To-morrow A Special . Sale of ES' SAMPLE UMBRELLAS \ ought them from a we. d thoroughly reliable of Umbrellas at a soba nt. These Umbrellas are vith extra quality Upjon overings, new Paragon el rods, 8 ribbed, with a ty of the most' fashionable Any one of them are worth 5 to $1.40. AY SPECIAL PRICE Zc. Each. TO 11 O'CLOCK. ~~ {id Gloves RENCH KID GLOVES, 2 dome of Fawns, Tans, Greys, White ry pair fully guaranteed, ' 4 . ova 18 without doubt the best $195 ale is sieadily increasing. 1f you rill prove a surprise to you, owing qualities for a glove at this price KID GLOVE at 76e. pay. pair. alr. pair. we cannot got" again this soason RSETS \. Corsets, s50c., 75¢., $I, ®t .. Crest Corsets. on's Corsets, s50c., $1, 75¢., Mode! Corsets, $2, 2.50, 3. orset Waists, soc., 75¢. 1's Corset Waists, ,25¢, Corsets, $1. orsets, all sizes, from 21 hes. a ' \ n Stockings, 10c., I n Stockings, 20c., 25C, on Stockings, 35c. Thread Stockings, 35¢, e, Thread Stockings, 49¢, Ladies, 25c., 35¢., 49¢. ton Stockings, all sizes. s' Lace or $1.50 lly large assortment af reavy soles; Patent ard pair yuaranteed solid. I SHOE STORE, Special Sales On Hat Racks This Week "Jressers and Washstands, liberal dis- | count. All goods Robt. Two Doors Above the Opera House, marked in -plain figures. J. Reid, Princess Street. Telephone 577. Yth Alfred St. TWO GooD at once, for Mansion House, Prescott SRAL Sk Ww. H. WANTED. VANT Jarson, APPLY 224 ES A GENERAL SERVANT, BY M Apply to Mrs. Conroy, DINING-ROOM G1 Highest wages paid. A ences GENERAL SERVANT, required. Apply to Mrs © gittivray; 119 East St A ing or ironing; Swall family. Ap- ply, 3¥7 University Ave. TWO BOYS, ONE FOR PRESS- room, the other for job room: Must De hustlers. Apply at Whig office ------------ ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN sbeking pleasant employment, on sal- ary or commission, are advised to write Bow to Marshan & Co. tes importers, London, Ont. CANADIAN GIRL ro DO HOUSE work for family of four adults, in Rome, N.Y. No washing required Must be willing to go tn St. Law- nce River for Summer. Railroad fare paid' if saeisfactory. Wages, $3.50 per week. Address, enclosing recommendation, Mrs © E. Will- jams, 408- N. George St, Rome, NX TO-LET. MMER COTTAGE, ON : 5 Applyy OW, HL ee i DWELLINGS, and Factories. Estate Agency, 51 Brock St. COTTAGE, containing Yossesion Br 67 THE Barrie St. session ~ON DESIRABLE May a er ---------------------- GENBRAL SERVART ; NO WASH- STORES, McCann's CENTRE seven rooms, May 1st. Apply Union St City to Li RES ,- opposite City Park. ist. Apply to Flanagan, 82 Barrie St. WHITE FRA St., good out buildi rent. St FROM P.0. Box ed eget SHAT BRICK DETACHED RESI- dence, No. 488, Drock st. ; heated by furnace ; modern conveniences ; gas. Immediate possession. Apply Box 31. Whig office of on premises MODERN BRICK ' RESIDENCE, 114 Stuart St. 12 rooms, hardwood finished, good stabling and coach house. Possession immediately. Ap- * ply te Joseph Power or John Twed- dell. MODERN rooms ; water heating 1st. Apply, D. St. COMFORTABLE House, partly furnished, well situated on shore of west of accommodation. Kingston Cott -ottage. Collins Bay Ont. THAT the Street, erson as Apply, 18ST months - or longer. eleven rooms ; central location. Apply by letter, to BRICK Frontenac S DESIRABLE Corner of Queer lately occupisd by Mr. Hen- a grocery with Jarge yard ME HOUSE ON CE} locality, 8 rooms, ng, fruit garden John kves, 10 M JUNE, FOR TH modern convenie 82, Kingston. RESIDENCIg St., near Union s modern conveniences ; possession given Reeves, Welli BRICK Quinte, 24 Bay. Good Stage daily and Bath. Also Address, H, CO. Rol Bay of Collins and and outbuildings. Offers will ceiv. Wi A ston. Cs ---- LOTS, 18, 34 AND 16 PEMBROKE sewer and water on street. Apply Jf. Bawden, 38 Clarence St. Avenue ; for & Wi rchase. Appl em, solicitors, FOR SALE. Johnston AMBERST Moutray OFFIC STRE wa IDENCIE, Moderate Furnished house, FARM Frame PROPERTY AT Ontario y TO 305 RLS Real Pos- Miss 