Toronto ~Chvese i oted dl market at from 11 fe. ja orders early in the season we are in a e you considerable concessions on all For floors, halls, tables and stairs, new wt 13 x 2 yards to oe waa | country , cheese pc , ruling from 104c. to 13k. © --------_--" * feentenoed a/c, 15¢, 18c, acc, 2ic., 30c., 35C., of a ourioas natural phenomenon . hick was observed there last week. 6 Eig |8 medium-sized female 4 x 4% yards. é he troubly in the is city. The , who on Nay day, 2 if 5 3 upén the vernment thi moruiiig, and asked Tor an on : of the mun i married for women, vU was with the tation . Td pas, the rant Sty oun ¥ on, of the idea, and Hon. Adam y the 2% | pp Sh! Jf te Montreal the city fol ; s. he sity for a lew atid "his, "death, to- Xpected. ---------- hn INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 2 | ---------- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. ® br, A nigin went up to To- Gauthier is in Montreal Archbishop, 0 bo is in Mc Racicot. was smimproved, day, was not une: tion of Mgr, Seo the Nordheimer hae at Kirk- patrick's art store which is offered at pat 8 \ which is al the city" baseball . to-night at. the se, J. A. Boswell, . intendent : of the Doision Hamre onnednt of thy IV. Seott, B.A. a former stadent of. if arts and scienpe, In In A. " g ils Starling and ¥,, 8. Deacon, Belleville , Montreal, spring temic," Blawd's Pills. genuine © at Gibson's Red Cross Prog Store. | been dlected manager of the Young Irishmen's Baseball Club. The election was mm Tomorrow ht, Opera House, 15¢. and 'Me. for. ¥,W.CA. cvmnasium con. iho urbe a at Uglow's conservatives. of Ontario have come {to the conclusion, that if the . | workers want a soft berth, they must and oa: eomeas: ulseirout to make way or « 3 Buy. Blawd's iron tonic pills." The genuine at Gibson's Red Cross Drug tore. wo y The town of Alhwhy.. und Meredith, C.J; yero Wedded Shia, aRemoon , in St ames' oa h i held i Shara at the ren ence he Mr, and Mrs, Holbmuth. 215 Simcoe street. Canon Welch officiated at the ceremon : nv, . 'Bert serving twelve months in Central prison, for jail breaking, a » Was, this morning, here to three months extra for theft, . ---- COD SWALLOWED MINK. Female Mink Enacted Role of Jonah. y : Vancouver, Mav 3.--C. Bekman, whe bak arrived from Valdes Island, tells e Indians Sought a quantity of up to Tomlinson's camp, po- own as "The Hole in the | the camp cook opened he found in the stomach mink, which the had evidently swallowed whole. The condition of the animal was such Meredith, only Guild, had " itney, in, . o 'county of warty of woman's in ond y, Glee are advertised in . Mie government, ho. aid, | 3% ehhity page pamphlet issued under would bo to 'give proper, | the pice the. ipal and i dnd serious attention to the | County an = d . real the great in-{ RK. 0. , formerly manager of fluence of woman and if they failed | the branth of Wood's Fair in Wood- to aid women, in exercising that in- | 5t0ck, and late ot the London branch, uence, they w e Le as been promo . e I their du $e he Teremnt' 1 metit of the. Kingston stone. apa Miss Heltmuth, the eldest] The lion's share of the credit for the daughter of Isadore Kellmuth, K. C. id sale held, by the Woman's Christ, Clvorch, - Catarsqul, belongs to Mrs. Simpson, who worked indefatigably herself, and inspired others to do likewise. IL. W. Hoppins, who is home from New York, is: just recovering from a severe siege of illness, He will remain home for a week to: recuper- ate and will then either return to New York, or go out west. "For bad blood," ewlphur. cream tartar and wiolasses, 25¢, Gilison's Cross Prue Stare. Charles §. Young, advertising man- ager of the Chicaga, Milwaukee & St. Paul tailway. declared recently in a lecture, that the railroads have found newspaper advertising more profitable than anv form of istic articles of the past three years on "American expansion." This "ex- pansion," he shows by statistics, is in reality a fiasco, , In v. countries the United States js ng ground. % ---------- 'NO PROPER EXITS. Brockville Council Decitles to Shut Up Playhouse. 