iz APERIENT WATERS NGS, BUDAPEST, HuNgaRy n of "Dr. Leo Liebermany Hygiene and Director of \ inion dairy' commissioner, formerhgsu- | 5c Ix, but. were not sold; ordin fe Georg i ni i XN : . : 3 rs A by, pre sold; - { tieorge Schmidt, 'nincty-five years old, £3.10; oatmeal and rolled oats, 34:50 oyal | University, Budapesy Pent of the Kingston dfiry | aryihulls fold at Bic. to wie: pes Ih. | a retired ark butcher, who ix [to $4.75; cornmeal, $1.50 10. hs: . ao l toes of butter and cheese | Milch cows sold at. 325 to $50 each. ding the ' ab Ocean Grove. | bran; $19 to $20; shorts, $21 to £22; appear, to b dl le up. This' is | Calves sold at $2 to $5 each, but they His bride is Mrs. Ellen Day Schwartz, | straw, $6 to $7; hay. loose, $7 to $9; apes ally rue iter, of which, were mostly young veals. Shippers are fifty-seven years: old, also of Newark. | bay, pressed, #8 to $10. hire been amore ess "shortage | paying 4c. per Mh. for good, large | Th nov | was performed by tho | Meat. Beef, by the quarter, 'Be.: to wer e continent of America during | sheep. Lambs sold at 8 fo ©55 Rev No Bimith, of Dosan Grove. | Re. a-lb; choice ents, 12§c. to 15e: a} the pgat twe mariths. each. Good lots of fat hogs sold at! The wi was kept secret for fame | Ibi; veal, 3¢.. to be. a bg spring . In tl connection the improvements about die. pwr lb. ily reasons. Happy bridegroom is | lamb, earcase, $1 to $5; hy the.quar- in thahsportation facilities have been w+ unusually "active for his age. He has | ter, $1 to $1.50, mution, carease, Be. w E Busta ted by the recent arrival Buffalo Prices. : never known' a Sick day. He has nev-| to Sec; pork by the quarter, To. to In Mire, via: London and Liver | East Bufo, May. 3--Caltle, mo |r okie. or chewed tobacco or drank | So; live hogs, $5.50 to $0. a owh. ; post oto considerable quantity of | ceipts, 4,400" head, fairly active, '1c. | liquor. He has children, grandchil- | dressed hogs, $7 to $7.50 a owk on g jr New Zealand and Austra- | to 25c, lower; prime steers, $6 . to | dren an great-grandchildren, In his| Poultry--Fowl, 75. to $125 a | ia. The writer had the privilege of | $6.40; shipping, $5.25 to $5.85; butch- earlio life Mr. Schmidt was one of | pair; turkeys, 120. to 1c. a Ib; geese, | examining several lots of this butter | ers, $4.75 to $5.60; heifers, $4 to the § Washington Market, | 10c. to 12§c. a Ib.; ducks 5c. to § 3 Jasin March, and most of it was in | $5.40; cows, $3 to 84.75; bulls. $3 to | New York. This is the third atri-la pair. : og 5 fans ans condition Shoe Jingles $4.15; stockers and feeders, $3.50 to | monial venture of the bride. Vegetables--Potatoes, 60. to T0c.; # mn and had been | 84.60; stock heifers, $2.95. 50; 1 ar DY turnips, 156. o peck; S : practically all the time since then on | fresh: cows and pw oa CHILDREN MUST BE FED. a ie beets, Tt pe Sabb: . or price you ean consult a wo- |its voyage of more than half the dis- | steady, common, lower; good to 7 ---- 5c. to Te. a head; onions, $1.76 to ? : hose \nowledge fram actual ex- {tance round the world. Several con- |.choice, $45. to £55; medium to good, j Teachers Must Refer Hungiy to |a bush; caulifiowers, 200. to 30cy cel Eo» is great. signments of butter have also heen | 830 to $40: common,> $18 to $28. Overseers. ery, 1240., 15c,, and 20c. head; 0c. to Mrs. Pinkham's Standing lavitation, Women suffering from aay form of {male weakness are invited to mptly Ewmmunicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women "A woman can freely of her le illness to 8 woman; thus has i established the eternal confidence "between Mrs. Pinkbam and thé women of. America which has never been 5 ' Out of the vast volume of po which she has todraw from, it J 'more than SUITS ally hard to please. The avr. carry a heavy -stock- in thei t. ( ible that she has owledge that will She 'asks nothing in -will, and her ds. Surel the very r case, iffizulty in pleasing these par- at, instead of cutting down our! er of - carrying unsalable suits, cy of carrying a larg: numb m made of patterns so attrac t ound to Sell ING SUITS the prices begin nd by easy steps to $12, $13 