon Falls, is visiting at | Parents of boys should be present to pone made to the appeal on behalf her home hete, From here she will goj=ee the proficiency nianifésted "hy the dj e i A ---- An Attractive Array of White SHIRT WAIST Now ready. Our Spring Stock is now complete and we have some very stylish New York designs: 'Many have the latest designs in Embroidery and In- sertion and the prices 'wi surely interest you. improvements to the chur [to Glen Falls; NY., where she will be [members in the several drills and the Thar Sr, he irdh, edie. stationed, apparatos work. A basket ball match commended, codt 1,459.40, Of | Miss Davidsoh, principal of Catara- f will 'be played between the business amount $846.11 has heen: paid, | 9 school, and Miss O'Shea, of Cen- boys and the school boys. abd when subscriptions still due, are | tral school, are attending the meeting { ~The military camp at Rareiefold | received, little - more than $400 will | of the hers' association in Toron- | will begin June 27th, The Y.M.C.A. 18 " romain wnprovided for, Suck an ae jlo this week, tent will be pitched on the grounds Sunday school complishwent , in five or six months Mes, '30, TT. Martinelli, Kingston, {as nswal. One of the many things the last evening, 1¢ was arfanged by Mrs, deserves hearty congratulation. Cur- | the guest of 'Mrs, A. Elliott, Belle. | Workers. seek to do is to provide R * [rent accounts still 'owing will be more fille for the past 'week, has returned | Wholesome reading and games for the . Toran- Vocal aclos were given by | than covered the orous offering | home, ' Mrs. Nietinedli was = formerly | mn. The general seeretary of the oe Mor, W. Gordon, Mist Stent fof Paster JY the gen ® [Mrs James A. Biliote, of that aly. |5ity association is anxious to have a White Lawn Waists, plain a Ap -- ford, Miss Holder, . A. McMahon, T. The good and faithful wardens were Rev. Robert Herbison, late of Ota 290d supply of magazines, stervos ith Y y P | HY + | Shannon; recitation "by Miss Phyllis promptly re-appointed, Mr, Hague by f Wa, has arrived from Scotland, where | 00Pi¢ views, hooks and games ready or wit embroidery, 75C., 8gc., y [Weleh, and piano selections by Miss | the incumbent, and Mr. King, by the [he has been taking a post-graduate for the opening of the military work, 99¢., $1.25. White Lawn Waists, $1.35, $1.49, $1.69, $1.75. Jeanie Reid, A choiow gem was a ditet congregation, as were also Medsrs. Me- | Sourse at Fdinburgh University. He] 0 ony friend desirous of donating by Mrs, Gordon and A. MoMabon.: Cann, aul Paterson; the painstaking [#5 now at his father's home at Sand | 287 of the above, may leave them at | A -------------- by . " he buildin send stal re - ann, au vy t ® ar send a posta request Picture Sale To-Night. 4 Rev, C. Masters, presented the re-| V. I. Fallon, Cornwall, retumed | "8 us to call, All the water color paintings, fae port of the Sunday school which | home to-day aftér completing several a -- White Lawn Waists, $1.89, iimbles, and engravings 'will 'be sold | still holds its own as numerieally the | large contracts. in St. Marrs aed Where Is The Hurt ? $1.99. $2.25, $2.40, $2.75. by auetion tonight at 7.30 o'clock. premier Sunday school of the diocese, | Cataraqui cemeteries in. the interests | Any deep-seated pain, any strain on 1 ite Lustre Waists. White China Silk Waists, new designs justsreceived. Silk Shirt Waist Suits Do pot ming attending, as every pic- | and the incumbent reported that not- [of Williams & Fallon's marble works, | bruise of the muscle or tendon will be ture will bo sold without reserve, J. withstanding serious losses, the num- | Cornwall. 5 cured Lockout by the use of Smith's | H. Mills, auctioneer, her of communicants exceeds that of | H. W. Ridings, of the "Bonnie Brier White Liniment. It penetrates deeply [ 3 -------- 1904. Bush" company, is in the city making | into the museles and tissues and ban. Another band of Hornorites was Steps were taken towards holdin arrangements for his attraction on | ishes pain or inflammation, If you tacked up in the Ottawa police sta~| the annual excursion. Most cordial | May 3rd. W. C; Gray, advance agent | have backache, muscular rheumatism, ton. for creating a disturbance onthe: Yotes of thanks to the various faith- [for "The Devil's Auction," is here. | lnmbago, ete. try this remedy to-day. 7 hy j : His sh Monday 2nd. | Big bottles 25c., at Wade' cks : . It Pays vou to buy spring tonics at fub Shicials: a rane chraught, the i ny ay aa . yr it Wade's, In Che of Navy and 'White and Black and Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Fresh {anent meeting, Mr. Hague was ro. The Scout Enquiry. Not A Whisper. White, also in Plain Colors, Browns, Navys, 'Al obi L bid felected delegate to the diocesan The steamer § i il There wasn't a whisper in the city pach p A Scout enquiry will con- r h per in © city hx: Nl is White is Soliering from synod, clude with the Vidi of Captain council meeting last night about the I r Ak 8 righ being Fraser, who will be examined as soon | 3t7eet railway. The. finance. report ad. . . St. Paul's Church. : as he returns here from Ottawa. It is ea action a the. $135,000 offer A well attended i St, [expected that the repart of the hoard | © Sale, passed without a ques. EL] Paul's ity was hak Toe Rigs " of investigation will be in the hands Lion, The aldermen evidently want the | archdeacon, of Kingston in the chair, | OF the minister of marine before the roa to be put up by auction before : The chnirtirivardens' Sta oment ho end of the woek. they take dny action towards aiding an, increase for the year, in the Sun. | The steamer Pierrepont, now at Co- Jit i he, Begple will continue to walk ¥ coltections and in the amounts | 10a, was to-go info the fovernment | Vet awhile. | Sontributed by themselves, but q slight | D10Y service to-day. She will do. ser- You are most welcome to come _and see our New Suits. Never mind whether you are prepared to buy or not it makes no difference. You are just as welcome (0 examine and criticize. of Blacks. , in i Spring Importation For 1905 TS ¥ falling off in pew 2 viee first from Cotenu to Montreal, 3 P! or > Sarwar) as Te and then come up the river. Prevost', Brock street, has received | / -- i [Jay, werd re-appointed, as were also Me ---------- oe cases of spring importations of | h he sidesmen with the names of Fire In Céal Mine. coteh tweed, serges; Lie and | . : esses. Downey, Smythe: and Sergt.- | Snecial 4g the Wik, Jicunas, and fancy panting; ft and Major Birtles addesth to- their. number, | New' York, April - 95.<A disastrons guaranteed, : Yotos of thanks were given to the | fire is raging in the coal mines nearf ------------y : : worthy ladies of the congregation, the | Bunff, B.C., according to a Tribune f Picturds--A room without pictiress ) holt, Mr. Joy, the Sunday school | special from there, is like a house withott windows or a Fe . 'H R, he wi 8, anditors and garden without flowers, Attend the w pest | SR, F. Kilioh for the handsome gas | - 0 May 5th Sie Wilir,d Ladrier will | $0802 sale tonight. No reserve. 2 the poreh door, pressnted| received loputation of the veterans § LY°TY Picture must be sold. J, H. Hig ig rel at a ol Mills, auctioneer, 3 » esars, Goodearlo, Downe |of 1866.70 of Montreal and Ottawa, | "ypc Katie Knox, Lower G.T.R. de. fev the year. The vestry adjourned for Re duele views aa i» hy a Soh b hy on the New York exeuuion ecks. At the congregational | pe it ir i the J 2tirday to pay a visit to or sig fo ndcting, Dr. R. W. Garrett was me] magioivon . of -theit services to ter. . fountry. i . ct lay 4 hr The sa ee De pi Mia rst: gauss... far Bay Ferrozone at Gibson's Red 4 dioeesan The Chicago on Saturday at Cineinmati; £ ---- Sore. samie salaries as last year worg voted. | and was beaten 5 to 3. He was but. re oar] fo iekt bite, and gave wiv bos | PRARSALL'S - MILLINERY st. J 's Ch on balls. With the bases full and two " ale BE ps un : i po out, Coreoran cmade a triple in the | The' Faster season Has nearly 'diéaned i JO. Crisp, ure. tah. u te Out Rome of GUF Nest hats, 86° this weok \ % te of x mde Wo will put in the show a w he report: of the church nalts wae McLachlan, Arnprior, who dvd in f Pouch Models and American id tisfactory, show "IN sot s --- New York a few weeks ago, was en OF the best Styles. lected delegate: to th Noiaah. Joe, probate in Hull, and 'is f Can and Wek our Datos. New Disigns, - "J . years, the other defe- | The A ing: Clab, Toron. | uPerior workmanship, oxcollent material. : - Walkem and J. W. {to will past owing Take "Ukenka, * "10% rion fs making on. store very a 1S : ace we INY., to meet a erew of Syramss | loa just BOW; More Now Hats re: " iy " . Walkem was | University to compete in. the Cornell | "0 this morning. : ci CERT EE o RSULS wunmy| BOOts for $1.50 in i " i i | Tw : final examination of the Royal | College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, | . an --_-- We have an unusually large assortment at Ber sweet pea and masturtun : Again > vertey [ood at Gitmon's "Red Cems drug ont ae LE, i ' this price ; light and heavy soles ; Patent and Raster x ilitagy if Or itch, wit : aE : 4 . organ a wt