'RE good arket REE nees ; 22 +. MX hot May ngton miles stable to hwell, to King- sets at 6.58 p.n. become a successful -hypochondriac launched . at Quchec, 1 defeated, they worked for twenty cents a day and their ever some of DAILY MEMORANDA. Rutter 20¢,, Crawford. District L.OL., 8 pm. Y.M.C.A. Banquet to-night. A man is the prisoner of his power The bigot is~seildom as big as he feels. The sun rises Friday at 4.08 a.m. and my to wait for an introduction. Jt -takes' a vivid imagination even to This day in history Royal Willimm" Dunbar Scots XS. Grant born, 1812, often boast of the time 1296 ; Great men board, but no wonian. who is up refe; to the time when she was ervant girl Lots of Them : ROBERTSON BROS. « Starch Specials --AT-- VanLuven's It pays to buy the quantity to se cure the price Pure Laundry Starch, 7 lbs. ... 35¢. Acme Gloss, 4 11h. pkgs. ... . Me. Fancy 6-lb, tins Silver Gloss, reg. 60c., our special price ....... 48¢. Drum's Lily White, 6 lbs., special 45c. Pure Corn Starch, 4b. Pkgs. J Benson's No. 1°Prepared Corn, 30H, phis. co... sian Bae Starch, Ivory Gloss, Celluloid, ° Durbee's Mourning Starch. F. W. VANLUVEN, 246 Princess St. "Phone 417. ENGLISH CARVING SETTS Direet imports PIBLD, the home of the world's best cutlers. Many handsome designs in cases; éthers not so elaborate at less money. We are particular that all our Carving Setts are good. JEWELERS SMITH BROS., '"%5kricians 350 KING STREET. The Highest Grade of Footwear i To be Had in "Canada" was the expression of a gentleman who «nows Canadian trade "in regard Lo our Shoes."' Wear "Allen's" Miltary Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. TAKE NOTICE PONT" SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- Gent's Clothes and, 3 . eo. from SHEF- niture, Carpéts, Boots to the first buyer that comes along. Try me, and you will find the differonce. J. TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, 398 Princess Street. Y.W.C.A. Join Our Tennis Club. NOTICE. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE , ween Montreal And] A MEBRTING OF NO. 1 DISTRICT. ¥ 49 Colborne street LOL. of the County in South Front- . enac, will be held in the Orange Hall, TWO IOASOLINE ENGINES AT| Kingston, on THURSDAY, April 27th Da Dry Dock, one 8% H. Power at 8 pm. By order of the D.M Hybibard, "and one 4 I Poger 1. GRAHAM. ala e Ret .-Sec. SKIFF, FAST, STEADY AND GOOD Ended Also open Peterboro Cinoe STRAYED OR STOLEN. a With saiifittines. Hoth in wood con-| ONE BLACK AND TAN COLLAB dition. Apply to C. T Cartwright Hitch, with long hair ; has four white 17 Mack St. feet : answers to the namc of Rover. i ; id Any person found harboring her wil re be proseécut ; any one giving any in- SATLING ,_ YACHT asa : 25 formation as to her whoreghouts will satis A Darrin at $350 hy. ¥ oA be liberally rewarded. W. J. Smith, Irther are in a "5 TC o. Harrowsmith, Box 4. Almon, Bahk Montreal. Kingston. - an en LOST. NO. 200 CALERED STREET, SOLID een Brick biilding, 6 bedrodms. double] a GOLD FOB, WITH A GOLD WATCH parlor, dining modi {mprovements ing. for for electiic size house. the premises. ar to. W, King, City room, and heat sud light concrete flo: kitchen, hot water heats | Wired fighting, good cellar full Aunply on YACHT ip further Nilliam FOR SALE. MARGARET, OWNED | A WHITE STOLE, WITH MALTESE Gokey, Brookivn. Crosses in Cold Braid, between 10th A : Bier © feet beam, 5 feet March and Faster. A smal} reward | moroing, age fifty-three. class NY Capt. Box 76. Kinnsion, t.; used . twelve mik n 3 well farnish- 2 4 excellent condition. rs only es an For particulars, apple 1 M 'okey, * 68% 10th Street John Case, on King St. Dr. Kilborn's Re turn to this office eet epee: THE FINDER OF THE GOLD WATCH Cite and Gold Fob Jost on April 24th, will Le proseewted if same is not returned to ewner. last evening near 1 for its re will he given for its restovation at 17 Mack St FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. {THE CHARTER OFTHE KINGSTON