offer of assistance. ¥ are ill, don't hesitate to get a ad ot Lydia BE. Pinkham'sVegetable nd at once, and write Mrs. Pink- : Lynn. Mass., for s ial advice, When a medicine has been successful jn restoring to health so many women, you eannct well say, without trying It, Tdg not believe it will help me." > of, The District on Both | Sides of The Line. Taylor, daughter of Henry , Lombardy, and Russell H. i Smith's Falls, 'were married pis week. They will reside in Pem- sand Ysl- "ous owner of the Thou wd Stn, of Alexandria Bay, has sold ait to Fred H? Gee, of Liverpool, the famer editor of the Liverpool Mes Suits. 1e of Them. . BIBBY CO, aberdashers, Oak Hall. EE TSA Sa" asea---- ING SUITS! of style and fit in our Ready-to- rthy of attention from every man appearance. The tailors who sep constar tly in touch with all and each new point is quickly ig. The prices are as moderate as sold at. An inspection will con- ing from Yonge's wo given a farewell party; and bh chain and charm, and a hi ase. : ' George Etwell, for twelve 'a . member of the Brockville post office gall, has resigned and will leave for i te to accept a more remuner- = Fhe dwelling occupied by John mS, Franktown, together with is; was destroyed fire. "The Chireh of England, adj ng, had a escape. he annual clection of Cape Vincent fin department was held on Thursday ! eeling, Chief, R. J. J. Newman; first sesislanit, W. H. Grant; second assist- . ant, Frank Bennett. ' 'BE. H. Farrow, the retiring manager lithe Bell Telephone 'company, Belle- ~ Wille, was presented with a handsome : 20M watch chain and address by the toncern's employees. The Carleton Place council proposes Jatoducing a by-law to fix the weight of bread. The complaint is made that the old two-pound loaf is now smaller than it. usod to be. years Fd- HIGH GRADE SUITS, $8, 10, E-PIECE SUITS, single breast- Norfolk Suits in Grey and all wool imported Tweed, ings, sizes 25-33. PRICES, AND 5, The People's Clothier, Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. FERRQVIM A TONIG FOR ALL. It makes new blood . "Wild Duck Domesticated. lol. Observer. ' C. Paist, of Mechanicsville, Bucks county, 'has 'a beautiful wil - pamong his flock of Pekin ducks, it alighted last November in a state 0 derment and exhaustion, and Wah easily captured. Its wings were ii 80 that it could not fly, and EN A ¥0on became | domesticated among ah ducks, the most serious dif- lly, that of getting used to acorn ; being overcome by degrees. puting March it laid twenty-eight x 4 Awenty-three of which have fur- shed sottings for i NY 4 who has it builds BONE AND MUSCLE himself by drowning. ° Used Sunday, to , commemorate the ty-sixth anmiversary of the found: order. Tharsday evenind H. Race. 'Mitchell, addressed weting of the Picton Horti* Society... in Shire Hall, o8 subjects of interest in the floral worlds tp eet . His Legs Taken Of Special to the Whig. ' ul Windsor, Ont: - 3 adpseph Gill, twentyfive years of age: who his home was in Hamilton. had legs taken off by a train ph attempted to in th Trunk' yards, "Bere, 'Were almost' ¥ Gili lived only a few. minutes after the accident. on eigh ing of tl FIRE TRERTas I FassT < 5 Egis both APRESS we er When a bachelor wats "fo. jolly 3 | married woman he tells her be is softy Phe didn't meet her. before it was 1% A woman will seldom pro - me riage. until she, is - satisfied the get 73 a 4 J 5, |[NARKET PROSPECTS CANADIAN 'MADE CHEESE business, writes J. A. Ruddick; dom- received at Vancouver from New Zea- laad satisfaction. Of course, no one expects to see a permanent trade in butter between Australia or New Zealand and 'anada. The freight and duty amount to about seven cents' a 0 only during such an abnormal condi- number .of grocers and merchants hi too much butter and there were some losses made in that connection. Going to the atlier extreme sufficient to supply the demand, the demands of the including those of In 1903 a carload of butter manufac- tured in the government creameries in the Nurthwest Territories was export ed to Australia and five carloads were shipped to England. During the past season a