Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1905, p. 11

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40 Cents 20th cen tea-- ound. In 17th ld in England at 40 ort you would want t is put up in germ- n fead. per pound---joc. our cup. a "To save life and d light," and he is well equipped for both branches of work. . ' The population of the Labrador coast and the northern peninsula of Newfoundland, together with the sum- mer , exceeds 30,000. When the fishermen SATURDAY, APRIL 29. 4 . f-- EE ---- DO YOU WANT A A VIKING DOCTOR. DR. W. T. GRENFELL'S GREAT WORK IN LABRADOR, Oxford Man, and Friend of King's Physician, His Motto is, "To Save Life and Spread Light"'--Helps With Trading. THE DAILY VHIG, Grenfell lives; but his duties carry him: to others, humble and wrepulsive, into the rude "tilts" which the fishermen build for a few months' shelter; into the narrow cabins of a single room, where the descendants of Englishmen 'Jand - Scotchmen struggle with hard Nature for a i would die in the doctor's aid and nursing, into filthy vimaux huts and tents to give phys! aid to sick and suffering, and gospel knowledge and light to the ignorant and raded. e Strath- cona is veinfo by two launches; it carries commander and six men. The medical staff includes Dr. Grenfell, two resident physicians and three trained nurses. The fishermen follow the fish, and the medical ge laligwe. che Sahin i fests on e oSpi the ing accident an oni Sun- i there is no fishing on Ontario Cine te. There is a mission church mtario rel an. Doctor Wited 7. Grenfell has been Nob ae Harbor, and further Rosh at making the ple of New York, S- : ton ol pe og rod familiar with his done excellent work among have Labrador medical mission, by lec- theo atulmauz, pe i ton and tures, illustrated with lantern pictares Chri ig of ocean, i , and wild scenery! Oo 3 characteristic gfoups of fishermen ana : natives, and work in the shipboard women who think and is the Fn Soe Be this jor TEST OF SKILL. This ts rot & ten this, whatsoever. The dots are the them you should win. have or get and their vices ge :. few. Intemperance is their greatest . aki d f: hospital and on shore. Large audi- temptation, but this is now largely opal ing anc fami! at St. George's church, the under control, and/if they hail" other ilk is the best sil o. and Century : clubs, union means of earning HONEY a the ine use it h pecological Seminary, New York, have meant fishing, their lot might be aso in Mighent ok Christian Jjovigted, " Tovaid in thot wo) e.needle ; it is always and benevolent in highest degree. Piti- fl BEE and ra hin We able would be the condition of the | strength. Ask your titutes. : stores as well as an industria Tor Dee pf Labrador, rave ot and a small house for derelict chido, workers. For hundreds of miles along have been established. The medical the coast they travel on their errands - Lotion was a rie hola x age annual : of a raving the Sisleat Slorms oo ernment of Newfoundland gives 1 S.. see - the , Bie ic' winter, s $1,500 annually, and allows imports 8 meanest . o free of duty. "The remainder required up in patent holders; is raised by voluntary contributions Many is the needy one for whom they have found work, many is the stricken soul they have comfort. 3° ed and many is the life that their liShermen's huts are not the best N a places for operations, nor is six a kill hws saved. of Sir Feed: months without another visit a safe erick Treves, physician to the kine, Ptiod Jo leave phiatent alter operat. ith al thous tings. that She ho from all parts without interrupting rilliant prospects held ou - doctor's. i63 : it fore him, he stood on the mountain Notrict erating visits. For e ¥ A all this district the three small exist- Shirtern righ a OG dus wide he ing hospitals offer but forty cots, 1akes it clean again, on the othér side he saw all that men i eH a ® Ao schools seck to avoid--poverty and loneliness : . : has peculiar wearing porary, sometimes only for three : 4 : t a ti i or sale everywhere. = Rh i a "mission I» 'highie Nm aul work coms itsédlf to all Christian people, for it is unsectarian; it is like the work of Christ, body-curing i and soul-saving. Curing diseases and souls js not all | this Viking missionary does. He found Hospitals are a necessity with one doctor to tangles or soiling ; 80 many miles of