Ladies' College. Apply. ta foe To HIS WHEREABOUTS NOT EX- Russian Land Forces Attempting respondent there. is considerable uncertainty cerning the whereabouts of the Baltic fleet, but the - Jupanese preparations to receive it are complete, Admiral : T sition to deal with the 250, WE [EL Petersburg cables that on regarded gone is awaiting him in the sheltered wat ers of the Gulf of Tonquin, is a mat: ter 'of speculation in naval circles, but the conviction prevails that the june- tion has al of the fourth division of his squad- ron commandedt by Mrs. K INGSTON, OGOISREADY Meet The Big Russian "fly Right of Sword," Grand Opera y + House, to-night. Fleet. of the young urglas heroine of a ro Sample _Shle in City Hall this after- cent popular novel. noon and evening. ) In her whe [ound a complete A small fire that warms you, is better \ bellboy's Outht, her brown hair than one that burns yeu. \ 3 showed signs o having been worn "People © who live 'in glass kouses hort up te within the last few should get undressed in the dark." shor! Be Paria und Fd TH When fortune smiles on you it doesn't months, al when she walk caught shi ACTLY KNOWN, to Prevent the Investment of Valdivostok--Has Nebogatoff Joined Rojestvensky ? {and originality might have stepped he pages of the very hook it Special to the Whie. out of the pages 2. --~The the Telegraph Tokio cor- says con- London, April of y is in an excellent, strategic" po- ns which aver way he epmes, . A despatch to the Daily Mail, from thatthe cable to the ishand of Hainan has been eut, it Russian agents. at Gen, ineviteh reports -a determined but futile attack Katiuan and Chang Tufu. This is diversion intended to heck movement to wards Viadivostok and may presage a tussian offensive movement Whether Admiral' Rojestvensky has to Viee- Admiral Nehagatoff, - or s supposed; by The Times correspondent St. ns a the Japanese been effected, and that the eventual naval battle is bound tobe in favor of the Russians: Awaiting Second Fleet. St. Petersburg, April 27-14 is in- timated in naval circles that Admiral Rojestvensky is now in the Gulf of} Tonguin where, under the shelter of Hainan island and far outside terri- torial waters, he can await the arriv- Admiral Neboga- toff. No confirmation of this report is obtainable at. the admiralty. . Bound For Viadivostok. Paris, April 27.--A St. Petersburg despatch: to the Matin . savs that the Russian admirally lias received news from Admiral <Rogestivensky, who an nounces that he has been able to com- municate with. Admiral Nebogatofi. Rojestvensky will meet Neboratoff, he says, off Batavia, and thence the un- ited fleets will sail for Vladivostok, by way of the Straits of Formosa, , Not The Russian Fleet. Hong Kong, ° April, 27.---1t now transpires that the warships sighted off Linting island bv /the steamer Cal- chas were British and not Russian warships. It was announced from Hong Kong. on April 24th, that the British battleships Glory, Centurian and Ocean, and. the auisers Hogue and Bonaventure had leit Hong Kong for an unknown destination. Russia Wants More Money. Berlin, April 27.~The financial news- papers state * that another Russian Joan is being negotiated in Germany. It is proposed to borrow $50,000,000 upon nine months treasury bills at five per for the purpose of building up Russian balances abroad. Saw The Baltic Fleet. Kamranh Bay, via Saigon, April 27. The correspondent went outside in a junk to-day and saw the Baltic fleet, cruising, one the horizon. Four con verted oruisegs and a torpedo boat destroyer are coaling inside the bay 27. cent; from German coalers. The French steamer Quhngram has arrvived here with stores for the fleet, It is be lisved that she will proceed to Hong Kong or Singapore to replenish her supplies, It is reported that the Rus- cians captured, on Tuesday, two Ger: man that were carrying contraband to the Japanese, The Fleet Mobilized. Tsingtau, Shantung Peninsula, April steamers, 27.