considerable quantity of but ter has been shipped from the eastern provinges to supplement the local sup- ply in these western markets. Wana: 5 Hin whi 'ao nob! 14 Mills to Buffalo, able growth in that trade. The busi: dries ness is largely done by firms in 531 tharitime "provinces, who, being in di- rect communication handle it to advantage. advantage which is theirs ¢ all \ two tame ducks, aud Mr, Paist is eagerly waiting the BAZ process to see what the half halt domestic ducklings' will be of rs Houck a wealthy farmer, Flo- Apted repeatedly at- {o: take his life, succeeded in The AND = BUTTER. direct. This butter Ras given ers, pound, It is tion of the warket as: we have had Sheep and 1 i g 1 : y i § p a ambs; receipts; 21,000 during the past winter that it would | head; slow; lambs; $4.50 fo 86.40; be lposgible to handle this butter at | yearlings, at 85.25 to $5.50; wethers, a profit. $4.85 to 85; ewes, $4.25 to During the winter of 1803-04 a large od in 1904-5, there western markets, British * Columbia. | 50. Log The shipments of butter and cheese the West fndiéd are increasing and the indications point to consider: the with West Indian trade in other lines, are best able to | pu Conadisgn-dairvmen are reaping the i account is helping to sell our cheese and but- ter in competition with what comes |is home taking stock of his goods; he with paralysis and died within two | demand for responsible government from other' countries, where these | has disposed of them to Mr. Jamie- | days. He was middle aged. An en- | phe liberals | oly requrd the ecision things have not received the same | son. H. Beattie is relieving agent. tortainment was given by the Pub- ing Ta rals here reg y wise and careful attention" of the law | Mrs. B. Kiley returned' home after | lic School Literary Society in the t88 wise. makers. It is a great. thing to be able | visiting Kingston Mills, Visitors: A. [town hall; it 'Was quite a success «Three Swallows." to say that Canadian cheese and but- | P. Truesdale, Sydenham, spent Sun- | David Stafford met with a serious Sie. J ee 8 5 "Th ter are ahove suspicion in this respect. | day at C. Godfrey's; Mrs. Miller, | accident a short time ago, losing the oS 3u John oer aul 8 Rn 0d £ WS skey, -- Increased Cost Of Making. Le The actnal cost of manufacturing butter and g¢heese has increase! con- sidemably during recent ycars, and one very important item, that of labor, is likely to inerease still more, . It would advance the. business if pa- | he trons of factoties were to realize that it .would. be in their interest to pay | Li slightly more for inanufacturing. In | rid, order. to keep pace with the advance- ment in the' arts of cheese and but- teraneking, - better equipment and better buildings are required, and it . Ay 2 scents 'to be inevitable tbat the price | Guard P. Burns, 4 the panitentisey, of Joplin, Mo., for beautifying the their house and four-year-old child for - manufacturing must be slightly [has 'been suspended, pending an a city. The association encourages | wers burned to death. increased, - 1t would certainly. pav tho | vestigation, on tho chart of _teaficking every child to cultivate gardens in patrons of factories to give a' little with, prisoners, re is 9 eusesh Tae vacant lots, grow flowers, cover un mére for Waving their cheese and but gua S Wore ce y Gl inard | giohtly sheds and fences with vines E ter . manufactured and then 'demand | Burns has been ill a long Wale and | It also interests theny in a campaign czema or has just recovered but had mot re- | yoningt the back alley tin cans and better service in return. A considerable amount of interest is |* being. shown in the matter of testing | ® individual cows, and this work is likely to have a very marked influence ada is not over 3,000 pounds annual average yield per cow is between 6,- 000 and 7,000 pounds a year. The Danes: have followed this work of testing - individual 'cows have proved that nereased the productivencss able to rro i years, and they have of their hords, thev are duce the larger quantity of milk, cheaply and in some cases more cheap ly than