Fis i may in the land, drowth without a. parallel, but the law must triumph, A I= supporter of the conssrvative par- Hew in federal and provincial leo tions. But he sours on the Roblin government over the Mountain con: test, and specially objects to the | th that put Mr. Molntyre in the ficld as a government candidate, Mr. i} Melntyre, ho remarks, is simply b's man" ~the nominee of Hon, Mr. Rogers--and his ides is that Mountain should elect some one to watch b [of the commissioners was the clean "j that there has been a great deal of . | dissatisfaction. 'jto purtizas demands, and so the | soen the licenses which they held give 'len fo others. The change has been political. "| buke, but now it is realized to have i | Will Mr. Whitney and his colleagues be guided by advice, so kindly and ------------------ Partizans In Office. The government has had reason to regret its readiness to comply with the clamour of the office-seckers. The license department invited special at- tention, and following the clean sweep sweep of inspectors, 'with the result In some places the very evident desire has been to cater grit hotelkeepers and shopkeepers have The Ottawa political clubs openly and publicly asked for a discrimina- tion of the commissioners in favour of the conservativi The commissione quoted the instructions of Hon. Mr Hanna, and to" the "effect that there should be a non-political enforcement of the law. It seemed to imply a ro- been an expression of words, meaning nothing, The first announcement of the board has been issued, and it in dicates an application of the axe so far as the liberal applicants are con- corned. Many changes have boen made, and they affect liberals only. Men who have been in business for years have been suddenly deprived of their li- censes--heoauso 'they were not in sym- pathy with the dominant party. Nor is the hubbub--the turmoil and tumult fue to a political mismanage- ment of the license business--confined to Ottawa. In. St. Thomas, such is the disfavour with which the new inspec- tor is regarded that the leading con- servatives have been called wpon to repudiate it. In Port Hope the com- missioners--the men "selected for offic because they have co-operators with the conservatives--have practically censured the government for removing the license inspector, and have put faithful and impartial manner in which he performed his daty. 80 it goes. The evidence is @socoum- ulating that the partizan spirit is the forceful 'one. in the license department, and that the public - declarations of of the government, and challenge it 0. interfere. with the local adminis. tration of the license law. Mr. Hanna has intimated that he may redress any wrong that has been committed by re moving the offending official or -com. missioner. He has the. opportunity 'to show what kind of a mah he is, and if he hesitates the public will know henceforth how to re- scraps of 'information' that 'a gener | side e| ding to the and ons. are most squad, pleadings, in. spite of the 'good news' large majority except by making its | which still prevails in trade and indus: administration acceptable to the whole ty : : provines. , The last election showed | "Last w ilwaukee had its sensa- thie, exiwienco within the ek. M of a dp ional Jory tion in the confessioti of Frank Pige- i that a similar | JO, of the First National Bank, that ie th : conservative] he bad embsagled funds to the extent for | in the stock market iv a matter of de- ~§ Alone. He. was removed from office and Lon record their testimony as to the]. the government are a delusion, Either 3 | that or the commissioners are defiant appreciate his pro- f thinking public fight shy of these ; highly Bnanced propositions. There are ol listed stocks depénding on. the ith in- A to the anxious Joperator,' the fabric of pices, Jin 'such cases, being fed hy 'fu: ture Prospects,' 'outlook," and so forth, whielr very frequently do not materialize. vialize. 'However, this class of stock is the exception; there are many which are priced upon merit. The mar- ket this week has been decidedly puz- professional opérator, who cannot understand why the public continues calmly . indifferent to 'bull' or or a 'gentleman may 'throw out ol 81,400,000. 'He was one of 'the fore. most vitizens, and was recognized as an authority 'on 'all mptters of finance. He was reported to be a millionaire, and he was president of a bank which had the 'support and confidence of the people: - How: lie came tobe involved tail, bug he'was involved. He lost hig head and judgment. He lost his wmil- lion "or move of personal resources. Then he filohed from the bank, and so steadily and' so heavily that he had toinvite 'the 'co-operation: of ° ghe cashier and another in osder to oe up the loss, . At last he went before the bank's directors and admitted what he had the loss he acknowledged was good by the directors." But the remains that banking has heen perilled. Wha cdn be trusted when Bigelow fell? What can be done to guard the officers 'of monied institu.' tions fromthe altorements of stock market'? Special and frequent inspec tion may da if, but there must be a perfect army of experts, and they. must spend emough time in the banks to check and Wee everything. Editorial Notes. Some' applieations for license are held over fur bonsideration. Nothing political in this, of course, made fact im- A Russian 'Parkiament in which the voice of Ale people: will. be heard is again | Will it materialize ? A few tard' erises may "decide. The western people are not enam- oured of the vow the Ontario peuple and papers are making over the school question, Practically they are telling the folks down this way mind their 'own business, There is: a. general war upon the cigarette in the United States. The power behind the "agitation is not re- cognized, but it is a wonder. 