Span Rocklin, or. fo semen ae ae SN Kid toe caps. Every pair guaranteed solid. He chose June Boek, Arte {any ome ! EM re pidge : It ih WEE EES THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE | «must be left to the judgment and hon- «FIT REFORM," make buying at this Everybody cannot 'know everything about a Suit of Clothes--some things pty of the dealer. "Reputadion for Square Dealing" is one of our great aids in selling. This, coupled with the exclusive styles of store easy. No. wonder-onur- enstomers stand by us, and onee wearing "FIT REFORM" will wear no other. So far our Spring Patterns have won great praise, B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Promotors of Progressive Dress For Men. Te WANTED. ;ENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO a or W. H. Carson, 224 Johnston St. . A GENERAL SERVANT, DY 'MAY 9th. Apply to Mrs Conroy, 305 Alfred St €00D G SRAL SERVANT; NO washing. Apply at rs. sA."S Oliver, 59 Gore St. i ---------------------- TWO GOOD DINING-ROOM GIRLS at once, for Mansion House, Prescott Highest wages paid -------- A GENERAL ' SERVANT, REFER- ences required. Apply to Mrs. Mac gillivray, 119 Earl St. A GENERAL SERVANT ; NO WASH- jog or ironing ; Small family. Ap- ply. 817 University Ave. TWO * BOYS, ONE FOR PRESS- yoom, the other for job room Must be hustlers. Apply at Whig office. OWING TO A PROMOTION WE ARE In need of a first class man as an agent. To ' such a person an except- femal opportunity is offered. Apply % A. Kennedy Sup't., 114 Brock St BLL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN seeking pleasant employment, on sale ay or commission, are advised to Write now to Marshall & Co., tea tmporters, London, Ont. GENTLEMEN, TO GE1 THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 181 Brock street, mext to Bibby's livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; promptly. ressing and repairing done TO-LET. DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES d Factories. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock St. HOUSE, NO. 247 BROCK STREET, hot water heating and all modern im- provements ; possession May 1st. Ap- ply 249 Brock street. STREET COTTA ON C cont ing seven rooms City water Por rn May 1st. Apply to L. O'- 55 Y Brien, 67 Union St THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Barrie St., opposite Oity Park. Pos Session May 1st. Apply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie St HOUSE NO 42 O'KILL STREET With modern convenience Apply t Je Power, or Johy Twed . Merchant 'T WHITE FRAME HOUSE ON CENTRI St, good locality, 8 rooms, good Out building, fruit garden. Moderate rent, Apply, John Eves, 10 Market St FINE BUSINESS OFFICE; FRONT room, 346 King Street; good loca- tion and. well appointed. For partic- wars, apply to J. P. Forrest, Gents «. Furnisher, King Street. FROM 1ST _ JUNE, FOR THREE months or fonger. Furnished house eleven rooms; modern conveniences Central location, Apply by letter; to P.O. Box 82, Kingston. SHAT BRICK DETACHED RESI- dence, No. 488, Brock st. ; heated by furnace ; modern conveniences gas lamediate possession. Apply. Box 31. Whig office or on premises. ------ OF oh YrOIised. THAT BRICK DWELLING, SITUATED No. 189 Brock St, containing 11 Rooms, Bath and Closet, Gas Light- ing. hot water heating. Apply, C Livingston & Bro., Brock st. MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE, .114 Stuart St. 12 rooms, hardwood finished, good stabling and coach house. Possession immediately. Ap- oh to Joseph Power or John Twed- ell > Be A MODERN = BRICK RESIDENCE. 22 Frontenac St., near Union st., 11 rooms : modern conveniences : hot YFater heating : possession given May Ey Apply, D, Reeves, Wellington cies reomin COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM House, pestle furnished, well situated on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 miles West of Collins Bay. Good stable SCcommodation. Stage daily to Kingston 'and Bath. Also Frame Cottage. Address, H, C. Rothwell Collins Bay Ont.' THAT DESIRABLE PPOPRRTY AT fhe Comer of Queer and Ontario Street, lately occupicd by Mr. Hen- erson as grocery with large vard aad outbulldings. Offers will be re red for purchase. Avoly to alka & Walkem, solicitors, King : LOST. A GOLD FOB, WITH A GOLD WATCH Shee, on King St.. last evening near >t. Kilborn's.. Reward for ils re Wn to this office ends Comolly, St. John. , N.B, Bped dead on the street. He was ag seven © for Ey : ; Steenes, Hillsboro, N85. was Wurdered 4 Portland, Maine, by por OBS noknown,

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