before the improvement vield was effected. ' On the whole, T think the "outlook was never better for Canadien dairy ing that it is at the present moment. Cheese factory and creamery mand agers should, however, bear in mind that we arc beginning 'the season Jwith very high prices These. prices | will, in all probability, sag considor- ably .as the season advances. It is during a falling market that we hear most complaints about quality. There is _ very ° little complaint 'concerning quality, no matter what it may, be, as long as the dealer is making money on his transactions. ------ A band of masked robbers rode in- to Gilbertsville, N.Y., blew open the supposedly * burglar proof safe in the | private hank of E. C. Brewer and es ened with between 85,000 and $10,- Can't scratch Rand 10¢. or 3 for ec, and won't scratch, Gibson's Red Cross LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, May 2.--Abont 700 head of butchers' cattle, 40 milch cows, 600 calves, 150 sheep and lambs and 200 Veals, receipts, 2,500, head; slow, at $4.25 to $6. to $9.50; mixed, $5.50 to $5.55; York: £5.40; roughs, $3 to £3.50; dairies, $5.30 to $5.50. fair to choice mixed, shorn: $4 to $4.- Dwelling House at Piccadilly a Piccadilly, May 2A quiet wedding' Walker when Wesley ham, Gaw, Kingston. took the train for Kingston, and other places. Another wedding, is expected in the near future, Mrs. George Garrison, Deser horse from 1. Kenyon. James Kelley, Bedford. All regret to hear of the Kelly, his house Mountain Grove, at tawa, after visiting friends here. Miss their school after | his school at Reynold | Cann is 'visiting his resume her studies at Newburg sumed. duty when he got notice of his the productiveness of dairy herds neert n Canals It is estimated that the | verary, in aid of Mrs. Dobbs," whose average yield of milk per cow iri Can- | husband was killed on the G.T.R. tracks last winter, will be given in Sunbury town hall on the evening of lv. I have had an opportunity of : examining, records of = over 150,000 | May 11th, as a hall could not 'be cows tested in Denmark during 1904 secured in Inverary on that date. and as near as I can make out, the | Talent from the city will assist. for several | 1 ko St, Francis, below Coteau, so a while | telephone pa. ing n dats candies silver polish. 15c. package ikf Offered Points. Prices at Varjous , 7 fut ogs XE for sale at the ir x Irain--Wheat, Manitoba, ~~ No," 1 Outl or «En ttoir. The butchers tf) ns Northern, $8; No. 2, - Norther, tosh Nas Never Better--Cana- were out sivong, and there Ty Re jin Happy Bridegroom is' Unusually Des; Es 3, Norther, 85¢.; whith an ter and Cheese Above tive demand and pretty high prices Active, He * Has Never | winter, 83¢. to 80c.; Canadian spring, Taint of Suspicion--Good |paid for good cattle, but the common Smoked oF Chewed Tobacco or 92. to 9c; soft wheat, 85¢; ° buck- 'Laws Help Maker, stock: were, slow. of: sala. Prime beeves | © pong Liquor--Was a Secret | Wheat, B0c.; eorn, bbe. to 60c.; peas, "The manufacturing ' season" of }905 44 a ped Purdie; pretty good # Wedding : of 05 ley iy to M8c; emia, B06: | on 8 L § do bak Blo. And com- 2 o 40c.; rye, Tle. 7 a a ary coals of ou Ro el to he or To. There} Ashu No.l, May 3.--A ro-| Flour and Feed--Flour, bakers': || 4 "about a dozen bulls in} mantic ter doy marriage was mado | strong, $2.70 to $2.80; farmers', $2.80 woondition, which were held at Hogs, receipts, 18,700 head, fairly per head; Boston let : 3 i 7 ad, fairly | glomentary schools | of. Jan bers | per head; Boston lettuce, 1240. to 18e. active and about steady; heavy, $5.40 ok nt: who on account or per head; rhubarb, 10c, per bunch; | | ¥ water cress, be. per bunch; oyster} £5.40 to $5.55; pigs, $5.35 to $4.60 to $4.75; stags, d Chicago Rates. good to" prime steers, ed. seems to lave been very little butter | g5 75° 4 a 0 bas 2 $5.75 to $6.50; poor to Medium, $4.- An interesting feature of thé order & bloaters, 30c. to 40c. x dozen; held for Speculative purposes, and the | 95 to 85.40: stockers and feeders, $2. is the fact that complete discretion is MoO d kippers, 40c. to B0c. a do¥s r make of butter was scarcely | 75-¢, $595: cows, $2.75 to $4.75; heif- vested in the overseers as to whether O¥sters. 