7 he man- ner in which the state legislators are capitulating is simply wonderful, be. derived: from the holding af the serip. Unfortunately the passing of oppor [dividends has' become Too commiofs during the past vear or two, and it tS Ore §is not to be wondered 'at that the ce, and 'must "degend entirely up- | nothing, on the rise of the m price, and not' pon any 'inconte might afraid of Miss Helen Asselstine, eh? So ~~ Spi Nr. Haultain was urged to call the © North-West Territories' assembly to- gether 'mad make a fuss over the auto- nomy bill. He provinces weve created the old nssem- bly would not meet again. Was : that i the ouly consideration # Was he not declared if the an adverse vote ? The Toronto Telegram has no use for Mr. Ames, M.P., since he : the, conservatives : say, They were afraid (6 contest his election, They allowed him to be cect ed by acclamation. So something has to be'sdid in mitigation of their cow- ardice, + new made ~ Joinoleum yi hia speech pn the autonomy bill and o ' PIE: [gaslest on' e . rib. floor covering, endorsed 'the school question. « The ey and 18 our uex, Colors, jou he Telegram dues not recognize the dip- or block desisu, Juok Sut. 18 building lomaey which. Mr. Ames' must wse in ty - is being gos ; and siving good se order to represent a Montreal con etela. oC | o; gpecial patterns | stituency. 1s "diplomacy" the word ? te Mone Fiftas 36, $56, wo to : Bo Inlaid quality. pattern through SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, pack, $1.25 and $1.50, ---- : ' He's Right. © . Exchaypge. } loor ileloth Rojestvensky may think it is safer to be captured by the Japs than to eoldes and widths, 35¢: up. to 73 turn about and! go home to the ter a. rorists, No, It Is Not. Rugs Montreal Herald : i i Somwbody should past British me as folumbia a ajuies tip that Canadians seo ¥od ¥E'RHY pies dont think the présent an opportune -- : moment for knocking the Japs, The Only Exceptions. : T. F. HARRISON i Montroal . Star. ! China ha: agreed to pay her debts ; HOOP HOOLe0 with gold. This leaves the sultan and : Castro as the only rulers who are 3 e ' able to settle their debts with pro- N S Ss 3 ; Muses. Our New Spring Suits are now ready 1g he W ! & Sito on: admired or worn. . We've the best efforts of thy i ; Hagiiton, Herald. Th Wala a world's best tailors. Come--see the new comers, : . Eva ¢ 8, 0 Welsh ev alist, 1 ! . y is doubtless an exceedingly Ty . It will pay you well, and you'll find our prices : cranton ; zealous young man; but he is prob- ] no barrier to your: appearing ina handsome ! ably insane and should be attended Spring Suit. i : LN - : » -- 3 4 Avoid the Scrapping. Tweed Buits, $6;50, 7.50, 8, 8 50, 10. = Coal 0 'ree P : ; : "The Exitable insurance quarre] Booteh Tweeds, $10, 13, 13.50, 18.50, 14 and 15, : . Tig Te i plo improve withripen: Berge Suite, Blue or Black, single or double-brosted sy, The Acme tion which managed tn "the sce. § $790,880, 10,13,18, 15 Of Satisfaction e: ol sistors, Cousing, a x x : F nephews, amd hrathén ne os English Worsted Buits, in the newest designe, '$12, 195, cials 'onght to see to i that there 13 60, 18, 16.50, 17.50. - shall-be-nofating out; Yr - Vv --, ancy Vests Economy Have It In The House. } y £q There is nothing else you can hav . r * ue. in your house worth so much that Spring Trousers, % In F 1. foetx so httle as a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It will enable you to Spring Hats, TR escwpe the discomfort of rains, i JAMES SWIFT & iH] bruises, swelling, neuralgia, rheuma- Spring Gloves. ' tism and the various aches and paine + Telephone 135. apt to come to anyone. Costs but i ies Ji THE H. D. BIBBY CO, [Jl Sesssssssses ---- . William Bradd father of James A; . . " § bi Bradd, the lad who was electrocuted \ Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. # ' 'NO time on' the stage of the Grand Opera $2 ge I Ra My House, Hamilton, has, instrueted Nes- | 9@@wve a -n Ear A Suir bitt, Gauld & Dickson to répresent - EN ------] . remodel their him at the inquest and when the res- Bont a ite ponsibility is fixed to issue a writ : = Soho 3 and for damages, on his. behalf. against KE our oder the responsible parties. y w DO ronto, has she office of t Cement ¢on The store ransacked t quantity of The groce Co., known Brockville, The election of Hon. Mr. Oliver, the private secretary to J. general freight and of the Bay of Quinte railway at akes' a' gimilar position in land, was visited by burglars, purchaser being W. who has been F. Chapman, passenger agent Dese- Montreal, where the Lawrence Portland leit for he St. pany. of John Dumbrille, Mait- i who he place and carried off a hooty, ry store of Tompkins & as "The Golden Lion," has changed hands,. the H. McConkey. Sm OUR GIVE AND. TAKE. Differences in Trade in Products With the United States. Ottawa, April 27.