2 Brockville, Ont, Mav 8.-- Brockville will have no ri 4 and hooked, Tse alter J 1st, the ing de- une In h on sound havin 3 building is going up on one of ii principal streets of St. Peters- {the light plant, but strange to say im- | McKelvey & Birch rs Hanged Newfoundland Railways For Sale~Nan Pattersonls Trial is at An End. : | The G.T.R. machinists bave sent an Id has' a te apanese : subscribed 310,900, toward the tiew A large oung Men's Christian As: burg The . Philadelphia policyholders of the Equi Life Assurance Society, are asking for a receiver for the sooi- ne pope has sent I a tele there. it is to build a large sum- mer hotol on the clean sandbar in the St. Lawrence river just out' from Riverside Park, at Ogdensburg, N.Y. Prof. Roentgen is too shy to attend the international congress ealled in Berlin, to colobrite the tenth anni versary of the discovery of the Roent gen ray. * During torpedo manoceuvies at Bere- haven, Ireland, the torpedo hoat des: troyer Syren ran on. a reef at the eastern entrance of the hathor and remains on rocks with her back brok: en. Dr. William . Rainey Harper. presi- dent of the Chicago University, is said by his. physicians to be on the high road to recovery from a. cancer, a. disease heretofore pronounced in- curable. 2 James. Boyne, the New York m who to death in a shocking manner, a woman known as May Wil- son, od guilty to a charge of murdér in the second degree. The pen- alty is life imprisonment. ---------- MAN. UNDER THE BED. Woodstock Domestic Him Away. i Woodstock, Ont., May 3--Miss Neville, a domestic at the home of Dr. W. T. Parke, on. Monday night disvovered & man under her bed. He immediately sprang out, ran into sa- other room and jumped from the sec- oud story window to the ground. She was alone in the house, but 'speedily raised an aleym. No trace of the man could be found, though his boots were discovered . at the back of the house. Nothing is missing, h ------ PETROPAVIOVSKE IN ASIA. Destination of 'All. the Russian Fleets, # Special to the Whig. - Tokio, May pu 4 is 'pow rumored that the destination of all the Rus- sian fleets is Petropavlovsk, in Kame- thatka, a peninsula in North Eastern Asia, extending into the Pacific ocean, and separating Bohring sea from the Sea of Okhusta, instead of Vadivos- tok. The Russians, it is stated, have heen accumulating coal at. Petrapavlovsk, but it is inadequate for 1 defense. ese ---- His Course Vindicated. Towards the end of last vear, some sharp things were said in a city coun- cil meeting about Alderman Tove and his committee on fire and hight, show- ing favoritism; to local liberal business houses. These things were said chiefly by Alderman King, who claimed that a chance should have been given two constrvatives firms, viz, Simmonds Bros. and Lemmon & Lawrenson, to tender on pertain piping required for the fire and light department. Alder man Toye held that, the finms in ques: tion did not deal in the pipe wanted, but the fims themselves claimed. that they could get the material. Since then many chances have been given all the firms to. tender on piping for Frightens and Elliott Bres., have beem the only ones to tender. Alderman Tove's action last fall, has thus been vindicated. Some License Sidelight. Not long ago a bet of $100 was of fered