400, Beg, and 60c. a quart; S260 to $5.30; canners, $1.00 to 5 aveny i bulls, $2.50 to 4.75; calves, $3 as poor relief in the ordinary sense. 8 Ibs bloaters, 30r.: to 40c. a dozen; Home Butter Market. | to. 30.75. : Fn Po case the father will be in red herring, loc. a box; sea has, 20, The large increase in population | Hogs, receipts; 27,000, strong to Se. formed and will have an opportunity | PF 1b.; blide fish, 15c. a lb.; smelts, means' a great increase in the con | higher: mixed and butchers, $5.10 to ® to make the necessary provision him- 10c. per Ib; shad, 12jc. per Ib. sumption of butter, and our home | & good to choice heavy. $5.15 to] self. Hides--These prices are given: by market is expanding rapidly. This is | 85.35; rough, heavy, $170 to 85 | If he fails to; do this, amd in the | John McKay, Brock. . street : Beef, particularly noticeable in Manitoba |ligh! #3. to 85.974; and bulk of sales opinion of overseers it is a case | hides, Tic. a lb; dairy skins, 75c.; and thes 'North-West Territoties. In [85.10 (0 85.25. * | of neglect their relief will be regard {ie SOc. each; veal skins, 106. to ile. 1002 and 1903 the butter produced in | Sheep, receipts, 21,000, Steady, good {ed as a compulgory Joan which they {# Ib.; calf skins, T7c, to 806. 3 Manitoba and thé territories exceeded | to choice weghers, shorn, $4 60 to &5; | will be able to recover in a county { tallow, rendered, 2c, a lb; tallow, 3 Ay ' y +. | rough, 2c. a lb.; horse hides, $2 to col five lambs, } 1.50.4 sidered 'a bond. ) ] native lambs, shorn, $4 to $0.50. ie to ocr ry expense, the burden good prices for wool this season: DESTROYED BY FIRE. will fall on the rates, the parent not FursMink, dark, 82 to 84; fox, No. being ~ disfranehised as is. ordinarily 1, prime, $2; coon, 25c. to 81; musk Complete Loss. the home of Samuel Purdy, Effing- was united to Miss Mr. and: Mrs, Purdy k place at or Kansas, a valuable Hugh Hickey from Lake, purchased rchased a fine driving beast h sustained by T. J. down Mon- loss - burning of the absolute purity o ieir pro- | day. The surprise party at Hugh ja duets', Thee confidence born of the | Reilly's, was &ell attended. Warner |p knostldige of 'our laws and ecopditions | fwitzer and family intend moving to Jo Bush Lake, Temaskam. Thomas Craig A. Shultz, J. J. |# rddy returned to his school in Ot- t Carrie and Jewel Bigsworth, Harting- [in the church. Rev. Mr. Barnes, pas king. ton, are at, James Hill's, Miss Mag- tor, und Rev. Mr. Bunner, former, ei en ot g gie and Annie Lennen feturned to | pastor, gave addresses. Sad news Las William Bow, postmaster at Win: spending Easter at yme. R. Butler, Oso, has returned to ston. J. J. Me- mother, at Bur- Leslie left to re- h. 1 d « Miss * Jessie ge. ---------------- A Guard Suspendpd. uspension. e---------- Concert At Sunbury. The concert to have been held in In- THE "DAILY. W blie yesterday The bridegroom London, May 3.--After an investiga. tion of the in from tho instructions, the lo- Leal government rd ha order dealing therewith of truly paternal Phe order 1 teachers who find children coming to 34.50; i school an { relief. This must never be in thedor Chicago, May 2---Cattle, réceipts, of money, but the actual food need- 18,600, steady; i the relief shall be, piven as a loan or the case on reefipt of parish relief. The relief than a month 'on a single application. The local go¥ that if a seco six months overseers shall | con- Jb. in roll, 16e. to 18e. wider whether §h5s theif duty to pro- | Hetail--Creamery, 2c. to 36.. ced pgdingt™ "father Ander: the | Ib; farmers' prints, 20¢. 'to 226; vagrancy act of the prevention of rolls, 18¢. to 20e. cruelty to children act. - Eggs Mountain View, in the death frid Potter; Rosebush, Salem, apple trees are being arrived of the death of Mrs. E. in the neighborkioed. . been organized by the school children -- ---- PRODUCE AND PRICES." Prices At Present Prevailing: in The City. ha fn 4 oi Kingston; ~ May 2. Prices paid Kingston market . this week are here given : DT AT 95 AGAIN. to $3; Hungarian patent, $2.90 to nm 760. a dozen; oucumbers, 250. 