Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1905, p. 2

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Apait 26.--(To constantly since endeavored to ki leading scientists conflict: with the facts experiments and tifically made by such an- + A, Butterfield, ¥.I thors of , ete., also Prof, PLC, ¥.C8., all scientists, who have each having' writ result of their ex- ts. : £3 Joodwin said on Monday that Was not an explosive under put the explosibility viz, three atmospheres, or compressed ahove that point in an tank 'or cylinder is not to a, on in the presence of an »-red heat or detonation, tank hinder. filled with porous material as and perfectly safe ospheres, or 150 pounds but at twenty atmospheres fafe and explosible. The system of using the packed ey- inders and the wse of acetone, which ot of: wood alcohol, is has: Mr. Arnold's gE i gf France, England, United States for eral years, Prof. V. B. Lewes, in a ered before the Society of London, December 15th, 1902, been discovered by M and Fouche, that when the is dissolved, in acetone, ab- porous materials, of the 7 ifr addon, editors of the even when electric sparks linder 'or platinum wires are fused in it. Exhaustive tests which I have seen out in France demonstrate the te safety of acetylene compress under these conditions; and these experiments have been corroborated both in Germany and in England." is a 'colorless liquid, 'and has an affinity for acetylene ing water and ammonia, to work up a contest Frank Oliver, They cer- get there too soon if {carried is going to be success- take great eredit Ves for their part in down- Isl. i : } E 1 " umns of Queen's Quarterly, and as for twenty-five times its v Presby lene and with its use j its honorable hame, ders from ten to twenty stock be stored under the same other known sys- i g gifs notwithstanding a semi- political company undertakine, of which ampbell is one of and one of the fin- ancial and spiritual props. The Pres- i not at all a church paper, byterian church have no con- connection with it whatever. ave a perfect right they wish but they Bart trance to liberal homes £ £ § £zf our own Ablegate C the shareholders if pressure than any tem. It is also a well known fact that acetylene mixed with proportions and a light bed, it will cause an easily as from any of minating gases. Therefore. my theory of the explosion on the 18th, is that due to an imperfect weld was more likely rent in the hose to the busy that was being as that -buby was the most and the wind being carried across the other filled buoys, the man who was ing the lamp had i 8 5 on the buov, but men or profess- | caused by a burst or if they come out to Edmonton, but ey have the manli- clergy gr We will be 'glad " }in the open and go we don't believe hesa to do that. Wedded On Wednesday. in the cage adjust- retty wedding ceremony was it lit or the man using the steel-toothed soratch brush, made a spark just at ng gas reached a good ex- mixture of gas and air, caus ing an outside explosion of enfficient power to detonate th and cause them to e a? leak from the defective weld on ss Lillian Maud, eldest E. 8. Suddard, grocer, Percy J. of Charles Potter, Eber Crummy, pas- reet Methodist church, nly the immedia Miss Mabel, while Collins Bay. Rev, e two filled buoys tor of Brock St 1 pounds pressure might force itself to a fire on the boat with the same sults., however, am in favor of the former theory, and would not care to in long in the company of wn- or buoys containing pressure of twelve at- and over; though, if thev asbestos, I woul easy at that pressure. oN like to add to the jury's re- nm, that for the safety of rkribu and the general -nublic, fovernment adopt the system' of packine their huoys with asbestos or porus mixterial, eith- thout the use of acetone, use, smaller buoys ter mressures could 'be used Storing given amounts of acety- would to some exfent im: uality of the pas at the v the vanor from the acetone carried off with the gas acts as a sort few remarks 1 have any one to 'a better under- anding of the nature or cause of I shal repaid for mv trouble--P. E. WARD. -- her brother, Mel The bri 7 cream cashmere, ce and chiffon, and Met of cream poses. Her large gold chain, The brides ig Ti ornament was a g Ih i were packed with 2 i5E Fo from Companion which the bride is in Montreal and wedding dinner was ge t £ some other livht ® E riends Toronto. A fine bs 1 ginag i: of a lubricant to It with * these ; - RE # Three Stirring Plays Booked fi 4 Presentation. The critics of the Ne ork press United in prais 3 8 t's Brdustion of ie Tien £0 medy drama, "By Right of Sword, which will be. seen at the Grand, Thursday evening. The Herald describ- ed it as "'pulse-quickening," and call- ed it an emphatic "success