in Toronto by a Kingston liberal that the new license commissioners of this city would not cut off one license. The Toronto conservative at first ridi- culed the idea, but when he heard the reasons. he would not ac the bet. The liberal declared that commis: sioners would be. afraid to take any action towards reducing bet, and one reason was the fact that Dr. Ryan was chairman of the commis. sioners and daren't make a move in the quarters where the law' was being most broken... The result has been that the commissioners played a big binfl hy singling out. four places where licemses s have been granted in the first place, and passing over one house, some. distance. away, which is claimed to be more, than a grog shop. Months For Marrying. at girls "prefer become In to blushing brides in May. A an eighth: of Scottish marri- agés take place in June, One-seventh of the Swedish marri- u o a heya of fou £" ly favors , re it first of the I aE ! te pinning of Lent. . Russia's favorite marriage manth ie January. dike death, has all seasons for its own.' | p2uewRE pray th perio preing (he | Our Silk business js growing and we would like you to know the reason, as jt will help you to "buy better Silks and at a lower price than usual. We are getting nearer the source of supply and saving middle men or agents profits, We can now buy larger quan- tities than formerly. We are buying on better terms than formerly, and at exactly the same price as some of the best er silk firms. in thelcountry. We are selling Silks. as we sell other Dry Goods at a small margin of profit, depending on quick sales and a larger turnover for results. TAKE BLACK SILKS Our Black Peau de Soie at 75¢. not only looks well but weares well and has satisfied hundreds of particular 'women. The Black Peau de Soie at $1 and $1.25 we are now showing is exceptional value and we a:k you to compare notes with what is usually offered at this price. SILKS FOR SHIRT WAIST SUITS Black Taffetas, 5q¢., 69c., 75¢., goc., $1. Black Silk Merv Silks, a very special make, ure silk and will not crush or cut, 20 inches wide. Price only 63c. For. Waists or Shirt Waist Suits this will be a great favorite. Black Louisine Silks, 6gc., 75¢., 9oc, Black Paillette Silks, goc., ggc. Black Fancy Silks for Waists. IN COLORED SILKS For Shirt Waist Suits and Waists we have Shot Louisines, new combinations of color, 69. and 75c. ; Shot Taffetas, the popular shades, 69:. and 75¢ Fancy ? Designs in Navys, Browns, Greens, 59¢., 69c., 75¢. Z Pin Checks or almost invisible checks, now so popular in the States, in Browns, Gréys, Greens, Navys. : Even Checks in different sizes of Navy and' White, Brown and White, Black and White, in Taffeta Silk and Louisine Silks. India Silks for Suits, in White or Black, 35¢. 49c., boc Mirror Silks, in Navy, Greens, Browns, Greys, different shades of each color, 49c. yard. Pongee Silks, for Suits or Long Coats, natural shades. Striped Pongee Silks, for Suits, special at 50-. (Vi Ls aie nes i aaa : Chocolate and Tan in plain T vs Low 8 Rw we fii QUR BEST Dorothy Dodd Tan Heavy Walking Tie Shoe, §8 75. Dorothy Dodd Ch Hegyy Walking Oxford. $8. Dorothy Dodd Tan Heavy Walkiag Blacher Oxford, $5. Dorothy Dodd Ohocolate Light Sale Oxford, $8. : |OUR MEDIUM Ohoeolate Blucher Osford, heavy sole, $2.50. Light Tan Ribbon 'T3 Slippers, light sale, $2.50. * 'OUR'CHEAP ONE Chocolate Extension Sole Bucher Oxford, $3. Chocolate Light Sole Blucher Oxford, $1.50. Tan Ribbon Tie Light Bole Shoe; $1.50. All good value and up-to-date stylish shoes. aT SY O€eS TH 'PARLOR FURNITURE SALE. ui , Setts, 5 pieces, fring: |. § Beautiful Rug Sets, 5 1 £30.00 | « «of, regular 340, for Tukish Rug, 3 vicees, regulon 