'each ; i of the presence in parsley, Je. a bunch; lettuce, 5¢. to Teo. 1. are e to derive proper . Brope plant; 10e; new carrots and new bests 10c. per bufich. Fruit--Lemons, 15¢, to 20c. a doz; | bananas, 20c. to 30¢c. a doz.; oranges, 30c. to 60c. a doz; apples, 20c. to 50c. a peck.; pines, 200. to 30c. each; Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc.; white fish, 124c.; pickerel, 10e. s. issued an in the spirit government. cts managers and il mately fed immediately sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $4.75. ot 15. pik to" notify the overseers of the poor, a 1b.; pike, y who will: at onee supply the requisite Be, a Ib. Seattle salmon; 28e. a Ibi * yitailty, Saguenay salmon, 30c. a Ib; salt Their codfish, 7¢. to 15¢, a Ih.; halibut, 20e. a Ib.; haddock, cod and bullheads, 10ec, finman haddie, 10c. a 1b.; lobsters, 30, New Consultstion Free, Books Free. - Write for § Drs. Kennedy & Eerdan, "hdl" ETE ETE AEE opener om ahs 8 3 sen nt Metnsa Treatment applies vigor V urt. IH, however, the parent is con- , 82.75, according to size. Prospects of de poor person un- rats, 200; skunk, 25c. to 60¢.; accord: i8 not continued more ing to size and quality of furs. Butter. Wholesale-- Creamery, 19c. to 3le. Ih.; farmers' prints, 20c. 10. 2%. ment board suggests application be made he same child within pn account' of Wholesale-- Fresh, 1le. to 12, Retail--Fresh, 13c. to 15e. Death Came Suddenly. Ameliasburg, May 1.--A serious loss as been sustained by the people of of Wil the fuperal was largely ttended; it will be difficult to fill his lace in church 'work. A sudden death in 'the taking off of Mr. who was stricken be Boers Take Constitution. London, Mey 3.--A despatch from Pretoria states that the Boer leaders have decided to accept the limited constitution offered by the British government, though maintaining their be ccurred Several thousand planted in. the The WMS. held ight of an eye, over a century. Of highest standard of "purity. Distillers 10 his majesty the ¥ ownship a social chester for fifty years, has been given a complimentary banquet and Morris | chair, in recognition of the fact. He has been justice of the peaee for for- tv vears, and police magistrate 'of the village since its incorporation, and has been a successful business man. ' During the ahsence of Dennis 0": Brien and his wife, Huntley township. Par iament, of Salem. She was an er Jent' worker in both church and Sun lay school and in every good cause A Pattern For Kingston. A junior improvement leaguc has . 8alt Rheum in favor of the back porch whitewash Steamer Hanilton Ashore. ! The steamer Hamilton is ashore on message to the city announ- 7. campany tog is work- Huvter's or MeConkey's high at Gibson's Red Cross An M. at her Bu Drug Store, Local optibn went into efieet at Thamesville, Ont., * the three hotels | entirely clio¥ing up, having turned out all" hoarders, taken wp, and locked «table, ¢te. Sefious inconvenience was experiencell by travellers and farmers who arrived here to-day: As a result of losing their licenses two of the finest hotels in Western Ontario are closed. William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's hook store. Buy Catarrhozome at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. L. J. Demers, - M.P,, for "Levis, is dead. FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANGE Drug : Store. puying at 95 Clarence street. i Consult with Geo. CHE before | PooPle Miss Jane Gaw, Kingston. The cire- of crust or scale. uwloars CHOCOLATE OXFORDS FORDS, and we have secured what we con= sider to be the best assortment of these goods to our Chocolate Oxfords, : Bluchers at $1.75, $2 and $2.50 are all that we claim them to be. : J. H. Sutherland & Bro brush. No place needs such atten tion as Kingston. Compared with | Tye Most Torturing of Itching TO rc. thy Whig by western cities, towns and villages it | . Tmntaphed A TRY is untidy in the extreme. A trip in | Skin Diseases -- Positively aornt"s nO Mauakirs New York from tbe Grand Trunk depot, past | Cured By J] oNes Exchunge 15) St James Streat Yards full of debris, filth and tumble 9 . woutreal ; a0 down buildings gives visitors an im D Ch 0 t t Ou T pression that hover quite wears off. | I. ase S n men MONTREAL STOCKS. ir op , 1 disses 108 v Disturbed Wedding Party. The skin becomes reddened and in- Joroute Ralls i PAN Sangster, May 2.