coast, ly measures a correct et way to put up filo erywhere. OR ccanttih ven texture. When gather patients De Miracle better than electricity, because it does pe a Better than or 15 does nos by 1st Prize; Piano with Mandolin and Sia Ww Guitar attachments, value... $1,000.00 * 2nd Prize, Piano, : 1,000.00 3rd Prize, Diamond, 4th Prize, Diamond, ............... Sth Prize, Solid gold Watch, . il Next 100 Prizes, 100 Beautiful Chatelaine be gi you count and vi getting one of the 3 ve one eac 0 a sure to hit it. To encom this we will give $50.00 extra to ning one of the big [Ay Winners of first prizes if they have three counts. Remember County you have one count you get first prize ONLY, BUT IF YOU entered may enter Al tion of a physician, famous reatment of all Blood and hatism, Couty tendency, etc. STOL'S Ha and Pills In their effects, they clear pirits, set the Liver acting, tore Appetite and Vigor. ist for BRISTOL'S L SUBSTITUTES memes CER ERRRER EIEd S, TOYS, ETC. s, Express Waggons, Carts, rix Cards, Pitt, Loss Heir, Kan U Katch, Checkers, Boards, aucers, Jardiniers, Bon-Bon Butter Pa Vases, Salads, agar and Cream Sets, Celery ets, etc. ina for Decorating + es, Bananas, Pine-apples, nery Be MIRACLES SL. Your money bac! tape) if it fails to Uy ag BER ICAL CO.; 'est, Toronto. For sale by and obscurity--a life on made choice of the a rock. nobler part. January there came to him a chance , For three years he had | they couldn't even to return to] to mend their gear. is England, where family and friends | ©0 the coast to-day who have There would | debt for forty. years. welcome as awaits ' Ough when the "trader But when ready to go, |he is bad, people become his chattels, the work. Instead of going home, he visited the States and worked the winter tongue and pen, with of vacation. lanned for th were looking for him. have been such a conquerors. he saw need of money for | United through, with lecture and personal appeal, to and get means for his poor. The buildings: of the Roval National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen on the brador are hospital stations at Battle Harbor and Indian Harbor. The latter station is maintained' chief- he summer fishermen from New. i other months to a station at St, Anthony, in Newfoundland. In his floating hospital--the steamer Strath- cona--he patrols the coast from New- foundland to Cape Chidley during the summer, visiting and healing the sick among the fishing fleet; and in the winter by dog team he visits the peo- ple on shore, preaching the /gospel and curing their diseases. i$ motto is that of the Eddystone lj hthouse, Rheumatism Lives in the Blood. Consequently it requires an internal treatment, one that will restore the blood, and thereby relieve the cause of the pain. After years of experiment Dr. Ham- ilton succeeded in producing a remedy that quickly i and al uric acid disorders. This marvellous cure has been fives toi the public as Dr. Hamilton's drake and Butternut Pills; in overy case they cure quickly. By toning the kidneys and liver, Dr. Hamilton's Pillk ensure a . healthy body. The blood is restored to h 5 earn ilt up, and no room is left for rheu- tism to in. "Di ot lene, relief is at hand, Use Dr, Hamilton's Pills, and you will soon shake hands for good with your of my manent cure of rheumatism. 1 been all Shicugh the aching days and sleepless nights, have spen my money on Blass Jah remedies, and col uent- ly in recommending Dr. ton's I feel He the next winter found Last still more heavily in debt than in the : Jemptying so placed that that the trader system was one cause of poverty and de neration. The trader, good and had, advanced sup- plies to the people to drag them through the winter, and took a mort- @age on their catch of cod in the com- ing season. If the season was bad, the fisherman Often men got so poor that uy enough twine been in This is evil en- is good. When and he treats them as such. Dr. Gren- fell fought with all sorts of weapons. He started co-operative stores and they did well. He built sawmills and fish driers, He bought flour and other provisions wholesale in St. John's and sold them at cost. But he made no charity out of- jt. In all the stores the customers are held rigidly to account for every penny's wort they buy. The traders didn't have enough, however, till the missionary showed them another