2G parlor Setts, mahogany Besagilul Silk Parlog Betts, mah 50.00 frames, 1° ular $40, for Good Valour Tetts, mahogany frames, from. $20 to £35; other setts rang- Jing up to $150, fhe Above Are Great Bargains. Robt. J. Reid, "932 Princess St., Next to Opera House WANTED. (PERIENCED HOUSEMAID. aN Ts, McParland, No. 2 Emily a --- : « i STRONG "BOY TO LEARN 4 OOD as k Apply, Henry SKinner & Co. GEN SERVANT, BY MAY A 9th ERAL to Mrs, Conroy, 305 Alired St 1 JS TO SPLIT MICA AT THIRTY Cid Mica Works, foot of Princess Street. COATMAKER H T JLORESS; oO Ly to Thomas = Gall oway, 181 Brock St. Ls IENCED LOOPER ON MEN'S BE ted Underwear. Address, Box 612, Toronto "Junction, Ont. -------------- . " ETENT GENERAL SER- s ad to Mrs. L. L. Hender- son, Cor. Bagot and West Streets. CATTLE TO. PASTURE. GOOD water ; farm 3% miles from city. For rms, apply to' James W. Bell, P.O. address, 12 Main Street, City. ------eeereeee ree eee ) EES FOR STEAM SEWERS, HAY machines, sizing, raping, ng. Experienced help apply to J. A. Goyld & ---------- tent Sa AYOUNG MAN TO DRIVE GROCERY Waggon and assist in store. Perman- mt position for a goed man Ap- , Stating wages und references! ed 14, Whig. THEMEN. "Po CET THEI "Spring Suits made up at Galloway's "A Brock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, 'fit and price guaranteed ie hee ; pressing and repairing done promptly. A WELL CONNECTED COMMISSION House or Agent, to represent firm in Kingston (with jobbers omly,) for all kinds of canned fruits, Vegetables Fish, Jams, etc. No one need apply who has not these lines. Address, Box 23, Whig office AT ONCE FOR THE Rood general servant, and no farm work. A preferred, no objection to married woman, without family whose hus band might be employed to work on the farm. Apply to D. Allan Black tor. King and 'West Sts., or Point. Ee ------------ TO-LET. SUMMER, A good wages country girl at the THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Burris St. opposite City Park. Pos- session Mav 1st. Apply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie St. ~ FROM 1ST JUNE, months or longer. FOR THREE Furnished house eleven rooms ; modern conveniences ; Sentral location. Apply. by letter, to Box 32, Kingston. YHAT BRICK DETACHED RESI dence, No. 438, Brock st. ; heated by furuace ; modern conveniences ; gas Immediate | possession. Apply Bos « Whig office or on premises. MODERN BRICK - RESIDENCE. 11 Staart Si. 12 rooms, hardwoos finished, dod stabling' and conc Bouse. Possession immediately. _Ap oe Joseph Power or John Twed COMFORTAL LE BRICK FARM , partly furnished, well situate om shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 mile of Colling. Bay. Good stabl odation. Stage daily t Fram . Rothwell THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY A' Comer of Queer and Ontari t, lately occupied by Mr. Her 4 8 a grocery with J yar . putbuildings. Offers 'will be rv for urchase. Apply 1 em, solicitors, Kin FOR- SALE, "SEATED CANOPYTOP CARR Ske, cheap. Apply at 51 Brock St. MARE, 1380 IBS. SOUND: FIN beast. Will be sold chesp. A Wy to Dr. Curtis, oop BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SID Street, between Montreal a Apply 49 Colborne street i UASOLINE ~~ ENGINES 4 E. Dry Dock, one 84 H. Pow : Md, and one 4 H. Pow . lo make. st eeamstrnctssticet meena "GEISHA : : in good _ condition, m ] Particular a ah ulars apply, J. C, t, < Mnan, Bank ot Montreal. Kingst« NO. 230 A LFRED STREET, SOL a 6 bedrooms, dou | dining s jwprovements, hot water he d High i Leal ng, ar Bouse. "concrete figor. to Apply Ses or i ing, C CONTAINING 3 ~ Tuesday, v ew its Heo. feward for its rey BK OVERCOAT, mRTWER Trunk Outer' Station ream on St. Tht