-A * return. just brought down, in answer to a motion of Mr. Clements, of Kent, shows the import and export figures of certain agricultural products as between Can- ada and the United States. In. 1903 Canada imported 37,527 head (value $472.68) of Horned cattle, paying $04,587 thereon; in 1904, 36,456 head (8412,265), with $82,452 duty, all oi which, less about a thousand head, went into the North-West Territori- ties. In theso years Canada's imports exceeded 30,000 horses per year, valued at $500,000, the great bulk of which went into Manitoba 'and the territories. The duty on these was about 2160,000 a year. Canada bought 30,000 pounds -of beans from the States, each of these years, Prit- ish Columbia . imports. more beans than any other province. Canada imported and paid duty on 813,275 pounds of corn in 1908 1,112,420 pounds in 1904, yielding over $83,000 in this latter year.. i was for distilling. Our import of free corn in 1903 wag «6,033 596: pounds, and in 1904, "057423 3k thin, latter year valued at wrist five millions of dollars. This greav lincréuse if im | ports of corn is surprising. Quebec alone imported nearly 7,000,000 Ce of Sata. We bey oa 500, lozen. tom RD id States in 1903 pul A as ha 1904. It is the Yukon, British Columbia and the territories that buy most of these eggs, J | Canada does Lutter from Slater. Wr Cer bury fame 8,000 harsols a your of United States apples. the Jan- ada. 21,000 barrebse NE Aported- each of these years 'over five and a half billion pounds of Yankee pork, over two-fifths of whi to Que- bee. i I-89 muth, We less than '$100:000- worth canned goods, mostly in British Columbia and the Yukon. We impért & BIR ment of stock and 700 head These ave duty free. Wo im ly 3,000,000 of free hide United States, also abo pounds of wool. We bring 000 pounds a year of unma tobacco. We 'exported to the Unit less than 2.000 horses, « head of cattle, only two-th quantity, of hides, imported 000, dozen cggs; gwo millic worth of hay in Lacon, 5 cents; Indian corn, pur bushel; tobacco, 650 p hay, 84 a ton; eggs, 5 cents 45 cents per bushel. railroad men buy it for seve and elderly People wy § rippe," pore . Bros fo "ite. sell more of Cha Cough Remedy than any © It ssems to have taken the several other brands. uestion but: this medicine 1 colds, whether adult that is sfilicted. and epres quickly. Sold by gists. ; -------------- ren George Jamieson, Ren bought the fnc" 1 at Kinburn abd will rem while Mrs. Grant takes pos Nr. Jamiesonls handsome about 600 horses a year for improve 'and property at Renfrew. a pound; wool, 4 to 36 cents hides of cattle, 15 per cent; besn® t can be procured for t01 M it be a chil icted, Tt always cur® 200 acre Gran We repair old Mowers as well as selling new ones. We send for them, sharpen and do any repairs necessary and return in good time, saving you all worry and bother. If your Lawr. Mower does not require attention, possibly your refrigerator does. us and we will put it in perfect working order. MCKELVEY 69 and 71 Brock Street. If so, phone CH of cattle. port nest: from the two million in 14,000 nufactured ed' States nly 3,500 hirds the only 5; n dollar' 903 and half that in 1904. Here are the tariffs of the two countries on the agricultural pro ducts : Canadian duty. 1903 a 1904--Horses and cattle for impeotty ment of stock, free; horses, cattle, 3 per cent; butter, 1 cents a pound, ides, free; cggs, 3 cents a doen; pork. salt, 2 cents, fresh, 3 cents 2 pound; eorn, for distillation, seven and a half cents a bushel; all Slhet corn free; hay, $2 a ton. Uaitel States duties--~Horses S30 os p L: york, & " cattle, 274 per cent; | it 35 cents © a pouod; a dozen; U | ---------------- CHamberlain's Cough Remedy th Best and Most Popular. ""Moghers buy it for croupy children, re © t for Is mberlain'§ ther kind lead over There is 00 s the best ughs all dog hat t futm we 10 it session © pecic'en® rev, 3 practial sugges! with expert advice and detailed pr All our material is first class and workman are skilled mechanics. David Hall 66 Brock €t., Kingston. Pho DR: KNAPP, B. . DENTIST 19 Montreal Street, Princess Street. Cor FOR ST. ANDREW'S. Mr. T. C. 'Brown Engaged Three Months for St. Andrew T. C. Brown, M.A, a graduate dent in Edinburgh University, ai assistant to Very Rev. Dr. Can Lees, in St. Giles' cathedral, burgh, has. been engaged by St. drew's church, Edinburgh, to charge of the work of the cong tion for three months, beginning st Mr. Brown is an honor gra and medalist in philosophy of @ University. He took two years' i inity at the Kingston school, ai completing his work in Edinburg] is a preacher of exceptional a He is a man of sterling qualities sessing rare pulpit light, and wi doubt meet with success and @ ance in St, Andrew's church. To Prevent The Grip. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the wide cold and grip remedy, re the cause. Call for the full nam look for signature of E. W. Gro On account of the scarcity of cattle, Hamilton dealers have vanced the price of meat five ¢ pound, Cuts now sell at from cents to eighteen cents a pound