kind of fight. Ha had himself appointed a magistrate, and. then there were suctions from Belle Isle to Cape Chidley. One trader went to prison. He swore that he would kill the ' doctor on sight when ® oi out. didn't. He walked up-and confessed he was wrong and would do better now and be bet- ter for the punishment. The accompanying views are of Dr. Grenfell, his hospital of St. Anthony and his whaleboat ambulance. i Building The New Piggery. First start out with the idea that you will rid your mind of the 3; a that swine are of necessity dirty, ang that they must be kept in filth; then plan the new hog house so that it will set high and dry, have a good floor and enough windows so that the sun may enter freely. The main thing is the troughs and the yard. Grade the latter from cen- tre to sides so that there will he a perfect drainage of moisture and have the receiving ditches outside the fence so there will be no excuse or tunity for the hogs to make a wal- low. Make the soil hard and level, using considerable gravel, In sunny corners place a little clean straw and Have a shed or a tree, or something which will supply shade. Have the troughs so arranged that any food eft over can be removed and have the drinking troughs so arranged that they 'may be emptied as soon as the hogs have drumk what water , and have the arrangement the water which flows out will not go into the yard. In short, do anything ' and everything so that the swine will have no temptation to wallow and you will have better hogs as well ag a better-odor in the neighborhood of the piggery, eee, Rheumatic Pains Quickly Re ieved ' The excruciating pains charac eristie of rheumatism and ica are quickly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The great Jo relieving power of the liniment been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick relief from pais which it affords is alone worth v times its cost. For sale by all drug gists, : HAVE THREE COUNTS AND WIN YOU GET $50.00 EXTRA. 4 - Ww A R. Wilk follows--T he person A on i nade a2 Teasent correct count will get first prize. | Next nearest correct, second prize, etc, Incaseof a the for any prize it will be awarded to the giving best plan for counting dots. ' TIME PRIZES We feel early counters should he rewarded and will give $5.00 to the person' sending bestcountand plan by June 1, If you send best count and plan by Jute 1, you get $50.00 The awarding of prizes will be Wholly in JUDGES the hands of disinterested judges. Hon. John W. Holtzman, Mayor of the City of Indiana- polis, is chairman of any Bank or Trust Com Our offer will be carried out to the letter. : In the évent of more than one same plan and it being consis the best wre person submitting the dered lan by the judges each person so tying will be asked to tell in best to improve MADAME. The one making Riley's person conditions herds Watched fifty words how best suggestion gets first prize, next best next, etc. UNDERSTAND THIS 18 ONLY IN CASE OF TIE IN LIKELY, No one in 3 ze COUNTIN plan used will all ties, PRIZES GUARANTEED We vill cuar. PLAN, WHICH IS NOT AT ALL MADAME will be allowed to 1905, but get your counts in or "ands" =-make it plain, antee to givea prize worth one dollar at least, to every person who sends a correct count and $1.00 for a year's subscript: ion to Mapame. Ladies' Watches, ................. Next 100 Prizes, id Whitcomb forks, per set, Next 100 Prizes, 100 Sets Shakespeare s Complete Works, 12 dainty vol. 1,000.00 Two Special Prizes of 50.00 each see Next 100 Prizes, Marion Harlan Cook Book, $2.00 each, srtvaradeiean Next 100 Prizes, 1.50 Book, latest fiction, Next 50 Prizes, Choice of Any $1.00 the Committee of Judges, W Magazine BOUND OUR CONTESTS MUST BE ABSOLUTELY FAIR. Our Financial Responsibility ,, . whether we are abundantly able to do as we say, we refer to pany in the City of Indianapolis, Next 100 Prizes, Extension of One Years Subscription to MADAME, ......... Next 100 Prizes, Hand Pulled Proof of the Famous Picture by Walter Tittle, entitled "When Shep- by Night,' $1.00 each, DIRECTIONS. 1. Write your count, name and address very plainly. 2. Say just what your count and plan is, without any "ifs 3. Be sure to state whether or not you are taking MADAME. 