---A private telegram received here savs that Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet has joined Admiral Nebogatofi's de tachment, Naval Battle Fought ? April 27. London, The markets are weak on the reported cutting of the Hainan cables, and unconfirmed rum- ors of great naval battle, in which several of the Japanese vessels are said to have been lost. Unknown Woman A Suicide, Special to the Whig. Winnipeg, Man., April 27.--An un- known woman, aged twenty-three years, was found dead last evening, with her throat ent, and a dianer knife, covered with blood, in her right hand, in the bath room of a Winni- peg house, where "Zhe had been em- ployed house cleaning for two weeks, It was plainly a case of suicide. No- thing is known of the woman's iden- tity or whére she came from nor ean any reason be assigned for her act. Old Mariner Dead. al to the Whig. - police here believe years on Jines exactly similar to those and embarrassing situations, turesque career of the voung burglar CHAMPION GIRL SWIMMER Police Capture Bewitchingly Fair Raffles in Burglary. River, N.J, April 27. ~The they have locked up in the Ocean). county jail a girl thist who has been operating for three Toms was climbing in at a second-storey window at four oelock in the worn ng. : Fhe girl has, morcoves, a facile skill for explaining away the most difficalt She is young, pretty and bewitching of man- ner and cherishes hopes of going wpon the stage, She has courage and dar ing, spirit and piuancy and for" dash The one point of difference, however, scems to be that the real girl has ap- parently led a double life. It appears that while she was pursuing the pic heroine, she. was known all along the Jersey coast=nt Long Branch, at As bury Park, sat Atlantic City as Kdna | « Williams, the champion long-distance swimmer. at Lakewood and along the | Rumsen road, as a champion girl horseback rider; and on' the Shrews-§ bury and the Tom Rivers as a chain pion handler of the sails amd oars. bg She can swim a ile out to sea with- ont tiring, ean the worst horse that eves throw a vider; and sail any boat that was ever navigated. manage -------- LICENSE NOT GRANTED. ---- The Spencerville License Refused by the Grenville Commissioners, Spencerville, April 27.-For two weeks Spencerville has been in a tur moil over an application for' a license presented the Spencerville board of tommissioners by Dawiel McAuley, proprietor of a temperance hotel, Strong objection was taken to the application being granted; and al- though MeAuley received a large ma- jority of the voters in the subdivigion on hig petition it was discovered that five of these had citned a counter pe- tition and three others made declara tion that they attached their names under a misapprehension, A petition, signed by 8 women, of Spencerville and = vicinity, was pre- sented to the commissioners at their meeting. P. K. Helpin appeared on be- halt of Mr. MeAuley and W. A. Lewis had charge of the matter for those in opposition, The commissioners reserv- od their . & morning, how- ever, Mr. Lewis received word from Rev. Mr. MeDougall that at an ad journed meeting of the commissioners Mr. McAuley's application for a license had been refused. The matter has aroused considerable interest and the victory gain§l by the temperance element has been the cause of rejoicing in Spencerville. L A BOGUS "MAN." The Prospective Proves to be a Woman. Moorsville, N.C,, April 27.