in this season of tive successes." - The World said: © play is full of ac tion, and the large audience was wild- ly demonstrative, The piece is ell: staged and the ' company capable." The Commercial Arete said: "Crisp, sharp action, clever situations dramatic climaxes, and a slashing good duel scene kopt the interest of "I the audience aroused to the very last." "Everlasting Devil's: Auction." Charles F. Yale's "Everlasting De- vil's Auction," now presenting the twenty-third edition of this wonderful THE DAY'S EPISODES| LOCAL NOTES. "AND [THINGS IN GENERAL. - Occurencn Ta The ity 'Ana Vicinity--Other Brief Items of - Interest To The People. Newman & Shaw's "Silk Sale." Rev, Allan McRossie, of Brookyln, 'N.Y., is in the city. Dr. Fee returned yesterday after- noon from New York. : pe y Mrs. F. J. McCammon, New York, are here on a visit. Li Alderman Givens returned yesterday afternoon from his Florida trip. A circus will visit Kingston in Mag, \ Suting the week which includes Vie: For One Week Will the borrower of bound copies of |. We will give "GOLD FILLED the Wh fice Iy fitted, for ig office ? 1: play, ie as a ing at traction at the Grand, on May 2nd. Most elaborate changes have been made in"the way of new and capable artists, -magnificent scenic accessories, superb costuming, attractive ballets, newly imported features, exclusive vaudeville . novelties, and the most elaborate transformation * scene ever Presented. : "Bonnie Brier Bush.' In direct play upon the sympathies, in wit so quick and straight that it may be called genuine hunor, in gen- eral appeal and' micetv of literary quality, "The Bonnie Brier Bush' is one of the most notable achievements of the American stage. From the lan MacLaren stories has been contrived a comedy so cohesive and with char acters so intimately congenial that the play is a delight even to those who 'are. . not acquainted with the book. Reuben Fax as "Posty" headp 'a pood supporting company. Will be at the Grama on Wednesday sf May 3d. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Kennedy Company Production Last Evening a Good One. Last night at the Grand Opera House the Kennedy Players made their first appeargince in farce-comedy when they presented "Robert MaCair," or the "Two Jolly Tramps," a costume comedy of the Empire period. John. Jd, ly; inthe comed role of the play, put on the "smile that didn't come offi" the faces of the audience during the first act, ' and seemed to have the power within easy reach to broaden that smile to a roar of' lnughter whenever he willed. His specialty in the third act was a novel- ly and made a decided hit.' The supporting cast were seen to ex- cell:nt advantage, especially Nellie Kennedy 'as '""Javotte," who acted the role naturally and wore some mag- nificent costumes. Royal Stout made a capital "Marquise," and J. F. Bas- nister, as the bold highwayman, "Robert MaCair," gave a most finish. ed performance, ua The specialties were again heartily received, and the graceful Flame Sisters responded to several encores after a very clever singing and danc- ing act. Winneford Greenwood's coon shouting was also very pleasing and it is only fair to state that last evening's presentation exceeded any- thing heretofore given by the com: pany during thei engagement, The company will play in Brockville to-night, and will return to Kingston to-morrow evening when they present "For Love of a Girl," and will be seen in two performances on Satur day. : - ------ ST. MARK'S CHURCH. The Report Showed a Very Satis- factory Year's Work. The annual Kaster vestry meeting was held Monday evening at eight o'clock. The parish was well repre- sented and the proceedings were of a most harmonious and encouraging character, The incumbent, Dr. Nimmo, opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the previous meetings, special and general, were read and confirmed. The auditor's report was then presented, and showed the church to be in a sat isfactory financial position. The gen- eral liabilities have all been promptly discharged, the canonical collections punctually 'raised and id, and, in addition, the expenses o painting and repairing the tower, making necessary improvements in the furnace, and discharging the last balance of debt on the organ have all been met with- in the year. : The following is 'a list of the Yo. churchwardens, sidesmen, members of committees, etc, Wardens, John Sibbit, appointed by Dr, Nimmo; Joseph M. Stuart, elected by the vestry, Sidesmen, Gordon Wilmot, Otto Seale, C. Bolton, J. Anderson, W. Norman, H. Tisdale, Wilfred Sibbit. Auditors, John A. Wilmot, R. J- oore. Vestry clerk, G, V, Stuart. Committee on church im rovements, Prof. Butler, convenor; William Allen, James Baxter, John Baxter, John A. Wilmot. Delegate to « od, G. V. Stuart. Votes of thanks were tendered the churchwardens and choir for their ef- ficient Services and the meeting was closed 'by singing the doxology. Neglected Colds Lead To Tubercu- losis. . Don't neglect yours. Cure it and tone up your svstem at the same time with Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil. 35c. large bottles, -------- Miss Nettie M. Johnston, Inverary, accompanied by her amt, Miss S. ° Johnston, Brock street, left today for New York to visit her uncle, Robert Kells. Before returning they will also Nisie W. J. Kells, of Jersey City. "You'll be sorrv" if vou don't buy Kentucky lawn grass seed. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Mrs. Arthur W. Horsey and son are spending Easter holidays wi : and Mr€. Sutherland, ie street. Three tions of ws, Com Salve will cure hard or soft' corns. 15c., at Wade's drug store. 30d j against the four in question who are Ris Lia i + well-known and well-regarded citizens. Special prices on : observation of Constable Tiramerman, ers. Three months in jail was decided wardoess. tone lodge, No. 01, A.OUW., $1.25 meets y Thursday evening at eight | As there is om nipeg, where he has accepted a posi- Fenwick has returned from . 3 New York where he spent the Easter L. T. Best--Chemist and Optician, vacation; the guest of William bs Phone 59, Fireman H. Stratford, yesterday, shi to a friend in Mansheld, mounted. NOTICE IS HEREBY giv . incorporated was rendered more' attractive to-day x to the Legislative Assembly of the centre. of the road were removed. " Fvince of Ontario, at the prese The YMCA. is to be commended { thereof : miei and for such purpose to ues \ and social welfare of sailors residy to consider the Teport of the executive Jor entering any port and as committee regarding a new site. and [the work of the Society for the lines, this morning, Capt. Thomas | Stug Harhor. looked after; he believes that for dis- cipline, politeness of the crew and care: ansportation com- pany leads. : FOR SALE -------------- 1 Kensington, second-hand; in FIVE WITHOUT LICENSES. good order; 1 Makedo, second: Four of Them Will Likely Recsive | ~ ba0di 1-Phacton; 1 road wag: 1 gon; also new Top. Buggies, Rene < . Runabouts with rubber tires; There has been much talk about the town. regarding the liquor license com- also a few sets of Harness left. missioners not awarding licensés to Call and see for yoursel, four houses which held them before, had their tavern licenses renewed are 390 PRINCESS STRIET. James Adams, of the Bowen House ; Hunt Bros. of the Collender House; | ~~ " E. Beaupre, of the Hotel Beaupre, and L. Marti, of the Grand Hotel It| @>>eeeses scems that the commissioners have . made a personal inspection of allf § the licensed places in the city, and . only yesterday "completed their visits 60c, Silks 35¢ to the above named houses. The prob- 8 y » abiliev is, so it ie said, 'that all four : will be regranted their licenses. One A golden opportunity to pro- shop license has been cut off, that of cure the material for a stylish James Thompson. It is understood Waist or Suit at a remarkably that Me. Thompson intended retiring low price ;-- from business, when his present Ii. } cense cxpired. ' 500 yards of Fine Soft Finish The opinion appears to be that the Tamaline Silk, the kind that'd step was just taken to make the will not cut nor yet crush in holders more careful in future of liv- any way, full 20 inches wide, ing up to all the regulations. The re- in dainty shades of Cream, gulation which is most frequently White, Pale Blue, Pink, Car overlooked by holders of hotel licenses dimal, Turquoise, Champagne, is that in regard to the number of Navy, Brown, Rose. ete., usu- table rooms to be had in the al price in big. department joel, but those in question claim stores, 60c. a yard. that their houses are all right in that regard. In Toronto there have been Friday Price, 35e. a Yard. many places cut off for the reason hited. One of the commissioners, is said to have stated that the desire is spe ; to have. the licenses in the hands of House Furnishing Sale responsible persons, so as to satisfv the temperance people. and so elimin-| § ate the proliibition movement. This Still Going On would not be a good argument to use Lace Curtains, THE Stair Oilcloths, ar POLICE SOURY- Table and Shelf Oilcloths, Two Offenders Looked Too Long Curtain Poles, Upon the Rosy Wine. Etc., ete. Two drunks, representing both the All new Goods. weaker and stronger sex, faced the magistrate this morning and straight- way began to make excyses. Joseph ly, just recovered from an illness, a very small' amount of liquor Only PA CLES AVE : SPEC a o . ACLES J EYE GLAS = + Public Account kindly return t to i ES" OR EYE G1 ASSES