4. Counts must be accompanied by subscription. S0cts, for six months subscription and one -count, one years subscription and three counts, If - 1,500.00 Coun 3 vol.. $3.75 100.00 200.00 150,00 50.00 100.00 Contest Department, THE FORD PUBLISHING co. Indianapolis, U. 8. A, : ; Tenclose ............for epee ONS subscription to MADAME, in accordance with your offer in the... con Their Flocks 100.00 Total "$6,000.00 : 5 Are you taking MADAME (Yes or No)... NY COUNT ON DOTS. -- $1.00 pays of paper Wk your: mame nad" aiimvinshent Address all letters, Contest Dept.; FORD PUBLISHING CO.; Indianapolis, U. 8. A, . FROM CABRY TOSsBARONET, Inheritor of Irish Title Has Had a Varied Career, London, April 29.--Sir George Au- gustus Jervis Meredyth, baronet, cab- driver, of Hobart Town, and follower of many other trades, has arrived in London on his way to Ireland to take possession of the estate of hig ances- tors, On the death of Sir Edward Meredyth, last October, the Present Sir George, after nearly seventy-three rs of globe trotting and tough living, succeeded to the title and to the family seat. The fortune attached to the title is not a great one, but the farms and tenancies are said to be worth about £400 per annum. The baronet is a little man with a thin, clean-shaved face and a nervous man- ner. His yoyage to England on the steamship Ortona was a honeymoon trip, for the day before the boat left Melbourne he married his second wife, who is very much younger than him- self. His arvival at St. Pancras was a pathetic 'sight. He stood on the plat- orm, surrounded hy a rampart of baggage and dazed by the busy scene around him. He turned a - look of comradeship on a cabman who hailed him, but was 100 excited to ply. The new baromet's callings have in- eluded shoemaking, gold mining, wool re ---- LIQUOR AND TOBACCO HABITS A. MeTAGGART, M.D., ©, MN. 75 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. Dr. McTaggart's pro- as to fessional standing and personal itegrit, permitted by : ogrity Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice. Hon G. W. Ross, Premier of Ontario ev Dr. Mer rt's vegtable remedies 1. She liquor and tobacco habits are h the . safe, inexpensive ho trea ts, ae a tar tude rom. pusigebublicity. 0 loss Certainty of : : a 5 « John Potts, D.D., Victoria Col- pressing, the sailor's life, besides cah- driving and other wavs of carning a living, "I have got my living in twen- 'ty different ways," concluded the bar onet, "but it has always been by work. Now 1 dm going to live with out work, anil I think I deserve it." Sir George, whose title is recogni? ed in the current issue of Burke's Peerage, was born in Stepney, on De comber 11th, 1832, and was the son of Major C. B. Meredyth, of the Royal Marines. He has two sons and three daughters. The name of the estate to which he is entitled is described by Burke as "Greenhills, County Kil- dare.' : How To Avoid Cutching Cold. Allow vourself to "'run down" and you catch cold from the first " that comes your way. he : Teoh Tonic Pills make vou cold-proof by "giving you rich, healthy blood, the ind that kills all disease germs. In boxes 25c., at Wade's drag store. Moncey back if not satisfactory. A deputation representing the re: cord associations of the province and the breeders of thoroughbred short- horns, Ayrshires, Herefords, Shire and Clydesdale horses waited on the On- tario minister of agriculture this morning, A large amount of the work heretofore done by Henry Wade and his assistants has been transferred to Ottawa, owing to the nationalization of records; and the deputation desired the retention of Mr. Wade in -Queen's Park, as secretary of the Record As- sociation. The father works to pile up a for tune and the son plays at pulling. it down, Political economy may be all right. but liberality counts for more in polities. ~ s. : If good intentions were all. realized the devil would have to shut up shop. NER STERLING | (The Name Our Guarantee) READY-MIXED PAINTS : IN-ANY COLOR DESIRED Every can of this paint is guaranteed to be pure and if it does not prove satisfactory your money will Be re- funded. : ¥ We also have a complete stock of Varnish Stains for ste, Sterling refiewing your old furniture, Headquarters for Church's Alabastine, Kalsomine and Brushes of all- descriptions. LEMMON & LAWRENSON METALS--Lead, Tin, An. « timony, Aluminum. . THE CANADA METAL CO.

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