-Ralph Carlisle Hamilton, for five weeks the most popular photographer who ever set up in business here, has confessed that "'he" is a nineteen-year-old girl Lillian -Alima Ferguson. Bridegroom "Hamilton! was a favorite with the women because of "his" gallant, courteous behavior, with the men be- cause of "his" hearty, jovial manner, "He" was succeeding in business when "he" fell in love with Miss Bertha Flower, aged seventeen, of Hickory. The courtship progressed rapidly, and their engagement was soon announced. Both received the congratulations of their friends. "Hamilton" devoted much tine to "his" fiancee and neglected his' business. This led to complications which caused "him" to go to Rev, J, M. Wharry, to whom "he" told "his" story with tears in "his eyes For years Miss Ferguson had to carn her own living and believing that it was easier to do 80 as a man than a woman, took to wearing male attire SIR JOHN'S GRANDSON. Hugh John Macdonald's Son Died in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Man., April 27. Jack Mé donald, aged about twenty, the only id, af son of Hon ox premier Hugh John Macdd ne of Manitoba, is de ter a lingering illness, ie wn in better health lately, hat t a turn for the worse, Tuesday night His father is away from hémw, tak ing part in the election campaign in Mountain x Those who were present at Sir John A. Macdonakl's' funeral at Kingston, in June, 1591, will recall the bright: faced lad pho was one of the chief mourger< for his famous grandfather Death of W. G. Warner, C.E, Montreal, April. 27.-- William George Warner, (.F., died at his residence yesterday, The cause of death was IT ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905 a LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And EVENTS OF THE DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- Matters That Interest Everybody reach Paris" on Saturday. semi-centennial meeting at Paris. the British government state aid farm colonies. } local option bylaw at Cardinal heen Magee, at Toronto, meeting at Tovonto, will discuss pro health in the Ontario 'cabinet. head of a large New York financial in- stitution when turn "to railroading. tish postmaster-general says the ques Distant Places. And Remembéred. onnnls King Fdward . and his suite will The world's. Y.M.C.A, is holding its will recommend to to Rider Haggard Androw Carnegie sailed for Burops m the steamer Baltic. He was accom- panied by Mrs, Carnegie and * his | session the registration will laughter, 1,000 mark, 3 . ] The $10,000 'breach of promise case] W. F, Nickle was appointed chair Jf Gower vs. White was disposed of man of the ounds committee. It was at London, Ont, plaintiff being decided to awarded $00, The application to set aside the has with costs by Justice of health, a a minister of dismissed The hoard provineial wal to include Paul Morton will, it is said, become he loaves President Roosevelt's cabinet, and will not re Answering a correspondent, the Bri- tion, introducing-a LC.0.1), system tween Great Britain and the colonies is at present under consideration. Miss Geraldine Boardman, daughter of Albért B. Boardman, sounsel to the New York Rapid Transit commission, was instantly killed by falling through a skylight in i in a hotel at Florence Italy. : United States secret service: officers raided the agencies of the Honduras and Mexican lotteries in San Fran. cisco, and surprised the employees in he at of handling a large quantity * riteed Hart, appealing. in. N ri art, - 2 ow Y for a divorce for his daughter, Oliv. otto; fram William Hoch, says Re ori- ginally consented to the marriage be- cause advised by a medium that the spirits - promised happiness for the pair. Secretary of the Interior Hiscock has planted an oak sapling near the ast wate in the White House grounds in Washington. The sapling was grown irom .an acorn picked up by him in St. Petersburg while he was ambassador to Russia, Major William H, Armstrong; of Cleveland, the man who is supposed to have suggested the rooster as the emblem of the democratic party, is dead. He was prominent in the state democracy, and was at one time edi- tor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mr. Kemp, ' in the House of Com: mons yesterday, resumed - the debate on the autonomy bills, and W. M, Ger- man, Col, Ward and A, A, Wright spoke. Mr. Wright was unable to finish hi# speech owing to sudden: indispo sition, and the house adjourned early. SCORED MR, WHITNEY. Dismissal of Aged License Inspec- tor. Causing Comment. Port Hope, Omt., April 27.