--Obo April 20th. flamed and pimples are formed that Detroit Aoited Chases v. J. Ferguson united in marriave burst and discharge a watery, sticky Coal a Wesley Purdy, Effingham, Kansas, and fluid, which dries and becomes a sort | Dominion Bonds : . Nova Scotia. bonds | Lake of the Woous Re According to Dame Fashion this is going to. a great season for CHOCOLATE OX. had in this city If you will pay us a visit you will find that Gibson Ties . 'and QUEEN QUALITY, 53 AND $3.76. -- ea ' 3 WEN AND WORSE, o Big @ for unnsturel ,ipflsmmations, wm o membrana. X toes, apd pot astrin gout or Sold sont frei wl Lh lar sont on requesl, COMMERCIAL --s-- mony was performed at the home af In other casos there may he fettile Hors A Sanmret' Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Purdy or sores. Suffering 1s alwayve inte | Lackey Companies, COU. Sons #0 have taken wo = ence in Inverary. on account of the frightful stinging, : . vi Aud 'hey are highly esteemed, and re- burning and itching. NN cently took part in the revival servic: The ¥ wince of the body. should be NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS, in Bethel church: A-number:of idls kept clean by frequent . bathing with annie by We ston, Con AR --ns persons from station .under- jepid water and castle coap, and Dr. ? - May 3 ISAAC . took to "serenade" the wedding par- Chase's Ointment applied night and Open "The New Store and the' ty, demanding money to cease their morning. g i TR a 841 271-278 Princess 8 annoying attentions, but their re The control which Dr. Chase's Oint- | farimore &, OBIO_ ..... sive 106% 1 - Fe quest was not complied with, Mrs. ment exerts over eczema and similar | Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. 61% W. Botspoon and Miss Faves Glen. skin diseases is a, wonder to all who Luhadian Pacific wey WAR CARRIAGES and have tested it."This most extraordin- | jjjinois Central © ot H ; « 1 E, dower, school teachers, have resumed their duti ary healing power has made Dr. Chase's Ointment the standard oint- ment the world over. Missouri The "Why" Of Buying. (Chase's Ointment ~ can be used with Louisville & Nash Metropoli 4 New York Central Philadelphia Record, ] There is no guess work about Dr. | Pegnsylvania .... io ¥ 'good order "Fvery time yom make a purchase Chase's Ointment. Tt is applied direct- Rok Island an band; S gtop a moment and think just why lv to the diseased part, and you can [gp Paul 178 vou bought the article you did buy see exactly what it does. 4 Sugar... 1874 > in preference to some similar article," | By its cleansing, soothing, healing Tia Cis in ° gliggésts a magazine devoted to pub- action it allays inflammation and ir- | i a bbyoiu A FH icity. And it might well have added : vitation, heals the raw, sore flesh, and | U. 8S. Steel, pid. aay 100} "Agk yourself why you bought it at leaves the skin soft, smooth and na- oii. the store where von did buy it in, tural. (The - 834 884 prefprence to. some other store that Wherever there is [itching of the sells the same sort of goods." kin or a fore that will not heal Pr. May. J asi a8 tan Pacific Ninetv-nine times out of a hundred thi' article purchased sis advertised, and the store that sells it 'advertises. Phe man who is influenced by other' 's advegti ought to be pret: ty well com in 'that be enp influ: eco other people 'hy his advertising. positive assurance of reliel ang cure. 60e. a box, at nll dealers, or Mdman-: son, Bates & €o.; Torouto. The por: trait: snd signature © of Pri A. Ww. (hase, the famous receipt book ' an- thor, are on every box. » | ing. A poor exguse is:hetter than none, and some women seem 'to same about husbands. Vt Chamois skins, think the Chi © for house clean: | Ti Red Cross Drug Store. gists, -