Proper. Y a limited Number of Oflock, & ful attendance requested. f pmacionse 'u2d" Shell ime Edward Chown left to-day for Win- Secure a pair. af carly. ang ton a2 traveller for a western firm. The 'Best' Drug Store, 124 Princess Street, § Se ------ Fno- land, o large moosehead which: i | APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT, of IVEN THAD The appearance of Princess street Book ty. ada porated ns Stat Lan. 18 Viet. c. 280 as amended by when the large piles of mud mm the|Stat., Ont. 58 Viet. c. 123, will , for an Act enabling the for the proposed endeavors to teach notwithstanding anything contained jy . : : the Acts relating to the Societ; ladies the useful art of swimming. . A carry en work for the beneft of Y. to class for ladies is in the process of to use he funds formation. of the Soctety, also any pro- 3 7 perty aecqu y' the Society un A esting oo She Jacks. Hu ui powers in promoting the material or in carrying Ee. club house of such sailors, and in particular so to © F use the real property situated in In discussing passenger steamboat City of Kingston known as the "Bali Donnelly, marine inspector, "stated Sotléitar STARS, that while all of the passenger lines in | Dated at' Toronto. this 15th day of the United States were pretty well | April, 1906. hl hanagement. generally, the Cleve- | CARRIAGES and BUGGIBS paca ose whe wm mors 1] JAMES LATURNEY, had remarkable results, which finally } 0. i excuse was too old to merit the magi- strate's belief, and 85 and copté or one month was the decision handed down. Katherine Tobin, otherwise known as Katie Basswood, who registered in the police station books as coming from Hanbury Castle, Scotland, and whose appearance and accent are notably Scotch, was the other offend. er. According to her story, when walking across Cataraqui bridge. last night, she was met by a "handsome stranger," who, with admirable fore- sight, was provided with a bottle of Scotch, and was quite willing to share it with a congenial companion. The congeniality was quite apparent, and resulted in Katie's coming under the who escorted her to police headquart- by the magistrate fo be a good a t more than your course of study to straighten up Ka- AT ih There is not & A o " He's apparent tendencies toward way de of property on our books that will not pay a handsome | profit in a few years. Come and look over our list of Houses, Lots, Farms, Country Stores, ett. It will make you feel like pur- chasing. A. F. BOND, 68 Ciarence St G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE 1 ICENSES, LIFE and FIRE Office, 61 Clarence strovts SEES] ROKER Marrison, who has made excuses be- haw fore, explained to the ocadi that, hav- ing, yesterday, | landed him in the police station. The | io sessssssssovennaveld Ls mene i, Rossjand, Nelson; ! : Spokane . Anacend Colorado * Pueblo 8 San Franc Leave days at =. tion of second Cums LIE er thérvof as far Nominal charge is he resel may fort travel hy the neOuVer, Tol Cla: Very Lo! ern Points. HORSE SHOW. : ari 20th to issued on Apri $5.90, and on- April 27th, 88th, anid th. at FTO + Alle the H or belare - Spec ' poduddd 'rates to Pacific Coast and Cr Points ip to May 15th, 1905. Full P. R. ». CONWAY, ¥ Cau. Pass. Agt. BAY OF QUANTE RAILWAY short Jine for Tweed, Napanee rioting and all local points. Traim jeave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. OONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry.. Kiagston >. A A LINE axbon Ro; - m St. John, From Halla, at. 1 Tunisian... Montreal, Friday, May 5 VEATES OF PASSAGE--First Labin 70 steanior Cabin, * $42.50, -- $27.50 V irginian, Vietorian § Fonion. a AW: Y ORK TO-GLASGOW. in, $50 aod upwards-- Cabin, $37.50--Third Class, $27.50. 4 3 J HEGRY 'P. ete. An Sauare LIVERP! Fire which *the policy holders huve fc security the unlimi all the Fd OUR POLICIES COVER MORE O buildings an gontents than any ot Gi dws. Insurance Ewporivmn, Mar) €t Square. ¢ God Orta Cannel for your gral Sass Lamp for 'ari Bmithing ' Also Cut & Uncut Woo P. WALSH, BARRACK SEAR KIX "at Snchars HALLIDAY ELEC 93 Princess St, EL Until May 36€ ims Victoria, ig Vancouver, esdays and. Thurs, [ Raliway System. KINGSTONS REVEL 1 CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Victoria, 'Seattle, Tacoma, Sth, 1 w Rates to many other West clude ene adwission to and ups » d 'and | actommodation 3 and $47.50 According 1 BE over Mahood's dru fe sec Te, #treets. Telephone 608. 3 ¥ ELLIS ARCHITECT, © ARH of New Drill Hall, near co! ner of Queen and Montreal Streats. SON ARCHITECT, ED HiT Bank Building, corner Eroc and Wellington streets. MONEY AND BUSINESS. ore remewing old or givin iness get rates from Strang Hard Coal HE Stove, Stoves.

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