--The new license commissioners at their last meeting politely scored Mr. Whitney over the discharge of Mr. Powers by unanimously passing the following culogistic resolution of sympathy : "This board hereby places oh record its appreciation of the lengthonod period of service of E. A. Powers, the late license inspector of Kast Dur ham, and further assures Mr, Powers that in his retirement he earries with him the respect of mot only this board, but of the citizens generally, who recognize and appreciate his el forts to enforce the provisions of the lie . laws in the face of the meny difficultios attending the arduous and often unpleasant duties of license inspector, The boldness of this rebuke to the powers that be, from suth an unex- pectel quarter, serves but to em phasize the growing dissatisfaction existing and has caused local conser- vatives much chagrin, while universal sympathy ie expressed for Mr. Pow- ers in being thrown upon the world at hiz age without just cause. Strained Back And Side. "While working in| a' sew mill." writee C- KE. Kennedy, from Ottawa, "| strained my back and wide so severely I had to go to . bed. Every movement caused me torture. I tried pnenmonin, contracted through expo sure whilst engaged on the survey of the Georgian Bay canal. 'He was born at Aldershot, Eng., and was a son of the late Major Warner; of her majes tv's 39th Regiment, Ae graduated at the Roval Military College, Kingston, and was an member of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. He leaves a widow and two voung daughters. agara on-the-Lake, Ont, April27 Capt. William Milloy, one of City of Ont. Agciw, at the College, Barrie St. and' for, two terms as mayor, the best known residents of Niagara pen- | Flint Glass insula, died at his reine here thin} Montreal, has representatives here t. Mil! ing {loy for years commanded he tater] Toronto, which plied between Niagara and Toronto, but for the last few, vears conducted a hotel herp. He Served as councillor for several years | New Factory For Hamilton. -: Special to the Whig. |. Hamilton, April company, 27.-The Diamond Toronto, and ar for the establishment of a | western branch factory in this céty. From 100 to 150 hands will be em ployed, son's Red Cross Drug.Store, different oils and limiments, "but was not helped till I used Nerviline. Even { the first application gave considera { able relief. In three dave I was again tat work. Other men in the mill use Nerviline with tremendous benefit | too." An honest record of nearly fifty | vears 'has established the value of { Poleon's Nerviline. One of the great drawbacks to the budding poet is the . refusal of the government to supply postage stamps on eredit. - ( (Mon aT Woperts re-sloated. The of Hamilton, and © . (1. Reid, Montreal, was inted SIBLE FORM. feo miccoed the late W. C. Caldwell, of ---- . ; Lanark. : < J. A. Matheson, M.A., was appoint- professor od assistant of mathematics. --Notes From All Over--Lirtle |'fo; several years he has been a most | Of Everything Easily Read gupible Tecturer in that. department. t was cine, 142 in soience, an in theolo- . yegistrations, 17. This is an increase of 53 over n. There seems every likelihood that ox! jug the representation of the view of the city council decidin that 'be what terms the road was receiving CARL the busi- was not Bom- board "another meeting will be to-morrow . retiving {rustees, 3... Rev, Dr, Cam , Hon: Justice . Maclennay, H. Chrysler (Ottaway, Allan (Peterhoro) were the resignation . of Hamilton, as his successor. ' Gordon reported that the of students during as 950, Of eo steps towards increas- gradu- ates on the trustee board. eran BONDHOLDERS TO MEET... | -- 3 To Consider What to Do With the Street Railway. . 'This afternoon, the bondholders of the dtheet railway were to eet fo consider what they would now do, in to take no action their offer to sell the round for $125,000, They do not think that the council has dealt with the question with the care and earnest. ness that it d ded ey expected a committee of the -eoun- cil wonltl have been ainted to, con- fer with say three of their representa tives and talk over the matter at sev. oral] sedtione ith & idle to reaching some s of agreement. They 8 that it would be idle to advertise the road for sale at auction, as the first thing a prospective / pur- chaser would want to know would from the city. As these are not satis- fe , there would be ance of of it as a What the bondholders we do- rn is to. consider d NEARLY A TRAGEDY, sale of the cars, rails, An Ex-M. P. P. Hurls Tumbler With Telling Effect. Special to the Whia. Ottawa, April 27. In a squabble at the dinner table in Gauthier's hotel, Hull, last night, C. B. Major, ex- M.P.P. for Ottawa county, threw a tumbler at Ren. De Salaberry, barris- tar, severing an artery over the left eye. The wound bl fusely, five doctors being in attendance, and at one time it was thought he would die, the rites of church bing administered. To-day he was better, and unless com- plications set in | recover, The two been in company all af- ternoon arranging for a demonstration to Hon. Raymond Prefontaine, and, it is Waid, the injured man was under the influence of liquor and became quar- relsonme at the dinner tdble, calling Mr. Major "a crook' and other ob- noxious names, Mr. Major, who is a nervous man, became angry and hurl ed the glass with almost deadly aim, TO ESTABLISH SCHOLARSHIP In Memory of Two Respected De- parted Classmates. Special to the hig. Toronto, April "~The members of "Varsity class of 1905, to the number of about fifty, held their annual ° re- union here vesterday. At the business meeting of the class it was decided to establish a scholarship to be known as the Harper Tucker scholarship in memory - of two dead class mates--H, H. Harper who met a hero's death in the Ottawa river, while attempting to resous Miss Blair from drowning, and James A. Tucker, whose promising ca teer was cut short last vear, After the business meeting a banquet was serv od. Among the guests of the eveming were Chancellor Burwash, who * res ponded to the toast of "Alma Mat: or," bv Norman Duncan, the novelist, and W, L. Mackenzie King, deputy minister of labor. Foquet Must Hang. Special to the Whi. ' Montreal, April-27.~The court of king's bench, to-day, quashed the ap- peal of Fouquet, convicted of ing his stepchild at La Patrie, Que., and sentenced to death: Foquet is in jail here but will be taken to Sher- brooke for the execution of the sent- once. Special nig, palin: Bi, April contest which took place Restigouche county, re ,adop of the Scott Act, Year fe Hon ity of 150 against the adoption of the measure, 20¢. Butter, Butter 20c. Finest frosh-made butter, 20c.; fresh ogee, 16e. Crawford. Senator R. A. Alger was stricken The knife-one girl gives anothér will not cut friendship--and the odds are that it wén't cut melted butter, cither, : . No man can ever gain a khowled, of the world by pursuing his studies in a rocking chair, $1 bottles Perusian tonic, Soe. Gib-§ "Do you need % spring tonic," go with heart failure in his private car at Michigan Central depot, De- troit. He had: just returned from a four weeks' irip to the Pacific coast. All cases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, will find' relief wearing one of Carter's Smart Rev. Dr. Mil- | 6 5 a HR advertise for an assistant professor in | modern law | ee And an Excellent Company Pres BY RIGHT OF 8 aots. 60--People In the 3--CARLOADS OF . { Direct from the Kwerican Prices, 81, 78¢., B0c., Bbe.. 266, Seats now on sale J. R. Shannon presents KENNEDY PLAY ng the _comedia Sy red SE day, BIG BARGAIN MATINEE Scrubbing Brushes, Stove E Shoe Brushes, Pails, Mop H Household Ammonia®(in Powdered Ammonis (in pa Electro , Sapolio, H Sapolio, Pearline, Whisks, Dust Washing " Powder, > Polish, Stove Palisn, Cleaver's ver Soap, Tubs, ete, to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, eed and ludonna Backache Plast- ers. Price 2c. Try them,